Press Release -

After BPO it is KPO: Indian teachers tutor US and UK kids.
Tuesday November 1, 2005 00:00 IST
It is no longer just the BPOs gathering
recognition and moolah but the KPOs
are already here.
The Knowledge Process Outsourcing
(KPO) are taking on a big way. The
latest being the tutoring of US and UK
kids by teachers in India.
It is no longer just the IT professionals
and call centres agents who will profit,
but teachers as well.
It will also ensure a much higher pay
to the teachers, which can be anywhere
between Rs 7,000 to Rs 14,000.
There is a one-to-one interaction
between the tutor and the student
through the internet.
They both use a headphone and a
microphone and communicate using a
They can write or draw on it and the
other person can immediately see it or
read it.
The tutor is trained on the same syllabi
that the students use, and tutors them
sitting in India.
Tutoring is provided for students in
kinder garten to college, in English,
Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry,
Biology and Integrated Science.
Tutoring online is a totally new
concept. But is taking off well as is it
is cheaper and more convenient.
In US the students have to pay around
$ 60 per hour for a tutor. But online
tutoring costs just $ 20 per hour.
In addition, there is no travel time or
the concern of parents chauffeuring
their children. Research by the
company has shown a favourable
response by US parents towards Indian
The industry has great prospects and
may become the next job provider for
QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
Your new private e-tutor @low costs
10 Nov 2005
A little help is always welcome,
specially for students aspiring for
better grades in schools.
Expensive private tuitions being
a deterrent, many are forced to
plod through the syllabus, much
at disadvantage over classmates
paying for extra coaching.
Like in software and BPO
services, India's advantage is
the large pool of talented
teachers, who are willing to
provide private tuitions to
students in English-speaking
countries like the US and the
A low-cost option is now
available to students seeking
specialised tutoring. Made
possible by the ubiquitous
Internet , e-tutoring or online
tutoring is fast becoming a trend.
Joining the bandwagon, not
surprisingly are technology
entrepreneurs wishing to benefit
from the first-mover advantage.
E-tutoring is not uncommon in
the US. Reports indicate that
close to three million students
are expected to study online
attracted by the low-cost and
flexi-timing features.
24hourstutor’s advantage
 24X7 tutor’s availability
 One one-on-one session
with the tutor
 Begins with the assessment
test to judge student’s
strengths & weaknesses.
 Mentor facility to monitor the
student’s performance
 Huge database of world’s
top ranked teachers.
 Regular tests
QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
16 Jan 2006
Log in and
More and more teachers
are learning that it pays
to move into the virtual
Narayan Krishnamurthy
Some months ago, there was a
popular cartoon featuring an
irate American father telling his
son: "No! You can’t outsource
your homework to Bangalore."
Funny? Indisputably. Unreal?
Unlikely? Not quite. It could be a
matter of time before homework
is outsourced; teaching, we’ll
have you know, already is. Ask
Leela Bai Nair, 49. In the dead
of night, when most people in
Kochi are asleep, Nair and her
colleagues are making their way
to school. And half way across
the globe, it’s evening in sunny
students are just logging in.
Welcome to the age of the
outsourced tutor.
Virtual classroom. But what is etutoring? And how does it work?
An e-tutor is essentially a
modern-day version of the oldfashioned ‘tuition teacher’ who
used to visit students at home
after school and coach them in
‘difficult’ subjects like math and
science. The e-tutor visits
students online–virtual classes
take place even when a
continent separates teacher and
student. Students are happy to
log in and learn and teachers
are happy to be able to use their
skills remuneratively. Sukanya
Mohan, 58, who recently retired
from an international school in
Bangalore, says: "It offers me
the flexibility to work from home
and also monitor a curriculum
and analysis of what the student
wants and how it can be
And who’s responsible for this
sudden boom? Ironically, the
ironic? Remember that comedy
show line about Dubya being
devastated by the fire that
destroyed both books in the
White House library because he
hadn’t finished colouring one?
That’s why.) Jokes aside, the US
government’s NCLB or ‘no child
left behind’ policy has created a
huge demand for teachers and
tutorials. And unlike other BPO
jobs, e-tutoring doesn’t take jobs
Americans–USbased outfits offer similar
services, but Indian companies
score on cost and quality.
experienced teachers, or those
specialisation in the subject.
Those with math qualifications
are the most sought after.
Depending on demand, teachers
can work full-time or part-time.
E-tutoring is big business in
India. Today there are e-tutorial
centres even in small towns.
The teacher works odd hours,
though most do not mind as they
are able to work out of home.
Plus there’s the satisfaction of
helping struggling students.
Says 23-year-old Swati Chopra:
"I’ve been teaching graduate
courseware. I can already feel
the difference I am making in the
lives of children half way around
the globe."
Adds Nair: "After 23 years of
teaching in a school, I can vouch
that it is difficult to teach a class
with even 20 students, as their
understanding levels vary. With
e-tutoring, I can gauge the
student’s level and teach
accordingly." This works equally
for students; those who find the
going hard get ample help, while
the bright ones are given every
opportunity to stay ahead.
Making money. Job satisfaction
is great, but what about pay?
Consider this: a primary school
teacher in a good school who
starts work immediately after
graduation and a B.Ed. can earn
up to Rs 7,000 a month. Apart
from teaching, she has to correct
homework and examination
papers, besides other activities.
In contrast, an online tutor earns
a starting salary of Rs 10,000 or
so, and because interaction is
one-on-one, there’s far less
administrative work and more
time to bond with the student
and really teach.
