Advertising and Marketing

Advertising and Marketing
What is Marketing?
The way a product is designed, tested, produced, branded, packaged, priced,
distributed, and promoted
Key Concepts in Marketing
The marketing concept
Marketing should focus first on identifying the needs and wants of the
The act of trading a desired product or service to receive something of value in
Brand equity is reputation, meaning, and value that the brand name or symbol
has acquired over time.
Added value
A marketing or advertising activity makes a product more valuable, useful,
and/or appealing.
The Key Players and Markets
The marketer
The organization, company, or manufacturer producing the product and
offering it for sale.
Suppliers and vendors
Other companies that manufacture the materials and ingredients used in
producing the product.
Distributors and retailers
Various companies that are involved in moving a product from its manufacturer
the buyer.
The Marketing Process
1. Conduct research/develop a situation analysis
2. Set objectives for the marketing effort
3. Assess consumer needs and wants
4. Differentiate and position the product
5. Develop the marketing mix strategy
6. Evaluate the effectiveness of the strategy
How Advertising Agencies Work
Full-Service Agencies
Include the four major staff functions
-Account management
Responsible for interpreting the client’s marketing strategy
-Specialized Agencies
Specialize in certain functions, audiences, industries or markets
-Creative boutique
-Media-buying services
-Creative services
People who write, design ideas for ads and commercials, and convert
ideas into commercials
-Media planning and buying
Recommends to the client the most efficient means of delivering the
-Account planning
Prepare comprehensive recommendations
-Internal Agency Services
Traffic department
Print production department
-Revenues and Profits
Commission, Fee, Retainer
International Marketing
An international brand is available virtually anywhere in the world
Choice of an agency depends on the decision to stander dize messages or
localize them to accommodate local cultures.
The Dynamics of Modern Marketing
Integrated marketing
All areas/the marketing mix work closely together to present the brand in a
coherent, consistent way
Relationship marketing
considering all the firm’s stakeholders
Permission marketing
Inviting prospective customers to self-select into a brand’s target market in
order to receive marketing communication
Consumer behavior and Audience
How Does Consumer Behavior Work?
Consumer behavior
Describes how individuals or groups select, purchase, use, or dispose of
products – as well as describing the needs that motivate these behaviors
Consumer audience
People who buy or use products to satisfy their needs and wants
People who buy a particular brand or patronize a specific store
Cultural and Social Influences
define a group of people or a way of life
Social Class
The position a person and his/her family hold within society
Reference Groups
A group of people who are used as a guide for behavior in specific situations
Two or more people who are related by blood, marriage, or adoption and live in
the same household
The statistical, personal, social, and economic characteristics(age, sexual
orientation, race and ethnicity, occupation, income, geography and so on) that
describe a population
Psychological Influences
Perception/State of Mind
Affects how people perceive information as well as determines the particular
pattern of consumer behavior
Internal forces that stimulate people to behave in a particular manner
Attitudes and Values
Influence how consumers evaluate products, institutions, retail stores, and
Brand personalities make them distinctive from their competitors
Psychographic Influences
Lifestyle and psychological characteristics that have a bearing on how people
make decisions
The Consumer Decision Process
Need recognition
-The consumer recognizes the need for a product
-Advertising should activate or stimulate this need
Information search
Advertising helps the search process by providing information and making it
easy to find, as well as remember
Evaluation of alternatives
Advertising helps sort out products on the basis of tangible and intangible
Purchase decision
Often a two-part decision
-select the brand and outlet from which to purchase
Post-purchase evaluation
Determines whether the customer will keep the product, return it, or refuse to
buy the product again
Segmenting and Targeting
Dividing the market into groups of people who have similar characteristics in
certain key product-related areas
Identifying the group that might be the most profitable audience
Market aggregation strategy
When planners purposefully use one marketing strategy that will appeal to as
many audiences as possible
Market segmentation
Assumes that the best way to sell is to recognize
differences within the broad
market and adjust strategies and messages accordingly
Types of segmentation
-Demographic segmentation
-Geographic segmentation
-Psychographic segmentation
-Behavioral segmentation
-Benefits segmentation
Socio-demographic segments
Niche markets
Defined by some distinctive trait
Targeting the right audience
The target is described using the variables that separate this prospective
consumer group from others who are not in the market
Profiling the target audience
Used in developing media and message decisions
Integrated Marketing Communications Strategy
It is broader than promotions and includes advertising, promotions, publicity,
personal selling and direct marketing
Customer focus
-talking in “Consumerspeak”
-Using communication channels that your target segment refers to
Consistency refers to all aspects of your IMC strategy (channel, message)
being consistent with one another
IMC Strategy
IMC strategy involves deciding the mix and level of different IMC
The different IMC elements are
-Sales promotion
-Direct marketing
-Personal selling
The type of IMC strategy selected usually depends on
-type of product market
-channel objectives
-buyer readiness stage
Type of product market
Consumer marketers spend on sales promotion, advertising, personal selling
and public relations in that order
Business marketers spend on personal selling, sales promotion, advertising
and public relations in that order
Product complexity…high risk products tend to require personal selling
Buyer readiness stage
Pre purchase
Advertising, sales promotion
Personal selling, sales promotion
Post purchase
Personal selling, advertising
IMC objectives
Any IMC campaign can have different objectives. Some common
objectives are
-Generate awareness
-Communicate differentiation
Level of Focus
Specific communications
involve targeting a very specific audience.
