MODULE THREE NOTES THE MAMMALIAN HEART From a general engineering standpoint Type: General Description: Dimensions: Performance data: Regulation systems: Construction material: Blood pump for human circulation 2 pumps linked in series, self lubricating, self regulating, operational lifetime ~ 75-86yrs Inverted cone shape, Base width ~ 100mm, Max. length ~ 155mm; Weight ~ 300g Cardiac output = stroke volume x heart rate (CO= ml x bpm). At rest = 5-8 lm-1 , At peak = 30 lm-1, Normal stroke vols. = 80-120 ml. Normal heart rate = 68 bpm 1. Pacemakers (Main SAN, Auxillary AVN) 2. Nervous system: (Heart accelerator = nerve of herring. Heart decelerator = Vagus depressor) 3. Hormonal system (Adrenaline and Thyroxin) Cardiac Muscle, special feature no fatigue or oxygen debt CARDIAC CYCLE REGULATION MYOGENIC -heartbeat is initiated from within the heart muscle itself SINO-ATRIAL NODE (SAN) - group of SPECIALISED CARDIAC MUSCLE CELLS in the wall of the RIGHT ARTIUM near where the vena cava enters. It DETERMINES the BASIC RATE of the heartbeat ie a PACEMAKER. An impulse spreads from the SA Node to BOTH atria causing them to contract almost simultaneously. This impulse also reaches a similar ATRIO VENTRICULAR (AV) NODE which lies between the two atria. The impulse is conducted along the PURKINJE FIBRES (collectively making the BUNDLE OF HIS) through the septum to the APEX of the heart. These cause the impulse to travel from the APEX of the ventricles UPWARDS, thus forcing the blood into the arteries. Within the CARDIAC CENTRE of the MEDULLA in the brain are 2 CENTRES: CENTRE CARDIOACCELERATORY CENTRE CARDIO-INHIBITORY CENTRE NERVE LINKING TO SAN IN HEART SYMPATHETIC NERVE (nerve of Herring) EFFECT OF STIMULATION > CARDIAC OUTPUT PARASYMPATHETIC NERVE (vagus depressor) < CARDIAC OUTPUT Changes in the following factors in the blood cause stimulation of the appropriate centre: pH, [CO2], [O2] and pressure – detected by receptor cells in aortic arch, carotid body and sinus and the vena cava HEART RATE Heart Rate increased by:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Increase in blood pressure in the Vena Cava. Increase in blood [CO2]. Decrease in blood [O2]. Decrease in blood pH. Increase in body temperature (core temperature). Increase in hormone adrenaline. Decrease in hormone thyroxin. Increase in the nervous input from pain receptors. Heart Rate decreased by:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Increase in blood pressure in Aorta and large arteries Decrease in blood [CO2]. Increase in blood [O2]. Increase in blood pH. Decrease in body temperature (core temperature). Decrease in adrenaline. Increase in thyroxin. BLOOD Blood is classified as a CONNECTIVE TISSUE i.e. Specialised cells in a fluid or a semi-fluid matrix . MATRIX WATER SALTS PLASMA PROTEINS ALBUMINS 45 - 54% SODIUM 2400mg/l POTASSIUM 80 mg/l CALCIUM 80 mg/l MAGNESIUM 28 mg/l CHLORIDE 2600mg/l HYDROGEN CARBONATE 1500mg/l 6.8 - 8.5 G/100cm3 of plasma 53 % of total plasma protein: Responsible for osmotic pressure of blood 43% of total plasma protein: Involved in the defence against disease (often called immunoglobulins. Involved in the clotting process GLOBULINS FIBRINOGEN All these make plasma about six times more viscous than water and contribute to regulation of water between plasma & tissue fluids. The hydrogen carbonate ions are important buffers that keep the pH of blood constant SUSTANCE TRANSPORTED IN THE BLOOD 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. SUGARS AMINO ACIDS FATTY ACIDS, GLYCEROL HORMONES NITROGENOUS WASTSE CARBON DIOXIDE OXYGEN RED BLOOD CELLS (ERYTHROCYTES) Biconcave discs 7 – 8 micrometres diameter 1 - 2 micrometres thick. No nucleus when mature (mammalian) Elastic framework - permits the cell to bend and twist as it passes through blood vessels smaller than its diameter. Av. 5.4 Million per mm3 Each R.B.C. contains approx. 265,000,000 molecules of HAEMOGLOBIN. FUNCTION OF HAEMOGLOBIN HAEMOGLOBIN + O2 = OXYHAEMOGLOBIN The DIRECTION of this reaction depends on: The Partial Pressure(P) of OXYGEN: i.e. when O2 is at LOW (P) e.g.. in capillaries reaction occurs to the left and O2 is released . When O2 is at HIGH (P) e.g.. in lungs the reaction occurs to the right and O2 is taken up by haemoglobin and to a lesser extent [CO2] Thus: in the CAPILLARIES OF THE TISSUES the [CO 2] is HIGH and a large amount of O2 is released from the oxyhaemoglobin by the combined action of these two effects. CARBON MONOXIDE (CO) has a greater affininty for Hb than oxygen does, thus when air is breathed containing only 0.5% CO more than HALF the Hb molecules combine with it. It is a reversible union taking several hours to clear a persons blood. The release of O2 from haemoglobin is HELPED/INFLUENCED BY THE PRESENCE OF CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) = THE BOHR EFFECT/SHIFT. where CO2 is HIGH (RESPIRING TISSUE) OXYGEN IS RELEASED READILY where CO2 is LOW (RESPIRATORY SURFACE) OXYGEN IS TAKEN UP READILY FOETAL HAEMOGLOBIN HAS A HIGHER AFFINITY FOR O2 than maternal Hb. CO2 IS TRANSPORTED IN THE BLOOD IN 3 WAYS 1) in solution ~ 10% 2) bound to haemoglobin ~ 30% 3) as bicarbonate ions ~ 60% 1) The greater solubility of CO2 contributes to the relatively lower PCO2 compared with O2. 