For those teaching specialised
subjects online, the pay is Rs
counsellors can expect anything
from Rs 20,000 to Rs 35,000 a
Convenient option. The money’s
good and job satisfaction’s
great. What more can a teacher
ask for? Flexibility. And that’s
what e-tutorials are all about.
Teachers can go online after
school and earn supplementary
income. Says Anirudh Phadke,
principal consultant-e-learning,
Career Launcher India: "Most of
our teachers function from
home. With the flexibility this
offers, many are opting for this
form of teaching after school and
college hours." Others are
happy to give up the brick and
mortar classroom for the virtual
school and earn even better.
It’s still early, and companies are
evolving even now. In fact, with
planning to move to South East
Asian countries, where they plan
to teach English to non-English
speaking people.
It all started as an online math
teaching initiative. Today, etutorials cover the full school
syllabus, and some companies
even offer to cover college
curriculum. Apart from preparing
students for exams, e-tutorials
specialised tests and entrance
exams. All a teacher needs is
subject knowledge and some
basic computer knowledge to
get started. And the world
becomes one big classroom.
24hourstutor’s advantage
 24X7 tutor’s availability
 One one-on-one session
with the tutor
 Begins with the assessment
test to judge student’s
strengths & weaknesses.
 Mentor facility to monitor the
student’s performance
 Huge database of world’s
top ranked teachers.
 Regular tests
QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
Teachers in India help
students in the West
master maths and science
through Internet tuitions.
By Stephen David.
India - july-15,2006.
Little did George W. Bush know
that his remarks would so
drastically overturn 60-year-old
Lalitha Venkatesan's plans for a
Reluctance among American
youngsters to master maths and
science had prompted the US
President in his State of the
Union address in January to
encourage children to take more
maths and science and to make
sure those courses are rigorous
enough to compete with other
A mathematics and English
teacher in Delhi for nearly 25
years, Venkatesan had retired
as vice-principal and moved to
Bangalore to look after her
grandchildren. But her passion
for instructing students received
a fillip, compelling her to once
again wield the chalk-rather, the
conducted over the Internet.
"The big advantage is that you
can sit at home and teach," she
says. Her paraphernalia: a
webcam, speaker and a good
computer to facilitate face-toface interaction.
Venkatesan, 50-odd teachers
have signed up with the
Bangalore-based company to
teach students in the US and the
UK to work their way around
such seemingly insurmountable
obstacles like fractal geometry
and Pythagorean Triples in
maths. The company charges
the students directly, the fees
ranging between Rs 100 and Rs
200 an hour depending on the
topic. Utilising voice or instant
messaging and an erasable
"white board" function, tuition is
offered in a number of subjects
to pupils from kindergarten to
Class XII, and also college
students preparing for select
entrance and state assessment
24hourstutor’s advantage
 24X7 tutor’s availability
 One one-on-one session
with the tutor
 Begins with the assessment
test to judge student’s
strengths & weaknesses.
 Mentor facility to monitor the
student’s performance
 Huge database of world’s
top ranked teachers.
 Regular tests
QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
It’s about more than just call centers
In India’s ‘Silicon
Valley,’ outsourced
white-collar services
create a boom
By Campbell Brown
NBC News
updated 2:10 p.m. ET May 12, 2006
BANGALORE, India - When
Kailie Hom of Modesto, Calif.,
was having trouble with
geometry, her mother, Vickie,
went online and found a tutor
nearly 9,000 miles away.
Kailie’s tutor is here in
Bangalore. He is cheaper than
an American tutor, and he gets
the job done. Now, Kailie, 16,
“doesn’t have any more
problems with math,” Vickie
Hom said.
Geographically, it’s only onethird the size of the United
States, yet India has nearly
four times as many people.
With the second-fastestgrowing economy in the world,
it presents a wealth of
opportunity for American
companies and consumers.
India is also dense and
diverse, and in the midst an
economic explosion, it is where
ancient history is clashing with
modern industry.
“A country with more than 1
billion people, a civilization of
more than 5,000 years old, is
going through a massive
transformation,” said Rangu
Salgame, president of Indian
and South Asian operations for
Cisco Systems Inc., the
Internet networking giant.
Competition at the click of
a mouse
Bangalore, India’s answer to
Silicon Valley in the south, is
at the heart of the
transformation. Booming
companies like Infosys
Technologies Ltd., an industry
leader in outsourced software
services, compete with U.S.
companies setting up shop
here, as well.
The draw is India’s welleducated, English-speaking
They aren’t just call-center
employees. So when a patient
at St. Mary’s Hospital in
Waterbury, Conn., has a CT
scan in the middle of the night,
it is read thousands of miles
away in Bangalore by Dr.
Arjun Kalyanpur, a U.S.trained and -credentialed
radiologist with Teleradiology
signs that all the growth is
happening too fast.
Solutions Inc.
“It’s an evolutionary process,”
said Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw,
chairwoman of Biocon Ltd.,
India’s largest biotechnology
company. “It’s not something
that you can do overnight.”
“It’s as easy as the click of a
mouse,” he said.
With these new opportunities,
a burgeoning middle class has
emerged in India roughly the
size of the entire U.S.
population. It has plenty of
disposable cash to
accommodate an appetite for
brand-name goods and trendy
“This is an enormously
motivated market,” said
Thomas L. Friedman, a foreign
affairs columnist for The New
York Times who analyzes
economic globalization. “These
are young people who know
what they’ve been missing,
and they really want to catch
But out on the street, where
traffic jams last for hours and
garbage can pile up on the
sidewalks for days, there are
About a quarter of the
population still lives below the
poverty line, subsisting on less
than a dollar a day, a
significant challenge to India’s
capacity to compete with the
United States.
to kids in the 10 poorest rural
counties in the U.S.
