University of Great Falls Library Auxiliary Sciences of History Author Sort CC15.A3 1986 V.5 1982 Title: Advances in world archaeology. Publication info: New York, N.Y. : Academic Press, c1982-1986. CB5.C4 1968 Title: A Century of social thought; a series of lectures delivered at Duke University during the academic year 1938-1939 as a part of the centennial celebration of that institution. Publication info: Freeport, N.Y., Books for Libraries Press [1968, c1939] CT120 .G695 2008 Index 2008 Title: Great lives from history. Cumulative indexes. Publication info: Pasadena, Calif. : Salem Press, 2008. CB161.H4 1967 Title: Here comes tomorrow! Living and working in the year 2000, by the staff of the Wall Street journal. Publication info: Princeton, N.J., Dow Jones Books [1967] CARROLL QA 11 P781 Title: how to solve it CUBBAGE PERSONAL CASSETTE Title: Mountain Belle Schottisch CB311.N3 1958 Title: Everyday life in ancient times; highlights of the beginnings of Western civilization in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome. With 215 illus., 120 paintings by H.M. Herget. Publication info: [Washington, National Geographic Society, 1958] CB245.L5 1951 Title: Picture history of Western man. Publication info: New York, Time inc., 1951. CHANDLER COPY Title: UGF 2001-2002 Budget CC78.8.A37 1985 1985 Title: Thermoluminescence dating / M.J. Aitken. Personal Author: Aitken, M. J. (Martin Jim) Publication info: London ; Orlando : Academic Press, 1985. CR27.A5 1962 Title: Heraldic design, its origins, ancient forms and modern usage. Personal Author: Allcock, Hubert. Publication info: New York, Tudor Pub. Co. [1962] CT31.A4 1965 Title: Lives and letters; a history of literary biography in England and America, by Richard D. Altick. Personal Author: Altick, Richard D. (Richard Daniel), 1915-2008 Publication info: New York, Knopf, 1965. CJ1826.A67 1970 Title: Fell's United States coin book. Personal Author: Andrews, Charles J. (Charles Jebez) Publication info: New York, F. Fell [1970, c1964] CC1 .A6 1897 Title: American journal of archaeology : the journal of the Archaeological Institute of America. Publication info: New York : Macmillan Co., 1897- CT3203 .A67 1956 Title: It all started with Eve [being a brief account of certain famous women, each of them richly endowed with some quality that drives men mad, omitting no impertinent and unbelievable fact, and based upon a stupendous amount of firsthand and secondhand research, some of it in books, by] Richard Armour. Suitably illustrated by Campbell Grant. Personal Author: Armour, Richard, 1906-1989. Publication info: New York, McGraw-Hill [c1956] CB351.A56 1958 1958 Title: The mind of the Middle Ages, A.D. 200-1500; an historical survey. Personal Author: Artz, Frederick Binkerd, 1894Publication info: New York, Knopf, 1958 [c1954] CC75 .A74 1996 1996 Title: Discovering our past : a brief introduction to archaeology / Wendy Ashmore, Robert J. Sharer. Personal Author: Ashmore, Wendy, 1948Publication info: Mountain View, Calif. : Mayfield Pub. Co., c1996. CC78.3.B34 1982 1982 Title: Tree-ring dating and archaeology / M.G.L. Baillie. Personal Author: Baillie, M. G. L. Publication info: Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1982. CB203.B44 1978 1978 Title: La Belle âepoque : fifteen euphoric years of European history / Eleonora Bairati ... [et al.]. Publication info: New York : W. Morrow, 1978. CT275.B313A3 1941 1941 Title: Native American, the book of my youth, by Ray Stannard Baker (David Grayson) Personal Author: Baker, Ray Stannard, 1870-1946. Publication info: New York, Scribner, 1941. CT104.B3 1940 1940 Title: Modern short biographies and autobiographies; edited by Marston Balch ... Personal Author: Balch, Marston, Publication info: New York, Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1940. CR4513 .B33 1980 Title: The reign of chivalry / Richard Barber. Personal Author: Barber, Richard W. Publication info: New York : St. Martin's Press, [c1980] CB53.B35 V.1 1935 Title: The history of western civilization, by Harry Elmer Barnes ... with the collaboration of Henry David ... Personal Author: Barnes, Harry Elmer, 1889-1968. Publication info: New York, Harcourt, Brace and company [1935] CB53.B36 1965 V.1 1965 Title: An intellectual and cultural history of the Western World, by Harry Elmer Barnes [and others] Personal Author: Barnes, Harry Elmer, 1889-1968. Publication info: New York, Dover Publications [1965] CT105.A514 1947 Title: These wonderful people; intimate moments in their lives. Personal Author: Barrows, Marjorie Publication info: Chicago, Peoples Book Club [1947] CT105.B3 1958 1958 Title: Darwin, Marx, Wagner: critique of a heritage. Personal Author: Barzun, Jacques, 1907Publication info: Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1958. CB151.B3 1964 1964 Title: Of human freedom. Personal Author: Barzun, Jacques, 1907Publication info: Philadelphia, Lippincott [1964] CB358.B3 1964 Title: Science: the glorious entertainment. Personal Author: Barzun, Jacques, 1907Publication info: New York, Harper & Row [1964] CB5.B4 1928 Title: Whither mankind; a panorama of modern civilization, edited by Charles A. Beard. Personal Author: Beard, Charles Austin, 1874-1948. Publication info: New York, Longmans, Green, 1928. CT275 .B5394 A3 1998 1999 Title: The boys of my youth / Jo Ann Beard. Personal Author: Beard, Jo Ann. Publication info: Boston : Back Bay Books, c1999. CB359 .B47 2004 2004 Title: Encyclopedia of the Renaissance and the Reformation / Thomas G. Bergin, consulting editor ; Jennifer Speake, general editor. Personal Author: Bergin, Thomas Goddard, 1904-1987. Publication info: New York : Facts On File, c2004. CB161.B46 1974 Title: The next ten thousand years; a vision of man's future in the universe. Personal Author: Berry, Adrian. Publication info: New York, Saturday Review Press; [distributed by] E. P. Dutton, 1974. CC77.5 .A75 1995 1995 Title: Archaeological geology of the Archaic Period in North America / edited by E. Arthur Bettis III. Publication info: Boulder, Colo. : Geological Society of America, 1995. CT275.J64G73 2005 2005 Title: Gravel in her gut and spit in her eye [videorecording]. Publication info: Bozeman, MT : KUSM-TV/Montana PBS, c2005. CC75.B48 1976 Title: An archaeological perspective / Lewis R. Binford ; with a contribution by George I. Quimby. Personal Author: Binford, Lewis Roberts, 1930- (Lewis Roberts) Publication info: New York ; London : Seminar Press, 1972 [i.e. 1976] CC65.B5 1968 Title: New perspectives in archeology. Edited by Sally R. Binford and Lewis R. Binford. Personal Author: Binford, Sally R. Publication info: Chicago, Aldine Pub. Co. [1968] CS71 .M8345 2003 2003 Title: Mordecai : an early American family / Emily Bingham. Personal Author: Bingham, Emily. Publication info: New York : Hill and Wang, 2003. CC83 .B58 2003 2003 Title: Archaeology by design / Stephen L. Black, Kevin Jolly. Personal Author: Black, Stephen L. Publication info: Walnut Creek, CA : AltaMira Press, c2003. CE11 .B58 1999 1999 Title: The Oxford companion to the year / Bonnie Blackburn & Leofranc Holford-Strevens. Personal Author: Blackburn, Bonnie J. Publication info: Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1999. CT9998.Q5C6 1937 1937 Title: Collected studies on the Dionne quintuplets, by W.E. Blatz, N. Chant, M.W. Charles, M.I. Fletcher, N.H.C. Ford, A.L. Harris, J.W. MacArthur, M. Mason, D.A. Millichamp, St. George's School for Child Study, the University of Toronto. Personal Author: Blatz, William E., 1895-1964. Publication info: Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1937. CT3203.B68 1917 Title: Great wives and mothers, by Rev. Hugh Francis Blunt. Personal Author: Blunt, Hugh Francis, 1877-1957. Publication info: New York, Devin-Adair Company [c1917] CT275 .B57984 A3 2002 2002 Title: Breaking clean / Judy Blunt. Personal Author: Blunt, Judy. Publication info: New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 2002. CB245.B63 1964 Title: The classical heritage and its beneficiaries : from the Carolingian Age to the end of the Renaissance / by R.R. Bolgar. Personal Author: Bolgar, R. R. (Robert Ralph) Publication info: New York : Harper & Row, 1964. CT104.B6 1929 Title: Twelve against the gods; the story of adventure. Personal Author: Bolitho, William, 1890-1930. Publication info: New York, Simon and Schuster, 1929. CB69 .B65 1992 1992 Title: The creators / Daniel J. Boorstin. Personal Author: Boorstin, Daniel J. (Daniel Joseph), 1914-2004 Publication info: New York : Random House, c1992. CB69 .B66 1983 1983 Title: The discoverers / Daniel J. Boorstin. Personal Author: Boorstin, Daniel J. (Daniel Joseph), 1914-2004 Publication info: New York : Random House, c1983. CB425.B668 1964 Title: The meaning of the twentieth century; the great transition [by] Kenneth E. Boulding. Personal Author: Boulding, Kenneth Ewart, 1910-1993 Publication info: New York, Harper & Row [1964] CURRENT ISSUES ONLY 1967 Title: The Philosopher's index. Publication info: Bowling Green, Ohio, Philosophy Documentation Center, Bowling Green University [etc.] Summary: "An international index to philosophical periodicals." CT213 .C36 1995 1995 Title: The Cambridge dictionary of American biography / edited by John S. Bowman. Publication info: Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1995. CB351.B67 1966 Title: The shape of medieval history; studies in modes of perception, by William J. Brandt. Personal Author: Brandt, William J. Publication info: New Haven, Yale University Press, 1966. CB78.B73 1995 1995 Title: A history of civilizations / Fernand Braudel ; translated by Richard Mayne. Personal Author: Braudel, Fernand. Publication info: New York : Penguin Books, 1995. CB245.B73 1963 Title: Ideas and men; the story of Western thought. Personal Author: Brinton, Crane, 1898-1968. Publication info: Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall [1963] CC115.B7B7 1963 1963 Title: Father of prehistory; the Abbe Henri Breuil: his life and times. Personal Author: Brodrick, Alan Houghton. Publication info: New York, Morrow, 1963. CB63.B8 1904 1904 Title: Introduction to the history of civilization in England; by Henry Thomas Buckle. Personal Author: Buckle, Henry Thomas, 1821-1862. Publication info: London, G. Routledge; New York, E.P. Dutton, 1904. CB417.B8 1966 Title: Age of progress, by S. C. Burchell and the editors of Time-Life Books. Personal Author: Burchell, S. C. Publication info: New York, Time, inc. [1966] CT275.E94B8 1947 Title: Three generations: Maria Boyle Ewing (1801-1864), Ellen Ewing Sherman (1824-1888), Minnie Sherman Fitch (1851-1913) Personal Author: Burton, Katherine, b. 1890. Publication info: New York, Longmans, Green, 1947. CB151.C273 1961 Title: Man, play, and games. Translated from the French by Meyer Barash. Personal Author: Caillois, Roger, 1913-1978 Publication info: [New York] Free Press of Glencoe [1961] CB311.C3 1949 1949 Title: The ancient