Section 1: Program Details Information: Application Instructions & Hints To insure accurate posting/credit, enclose a completed copy of Section 1 of this application with your: a) appl. packet, and/or, b) any payment. 1. Level(s) Requested: Mark an “X” for EACH certification level you are currently certified for, and are re-applying for now: _X_ Level I / Certified Program __ Level II / Advanced Certified Program (certification is valid for 3 years) __ Level III / Master Certified Program (certification is valid for 3 years) (certification is valid for 3 years) 2. Program Details: (NOTE: For the certificate, in questions #2 & #4, list EACH Program & EACH Campus involved in this tutor training application.) [FYI: When contacting CRLA-ITTPC, ALWAYS include your Country_State_Inst Name-Appl City- Program Name -Campus(es) – ID # (if known) & Levels to insure an accurate reply = example: USA_AZ_Sampleville State U- Zville - Learning Support Center – North Campus - ITTPC-USA-AZ-0001 - L123] ALL 4 of these aspects of tutor training certification requirements must be accomplished by each program & each campus applying together: a) Tutor Selection, b) Tutor Training Topics, c) Tutor Experience Tracking, &, d) Tutor Evaluations. There are three options for an institution applying for certification under one certificate (more detailed definitions are in question #4): Option A: 1 program on 1 campus [certificate will include the Institution name, 1 Program name, & 1 Campus name]; Option B: 1 program on more than 1 campus, where each campus listed coordinates, & includes ALL 4 aspects (a-d) of that program’s tutor training certification requirements [certificate will include the Institution name, 1 Program name, & each coordinating Campus]; Option C: more than 1 program operating on 1 or more campuses, where each program and each of their related campus(es) coordinate, and, each one includes these same 4 aspects (a-d) of the programs’ tutor training certification requirements [certificate will include the Institution name, each Program name, & each coordinating Campus name]. Institution Name: Martin Methodist College Official Name of Your Tutor Training Program: Student Resource Center Names of each Program & Campus to be listed on this certificate: Martin Methodist College - Student Resource Center ITTPC Program ID# (if known): ITTPC- USA-TN-0825_A1 [ex: ITTPC-USA-AZ-0001 (single program) or ITTPC-USA-AZ-0001_A1-5 (multi-program)] Find your ID # for: Currently Certified Tutor Training Programs, see: , & click on ‘downloads document’; - OR Apps already in process, see: , & locate your full program ID # - OR App. for new program = No ID# yet! Program’s Webpage URL Address Link: Program’s Street Mailing Address: 433 W. Madison Street City, State/Province, Country, Postal/Zip Code (if used, include Zip+ numbers): Pulaski, TN 38478 1 3rd Stage: ITTPC Program Re-Certification Application Packet Rev 6/8/2013 3. Your Permission for ITTPC to use this appl. packet as a “Sample Appl.” or a “Model Program”: _X_ YES __ NO, I prefer not. Occasionally, applications are selected to post on the ITTPC website as either a “Sample Application” or a “Model Program” for colleagues to share ideas with colleagues, & to see ‘how it may be done’. A “YES” reply gives ITTPC permission to post the full contents of YOUR appl. packet on our website. 4. Your Program’s Administrative Structure, & all Program Contact(s) for This Application: Read through our Option ‘A’, ‘B’, & ‘C’ listed below for our descriptions of administration/supervision of tutor training programs. Mark an “X” by which of ‘Option’ listed below best describes the administration/supervision of your program. Complete all of the information requested in the related table for the option (A, B, or C) you selected. Question: “What information should I include within the table below?” the name of EACH program unit you are requesting to be certified on this application, and each of its related campuses; If more than 1 program unit coordinates their 4 aspects of tutor training certification requirements, list the name(s) of each added program & their participating campus(es) & each of their related contact(s) name’s information; the name & information on each contact person responsible for one or more aspects of that program’s tutor training certification requirements: a) Tutor Selection, b) Tutor Training Topics, c) Tutor Experience Tracking, & d) Tutor Evaluations. If one person supervises multiple programs/campuses, list that person’s name for that program/campus entry. [PLEASE list permanent employees only! No temp employees, grad students, etc. as a more permanent contact name is needed.] DEFINITIONS: ‘A Program Unit’ = each program name and its related campus listed in your table. ‘Primary-Program Unit’ = the first program name and campus listed on this application, acting as an initial entry for this entire certification. ‘Primary