Project Publications List (2005 to 2006)

Conservation and Sustainable Management of Below-Ground Biodiversity
BGBD Project Publications List (2005 to 2006)
Project BiosBrasil/CSM-BGBD Brazil:
Peer Reviewed Journal publications
Constantino, R., Acioli, A.N.S., Schmidt, K., Cuezzo, C., Carvalho, S.H.C.,
Vasconcelllos, 2006. A Taxonomic revision of the Neotropical termite genera
Labiotermes Holmgren and Paracornitermes Emerson (Isoptera: Termitidae:
Nasutitermitinae). Zootaxa, 1340:1-44, 2006.
Andaló, V., Nguyen, K.B. & Moino Jr., A. 2006. Heterorhabditis amazonensis n. sp.
(Rhabditida: Heterorhabditidae) from Amazonas, Brazil. Nematology 8 (6):853-867.
Book and Book chapters
Moreira, F.M.S., Siqueira, J.O., Brussaard, L. (Eds), 2006. Soil biodiversity in
Amazonian and other Brazilian ecosystems, Wallingford: CAB International, 2006,
280 p.
1- Soil organisms in tropical ecosystems: a key role for Brazil in the global
quest for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. Fatima M.S.
Moreira (UFLA), José Oswaldo Siqueira (UFLA) and Lijbert Brussaard (WU).
2- Soil and land use in Brazilian Amazon. M.L. Mendonça-Santos, H.G. dos
Santos, M.R. Coelho, A.C.C. Bernardi, P.L.O.A. Machado; C.V. Manzatto and
3- Soil macrofauna communities in Brazilian Amazonia. Barros E.(INPA),
Mathieu, J.(IRD), Tapia-Coral S.(INPA), Nascimento A.R.L.(INPA), Lavelle
4- Earthworm ecology and diversity in Brazil. James, S.W.(NHM) & Brown,
5- Termite diversity (Insecta:Isoptera).R. Constantino (UNB), A.N.S.Acioli
6- Patterns of diversity and responses to forest disturbance of ground-dwelling
ants in Amazonia. H. L. Vasconcelos.(UFU)
7- Soil mesofauna in Central Amazon. E.Franklin & J.W. Moraes (INPA).
8- Nematode communities at different land-use systems in Brazilian Amazon
and Savannah vegetations. S.P. Huang & J.E. Cares (UNB).
9- Diversity of microfungi tropical soil. L. Pfenning & L.M.Abreu (UFLA).
10- Diversity of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Brazilian Ecosystems. Sidney
Luiz Stürmer (FURB)& José Oswaldo Siqueira (UFLA).
11- Nitrogen-fixing Leguminosae nodulating bacteria. F.M.S. Moreira.
Noda, H. & Noda, S.N., 2006. Manejo de recursos genéticos vegetais por populaces
tradicionais do Alto Rio Solimões. In: Kubo, R.R; Bassi, J.B.; Souza, G.C.; Alencar,
N.L.; Medeiros, P.M.; Albuquerque, U.P., (eds). Atualidades em Etnobiologia e
Etnoecologia. vol. 3, 284p. Recife, SBEE, p.151-164.
Conservation and Sustainable Management of Below-Ground Biodiversity
Conference and workshop papers; publications in national journals
Jesus, E.C., Moreira, F.M.S., Florentino, L.A., Rodrigues, M.I.D., Oliveira, M.S., 2005.
Diversidade de bactérias que nodulam siratro em três sistemas de uso da terra da
Amazônia Ocidental [Leguminosae nodulating bactéria diversity from three
diffenrent land use systems in Brazilian Western Amazon] Pesquisa Agropecuária
Brasileira, Brasília, v.40, n.8, p.769-776.
Working papers; internal series; bulletins
Coelho, M.R.; Fidalgo, E.C.C; Araújo, F.O; Santos, H.G. dos, Mendonça Santos, M.L.;
Pérez, D.V., Moreira, F.M.S., 2005a. Solos das áreas-piloto do Projeto BiosBrasil
(Conservation and Sustainable Management of below-ground biodiversity: Phase I),
Município de Benjamin Constant, Estado do Amazonas [Soils of the pilot areas of
Conservation and Sustainable Management of Below-Ground BioDiversity: Phase I,
Benjamin Constant County, Amazonas State..] Embrapa Solos, Rio de Janeiro,
Boletim de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento, 67. 159 p.
(available on, orções/levantamentodesolos)
Coelho, M.R.; Fidalgo, E.C.C; Araújo, F.O; Santos, H.G. dos, Mendonça Santos, M.L.;
Pérez, D.V., Moreira, F.M.S., 2005b. Levantamento pedológico de uma área-piloto
relacionada ao Projeto BiosBrasil (Conservation and Sustainable Management of
below-ground biodiversity: Phase I), Município de Benjamin Constant (AM): Janela
6 [Soil survey of a pilot area related to conservation and sustainable managementt of
below-ground biodiversity project: phase 1, Benjamin Constant County, Amazonas
State: window 6]. Embrapa Solos, Rio de Janeiro, Boletim de Pesquisa e
Desenvolvimento, 68. 94 p.
(Available on line: orções/levantamentodesolos).
Fidalgo, E.C.C; Coelho, M.R.; Araújo, F.O.; Moreira, F.M.S; Santos, H.G.; MendonçaSantos, M.L.; Huising, J., 2005. Levantamento do uso e cobertura da terra de seis
áreas amostrais relacionadas ao projeto BiosBrasil (Conservation and sustainable
management of below-ground biodiversity: Phase 1), Município de Benjamin
Constant, (AM) [Land use and cover survey in benchmark area of CSMBGBD/BiosBrasil project:phase 1, Benjamin Constant (AM)]. Embrapa Solos, Rio de
Janeiro, Boletim de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento da Embrapa Solos 71, 54 p.
