HONORS/MYIB Physics Class Instructor: Mrs. Tubb Email address: monikal.tubb@cms.k12.nc.us Course Objectives: The goals of this course are for students to: Explain scientific reasoning and intuition using words; Construct models of physical situations using diagrams and mathematics; Solve physical problems using mathematical models; and Test theories and measure physical phenomena through experiment and observation. Visit the class wiki by scanning the code above, or using the shortcut URL bit.ly/mtubb Website: bit.ly/mtubb Online Textbook*: http://www.glencoe.com/ose/ Access code for online textbook: B334A67DFD *If you try to access the online textbook, and all that you see is the front cover of the book, please visit the “frequently asked questions” link on the Glencoe website and click on the first link. Online Resources: Class Wiki: http://monikatubb.cmswiki.wikispaces.net/ Physics Classroom Tutorials: http://www.physicsclassroom.com/class/ APlusPhysics Tutorials and Videos: http://www.aplusphysics.com/courses/honors/honors_physics.html IB Mission Statement: The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. Materials Needed for Class: 1.5” three-ring binder specific to Physics Scientific Calculator- a graphing calculator is not required, but could be useful Pencil- ALL work must be submitted to me in pencil Colored Pencils and Metric ruler (recommended) Materials on Teacher Wish List: Copy paper, colored copy paper, tissues, paper towels, batteries (AAA or 9V), Clorox wipes, colored pencils, index cards, financial donations (i.e. gift cards for lab supplies). Classroom Rules: 1. Be Polite- to everyone including your peers 2. Be Prompt- in the door when the bell rings 3. Be Prepared- all materials are readily available and homework is complete 4. Be Productive- not distracting! Late Work: Students are expected to turn their work in at the beginning of class. Late work will be accepted but at the expense of a lower grade. After 8 days, the maximum score one can receive is 50%. Test Days: For the fall semester, the testing days are Thursday/Friday. MYIB Need Help? If you find yourself struggling and need help, do the following: 1. Try reading the section in your textbook that corresponds to the material being covered in class 2. Go to the class wiki and link to the online review for the topic that corresponds with the material being covered in class 3. Attend afterschool tutoring during the times listed above 4. Watch Khan Academy videos; the link is on the wiki Tutoring Days: After school tutoring sessions will be held by members of the physics department on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 2:20–3:20 p.m. Mr. Baum (B-4), Mrs. Tubb (B-3), and Mr. Shoaf (B-2) will host the sessions on a rotating basis. Check the class wiki for weekly schedules. Overview of Topics: This course will be divided into 8 logical units. The textbook chapters corresponding to each unit are shown alongside the unit test dates in the table below. Unit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Topic Chapter(s)/Section(s) Linear Motion 1, 2, 3 Vectors and Two-Dimensional 5.1, 6.1 and 6.3 Motion Forces and Newton’s Laws 4, 5.2 and 5.3 Circular Motion and Gravitation 6.2, 7 Midterm Exams: October (TBA) Work, Power, Energy, and 9, 10, 11 Momentum Waves 14.2, 14.3, 15, 16 Electric Circuits 22, 23 Electric and Magnetic Fields 20, 21, 24, 25 Unit Test Date Thu 9/11 Wed 9/24 Wed 10/8 TBA Fri 11/7 Fri 11/21 Fri 12/5 Fri 12/19 You will take a midterm exam in October and a comprehensive final exam in January. Short projects will also be assigned during the semester, and you will showcase your knowledge of a physics topic with an end-of-semester song/video project due Friday 1/9. Note: While we will make every effort to stick to this schedule, all dates are subject to change. Check the class wiki and in-class postings for any changes to upcoming dates. Attendance: Each class builds on previous knowledge, so regular attendance is important. When you are absent, it is your responsibility to get the notes and assignments missed and to check with the instructor about making up work. You should also email the instructor and check the class wiki for announcements/assignments. It is CMS policy that no student with more than 10 absences, other than school-initiated absences, may pass this class without making up seat time with the instructor for any absences in excess of 10. MYIB GRADING POLICY Assignments such as tests, quizzes, and major projects are considered formal assessments of a student’s progress and will account for 60% of each quarter grade. Homework assignments and most lab reports are considered informal assessments and will count for 40% of the quarter grade. Formal Assessments Unit Tests and Major Projects Formal Lab Reports Quizzes Weight 4 Informal Assessments Informal Lab Reports Weight 2 or 4 4 1 Homework Assignments 1 The midterm will make up 20% of your first quarter report card grade, and the statewide final exam will count as 25% of your final grade in the course. A: 100 – 93 B: 92 – 85 C: 84 – 77 D: 76 – 70 F: 69 and below Assessment Tools: HOMEWORK: You will have homework most nights. Homework includes written problem sets passed out in class or posted on the class wiki. These are essential preparation for tests and quizzes. However, most of your homework grade will be calculated using online assignments. The online homework service (Quest) tells you immediately whether your answers are correct or incorrect, and gives you chances to fix incorrect answers. For online homework, you will need Internet access to download the questions and submit answers. However, you DO NOT need to be on a computer