Contact’ listed for each program = person who overseas & is directly responsible for that whole tutor training program. ‘other contact’ = person who directly is responsible for one or more aspects of that program’s tutor training certification requirements (‘a-d’ above). ALL 4 of these aspects of tutor training certification requirements must be accomplished by each program & each campus applying together: a) Tutor Selection, b) Tutor Training Topics, c) Tutor Experience Tracking, &, d) Tutor Evaluations. There are three options for an institution applying for certification under one certificate: Option A: 1 program on 1 campus [certificate will include the Institution name, 1 Program name, & 1 Campus name]; Option B: 1 program on more than 1 campus, where each campus listed coordinates, & includes ALL 4 aspects (a-d) of that program’s tutor training certification requirements [certificate will include the Institution name, 1 Program name, & each coordinating Campus]; Option C: more than 1 program operating on 1 or more campuses, where each program and each of their related campus(es) coordinate, and, each one includes these same 4 aspects (a-d) of the programs’ tutor training certification requirements [certificate will include the Institution name, each Program name, & each coordinating Campus name]. Each ‘contact’ you list below should also submit a signed “Application Agreement” (See appl: Section 8) to the “Primary Contact” to keep in their files. DO NOT SUBMIT their signed form with your application. The signed application agreement indicates that they agree they will continue to follow the CRLA-ITTPC requirements for each level of tutor training at their program’s campus, just as approved for this certification. 2 3rd Stage: ITTPC Program Re-Certification Application Packet Rev 6/8/2013 _X_ Option A: Primary-Program Unit only [1 Program on 1 Campus], listed under one certificate, where that one program is directly responsible for all of these tutor training program aspects/functions: a) Tutor Selection; b) Tutor Training Topics; c) Tutor Experience Tracking; d) Tutor Evaluations. Fees required: The ‘Primary-Program Unit Fee’ per level requested in this application. [ITTPC website: “Application Fees”.] Each ‘contact’ you list below should also submit a signed “Application Agreement” (See appl: Section 8) to the “Primary Contact” to keep in their files. DO NOT SUBMIT their signed form with your application. The signed application agreement indicates that they agree they will continue to follow the CRLA-ITTPC requirements for each level of tutor training at their program’s campus, just as approved for this certification. Primary-Program Unit’s Name where all 4 tutor training functions are done. Student Center Student Center Student Center Related Campus Name Resource Martin Methodist College Resource Martin Methodist College Resource Martin Methodist College Dr. / Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. Mr. Ms. Mr. Primary Contact & Other Contact Names: Name, & Position Title (Your Primary Contact): B.J. Keeton, Student Resource Center Director (your other contacts): Lisa James, Student Resource Center Assistant Director Austin King, Student Resource Center Tutor Coordinator Email address Phone # 931-424-4050 931-363-9888 931-363-9888 [To add a row to the table, place the cursor in the last cell of the table, and press the ‘tab’ key.] 3 3rd Stage: ITTPC Program Re-Certification Application Packet Rev 6/8/2013 __ Option B: Primary-Program Unit plus Additional-Campus Unit(s) [1 program on more than 1 campus], listed under one certificate, where that one program coordinates with more than 1 campus, and that program and each campus are directly responsible for all of these tutor training program certification requirement aspects/functions: a) Tutor Selection; b) Tutor Training Topics; c) Tutor Experience Tracking; &, d) Tutor Evaluations. Fees required: The ‘Primary-Program Unit Fee’ per level requested in this application, plus an added $50 per level charge for each added campus on this appl. [See the ITTPC website: “Application Fees”.] Each ‘contact’ you list below should also submit a signed “Application Agreement” (See appl: Section 8) to the “Primary Contact” to keep in their files. DO NOT SUBMIT their signed form with your application. The signed application agreement indicates that they agree they will continue to follow the CRLA-ITTPC requirements for each level of tutor training at their program’s campus, just as approved for this certification. Each Program Unit’s Name where all 4 tutor training functions are done. [First list primary-program unit & related campus, then any added Campus name(s)] [samples] [primary-program unit ‘A1’] Learning Support Center [primary-program unit ‘A2’] Learning Support Center Related Campus Name for Each Program you listed Dr. / Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. [samples]: North Campus South Campus Primary Contact & Other Contact Names: Name, & Position Title [Include this information for each campus you listed in this table.] [samples] Dr. Mr. Rick Sheets, Learning Support Center Director (primary contact) John Smith, Learning Support Center Coordinator Email address Phone # [samples] [samples] 623-240-0572 623-240-0573 (Your Primary Contact): (your other contacts): [To add a row to the table, place the cursor in the last cell of the table, and press the ‘tab’ key.] 4 3rd Stage: ITTPC Program Re-Certification Application Packet Rev 6/8/2013 __ Option C: Primary-Program Unit plus Additional Program Unit(s) [more than 1 program operating on 1 or more campuses], listed under one certificate, where each program and each of their related campus(es) coordinate, & each program and each campus are directly responsible for all of these tutor training program certification requirement aspects/functions: a) Tutor Selection; b) Tutor Training Topics; c) Tutor Experience Tracking; &, d) Tutor Evaluations. Fees required: The ‘Primary-Program Unit Fee’ per level requested in this application, plus an added $50 per level charge for each added program and added campus on this appl. [See the ITTPC website: “Application Fees”.] Each ‘contact’ you list below should also submit a signed “Application Agreement” (See appl: Section 8) to the “Primary Contact” to keep in their files. DO NOT SUBMIT their signed form with your application. The signed application agreement indicates that they agree they will continue to follow the CRLA-ITTPC requirements for each level of tutor training at their program’s campus, just as approved for this certification. Each Program Unit’s Name where all 4 tutor training functions are done. [First list primary-program unit & related campus, and any added Campus name(s), then any added Program(s) & their related Campus name(s)] [samples] [primary-program unit ‘A1’] Learning Support Center [primary-program unit ‘A2’] Learning Support Center [added-program unit ‘B1’] Student-Athlete Tutoring Related Campus Name for Each Program you listed Dr. / Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. Email address Phone # [samples] [samples]: North Campus Primary Contact & Other Contact Names: Name, & Position Title [Include this information for each program at each campus you listed in this table.] Dr. Rick Sheets, Learning Support Center Director, North & South Campuses (primary contact) [sample]] [samples] 623-240-0572 South Campus Mr. John Smith, Learning Support Center Coordinator 623-240-0573 North Campus Dr. Jane Doe, Student-Athlete Program Director 623-240-0574 (Your Primary Contact): (your other contacts): [To add a row to the table, place the cursor in the last cell of the table, and press the ‘tab’ key.] 5 3rd Stage: ITTPC Program Re-Certification Application Packet Rev 6/8/2013 Section 2: Overview of Your Tutoring and Tutor Training Program Application Instructions & Hints DIRECTIONS: Insert or attach a summary of your program overview. In a few pages, include the following items that focus your tutoring program in general: a. Program history c. Reporting lines e. Services and students served b. Program objectives d. Source(s) of funding f. Program location(s) & facility(ies) Also include the items that focus specifically on your tutor training program: g. Training guidelines (administration, selection, hours, tracking, evaluation, etc.) h. Briefly describe how you generally conduct your training (group size, meeting frequency / length, type of presentations, etc.) BRIEF PROGRAM OVERVIEW The response to this section is included in attached document “SRC Program Overview.docx”. Section 3: Verification of Certification Requirements Application Instructions & Hints Section 3 is divided into separate areas for Levels I, II, & III, and each area contains questions A-F: A. Amount / Duration of Tutor Training C. Areas / Topics to be Covered in Tutor Training B. Mode of Tutor Training D. Required Tutoring Experience E. Tutor Selection Criteria F. Tutor Evaluation Criteria For each level you are requesting on this application, answer how your tutor training program has meets that minimum requirement criteria. Provide a brief description of how each requirement was met. Include your supporting documents (including pertinent page numbers) and samples showing how this requirement is met. Name those documents within their related question area. Also include your documents and samples in the “Section 5: List of Supporting Documents”. Be aware of copyright issues in the use of your supporting materials. Be thorough, but brief. CRLA’s Copyright Policy: “Compliance with federal copyright law is expected of all CRLA-ITTPC programs. It is our legal and ethical responsibility to give authorship credit for all materials we use in the classroom, or tutor, or mentor training. Additionally, it is our legal and ethical