(Available on line at: orções/usodosolo)
Huang, S. P. & Cares, J. E. (2004). The role of nematodes in maintaining soil fertility.
BGBD Bi-annual Newsletter of the TSBF-CIAT, Nairobi, Kenya, v. 1, n. 1, p. 1416, 2004.
Student Theses
Giselle Gomes Monteiro, 2007. Analysis of the fungal community in soils of Amazonia
mediated by Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE). MSc thesis in Agricultural
Microbiology, Universidade Federal de Lavras.
(Supervisor Ludwig Pfenning).
Conservation and Sustainable Management of Below-Ground Biodiversity
Antonio Edson de Souza Soares, 2006. Nutrientes e Carbono no Solo em Áreas com
diferentes Sistemas de Uso na Região do Alto Solimões-AM. [Soil nutrients and
carbon in areas with different land use systems in Alto Solimões region-AM] MSc
thesis in Agricultura of the Sumid Tropics, INPA/UFAM, 56p.
(Supervisor: Sonia Senna Alfaia).
Krisle da Silva, 2006. Densidade e caracterização de bactérias diazotróficas associativas
oriundas de diferentes sistemas de uso da terra na região amazônica.[Density and
characterization of diazotrophic associative bactéria in soils under diverse land use
systems in Amazonia] MSc Thesis Graduate Programme Soil Science and Plant
Nutrition – Soil Science Department/UFLA. 73 p.
(Supervisor Fatima M S Moreira)
Rafaela Simão Abrahão Nóbrega, 2006. Efeito de sistemas de uso da terra na
Amazônia sobre atributos do solo, ocorrência, eficiência e diversidade de bactérias
que nodulam caupi [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp] [Effects of Amazonian land use
systems on soil attributes, occurrence, efficiency and diversity of bacteria nodulating
cowpea Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp]. Doctoral Thesis Graduate Programme Soil
Science and Plant Nutrition – Soil Science Department/UFLA, MG. 188 p.
(Supervisor Fatima M S Moreira)
Vanessa Andaló, 2006. Estudos taxonômicos e armazenamento de nematóides
entomopatogênicos (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae, Heterorhabditidae). [Taxonomic
studies and storage of entomopathogenic nematodes (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae,
Heterorhabditidae]. Doctoral Thesis Graduate Programme Agricultural Entomology)
– Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, MG. 184 p.
(Supervisor Alcides Moino Jr.)
Adriana Silva Lima, 2005.: Densidade, eficiência e diversidade de bactérias que
nodulam siratro de solos sob diferentes usos na Amazônia Oriental. [Density,
efficiency and diversity of bacteria nodulating siratro from soils under different uses
in eastern Amazon region]. Doctoral Thesis Graduate Programme Soil Science and
Plant Nutrition –Soil Science Department/UFLA, MG. 188 p.
(Supervisor Fatima M S Moreira.)
Frederico Vasconcelos Ribeiro, 2005: “Biodiversidade e distribuição geográfica de
Anastrepha spp. (Diptera: Tephritidae) no alto e médio rio Solimões, Amazonas”.
[Biodiversity and distribution of Anastrepha spp. (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Upper
Solimões River, Amazonas]. MSc Thesis Graduate Programme in Agriculture and
Sustainability In Amazônia, FCA/UFAM, AM, 92 p.
(Supervisor: Dr. Neliton Marques)
Gláucia Alves e Silva, 2005. Infectividade e eficiência de comunidades de fungos
micorrízicos isoladas de solos sob diferentes sistemas de uso na região amazônica
[Infectivity and effectiveness of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi isolated from soils
under different land uses in Amazonia]. MSc Thesis Graduate Programme Soil
Science and Plant Nutrition – Soil Science Department/UFLA. 62 p.
(Supervisor Dr. José Oswaldo Siqueira. Co-supervisor: Dr. Sidney Sturmer, 2005.)
Conservation and Sustainable Management of Below-Ground Biodiversity
Paulo Henrique da Silva, 2005. Estrutura de comunidade de Scarabaeidae (Insecta:
Coleoptera) em diferentes sistemas de uso da terra na Amazônia [Structure of the
Scarabaeidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) communities in soils under different land uses in
the Amazônia]. MSc Thesis Graduate Programme on Agronomy/Entomology/UFLA,
MG. 42 p.
(Supervisor: Dr. Julio Louzada.).
Patricia Lopes Leal, 2005. Fungos micorrízicos arbusculares isolados em culturas
armadilhas de solos sob diferentes sistemas de uso na Amazônia [Arbuscular
mycorrhizal fungo isolated by trap cultures from soils under different land uses in
Amazonia]. MSc thesis Graduate Programme Soil Science and Plant Nutrition – Soil
Science Department/UFLA. 69 p.
(Supervisor Dr. José Oswaldo Siqueira, Co-supervisor: Dr. Sidney Sturmer)
Ederson da Conceição Jesús, 2004. Diversidade de bactérias que nodulam leguminosas,
isoladas de três sistemas de uso da terra, na região do Alto Solimões-AM. [Diversity
of Leguminosae nodulating Bacteria isolated from different land use systems placed
in the Alto Solimões region-AM, Brazil]. MSc Thesis, Graduate programme in
Agricultural Microbiology, Universidade Federal de Lavras, MG, 114 p.
(Supervisor: Fátima M.S.Moreira)
Key note lecture invitations; invited papers
Stürmer S.L., 2006. Diversidade de fungos micorrízicos arbusculares em ecossistemas
brasileiros. Paper presented at the 57th Congresso Nacional De Botanica, Simpósio
– Diversidade Fúngica na América Tropical e Temperada. Anais 57 Congresso
Nacional de Botânica. Gramado, RS, Brasil. p. 216-219.
Stürmer, S.L. 2006. Diversidade de fungos micorrízicos arbusculares em ecossistemas
naturais e agrícolas brasileiros. Lecture given at FERTBIO2006, Seminário –
Ecologia microbiana e estratégias de manejo sustentáveis. Anais. FERTBIO2006.