QuickTi me™ a nd a
TIFF (Uncompre ssed ) decomp resso r
are need ed to se e th is p icture.
That means all students in,
say, Texas' Zavala County or
South Dakota's Ziebach
One problem with the No
Child Left Behind Act is that
80% of the kids entitled to
after-school tutoring--at
taxpayers' expense--aren't
getting it, according to a new
government report, and some
rural districts offer no
tutoring at all. But extra help
is on the way. And like a lot of
customer service these days, it
comes with a distinctly Indian
accent. The Bangalore-based
company, which last fall began
providing online tutoring to
U.S. students in everything
from grammar to geometry,
last week announced it will
provide a year of free tutoring
County can get first-rate help-which ordinarily would cost
$20 an hour--regardless of
whether their school is
performing poorly enough to
be on the NCLB's watch list.
(The only catch for kids in
impoverished, remote areas:
they must have access to a
high-speed modem.)
Call India for homework
Michael Shaw
Published: 25 August 2006
First it was directory inquiries, then banking and customer services. Now pupils
seeking help with homework from teachers are being put on to helplines in India.
More than 3,000 pupils in Britain already receive one-on-one tuition, using
internet telephony and their computers.
Parents pay from £9.99 for an hour of tuition, which is available 24 hours a day,
less than half the average cost of a private tutor. The teachers in Bangalore
receive around 200 rupees per hour, the equivalent of £2.28, more than a third
higher than typical school wages in India.
“We are not trying to replace the classroom or classroom teachers,” he said.
“The social aspect of going to school is important, and teachers in the UK work
very hard. But, unfortunately, the teaching that pupils receive is not always
personalised. If you want to get good at tennis you need personal coaching, one
on one, and it is the same with education.”
Pupils book sessions in advance, then log on to a website where they share
essays and other work with their tutors. They are able to chat by using voiceover-internet systems. The pupils and teachers can also draw on a simulated
whiteboard or load up prepared work and animations.
NewswireToday - /newswire/ - Vienna, VA, United States,
04/12/2007 - College and adult education students find
online tutoring convenient and cost-effective. Online
education companies provides college students and busy
working adults with easy access to high-quality and costeffective support at their convenience.
they assigns a student with a dedicated personal tutor who conducts a
diagnostic test, assesses strengths and development areas, and builds a
personalized tutoring plan. Tutoring sessions are fully interactive with the teacher
and student speaking via computer-connected headset and using a shared
Internet whiteboard to exchange information – making the session almost similar
to a face-to-face interaction as possible.
“We believe that online tutoring can open doors for adults who need external help
to brush up skills they haven’t used since they graduated from school or college
several years ago,”. “These individuals usually have a job, a family that requires
time commitments, as well as other responsibilities. When they get back into
college – whether for classroom or online courses –, they struggle to find the
time to refresh their basic mathematical skills. Obtaining an experienced tutor
who can teach late at night based on their schedules is expensive and difficult, if
not impossible. We provide personal help to these adults at a time that’s
convenient for them, whether it is after returning from work or after putting their
children to bed.”
The popularity of online tutoring has been growing for the last few years because
of its convenience, effectiveness, and low cost relative to classroom or in-home
“With my schedule, getting a tutor at home or going to a center was never an
option. Now, I can take lessons either from home or from my hotel – even late at
night. I never had that option before,” says Darren Senior, a pilot with
Continental Airlines who has been taking calculus lessons for the last 2 months. I
get help from my tutor for my assignments as well as in learning concepts. Given
that I haven’t done this kind of math for 15 years, I think I am doing pretty well
with his assistance.”
It offers one-on-one tutoring programs in math and English for K-12 and college
students for $20 per hour. Students may also sign up for its homework help
program priced at $99/month.
NewswireToday - /newswire/ - Sunnyvale, CA, United States,
08/15/2007 - A new collaborative online knowledge exchange
platform for school and pre-college students.
There is no dearth of Math and Science content on the web but most of it is either
too rudimentary or too complicated to be of any real value to school kids. "While
it is free for anybody to edit, the Editorial Board will ensure that the content and
presentation is suited to the students of a particular age."
It is designed to be a collaborative platform where students, teachers,
academicians and subject enthusiasts from all over the world, share and
exchange knowledge and in turn develop a comprehensive body of knowledge
catering to school children across the spectrum.
With offices in the US and India, it strives to make quality learning accessible to
all by combining its expertise in education and innovative approach with the
latest in information technology. Due to the offshore model of operation, the
company offers personalized teaching assistance at attractive rates thus opening
the option of private tutoring to students who found it unfordable so far.
two different worlds can now
meet online where they can
interact with each other
Online Tutoring - Future Of
Education Industry
through video conferencing.
Over the period now online tutoring
“I was really very worried
has took the educational industry by
about my daughter Jane as
storm. Online tutoring companies are
located all over the globe but mainly in
Asian countries like India & Pakistan.
she was not performing up
to the standards. Then some
of my office colleagues
(1888PressRelease) October
suggested private tuitions
24, 2007 - The Internet
but it was difficult for me to
technology has
afford it as it was very
revolutionized many parts of
expensive.” Says Maurine
our economy now days. You
Pitt, mother of Jane,”Firstly
can now shop, meet people
I was skeptic about these
online and can take college
tutors from India but at last
courses for credit too. Now a
I thought of giving it a try to
day’s information can easily
it and surprisingly I got
flow from one part to other
good results. From C’s to B’s
within a blink of an eye. The
and now A’s Jane has sailed
knowledge now a days is no
a long way and reached
longer been confined to the
great heights. Thanks to
educational institutions. This
online tutoring! ”
is a world of Internet
technology where two
“It’s made a big difference.
persons can interact with
My daughter, Cindy is at the
each other sitting thousands
top in each and every of her
of miles away. People from
subject. I cannot believe
that she has improved so
Online tutoring companies
much. In fact, now days she
require tutors to have a
is able to concentrate on her
master’s degree and
guitar classes too,” said
sufficient teaching
Jennifer, a single mother
experience in the subject
from Fresno, California.
they are going to teach.