responsibility to purchase, or to have students purchase, any copyrighted materials used in training. Programs found to be in violation of copyright law will lose their CLRA-ITTPC certification.” I am the primary contact for this program, and I have read CRLA’s Copyright Policy above, and I agree that our program will follow it throughout this certification period. Name : _________________B.J. Keeton_____________________________________________ 2/17/2014 As this program’s primary contact, your required signature can be submitted as: a .jpg; an e-sig (e-signature), or just typed in. 6 3rd Stage: ITTPC Program Re-Certification Application Packet Rev 6/8/2013 I. REQUIREMENTS FOR LEVEL I CERTIFICATION A. Application Instructions & Hints AMOUNT / DURATION OF TUTOR TRAINING – Level I: Minimum of ten (10) hours of tutor training that meet as one or both of the following options: [Mark an “X” by all that apply.] 1. _x_ tutor training is offered as a course. Time to complete training: __ quarter / _1_ semester / __ year 2. __ tutor training is a set of meetings/sessions. Time to complete training: __ quarter / __ semester / __ year B. MODES OF TUTOR TRAINING - Level I: 1. Minimum of six (6) hours of tutor training must be: Tutor-trainer supervised, Interactive, Live, and Real-time [TILR], and may take one or more of the following forms: [Mark an “X” by all that apply.] a. _X_ b. _X_ workshop instruction or seminar session face-to-face or online discussions c. __ Multi-User Environment (MUVE, like Second Life) d. _X_ conferences with a tutor trainer or a supervisor 2. Additional modes of training used include: [Mark an “X” by all that apply.] a. _X_ videotapes, DVDs, and/or websites d. _X_ special tutor projects b. __ Webquests, podcasts, webcasts, wikis, blogs e. __ Other (specify): ___ c. _X_ texts, handouts, scavenger hunts C. AREAS / TOPICS TO BE COVERED IN TUTOR TRAINING - Level I: A minimum of eight (8) of the following topics should be covered in Level I training. [Topics with ‘and/or’ count as only 1 choice.] The exact amount of time devoted to each topic may vary. Mark an “X” below for each topic covered in your Level I training sessions. #1 _X_ Definition of tutoring and tutor responsibilities #2 X_ Basic tutoring guidelines and/or Tutoring do's and/or Tutoring don'ts #3 _X_ Techniques for successfully beginning & ending a tutor session #4 _X_ Adult learners and/or Learning theory and/or Learning styles #5 _X_ Assertiveness and/or Handling difficult students #6 _X_ Role modeling #7 __ Setting goals and/or Planning #8 _X_ Communication skills #9 _X_ Active listening and paraphrasing 7 3rd Stage: ITTPC Program Re-Certification Application Packet #10 __ #11 __ #12 _X_ #13 _X_ Referral skills Study skills Critical thinking skills Compliance with the ethics and/or philosophy of the Tutor Program, and/or Sexual Harassment, and/or Plagiarism #14 _X_ Modeling problem solving #15 _ _ Other(s) (specify): ____ Rev 6/8/2013 D. REQUIRED TUTORING EXPERIENCE - Level I: Required for Level I: Tutors must complete at least 25 hours of actual tutoring time. Documentation is required. 1. Briefly describe the tracking & reporting method(s) you use to monitor the time your tutors spend actually working with students. We use TutorTrac software to track time that consultants and students spend together, as well as other pertinent data. We also use physical copies of Session Summary Sheets which are copied in triplicate to the student, instructor, and the SRC’s records that include student name, date, and lengths of sessions (sample included in packet and listed in Section 5 as SRC Session Summary Sheet.pdf). 2. Include a sample report for at least one tutor over a time period of at least 2 weeks. [Create a sample report, if you wish.] Your report(s) should include the following: the tutor’s name, students’ names, times in & out, & the total tutor time actually working with students during that period. List your report name(s) below. Also include the report name(s) in the “Section 5: List of Supporting Documents”. REPORT NAME(s): SRC Tutor Report.xls in Section 5. A Simple Tutor Log Option: If you do not currently have a tracking method in place, you can implement one now by doing the following: each tutor maintains a log of each tutoring session (student’s name, date, & length of time) until they reach at least the 25 required hours. The tutor submits it to the supervisor to show they have met this requirement. E. TUTORING SELECTION CRITERIA - Level I: Briefly describe your tutor selection process, and how it meets the criteria below. Be sure to list the names of each sample document you included here, & also in the “Section 5: List of Supporting Documents”. [Examples: Tutor Application, Faculty Referral Form, or Tutor Job Postings.] Criteria One: An interview plus at least one of these options: [Mark an “X” by all that apply.] a. _X_ the written approval of a content