Bonito, MS, Brasil. CD ROM.
Fatima Moreira, 2005. Biodiversidade de ecossistemas naturais: Projeto Conservação e
Manejo Sustentável da Biodiversidade do Solo- BiosBrasil
( Paper presented at XXX Congresso Brasileiro de
Ciência do Solo, Recife, Brazil, 17-22 july 2005. Authors: Fátima Maria de Souza
Moreira(1), Adriana S. Lima(1), Agno Acioli(6), Alcides Moino Junior(1), Alexandra
Priscila Tregue(7), Alexandre Barberi(1), Jacques Delabie(3), Ayrton Luiz Urizzi
Martins(2), Carlos Roberto Grippa(5), Danilo Fernandes da Silva Filho(6), Ederson da
Conceição Jesus(1), Ednalva P. Andrade (8), Elaine Cristina Cardoso Fidalgo(4),
Fabiano de Oliveira Araújo(4), Fernanda Tunes Villani(6), Francisco Manoares
Machado (6), Frederico Vasconcelos Ribeiro(7), Gyovanni Ribeiro(6), Glaucia Alves e
Silva(1), Gustavo Schiffler(1); Henrique Pereira(7), Hiroshi Noda (6), Humberto
Gonçalves dos Santos(4), Ieda Leão do Amaral (6) , Jeroen Huising(9), José Oswaldo
Siqueira(1), José Wellington Morais(6), João Paulo R. Pereira(1), Jucélia de Oliveira
Vidal(6), Julio Louzada(1), Juvenil Cares (8), Katell Uguen(6), Krisle da Silva(1), Ligiane
Aparecida Florentino(1), Lucas Magalhães de Abreu(1), Ludwig H. Pfenning(1),
Marcelo Silva de Oliveira(1)Márcia Lídia Gomide(1), Maria de Lourdes Mendonça S.
Brefin(4), Maria Isabel Dantas Rodrigues(1), Maurício Rizzato Coelho(4), Michele A.
Conservation and Sustainable Management of Below-Ground Biodiversity
Silva(1), Mônica Silva Santos(1), Neliton Marques da Silva(7), Nívia Dias(1), Rafaela S.
A. Nóbrega(1), Reginaldo Constantino(8), Ricardo Souza Cavalcanti(1), Patricia Lopes
Leal(1), Paulo A. Ferreira(1), Paulo Henrique Silva(1), Ronald Zanetti(1), Sandra Celia
Tapia-Coral(1), Sidney Luiz Stürmer((5), Sonia Sena Alfaia(6), Vanessa Andaló(1).
Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA, Lavras, MG).2Centro Universitário
Luterano de Manaus (CEULB/ULBRA, Manaus, AM). 3CEPEC/CEPLAC, Caixa
Postal 7, 45600-000, Itabuna, Bahia. 4Embrapa Solos, Rio de Janeiro. 5Universidade
Regional de Blumenau (FURB), SC, 6 Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia,
Manaus, AM. 7Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM),Manaus, AM.
Universidade de Brasília (UNB), Brasília, DF. 9Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility
Institute of CIAT (TSBF-CIAT). Proceedings of the XXX Congresso Brasileiro de
Ciência do Solo, CD-ROM, 41 p.
Fatima Moreira, 2004. Tropical nitrogen-fixing Leguminosae Nodulating Bacteria
(NFLNB) ecology and the TSBF Institute. Address given at the 10th International
Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME), Cancun, México, 22-27 August 2004.
Authors: F.M.S.Moreira(1); Paulo A.A.Ferreira(1); Ligiane A. Florentino(1); Ederson
C.Jesus(1); Adão M.Lacerda(1); Adriana S.Lima(1); Terence Marsh(2); Eliane G.
Pereira(3); João P. A.R. Pereira(1); André L.L. Soares(1); Mike Swift(4); James Tiedje(2).
Departamento de Ciência do Solo, Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA),
Brazil.(2) Center for Microbial Ecology, Michigan State University (MSU), United
States of America.(3) Departamento de Solos e Nutrição de Plantas, Universidade
Federal de Itajubá (UFEI), Brazil.(4) Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility Institute of
International Center for Tropical Agriculture (TSBF-CIAT), Kenya. Book of
abstracts p. 112. Final program p.56.
Fátima Moreira, 2004. Biodiversity of nitrogen fixing Leguminosae nodulating bacteria
in Brazilian ecosystems and selection of inoculant strains. Paper presented at XXII
RELAR (22ª Reunión Latinoamericana de Rhizobiología y 1ª Reunión Nacional de
Fijación Biológica del Nitrógeno), 13 - 15 September 2004. Miguel Pereira, Brasil.
Authors: F.M.S.Moreira(1); Paulo A.A.Ferreira(1); Ligiane A. Florentino(1); Ederson
C.Jesus(1); Adão M.Lacerda(1); Adriana S.Lima(1); Terence Marsh(2); Eliane G.
Pereira(3); João P. A.R. Pereira(1); André L.L. Soares(1); Mike Swift(4); James Tiedje(2).
Departamento de Ciência do Solo, Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA),
Brazil.(2) Center for Microbial Ecology, Michigan State University (MSU), United
States of America. (3) Departamento de Solos e Nutrição de Plantas, Universidade
Federal de Itajubá (UFEI), Brazil.(4) Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility Institute of
International Center for Tropical Agriculture (TSBF-CIAT), Kenya. Programme and
Abstracts of the 22ª Reunión Latinoamericana de Rhizobiología y 1ª Reunión
Nacional de Fijación Biológica del Nitrógeno. Miguel Pereira, Brasil. P.15. (this
lecture received the award of best practical work)
Abstracts & posters presentations; national conferences
Alfaia, Sonia Sena; Antonio Edson de Souza Soares; Jonas de Oliveira Moraes Filho;
Acácia Lima Neves; Katell Uguen e Marta Iria da Costa Ayres, (2006). Influência do
tempo de pousio para a fertilidade do solo em áreas de capoeiras e roças na região do
Alto Solimões-AM. In: Fertbio 2006, Bonito-MS, Resumos Expandidos em CD
ROM, 4p.