world. Personal Author: Caldwell, Wallace Everett, 1890-1961. Publication info: New York, Holt, Rinehart, [1949] CT119.C35 1966 1966 Title: 100 great modern lives; makers of the world today from Faraday to Kennedy. Personal Author: Canning, John, 1920- Publication info: New York, Hawthorn Books [1966, c1965] CB351.C24 1994 1994 Title: The civilization of the Middle Ages : a completely revised and expanded edition of Medieval history, the life and death of a civilization / Norman F. Cantor. Personal Author: Cantor, Norman F. Publication info: New York : HarperPerennial, 1994. CB245.I3 V.1 1963 Title: Ideas and institutions in Western civilization. Norman F. Cantor, general editor. Publication info: [New York, Macmillan, 1963] CC76 .C37 2003 2003 Title: Excavation / David L. Carmichael, Robert H. Lafferty III, and Brian Leigh Molyneaux. Personal Author: Carmichael, David L. Publication info: Walnut Creek, Calif. : AltaMira Press, c2003. CT275.R75C3 1962 Title: John D. Rockefeller's secret weapon. Personal Author: Carr, Albert H. Z. Publication info: New York, McGraw-Hill [1962] CT31.C3 1946 Title: Alms for oblivion: books, men and biography [by] George Carver. Personal Author: Carver, George, 1888Publication info: Milwaukee, The Bruce Pub. Co. [1946] CC100.C4 1967 1967 Title: Gods, graves, and scholars; the story of archaeology, by C. W. Ceram. Translated from the German by E. B. Garside and Sophie Wilkins. Personal Author: Ceram, C. W., 1915-1972. Publication info: New York, Knopf, 1967. CC65 .M3 1966A 1966 Title: Hands on the past; pioneer archaeologists tell their own story, edited by C. W. Ceram. Personal Author: Ceram, C. W., 1915-1972, Publication info: New York, Knopf, 1966. CC100.M323 1958 Title: The march of archaeology, by C. W. Ceram [pseud.] [Translation from the German by Richard and Clara Winston. Personal Author: Ceram, C. W., 1915-1972. Publication info: New York, Knopf, 1958. CB361.C43 1967 1967 Title: Everyday life in Renaissance times [by] E.R. Chamberlin. Drawings by Helen Nixon Fairfield. Personal Author: Chamberlin, E. R. (Eric Russell), 1926-2006. Publication info: London, B.T.Batsford; New York, Capricorn Books [1967] CB425.R74C5 1968 Title: Rosenberg's Nazi myth. Personal Author: Chandler, Albert Richard, 1884-1957. Publication info: New York, Greenwood Press, 1968 [c1945] CT275 .C4865 A3 1999 1999 Title: Cowboys don't walk : a tale of two / by Anne Goddard Charter. Personal Author: Charter, Anne Goddard, 1913Publication info: Billings, Mont. : Western Organization of Resource Councils, c1999. CT275.R747C48 1950 Title: Abby Aldrich Rockefeller. Personal Author: Chase, Mary Ellen, 1887-1973. Publication info: New York, Macmillan, 1950. CR31.C5 1965 Title: Heraldic design; a handbook for students. With a foreword by A. Colin Cole. Personal Author: Child, Heather. Publication info: London, G. Bell [1965] CB311.C5 1951 1951 Title: Man makes himself. Personal Author: Childe, V. Gordon (Vere Gordon), 1892-1957. Publication info: New York] New American Library [1951] CB311.C54 1964 1964 Title: What happened in history / Gordon Childe ; with a new foreword by Grahame Clark. Personal Author: Childe, V. Gordon (Vere Gordon), 1892-1957. Publication info: Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1964. CT1828.C544 A3413 1978 1978 Title: Journey in tears : memory of a girlhood in China / by Chow Ching-li ; [translated from the French by Abby Israel]. Personal Author: Chow, Ching Lie, 1936Publication info: New York : McGraw-Hill, c1978. CT1828 .C544 A3413 1978 1978 Title: Template, book : memory of a girlhood in China / by Chow Ching-li ; [translated from the French by Abby Israel]. Personal Author: Chow, Ching Lie, 1936Publication info: New York : McGraw-Hill, c1978. CT275.C578A3 1950 1950 Title: Life of an American workman, by Walter P. Chrysler in collaboration with Boyden Sparkes. Personal Author: Chrysler, Walter Percy, 1875-1940. Publication info: New York, Dodd, Mead [1950] CB161 .A115 1999 1999 Title: The 21st century / edited by Hilary D. Claggett. Publication info: New York : H.W. Wilson, 1999. CB401.C6 1929 Title: The seventeenth century, by G.N. Clark ... Personal Author: Clark, G. N. (George Norman), Sir, 1890Publication info: Oxford, The Clarendon press, 1929. CC75.C5 1960 Title: Archaeology and society; reconstructing the prehistoric past. Personal Author: Clark, Grahame, 1907-1995. Publication info: London, Methuen;New York, Barnes & Noble,1960. CB68.C55 1969 1969 Title: Civilisation, a personal view / Kenneth Clark. Personal Author: Clark, Kenneth, 1903Publication info: [London] : John Murray, [1969] CB69 .C62 1990 1990 Title: Civilisation : a personal view / Kenneth Clark. Personal Author: Clark, Kenneth, 1903-1983. Publication info: New York : HarperPerennial, [1990?] CB68.C55 1970 1970 Title: Civilisation: a personal view [by] Kenneth Clark. Personal Author: Clark, Kenneth, 1903-1983 Publication info: New York, Harper & Row [1970, c1969] CN120.C55 1961 1961 Title: Lost languages. Personal Author: Cleator, P. E. (Philip Ellaby), 1908Publication info: New York, John Day Co. [1961] CB245.C56 2002 2002 Title: Western civilizations, their history & their culture / Judith G. Coffin ... [et al.]. Publication info: New York : Norton, c2002. CB59.C6 1967 Title: Democritus and the sources of Greek anthropology, by Thomas Cole. Personal Author: Cole, Thomas, 1933Publication info: [Cleveland] Published for the American Philological Association [Chapel Hill, N.C.] by the Press of Western Reserve University, 1967. CS1129 .B552 2008 2008 Title: The Bin Ladens : an Arabian family in the American century / Steve Coll. Personal Author: Coll, Steve. Publication info: New York : Penguin Press, 2008. Summary: The Bin Ladens rose from poverty to privilege; they loyally served the Saudi royal family for generations--and then one of their number changed history on September 11, 2001. Journalist Steve Coll tells the story of the rise of the Bin Laden family and of the wildly diverse lifestyles of the generation to which Osama bin Laden belongs, and against whom he rebelled. Starting with the family's escape from famine at the beginning of the twentieth century, through its jet-set era in America after the 1970s oil boom, and finally to the family's attempts to recover from September 11, this book unearths extensive new material about the family and its relationship with the United States, and provides a richly revealing and emblematic narrative of our globally interconnected times.--From publisher description. CC76.3 .C65 2003 2003 Title: Archaeological survey / James M. Collins and Brian Leigh Molyneaux. Personal Author: Collins, James M. Publication info: Walnut Creek, CA : Altamira Press, c2003. CT25.C678 1999 1999 Title: Memoirs and meaning / Jill Ker Conway. Personal Author: Conway, Jill K., 1934Publication info: Dayton, OH : University of Dayton, 1999. CB351.C58 1983 1983 Title: The medieval world view : an introduction / William R. Cook and Ronald B. Herzman. Personal Author: Cook, William R. (William Robert), 1943- Publication info: New York : Oxford University Press, 1983. CT275 C78 A3 2004 2004 Title: Sunny, ward of the state / Sonja Heinze Coryat. Personal Author: Coryat, Sonja Heinze, 1930Publication info: Baltimore, Md. : PublishAmerica, 2004. CB311.C85 1957 1957 Title: The anvil of civilization. Personal Author: Cottrell, Leonard. Publication info: [New York] New American Library [1957] CC70.C6 1971 1971 Title: The Concise encyclopedia of archaeology. Edited by Leonard Cottrell. Publication info: New York, Hawthorn Books [1971] CC165.C63 1957 Title: Lost cities. Personal Author: Cottrell, Leonard. Publication info: New York, Rinehart [1957] CB301.C73 1959 Title: The origin of civilized societies. Personal Author: Coulborn, Rushton. Publication info: Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press, 1959. CT1098.S45C6 1960 Title: Dr. Schweitzer of Lambarâenâe. With photos. by Clara Urquhart. Personal Author: Cousins, Norman. Publication info: New York, Harper [1960] CT275.C8855A3 1958 Title: The days before yesterday; illus. by Charles Walker. Personal Author: Crehan, Fern M. Publication info: New York, Dodd, Mead [1958] CT3234.C7 1966 1966 Title: The romantic way. Personal Author: Cronin, Vincent. Publication info: Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1966 [c1965] CT103 .C26 1994 1994 Title: The Cambridge biographical encyclopedia / [edited by] David Crystal. Publication info: Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1994. CB203 .C88 2001 2001 Title: Facing the ocean : the Atlantic and its peoples, 8000 BC-AD 1500 / Barry Cunliffe. Personal Author: Cunliffe, Barry W. Publication info: Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2001. CB245 .C86 V.1 1982 Title: Culture and values : a survey of the Western humanities / Lawrence Cunningham, John Reich. Personal Author: Cunningham, Lawrence. Publication info: New York : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, c1982. CB361.D27 1974 1974 Title: The Renaissance : basic interpretations / edited and with an introduction by Karl H. Dannenfeldt. Personal Author: Dannenfeldt, Karl H., Publication info: Lexington, Mass. : Heath, [1974] CB68 .D35 1969b 1969 Title: The evolution of man and society / C.D. Darlington. Personal Author: Darlington, C. D. (Cyril Dean), 1903Publication info: New York : Simon and Schuster, c1969. CT106.D38 1965 Title: Biography past and present; selections and critical essays, edited by William H. Davenport [and] Ben Siegel. Personal Author: Davenport, William Henry, 1908Publication info: New York, Scribner [1965] CB353.D3 1945 Title: The making of Europe; an introduction to the history of European unity, by Christopher Dawson ... Personal Author: Dawson, Christopher, 1889-1970. Publication info: New York, Sheed & Ward, 1945. CB353.D32 1954 Title: Medieval essays. Personal Author: Dawson, Christopher, 1889-1970. Publication info: New York, Sheed and Ward, 1954. CB245.D37 1952 Title: Understanding Europe. Personal Author: Dawson, Christopher, 1889-1970. Publication info: New York, Sheed and Ward, 1952. CR4801.D4 1964 1964 Title: The Queen's orders of chivalry. Personal Author: De la Bere, Ivan, Sir. Publication info: London, Spring Books [1964, c1961] CC75.D44 1971 Title: Man's imprint from the past; readings in the methods of archaeology. Selected by James Deetz. Personal Author: Deetz, James, Publication info: Boston, Little, Brown [1971] CT275 .D3664 A3 1999 1999 Title: Creeker : a woman's journey / Linda Scott DeRosier. Personal Author: DeRosier, Linda Scott, 1941Publication info: Lexington, KY : University Press of Kentucky, 1999. CC79.5.P58D56 1985 1985 Title: The palynology of archaeological sites / Geoffrey W. Dimbleby. Personal Author: Dimbleby, G. W. Publication info: London ; Orlando, Fla. : Academic Press, 1985. CT3203.D57 2004 2004 Title: Alone! Alone! : lives of some outsider women / Rosemary Dinnage. Personal