These companies train the
The best thing these
tutor for a number of weeks,
companies provide is
assess their performance,
flexibility. Students get
and take feedback from
more time to get involved in
parents. Almost each and
extra co-curricular activities
every tutor has about ten
and get more time to sleep
years of experience.
as well. This leads to
interest in the subject and
Private tutors are like an
full concentration.
extravagance, for many
American families cannot
In online tutoring, virtual
afford them. These private
classrooms are packed up
tutors cost anywhere from $
with an electronic
50 to $ 100 an hour.
whiteboard, voice and chat
“Our aim remains to provide
(instantly). In this live one–
the best education at the
on-one online tutoring,
most affordable cost. We
students have access to
tend to decrease the
lessons, practice tests,
distances between teacher
worksheets and animations
and student by providing
to help them master a
them our platform of online
course subject.
tutoring. The teachers are
recruited and trained up to
the highest industry
standards. We foresee etutoring as the future of
education industry in the
times to come. Online
tutoring business is
expanding day by day. The
online tutoring industry is
the latest buzz in the
education industry and is
providing the American
parent a magic tool kit,
which they had always
dreamt for their kids
you no longer have to get
punished or face
embarrassment in class for
Online Learning – A Boon
To American Students
It is a fact now days that knowledge is no
longer confined to the boundaries of
educational institutes like colleges and
schools. In this world of online tutoring
now you don't have to depend on your
school teachers and fixed schedule an y
1888PressRelease) October
14, 2007 - Over the period
computer and internet have
together made this
boundary between states,
cities and countries look like
a thing of the past.
Nowadays information can
flow from one corner to the
other within a fraction of a
second. It is a world where
two persons can interact
with each other sitting
thousands of miles away.
People can meet online for
video conferencing which
includes debates,
discussions via web cam and
most importantly for online
education. In addition to this
late homework or
assignments in case you
forget them or are unable to
do them! This world has
shrunk up with the power of
high net connectivity
computers and a service
which they provide which in
today's world is known as
Online Tutoring!
“In an hour –long session
that cost just $ 18, Mr.
Vivek Mishra from India
helped my child through
esoteric concepts of
Mathematics for which my
son had developed a fear
over a period of time” Says
Stephanie Jose, mother of
Harry Jose, a seventh grade
student. “Mr. Vivek helped
my child to get each and
every concept cleared and
that too at such a reduced
research in Biotechnology,
“At first I was somewhat
online teachers are always
apprehensive about these
there to help you with any
online tutorials but now I
problem. The teachers
have realized that they are
working with these
even better than some of
established companies have
their American
done their master's or
counterparts!” said Mrs.
postgraduate degrees with
Jackson, mother of a ninth
good teaching experience
grade student at Alaska,
and academic performance.
USA. “My son is showing
They have a pool of teachers
tremendous improvement!”
specialized in Science,
Mathematics, English,
American Students are
Biology and what not!
increasingly using this
technology of studying
In addition to all these
online. It is what we can say
facilities, online tutoring
an entirely different
companies are now offering
experience, which is
their services 24x7. Reaping
different from the traditional
the benefits of these online
system of school and home
educational services
private tutions.These online
American students can now
tutors provide online help
study at any time of the day
anytime and anywhere
which they feel like
across the globe. From a
comfortable at. Now, no
complex problem in
more pressure of doing
mathematics to writing an
homework immediately after
essay in English, from a
returning from school, or
concept in physics to a
missing an evening party of
a friend, or even missing a
boon for American students
complete football match.
which can help them to
come out of the deep
According to the No child
dungeons of lack of
left Behind Act it is a
knowledge. And all this at
compulsion in America to
such a reduced cost, what
provide quality education to
more can one ask for!!
each and every child so that
no one is left behind.
Education in America is in
such a bad state that online
tutoring is the only ray of
hope for million of American
parents. With an increase in
competition among various
educational institutions, the
tutoring companies are
adding more varieties and
flexibilities to their services.
Online tutoring companies
not only provide educational
help for K - 12 studies, but
also for pre college level and
college level. These
companies also provide help
for preparing for
standardized test like
TOEFL, GRE, SAT etc. Online
Tutoring companies are a
The New Online Tutor
Destination India Shining
India already enjoys a
leadership position in the
outsourcing industry
courtesy sectors like BPOs
and KPOs. This distance
learning model is just
adding to the shine.
September 27, 2007 - We
always dreamt of studying
anytime whenever we feel
like... after school, after
baseball match gets over,
early in the morning or late
nights. Just imagine if your
studies would not be
restricted to a fixed
schedule or a prescribed
syllabus. You are then free
to learn anything at anytime
or anywhere whenever it
suits you the most! In this
modern era of education
this has been made possible
for the young minds. This is
the world of Cyber
Online tutoring is the latest
trend in education industry.
It is a user friendly platform
wherein two people i.e.
teachers and students can
interact with each other.
The communication
between the two is being
established with the help of
high net connectivity and
computer systems. With the
help of simulated white
board and voice chat, the
discussion goes on between
both of them with quite
ease, that too in real time.