Conservation and Sustainable Management of Below-Ground Biodiversity
Andaló, V., Nguyen, K. & Moino Jr., A. (2006). Studies on Heterorhabditis isolate from
Amazon Region, Brazil. Congresso Brasileiro de Nematologia, 26. 12-17 February
2006, Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ. Anais, p. 106.
Coral, S. C. T.; Morais, J. W. (2006). Comunidades de macro-invertebrados do solo em
diferentes sistemas de uso da terra no Alto Rio Solimões, AM. Brasil. XXI
Congresso Brasileiro de Entomologia, Recife, 6 -11 agosto de 2006, CD-ROM.
Jesus, E. C.; Silva, K.; Tiedje, J. M.; Moreira, F. M. S. (2006). Diversity of
Bradyrhizobium strains isolated from forest and cultivated áreas in the Brazilian
western Amazon. 11th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology - ISME11. Vienna, Austria, agosto de 2006.
Leal, P.L., Siqueira, J.O. & Stürmer, S.L. 2006. Fungos micorrízicos arbusculares
isolados em culturas armadilhas de solos sob diferentes sistema de uso na Amazônia.
In: Fertbio 2006, 17-22 setembro Bonito-MS, Resumos Expandidos em CD ROM,
Lima, A. S.; Barberi, A.; Florentino, L. A.; Nóbrega, R. S. A.; Moreira, F. M. S. (2006).
Densidade e eficiência simbiótica de populações de bactérias que fixam nitrogênio
em simbiose com siratro ( Macroptilium atropurpureum) em solos sob diferentes
sistemas de uso da terra na Amazônia. In: Fertbio 2006, 17-22 setembro BonitoMS, Resumos Expandidos em CD ROM, 4p.
Nóbrega, Rafaela Simão Abrahão & Fátima M. S. Moreira (2006). Atributos Químicos
De Solos Submetidos À Diferentes Sistemas De Uso Localizados No Alto Rio
Solimões – Amazônia3. In: Fertbio 2006, 17-22 setembro Bonito-MS, Resumos
Expandidos em CD ROM, 4p.
Oliveira Moraes Filho, Jonas de; Marta Iria da Costa Ayres e Sonia Sena Alfaia. 2006.
Teor de nutrientes no solo em áreas de florestas, capoeiras com diferentes idades e
roças na região na região do Alto Solimões-AM. In: XV Jornada de Iniciação
Científica11 a 14 de julho de 2006, Manaus, INPA. p. 289-290.
Silva, G.A., Siqueira, J.O. & Stürmer, S.L. (2006). Avaliação da eficiência simbiótica de
comunidades de fungos micorrízicos arbusculares isoladas de solos da Amazônia sob
diferente tipos de uso. In: Fertbio 2006, 17-22 setembro Bonito-MS, Resumos
Expandidos em CD ROM, 4p.
Silva, Krisle da; Fátima Maria de Souza Moreira, (2006). Identificação De Bactérias
Diazotróficas Isoladas De Solos Da Região Amazônica Sob Diferentes Sistemas De
Uso Da Terra. In: Fertbio 2006, 17-22 setembro Bonito-MS, Resumos Expandidos
em CD ROM, 4p.
Soares de Souza, Antônio Edson & Sonia Sena Alfaia. 2006. Avaliação da fertilidade do
solo em diferentes sistemas de uso e manejo da terra na região do Alto Solimões-AM.
In: II Mostra de Pós-Graduação do POSGRAD/FAPEAM, 3 e 15 de setembro de
2006, Resumos Expandidos em CD ROM, 4p.
Sturmer, S. L.; Siqueira, J. O. 2006. Biodiversity and community structure of AMF in
pasture and primary forest in Brazilian Amazon. In: 5th International Conference
on Mycorrhiza “Mycorrhiza for Science and Society”, July 23-27, 2006, Spain.
Conservation and Sustainable Management of Below-Ground Biodiversity
----------------------------------------Andrade, E. P. & Cares, J. E. (2005). Influences of agricultural management practices on
nematode diversity and soil maturity. [Influências de práticas de manejos agrícolas
na diversidade de nematóides e maturidade do solo no Amazonas]. Summa
phytopathologica, Botucatu, SP, v. 31, Suplemento, p. 40-40.
Andrade, E. P. & Cares, J. E. (2005). Influences of agricultural management practices on
trophic structure of nematodes community in Amazonas [Influências de pra´ticas de
manejo na estrutura trófica da comunidade de nematóides do solo no Amazonas].
Summa phytopathologica, Botucatu, SP, v. 31, n. Suplemento, p. 40-40.
Andrade, E. P. & Cares, J. E. (2005). Soil nematodes community in different land use
systems in Amazonas. [Comunidade de nematóides do solo em diferentes sistemas de
uso do solo no Amazonas] Summa phytopathologica, Botucatu, SP, v. 31, n.
Suplemento, p. 41-41, 2005.
Andrade, E. P. & Cares, J. E. (2005). The nematodes community as bioindicator of the
biological condition of the soil in Amazonas. [A comunidade de nematóides como
bioindicadoa do solo no Amazonas] Summa phytopathologica, Botucatu, SP, v. 31, n.
Suplemento, p. 41-41, 2005.
Andrade, E. P. & Cares, J. E., 2005. Nematode Community as bioindicator to assess
biological condition of the soil in Benjamin Constant, Amazonas.[A comunidade de
nematóides como bioindicador da condição biológica do solo em Benjamin Constant,
Amazonas] In: XXV Congresso Brasileiro de Nematologia, 2005, Piracicaba, SP.,
Anais do 25 Congresso Brasileiro de Nematologia. Piracicaba, SP: Sociedade
Brasileira de Nematologia, 2005. p. 89-89.