Selective communications
involve targeting a limited number of audiences.
Mass communications
involve targeting large numbers of audiences.
IMC objectives must be specific and measurable
Evaluating an IMC campaign is critical to future improvements
The campaign must always be evaluated in light of its objectives
Strategic Planning
Differentiate between objectives, strategies, and tactics in strategic planning
Identify the six basic decisions in an advertising plan
Explain how account planning works
Outline the key features in an IMC plan
概述 IMC 整合企畫中的主要特點
Strategic Planning
The process of determining objectives, deciding on strategies, and
implementing the tactics
What you want to accomplish 你想要完成什麼
How to accomplish the objectives 如何完成目標
Make the plan come to life 開始計畫
A Three-Tiered Process
The business plan
May cover a specific division of the company or a strategic business unit with a
common set of problems
也許會覆蓋特定的公司的部門或是 strategic 商業單元有著共通的問題
The marketing plan
Parallels the business strategic plan and contains many of the same
The advertising or IMC plan
Operates with the same concern for objectives, strategies, and tactics as
business and marketing plans
Basic Strategic Planning Decisions
Annual advertising or IMC plan 全年的廣告或 IMC 計畫
-Outlines all the advertising or marketing communication activities
Campaign plan
-More tightly focused on solving a particular marketing communication
Typical Plan Outline
1. Situation analysis 情況分析
Researching and reviewing the current state of the business that is
relevant to the brand and gathering all relevant information
After the research is complied, analysis begins
2. Key strategic decisions 主要策略決定
3. Media strategy
4. Message strategy
5. Other tools
6. Evaluation of effectiveness 有效評估
Objectives and strategies
-Planners develop specific objectives to be accomplished during a specific
time period
-The main categories of effects can be used to identify the most common
advertising and IMC strategies
What to expert from a campaign
Measureable objectives
-Specific effect that can be measured
-A time frame
-A baseline
-The goal
-Percentage change
Segmenting and targeting
-Market segment: a group of consumers having similar characteristics
-The segments the planner selects becomes the target audience
Getting deeper insight into consumers is the responsibility of the account
planning function
Positioning Strategy
-Determining what place a product should in a given market
-To establish a location in the consumer’s mind based on what the product
offers and how that compares with the competition
Product features
-Feature analysis
Competitive advantage
Locating the brand position
-Perceptual mapping
-Determines how many targets and multiple campaign plans a company or
brand can support and the length of time the campaign can run
Historical method
Objective-task method
Percentage-of-sales method
Competitive budgets
All you can afford
Account Planning: What is it
Account planning
The research-and-analysis process used to gain knowledge and
understanding of the consumer
Account Planning Elements
1. Consumer insight
2. Message strategy
3. Media strategy
Account planner
A person in an agency who uses account planning to research a brand and its
customer relationships in order to devise advertising message strategies that
are effective in addressing consumer needs and wants
Account Planner Tasks
1. Understand brand
2. Understand audience relationship
3. Articulate strategies
4. Prepare creative briefs
5. Evaluate effectiveness
The Research Foundation
Used in three phases of the advertising planning process
-Strategy generation
-Creative development
-Campaign evaluation
Consumer Insight
Intersects with the interests of the customer and the brand features
Insight mining
-Realistic response objective?
