Course Information -

Arts – Visual
Art (Visual) Contemporary Mixed Media ART101
Pre-requisite courses or standards
Note: While satisfactory performance in Year 10 Art would be helpful, students may be given entry
without the completion of Year 10 at the Head of Department’s discretion. Students and their parents
are welcome to contact the HOD of Art to discuss details of the course.
Credits Available
Students can gain Merit or Excellence Endorsement in this course.
Course Outline
This course focuses on teaching and extending the basic skills of drawing, painting, printmaking
and mixed media. With reference to works by national and international artists, students will create
a related series of drawings, paintings and prints in which they are encouraged to develop their own
compositions using a range of subject matter. They will have the opportunity to explore themes of
identity and their sense of place in our cultural milieu. The main focus will be on the external
standard worth 12 credits. For this, students create a two panel folio. One of the 4 credit Internal
Achievement Standards is optional for students.
Future Courses
This course may lead on to Level 2 Visual Art (Painting and Printmaking), Design and
Photography. These 3 courses continue at Level 3.
Costs/Days out of school
$75. This covers all materials used. Students will also be expected to purchase $5.00 credit from the
school office to cover all individual copying.
A day trip to Te Papa may be required for students who wish to do the extension assignment for 4
extra credits.
Arts -Performing
Drama DRA101
Pre-requisite courses or standards
Year 10 Drama or at the HOD’s discretion
Credits Available
External Students can gain Merit or Excellence Endorsement in this course.
14 - 18
Literacy credits can be gained in this course.
Course Outline
The course will build on the students’ knowledge gained in Year 10 Drama and will develop the
skills and knowledge base in the subject to carry through to Year 12, Year 13 and Scholarship
Drama. Drama is a university approved course.
Future Courses
Year 12 Drama 201
Costs/Days out of school
Students are required to attend at least two professional performances; discounted ticket prices will
be negotiated. The department will offer a range of viewing experiences throughout the year to
allow students to develop the critical thinking skills necessary to be able to answer questions in
their external exam.
The course is also supported by professional tutors where applicable and some costs may be
For further information contact Mr Brown
Dance DAN101
Pre-requisites courses of standards
Year 10 Dance or previous dance experience
Credits Available
Students can gain Merit or Excellence Endorsement in this course.
Literacy credits can be gained in this course.
Course Outline
This course covers dance choreography, performance and analysis. Students explore solo and group
choreographic techniques and study three genres of dance: contemporary, hip hop and Bollywood.
External standards require students to critically analyse a dance work and study the history and
development of a specific dance genre.
Dance is a University approved subject. Skills gained in dance such as creative processes, analysis,
innovation, communicating ideas, and collaborating effectively with others can be applied to a wide
variety of occupations.
Future Courses
Level 2 and 3 Dance, Scholarship Dance, Tertiary dance study.
Costs /Days Out Of School
 Students are required to wear a Dance uniform in plain black. Suitable attire includes black
track pants, shorts or leggings, plain black top and optional black dance shoes or bare feet.
 $30 - for trips to live dance performances and participation in workshops run by guest
For further information contact Ms Costello
Māori Performing Arts MPA201
Pre-requisite courses or standards
Māori Level 1 or Māori performing arts experience. Open to year 11 – 13 students.
Credits Available
Course Outline
Unit standards will count towards NCEA as well as Te Waharoa Level 2 Certificate. Students are
required to demonstrate practical skills as well as maintain ordered notes as evidence of knowledge.
Written research assignments must also be completed. Students will be able to demonstrate and
describe the performing arts that are uniquely Māori and developments in this field. Students will
also have an extensive knowledge of the literature. The programme covers
 Te Whare Tapere
 The traditional origin of Te Mahi-a-Rehia Māori performing arts
 The performance of Kapa Haka and a working knowledge of Te Reo Māori
 Composition, symbolism and imagery
 Choreography and production
 Traditional dress
 Creation of new Māori dance
 Links between traditional and modern dance forms
Future Courses
National Certificate in Māori Performing Arts (Performance) Level 4, National Certificate in Māori
Performing Art (Tutoring) Level 6
Costs/Days out of school
$10 for materials for making two sets of poi.
Trips to Kapa Haka competitions or performing arts courses may be available.
For more information contact Jojo Rangihaeata
Music Studies MUS101
Pre-requisite courses or standards
Year 10 Music or HOD's discretion. Performance and theory ability at a Grade 3 level is
Credits Available
Students can gain Merit/Excellence endorsement in this course.