Cares, J. E & Andrade, E. P., 2005. Community of nematodes and soil disturbance level
in pasture and free fallow in Benjamin Constant, Amazonas. [Cominidade de
ne,atóides e o grau de pertubação do solo em pastagem e capoeira em Benjamin
Constant no Amazonas] In: XXV Congresso Brasileiro de Nematologia, 2005,
Piracicaba, SP. Anais do 25 Congresso Brasileiro de Nematologia. Piracicaba, SP :
Sociedade Brasileira de Nematologia, 2005. p. 89-89.
Jesus, E. C.; Lima, A. S.; Nóbrega, R. S. A.; Florentino, L.; Barberi, A.; Vilas Boas, R.
C.; Ferreira, P. A. A.; Pereira, J. P. A. R.; Moreira, F. M. S. (2005). Avaliação de
espécies de leguminosas como planta-isca para o estudo da diversidade de bactérias
que nodulam leguminosas. XIV Congresso dos Pós- graduandos da UFLA,
Lavras, 12-16 setembro de 2005, CD-ROM.
Oliveira, Janine M., Lucas M. Abreu, Ricardo T.G. Pereira & Ludwig H. Pfenning
(2005). Espécies de Pythium presentes em solo sob diferentes tipos de uso na região
Alto Solimões, Amazônia, Brasil. [Species of Pythium in soil under different land use
in Alto Solimões, Amazônia]. V. Congresso Latino-Americano de Micologia,
Brasília DF, agosto 2005. Abstracts V. Congresso Latino-Americano de Micologia,
Brasília DF.
Oliveira, V.S. & Morais,, 2005. Biodiversidade e densidade da mesofauna do
solo em diferentes sistemas de uso da terra em comunidades ribeirinhas do Alto
Solimões, Amazonas. XIV Jornada de Iniciação Científica do
Conservation and Sustainable Management of Below-Ground Biodiversity
PIBIC/CNPq/Fapeam/ INPA, 05-07 de julho, 2005. Manaus, Amazonas, Brasil.
Resumo Zoo-01, 2 pp. (em CD).
Oliveira Neves, Amanda Aparecida de; Meire Aparecida Silvestrine Cordeiro; André
Shigueyoshi Nakatani; Ligiane Aparecida Florentino; Pedro Martins Sousa; Rogério
Custódio Vilas Boas; Krisle da Silva; José Geraldo Donizete dos Santos; Fátima
Maria de Souza Moreira; José Oswaldo Siqueira (2006). Densidade, Diversidade E
Atividade Microbiana De Solo Sob Floresta E Pastagem Na Amazônia Ocidental. In:
Fertbio 2006, 17-22 setembro Bonito-MS, Resumos Expandidos em CD ROM, 4p.
Pfenning, Ludwig H.*, Lucas M. Abreu**, Janine M. Oliveira, Ricardo T.G. Pereira*,
Cristiano S. Lima**, Mirian Salgado & Anderson R. Almeida* (2005). How different
land-use systems of a tropical rain forest area in the Brazilian Amazon influence
diversity of soil micro-fungi. Como diferentes usos da terra em uma área de floresta
tropical da Amazônia Brasileira influenciam a diversidade de micro-fungos do solo.
POSTER presented at the V Congresso Latinoamericano de Micologia, Brasília
DF, Brazil, August 2005
Santos, M. S. S.; Zanetti, R.; Gomide, M. L.; Delabie, J.; Dias, N. S.; Martins, L. C. B.;
Cardoso, J. S. Riqueza de formicidae em cinco sistemas de uso da terra na Amazônia
Ocidental. XVII Simpósio de Mirmecologia, Campo Grande, MS, 6-11 novembro
de 2005.
Zanetti, R.; Dias, N. S.; Santos, M. S. S.; Delabie, J.; Martins, L. C. B.; Gomide, M. L.
(2005). O uso dos solos na Amazônia ocidental, Brasil: avaliação do seu efeito sobre
as comunidades de Formicidae. XVII Simpósio de Mirmecologia. Campo Grande,
------------------------------------------------------Abreu, L. M.; Moura, B.; Salgado, M.; Pereira, R. T. G.; Pfenning, L. H., 2004. Fungal
diversity in tropical soils: study of plant pathogenic fungi and their antagonists in
soils under different land-uses. 37th Congresso Brasileiro de Fitopalogia,
Gramado-RS, Brasil, Agosto de 2004.
Abreu, Lucas M. de*, Bianca de Moura, Mirian Salgado, Ricardo T.G. Pereira** &
Ludwig H. Pfenning, 2004. Fungal Diversity in Tropical Soils Under Different LandUses. IV Congresso Brasileiro de Micologia, Ouro Preto MG, October 17-20,
Moreira F.M.S.; Messias J.B. Andrade; Paulo A.A. Ferreira; Ligiane A. Florentino;
Ederson C. Jesus; Adão M. Lacerda; Adriana S. Lima; Terence Marsh; Eliane G.
Pereira; João P. A.R. Pereira; André L.L. Soares; Mike Swift; James Tiedje, 2004.
Tropical Nitrogen-Fixing Leguminosae Nodulating Bacteria (NFLNB) Ecology And
Selection Of Inoculant Strains. IX Congreso Nacional Y II Internacional de la
Ciencia del Suelo, Cusco, Peru, 15-18 November 2004, Memorias.p.82-85
Pfenning, L. H.; Abreu, L. M., 2004. Conservation and sustainable management of
below-ground biodiversity- methodology develeoped to assess diversity of soil borne
plant pathogens and their antagonists. 37th Congresso Brasileiro de Fitopalogia,
Gramado-RS, Brasil, agosto de 2004.