-Causes of nonresponse?
-Barriers to desired response?
-Motivation to respond?
-Role of each element in the communication mix
The Communication Brief
Explains the consumer insight and summarizes the basic strategy decisions
Six major parts:
-Marketing objective
-Target audience
-The promise and support
-Brand personality
-Strategy statement
Planning for IMC
-Follows same basic outline as an ad plan
-Objective is to make the most effective use of all marketing communication
-Effective plans lead to profitable long-term brand relationships
-Differences in IMC strategic decisions
-Contact points
-IMC objectives
The Creative and Message Strategy
Art and Science of Creative
The ROI of effective advertising
-Relevant, original, and has impact
The Big Idea (content idea)
-Implements the advertising strategy so that the message is both attention
getting and memorable
The Creative Leap
-Jumping from the strategy statement to an original idea that conveys the
strategy in an interesting way
Creative Thinking
Free association
-Creates the juxtaposition of two seemingly unrelated thoughts
Divergent thinking
-Uses exploration to search for all possible alternatives
Analogies and metaphors
-Used to see new patterns or relationships
Right-brain thinking
-Intuitive, nonverbal, and emotion-based thinking
Creative Roles
Copywriters and art directors develop the creative concept and draft the
execution of the advertising idea
The Creative Person
In advertising, creativity is both a job description and a goal
Creative Characteristics
-Problem solving
-Ability to visualize
-Openness to new experiences
-Conceptual thinking
Creative Strategy
Where the art and science of advertising come together
A Big Idea must be
Creative strategy
-What the advertisement says
-message strategy
Creative execution
-How it is said
Message Objectives
1. Perception: create attention, awareness, interest, recognition, and recall
2. Cognitive: deliver information and understanding
3. Affective: touch emotions and create feelings
4. Persuasion: change attitudes, create conviction and preference
5. Transformation: establish brand identity and associations
6. Behavior: stimulate some form of action
Head and Heart Strategies
Two basic approaches to translating message objectives into strategy
Hard- and Soft-Sell strategies
-Hard Sell: touches the mind and creates a response based on logic
-Soft Sell: uses emotional appeals or images to create a response
Most advertising messages use a combination of two basic literary techniques
to reach the head or the heart of the consumer
Lectures and Dramas
-Lecture: a serious instruction given verbally
-Drama: relies on the viewer to make inferences
Facets of Creative Strategy
Drive Perception
-Attention and awareness
Drive Cognition
-These messages get consumers to learn about products by focusing on a
product’s features
Touch Emotions
-Highlight psychological attraction of the product to the target audience
through emotional responses
-Selling premises
Transform Product
-Image advertising is used to create a representation in the customer’s
Drive Action
-A signature that serves to identify the company or brand
-Also serves as a call to action if it gives direction to the consumer about
how to respond
Message Approaches
-Problem solving/Problem avoidance
-Slice of Life
Planning and Managing
Creative Strategy
Creative brief
-Prepared by the account planner, summarizes the marketing and
advertising strategy
-Vary in format, but must combine basic strategy decisions
Strategy Decisions
-The problem
-The objectives
-The target market
-Positioning strategy
-Type of creative strategy
-Selling premise
-Execution suggestions
Message execution
-The form in which the ad’s message is presented
Message tone
-Reflects the emotion or attitude behind the ad
Global campaigns
-Require ad work that addresses advertising objectives and reflects the
positioning strategy
-Usually desirable to adapt the creative execution to the local market
The Go/No-Go Decision
Assess the effectiveness of the ad’s creative features
-Structural analysis
-Copy testing
-Explain the basic style used for copy writing
-Describe the various elements of a print ad
-Explain the message characteristics and tools of radio advertising
-Discuss the major elements of television commercials
-Discuss how Web advertising is written
The Language of Advertising
Four types of ads in which words are crucial
1. If the message is complicated
2. If the ad is for a high-involvement product
3. Information that needs definition and explanation
4. If a message tries to convey abstract qualities
-person who shapes and sculpts the words in ads
Advertising Writing Style
-Copy should be as simple as possible
-Should have a clear focus and try to convey only one selling point
-Every word counts; space and time are expensive