2) Carboxyhaemoglobin. CO2 combines with the globin portion of haemoglobin, when the affinity of haemoglobin for O2 is at it’s lowest CO2 can bind readily with haemoglobin. 3) Most CO2 is transported in the blood as bicarbonate which is produced via a 2 step reaction: CO2 + H2O → This reaction is catalysed by the enzyme carbonic anhydrase which is present in high concentration inside red blood cells so this reaction normally occurs inside red blood cells. H2CO3 → H+ + HCO3- this disassociation occurs immediately. The HCO3diffuses out of the RBC into the plasma, the H+ are taken up by the haemoglobin within red blood cells (i.e. they are buffered). Cl- ions diffuse into RBC’s to equalise the charge when the HCO3leaves, this is known as the chloride shift. % saturation of haemoglobin Low CO2 High CO2 Tissues Lungs Partial pressure of oxygen TOP END OF CURVE This area shows Hb's ability to take up O2 FROM THE ENVIRONMENT. The Oxygen pressure at which Hb reaches saturation is called the LOADING TENSION (TL) or loading pressure - where curve starts to flatten out. The UNLOADING TENSION (TU) is arbitrarily defined as the OXYGEN PRESSURE AT WHICH Hb CARRIES ONLY HALF AS MUCH O2 AS IT CAN HOLD WHEN SATURATED. MIDDLE OF CURVE The steep slope in this area means there is a BIG change in how much O 2 the Hb can carry over a SMALL RANGE of OXYGEN pressures. These Oxygen pressures are normally present in the FLUIDS DEEP WITHIN THE BODY. The graph can be used to explain the following points: There is a high concentration of O2 in the lungs and a low concentration of CO2. The haemoglobin will therefore be virtually saturated with O 2. In tissues which are respiring actively there will be a low concentration of O 2 and a high concentration of CO2. The haemoglobin will therefore give up a lot of the O 2 that it is transporting Transport flowering plants. Mass Flow Large or complex organisms which cannot rely on diffusion and active transport alone, they must have long-distance transport systems. Materials are generally moved by a mass flow system, mass flow being the bulk transport of materials from one point to another as a result of a pressure difference between the two points. Mass flow system Xylem Phloem Materials moved Driving force mainly water and mineral salts mainly organic food e.g. sucrose transpiration & root pressure mechanism not fully understood Study the following notes which relate to xylem and phloem. These both consist of more than one type of cell. N.B. The notes include information on structural features of xylem and phloem which are related to their mechanical functions. We will only be relating their structure to their role in transport at this time. 1) Xylem Conduction of water and mineral salts Support Four cell types:- Tracheids, Vessels, Parenchyma, Fibres Tracheids Single cells; elongated and lignified Tapering end walls which overlap Dead with empty lumens These are efficient water conductors, but due to their ancestral nature they are not abundant in angiosperms (flowering plants). Vessels Long, tubular structures Formed by fusion of several cells end to end in a row Just to keep things simple (?!) there are two types of vessel. These are protoxylem and metaxylem. Protoxylem Formed from vessels found just behind apical meristem Growth and cell elongation occurs in this area Protoxylem stretches as the surrounding cells elongate Stretching possible because lignin is not deposited over entire cellulose wall Lignin only deposited as rings or spirals Early protoxylem stretches and collapses during initial growth from a meristem. More mature regions form metaxylem. Metaxylem Formed by extensive lignification of protoxylem Dead, rigid, fully lignified and cannot stretch Why does xylem provide an ideal system for translocation of water. Read about it in your text book and make notes in the space below. N.B. This is important as you are required to be able to relate structure of both xylem and phloem to their role in transport. .....................................................................................................………………………… .....................................................................................................