and/or skill instructor b. _X_ an endorsement of a tutor trainer and/or supervisor Criteria Two: Selection also includes at least one of the following methods: [Mark an “X” by all that apply.] a. _X_ grade of “A” or “B” in the subject content being tutored, b. __ documented experience equivalent to a grade of “A” or “B” in the subject content to be tutored. F. TUTORING EVALUATION CRITERIA - Level I: 1. Mark an “X” for any of the evaluation criteria below that is true for your program. a. _X_ a formal and/or informal evaluation process is in place b. _X_ a formal and/or informal evaluation occurs on a regular basis c. __ the results of the evaluation process are made known to the tutors 2. Briefly describe your tutor evaluation process, and how it meets the criteria you marked above. 8 3rd Stage: ITTPC Program Re-Certification Application Packet Rev 6/8/2013 The SRC evaluates our tutors based on session surveys given at random to students who have met with consultants, giving them the opportunity to anonymously give feedback about what our tutors do right and what can be improved for future sessions. The tutors never see the surveys, and the SRC administration evaluates the overall and individual data to determine what improvements and changes need to be implemented, as well as to keep an eye on issues that students may not be willing to report without being anonymous. 3. Provide sample evaluation documents, and also include them in the “Section 5: List of Supporting Documents”. Listed as SRC Tutor Evaluation Form.doc in Section 5. II. REQUIREMENTS FOR LEVEL II CERTIFICATION Application Instructions & Hints A. AMOUNT / DURATION OF TUTOR TRAINING – Level II: Minimum of ten (10) hours of tutor training that meet as one or both of the following options: [Mark an “X” by all that apply.] 1. __ our tutor training course meets: __ each quarter / __ each semester / __ annually 2. __ our tutor training non-course meets: __ each quarter / __ each semester / __ annually B. MODES OF TUTOR TRAINING - Level II: 1. Minimum of four (4) hours of tutor training must be: Tutor-trainer supervised, Interactive, Live, and Real-time [TILR], and may take one or more of the following forms: [Mark an “X” by all that apply.] a. __ workshop instruction or seminar session c. __ Multi-User Environment (MUVE, like Second Life) b. __ face-to-face or online discussions d. __ conferences with a tutor trainer or a supervisor 2. Additional modes of training used include: [Mark an “X” by all that apply.] a. __ videotapes, DVDs, and/or websites d. __ special tutor projects b. __ Webquests, podcasts, webcasts, wikis, blogs e. __ Other (specify): ___ c. __ texts, handouts, scavenger hunts C. AREAS / TOPICS TO BE COVERED IN TUTOR TRAINING - Level II: In addition to reviewing the topics covered in Level I training, a minimum of four (4) of the following topics should be covered in Level II training. [Topics with ‘and/or’ count as only 1 choice.] The exact amount of time devoted to each topic may vary. Mark an “X” below for each topic covered in your Level II training sessions. #1 __ Review of Level I topics (REQUIRED) Plus at Least 4 of the Following Topic Choices: #2 #3 #4 9 __ Use of Probing Questions __ Brain Dominance Learning __ Cultural Awareness, and/or Inter-cultural Communications, and/or Diversity, and/or Special Needs Students 3rd Stage: ITTPC Program Re-Certification Application Packet Rev 6/8/2013 #5 __ Identifying and Using Resources #6 __ Tutoring in Specific Skills, and/or Subject Areas #7 __ Assessing or Changing Study Behaviors #8 _ _ Other(s) (specify): ____ [NOTE: You may use more than one “Other” in training, but all will count only as 1 of the required topics.] #9 __ Exception: You may substitute one unused topic from Level I or Level III for ONE of the options above but you MUST include a justification or need for that substitution: D. REQUIRED TUTORING EXPERIENCE - Level II: Required for Level II: After completion of all of the Level I requirements, Level II tutors must complete at least 25 additional hours of actual tutoring time, for a minimum of 50 cumulative hours of actual tutoring. Documentation is required. 1. Briefly describe the tracking & reporting method(s) you use to monitor the time your tutors spend actually working with students. 2. Include a sample report for at least one tutor over a time period of at least 2 weeks. [Create a sample report, if you wish.] Your report(s) should include the following: the tutor’s name, students’ names, times in & out, & the total tutor time actually working with students during that period. List your report name here, and include the report name(s) in the “Section 5: List of Supporting Documents”. REPORT NAME: A Simple Tutor Log Option: If you do not currently have a tracking method in place, you can implement one now by doing the following: each tutor maintains a log of each tutoring session (student’s name, date, & length of time) until they reach at least these 25 required hours. The tutor submits it to the supervisor to show they have met this requirement. III. E. TUTORING SELECTION CRITERIA - Level II = Met at Level I F. TUTORING EVALUATION CRITERIA - Level II = Met at Level I REQUIREMENTS FOR LEVEL III CERTIFICATION A. Application Instructions & Hints AMOUNT / DURATION OF TUTOR TRAINING – Level III: Minimum of ten (10) hours of tutor training that meet as one or both of the following options: [Mark an “X” by all that apply.] 