Practical Tips
-Be succinct
-Be single-minded
-Be specific
-Get personal
-Keep a single focus
-Be controversial
-Be original
-Use variety
-Use imaginative description
Tone of voice
-To develop the right tone of voice, copywriters write to the target audience as
if they were in a conversation
-Copywriters must know the rules of grammar, syntax, and spelling, though
they will play with a word or phrase to create an effect
-Formulaic advertising copy
-Brag-and-boast copy
Copywriting for Print
Display copy
Elements readers see in their initial scanning
Body copy
Elements that are designed to be read and absorbed
The Headline
-Key element in print advertising
-Conveys the main message
-Works with the visual to get attention and communicate creative concept
How to Write Headlines
-A good headline will attract those who are prospects
-The headline must work in combination with the visual to stop and grab the
reader’s attention
-The headline must identify the product and brand, and start the sale
-The headline should lead readers into the body copy
-Direct-action headlines
-Indirect-action headlines
How to Write Other Display Copy
Have the second-highest readership and serve an information function
Sectional headlines used to break up a large block of copy
Short, catchy, memorable phrases used at the end of an ad to complete the
creative idea
-Repeated from ad to ad as part of a campaign or long-term brand identity
-Can also be used as taglines
Slogan Techniques
-Direct address
-A startling or unexpected phrase
-Rhyme, rhythm, alliteration
-Parallel construction
-Cue for the product
How to Write Body Copy
Body copy
-The text of the ad
-Primary role is to maintain the interest of the reader
Lead paragraph
-The first paragraph of the body copy
-Where people test the message and see if they want to read it
Closing paragraph
-Refers back to the creative concept and wraps up the Big Idea
-Call to action
Print Media Requirements
-All media in the print category all use the same copy elements
-The way these elements are used varies with the objective for using the
-Copy does not have to work as hard to catch audience’s attention
-Straightforward and informative
-Writing is brief
-Better quality ad production
-Ads can be more informative and carry longer copy
-Use a headline that focuses on the service or store’s personality
-Little space for explanations
Posters and Outdoor
-Primarily visual
-Words try to catch the consumer’s attention and lock in ideas
-An effective poster marries words with visuals
Product Literature
-Also called collateral
-Used in support of an ad campaign
-Typically a heavy copy format
How to Write Radio Copy
-Must be simple enough for consumers to grasp, but intriguing enough to
prevent them from switching the station
-Ability of the listener to remember facts is difficult
-Theater of the mind
-The story is visualized in the listener’s imagination
-Sound effects
Radio Guidelines
-Keep it personal
-Speak to listener’s interests
-Wake up the inattentive
-Make it memorable
-Include call to action
-Create image transfer
How to Write Television Copy
-Moving action makes television so much more engaging than print
-The challenge is to fuse the images with the words to present a creative
concept and a story
-Storytelling is one way copywriters can present action in a television
commercial more powerfully than in other media
Tools of Television Copywriting
-Off camera
-Other TV Tools
-The copywriter must describe all of these in the TV script
-Character types
Planning the TV Commercial
What’s the Big Idea
What’s the benefit
How can you turn that benefit into a visual element
Gain the viewer’s interest
Focus on a key visual, Be single minded
Observe rules of good editing
Try to show the product
Copywriters must plan
-Length of the commercial
-Shots in each scene
-Key visual
-Where and how to shoot the commercial
-Segments of action that occur in a single location
Key frames
-The visual that sticks in one’s mind
Scripts and Storyboards
The written version of the commercial’s plan
Prepared by the copywriter
The visual plan or layout of the commercial
Prepared by the art director
Writing for the Web
-More interactive than any other mass medium
-Copywriter challenged to attract people to the site and manage a
dialogue-based communication experience
-Most common form of online advertising
-Web ads
-Create awareness and interest in a product and build a brand image
-Focus on maintaining interest
-Other Web formats
-Pop-up windows
-Daughter windows
-Side frames
Global Environment
-Language affects the creation of the advertising
-Standardizing copy content by translating the appeal into the language of the
foreign market is dangerous
-Use bilingual copywriters who can capture the essence of the message in the
second language
-Back translation