………………………… .....................................................................................................………………………… .....................................................................................................………………………… .....................................................................................................………………………… .....................................................................................................………………………… .....................................................................................................………………………… 2) Phloem Translocation of solutions of organic solutes No mechanical function Similar to xylem in possessing tubular structures modified for translocation. Tubes, however, are living cells lined with cytoplasm. Five cell types:- Sieve tube elements, Companion cells, Parenchyma, Fibres, Sclereids Photosynthetic products must obviously be transported to non-photosynthetic tissues of the plant. Movement of these solutes must be bidirectional. Compare this movement with that of xylem: .....................................................................................................………………………… .....................................................................................................………………………… Phloem also carries certain mineral elements in various forms. e.g. potassium ions, hormones and vitamins. The following are transported as constituents of which organic solute:Nitrogen and sulphur?......................................................................... Sieve Tube Elements and Companion Cells Sieve Tube Elements: Living cells which contain obstructions to flow of solution (i.e. sieve plates and, to a lesser extent, the cytoplasm) Formation: Nucleus degenerates (comparison to which mammalian cell?)………………………………… Cell walls at each end develop into sieve plates Sieve plates formed when plasmodesmata enlarge to form sieve pores. This forms a tube-like structure with a wide lumen and a narrow, peripheral layer of living cytoplasm. Companion Cells: Closely associated with each sieve element Dense cytoplasm with small vacuoles and usual cell organelles Metabolically very active (What evidence is there for this? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Very close link with sieve tube elements. If companion cell dies, so do some elements. In leaves they function as transfer cells, absorbing sugars and transferring them to sieve tube elements There is still a great deal of controversy over the mechanism of translocation in phloem. Obviously though, the enlarged plasmodesmata (sieve pores) play an integral role in movement of solutes along the elements. The Transpiration Stream Remember that this can be thought of as the movement of water from a less negative to more negative water potential. Water moves from less negative in soil to more negative of air surrounding leaves. The of air with a low humidity is nearly zero. This provides a very steep gradient from soil to air and is one of the driving forces of the transpiration stream. Soil • • • Root cortex Xylem Leaves Air Transpiration stream Transpiration Transpiration stream is movement of water from root to leaf. Transpiration is the loss of water from plant surfaces. When water evaporates from a leaf mesophyll cell, this cell’s will fall. Water from an adjacent cell will then move into this cell by osmosis as a result of the difference between them. This ‘chain’ of differences continues back to the xylem sap which obviously has a high . Water moves smoothly and continuously along this gradient. Water loss may occur from:1. Stomata (evaporation from mesophyll cells & diffusion via stomata this way = 90% water loss) 2. Cuticle (evaporation from epidermal cell walls). 10% depending on cuticle thickness. 3. Lenticels (minute amount lost this way, but main source of water loss after leaf fall in deciduous). The three pathways of water movement through cells are:1. ........................................................................................................ 2. ........................................................................................................ 3. ........................................................................................................ The Casparian strips are formed when a waterproof substance called suberin is deposited in the cell walls of endodermal cells. Which pathway of water movement will be affected by Casparian strips, and what purpose do you think this serves? ...........................................................................................................…………………… ...........................................................................................................