1. __ our tutor training course meets: __ each quarter / __ each semester / __ annually 2. __ our tutor training non-course meets: __ each quarter / __ each semester / __ annually B. MODES OF TUTOR TRAINING - Level III: 10 3rd Stage: ITTPC Program Re-Certification Application Packet Rev 6/8/2013 1. Minimum of two (2) hours of tutor training must be: Tutor-trainer supervised, Interactive, Live, and Real-time [TILR], and may take one or more of the following forms: [Mark an “X” by all that apply.] a. __ workshop instruction or seminar session c. __ Multi-User Environment (MUVE, like Second Life) b. __ face-to-face or online discussions d. __ conferences with a tutor trainer or a supervisor C. 2. Additional modes of training used include: [Mark an “X” by all that apply.] a. __ videotapes, DVDs, and/or websites d. __ special tutor projects b. __ Webquests, podcasts, webcasts, wikis, blogs e. __ Other (specify): ___ c. __ texts, handouts, scavenger hunts AREAS / TOPICS TO BE COVERED IN TUTOR TRAINING - Level III: In addition to reviewing the topics covered in Levels I & II training, a minimum of four (4) of the following topics should be covered in Level III training. [Topics with ‘and/or’ count as only 1 choice.] The exact amount of time devoted to each topic may vary. Mark an “X” below for each topic covered in your Level III training sessions. #1 __ Review of Level s I & II topics (REQUIRED) Plus at Least 4 of the Following Topic Choices: #2 __ Self-regulated Learning, and/or Brain Learning, and/or Memory #3 __ How to Tutor/Deal with Target Populations #4 __ The Role of Learning Centers in Higher Education #5 __ Structuring the Learning Experience #6 __ Training and Supervising Other Tutors (Supervisory Skills) #7 __ Group Management Skills (Group Interaction and Group Dynamics) #8 _ _ Other(s) (specify): ____ [NOTE: You may use more than one “Other” in training, but all will count only as 1 of the required topics.] #9 __ Exception: You may substitute one unused topic from Level I or Level II for ONE of the options above but you MUST include a justification or need for that substitution. D. REQUIRED TUTORING EXPERIENCE - Level III: Required for Level III: After completion of all of the Levels I & II requirements, Level III tutors must complete at least 25 additional hours of actual tutoring time, for a minimum of 75 cumulative hours of actual tutoring. Documentation is required. 1. Briefly describe the tracking & reporting method(s) you use to monitor the time your tutors spend actually working with students. 2. Include a sample report for at least one tutor over a time period of at least 2 weeks. [Create a sample report, if you wish.] Your report(s) should include the following: 11 3rd Stage: ITTPC Program Re-Certification Application Packet Rev 6/8/2013 the tutor’s name, students’ names, times in & out, & the total tutor time actually working with students during that period. List your report name here, and include the report name(s) in the “Section 5: List of Supporting Documents”. REPORT NAME: A Simple Tutor Log Option: If you do not currently have a tracking method in place, you can implement one now by doing the following: each tutor maintains a log of each tutoring session (student’s name, date, & length of time) until they reach at least these 25 required hours. The tutor submits it to the supervisor to show they have met this requirement. E. TUTORING SELECTION CRITERIA - Level III = Met at Level I F. TUTORING EVALUATION CRITERIA - Level III = Met at Level I Section 4.1: Summary Charts - Level I (Required for Level 1 application) Application Instructions & Hints This summary chart creates a more complete “snap-shot” of your tutor training program for the reviewers. If applying for Level I on this application, include these items within the chart below: Minimums: at least eight (8) of the Level I topics must be covered. The amount of time devoted to each ITTPC topic may vary. These ITTPC topic names must match your choices marked in Level I: Section 3-C of this application. Required “Tutor-trainer supervised, Interactive, Live, and Real-time (if online)” training sessions should be marked as “TILR”, and must add up to at least six (6) hours. Be sure the total minimum of hours shown here adds up to at least ten (10) hours of training time. SUMMARY CHART – LEVEL I : Session Title “Definition of Tutoring and Responsibilities” ITTPC Topic