Literacy credits can be gained in this course
Course Outline
This course covers the aspects of performance as a soloist and as part of a group, composition, aural
transcription, score analysis and musical knowledge. This course is suited to students who not only
wish to perform and compose, but also study the rudiments of theory, and music in its historical
Future Courses
This course leads on to Music 201 or 202.
Costs/Days out of school
Students will need to fund their own performance instrument lessons. Most instruments are taught
in the school itinerant music scheme at a cost of $135 for the year. There is an $11 resource fee.
There are no days out of school but itinerant music lessons will be scheduled on a rotating timetable
basis for those opting for these.
For further information contact Mr Cameron
Music MUS102
Pre-requisite courses or standards
Year 10 Music or HOD’s discretion.
Credits Available
Course Outline
This Music/Music Technology course focuses on performance, composition, live sound, recording
and the use of music technology equipment and techniques. This course is suited to students who
are practical musicians who want to learn about the production side of music as well.
Future Courses
This course leads on to Music 202.
Costs/Days out of school
Students will need to fund their own performance instrument lessons. Most instruments are taught
in the school itinerant music scheme at a cost of $135 for the year. There is a $31 resource fee.
There are no days out of school required but itinerant music lessons will be scheduled on a rotating
timetable basis for those opting for these.
For further information contact Mr Cameron
Accounting ACC101
Pre-requisite courses or standards
Credits Available
Students can gain Merit/Excellence Endorsement in this course.
Literacy credits can be gained in this course
Course Outline
This course enables students to develop the knowledge and skills to manage the financial affairs of
individuals, communities and businesses. It teaches the personal skills of budgeting, running a cheque
account and bank reconciliation, as well as the basic accounting cycle of source documents through to
analysis of financial reports for a small business and a non-profit-making organisation. The course is a
useful introduction to the skills needed for personal financial management and an understanding of the
financial side of business.
Future Courses
This is a valuable one year course, but is also an introduction to Accounting in Years 12 and 13. It is
strongly recommended for students wishing to study Accounting in Years 12 and 13. This course can
also lead on to Business 201 in Year 12.
4 workbooks - $30.
Days out of school
One half day to prepare and attend the Tawa College Market Day held in the hall.
For more information contact Ms Watson
Economics ECO101
Pre-requisite courses or standards
Credits Available
Students can gain Merit/Excellence Endorsement in this course.
Literacy credits can be gained in this course.
Course Outline
By studying economics, students will consider how New Zealanders are affected by the economic
decision-making of individuals, communities, businesses, and government agencies in New Zealand
and overseas. They will:
make sense of economic problems that they may be facing, now and in the future
make connections between New Zealand’s economy and the global economy.
research the viewpoints different groups in society bring to decision making.
be able to use knowledge and technologies that will enable them to actively contribute in
individual, business, government, and global financial contexts. They will see how their
incomes will grow if they develop skills that employers demand.
Future Courses
Level 1 Economics is a valuable one year stand alone course; it is also a recommended
introduction for Economics at Level 2. This course can also lead on to Business 201.
Costs/Days out of school
$25 for a Workbook. One half day to visit McDonalds in Porirua.
One half day to prepare and attend the Tawa College Market Day held at Tawa College in the hall.
For further information contact Ms Watson
English ENG101
Pre-requisite courses or standards
Compulsory: Year 10 English with appropriate achievement levels, or with HOD discretion
Credits Available Internal
Students can gain Merit/Excellence endorsement in this course.
Literacy credits can be gained in this course.
Course Outline
In this course students will be involved in the study of a range of literature genres and will develop
their ability to describe and explain specified aspects using supporting evidence. They will also
develop their writing, close reading and presentation skills.
Future Courses
This course may lead on to Year 12 English 201 or 202
Costs/Days out of school
No scheduled trips
For further information contact the HOD.
English ENG102
Pre-requisite courses or standards
Compulsory: Year 10 English with appropriate achievement levels, or with HOD discretion
Credits Available
Students can gain Merit/Excellence endorsement in this course.
Literacy credits can be gained in this course.
Course Outline
This course is designed to develop students’ writing, reading and presentation skills in a
theme-based programme of study.
Future Courses
English 202
Costs/Days out of school
No scheduled trips.
For further information contact the HOD.
Pre-requisite courses or standards
Entry to this course is at the discretion of the Head of Learner Support and the Teacher in Charge of
ESOL, based on diagnostic testing.