Conservation and Sustainable Management of Below-Ground Biodiversity
------------------------------------------------------Jesus, Éderson C. de, Ligiane A. Florentino, Maria Isabel Dantas Rodrigues, Marcelo
Oliveira, Fátima Maria de Souza Moreira (2003). Densidade e diversidade fenotípica
de de bactérias que nodulam leguminosas em floresta e plantações de pupunha e
mandioca no Alto Solimões-AM. XXII Congresso Brasileiro de MicrobiologiaCentro de Convenções, Florianópolis, SC, Brazil. 17-20 November 2003, CDroom, MS073.
Invited Lectures
Seminar Graduate Course on Soil sciences and plant nutrition DCS/UFLA, Lavras,
Fátima M S Moreira: Biodiversity of nitrogen fixing Leguminosae nodulating bactéria in
Brazilian ecosystems anmd selection of inoculant strains
10 o PIBIC .UENF, Campos, Rio de Janeiro, 12-14/7/ 2005
Fátima M S Moreira: Conservação e Manejo Sustentável da Biodiversidade do SoloProjeto BiosBrasil (
COP08, Curitiba-20-24/3/2006
Fátima M S Moreira: Launch of Brazilian book and talk: “The huge and hidden
biodiversity below our feet”
XV congresso de pós-graduandos da Universidade Federal de Lavras, MG-2024/11/2006
Fátima M S Moreira: Biodiversidade de ecossistemas naturais: Projeto Conservação e
Manejo Sustentável da Biodiversidade do Solo- BiosBrasil
Conservation and Sustainable Management of Below-Ground Biodiversity
Cote d’Ivoire BGBD Project Component: Publication list
Peer Reviewed Journal publications
Blouin, Manuel; Yasmine Zuily-Fodil Anh-Thu Pham-Thi, Daniel Laffray, Georges
Reversat, Anne Pando, Jerome Tondoh and Patrick Lavelle, 2005. Belowground
organism activities affect plant aboveground phenotype, inducing plant
tolerance to parasites. Ecology Letters (2005) 8: p. 202–208.
Tondoh, Jérôme Ebagnerin & Lazare Monin Monin & Seydou Tiho & Csaba Csuzdi,
2006. Can earthworms be used as bio-indicators of land-use perturbations in
semi-deciduous forest? Biological Fertility of Soils, Springer Verlag.
Book and Book chapters
Conference and workshop papers; Journal publications
Special issue of BIOTERRE, Revue international des sciences de la vie et de la terre,
Revue de la biodiversité biologique des sols de Côte d’Ivoire, Vol. 5, no 1, 2005, EDUCI,
Angui, P.K.T., B.T. Tie, J.A. Tamia and G. Yoro, 2005. Typologie des sols de la Côte
d’Ivoire et leur utilisation. BIOTERRE, Vol. 5, no 1, p. 6 -16.
Abo K., Zeze A., Pohe J., Atcham-Agneroh T., Brou Y.C., Atta-Diallo H. and Kimou
A., 2005. Vie microbienne du sol: perspective d’une agriculture durable en Côte
d’Ivoire. BIOTERRE, Vol. 5, no 1, p. 17 - 33
Gnonhouri, P.G. and Adiko A., 2005. Aperçu sur les nématodes phytoparasites en
Côte d’Ivoire. BIOTERRE, Vol. 5, no 1, p. 34 – 43.
Tano, Y., A. Yapi, K.P. Kouassi, 2005. Diversité biologique et importance des
termites (Isoptères) dans les écosystèmes de savane et de foret de Côte d’Ivoire.
BIOTERRE, Vol. 5, no 1, p. 44 – 64.
Konate, S., J.E. Tondoh, K. Yeo, 2005. Diversité et rôles écologique des fourmis
terricoles de Côte d’Ivoire, BIOTERRE, Vol. 5, no 1, p. 65 – 88.
Tondoh, J. E., S. Konate, 2005. Diversité et écologie des vers de terre en Côte
d’Ivoire, BIOTERRE, Vol. 5, no 1, p. 89 – 108.
Kouassi, P., A. Yapi, Y. Tano et A. Akpesse, 2005. Diversité et écologie des macroinvertébrés du sol (coléoptres, diplopodes) dans les écosystèmes de Cote d’Ivoire.
BIOTERRE, Vol. 5, no 1, p. 109 - 134.
Working papers; internal series
Student Thesis
Key note lecture invitations; invited papers
Abstracts & posters presentations, newspaper articles
Conservation and Sustainable Management of Below-Ground Biodiversity
India BGBD Project Component: Publications list
Peer Reviewed Journal publications
Saxena, K.G., Maikhuri, R.K. and Rao, K.S. 2005. Changes in agricultural biodiversity:
implications for sustainable livelihood in the Himalaya. Journal of Mountain Science,
2, 23-31.
Semwal, R.L., Nautiyal, S., Sen, K.K., Rana, U., Maikhuri, R.K., Rao, K.S. and Saxena,
K.G. 2003. Patterns and ecological implications of agricultural land-use changes: a case
study from Central Himalaya, India. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 102,
Rao, K.S., Semwal, R.L., Maikhuri, R.K., Nautiyal, S., Sen, K.K., Singh, K.,
Chandrasekhar, K. and Saxena, K.G. 2003. Indigenous ecological knowledge,
biodiversity and sustainable development in the Central Himalayas. Tropical Ecology,
44, 93-111.
Semwal, R.L., Maikhuri, R.K., Rao, K.S., Sen, K.K. and Saxena, K.G. 2003. Leaf litter
decomposition and nutrient release patterns of six mutipurpose tree species of Central
Himalaya, India. Biomass and Bioenergy, 24, 3-11.
Sinha, B., Bhaduria, T., Ramakrishnan, P.S., Saxena, K.G. and Maikhuri, R.K. 2003.
Impact of landscape modification on earthworm diversity and abundance in the Haryali
sacred landscape, Garhwal Himalaya. Pedobiologia, 47, 357-370.