to work on the assignment, nor do you need to answer the questions in order or all at once. It is best if you work on your assignments a little each night, even if they are not due for two or three nights. Due dates for homework will be posted on the course website and on the whiteboard in class. Online assignments must be finished before school and submitted by 7 a.m. on the due date. You must also submit written solutions to the problems designated by your instructor each week to receive full credit. I will explain my expectations for showing work (both on homework and on quizzes/tests) in class. LABS: Various labs will be performed throughout the semester, in which all students will be expected to participate. Grades will be assigned for accuracy, participation, and completion. QUIZZES: Quizzes will be short (typically 10-15 minutes) and will count as formal grades. You may drop up to two quiz grades each quarter. If you miss a quiz due to an excused absence, you may either make up the quiz (after school) within one week or count it as one of your two dropped grades. TESTS: Tests will be given at the end of most units. If you know in advance that you will miss a test (for a field trip, band concert, etc.), you are responsible for contacting the teacher ahead of time to schedule a makeup test. In all other cases, you will have one week to make up the test after returning to school. It is your responsibility to schedule a makeup test within that time frame, not the teacher’s. Makeup tests and quizzes will cover the same material as the regular assessment, but will not necessarily have the same questions or follow the same format. MYIB CLASSROOM CONTRACT for MRS. TUBB’S CLASS Student’s Responsibilities: Come to class each week, prepared with the necessary supplies (notebook, writing utensils, paper, etc). Come to class on time. (Seated when the tardy bell rings and begin warm-up immediately.) Keep hands, feet, and all other objects to yourself. Work diligently, and allow others the opportunity to do the same. Participate appropriately and equally in group/lab work. Follow and comply with all teacher requests and/or instructions. Follow the MPHS Honor Code at all times. Ask for help when you need it. Stay on-task, and keep phones, ipods, and other similar devices turned off and out of sight. MYERS PARK HONOR CODE & CONSEQUENCES Honor Code Violating the rules of honesty by using "unauthorized assistance, aids, or other material," such as but not limited to plagiarism, copying another student’s test or assignment, text messaging, using formulas in calculators, cheat sheets, cell phones, iPods, etc., in the carrying out of an academic assignment. Students are expected to follow the rules set by the individual course instructor as presented in a course syllabus, verbal directions, or posted rules (CMS Student Rights & Responsibilities Handbook). Plagiarism: Plagiarism does not just mean copying another person’s work. It means using their words, phrases, or ideas without attribution. In other words, plagiarism means submitting part or all of another person’s work as if it were your own. In some cases, such as research papers, it may be appropriate to include ideas from another source with appropriate citations. In scientific work, appropriate use with citation could involve acknowledging the source behind a claim made in a lab report; it could also mean listing your collaborators on a homework assignment where collaboration is permitted by the instructor. However, copying directly from another student’s written work, or even reading and comparing with their work while writing your own, is generally considered plagiarism. Forgery: The intent to mislead others by falsifying a signature in an academic matter (CMS Student Rights & Responsibilities Handbook). Consequences: Major Violations: (NOT the result of misunderstandings— blatant intent to deceive.) First Offense: Conference with student and notification of occurrence to parent/guardian Student will receive a zero on the assignment with no opportunity for make-up/redo No opportunity for extra-credit in that course for the remainder of the quarter (per discretion of the teacher) MYIB No participation in National Honor Societies or SGA for two consecutive semesters Referral to Administration One (1) day of Saturday School Minor Violations: (Unintentional beyond a reasonable doubt.) First Offense: Conference with student and notification of occurrence to parent/guardian Student will receive a zero on the assignment with opportunity for make-up/redo left to the discretion of the instructor. EXAMPLES OF HONOR CODE VIOLATIONS Use of cheat sheets or other means to access unauthorized information during an exam, test, or quiz Forgery of another person’s signature Refusal to sign Honor Code Sentences or phrases without proper clerical attribution Plagiarism of portions of essays (either by BLOG, purchased essay, or email, etc.) Providing answers or discussing the contents of a test with another student Copying homework/lab assignments/classwork/essays etc. Only the sharing of data from labs is permitted. Use of electronic devices to communicate answers, i.e. iPods, phones, calculators, etc. Taking pictures of assignments with a camera phone Using social media (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, etc…) to discuss answers to graded assignments Using search engines to find answers and/or answer keys Giving help on quizzes and/or tests; allowing another student to copy homework When permitted, you may discuss labs or assignments with your group, but individual assignments must be completed without looking at another person’s written work. OTHER FORMS