Credits Available
Course Outline
This course offers a programme which provides ESOL students with an opportunity to improve
their skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening. Students also focus on extending their
English vocabulary. Students are supported in developing their writing, with a focus on different
text types, such as information texts and recounts.
The ESL202 course is primarily for Year 11 ESOL students, but Year 12 and 13 ESOL students
may join if appropriate. There is a diagnostic test at the start, middle and end of the year.
Future courses
This course may lead on to ESL301.
Costs/Days out of school
No costs
No trips
For further information contact Mrs Harvey
Health and Physical Education
Food and Nutrition FNT101
Pre-requisite courses or standards
Preferable: Year 10 Food and Nutrition.
Credits Available
External Students can gain Merit/Excellence endorsement in this course.
Literacy credits can be gained in this course.
Course Outline
Students will gain knowledge, understanding and skills in the following:
 Food selection and preparation to develop eating patterns that reflect health-enhancing attitudes
towards nutrition
 Societal influences on food choice
 Preparing food safely and hygienically
 Work independently and co-operatively
 Demonstrate understanding of packaging information
Future courses
Food and Nutrition 201 and 302
Costs/Days out of school
$100. All resources are provided for both practical sessions each week. However, students must bring
their own ingredients for the two internal assessments during the year.
For further information contact Mrs Rickaby
Health HEA101
Pre-requisite courses or standards
Credits Available
Students can gain Merit/Excellence endorsement in this course.
Literacy credits can be gained in this course.
Course Outline
Five achievement standards may be covered including the concepts of change, hauora/wellbeing,
goals, understanding sexuality and drug issues. The course is aimed at any student with an interest
in developing personal skills or for careers like nursing, teaching, nannying, social work,
counselling, the army, sport and others with a people focus. The curriculum demands a degree of
thinking, analysis, written and oral competency and the ability to relate to others. It allows for
personal development and students will demonstrate the ability to work as a team. All of these skills
are useful in everyday life.
Future courses
Health 201 and Health 301
Costs/Days out of school
Under $10 for speakers or trips
For further information contact Mrs Avery
Physical Education PED101
Pre-requisite courses or standards
Satisfactory attendance, participation and uniform in core Year 9 and 10 Physical Education.
Credits Available
Students can gain Merit/Excellence endorsement in this course.
Literacy credits can be gained in this course.
Course Outline
This course is 50% practical and 50% theory. Modules include participation in a variety of physical
activities and sports, Volleyball, Sports Education, Anatomy, Biomechanics, and the impact
exercise has on Sociology, Health and Wellbeing. Students need to enter this course with a positive
and enthusiastic attitude and a willingness to work hard in practical as well as written components.
Future Courses
Completion of this course will enable students to study Physical Education 201 or 202, depending
on results.
Costs/Days out of school
Students opting for this course will need to purchase the course book which costs $20.00
There are no out of school requirements for this course. However students should realise that this is
a 4 hours-a-week option subject and all those selecting it will also participate in an additional 1hour
each week of Year 11 Core Physical Education.
For further information contact Mr Redpath
French FRE101
Pre-requisite courses or standards
Compulsory: Year 10 French
Credits Available
Students can gain Merit/Excellence endorsement in this course.
Course Outline
Year 11 French is an interactive course that encourages confidence communicating in French in
everyday situations. The internal credits include two portfolios – one a collection of recorded
conversations and the other a collection of written texts in French. There are 4 internal credits for a
prepared speech. The 10 external credits are for Reading and Listening. Topics include food and
eating out, a film, travel plans, health, towns and cities in France, communicating in formal
situations and making plans with friends and organising a class party. The French course promotes
the importance of language and cultural understanding in an international world.
Future courses
French 201
Costs/Days out of school
Subscription to Language Perfect website $15
Students will eat in a French restaurant and watch a film as part of the French Film Festival
For further information contact Ms Kelly
Japanese JAP101
Pre-requisite courses or standards
Compulsory: Year 10 Japanese
Credits Available
Students can gain Merit/Excellence endorsement in this course.
Course Outline
Japanese language is used in everyday situations within the themes and structures of the National
Curriculum, up to and including curriculum Level 6. The broad topics studied are: shopping, my town,
sports and leisure, eating and drinking, travel and school. Cultural awareness is introduced within
these topics using the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Future courses
Japanese 201
Costs/Days out of school
Workbook and subscription to Language Perfect website, $40.
