AS 332L Super Puma Simulator. The Stavanger based FFS, was built by Redifusion (now Thales Training & Simulation), in the United Kingdom, and delivered in 1985 as a AS332L Super Puma simulator. The simulator has a full 6 axis motion system and is equipped with a 150°horizontal x 40° vertical W.I.D.E. dawn/dusk or night time visual system. The simulator software is further modified to cover the AS332L1, and SA330 Puma performance. There is, however, a large degree of commonality in terms of aircraft systems and the basic cockpit layout is also very similar with regard to subsystem management. Handling characteristics, flight control responses and performance are barely discernible between the AS332 and SA330 aircraft types. Basic handling, advanced manoeuvres and emergency procedures may be practised to a high degree of fidelity. This simulator is independently certified annually by the Civil Aviation Authorities of the United Kingdom, Canada and Norway. Technical description of the AS332L/L1 Simulator The Simulator Motion System. The motion system is a state of the art 6 - axis of freedom motion system providing roll, pitch, yaw, vertical, lateral, and longitudinal translation in any combination. The Simulator also contains a high frequency vibration system provided to supplement the typical low frequency helicopter responses provided by the motion system itself. Typical high frequency helicopter vibration (above 4 Hz) sources simulated by the vibration system will include: Engine vibrations Transmission vibrations Rotor harmonics General engine and rotor faults Only the cockpit area is subject to high frequency vibrations and the solution adopted is to have a separate vibration platform (the cockpit area). This ensures that the Instructor area is devoid of high frequency vibrations. Visual System The Visual System is the Evans and Sutherland EP 1000CT display system covering the whole world. This is a 3-channel system which gives a wide-angle view of 150 degrees horizontally and 40 degrees vertically. The EP 1000CT system is a full daylight/night/dawn/dusk system capable of displaying both summer and winter scenes. The lights are calligraphic and with the use of back projection screen and mirror all images appear similar for both pilot and co-pilot, i.e. no parallax apparent. Instructor Operator Station (IOS) The instructor operator station is located on the motion platform, just behind the cockpit area. Thus the instructor is part of the training environment and can observe the actions taken by the pilots on the spot. The Station consists of 2 (touch screen) Displays and a set of Controls which enables virtually unlimited training flexibility. The Instructor inputs/controls are provided for by a set of pages or/and direct control switches. The pages may be selected by numbers or by a set of Direct Access Buttons to the most frequently used pages such as Flight Status, Repositioning, Map Control. In addition special pages can be provided which are tailored to the special training needs of individual customers. The pages contain more than 200 relevant malfunctions which may be selected by direct action or triggered by time, altitude or speed. The Displays will also show an area map (scaleable by instructor control) showing own aircraft and ILS/GCA type approach. Relocation of the Simulator to a different area is rapid and is done through the repositioning pages or the special tailored pages by the instructor. Other features of the IOS are: Snapshot/Reset function: Allows for instructor set-up of particular situations/conditions. Record/Replay facility. Full Radio Control: May talk to 1 crew member only if desired Emergency Motion Stop/Simulator Stop buttons Joystick Slew function for own aircraft. Portable Control Unit: Allows for the instructor inputs away from the normal instructor console. I.e. the instructor may occupy one of the pilots seat and manage instructor inputs at the same time. Cockpit Resource Management system: Consists of a low light Camera, IR source and Videotape which stores the action and communication continuously. The tape may be electronically marked and used subsequently for crew management training at debriefing time. Databases. The EP 1000CT Visual system creates modelled images which are referenced at calling time from the host Computer’s Database. Normally each model consists of an airport, ship, oil rig, or any other landing site with the surrounding area. The model is then oriented by giving a reference height, latitude, longitude and orientation (runway heading). The main part of the host database is the Ground Station Data file. A runway model with the surrounding area is referenced by calling up an ILS (or GCA) station which contains the specific data for that particular airfield. The advantage of this system is that the database covers the entire world. New data is simply created by adding to the Ground Station Data file, which is a simple operation. The Visual database consists of : Airports Oil rigs Ships Military night landing sites Confined areas With the addition of a generic airport build system, any airfield may be available using “look alike” airfield models.