OF PLAGARISM CAN BE FOUND AT: http://www.chem.utoronto.ca/undergrad/plagiarism.php MYIB UT Homework Information Homework is due at 7 a.m. on each posted due date! a) Log on to the following address or go to the class wiki and use the provided link. http://quest.cns.utexas.edu/student/ b) Get your UTEID by following the instructions at the given link. Then log back in to the system. c) When you view "My Courses", if you don't see any courses listed, click "Enroll in new course". Obtain the unique number for your class from your instructor and enter this when prompted. Your instructor will be notified that you want to register, and you will see a status message indicating that your enrollment is pending. The unique number for this class is 01114 d) Viewing and submitting your assignments Choose My Courses to view your course listings, and then choose a course to see the assignments associated with that course. Click on an individual assignment to see the problems and a form to submit your answers. Problems have many different variations, so your assignment will be different from your classmates’. All assignments have due dates and your instructor has the option of displaying a solution after the due date has passed. Numbers a) Significant digits and precision: The computer carries out all calculations to at least six significant digits. Do not use "significant figures" algorithms to round off your answer. Do not round off 'intermediate' calculations. Six digits are shown in solutions. To be scored as correct, an answer must be within 1% of the computer's answer (except for an answer of zero, which must be exact). You will be informed of any exceptions to this tolerance. b) Scientific/Engineering notation ("times 10 to the power"): Very large or very small numbers may be input with "scientific notation," e.g., +3.56e-10, which is 3.56 times ten to the negative tenth power. However, 468 (or 468.0) is just as good as +4.68e+02 or +4.68E+02. Constants and Conversion Factors Be aware that using conversion factors and/or constants not identical with those used by the Quest algorithm may cause discrepancies (e.g., using π = 3.14 versus π = 3.141592654). In general, don’t use constants other than those given in the problem or the links in the help section online. Number of Tries Allowed for Web Submission You will be told immediately whether your answer is correct or not. If your answer is incorrect, you are provided additional opportunities (multiple tries) to get the correct answer, as follows: a) Multiple-choice questions: You are allowed n − 1 tries, where n is the number of choices. b) Numeric questions: On questions with a numeric answer, you are allowed seven tries. Randomization All students have the same generic question; however, each student has different parameters and hence different answers. The order of the answer choices is also scrambled from version to version. MYIB Online Homework Scoring a) Numeric questions using web submission If more than one try is needed to answer a numeric question, the full credit score is multiplied by 0.93^(t – 1), where "t" is the number of tries you use and "^" means "raised to the power of." b) Multiple-choice questions A randomly guessing student should, on average, receive the same score as a student who does not answer. Quest’s multiple-choice scoring scheme corrects for random guessing by reducing the score for incorrect or resubmitted answers. (The SAT does this also.) This scheme makes haphazard guessing a waste of time, which will not help your score over the long run. Question with 10 tries Question with 6 tries Question with 3 tries Try Correct Incorrect Try Correct Incorrect Try Correct Incorrect 1 +10 -1.11 1 +10 -2 1 +10 -5 2 +7.78 -2.22 2 +6 -4 2 0 -10 3 +5.56 -3.33 3 +2 -6 4 +3.33 -4.44 4 -2 -8 5 +1.11 -5.56 5 -6 -10 6 -1.11 -6.67 7 -3.33 -7.78 8 -5.56 -8.89 9 -7.78 -10 The table above illustrates how the neutral scoring scheme works for a +10.00 point question. The table is subdivided into three blocks, which represent the number of choices for a particular multiple choice question: Block 1 (10 choices); Block 2 (6); and Block 3 (3 choices). Each block includes three columns: Try represents the number of times a question is attempted; Correct represents the question score if answered correctly on this particular attempt; and Incorrect represents the question score if answered incorrectly on this and all previous attempts. For example, when you select the correct choice on the first try, you receive full credit: a score of +10.00. On the second try, you would receive +7.78 out of 10 points. Although negative scores appear on the above table, I have set up your class so that you will never receive a negative score for attempting a problem, no matter how many incorrect submissions you enter. Moreover, provided you receive a passing grade, I record your homework grades on a curve that makes it possible to lose a few points here and there and still make 100% on an assignment. This procedure is designed to preserve the utility of the online homework in giving you useful feedback and a chance to rework a problem when you answer incorrectly. MYIB Homework Night One: Complete the following tasks. 