No days out of school
For further information contact Mr Conroy
Māori MAO101
Pre-requisite courses or standards
A commitment to learning Māori me ōna tikanga in years 11, 12 and 13.
Credits Available
Students can gain Merit/Excellence endorsement in this course.
Course Outline
There is one course taught: Te Reo Maori. Emphasis is on developing writing skills using the
modes of description, reviews, notices, directions, dialogue and narrative writing. Emphasis is also
on developing oral skills.
Portfolio work is at this level. Students will need to provide evidence and work throughout the year
on submitting internal assessments. Assessments marked will be speaking, writing, and listening. At
the beginning of term four chosen work will be put forward for consideration towards their final
portfolio work.
Future courses
Maori 201
Costs/Days out of school
To be advised during the year. Trips out of school may include Nga Manu Korero and Kapa Haka
For further information contact Miss Rangihaeata (Whaea Jojo)
Mathematics MAT111/101/102
Pre-requisite courses or standards
Students should have gained Achieved or better in most Year 10 common tests and in all sections of
the Year 10 exam. Students will be placed by the HOD in the Level 1 Mathematics course which
most suits their background and ability.
Credits Available
14 Mat102
12 Mat102
Students can gain Merit/Excellence endorsement in this course.
Literacy and Numeracy credits can be gained in this course.
Course Outline
These courses aim to give students the necessary mathematics skills and background to continue
with Mathematics at Level 2, as well as to further develop logical thinking and problem solving
These courses are designed around the Level 1 achievement standards and Level 6 of the
Mathematics Curriculum. Students are expected to sit all standards offered in these courses.
Future courses
These courses may lead to all Level 2 Maths courses.
Costs/Days out of school
A Homework Programme, as advised at the beginning of 2014, and a graphics calculator (presently
No days out of school.
For further information contact Mrs MacEwan
Mathematics MAT103
Pre-requisite courses or standards
Students will be placed by the HOD in the Level 1 Mathematics course which most suits their
background and ability.
Credits Available
Students in these courses will also work on the level 1 Numeracy standards.
Literacy and Numeracy credits can be gained in this course.
Course Outline
This course is for students who have found Mathematics in Year 10 difficult. The course aims to
cover useful and applied mathematics and gain Numeracy for students. The selection of standards
offered will depend on the individual students’ needs.
These courses are based on Level 4 and 5 of the New Zealand Curriculum
Future courses
The MAT103 course is the first year of a two year Level one Maths Course for most students. A
highly successful student may be permitted to do MAT203
Costs/Days out of school
A homework programme as advised at the beginning of 2014. Students are expected to have a
No days out of school.
For further information contact Mrs MacEwan
Science SCI101
Pre-requisite courses or standards
Students taking this course will need to have successfully completed Year 10 Science, gaining
Achieved or better in most assessments and the end of year examination.
Credits Available
Students can gain Merit/Excellence endorsement in this course.
Literacy and Numeracy credits can be gained in this course
Course Outline
This course covers ideas from Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. It aims to develop scientific skills
and attitudes, knowledge and understanding, and recognition of the importance of Science to
society. Topics studied include Genetics, Micro-organisms, Energy and Motion, Acid-Base
Reactions and Metals
Future Courses
This course leads on to Biology 201, Chemistry 201 and Physics 201.
Costs/Days out of school
A homework book ($20) is compulsory. A revision guide purchased later in the year is highly
recommended ($20).
No days out of school.
For further information contact Mr Sturman or Mr McGuire
Science Studies SCI102
Pre-requisite courses or standards
The HOD will allocate students into Sci102 based on their success in Year 10 Science, and notify
Credits Available
Numeracy credits can be gained in this course
Course Outline
This course covers a broader range of topics than Science 101. Earth Science and Astronomy are
included as well as basic Chemistry, Physics and Biology. The course encourages students to think
scientifically and provides them with knowledge they can apply in everyday life. A combination of
Unit Standards and Achievement Standards are offered which are all internally assessed. This will
suit students who are not confident with external examinations.
Future Courses
On completion of this course, students are only eligible for entry into Biology 202 and Earth and
Space Science 202. Students wishing to take Biology 201, Chemistry 201 or Physics 201 need to
have successfully completed the more academic Science 101 course.
Costs/Days out of school
A course book (approximately $20) is compulsory.
No days out of school.
For further information contact Mr Sturman
Social Sciences
Geography GEO101
Pre-requisite courses or standards
No specific prerequisites, though good literacy and basic numeracy are needed. An interest in
understanding the relationship between humans and their environment is an asset.