Author: Dinnage, Rosemary. Publication info: New York : New York Review, 2004. CB353.D55 1976 1976 Title: Barbarian Europe / by Philip Dixon. Personal Author: Dixon, Philip Willis. Publication info: [Oxford] : Elsevier Phaidon, c1976. CB4523 .D7 1856 1856 Title: Knights and their days, by Dr. Doran. Personal Author: Doran, Dr. (John), 1807-1878. Publication info: New York, Redfield, 1856. CB245.D67 1978 1978 Title: Books that changed the world / Robert B. Downs. Personal Author: Downs, Robert B. (Robert Bingham), 1903-1991 Publication info: Chicago : American Library Association, 1978. CUBBAGE PERSONA COPY Title: Baroque, Classical & Romantic Periods Personal Author: Dr. Cubbage Personal coyp. CT275.H66D74 1985 1985 Title: Citizen Hughes / Michael Drosnin. Personal Author: Drosnin, Michael. Publication info: New York : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, c1985. CB19.D7713 1985 1985 Title: Dreamtime : concerning the boundary between wilderness and civilization / Hans Peter Duerr ; translated by Felicitas D. Goodman. Personal Author: Duerr, Hans Peter. Publication info: Oxford [Oxfordshire] ; New York, NY : B. Blackwell, 1985. CB53.D85 v.4 1950 Title: The age of faith : a history of medieval civilization--Christian, Islamic, and Judaic--from Constantine to Dante, A.D. 325-1300 / by Will Durant. Personal Author: Durant, Will, 1885-1981 Publication info: New York : Simon and Schuster, c1950. CB53.D85 v.8 1963 Title: The age of Louis XIV : a history of European civilization in the period of Pascal, Moliere, Cromwell, Milton, Peter the Great, Newton, and Spinoza: 1648-1715 / by Will and Ariel Durant. Personal Author: Durant, Will, 1885-1981 Publication info: New York : Simon & Schuster, 1963. CB53.D85 v11 1975 Title: The age of Napoleon : a history of European civilization from 1789 to 1815 / by Will and Ariel Durant. Personal Author: Durant, Will, 1885-1981 Publication info: New York : Simon and Schuster, 1975. CB53.D85 v.7 1961 Title: The age of reason begins : a history of European civilization in the period of Shakespeare, Bacon, Montaigne, Rembrandt, Galileo, and Descartes: 1558-1648 / by Will and Ariel Durant. Personal Author: Durant, Will, 1885-1981 Publication info: New York : Simon and Schuster, 1961. CB53.D85 v.9 1965 Title: The Age of Voltaire : a history of civilization in western Europe from 1715 to 1756, with special emphasis on the conflict between religion and philosophy / by Will and Ariel Durant. Personal Author: Durant, Will, 1885-1981 Publication info: New York : Simon & Schuster, 1965. CB53.D85 v.3 1972 Title: Caesar and Christ : a history of Roman civilization and of Christianity from their beginnings to A.D. 325 / by Will Durant. Personal Author: Durant, Will, 1885-1981 Publication info: New York : Simon and Schuster, c1972. CB53.D85 v.2 1966 Title: The life of Greece : being a history of Greek civilization from the beginnings, and of civilization in the Near East from the death of Alexander, to the Roman conquest, with an introduction on the prehistoric culture of Crete / by Will Durant. Personal Author: Durant, Will, 1885-1981 Publication info: New York : Simon and Schuster, c1966. CB53.D85 v.1 1964 Title: Our Oriental heritage : being a history of civilization in Egypt and the Near East to the death of Alexander, and in India, China and Japan from the beginning to our own day, with an introduction on the nature and foundations of civilization / by Will Durant. Personal Author: Durant, Will, 1885-1981 Publication info: New York : Simon and Schuster, 1954 [i.e. 1964], c1963. CB53.D85 v.6 1957 Title: The Reformation : a history of European civilization from Wyclif to Calvin, 1300-1564 / by Will Durant. Personal Author: Durant, Will, 1885-1981 Publication info: New York : Simon and Schuster, 1957. CB53.D85 v.5 1953 Title: The Renaissance : a history of civilization in Italy from 1304-1576 A.D. / by Will Durant. Personal Author: Durant, Will, 1885-1981. Publication info: New York : Simon and Schuster, 1953. CB53.D85 v.10 1967 Title: Rousseau and revolution : a history of civilization in France, England, and Germany from 1756, and in the remainder of Europe from 1715, to 1789 / by Will and Ariel Durant. Personal Author: Durant, Will, 1885-1981 Publication info: New York : Simon and Schuster, 1967. CB53.D35 V.1 1935 Title: The story of civilization. Personal Author: Durant, Will, 1885-1981 Publication info: New York : Simon and Schuster, 1935- CB151.E27 1973B 1973 Title: Liberation and the aims of science; an essay on obstacles to the building of a beautiful world. Personal Author: Easlea, Brian. Publication info: Totowa, N.J., Rowman and Littlefield [1973] CT275.E37A3 2001 2001 Title: A heartbreaking work of staggering genius / by Dave Eggers. Personal Author: Eggers, Dave. Publication info: New York : Vintage Books, 2001. CB19.E48 1949 1949 Title: Notes towards the definition of culture. Personal Author: Eliot, T. S. (Thomas Stearns), 1888-1965. Publication info: New York, Harcourt, Brace [1949] CD950 .K44 1993 1993 Title: Keeping archives / editor, Judith Ellis. Publication info: Port Melbourne, Vic. : Thorpe in association with the Australian Society of Archivists Inc., 1993. CC75 .A654 2000 2000 Title: Archaeological method and theory : an encyclopedia / editor, Linda Ellis. Publication info: New York : Garland Pub., 2000. CR109.E85 1959 Title: The observer's book of flags. Personal Author: Evans, I. O. (Idrisyn Oliver), 1894Publication info: London, Warne, c1959. CC75.7 .E97 2003 2003 Title: Artifacts / Charles R. Ewen. Personal Author: Ewen, Charles Robin. Publication info: Walnut Creek, CA : AltaMira Press, c2003. CB427.F25 1967 Title: The dynamics of change, by Don Fabun, assisted by Niels Sundermeyer. Art director: Bob Conover. Personal Author: Fabun, Don. Publication info: Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall [1967] CC165 .F28 1983 1983 Title: Archaeology : a brief introduction / Brian M. Fagan. Personal Author: Fagan, Brian M. Publication info: Boston : Little, Brown, c1983. CC65.A87 1976 1976 Title: Avenues to antiquity : readings from Scientific American / with introductions by Brian M. Fagan. Publication info: San Francisco : W. H. Freeman, c1976. CC75 .F34 1988 1988 Title: In the beginning : an introduction to archaeology / Brian M. Fagan. Personal Author: Fagan, Brian M. Publication info: Glenview, Ill. : Scott, Foresman, c1988. CC70.O96 1996 1996 Title: The Oxford companion to archaeology / editor in chief, Brian M. Fagan; editors, Charlotte Beck ... [et al.]. Publication info: New York : Oxford University Press, 1996. CB430.F44 1991 1991 Title: Consumer culture and postmodernism / Mike Featherstone. Personal Author: Featherstone, Mike. Publication info: London ; Newbury Park, Calif. : Sage, 1991. CC140 .F43 1996 1996 Title: Frauds, myths, and mysteries : science and pseudoscience in archaeology / Kenneth L. Feder. Personal Author: Feder, Kenneth L. Publication info: Mountain View, CA : Mayfield Pub., c1996. CE46 F44 2007 2007 Title: Caesar's calendar : ancient time and the beginnings of history / Denis Feeney. Personal Author: Feeney, D. C. Publication info: Berkeley : University of California Press, c2007. CB83.S66F46 1972 Title: Twilight of the evening lands; Oswald Spengler--a half century later [by] John F. Fennelly. Personal Author: Fennelly, John F. (John Fauntleroy), 1899Publication info: New York, Brookdale Press, [1972] CB361.F37 1940 Title: The renaissance / by Wallace K. Ferguson. Personal Author: Ferguson, Wallace Klippert, 1902Publication info: New York : H. Holt and company, [c1940]. CB361.F373 1948 Title: The Renaissance in historical thought : five centuries of interpretation / Wallace K. Ferguson. Personal Author: Ferguson, Wallace Klippert, 1902Publication info: Boston : Houghton Mifflin Co., 1948 CC165 .F58 1974 Title: History from the earth : an introduction to archaeology / [by] J. Forde-Johnston. Personal Author: Forde-Johnston, James L. Publication info: Greenwich, Conn. : New York Graphic Society, 1974. CB161.T6 1968 Title: Toward the year 2018. Edited by the Foreign Policy Association. Publication info: New York, Cowles Education Corp. [c1968] CD5344.F724 Title: Cylinder seals of Western Asia. Illustrations selected and photographed by W. and B. Forman. Text by D. J. Wiseman. Personal Author: Forman, Werner. Publication info: London, Batchworth Press [n.d. CB478 .F6 1962 1962 Title: Traditional cultures: and the impact of technological change. [by] George M. Foster. Personal Author: Foster, George McClelland, 1913Publication info: New York, Harper & Row [c1962] CB245 .F7 2003 2003 Title: The West : culture and ideas / A. Daniel Frankforter, William M. Spellman. Personal Author: Frankforter, A. Daniel. Publication info: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall, 2003. CB353.F7 1965 Title: Age of faith, by Anne Fremantle and the editors of Time-Life books. Personal Author: Fremantle, Anne Jackson, 1909-2002 Publication info: New York, Time, inc. [1965] CB428.F85 1981 1981 Title: Critical path / R. Buckminster Fuller. Personal Author: Fuller, R. Buckminster (Richard Buckminster), 1895-1983 Publication info: New York : St. Martin's Press, c1981. CURR LANG ARTS LB 1576.S42 1996 1996 Title: Scholastic literacy place / authors Linda Gambrell ... [et al.]. Publication info: New York : Scholastic, 1996. CT213 .A68 1999 V.5 1999 Title: American national biography / general editors, John A. Garraty, Mark C. Carnes. Publication info: New York : Oxford University Press, 1999. Review: "Over 10 years in the making, American National Biography is a fascinating study of the people who have shaped the United States. Why replace the Dictionary of American Biography instead of merely updating it through supplements? Because the editors include new scholarship and people who were missed in the original, especially women and ethnic minorities. Numbering 24 volumes and containing 17,500 entries, the work offers readable, informative, and critical biographies for each subject, the location of their papers (if they exist), and selective bibliographies. Excellent indexes--subject, contributor, place of birth, and occupation--enhance use. This is an outstanding set that will be heavily consulted for many years to come."--"Outstanding reference sources 2000", American Libraries, May 2000. Comp. by the Reference Sources Committee, RUSA, ALA. CT213.E53 1996 1996 Title: Encyclopedia of American biography / John A. Garraty, editor, Jerome L. Sternstein, editor. Publication info: New York : HarperCollins, c1996. CB411.G3 1966 Title: Age of enlightenment, by Peter Gay and the editors of Time-Life books. Personal Author: Gay, Peter, 1923Publication info: New York, Time, inc. [school and library distribution by Silver Burdett Co., 1966] CR21.G3 1961 Title: The nature of arms; an exposition of the meaning and significance of heraldry with special reference to its nobiliary aspects. Personal Author: Gayre of Gayre and Nigg, Robert, 1907Publication info: Edinburgh, Oliver and Boyd [1961] CT3262 .T4 S66 2003 2003 Title: Some of my heroes are ladies : women, ages 85 to 101, tell about life in the Texas Panhandle / transcribed & edited by Louise Carroll George. Publication info: Baltimore, MD : Gateway Press ; Dumas, TX (P.O. Box 252, Dumas 79029) : Book orders to L.C. George, 2003. CB195 .G613 1999 1999 Title: The inequality of human races / Arthur de Gobineau ; preface by George L. Mosse. Personal Author: Gobineau, Arthur, comte de, 1816-1882. Publication info: New York : H. Fertig, c1999. CB245 .S567 2003 V.1 2003 Title: The social dimension of western civilization / [compiled by] Richard M. Golden. Publication info: Boston : Bedford/St. Martin's, c2003. CT3748 .A73 2007 2007 Title: Arab women's lives retold : exploring identity through writing / edited by Nawar Al-Hassan Golley ; with a foreword by Miriam Cooke. Publication info: Syracuse, N.Y. : Syracuse University Press, 2007. CT275.S483G6 1967 Title: The man who built the Stone Castle. Personal Author: Gordon, Taylor, 1893-1971. Publication info: White Sulphur Springs, Mont., Printed by the Meagher County News [1967] CT120 .G687 2008 V.6 2008 Title: Great lives from history. The 20th century, 1901-2000 / editor, Robert F. Gorman. Publication info: Pasadena, Calif. : Salem Press, c2008. CR1618.G6 1966 1966 Title: A glossary of terms used in heraldry [by] Henry Gough & James Parker. Personal Author: Gough, Henry, 1821-1906. Publication info: [Detroit] Gale Research Co., 1966. CB161 .G67 1997 1997 Title: Questioning the millennium : a rationalist's guide to a precisely arbitrary countdown / Stephen Jay Gould. Personal Author: Gould, Stephen Jay. Publication info: New York : Harmony Books, c1997. CB19.G7 1955 1955 Title: Human needs. With drawings by George Morrow. Personal Author: Graham, Michael. Publication info: London, Cresset Press, 1951 [i.e. 1955] CB245.O733 1989 V.10 Title: The Origins of modern society [videorecording] : the Capstone Lectures in western culture / Stanford Alumni Association ; Stanford Instructional Television ; producer, [writer,] John O. Green ; director, Paul Marca. Publication info: Stanford CA : The Association, c1989. Summary: Sixteen lectures, originally given as a course at Stanford University, in the History Department during 1988. It represents the Graeco-Roman and western European contributions to modern culture from the classical era to present. CT220.G878 1970 Title: Representative men: cult heroes of our time, edited by Theodore L. Gross. Personal Author: Gross, Theodore L. Publication info: New York, Free Press [1970] CB19.G7613 1956 Title: The end of the modern world; a search for orientation. Translated by Joseph Theman and Herbert Burke. Edited with an introd. by Frederick D. Wilhelmsen. Personal Author: Guardini, Romano, 1885-1968. Publication info: New York, Sheed & Ward [1956] CT275 .G855 G8 1971 1971 Title: Death be not proud. Pref. by Cass Canfield. Personal Author: Gunther, John, 1901-1970. Publication info: New York, Harper & Row [1971] CT120.G8 1965 Title: Procession. Personal Author: Gunther, John, 1901-1970. Publication info: New York, Harper & Row [1965] CT275.T577H3 1935 Title: The magnate, William Boyce Thompson and his time (1869-1930) by Hermann Hagedorn ... Personal Author: Hagedorn, Hermann, 1882-1964. Publication info: New York, Reynal & Hitchcock [c1935] CB411.H38 1968 1968 Title: A cultural history of the Enlightenment. Personal Author: Hampson, Norman. Publication info: New York, Pantheon Books [c1968] CB478 .H36 1989 1989 Title: Disappearing through the skylight : culture and technology in the twentieth century / O.B. Hardison, Jr. Personal Author: Hardison, O. B. Publication info: New York, N.Y., U.S.A. : Viking, 1989. CB425.H24 1965 Title: The accidental century / Michael Harrington. Personal Author: Harrington, Michael, 1928-1989 Publication info: New York : Macmillan, 1965 CC77.5.H37 1989 1989 Title: Principles of archaeological stratigraphy / Edward C. Harris. Personal Author: Harris, Edward C., Ph. D. Publication info: London ; San Diego : Academic Press, 1989. CB311.H35 1976 1976 Title: The atlas of early man / Jacquetta Hawkes, assisted by David Trump. Personal Author: Hawkes, Jacquetta, 1910-1996 Publication info: New York : St. Martin's Press, 1976. CB369 .H35 1960 1960 Title: The counter-Renaissance / by Hiram Haydn. Personal Author: Haydn, Hiram Collins, 1907-1973. Publication info: New York : Grove Press, 1960, c1950. CB245.H35 1954 Title: Christianity and Western civilization. Personal Author: Hayes, Carlton J. H. (Carlton Joseph Huntley), 1882-1964 Publication info: Stanford, Stanford University Press [1954] CS49.H72X 1998 1998 Title: How to trace your native American heritage [videorecording] / a prodcution of Rich-Heape Films ; executive producer, Steven R. Heape ; director, Chip Richie. Publication info: Dallas, Tex. : Rich-Heape Films, c1998. Summary: Discusses how and where to research one's Indian lineage, how to obtain Certificate of Degree of Indian Blood, and how to obtain tribal membership. CT275 .H5665.A3 2005 2005 Title: Memories of a Big Sky British war bride / Irene Hope Hedrick. Personal Author: Hedrick, Irene Hope. Publication info: Guilford, Conn. : Globe Pequot Press, c2005. CB428.H44 1980 1980 Title: An inquiry into the human prospect : updated and reconsidered for the 1980s / Robert L. Heilbroner. Personal Author: Heilbroner, Robert L. Publication info: New York : Norton, c1980. CT3420.H4 1961 1961 Title: Love in five temperaments. Personal Author: Herold, J. Christopher. Publication info: New York, Atheneum, 1961. CC75.H45 1975 1975 Title: Field methods in archaeology / Thomas R. Hester, Robert F. Heizer, John A. Graham. Personal Author: Hester, Thomas R. Publication info: Palo Alto, Calif. : Mayfield Pub. Co., c1975. CT788.H5A53 1962 1962 Title: The prodigal rake; memoirs of William Hickey. Edited by Peter Quennell. Personal Author: Hickey, William, b. 1749. Publication info: New York, Dutton, 1962 [c1960] CC75.A735 1994 1994 Title: Archaeology [videorecording] : evidence of the past / A Lucerne Media presentation ; Audio Video, Inc. presents ; written and edited by Jeff Hildebrandt. Publication info: [Morris Plains, N.J.] : Lucerne Media, c1994. Summary: The principle activities of archaeologists, including site reconnaissance, excavation, classification, dating, and interpretation of materials unearthed are considered. Techniques of archaeological reconnaissance, including personal observation, aerial photography, ground probes, and electromagnetic detection are explored"--Notes on inside of container. CB359.H5 1969 Title: Men and ideas in the sixteenth century [by] Hans J. Hillerbrand. Personal Author: Hillerbrand, Hans Joachim. Publication info: Chicago, Rand McNally [1969] CT105.H622 1968 Title: Great men as prophets of a new era. Personal Author: Hillis, Newell Dwight, 1858-1929. Publication info: Freeport, N.Y., Books for Libraries Press [1968] CC165.H64 1969 1969 Title: An introduction to prehistoric archeology [by] Frank Hole [and] Robert F. Heizer. Personal Author: Hole, Frank. Publication info: New York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston [1969] CT275.A19A3 1966 Title: Education by uncles. Illustrated with decorations by Pauline Baynes and with photos. Personal Author: Homans, Abigail Adams. Publication info: Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1966. CB59.H6 1963 Title: Understanding culture. Personal Author: Honigmann, John Joseph. Publication info: New York, Harper & Row [1963] CB351.H6 1966 Title: Europe in the Middle Ages [by] Robert S. Hoyt. Personal Author: Hoyt, Robert S. (Robert Stuart) Publication info: New York, Harcourt, Brace and World [1966] CT275.E237H8 1964 Title: The Hiroshima pilot. Personal Author: Huie, William Bradford, 1910-1986. Publication info: New York, Putnam [1964] CB151.H815 1955 Title: Homo ludens; a study of the play-element in culture. Personal Author: Huizinga, Johan, 1872-1945. Publication info: Boston, Beacon Press [1955, c1950] CB359.H8 1915 1915 Title: The renaissance, the Protestant revolution and the Catholic reformation in continental Europe, by Edward Maslin Hulme ... Personal Author: Hulme, Edward Maslin, 1871Publication info: New York, The Century co., 1915. CT275.H7865A3 1968 Title: The gift of little things / by Alice S. Hutchens. Personal Author: Hutchens, Alice S. Publication info: Caldwell, Idaho : Caxton Printers, 1968. CT100.C8 1949 1955 Title: Current biography yearbook. Publication info: New York, H. W. Wilson Co. CT119.H85 1926 Title: Modern biography, edited by Marietta A. Hyde ... Personal Author: Hyde, Marietta Adelaide, Publication info: New York, Harcourt, Brace and Company [c1926] CT105.H9 1962 Title: The tangled bank; Darwin, Marx, Frazer and Freud as imaginative writers. Personal Author: Hyman, Stanley Edgar, 1919-1970. Publication info: New York, Atheneum, 1962. CB245.W4 1982 1982 Title: The Western civilization slide collection [slide] / Instructional Resources Corporation. Publication info: Lanham, MD : The Corporation, 1982. Summary: Covers the Ancient World through Post-World War II. CC78 .A7 1976 1980 Title: Archeological dating [videorecording] : retracing time / produced by Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational Corporation in cooperation with Cynthia Irwin-Williams ; producer/cinematographer, Bert Van Bork ; writer, James C. Clark. Publication info: Chicago, Ill. : Britannica, [198-?], c1976. Summary: Shows the processes by which the age of artifacts uncovered in an ancient Southwest American Indian pueblo site are determined by such methods as dedrochronology, archeomagnetic dating, obsidianhydration, and carbon testing. CT275.J29A3 1964 1964 Title: The diary of Alice James. Edited with an introd. by Leon Edel. Personal Author: James, Alice, 1848-1892. Publication info: New York, Dodd, Mead [1964] CT3260.N57 V.1 1971 Title: Notable American women, 1607-1950; a biographical dictionary. Edward T. James, editor. Janet Wilson James, associate editor. Paul S. Boyer, assistant editor. Publication info: Cambridge, Mass., Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1971. CB361.J35 1996 1996 Title: Worldly goods : a new history of the Renaissance / Lisa Jardine. Personal Author: Jardine, Lisa. Publication info: New York : Nan A. Talese, c1996. CB351.J33 1926 Title: Social theories of the middle ages, 1200-1500, by Bede Jarrett, O.P. Personal Author: Jarrett, Bede, 1881-1934. Publication info: Boston, Little, Brown, and company, 1926. CT275 .J566 A3 1966 1966 Title: Looking back, by Margaret Jensen, assisted by Leila Wiliams. Personal Author: Jensen, Margaret Adelia Rounds, 1889Publication info: Denver, Big Mountain Press, 1966. CB245 .J48 1999 1999 Title: Transgressing the modern : explorations in the western experience of otherness / John Jervis. Personal Author: Jervis, John. Publication info: Oxford ; Malden, Mass. : Blackwell Publishers, 1999. CB19 .W49 J6 1962 1962 Title: Whitehead's philosophy of civilization. Personal Author: Johnson, A. H. (Allison Heartz), 1910Publication info: New York, Dover Publications [1962] CD3023.J6 1969 Title: The records of a nation; their management, preservation, and use [by] H. G. Jones. With an introd. by Wayne C. Grover. Personal Author: Jones, H. G. (Houston Gwynne), 1924Publication info: New York, Atheneum, 1969. CS9.J63 1972 1972 Title: Family history for fun and profit [by] Vincent L. Jones, Arlene H. Eakle [and] Mildred H. Christensen. Personal Author: Jones, Vincent L. Publication info: [Salt Lake City, Genealogical Institute] 1972. CC76.J68 1980 1980 Title: A complete manual of field archaeology : tools and techniques of field work for archaeologists / Martha Joukowsky. Personal Author: Joukowsky, Martha. Publication info: Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, c1980. CB57 .K3 1956 1956 Title: Man the measure, a new approach to history. Personal Author: Kahler, Erich, 1885-1970. Publication info: New York, G. Braziller, 1956. CT275.K832K4 1969 Title: The China lobby man; the story of Alfred Kohlberg, by Joseph Keeley. Personal Author: Keeley, Joseph Charles, 1907Publication info: New Rochelle, N.Y., Arlington House [1969] CT3220.W4 1972 Title: Of six mediaeval women : to which is added a note on mediaeval gardens / by Alice Kemp-Welch. Personal Author: Kemp-Welch, Alice. Publication info: Williamstown, Mass. : Corner House Publications, 1972. CB161 .K44 1993 1993 Title: Preparing for the twenty-first century / Paul Kennedy. Personal Author: Kennedy, Paul M., 1945Publication info: New York : Random House, c1993. CC75.K4 1961 1953 Title: Beginning in archaeology. With sections on American archaeology, by Saul S Weinberg and Gladys D. Weinberg. Personal Author: Kenyon, Kathleen Mary, Dame. Publication info: New York, F.A. Praeger [1953] CB251 .K38 2004 2004 Title: The war for Muslim minds : Islam and the West / Gilles Kepel ; translated by Pascale Ghazaleh. Personal Author: Kepel, Gilles. Publication info: Cambridge, Mass. : Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2004. CT782.K3 1968 1968 Title: In good company; some personal recollections of Swinburne, Lord Roberts, Watts-Dunton, Oscar Wilde, Edward Whymper, S. J. Stone, Stephen Phillips. Personal Author: Kernahan, Coulson, 1858-1943. Publication info: Freeport, N.Y., Books for Libraries Press [1968] CS421.D35 2000 2000 Title: Debrett's peerage and baronetage : comprises information concerning the royal family, the peerage and baronetage / edited by Charles Kidd and David Williamson. Publication info: London : Debrett's Peerage : Macmillan ; New York, NY : Grove's Dictionaries, 2000. CT275.K49A3 1958 Title: Mine enemy grows older. Personal Author: King, Alexander, 1900-1965. Publication info: New York, Simon and Schuster, 1958. CB245.S578 2001 v. 2 2000 Title: Sources of the West : readings in Western civilization / Mark A. Kishlansky, editor ; with the assistance of Victor L. Stater. Publication info: New York : Longman, 2000. CB251 .B59 2008 2008 Title: Bloody cartoons [videorecording] / directed by Karsten Kjaer ; produced by Freeport Media A/S & Associates ; executive producers, Alan Hayling, Don Edkins, Mette Heide ; a production for STEPS International, in co-production with BBC ... [et al.]. Publication info: New York, NY : Cinema Guild, c2008. Summary: "Filmed across the Middle East, BLOODY CARTOONS looks at how and why 12 drawings in a Danish newspaper drew a small country into a confrontation with Muslims all over the world... Goes beyond the controversy to investigate the roots of the crisis and in the process examine the need for freedom of speech in democratic societies" -- Container. CB427 .K6 1961 1961 Title: The lotus and the robot. Personal Author: Koestler, Arthur, 1905-1983 Publication info: New York, Macmillan, 1961 [c1960] CB425.K65 1966 1966 Title: Political ideologies of the twentieth century. Personal Author: Kohn, Hans, 1891-1971. Publication info: New York, Harper & Row [1966] CS2367.K64 1980 Title: The Jonathan David dictionary of first names / Alfred J. Kolatch. Personal Author: Kolatch, Alfred J., 1916Publication info: Middle Village, N.Y. : J. David Publishers, c1980. CB361.K68 1968 Title: Renaissance essays. From the Journal of the history of ideas, edited by Paul Oskar Kristeller & Philip P. Wiener. Personal Author: Kristeller, Paul Oskar, 1905-1999 Publication info: New York, Harper & Row [1968] CB19.K687 1963 Title: Style and civilizations / by A.L. Kroeber. Personal Author: Kroeber, A. L. (Alfred Louis), 1876-1960. Publication info: Berkeley : University of California Press, 1963. CB161 .A114 1999 1999 Title: The 21st century / edited by George Thomas Kurian, Graham T.T. Molitor. Publication info: New York : Macmillan Library Reference USA, [1999], c1996. CB351 .L27 1931 Title: Thought and letters in western Europe, A.D. 500 to 900 by M.L.W. Laistner. Personal Author: Laistner, M. L. W. (Max Ludwig Wolfram), 1890-1959. Publication info: London, Methuen [1931] CB311.L25 1974 Title: The rise and fall of civilizations: modern archaeological approaches to ancient cultures; [compiled by] C. C. Lamberg-Karlovsky [and] Jeremy A. Sabloff. Personal Author: Lamberg-Karlovsky, C. C., 1937Publication info: Menlo Park, Calif., Cummings Pub. Co. [1974] CB245.L34 1984 V.1 1984 Title: The search for personal freedom / Robert C. Lamm, Neal M. Cross, Rudy H. Turk. Personal Author: Lamm, Robert Carson, 1922Publication info: Dubuque, Iowa : W.C. Brown, c1984CT220.L3 1966 Title: Ten heroes of twenties. Personal Author: Lardner, Rex. Publication info: New York, Putnam [1966] CC77 .B8 L375 2000 2000 Title: Skeletons in our closet : revealing our past through bioarchaeology / Clark Spencer Larsen. Personal Author: Larsen, Clark Spencer. Publication info: Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c2000. CT275.R75L3 1949 Title: John D. Rockefeller, robber baron or industrial statesman? Personal Author: Latham, Earl, Publication info: Boston, Heath [1949] CT781.L35 1976 1976 Title: Lives of the Stuart age, 1603-1714 / compiled by Laurence Urdang Associates ; editor, Edwin Riddell, managing editor, Patrick Hanks. Corporate Author: Laurence Urdang Associates. Publication info: New York : Barnes & Noble, 1976. CT25.L32 1993 1993 Title: Turning memories into memoirs : a handbook for writing lifestories / Denis Ledoux. Personal Author: Ledoux, Denis. Publication info: Lisbon Falls, Me. : Soleil Press, c1993. CB7 .L4 1959 Title: Freedom and culture; [essays. Personal Author: Lee, Dorothy (Dorothy D.) Publication info: Englewood Cliffs, N.J.] Prentice-Hall [1959] CT788.L415A3 1965 Title: The edge of day : a boyhood in the west of England / by Laurie Lee ; with a new introd. by T. S. Matthews ; drawings by John Ward. Personal Author: Lee, Laurie. Publication info: New York : Time, inc., c1965. CS71 .L989 2004 2004 Title: The Linder sourcebook : origins, distribution, and immigrants / Harold Linder. Personal Author: Linder, Harold, 1936Publication info: Phoenix, Ariz. : Castle Mt. Books, c2004. CB151.L5 1963 Title: The role of science in civilization. Personal Author: Lindsay, Robert Bruce, 1900Publication info: New York, Harper & Row [1963] CB351 .M43 2003 2003 Title: The medieval world / edited by Peter Linehan and Janet L. Nelson. Publication info: London ; New York : Routledge, 2003. CB87.L513 1961 Title: The living past / Ivar Lissner ; translated from the German by J. Maxwell Brownjohn. Personal Author: Lissner, Ivar, 1909-1967. Publication info: New York : Capricorn Books, 1961, c1957. CB359.L8 1934 Title: The renaissance and the reformation, by Henry S. Lucas ... Personal Author: Lucas, Henry Stephen, 1889-1961. Publication info: New York, London, Harper & brothers, 1934. CT275.L842A35 1978 Title: Up to now / Louis B. Lundborg. Personal Author: Lundborg, Louis B. Publication info: New York : Norton, c1978. CT275.M43A3 1945 Title: The egg and I, by Betty MacDonald. Personal Author: MacDonald, Betty Bard. Publication info: Philadelphia, New York J.B. Lippincott company [1945] CT275.M43A39 1955 Title: Onions in the stew. Personal Author: MacDonald, Betty Bard. Publication info: Philadelphia, Lippincott [1955] CT105.M35 1925 Title: Mere mortals; medico-historical essays, by C. MacLaurin Personal Author: MacLaurin, C. (Charles), b. 1872. Publication info: New York, George H. Doran company [c1925] CT104.M26 1968 1968 Title: Leadership through the ages. Personal Author: MacMunn, George Fletcher, Sir, 1869-1952. Publication info: Freeport, N.Y., Books for Libraries Press [1968] CB357.M3 1968 Title: Some makers of the modern spirit; a symposium. Personal Author: Macmurray, John, 1891-1976 Publication info: Freeport, N.Y., Books for Libraries Press [1968] CC115.M23A37 1978 Title: The science of archaeology? / Richard S. MacNeish. Personal Author: MacNeish, Richard S. Publication info: North Scituate, Mass. : Duxbury Press, c1978. CS71 .M322M32 2007 2007 Title: Strange, odd, how things work out. Personal Author: Madden, Bob. Publication info: Waterford, Mich. : Bob Madden, c2007. CT275 .M45115 A3 1999 1999 Title: Falling leaves : the true story of an unwanted Chinese daughter / Adeline Yen Mah. Personal Author: Mah, Adeline Yen, 1937Publication info: New York : Broadway Books, 1999. CB151.M24 1964 Title: The rise of science in relation to society. Personal Author: Marsak, Leonard Mendes, 1924Publication info: New York, Macmillan [1964] CB5.M35 1968 Title: Western races and the world; essays arranged and edited by F. S. Marvin. Personal Author: Marvin, Francis Sydney, 1863-1943. Publication info: Freeport, N.Y., Books for Libraries Press [1968] CB161.V5713 1983 1983 Title: Visions of desirable societies / edited by Eleonora Masini for the World Future Studies Federation in cooperation with El Centro de Estudios Economicos y Sociales del Tercer Mundo and the United Nations University Goals, Processes, and Indicators for Development Project. Publication info: Oxford [Oxfordshire] ; New York : Pergamon Press, 1983. CB245 .M375 1998 1998 Title: The Western humanities / Roy T. Matthews & F. DeWitt Platt. Personal Author: Matthews, Roy T. Publication info: Mountain View, Calif. : Mayfield Pub., c1998. CT275.J28M3 1947 Title: The James family, including selections from the writings of Henry James, Senior, William, Henry & Alice James. Personal Author: Matthiessen, F. O. (Francis Otto), 1902-1950. Publication info: New York, A. A. Knopf, 1947. CT275.P58M8 1939 Title: In winter we flourish; life and letters of Sarah Worthington King Peter, 1800-1877, by Anna Shannon McAllister. Personal Author: McAllister, Anna Shannon, b. 1888. Publication info: New York, Toronto, Longmans, 1939. CB69 .M3 1992 V.1 1992 Title: A history of world societies / John P. McKay, Bennett D. Hill, John Buckler. Personal Author: McKay, John P. Publication info: Boston, MA : Houghton Mifflin Co., c1992. CS71.H7874 1967 1967 Title: Genealogy of the Herbert Hoover family. Personal Author: McLean, Hulda Hoover, 1906Publication info: [Stanford, Calif.] Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace, Stanford University, 1967. CB481.M62 1978 Title: Cycles of war : the next six years / by R. E. McMaster, Jr. Personal Author: McMaster, R. E. Publication info: Kalispell, Mont. : distributed by War Cycles Institute, c1978. CT275.O737M32 1977 1977 Title: Marina and Lee / Priscilla Johnson McMillan. Personal Author: McMillan, Priscilla Johnson. Publication info: New York : Harper & Row, c1977. CB59 M3 1963 Title: The rise of the West : a history of the human community / by William H. McNeill ; drawings by Bela Petheo. Personal Author: McNeill, William Hardy, 1917Publication info: Chicago : University of Chicago Press, c1963. CB301.M4 1963 1963 Title: From ape man to Homer; the story of the beginnings of Western civilization. Illus. by Sally Mellersh. Personal Author: Mellersh, H. E. L. Publication info: New York, Taplinger Pub. Co. [1963, c1962] CE42.M42 1961 Title: The Athenian year. Personal Author: Meritt, Benjamin Dean, 1899-1989 Publication info: Berkeley, Calif., University of California, 1961. CT103.M47 1995 1995 Title: Merriam-Webster's biographical dictionary. Publication info: Springfield, Mass. : Merriam-Webster, c1995. CT275M498A3 1960 Title: Perle--my story, by Perle Mesta with Robert Cahn. Personal Author: Mesta, Perle Skirvin. Publication info: New York, McGraw-Hill [1960] CB361 .R342 1962 1962 Title: The Renaissance; six essays by Wallace K. Ferguson [and others] Corporate Author: Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.) Publication info: New York, Harper & Row [1962] CC75 .M5 1973 Title: Dating methods in archaeology [by] Joseph W. Michels. Personal Author: Michels, Joseph W. Publication info: New York, Seminar Press [1973] CT120.M54 1974 Title: Childhood revisited. Edited by Joel I. Milgram [and] Dorothy June Sciarra. Foreword by James L. Hymes, Jr. Personal Author: Milgram, Joel I., Publication info: New York, Macmillan [1974] CT275.G774M5 1966 1966 Title: William Gregg, factory master of the Old South. Personal Author: Mitchell, Broadus, 1892-1988 Publication info: New York, Octagon Books, 1966. CT1929.M6.A3 1963 Title: Blame me on history. Personal Author: Modisane, Bloke, d. 1986. Publication info: New York, Dutton, 1963. CC105.R9M613 1959 Title: Archaeology in the U.S.S.R. [Translated from the Russian by David Sbirsky] Personal Author: Mongaæit, A. L. (Aleksandr L§vovich), 1915-1974. Publication info: Moscow, Foreign Languages Pub. House, 1959. CB63.T68M6 1956 Title: Toynbee and history; critical essays and reviews. Personal Author: Montagu, Ashley, 1905-1999 Publication info: Boston, P. Sargent [1956] CT275.M585A3 1933 Title: The long road home; an autobiography, by John Moody. Personal Author: Moody, John, 1868-1958. Publication info: New York, The Macmillan company, 1933. CT275.M5853A33 1953 Title: The fields of home; illustrated by Edward Shenton. Personal Author: Moody, Ralph, 1898-1982. Publication info: New York, Norton [1953] CT275.M5853A3 1950 Title: Little Britches; Father and I were ranchers. Illustrated by Edward Shenton. Personal Author: Moody, Ralph, 1898-1982 Publication info: New York, Norton [1950] CT275.M5853A32 1951 Title: Man of the family; illustrated by Edward Shenton. Personal Author: Moody, Ralph, 1898-1982 Publication info: New York, Norton [1951] CT275 .M67 A3 1998 1998 Title: Montana Maud on the move : a memoir / Maud Morrison Personal Author: Morrison, Maud, 1917Publication info: Great Falls, Mont. : Maud Morrison, c1998. CR113.M56 1933 1933 Title: The flag of the United States: its history and symbolism. Personal Author: Moss, James A. (James Alfred), 1872-1941. Publication info: Washington, D.C., The United States Flag Association, [c1933] CB415.M62 1961 Title: The culture of western Europe: the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, an introduction. Personal Author: Mosse, George L. (George Lachmann), 1918Publication info: Chicago, Rand McNally, 1961. CT274 .L55 M68 1992 1992 Title: The pioneer and the prairie lawyer : Boone and Lincoln family heritage, biographical and historical, 1603-1985 / by Willard Mounts. Personal Author: Mounts, Willard, 1915Publication info: Denver, Colo. : Ginwill Pub. Co., 1992. CS71 .M942 1970 V.1 1970 Title: The Mudd family of the United States [by] Richard D. Mudd. Personal Author: Mudd, Richard Dyer, 1901Publication info: Saginaw? Mich., 1970] CB478.M78 1967 Title: The myth of the machine : technics and human development. Personal Author: Mumford, Lewis, 1895-1990. Publication info: New York : Harcourt, c1967. CB478.M783 1970 Title: The pentagon of power / by Lewis Mumford. Personal Author: Mumford, Lewis, 1895-1990. Publication info: New York : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, c1970. CC100 .E54 2001 V.1 2001 Title: Encyclopedia of archaeology : History and discoveries / edited by Tim Murray. Publication info: Santa Barbara, Calif. : ABC-CLIO, c2001. CC110 .E54 1999 V.1 1999 Title: Encyclopedia of archaeology. The great archaeologists / edited by Tim Murray. Publication info: Santa Barbara, Calif. : ABC-CLIO, <c1999 > CB311 .N25 1995 1996 Title: The ancient world : a social and cultural history / D. Brendan Nagle. Personal Author: Nagle, D. Brendan, 1936- Publication info: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall, c1996. CB253.N313 1964 1964 Title: Ways of thinking of Eastern peoples: India, China, Tibet, Japan. Rev. English translation, edited by Philip P. Wiener. Personal Author: Nakamura, Hajime, 1912-1999 Publication info: Honolulu, East-West Center Press [c1964] CB245.N49 2005 2005 Title: Western Civilization II 1648 to present. Publication info: Syosset, N.Y. : National Learning Corp., c2005. CT275.F68N37 1954 Title: Ford: the times, the man, the company, by Allan Nevins with the collaboration of Frank Ernest Hill. Personal Author: Nevins, Allan, 1890-1971. Publication info: New York, Scribner, 1954. CT275.R75N42 V.2 1953 Title: Study in power: John D. Rockefeller, industrialist and philanthropist. Personal Author: Nevins, Allan, 1890-1971. Publication info: New York, Scribner, 1953. CR6090.B8N5 1969 1969 Title: Bushido: the soul of Japan; an exposition of Japanese thought. With an introd. by William Elliot Griffis. Personal Author: Nitobe, Inazåo, 1862-1933. Publication info: Rutland, Vt., C. E. Tuttle Co. [1969] CB19.N6 1952 Title: The meeting of east and west : an inquiry concerning world understanding / F. S. C. Northrop. Personal Author: Northrop, F. S. C. (Filmer Stuart Cuckow), 1893Publication info: New York : Macmillan, 1952, c1946. CB251 .N67 2005 2005 Title: Arab-Muslim views of the West from the ninth century to the twentieth : the neglected bridge builders / Christopher Nouryeh. Personal Author: Nouryeh, Christopher. Publication info: Lewiston, N.Y. : Edwin Mellen Press, 2005. CB311.O23 1976 1976 Title: The rise of civilization / by David and Joan Oates. Personal Author: Oates, David, 1927Publication info: [Oxford] : Elsevier Phaidon, c1976. CB475.O37 1992 1992 Title: Reverse symbolism dictionary : symbols listed by subject / compiled by Steven Olderr. Publication info: Jefferson, N.C. : McFarland, c1992. CT25.O44 1972 Title: Metaphors of self; the meaning of autobiography. Personal Author: Olney, James. Publication info: [Princeton, N.J.] Princeton University Press [1972] CB425.K63 1968 Title: Knowledge and the future of man : an international symposium / edited by Walter J. Ong. Publication info: New York : Simon and Schuster, c1968. CC77 .H5 I45 1996 1996 Title: Images of the recent past : readings in historical archaeology / edited by Charles E. Orser, Jr. Publication info: Walnut Creek, Ca. : Alta Mira Press, c1996. CB103.O72 1960 Title: The revolt of the masses / authorized translation from the Spanish. Personal Author: Ortega y Gasset, Josâe, 1883-1955. Publication info: New York, Norton, 1960. CR4529.F8P3 1940 Title: French chivalry; chivalric ideas and practices in mediaeval France, by Sidney Painter. Personal Author: Painter, Sidney, 1902-1960. Publication info: Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins press, 1940. CC165.P29 2005 2005 Title: Unearthing the past : the great archaeological discoveries that have changed history / Douglas Palmer ; with Paul Pettitt and Paul G. Bahn. Personal Author: Palmer, Douglas. Publication info: Guilford, Conn. : Lyons Press, 2005. CB59.P28 1963 Title: East and West. Personal Author: Parkinson, C. Northcote (Cyril Northcote), 1909-1993 Publication info: Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1963. CB59.P3 1960 Title: The history of modern culture. Personal Author: Parmelee, Maurice, 1882-1969. Publication info: New York, Philosophical Library [1960] CT103 .C4 1997 1997 Title: Chambers biographical dictionary / editor, Melanie Parry. Publication info: New York, N.Y. : Chambers, c1997. CB155 .P34 1975 Title: Dialogues on the future of man / Frederick Patka. Personal Author: Patka, Frederick. Publication info: New York : Philosophical Library, [1975] CT275.P465A3 1956 Title: Dear Mad'm. Personal Author: Patterson, Stella Walthall, 1866Publication info: New York, Norton, c1956. CC75.P37 1983 Title: The theory and practice of archaeology : a workbook / Thomas C. Patterson. Personal Author: Patterson, Thomas Carl. Publication info: Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, c1983. CB301 .P25 1923 Title: The children of the sun; Personal Author: Perry, W. J. (William James) Publication info: London, Methuen & co., ltd. [1923] CT105.P44 1946 1946 Title: Great teachers, portrayed by those who studied under them; edited, with an introduction, by Houston Peterson. Personal Author: Peterson, Houston, 1897Publication info: New York, Vintage Books, c1946. CC76.A7 1997 1997 Title: The archaeological detective [electronic resource]. Publication info: Stamford, CT : Micro-Intel and Pointe-áa-Calliáere, c1997. Summary: Utilizing an actual archaeological site, the user is supplied with key information and instruments to start a detailed investigation into the life and society of 17th century Montrâeal. Includes mystery game with video sequences, photos, glossary, narrative sequences, and notebook. CB430.P637 1999 1999 Title: Building a bridge to the 18th century : how the past can improve our future / by Neil Postman. Personal Author: Postman, Neil. Publication info: New York : Alfred A. Knopf : Distributed by Random House, 1999. CB245.P6 1967 Title: The civilization of the West; a brief interpretation, by James M. Powell. Personal Author: Powell, James M. Publication info: New York, Macmillan [1967] CT119 .G69 2007 V.4 2007 Title: Great lives from history. The 19th century, 1801-1900 / editor, John Powell. Publication info: Pasadena, Calif. : Salem Press, c2007. CB353.P6 1935 Title: The Christian life in the Middle Ages : and other essays / by Sir Maurice Powicke. Personal Author: Powicke, F. M. (Frederick Maurice), 1879-1963. Publication info: Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1935. CT213.P7 1940 1940 Title: American biographies, by Wheeler Preston. Personal Author: Preston, Wheeler. Publication info: New York, London, Harper, c1940. CB253.Q3 1966 Title: Eastern civilizations [by] G. Robina Quale. Personal Author: Quale, G. Robina (Gladys Robina), 1931Publication info: New York, Appleton-Century-Crofts [1966] CB59.Q5 1979 1979 Title: The evolution of civilizations : an introduction to historical analysis / Carroll Quigley. Personal Author: Quigley, Carroll. Publication info: Indianapolis : Liberty Press, 1979, c1961. CB427.Q5 1968 Title: The sense of the sixties / edited by Edward Quinn and Paul J. Dolan. Publication info: New York : Free Press, 1968. CB430.R24 1996 1996 Title: Essays on the anthropology of reason / Paul Rabinow. Personal Author: Rabinow, Paul. Publication info: Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c1996. CT275.F68R3 1969 Title: Henry Ford, edited by John B. Rae. Personal Author: Rae, John Bell, 1911Publication info: Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall [1969] CB351.R3 1957 1957 Title: Founders of the Middle Ages. Personal Author: Rand, Edward Kennard, 1871-1945. Publication info: New York, Dover Publications [1957, c1928] CC77.5 .R37 1998 1998 Title: Geoarchaeology : the earth-science approach to archaeological interpretation / George (Rip) Rapp, Jr. and Christopher L. Hill. Personal Author: Rapp, George Robert, 1930Publication info: New Haven : Yale University Press, c1998. CB311 .D4713 1978 1978 Title: The World's last mysteries. Publication info: Pleasantville, N.Y. : Reader's Digest Association, c1978. CB151.R38 1953 Title: The primitive world and its transformations. Personal Author: Redfield, Robert, 1897-1958 Publication info: Ithaca, N.Y., Cornell University Press [1953] CB417.R4 1968 Title: Culture and the crowd; a cultural history of the proletarian era. Personal Author: Regin, Deric. Publication info: Philadelphia, Chilton Book Co. [1968] CC165 .R46 1991 1991 Title: Archaeology : theories, methods, and practice / Colin Renfrew, Paul Bahn. Personal Author: Renfrew, Colin, 1937Publication info: New York, N.Y. : Thames and Hudson, 1991. CR27.R45 1961 Title: Heraldry and you; modern heraldic usage in America. Personal Author: Reynolds, J. A. (Jack Adolphe), 1909Publication info: Edinburgh, New York, Nelson [1961] CB59.R315 1971 1971 Title: The civilizational process / Darcy Ribeiro ; translated, and with a foreword, by Betty J. Meggers. Personal Author: Ribeiro, Darcy. Publication info: New York : Harper & Row, 1971. CB245.R525 1987 1987 Title: The triumph of the therapeutic : uses of faith after Freud ; with a new preface / Philip Rieff. Personal Author: Rieff, Phillip, 1922Publication info: Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1987. CB465.R63 2007 2007 Title: The unnatural history of the sea / Callum Roberts. Personal Author: Roberts, Callum. Publication info: Washington, DC : Island Press/Shearwater Books, c2007. CT3235 .R67 1993 1993 Title: The Norton book of women's lives / edited by Phyllis Rose. Publication info: New York : W.W. Norton, c1993. CB206.R67 1986 1986 Title: The pagan Celts / Anne Ross. Personal Author: Ross, Anne, Ph. D. Publication info: Totowa, N.J. : Barnes & Noble Books, 1986. CB245.M385 2001 V.1 2001 Title: The making of the West : peoples and cultures / Lynn Hunt ... [et al.]. Personal Author: Salisbury, Harrison E. (Harrison Evans), 1908-1993. Publication info: Boston : Bedford/St. Martin's, c2001. CT113 .G745 2004 V.1 2004 Title: Great lives from history. The ancient world, prehistory-476 C.E. / editor, Christina A. Salowey. Publication info: Pasadena, Calif. : Salem Press, c2004. Summary: Great Lives from History: The Ancient World is the first title in a multivolume series covering the lives of important personages from the ancient world through the twenty-first century. This series revises the 11-volume Dictionary of World Biography. The Ancient World adds 66 new entries covering a wider geographical area and including more women, Asians, and Africans; updated bibliographies; a new page design; and a maps section. It includes 326 essays. No other comparably priced title covers the same breadth of content (geography, gender, area of achievement) with extended essays. The librarian-approved article format runs 3-6 pages, which is much more in depth than an encyclopedia entry but more accessible than a full-length scholarly treatment. Each article begins with ready-reference listings: Name by which the person is best known to English readers; Birth and death dates and places Identifier stating the person's nationality and life role; Areas of achievement list; Statement summarizing the person's contribution. Articles are then divided into four parts: Early Life: facts about the person's upbringing and the environment in which he or she was reared, as well as the pronunciation of his or her name, if unusual; Life's Work: the heart of the article consists of a straightforward account of the period during which the person's most significant achievements were made; Significance: overview of the person's place in history; Further Reading: annotated, descriptive bibliography, a starting point for further research. In addition, each essay is cross-referenced to other essays within the volume as well as to relevant essays in the companion set, Great Events from History: The Ancient World. CT3202.S3 1933 Title: 400 outstanding women of the world and costumology of their time, compiled by Minna Moscherosch Schmidt. Personal Author: Schmidt, Minna Moscherosch, 1866-1961. Publication info: Chicago, Minna M. Schmidt, 1933. CT1018.S45A282 1990 1990 Title: Out of my life and thought : an autobiography / Albert Schweitzer ; newly translated by A.B. Lemke ; preface by Rhena Schweitzer Miller and A.B. Lemke. Personal Author: Schweitzer, Albert, 1875-1965. Publication info: New York : H. Holt, c1990. CT1098.S45A393 1961 Title: Pilgrimage to humanity / Albert Schweitzer ; translated by Walter E. Stuermann. Personal Author: Schweitzer, Albert, 1875-1965. Publication info: New York : Philosophical Library : Distributed by Kampmann, c1961. CB361.S47 1950 Title: The Renaissance, its nature and origins. Personal Author: Sellery, George C. (George Clarke), 1872Publication info: Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 1950. CB353 .A35 1969 Title: The Age of chivalry. Publication info: [Washington] National Geographic Society [1969] CB361.R4 1970 Title: The Renaissance: maker of modern man. Publication info: [Washington] National Geographic Society [1970] CR4701.S48 1972 1972 Title: The monks of war; the military religious orders. Personal Author: Seward, Desmond, 1935Publication info: [Hamden, Conn.] Archon Books, 1972. CS421.S54 1883 V. 1 1833 Title: Sharpe's peerage of the British Empire. Exhibiting its present state, and deducing the existing descents from the ancient nobility of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Personal Author: Sharpe, John, 1777-1860. Publication info: London, J. Sharpe [etc., 1833] CC81.S55 1988 1988 Title: Quantifying archaeology / Stephen Shennan. Personal Author: Shennan, Stephen. Publication info: Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, c1988. CC75 .S56 2005 2005 Title: Archaeological finds : a guide to identification / Norena Shopland. Personal Author: Shopland, Norena. Publication info: Stroud, [UK] : Tempus, 2005. CT3260.N573 1980B 1980 Title: Notable American women : the modern period : a biographical dictionary / edited by Barbara Sicherman, Carol Hurd Green, with Ilene Kantrov, Harriette Walker. Publication info: Cambridge, Mass. : Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, c1980. CT275.S5233A35 1964 Title: My years with General Motors. Edited by John McDonald, with Catharine Stevens. Personal Author: Sloan, Alfred P. (Alfred Pritchard), 1875-1966. Publication info: Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1964 [c1963] CT105.S67 1964 Title: Men of peace. Personal Author: Smith, Bradford, 1909-1964. Publication info: Philadelphia, Lippincott [1964] CS2481.S55 1973 1972 Title: New dictionary of American family names [by] Elsdon C. Smith. Personal Author: Smith, Elsdon C. (Elsdon Coles), 1903-1996 Publication info: New York, Harper & Row [1972, c1973] CB357.S6 V.1 1962 Title: A history of modern culture. New introd. by Crane Brinton. Personal Author: Smith, Preserved, 1880-1941. Publication info: New York, Collier Books [1962] CT25.G48 1996 1996 Title: Getting a life : everyday uses of autobiography / Sidonie Smith and Julia Watson, editors. Publication info: Minneapolis : University of Minnesota, c1996. CC75.7 .S59 2003 2003 Title: Archaeobiology / Kristin D. Sobolik. Personal Author: Sobolik, Kristin D. (Kristin Dee) Publication info: Walnut Creek : AltaMira Press, c2003. CB361 .M42 1967 1968 Title: Medieval and Renaissance studies : proceedings of the Southeastern Institute of Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Summer, 1967 / edited by John M. Headley. Corporate Author: Southeastern Institute of Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Publication info: Chapel Hill, N.C. : University of North Carolina Press, c1968. CB351.S6 1953 Title: The making of the Middle Ages. Personal Author: Southern, R. W. (Richard William), 1912Publication info: New Haven, Yale University Press, 1953. CB83.S7 1937 Title: The decline of the West. Complete in one volume. Personal Author: Spengler, Oswald, 1880-1936. Publication info: New York, Knopf [1937] CB245.S63 1997 1997 Title: Western civilization : comprehensive volume / Jackson J. Spielvogel. Personal Author: Spielvogel, Jackson J., 1939Publication info: Minneapolis/St. Paul : West Pub. Co., c1997. CB359.S64 1972 1972 Title: The Reformation; basic interpretations. Edited and with an introd. by Lewis W. Spitz. Personal Author: Spitz, Lewis William, 1922Publication info: Lexington, Mass., Heath [1972] CB359.S65 1962 Title: The Reformation: material or spiritual? Personal Author: Spitz, Lewis William, 1922Publication info: Boston, Heath [1962] CB69 .S84 1992 V.1 1992 Title: World civilizations : the global experience / Peter N. Stearns, Michael Adas, Stuart B. Schwartz. Personal Author: Stearns, Peter N. Publication info: New York : HarperCollins, c1992. CB351.S7 1956 Title: Mediaeval feudalism / by Carl Stephenson. Personal Author: Stephenson, Carl, 1886-1954. Publication info: Ithaca, N.Y. : Great Seal Books, 1956, c1942. CB245.G7 1989 PT.10 1989 Title: Greek fire [videorecording] / a Transatlantic Films production in co-production with Channel 4 ... [et al.] ; director, Chris Goddard ... [et al.] ; producer, Revel Guest ; writer, Jonathan Stamp. Publication info: New York, NY : Mystic