The most flexible part of
online tutoring is that
teachers are available 24x7,
which means you have a
teacher for math help,
online, always! So at any
time whether it’s a night
before examination or the
last day of assignment or
project submission, the help
needed is just a mouse click
"My daughter improved
from C grades to A’s now.
Now she no longer has to be
dependent upon home
private tuitions. She can
now concentrate more on
her guitar classes for which
she has a passion. All this
thanks to online tutoring”,
Says Jenny, mother of
Emma who is in the 7th
grade. This is true for
million of teenagers across
the states of America.
Students can now balance
their studies along with
extra - curricular activities.
In addition to this they now
get more time for sleep
which leads to interest in
the subject and a 100 %
Many new companies are
involved with Online
tutoring industry providing
variety of educational
services online. These
online tutoring companies
are providing exciting
packages like unlimited
online tutoring for $ 99 per
month; now isn’t that
unbelievable? These
companies have a pool of
teachers from all across the
globe who are highly
specialized in their
respective subjects like
English, Mathematics,
Science and everything else!
The best thing about these
companies is that they also
get their services outsourced
to some of the Asian
countries, thus are able to
provide such high quality
education at a low price as
low as $15 an hour.
According to “No Child Left
behind Act”, each and every
school in United States must
periodically monitor the
educational activities for
each and every student.
Schools which failed to
provide quality education
took the help of private
tutorials, thus led to the
growth of online tutoring
segment. Since then this has
been one of the driving
forces towards the growth
online tutoring along with
things like tremendously
low prices. Many American
families are enrolling their
children to these online
tutoring companies rather
then sending them to
expensive private tutors.
Tutoring is a big business
and is expanding day by
day. With millions of
American teenagers in both
private and public schools
using online tutorials, it has
now become a part of
middle class. Apart from
high quality education at
reduced costs these
companies are also
providing counseling and
career planning sessions to
the students. Online
Tutoring is the future of
education industry and
would be a boon for
education starved teenagers
of America.
America from whom he is
about 8,000 miles away! So
while sitting in Mumbai,
Online Tutoring: Help Just
A Click Away!
India, his students are
Empathizing with students, promoting
higher level thinking and motivating
The lessons usually start
them are some of the key factors for
with a casual "hello, how are
the success of these online tutoring
you?" And continues to “let’s
September 07, 2007 - Mukul
Jain is just another good
tutor. This engineering
graduate believes in hard
work, this is exemplified by
the fact that his working day
starts from 5 am in the
morning! He just combines
his normal lessons with
interactive learning games
and tries to relate
mathematics problems to
real life applications. Mukul
tries to keep interest of his
students in the subject by
all the means he can.
However one surprising as
well as exciting thing is; Mr.
Jain teaches students in
based at cities like Fresno,
get on with some kinetics
problems today!” With the
help of a high speed
connectivity computer,
simulated white board and a
fax number that is generally
toll free; the online tutor
guides the students through
the deep concepts and
knowledge of their
respective subjects.
To 16 year old Sandra
Hilton, online tutoring
makes a good sense. A
gentleman based at Delhi,
India gives Sandra online
tutorials in physics lessons
and homework. This gentle
man calls himself Ramesh.
For $ 15 an hour Mr.
Ramesh helps Sandra with
English used in India and
her physics problems in
which Sandra is particularly
“Providing value education
at the minimum costs is
In this world of tough
what we strive for.” And for
competition many tutoring
sure these online tutoring
companies are offering their
companies are working hard
clients with exciting offers!
to give their customers high
For just a minimal fee of $
quality content and 100 %
99 per month they are
offering unlimited access to
Another factor that has
online tutoring. Isn’t that
helped in the growth of
exciting? They have a vast
online tutoring has been the
pool of teachers specialized
“No child left behind act”.
in teaching subjects like
The online tutoring
English, Mathematics,
companies based at
Physics, Chemistry etc.
America, which are already
These online companies only
into the tutoring business,
recruit those tutors who
are happily outsourcing their
have completed their
work to these Indian
master's or postgraduate
tutoring companies. “It
degrees. Tutors must have
reduces a whole lot of
teaching experience in a
tension and still earns us a
reputed school or college.
really good profit margin”,
The companies then train
these are the words of
the online tutor for
Managing Director of a
American accent and culture
leading online education
that includes familiarization
company based at America.
with the differences between
Some American Families
initially had their share of
doubts but now everyone is
satisfactorily happy!
Everyone now understands
that this is going to be the
future of the education
industry. Tutoring is now a $
4 billion business and every
day thousands of new
students are enrolling in
these tutoring Centers.
Online Tutoring Industry is
here to stay.
week and you want to revise things in a
lesser span of time like for 20 days or 30
Online Learning- The
Demand And The Need
Of Modern Education
Education is not restricted to school,
locality, country, or continent. It has
surpassed barriers of time, distance,
language and this could have been
possible only by cyber education, you can
also say e-learning or online education
and the need and the demand of Modern
(1888PressRelease) August 16, 2007 - It
wasn't long ago that when most people
thought of tutors, the image that came to
mind was a college student arriving at
their doorstep. Today all that has
changed thanks to the rise of ubiquitous
computing and high-bandwidth internet
connections. Education is not restricted
to school, locality, country, or continent.
