AGRICULTURE EDUCATION Introduction to Veterinary Medical Science Unit I: Anatomy and Physiology Terminal Objective: The student shall know the anatomy and physiology of certain body systems. Lesson: Topic I -1 Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology Lesson objective(s): Students will investigate the body systems and gain a working knowledge of how each system functions, its purpose, and how it is affected by disease. Students will develop a vocabulary of directional anatomical terms and will be able to identify anatomical structures of animals. Students will apply their knowledge by dissection and assembling anatomical models. Essential Question(s): What is considered to be a normal body system? Estimated Time: 1 period Course TEKS: The student will investigate the body systems and gain a working knowledge of how each system functions, its purpose, and how it is affected by disease. The student is expected to: (c)(6)(A) identify the parts of the skeletal, muscular, respiratory, circulatory, nervous, urinary, reproductive, endocrine, and Integumentary systems. (c)(6)(B) describe the functions of skeletal, muscular, respiratory, circulatory, nervous, urinary, reproductive, endocrine, and Integumentary system. (c)(6)(C) apply knowledge of veterinary anatomy by identifying areas for injections, measuring vital signs and collecting blood samples for various animal species. TAKS Objectives English LA: Math: Science: Social Studies: Instructional Mode: Lecture, whole group, partners, and individual Enabling Objectives: 1. Discuss the importance of knowing the parts that make up various body systems of animals. Concepts Important to Know and Understand: 1. 2. Anatomy and physiology are the foundations on which veterinary medicine is built. A basic understanding of veterinary anatomy and physiology is essential for the veterinary assistant. Terms to Know: See individual lesson plans Evaluations: Informal Teacher observation of the students as they engage in discussions and activities related to this unit and the willingness to take the initiative to follow up on non-graded assignments. Formal Evaluation of a cognitive test centered on the technical or subject matter information covered for each of the enabling objectives. NOTES: This unit limits itself to only brief descriptions of the body systems of animals. For additional materials refer to the suggested resources. DAY 1 Introduction What is anatomy and physiology? Focus Questions Engaging Activities 1. What is the difference 1a. Before beginning the between the hyoid apparatus lesson review anatomical and the pituitary gland? terminology by visiting the web Possible replies: site Virtual Pig Dissection and The pituitary is a gland completing the activities. and the Hyoid is an 1b. To introduce the lesson apparatus read Chapter IV Section 1 from the “Veterinary Assistant Handbook”. Be prepared to discuss the review questions on page IV-1-9 and IV-1-10. Additional Information It is very important that the veterinary assistant have knowledge of animal anatomy and physiology. Having this assists in understanding medical terminology used in everyday clinical cases. It is also important because the veterinary assistant is able to understand medical conditions and treatments follow instructions from the veterinarian properly position an animal for a radiograph administer an intramuscular injection take a blood sample 2. Why is it important to understand the basic structure and functions of various body systems? Possible replies: Helps to understand how to treat a sick animal 2. Using slides 2-3-4-5 discuss the importance of knowing and understanding the body systems. 3. What are the functions of the systems and how are these systems formed? Possible replies: Tissue forms organs and organs group to form systems. 3. Using slides 6-7-8 discuss the purpose of body systems, how they form, and how they interact with each other. Becoming familiar with basic anatomical terminology, as well as the basic structure and functions of the various body systems is helpful if one is to be successful in the care of animals. 4. Name five of the body systems. Skeletal Muscle Respiratory Circulatory Nervous 4. Using slide 9 present a list of the systems that will be covered in this Unit. The animal body consists of several distinct systems. Skeletal Integumentary Muscle Reproductive Circulatory Endocrine Nervous Digestion Urinary Respiratory Typically, each system has several organs designed to perform a specific set of functions. Organs are formed when different kinds of tissues group together. These organs are then organized into systems that carry out major functions in the body. Reference Materials Virtual Pig Dissection /vpd/main.html Animal Care Training – ppt TOPIC I-1 - Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology Slide 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 Veterinary Science Curriculum Package – “Anatomy and Physiology”; CMS – Ohio State - order number PID146 Laboratory Manual for Comparative Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology; Phillip E. Cochran, MS, DVM; Thomson Learning Veterinary Assistant Handbook, IV-1-1 by Dr. Floron C. Faries available from Instructional Materials Services; TAMU Instructional Materials Service, Texas A&M University, “Animal Science” (Agriscience 332) catalog No. 8831B Virtual Cat Dissection: The 'Virtual Cat Dissection' is a teaching resource created by Pennsylvania State University. Comparative Anatomy of the Cat: Ohio State University, 235/ Each system is then designed to work in unison with all other body systems. When one system malfunctions, the other systems are also affected. ACTIVITIES: Visit the “Virtual Cat Dissection” web page consisting of an extensive collection of labeled images covering external anatomy, the skeletal system, muscular system, respiratory system, digestive system, urogenital system, circulatory system, and the nervous system. Visit the “Comparative Anatomy of the Cat” to view a collection of cat anatomy pictures. Scroll over the image with a mouse and click on the various parts to identify what they are and to get a close-up view. NOTES: