Genesis 36–37

Back to the Beginning
A Study of Genesis – Chapters 36-37
CHAPTER 36 – The Family of Esau
The descendants of Esau (Edomites) became bitter enemies of Israel.
The family of Amalek (verse 12) was especially hateful toward Israel
(Exodus 17:8-16; 1 Samuel 15; 1 Samuel 30; Esther 3)
Esau and his family settled in Mount Seir, south of the Dead Sea
CHAPTER 37 – The Story of Joseph
Joseph’s life is the last major section of Genesis. Genesis 1-11 tells about four
main events (creation, fall, flood, and tower of Babel) and Genesis 12-50 tells
about four main characters (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph).
 About 25 % of Genesis is devoted to the life of Joseph.
 Joseph is one of the best pictures of Christ in the Old Testament.
1. Why Joseph was RESENTED by his brothers (verses 1-11)
 The special relationship with his dad
Since Rachel was Jacob’s favorite wife, and Joseph was her firstborn son,
it is easy to see why Jacob showed him special attention. This kind of
partiality in the family was bound to cause trouble. His brothers envied
him and hated him (Proverbs 14:30; 27:4). In their eyes, Joseph was
“mama’s boy” and “daddy’s pet.”
 The shocking revelation of his dreams
Dreams were God’s method of revealing His plans for Joseph and his
family. The dream of the sheaves revealed Joseph’s control over
resources. The dream of the sun, moon, and stars revealed his control
over rulers and people. The sun “rules” the day and the moon “rules” the
night (see Genesis 1:16-18). These dreams eventually came true, and
Joseph remembered them all through the years. These dreams helped
him to stay faithful to God in the midst of tough times.
2. How Joseph was REJECTED by his brothers (verses 12-36)
 The decision to kill Joseph (verses 12-24)
Jacob sent Joseph from his home in Hebron to Shechem (50 miles away).
He finally found his brothers at Dothan (15 miles from Shechem or a total
of 65 miles away from home).
A. The conspiracy of the brothers (like the unbelieving Jews who united to
get rid of Christ, John 1:11; 11:53)
B. The compromise of Reuben (like Pontius Pilate who wavered between
right and wrong and decided to take a compromise position)
John Phillips: “Active wickedness is always stronger than half-hearted
 The deal to sell Joseph (verses 25-28)
Joseph was sold as a slave for twenty pieces of silver. Jesus was sold by
Judas for 30 pieces of silver, the price of a slave. It seemed like a good
deal. They got rid of their brother and made a little money in the process.
But it was a very bad deal, an expensive deal, because their conscience
bothered them and they had to conceal their evil deed.
 The deception to cover the truth about Joseph (verses 29-33)
Jacob was deceived in the same way he had deceived his father Isaac
many years earlier (see Genesis 27:16).
 The distress of Jacob over the loss of Joseph (verses 34-35)
He spent the next 22 years in sorrow, thinking that Joseph was dead.
His sorrow eventually turned to joy when he stood in the presence of his
son in Egypt.
 The delivery of Joseph into Egypt (verse 36)
God was directing every detail by His unseen hand. Joseph came to the
right person, Potiphar, an officer in Pharoah’s army. This is the beginning
of “all things” that happened to Joseph (Romans 8:28 – And we know that
all things work together for good to them that love God…)
God had sent Joseph ahead to prepare the way for Israel’s preservation
as a nation. God knows what He is doing.
Joseph – A Picture of Jesus Christ
1. He was a shepherd (37:2; John 10:11-14)
2. He was beloved of the father (37:3; Matt. 3:17)
3. He was hated by his brothers (37:4-5; John 15:25)
4. He was rejected by his brothers (37:8; John 1:11; 7:5)
5. He was envied (37:11; Matt. 27:17-18; Mark 15:10)
6. He was sent to his brethren (37:13-14; Luke 20:13)
7. He was the object of a conspiracy (37:18; Matt. 27:1; John 11:53)
8. He was stripped (37:23; Matt. 27:28; John 19:23)
9. He was sold for a slave (37:28: Matt. 26:15)
10. He was taken to Egypt (37:28; Matt. 2:14-15)
Back to the Beginning
A Study of Genesis – Chapters 36-37
CHAPTER 36 – The Family of Esau
The descendants of Esau (Edomites) became_________________________________ of Israel.
The family of_______________________ (verse 12) was especially hateful toward Israel
(Exodus 17:8-16; 1 Samuel 15; 1 Samuel 30; Esther 3)
Esau and his family settled in_____________________________, south of the Dead Sea
CHAPTER 37 – The Story of Joseph
About________________________________________ is devoted to the life of Joseph.
Joseph is one of the ____________________________________ in the Old Testament.
1. Why Joseph was___________________________________ by his brothers (verses 1-11)
The________________________________________________________ with his dad
The_______________________________________________________ of his dreams
2. How Joseph was___________________________________ by his brothers (verses 12-36)
The__________________________________________ Joseph (verses 12-24)
A. The__________________________________of the brothers
B. The__________________________________ of Reuben
John Phillips: “Active wickedness is always stronger than half-hearted goodness.”
The__________________________________________ Joseph (verses 25-28)
The_____________________________________ the truth about Joseph (verses 29-33)
The_____________________________________ over the loss of Joseph (verses 34-35)
The___________________________________________________ into Egypt (verse 36)
Joseph – A Picture of Jesus Christ
1. He was_______________________________________ (37:2; John 10:11-14)
2. He was________________________________ of the father (37:3; Matt. 3:17)
3. He was___________________________ by his brothers (37:4-5; John 15:25)
4. He was__________________________ by his brothers (37:8; John 1:11; 7:5)
5. He was___________________________ (37:11; Matt. 27:17-18; Mark 15:10)
6. He was__________________________ to his brethren (37:13-14; Luke 20:13)
7. He was the object of_____________________ (37:18; Matt. 27:1; John 11:53)
8. He was______________________________ (37:23; Matt. 27:28; John 19:23)
9. He was________________________________________ (37:28: Matt. 26:15)
10. He was_____________________________________ (37:28; Matt. 2:14-15)