1. Both Students and Parents Sign up for Mrs. Tubb’s Remind! Find your class code below. Decide: do I want Text Messages or Email Messages? Follow the diagram below. To sign up for email reminders, visit the following website: Remind.com/join/tubbees1 Remind.com/join/tubbphys2 Remind.com/join/tubbees4 (919) 666-2381 Your class code Class Class Code MYIB Earth Science, Period 1 @tubbees1 MYIB Physics, Period 2 Earth Science, Period 4 @tubbphys2 @tubbees4 (You can remove yourself from my list at any time.) 2. Sign up for UTexas Quest a) Log on to the following address or go to the class wiki and use the provided link. http://quest.cns.utexas.edu/student/ The unique number for this class is 01114 d) Write down your UTEID and password. Keep it in an easily accessible location because you will be using this login information frequently. UTEID : _________________________________ MYIB 3. Both you and your parents need to read the following statements and initial in the boxes provided and sign in the appropriate space. STUDENTS: INITIALS AGREEMENT STATEMENT I have read and agree to follow all of the safety rules set forth in this contract. I realize that I must obey these rules to ensure my own safety, and that of my fellow students and instructors. I will cooperate to the fullest extent with my instructor and fellow students to maintain a safe lab environment. I will also closely follow the oral and written instructions provided by the instructor. I am aware that any violation of this safety contract that results in unsafe conduct in the laboratory or misbehavior on my part, may result in being removed from the laboratory, detention, receiving a failing grade, and/or dismissal. I have read and understand what I need to do if I need help I know what materials I need for class daily. I agree to abide by the Woods Safety Contract and any directions from my teacher while in the woods. I agree to stay within eyesight and earshot of my teacher at all times while in the woods. I agree to the Classroom Contract (Student Responsibilities). I understand that my final grade in this course will be a direct reflection of my success in following this contract. I have also read the course syllabus. Honor Pledge: As a member of the Myers Park community, I commit myself to act honestly, responsibly, and above all, with honor and integrity in all areas of student life. I am accountable for all that I say and write. I am responsible for the academic integrity of my work. I pledge that I will not misrepresent my work nor give or receive unauthorized aid per my instructor’s classification. I am respectful of school property and the property of others (albeit written, verbal, photographic, etc.). I will not tolerate a lack of respect for these values. I understand the Myers Park Honor Code, and I will not cheat on any assignment. I fully understand the consequences for any academic dishonesty in Mrs. Tubb’s class. X_____________________________________________________________________________ Student Signature ID# Date PARENTS: We feel that you should be informed regarding the school's effort to create and maintain a safe science classroom/laboratory environment. With the cooperation of the instructors, parents, and students, a safety instruction program can eliminate, prevent, and correct possible hazards. You should be aware of the safety instructions your student will receive before engaging in any laboratory work. Please read the list of safety rules your student has. No student will be permitted to perform laboratory activities unless this contract is signed by both the student and parent/guardian and is on file with the teacher. Your signature on this contract indicates that you have read this Student Safety Contract, are aware of the measures taken to ensure the safety of your son/daughter in the science laboratory, and will instruct your student to uphold his/her agreement to follow these rules and procedures in the laboratory. INITIALS AGREEMENT STATEMENT I agree to the CMS Chemical Safety Contract and the Classroom Contract (Student Responsibilities) outlined in this handout. I agree to discuss these guidelines with my student, and understand that his/her success in following this contract are directly related to his/her success in this course. I know what materials my child will need daily for class. I understand that my child will need access to a computer with internet access throughout the course of this class. I will contact my student’s teacher if/when I have questions or concerns related to my student’s progress in class. I agree to the Woods Safety Contract and allow my student to participate in activities in the woods and surrounding areas unless the box below is checked, indicating that I DO NOT give this permission. I DO NOT GIVE PERMISSION for my student to participate in activities in the woods and surrounding areas. My student will be given an alternative assignment X___________________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date MYIB 4. Complete the student info form found on the class website: bit.ly/mtubb Important info: The document does not allow you to partially complete it, so complete it in one sitting or leave the browser window open and complete the remaining information later. *** If you do not have internet access, please fill out the form below. You will then need to make it a priority to use a computer at school to enter the information into the google doc. Student Name (First, Last) Student ID# Street Address Your Email Address Age Grade Zip Code HOME Phone Number Do you have internet access at Do you have the ability to print at home? Yes No home? Yes No YOUR Cell Phone Number Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Email Address Parent/Guardian Email Address Parent/Guardian Work Phone Number Parent/Guardian Work Phone Number Parent/Guardian Cell Phone Number Parent/Guardian Cell Phone Number Do you have any medical problems that I need to know about? (Seizures, diabetes, allergies, etc.) Do you have any special requirements/requests I need to know about? (IEP, 504, preferred class seating etc) List any sports or clubs you participate in.