Semwal, R.L., Maikhuri, R.K., Rao, K.S., Singh, K. and Saxena, K.G. 2002. Crop
productivity under differently lopped canopies of multipurpose trees in Central Himalaya,
India. Agroforestry Systems, 56, 57-63.
Rao, K.S., Maikhuri, R.K., Nautiyal, S. and Saxena, K.G. 2002. Crop damage and
livestock depredation by wildlife: a case study from Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve.
Journal of Environmental Management, 66, 317-327.
Sen, K.K., Rana, U., Semwal, R.L., Nautiyal, S., Maikhuri, R.K., Rao, K.S. and Saxena,
K.G. 2002. Patterns and implications of land use/cover change: a case study in Pranmati
watershed (Garhwal Himalaya, India). Mountain Research and Development, 22, 5662
Maikhuri, R. K., K. S. Rao and R. L. Semwal, (2002). Rehabilitation of degraded lands
through participatory approach and action research: A case study from the Central
Himalaya. Association Annual Journal ARPAN 1 (2): 38-48.
Nautiyal, S., R. K. Maikhuri, K. S. Rao, R. L. Semwal, K. G. Saxena (2002).
Agroecosystem function around a Himalayan biosphere reserve. J. Environmental
Systems 29(1): 71 – 100.
Conservation and Sustainable Management of Below-Ground Biodiversity
Lakshmipathy, R., Balakrishna, A.N., Rajanna, M.D. and Sharath, S., 2004. Anatomical
and histochemical changes in the leaves of cowpea Vigna unguiculata due to inoculation
with Rhizobium and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal fungi. Indian Phytology (In press).
Chitra, N. and Balakrishna, A.N. Response of Stevia rebaudiana to different arbuscular
mycorrhizal fungi (sent for publication).
Chitra, N. and Balakrishna, A.N. Interaction between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus,
Glomus macrocarpum and different plant growth promoting rhizomicroorganisms in
Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni (sent for publication).
Lakshmipathy, R., Balakrishna, A.N. and Bagyaraj, D.J., 2005. AM colonization pattern
in different land use types of Western Ghats of Karnataka. . J. Soil Biol. Ecol., V. 24. (in
Vinutha, M. C. and Balakrishna, A.N., 2005. Population and diversity of Azotobacter in
different land use types in Western Ghats of Karnataka. V.24. The above two papers have
not yet come out of press, lagging behind. However, they have been accepted in
that volume mentioned.
Vinutha, M. C. and Balakrishna, A.N. Population and Diversity of PO4-Solubilizing
Microorganisms in Different Land Use Types in Western Ghats of Karnataka (sent for
Chitra, N. and Balakrishna, A.N. Response of Stevia rebaudiana to different arbuscular
mycorrhizal fungi (sent for publication).
Chitra, N. and Balakrishna, A.N. Interaction between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus,
Glomus macrocarpum and different plant growth promoting rhizomicroorganisms in
Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni (sent for publication)
Chapters in books (excluding those in the edited volume brought out)
Saxena, K.G., Rao, K.S. and Maikhuri, R.K. 2006. Opportunities and constraints in
ecological restoration strategies built around agroforestry. In: The Loess Plateau in
Central China: Ecological Restoration and Management. Edited by A. Fischer, L.
Rui, K.G. Saxena and R. Jayakumar, Ecological Book Series 3 (ERSEC), United Nations
Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization, Beijing/Paris (in press)
Saxena, K. G., K. S. Rao and R. K. Maikhuri, 2006. Building on Traditional
Technologies for Sustainable Mountain Development. In: Mountain Technology
Agenda: Status, Gaps and Possibilities, Edited by Anil P. Joshi, Sunil K. Agarwal and
Rakesh Kumar, Bishan Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehradun, pp. 129-139.
Saxena, K.G., Rao, K.S., Sen, K.K., Maikhuri, R.K. and Semwal, R.L. 2003. Integrated
natural resource management: approaches and lessons from the Himalaya. In: Integrated
Conservation and Sustainable Management of Below-Ground Biodiversity
Natural Resources Management: Linking Productivity, the Environment and
Development. Edited by B.M. Campbell and J.A. Sayer, CABI Publishing, UK, 211-225.
Maikhuri, R.K., Rao, K.S. and Saxena, K.G. 2003. Integrated natural resource
management: the concept and its application for sustainable development in the
Himalaya. In: Methodologies for Mountain Research: a Socio-Ecological System
Approach. Edited by Ramakrishnan, P.S., Saxena, K.G., Patnaik, S. and Singh,
S. Oxford and IBH, New Delhi, 177-197
Rao, K.S., Semwal, R.L., Maikhuri, R.K., Nautiyal, S., Sen, K.K. and Saxena, K.G. 2002.
Traditional natural resource management in Central Himalaya and its relevance to
biosphere management. In: Traditional
Ecological Knowledge for Managing Biosphere Reserves in South and Central Asia.
Edited by P.S.
Ramakrishnan, R.K. Rai, R.P.S. Katwal and S. Mehndiratta, Oxford and IBH, New
Delhi, 71-96.
Book and Book chapters
Ramakrishnan, P.S., Saxena, K.G., Rao, K.S. and Maikhuri, R.K. (editors). 2005. Soil
Biodiversity, Ecosystem Processes and Landscape Management. Oxford and IBH,
New Delhi, 302 pp.
Papers presented in Symposium with an objective of reaching out to different
stakeholders within the country
Chandrashekara, U.M. and Baiju, E.C. Influence of land use changes on species diversity
in a rural landscape in Kerala Symposium on National Biodiversity and Ecosystem
Information Infrastructure:
Challenges and Potentials. Jan 30 – Feb 2, 2006. National Chemical Laboratory, Pune,
Chandrashekara, U.M., Balasundaram, M., Sankaran, K.V. Sujatha, M.P. and Varma
R.V. Aboveground and belowground biodiversity in a rural landscape of Kerala: linkages
and implications for land use management. Symposium on National Biodiversity and
Ecosystem Information Infrastructure:
Challenges and Potentials. Jan 30 – Feb 2, 2006. National Chemical Laboratory, Pune,
Saxena, K.G. 2004. Presented a paper entitled 'Adapatation and vulnerability to
climate change in the Himalaya' in a workshop on India's National Communication on
Climate Change sponsored by Winrock International and organised in the Indian Institute
of Sciences, July 2004, Bangalore.