It has surpassed barriers of time,
distance, language and this could have
been possible only by cyber education,
you can also say e-learning or online
This is all about demand and need of e learning. Now with e-learning, you can
learn and get homework help at anytime,
after school, late night or in early
morning. It provides a platform for
learning through internet. If you are at
home or away from home, and want to
prepare for tomorrows test just log on to
your laptop, online institutes will always
help you “24X7”.It uses the modern
technology of virtual classroom
environment, where student can ask their
problem to their tutors using text or
voice chat. They share a special
whiteboard where they can write
freehand. So if you have an exam after a
Online tutoring industry is packed up with
many companies which provide variety of
educational services. But there is hardly
anyone who focuses on quality teaching
and concept building and specialized
coaching or guidance for K-12 studies,
precollege and college level studies. It
helps students to perform better in
examination and hence in scoring good
“No child left behind act” provide thrust
to online educational industry and
boosting online one to one live tutoring.
The schools are unable to provide quality
education and necessary infrastructure to
all the students and this encouraged
online tutoring education. Schools and
college faces lot of problems in
implementing the law. So here the role of
online tutoring comes into picture To
impart educational knowledge to each
and everyone, some companies have
contracted with NGO’s to help poor and
needy people. Now, many people have
already enrolled their children with online
tutoring institutes. Here parents can keep
an eye on their child’s performanc e and
can see whether their children are feeling
comfortable with tutor or not.
The best part about online tutoring is
that this service can be availed of at any
point in time. This gives so much
flexibility to students that they do not
have to study under any pressure, they
Online Tutoring: No
More A Scary Business!
Another interesting aspect of this latest
buzz is that it is transforming the world
into one single nation. Considering the
cost advantage and quality of education
in Asian countries, the American online
tutoring companies are even outsourcing
their services to their Asian counterparts.
(1888PressRelease) July 17, 2007 - Kathy
had always feared Mathematics. She
would have done anything just to get
some help at night before her Maths
exam. “I just wish somebody could help
me at this hour. I do not want to face
failure tomorrow” wished Kathy, a ninth
grade student.
Like Kathy, there are hundreds of
students who long for last minute help
during examinations. But now they do not
need to worry. Thankfully they are born
in the age of computers. From books to
computers, from blackboard to screen board, from school to online tutoring…
education industry is on its pat h of
This transformation is more due to the
need of down ridden American education
system. No Child Left Behind act (NCLB)
passed by American government has
made it mandatory for schools to give
special attention to the weak students
and monitor their performance through
periodic tests. As an initiative towards
this direction, schools are encouraging
separate online tutoring sessions to
supplement the traditional school
teaching. This has also encouraged many
online tutoring companies to off er quality
services at competitive prices.
may study as and when they are
comfortable. “I just love the fact that
now I can make my own schedule for
studies” says Bob, a seventh grade
student. “Flexibility of time, really great
teachers and interesting teaching
methods, I have actually started loving
studies all over again!” Bob continues
Another interesting aspect of this latest
buzz is that it is transforming the world
into one single nation. Considering the
cost advantage and quality of education
in Asian countries, the American online
tutoring companies are even outsourcing
their services to their Asian counterparts.
Teachers from India and other Asian
countries are much more qualified and
dedicated towards this profession.
American students themselves are
praising their services. Mr. James shares
his experience by saying “I was really
apprehensive about the quality of
teaching that my son would get from
such online tutoring companies. I
wondered why he preferred online
teachers to his home tutor. But now I
realise that the kind of personal attention
and flexibility of time that he needed was
only possible this way.”
Online tutoring is indeed serving two
purposes simultaneously: increasing the
quality level of education and removing
the national boundaries. It is like
spreading good quality education across
borders. Cyber education, as they say, is
a world that knows no national
For young Princeton, a
freshman at the city High
E-Tutoring: Through The
Indian Route
''India has a pool of very talented and
passionate teachers, especially in
subjects like math and science. As these
subjects are culture-free, it is
comparatively less problematic for Indian
teachers to teach these subjects,'' said a
top level executive at the National
Association of Software and Service
Companies (NASSCOM).
School, the eccentricity of
having a tutor several time
zones away paled long ago.
"It doesn't matter at all." he
said “as long as it is giving
me results its fine. And this
service is more than I
expect, I get good grades
(1888PressRelease) July 10,
and my parents save a lot of
2007 - Thrice a week, 15-
year-old Princeton sits in
E-tutoring or online tutoring,
front of his computer in his
whatever you may call it, is
home at California, USA. He
another example of how
puts on his headset and is
modern communications
prepared for another of an
combined with an abundant,
hour-long session for maths
educated yet low wage
help that his math tutor
Asians, are broadening the
provides him with. So what’s
boundaries of the
the big deal there, you
phenomenon called
would ask? What's different
outsourcing. They started
is that Princeton's tutor is a
off with taking your
bit far away, not even in the
technical calls and sewing
same continent! He is about
your clothes but now they
7000 miles away burning
are making way into life of
the midnight oil in New
your kids too! But nobody is
Delhi, India.
complaining this time
around, why? Because this
Service Companies
online tutoring model has
led to a tremendous
Princeton’s father, Mr. John
improvement in the quality
Connery, learned about the
starved American
e-tutoring program through
educational system. To top
a family friend who is
it all, the costs have reduced
himself a part of this online
to the sea bottom.
tutoring industry. “He is
Many tutors from the online
based in New Delhi, India
tutoring companies based in
and told us how the
India help U.S. students in
program is already helping
math, science or English for
thousands of American
somewhere around $15 to
teenagers to increase their
$20 an hour, which is a
grades with the added
fraction of the $40 to $100 a
advantage of reduced
private tutor or an online
costs.” Further, Mr. Connery
tutor in America costs.
added “When Princeton
''India has a pool of very
started improving his grades
talented and passionate
his math teacher was very
teachers, especially in
happy and enquired about
subjects like math and
what kind of help we had
science. As these subjects
arranged for him. We told
are culture-free, it is
the math teacher about the
comparatively less
online tutoring from India,
problematic for Indian
and she was very impressed
teachers to teach these
subjects,'' said a top level
executive at the National
Indian companies who are
Association of Software and
into this online tutoring
outsourcing business have
benefited from the budding
U.S. government backed
online tutoring industry. The
growth stems to a large
extent from the No Child
Left Behind law, which
requires each school to
evaluate kids in subjects like
math from third to eighth
grades and provide them
extra help in terms of
The model is unique and
offer advantages like quality
education, flexibility of
timings, tremendously low
costs etc. These have led to
its rising and the growth is
bound to be continuous.