When Covered Amount of time Jan. 10th 50 mins. “Definition of Tutoring and Tutor Responsibilities” “Tutoring Guidelines; Do’s and Don’ts” “Basic Tutoring Guidelines; Tutoring Do’s and Don’ts” Jan. 17th 50 mins. “Adult Learners” “Adult Learners” Jan. 24th 50 mins. 12 3rd Stage: ITTPC Program Re-Certification Application Packet Methods Used Specify the Materials Used / Documentation (include page numbers) Cover syllabus; class In The Master Tutor: discussion; reading “Assess Your Knowledge” selection from The exercise on page vii; “Assess Your Master Tutor; selfSkills” exercise on page viii. analysis exercises Role-playing; discussion; reading selection from The Master Tutor Class discussion; handout The Master Tutor, pgs. 1-21. Handout worksheet Rev 6/8/2013 “Theory and Styles” “Communication Skills” “Learning theory; Learning styles” 50 mins. Jan. 31 st “Communication Skills” Feb. 7th “Sexual Harassment; Ethics” “Sexual harassment; Compliance with the Feb. 14th ethics and philosophy of the tutor program” 50 mins. Class discussion; reading selection from The Master Tutor Role-playing; class discussion; reading selection from The Master Tutor The Master Tutor, pgs. 75-90 The Master Tutor, pgs. 44-72; exercises on page 71 and page 72. 50 mins. Role-playing; class discussion TBD “Ethics, cont.; Plagiarism” “Plagiarism” Feb. 21st 50 mins. Class discussion; exercises from The Master Tutor The Master Tutor, exercises on pgs. 17 and 20. “Assertiveness; Difficult Students” “Assertiveness/ Handling difficult students” Feb. 28th 50 mins. Role-playing; class discussion; exercises from The Master Tutor The Master Tutor, exercises on pgs. 3-5. “ESL students/ Language and Cultural Barriers” “Other: Language and Cultural Barriers; Working with ESL Learners” Mar. 14th 50 mins. Class discussion; reading selection from The Master Tutor The Master Tutor, pgs. 91-97 “ESL students/ Language and Cultural Barriers, continued” “Other: Language and Cultural Barriers; Working with ESL Learners” Mar. 21st 50 mins. Class discussion; reading selection and exercises from The Master Tutor The Master Tutor, pgs. 98-114; exercises on pgs. 94, 95, 98, 103 13 3rd Stage: ITTPC Program Re-Certification Application Packet Rev 6/8/2013 “Role Modeling” “Role modeling” Mar. 28th 50 mins. “Study Skills” “Study skills” Apr. 4th 50 mins. “Critical Thinking” “Critical thinking skills” Apr. 11th 50 mins. Class discussion; handout Workshops; talk about upcoming term paper Class discussion; term papers due; final exercises in The Master Tutor TBD TBD The Master Tutor, pgs. 119 and 120. [To add a row to the table, place the cursor in the last cell of the table, and press the ‘tab’ key.] Section 4.2: Summary Charts - Level II (Required for Level 2 application) Application Instructions & Hints This summary chart creates a more complete “snap-shot” of your tutor training program for the reviewers. If applying for Level II on this application, include these items within the chart below: Minimums: a review session of the Level I topics your covered before, and four (4) of the Level II topics must be covered. The amount of time devoted to each ITTPC topic may vary. These ITTPC topic names must match your choices marked in Level II: Section 3-C of this application. Required “Tutor-trainer supervised, Interactive, Live, and Real-time (if online)” training sessions should be marked as “TILR”, and must add up to at least four (4) hours. Be sure the total minimum of hours shown here adds up to at least ten (10) hours of training time. SUMMARY CHART – LEVEL II : Session Title 14 ITTPC Topic When Covered 3rd Stage: ITTPC Program Re-Certification Application Packet Amount of time Methods Used Specify the Materials Used / Documentation (include page numbers) Rev 6/8/2013 [To add a row to the table, place the cursor in the last cell of the table, and press the ‘tab’ key.] Section 4.3: Summary Charts - Level III (Required for Level 3 application) Application Instructions & Hints This summary chart creates a more complete “snap-shot” of your tutor training program for the reviewers. If applying for Level III on this application, include these items within the chart below: Minimums: a review session of Level I & Level II topics your covered before, and four (4) of the Level III topics must be covered. The amount of time devoted to each ITTPC topic may vary. These ITTPC topic names must match your choices marked in Level III: Section 3-C of this application. Required “Tutor-trainer supervised, Interactive, Live, and Real-time (if online)” training sessions should be marked as “TILR”, and must add up to at least four (4) hours. Be sure the total minimum of hours shown here adds up to at least ten (10) hours of training time. SUMMARY CHART – LEVEL III : Session Title 15 ITTPC Topic When Covered 3rd Stage: ITTPC Program Re-Certification Application Packet Amount of time Methods Used Specify the Materials Used / Documentation (include page numbers) Rev 6/8/2013 [To add a row to the table, place the cursor in the last cell of the table, and press the ‘tab’ key.] Section 5: List of Supporting Documents Application Instructions & Hints Provide a cumulative listing of ALL the documents / files / samples you referenced in the various application sections as evidence for certification. APA or MLA format is NOT required. Be thorough & consistent in format. For helpful format tips, see Part E: Naming my ‘Sample’ Documents and My Comprehensive “List of Supporting Documents” in Section 5 Sample documents can include the following: Administrative Documents like: In-house tutor training manual Tutor application Faculty Referral Form Tutor Job Posting Brochures / Flyers / posters Tutor training guides Tutoring Time tracking forms Evaluation Forms Level Specific Training Documents like: Workshop overview or description PowerPoint Presentations (.ppt) Course syllabi Session descriptions or overviews Assignments or learning logs Handouts, scenarios, or role plays Websites used Titles & ISBN numbers of copyrighted books (.doc), videos, DVDs, Surveys, or other training materials My List of Supporting Documents: Administrative Documents: (alphabetical listing of documents) SRC Program Overview.docx SRC Session Summary Sheet.pdf SRC Tutor Agreement.docx SRC Tutor Application.pdf SRC Tutor Evaluation Form.doc SRC Tutor Report.xls SRC Tutor Training.docx Level I Training Documents: (alphabetical listing of documents) “The Master Tutor” 2nd Edition by Ross B. MacDonald, PhD. ISBN# 0-935-637-27-3 TUT100 Difficult Student Roleplay.doc TUT100 Syllabus.docx Level II Training Documents: (alphabetical listing of documents) Level III Training Documents: (alphabetical listing of documents) 16 3rd Stage: ITTPC Program Re-Certification Application Packet Rev 6/8/2013 Section 6 (optional): Applicant’s Self-Check List (a link to a quick list of: ‘Did I do all I needed to do to complete this appl.?” Section 7 (optional): ITTPC “Application Agreement” Statement & Copyright Statement [Intended for multi-campus &/or multi-program appl. only. Return signed Section 7 form to your ‘Primary Contact’ - NOT to ITTPC.] Your tutor training program’s ‘Primary Contact’ is the person who overseas and is responsible for your whole tutor training program. Maintaining the consistency, quality, and integrity of your tutor training program requires a solid commitment from all those participating in it, and this is especially true for programs with multiple campuses &/ or multiple programs. ITTPC’s RECOMMENDATION: 1. Send a copy of the completed application “Section 1: Program Details” to each person you listed in the section 1.5 table ‘Program Contact(s) for This Program’s Application’, along with a copy of this “Application Agreement”, and the Copyright Policy Statements below. 2. Each person should complete and sign the statement below, and then RETURN their signed copy to the program’s ‘Primary Contact’ person, for them to keep on file with their copy of the application submitted. This can act as a way to reinforce consistency and quality in your tutor training program, as each signer agrees to the statement listed below. This is your decision, but we strongly recommend you use this instrument to help everyone to ‘keep to the program’. “Application Agreement: As a ‘contact’ listed for this program, I agree to continue to follow the ITTPC requirements for each level of tutor training at this program / campus, as it was approved for this certification period.” Martin Methodist College (program and campus name) Student Resource Center (tutoring center’s name) B.J. Keeton (typed contact’s name) ____________________ __/__/___ (signed name) (date signed) As a contact for this program’s team, return this signed agreement to your program’s primary contact for them to retain in their files. CRLA’s Copyright Policy: “Compliance with federal copyright law is expected of all CRLA-ITTPC programs. It is our legal and ethical responsibility to give authorship credit for all materials we use in the classroom, or tutor, or mentor training. Additionally, it is our legal and ethical responsibility to purchase, or to have students purchase, any copyrighted materials used in training. Programs found to be in violation of copyright law will lose their CLRA-ITTPC certification.” As a member of this Program’s Tutor Training Team, and I have read CRLA’s Copyright Policy above, and I agree that our program will follow it throughout this certification period. Name : _______________________________B.J. Keeton_______________________ 2/17/2014 As a contact for this program’s team, return this signed statement to your program’s primary contact for them to retain in their files. Thank you for your application to the CRLA-ITTPC Certification Program. The ITTPC Coordinator 17 3rd Stage: ITTPC Program Re-Certification Application Packet Rev 6/8/2013