Credits Available
Students can gain Merit/Excellence endorsement in this course.
Literacy and Numeracy credits can be gained in this course.
Course Outline
When you view the world through the lens of Geography you are asking who, what, where and
when people, places and things are distributed on the surface of the earth and how they got there.
There are practical fieldwork and skills components to the subject.
This 101 course is designed as an introduction to the study of Geography, using Extreme Natural
Events (Earthquakes and Hurricanes) Population Studies (NZ and Asia), Resource Use Systems and
Sustainability (Viticulture) to gain understanding of the key concepts of Geography. The course is
varied and interesting, with an emphasis on gaining skills and using them to increase learning.
There is a practical component, including a Research Assessment based on a fieldtrip.
Future courses
This course provides the base for success in Geography in year 12 and 13.
Costs/Days out of school
Two one-day field trips are a compulsory part of the course. The first is in Term One, looking at
Earthquake features and responses in the Wellington region (approximately $20), the second is in
Term Three, studying Sustainability on a Martinborough Vineyard (approximately $25). All
students are also required to purchase a Skills workbook which costs $22.00
For further information contact Mr G de Villiers or Mr Barclay
History HIS101/102
Pre-requisite courses or standards
Achieves the majority of Social Studies assessments in Year 10 or at the discretion of the HOD.
Credits Available
There will be at least 26 Credits available in total. Students who demonstrate high ability will be
invited to attempt an additional 5-9 Credits at NCEA Level 2.
Students can gain Merit/Excellence Endorsement in this course.
Literacy credits can be gained in this course.
Course Outline
The course trains students to think like an historian. This training is completed through studying a
range of contexts such as the Roman Empire and the Renaissance through to Twentieth Century
contexts such as Prohibition in USA or Apartheid in South Africa.
Future courses
This course leads into History, Legal Studies, Art History, or Classical Studies at Level 2.
Costs/Days out of school
The students may participate in an overnight field trip to the Waiouru Army Museum. In previous
years the cost has been approximately $100.0
For further information contact Mr Tester
Design Technology – Wood/Metal DST101
Pre-requisite courses or standards
Preferable: Year 10 Graphics (DVC), and/or Design Technology in Wood/Metal are highly
Credits Available
Students can gain Merit/Excellence endorsement in this course.
Literacy credits can be gained in this course.
Course Outline
Predominately working in metal or wood, the student activities involve:
 Identifying possible needs, issues, or opportunities to solve
 Formulating a design brief, including specifications
 Design methods, including drawing and modelling
 Planning, recording and reviewing all design and production stage
 Generating a range of possible ideas
 Developing final high quality solutions to meet the requirements of the briefs
Future Courses
This subject progresses to NCEA Level 2 and 3 Design Technology. Level 2 and 3 courses provide a
foundation for tertiary studies.
Costs/Days out of school
A4 clearfile (40 page) – students require two.
Wood and metal classes - the costs vary considerably for each student but are approximately $70.
This is invoiced in term 1 but adjusted at the end of the year.
No days out of school.
For further information contact Mr Frampton
Design Technology – Textiles DTT101
Pre-requisite courses or standards
Preferable: Design Technology in Textiles.
Credits Available
Students can gain Merit/Excellence endorsement in this course.
Course Outline
Predominately working in textiles, the student activities involve the same process as described above.
Future Courses
This subject progresses to NCEA Level 2 and 3 Design Technology. Level 2 and 3 courses provide a
foundation for tertiary studies.
Costs/Days out of school
A4 clearfile (40 pages) – students require two.
Students are required to provide their own patterns and materials. A class fee of $20.00 covers the
cost of over-locking thread and other miscellaneous items provided by the school.
No days out of school.
For further information contact Mr Frampton
Design and Visual Communication (Graphics) DVC101
Pre-requisite courses or standards
Preferable: Year 10 DVC (Graphics) and/or Art are highly recommended.
Credits Available
Students can gain Merit/Excellence endorsement in this course.
Literacy and Numeracy credits can be gained in this course.
Course Outline
This course follows on from Year 10 DVC (Graphics). The course focuses on the development of
design ideas through a variety of drawing techniques, media and systems. The sections of study
are: visual communication and design, spatial design and product design.