Happy tutoring India!
from India and other Asian countries.
Then you also need not worry about
training them, you also need not worry
Outsourcing Online
Tutoring Smartly
Technology combined with excellent
teachers and best training has led to
success of this online tutoring revolution.
Working on its predecessor model of
distance learning, this model is drastic
improvement. With this revolution the
worries of the government regarding the
pathetic condition of education in
America are diminishing now.
(1888PressRelease) June 28, 2007 There are many companies who are
already reaping the benefits of
outsourcing online education products
and technologies. These companies are
gaining because of the reduction in cost
due to cheap work force available at
Asian countries where the education is
outsourced, and again they do not have
to worry anything about the training,
development, management of the tutors
etc. There are many companies in
countries like India who have specialized
in this kind of education outsourcing. The
companies do not only undertake
outsourcing related to K12 matter but
also provides outsourcing support for a
wide spectrum of educational services
ranging from K-12 segment to pre college
to college level and standardized tests
preparations like SAT, PSAT, GMAT, GRE,
TOEFL/IELTS and many more. The
majority of students in American states
have a problem with subjects like maths,
science etc. Along with that they also
have qualified and well trained tutors for
subjects like physics, chemistry,
computer science and what not!
Working with these companies, you will
not have to worry about any issues like
need to spend energy on hiring tutors
about the infrastructure requirements for
this business. You can sit back and relax
and they will take care of all these
problems. As they are already into the
business for about 2 years now, they
already have experience in dealing with
online tutoring outsourcing efficiently.
Apart from basic education these
companies also help you develop your
online tutorial content. They also help
students in Essay writing, assignments
and homework. They will also devise
timely tests to be conducted from time to
time, to assess the growth of the
students in the areas being tutor ed in.
Working on its predecessor model of
distance learning, this model is drastic
improvement. Technology combined with
excellent teachers and best training has
led to success of this online tutoring
revolution. With this revolution the
worries of the government regarding the
pathetic condition of education in
America are diminishing now. The worry
was clearly visible when the government
introduced the NCLB (No Child Left
Behind) act in 2002. Education and
teaching has always been a noble
profession, and with countries joining
hands to secure the future that will lead
the future, it just became nobler and
log onto the computer
without me being there."
Kids & look online for
homework help
Tuesday, September 25th 2007, 8:06 PM
Once 11-year-old Monica
Reyes of Brooklyn reached
junior high school, slogging
through homework began
taking its toll. On her mother.
"Math is the hardest," admits
Elizabeth Reyes, who works
full time and doesn't really
"get" her daughter's math
assignments. "It's like being
in high school. She gets
homework in five subjects a
Hiring a tutor was one option,
but Elizabeth wasn't really
comfortable leaving her
daughter at home alone with
a tutor. So she, like many
other parents in this Internetdominated era, looked into
online tutoring. Now Monica
gets tutored in whatever
subjects she needs.
"It's worked out pretty good,"
says Reyes. "At first Monica
was a little nervous but kids
love computers and these
tutors are highly interactive
with the child. I don't have to
worry about being home. If
Monica's ready to do
homework and needs help
before I get home, she can
With the online tutoring,
Monica can also opt for a 20minute session rather than a
45 to 60-minute session.
Often, that's all she needs just a little help with a
particular question. Mother
and daughter are both happy
with the arrangement and it
means less tension once
Elizabeth Reyes arrives home
from work.
Tutoring is big business: it's a
$2.2 billion annual market.
But the concept of the
traditional tutor coming to
the home is changing - these
days, kids get help online.
"Traditional old-fashioned
tutoring made a lot of sense
until the age of the
Internet,". "A tutor comes
every week at a set time, and
you save up all your
questions. But that's not how
kids learn on a daily basis.
They get stuck all the time.
They wind up falling behind
and getting frustrated."
Besides instant messaging,
the service uses whiteboard
technology. "It's like a
blackboard, and you can
diagram or draw as an online
classroom," Cigale says.
Online tutoring through is about $35 per
hour, but the cost drops to as
little as $25 per hour if you
buy five hours at a time, he
says. Overall, online tutoring
can be a less expensive
alternative to private
tutoring, which can run up to
$100 an hour. Online tutoring
typically carries a monthly
fee of $35 to $150.
Besides being cost efficient,
online tutoring may help kids
be more efficient about time.
"Kids can be shy when a tutor
arrives," Cigale says. ""But
when a kid connects with a
tutor online, he's not focusing
on what color the tutor's hair
is or what he's wearing. You
just go straight to the work."
Brittany Elias, 16, of Bayside,
Queens is a good student and
a busy one, as she is on the
school's tennis team. When
she starts her precalculus
homework at night, she often
needs some help.
whenever she has to prepare
for a test she will work out
the problems with the tutor
online," says her mother,
Janet, a computer teacher.
"The tutor doesn't just give
her the answer. They work
through the problem by
texting back and forth. With
the white screen you can
control the mouse to actually
make shapes - triangles,
circles, whatever. The mouse
becomes a piece of chalk."