Fire Video, c1989. Summary: Explores the influence of ancient Greece on modern philosophy. CD973.2 .S74 1986 1986 Title: The management of oral history sound archives / Frederick J. Stielow. Personal Author: Stielow, Frederick J., 1946Publication info: New York : Greenwood Press, 1986. CB19.S745 1993 1993 Title: An introductory guide to cultural theory and popular culture / John Storey. Personal Author: Storey, John, 1950Publication info: Athens : University of Georgia Press, 1993. CT104.S78 1969 Title: Biographical essays. Personal Author: Strachey, Lytton, 1880-1932. Publication info: New York, Harcourt, Brace & World [1969] CT782.S8 1918B 1918 Title: Eminent Victorians, by Lytton Strachey. With four portraits. Personal Author: Strachey, Lytton, 1880-1932. Publication info: Garden City, N.Y., Garden City Publishing Co., Inc. [1918?] CB311.S83 V.1 1959 Title: The ancient mind and its heritage. Personal Author: Suhr, Elmer George, 1902Publication info: New York, Exposition Press [1959-60] CC55 .S85 2003 2003 Title: Curating archaeological collections : from the field to the repository / Lynne P. Sullivan, S. Terry Childs. Personal Author: Sullivan, Lynne P. Publication info: Walnut Creek : Altamira Press, c2003. CB351 .T39 1962 V.1 1962 Title: The mediaeval mind : a history of the development of thought and emotion in the Middle Ages / by Henry Osborn Taylor. Personal Author: Taylor, Henry Osborn, 1856-1941. Publication info: Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 1962. CC78.T39 1987 1987 Title: Radiocarbon dating : an archaeological perspective / R.E. Taylor. Personal Author: Taylor, R. E. (Royal Ervin), 1938Publication info: Orlando : Academic Press, 1987. CS71.P35 1949 1950 Title: The Peabody sisters of Salem. Personal Author: Tharp, Louise Hall, 1898Publication info: Boston, Little, Brown, 1950. CT103.C4 1984 1984 Title: Chambers biographical dictionary. Publication info: Edinburgh : Chambers, c1984. CT275.J689T45 1958 Title: Crow Killer; the saga of Liver-Eating Johnson [by] Raymond W. Thorp [and] Robert Bunker. Personal Author: Thorp, Raymond W., 1896-1966 Publication info: Bloomington, Indiana University Press [1958] CB425.S357 1959 Title: Adventures of the mind from The Saturday Evening Post / edited by Richard Thruelsen and John Kobler. Introd. by Mark Van Doren. Publication info: New York, Knopf, 1959CB245.W4847 v.1 1984 Title: Western societies, a documentary history / [compiled by] Brian Tierney, Joan Scott. Publication info: New York : Knopf, c1984. CT274.O44T66 1984 1984 Title: The baron, the logger, the miner, and me / John H. Toole. Personal Author: Toole, John H. Publication info: Missoula [Mont.] : Mountain Press Pub. Co., 1984. CB19.T575 1967 Title: Acquaintances [by] Arnold J. Toynbee. Personal Author: Toynbee, Arnold Joseph, 1889-1975. Publication info: London, Oxford U.P., 1967. CB19 .T62 1963 Title: Comparing notes : a dialogue across a generation / [ by] Arnold and Philip Toynbee. Personal Author: Toynbee, Arnold Joseph, 1889-1975. Publication info: London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, [1963] CB63.T6433 1972 1972 Title: A study of history [by] Arnold Toynbee. Personal Author: Toynbee, Arnold Joseph, 1889-1975. Publication info: New York, Oxford University Press; distributed in the United States by American Heritage Press [1972] CB63.T64 V.1 1946 Title: A study of history, by Arnold J. Toynbee ... Abridgement of volumes I- by D.C. Somervell. Personal Author: Toynbee, Arnold Joseph, 1889-1975. Publication info: London, New York [etc.] G. Cumberlege, Oxford university press, 1946CB428.T69 1971 1971 Title: Surviving the future [by] Arnold Toynbee. Personal Author: Toynbee, Arnold Joseph, 1889-1975. Publication info: London, New York, Oxford University Press, 1971. CB428.T72 1976 1976 Title: The Toynbee-Ikeda dialogue : man himself must choose / Arnold J. Toynbee, Daisaku Ikeda. Personal Author: Toynbee, Arnold Joseph, 1889-1975. Publication info: Tokyo ; New York : Kodansha International ; New York : distributed by Harper & Row, 1976. CB251.T69 1953 Title: The world and the West. Personal Author: Toynbee, Arnold Joseph, 1889-1975. Publication info: New York, Oxford University Press, 1953. CS2309.T72 1977 1977 Title: Remarkable names of real people : or, How to name your baby / compiled & annotated by John Train ; ill. by Pierre Le-Tan ; introd. by S. J. Perelman. Personal Author: Train, John. Publication info: New York : C. N. Potter : distributed by Crown Publishers, c1977. CB311 .T77 2003 2003 Title: Understanding early civilizations : a comparative study / Bruce G. Trigger. Personal Author: Trigger, Bruce G. Publication info: Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2003. CB430.T82 1980 Title: The frontier spirit and progress / Frank H. Tucker. Personal Author: Tucker, Frank Hammond, 1923Publication info: Chicago : Nelson-Hall, c1980. CR13.U3 1969 1969 Title: A dictionary of chivalry. Illustrated by Pauline Baynes. Personal Author: Uden, Grant. Publication info: New York, Crowell [1969, c1968] Summary: This illustrated dictionary includes customs, events, items of clothing and armor, historical figures, and places of the Middle Ages. CT119.U5 1955 Title: Makers of the modern world; the lives of ninety-two writers, artists, scientists, statesmen, inventors, philosophers, composers, and other creators who formed the pattern of our century. Personal Author: Untermeyer, Louis, 1885-1977. Publication info: New York, Simon and Schuster, 1955. CT781.V3 V.1 1970 Title: The British establishment, 1760-1784; an eighteenth-century biographical dictionary, by Alan Valentine. Personal Author: Valentine, Alan Chester, 1901Publication info: Norman, University of Oklahoma Press [1970] CT275.V36.A3 1955 1955 Title: The print of my rememberence : an autobiography / Ruben V. "Doc" Vaughan. Personal Author: Vaughan, Ruben V. Publication info: Hollywood, Calif. : Limb Publishing, 1955. CB53.V6 V.3 1956 Title: Order and history. Personal Author: Voegelin, Eric, 1901-1985 Publication info: [Baton Rouge] Louisiana State University Press [1956]-c1987. CT275.L296W3 1934 Title: Through historic years with Eliza Ferry Leary, by Laura Virginia Wagner; with an introduction by Professor Edmund S. Meany. Personal Author: Wagner, Laura Virginia, Mrs. Publication info: Seattle, F. McCaffrey, Dogwood press, 1934. CB59.W27 1973 1973 Title: Western perspectives; a concise history of civilization [by] T. Walter Wallbank, Alastair M. Taylor [and] Nels M. Bailkey. Personal Author: Wallbank, T. Walter (Thomas Walter), 1901Publication info: Glenview, Ill., Scott, Foresman [1973] CB351 .W3 1937 Title: High points of medieval culture, [by] James J. Walsh. Personal Author: Walsh, James Joseph, 1865-1942. Publication info: Milwaukee, The Bruce Pub. Co. [c1937] CT3260.N5725 2004 2004 Title: Notable American women : a biographical dictionary completing the twentieth century / Susan Ware, editor ; Stacy Braukman, assistant editor. Publication info: Cambridge, Mass : Belknap Press, 2004. CB245.W4 1964 1964 Title: The Great Frontier. Introd. by Arnold J. Toynbee. Personal Author: Webb, Walter Prescott, 1888-1963. Publication info: Austin, University of Texas Press [1964] CB245.W4 1989 #19-20 1989 Title: The Western tradition [videorecording] / produced by WGBH in association with The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City. Publication info: Boston, Mass. : WGBH, c1989. Summary: Semester 1, programs 1-26 of a two semester television course which traces the development of the Western world. CB245.W4 1989 #45-46 1989 Title: The Western tradition [videorecording] / produced by WGBH in association with The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City. Publication info: Boston, Mass. : WGBH, c1989. Summary: Semester 2, programs 27-52 of a two semester television course which traces the development of the Western world. CB245.W44 1965 V.1 1965 Title: The Western tradition; a book of readings from the ancient world to the atomic age [by] Eugen Weber. Personal Author: Weber, Eugen, 1925-2007 Publication info: [Boston] Heath [1965] CR113 .W44 2000 2000 Title: Flag burning : moral panic and the criminalization of protest / Michael Welch. Personal Author: Welch, Michael, Ph. D. Publication info: New York : Aldine de Gruyter, c2000. CC165 .W445 1967 1967 Title: History was buried: a source book of archaeology [by] Margaret Wheeler. Personal Author: Wheeler, Margaret Collingridge, Lady, 1916Publication info: New York, Hart Pub. Co. [1967] CB19.W48 1958 Title: The science of culture, a study of man and civilization. Personal Author: White, Leslie A., 1900-1975. Publication info: New York, Grove Press [1958, c1949] CB53.W5 1967 Title: Adventures of ideas / Alfred North Whitehead. Personal Author: Whitehead, Alfred North, 1861-1947. Publication info: New York : Free Press, [1967, c1933] CC70.F32 1983 1983 Title: The Facts on File dictionary of archaeology / editor, Ruth D. Whitehouse. Publication info: New York : Facts on File, c1983. CB5.D52 V.1 1973 Title: Dictionary of the history of ideas; studies of selected pivotal ideas. Philip P. Wiener, editor in chief. Publication info: New York, Scribner [1973-74] CC125 .N7 W55 1991 1991 Title: Fantastic archaeology : the wild side of North American prehistory / Stephen Williams. Personal Author: Williams, Stephen, 1926Publication info: Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, c1991. CB63.T68W56 1975 Title: Arnold Toynbee: the ecumenical vision. Personal Author: Winetrout, Kenneth. Publication info: Boston, Twayne [1975] CC75 .W6 1937 1937 Title: Digging up the past, by Sir Leonard Woolley ... Personal Author: Woolley, Leonard, Sir, 1880-1960. Publication info: Harmondsworth, Middlesex, Eng., Penguin Books Limited [1937] CB428 .W53 2003 2003 Title: Cause for murder [videorecording] / produced & directed by Pamela Yates ; written by Peter Kinoy & Pamela Yates. Publication info: New York, N.Y. : WNET, [2003], c2002. Summary: Third in a 5-part series. Examines the political corruption in Mexico that led to the murders of two female reform lawyers, Digna Ochoa and Marigeli Tames. Includes an interview with author Enrique Krauze. CJ1826.Y4 1965 1964 Title: A guide book of United States coins; fully illustrated. Catalog and price list - 1616 to date; including a brief history of American coinage, early American coins and tokens, early mint issues, regular mint issues, private, state and territorial gold, silver, and gold commemorative issues, proofs. Personal Author: Yeoman, R. S. (Richard S.) Publication info: Racine, Wis., Whitman, c1964. CC75.7 .Z56 2003 2003 Title: Presenting the past / Larry J. Zimmerman. Personal Author: Zimmerman, Larry J., 1947Publication info: Walnut Creek : Altamira Press, c2003. CB69.C56 1983 1983 Title: Civilization and society / edited, with introductions and notes, by George V. Zito. Publication info: Lanham, MD : University Press of America, c1983.