This course is based around students creating their own solutions to specific needs, issues or
opportunities. The activities involve the students in investigation and decision making, generating a
range of possible ideas and developing a final solution. The graphical methods used provide the
vehicle for expression of the individual student's ideas and solutions. These will involve the student in
activities including design, two and three-dimensional modelling and drawing as well as technical
drawings. The course involves colour rendering as well as line drawings.
Future Courses
This subject progresses to DVC (Graphics) 201. Level 2 and Level 3 DVC (Graphics) provide a
foundation for tertiary studies in many design-based courses.
Costs/Days out of school
The subject fee of $20.00 is to cover one-off consumable items that are not easily obtained by the
student or are not available in small quantities.
No days out of school.
For further information contact Mr Frampton
Digital Technology
Digital Information Technology DIT101
Pre-requisite courses or standards
This course requires good documentation and project management skills so we expect students to
have gained 2 Merits out of 4 on the major projects in 10DIT. 1 Merit must be from the WOW
project. All students need a pass in the Level 1 HTML Unit Standard 25659.
Credits Available
Students can gain Merit/Excellence endorsement in this course.
Literacy credits can be gained in this course.
Course Outline
To enable students to extend digital media and information management skills through practical
design tasks mainly using the Adobe Design suite. Students should be competent in using basic
Photoshop and InDesign skills. HTML5 and CSS3 will also be taught to prepare students for the
level 2 courses that involve handing coding a website. Good writing and project management skills
are recommended due to the formal documentation requirements and extended length of some
Future courses
DIT201 or DCSIT201
Costs/Days out of school
No days out of school. $20 needs to be credited to the students’ printing account
Digital Information Technology DIT102
Open entry: A basic knowledge of using a computer, the basics of file management and using the
school network would be helpful but is not essential.
Credits Available
Course Outline
This is a foundation course and is geared towards a broad use of computer applications in industry
rather than specializing in the development of individual application skills.
The course is focused around Unit Standards and has a lesser demand for supporting documentation
and planning than the two specialist options, DCSIT101 and DIT101.
Topics covered include Adobe Design software, Microsoft Office and using HTML code for basic
web pages.
Future Courses
Costs/Days out of school
No days out of school. $20 needs to be credited to the students’ printing account.
Digital Computer Science & Information Technology DCSIT101
Pre-requisite courses or standards
This course is open entry. Students who have not studied 10DIT are expected discuss their
suitability for the course with Mr Roberts. It is expected you will have achieved good grades in
science, maths or 10DIT.
Credits Available
Students can gain Merit/Excellence endorsement in this course.
Literacy credits can be gained in this course.
Course Outline
The course is suited to those students that are interested in Computer Science. They will have a
strong interest in problem solving, working independently and a desire to develop software
solutions. Students should have a good ability in computing, maths or science. On the course you
will study algorithms, programming and computer science
Future courses
Costs/Days out of school
No days out of school. $20 needs to be credited to the students’ printing account
Childcare CHD101
Pre-requisite courses or standards
Students need to be interested in working with and learning about young children. Students will be
interacting with children which means responsible behaviour is required.
Credits Available
Course Outline
Childcare One covers unit standards which are the first part of the National Certificate in Early
Childhood Education. The majority of credits come from Level 2.
Future Courses
This course leads to Childcare 201 in Year 12 and Childcare 301 in Year 13.
Costs/Days out of school
The course costs $50, which will cover the resources and materials provided by Whitireia
Polytechnic and Plunket.
Two days will be spent at Whitireia Polytechnic completing Unit Standard 10017, which is paid by
Tawa College.
For further information contact Ms C Brown
Life Skills LIF101
Pre-requisite courses or standards
Credits Available
Course Outline
Life Skills is designed to prepare students for life. The first half of the year focuses on skills such
as assertiveness and managing personal wellness. The second half of the year concentrates on
coping with the world of employment: rights and responsibilities, care and timeliness, health and
Future Courses
This course may lead on to Life Skills 201 and 301.
Costs/Days out of school
There is no cost involved with this course. No days out of school are anticipated.
For further information contact Ms C Brown
South Pacific Educational Courses SPC101
Pre-requisite courses or standards
Participants in this course are invited to join.
Credits Available
Course Outline
Students negotiate their own tasks from a work book and are expected to develop goal setting, self
management and reviewing skills. This course is closely aligned with the key competencies of the
new curriculum and is designed to provide a sound grounding for life long learning. The number of
credits will depend on the tasks chosen.
Future Courses
SPC 201 and 301
Costs/Days out of school
$10 towards folder and workbook provided.
For further information contact Ms C Brown