There are certain drawbacks
to online tutoring: you don't
get the same feedback as
with a traditional tutor, and
there is limited monitoring
and reporting on the child's
progress. So parents may
need to keep an eye on your
kid so they stay on task.
"It's working for us," says
Janet Elias. "It's pretty high
tech, but my daughter likes it
because a person helps her
every step of the way."
correspondence education
Student Demand Grows for Flexible,
Personalized Learning Options
options to earn career
ATLANTA, June 13
skills in increasingly
/PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --
competitive work
By 2008, more than two
million U.S. students will be
credentials and expand their
Flexible Personalised
learning online, and the
Learning Options offers
numbers will grow as
students the optimal flexibility
changing lifestyles demand
and convenience to proceed at
more flexible education
their own pace and
options. With more and
select specialized programs of
more students demanding
study relevant to their careers
learning options personalized
and life goals.
to fit their evolving
needs, The
new approach is adaptable to
Online Education: By the
Online education is growing
the needs of today's busy
steadily, both in participating
students and total revenue:
"We understand that many
-- The total number of
of today's students are looking
students in online programs
for an
grew 24 percent and total
educational experience that
tuition revenue grew 30
can be built around their lives,
percent, to 6.2 billion, in 2006
rather than
over 2005 (Source:
the other way around," .
Going to school is no longer
-- It is projected that by the
about sitting in a classroom
end of 2008, there will be
five days a week. Every year,
approximately 2.13 million
millions of Americans break
students participating in online
out of that stereotype --
programs, representing 11.5
using online and
percent of all U.S. higher
education students.
Get An Education Without
Going to School. Students
design their own schedules to
fit their personal learning
styles, without being hindered
by classroom walls or
classmate competition. The
student experience is
enhanced with personalized,
fast-access support services.
participate in some form of
online learning. "I think there
Be True to Your Cyberschool
is a lot of potential for
particularly the high school to
Some big players in online
education are betting that
online high schools will pay off
really start offering more
by Alison Damast
Picciano, a co-author of the
Ask a typical teenager what he
Sloan report and a professor at
or she likes about high school
New York's Hunter College. "I
and the teen will rattle off a
could see a lot of the growth
list that includes such
following what happened in
quintessential traditions as
higher education."
homecoming, prom, and spirit
An online course is generally
defined as one in which all or
It is estimated the total online
most of the content is
higher education market at
delivered online, while a
$8.1 billion in 2006.
blended course is one that
That might not be so hard.
courses fully online or
blended," says Anthony
mixes online and face-to-face
About 700,000 public
delivery of instruction.
precollegiate students were
Spurred by State Decisions
enrolled in at least one online
companies are entering the
or blended course, according
virtual high school market at
to a survey released in March
an opportune time, says Trace
by the Sloan Consortium, an
Urdan, a senior research
education research group that
analyst at Signal Hill Capital in
reviewed K-12 online learning.
San Francisco, who follows the
Sixty-three percent of the
for-profit education industry.
public school administrators
"Schools and students and
who responded to the survey
parents are all becoming more
said their schools offer
comfortable with the online
students the chance to
delivery of education, so that
this is all kind of gaining steam
in real time," Urdan says.
The growth of the online
market is spurred by important
policy decisions being made by
states like Florida and
Michigan, Picciano says.
Meanwhile, Michigan became
the first state in the country
last year to require every high
school graduate to take one
online course in order to
graduate, Picciano says.
"There are a lot of other states
that are following or will be
following them," he says
Picciano says for-profits are eyeing the
nation's 50 million high school
students, a number far larger than the
15 million to 16 million students in
higher education, according to
Deal Makes Strategic Sense
And the transition to delivering online
courses at the high school level should
be relatively simple for companies that
already have years of experience with
this education model.
"To them, I guess it is just another
source of revenue, plus it is not a bad
thing if you do have online high school
students if you're trying to sell SAT
courses. They are certainly their target
audiences," Jaffe says.
Appeals to States with Rural
Online high schools may sound
counterintuitive to the idea of proms,
football games, and teenage crushes.
But online schools and courses are
becoming a popular option for states
with significant populations of rural
students, said Jeffrey Silber, an analyst
with BMO Capital Markets. In some
cases, it can prove too expensive for
cash-strapped districts to provide
students with transportation to schools
that are miles away, he said. "They
don't have the funding to open up
schools and provide transportation for
people not close to schools, and a
virtual high school is one way of
getting around that," Silber said.
May Pose Risk to Students
In the meantime, the companies also
will have to deal with wary politicians,
teachers' unions, and public education
watch groups, which are closely
following the growth and performance
of online charter schools, Urdan said.
Barbara Stein, manager of 21st century
education at the National Education
Assn., is concerned that students who
attend virtual high schools may be
losing out on the benefits of a
traditional high school experience. She
says many online virtual high schools
do not meet the NEA's criteria for a
quality education and have come under
scrutiny by public education groups.
"We think those are not a great idea.
Most students do not do that well when
they have no face-to-face interactions,"
says Stein. "There may be extreme
situations where that is the appropriate
recourse, but for most students it is
Students who sign up for an online
high school may be taking a academic
and professional risk, worries Gene
Maeroff, author of A Classroom of
One: How Online Learning Is
Changing Our Schools and Colleges.
He says it is unclear yet how online
high school diplomas will be viewed
by college admissions officers and
employers. "Whether or not entities
can make this into a profit program
really depends on recognition," says
Maeroff. "If they expect to grant a
diploma, who will recognize this
diploma besides state education
Those fears may subside as online
courses and high schools become more
commonplace. But it is unlikely that
these schools will ever replace
traditional brick-and-mortar high
schools. After all, there's little room for
school spirit in the hallways of