Mitosis, Meiosis, Chromosomes and DNA Replication

Karyotypes and Meisosis Test Review 2012
1. Where is the nondisjunction on the
2. Is this male or female?
3. What is Klinefelters syndrome? (Be able to recognize a
Klinefelters karyotype)
Chromosome # 23 - XXY – Male
5. What is Down’s syndrome? (Be able to recognize a Down
syndrome karyotype)
Trisomy 21
6. What is a nondisjunction? When Chromosomes do not separate properly – creates
monosomy or trisomy.
7. When looking at a karyotype XX = female and Xy=Male
8. What is Turner’s syndrome? (Be able to recognize a Turner’s syndrome karyotype) only 1 sex
chromosomes on 23 -X - female
9. What is a karyotype and how are they made? A picture of a organisms chromosomes The
chromosomes are assorted into homologous pairs and arranged from large to small
with sex chromosomes on #23
10. What are autosomes? Everything but the sex cells chromosomes 1 -22 How many are in
the above Karyotype? 45
11. On a normal human karyotype: how many autosomes are there
how many sex chromosomes?
TOTAL chromosomes? = _46______
12. What chromosome number carries the sex chromosomes in humans?23
13. What is a Chromatin? A thin strand of DNA
14. What is a Chromatid? 2 chromatins
15. What is a deletion mutation? When a piece of chromosome breaks off completely
16. What is an inversion mutation? When the chromosome piece reattaches to the original
chromosome but in a reverse orientation. ABCDE = ABCED
17. What is a duplication mutation? A chromosome fragment attaches to its homologous
18. What type of cells are gametes? Provide the two examples sex cells – eggs/sperm
19. What type of cells are somatic cells? Body cells everything but sex cells
20. What is a zygote? Is a zygote haploid or diploid? Fertilized egg cells (first cell of a new
organism) Diploid (sperm 23 + egg 23 = 46 diploid)
21. Which type of cell can pass on damage from parent to offspring? (somatic or gametic)gametic
22. If an animal has 40 chromosomes in each of its somatic cells and divides in mitosis how
many chromosomes will the new (daughter) cells have? 2 new cells will have 40
chromosomes – diploid – same as parents
23. What is purpose of mitosis? Grow, repair, asexual reproduction – how somatic cells are
made – identical to parent
24. Mitosis produces how many new cells? 2 Are those new cells haploid or diploid? diploid
25. Meiosis produces how many new cells? 4 Are those new cells haploid or diploid? haploid
26. How are mitosis and meiosis different? See comparison chart below mitosis – identical
cells made (somatic) Meiosis genetically different cells (gametes)
27. Asexual reproduction is a example of (mitosis or meiosis) mitosis
28. What is crossing over? Homologous chromosomes swapping genetic info – mom’s and
dad’s information are exchanged
29. What advantage does crossing over give a species?larger amount of diversity
30. If a cell is diploid with 40 chromosomes, how many chromosomes will each new cell have after
31. If a cell is diploid with 40 chromosomes, how many chromosomes will each new cell have after
32. What is the advantage of sexual reproduction compared to asexual reproduction? Sexual
reproduction gives us our genetic differences ---asexual – is identical to parent
33. Which type of cell, somatic or gamete, could be more likely to pass a change/damage from parent
to offspring?gametes – eggs/sperm
34. What are homologous chromosomes? How can you tell? Draw a pair of homologous
chromosomes. 2 chromosomes that are similar size, shape and genetic info
35. Fill out the following chart
 Mitosis
Produces: Gametic Cells / Somatic Cells (circle one)
Starts with _1_ cells
Diploid / Haploid (circle one)
How many times does the cell go through Interphase?1
How many times does the nucleus divide? 1___
End results in __2_ number of daughter cells
Daughter cells are Diploid / Haploid (circle one)
Sexual or Asexual reproduction (circle one)
Produces: Gametic Cells / Somatic Cells
Starts with __1_ cells
Diploid / Haploid (circle one)
How many times does the cell go through
interphase 1
How many times does the nucleus divide? 2_
End results in _4__ number of daughter cells
Daughter cells are Diploid / Haploid (circle
Sexual or Asexual reproduction (circle one)
Somatic Cell
Gamete Cell
Diploid #
Haploid #
Chromosomes #
Chromosomes #
A beaver’s diploid number is 40. What is it’s haploid number? 20
- Each gamete cell in a donkey has 31 chromosomes. How many chromosomes in a donkey’s
somatic cells? 62
A gorilla’s diploid number is 48. How many chromosomes are in each gamete cell? 24
Each somatic cell in a Kangaroo has 12 chromosomes. What is the Kangaroo’s haploid
number? 6
What are the ways meiosis creates genetic variation? Random fertilization, crossing over,
independent assortment
Draw prophase I and II, metaphase I and II, anaphase I and II and telophase I and II
As a fetus develops, does it grow through mitosis or meiosis? ] mitosis