…………………… ...........................................................................................................…………………… The Cohesion-Tension Theory Xylem vessels are full of water. Tension is set up in water column as water leaves xylem. Tension transmitted back to root due to cohesion of water molecules. Water polar molecule H-bonding high cohesion Adhesion = water molecules tend to ‘stick’ to xylem walls. Columns of water in xylem have a high tensile strength, a force capable of pulling water long distances upwards by means of mass flow. A Mechanism of Stomatal Opening (THIS IS STARCH SUGAR HYPOTHESIS YOU ALSO NEED TO KNOW POTASSIUM ION HYPOTHESIS) A vertical section through a stoma would show the asymetrically thickened guard cell walls. As guard cells inflate with water and become turgid, this uneven thickening causes the guard cells to assume a semi-circular shape, this opening a hole between them. Conversely, the cells close the hole as they lose water. The mechanisms which bring about these changes in turgidity are not yet completely understood. Guard cells are the only epidermal cells which possess chloroplasts. The ‘starchsugar hypothesis’ suggests that sugar accumulates in guard cells during exposure to light. Explain, in terms of WP, how this could bring about stomatal opening: ...........................................................................................................…………………… ...........................................................................................................…………………… ...........................................................................................................…………………… It has been shown that this accumulation of sugar is insufficient to bring about stomatal opening on its own. What else has been shown to accumulate in guard cells during daylight, and what happens to this at night? ...........................................................................................................…………………… ...........................................................................................................…………………… ...........................................................................................................…………………… Mineral Ion Uptake and Transportation Mineral elements exist in the form of ions in salts. The ions dissociate in solution (water in soil). Uptake is greatest in region of the root hairs. Uptake occurs by both diffusion and active tranport in the piliferous region of the root hairs. In attempting to explain the uptake and movement of mineral ions, the following facts must be taken into account:- What happens when ions moving in the apoplast (in solution) reach the Casparian strips? ...........................................................................................................…………………… ...........................................................................................................…………………… ...........................................................................................................…………………… This is how plants monitor and control which types of ions eventually reach the xylem. The symplast pathway extends from the piliferous region right through to the xylem. This route allows ions to travel without having to cross further membranes. Ions moving from root cells into xylem vessels must pass across a cell membrane via diffusion or active transport. Remember that minerals are either tranlocated upwards in the xylem, or up and down the phloem as constituents of organic solutes. Evidence for Movement in Phloem 1. Radioactive Labelling - 1945 - Plants supplied with 14CO2 and a light source. Radioactivity later detected in phloem. 2. Aphids - these feed on translocating sugars by penetrating sieve tubes with modified mouthparts (stylets). Aphid is anaesthatised and body removed leaving stylets embedded in phloem. Sieve tube contents continue to exude from stylet, can be collected and analysed. 3. Metabolic poisons - when introduced to phloem, translocation is halted therefore suggesting active processes involved. Munch’s Mass Flow (Pressure) Hypothesis This is the major hypothesis used to explain movement in phloem though it has its limitations. Comparison of Xylem and Phloem Sap SUBSTANCE Sucrose Amino Acids Nitrate Xylem Sap g ml-1 0 700 10 Phloem Sap g ml-1 154,000 13,000 0 ADAPTATION OF PLANTS TO HOT CONDITIONS Shiny cuticle ~ reflects light Evaporation from stomata causing cooling Wilting as a response to reduce leaf S/A in light ADAPTATIONS OF PLANTS TO DRY CONDITIONS (XEROPHYTIC PLANTS) Needle shaped leaves ~ permit max. heat dissipation Survive extreme conditions by remaining in seed or spore stage = drought evaders (4 weeks) Drought endurers Xeromorphic - structural adaptations e.g. British Marram Grass (Ammophylia)