Conservation and Sustainable Management of Below-Ground Biodiversity
Saxena, K.G. 2004. Presented a paper on India’s Environmental policies in relation to
conservation of natural resources in National conference on ‘Resource Conserving
Technologies for Social Upliftment’ organized by Indian Association of Soil and Water
conservationists, Indian Agricultural Research institute, Delhi, December 7-9, 2004.
Conference and workshop papers; Journal publications
Working papers; internal series
Balakrishna, A.N., Kale, R.D., Kumar, N.G. Gowda, B., Reddy, B.V., Prasanna, K.T.,
2005. Final Technical Report of the Project on Conservation and Sustainable
Management of Below-Ground Biodiversity. Department of Agricultural
Microbiology, University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bangalore-560 065.
Chandrashekara, U.M., Balasundaram, B., Sankaran, K.V., Sujatha, M.P., Varma, R.V.,
senapati, B.K. Sahgal, M., 2006. Final technical Report. Conservation and
Sustainable Management of Below-Ground Biodiversity in the Kerala Part of the
Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve-Phase I. Peechi 680653, Thrissur, Kerala, India.
Student Theses
Key note lecture invitations; invited papers
Abstracts, posters, national (project) workshop papers
CSM-BGBD India (2005). National Workshop Conservation and Sustainable
Management of BelowgroundBiodiversity; Papers for presentation. Kerala Forest
Research Institute, Peechi, Kerala, 21 – 23 June 2005.
The following papers are included in the workshop report:
Gaur, H.S., 2005. Nematode Biodiversity: Economic and Ecological Dimensions.
Khanna Vinod, 2005. Inventory Myriopoda in India-A Review.
Varsha Tewar and A.K. Sharma, 2005. Diversity and Integration in Mycorrhizas:
Meaning to Plant Ecology.
Narit Yimyam, Somchit Youpensuk, Benjavan Rerkasem and Kanok Rerkasem,
2005. The Role of Mycorrhizal Fungi and Macaranga denticulate symbiosis in
Maintaining Productivity of Rice in Shifting Cultivation with Shorter Fallow.
Kumar, B. Mohan, 2005. Homegradens as Harbingers of below-Ground Biodiversity.
Garg, V.K., 2005. Earthworm and Vermicomposting: An Overview
Gajalakshmi, S. and Abbasi, S.A., 2005. Design and Performance Evaluation of
Vermicomposting Systems for Solid Waste Utilization.
Gaur, A.C., 2005. Rhizobium Inoculants: Status and Strategies.
Conservation and Sustainable Management of Below-Ground Biodiversity
Varma, R.V., and Rahman, P. Mujeeb, 2005. Inventory of Below-Ground Macro and
Mesofauna in Different Land Use Systems in the Kerala Part of Nilgiri Bioshere
Balasundaram, M., Binisha, S. and Chandrasekara, U.M., 2005. Assessment of
Below-Ground Biodiversity of Nitrogen Fixing Symbiotic Bacteria-rhizobium.
Sujatha, M.P., and Rane, A., 2005. Soil Properties in Relation to the Land Cover
Change in the Kerala Part of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve.
Chandrashekara, U.M., and Baiju, E.C., 2005. Site Characters and Socio-Economic
Status of farming Community in the Kerala Part pf the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve.
Sankaran, K.V., N.K. Binu and Chandrasekhara, U.M., 2005. Diversity of Arbuscular
Mycorrhizal Fungi in Different land Use Systems in the Kerala Part of the Nilgiri
Biosphere Reserve.
Kale, R.D. and M.S. Dinesh, 2005. Earthworm: Component of Soil Biota
Sringeswara, A.N., K.T. Prasanna and Balakrishna, Gowda, 2005. Land Use/lan
Cover Classifciation in Koothy Village, western Ghats Benchmark Site of the
Conservation and Sustainable Management of Below-Ground Biodiversity
Lakshmipathy, R. and A.N. Balakrishna, 2005. Abundance and Diversity of AM
Fungi Across a Gradient of Land Use Types in Western Ghats.
Shankar, S. and A.N. Balakrishna, 2005. Diversity of Legume Nodulating Bacteria
(rhizobium) Across a Gradient of Different Land Use Types During pre- and post
Monsoon Seasons in Western Ghats, India.
Reddy, B.V. C., A.S. Venu Gopal and S. Shankar, 2005. Economic Valuation of
Production Impact of Legume Nodulating Bacteria on Groundnut Production.
Maikhuri, R.K., Kritika Singh, M.A. Khan, S. Chandrashekar and K.S. Rao, 2005.
Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza: Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve.
Chandrashekar, J.S., Kritika Singh, M.A. Khan, R.K. Maikhuri, K.S. Rao and K.G.
Saxena, 2005. Mesofauna Around Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve.
Sagal, M., and B. N. Johri, 2005. Legume Nodulating Bacteria: Diversity and
Molecular Analysis.
Pandey, A., P. Trivedi, S. Singh, B. Khumar and L. M. S. Palni, 2005. Rhizosphere
and Ecological Competence: key factors in the Selection of Bioinoculants for
Sharma, S.P., S.K. Subehia and P.K. Jain, 2005. Soil quality and System Productivity
as Influenced by Long Term Use of Mineral fertilizers and Amendments.
Khan, M. Luqman, 2005. Diversity in Plant Parasitic nematodes of Horticultural and
forest Crops and their Management.
Lakshmanaperumalsamy, P., 2005. Biodiversity of Microorganisms in Maruthamalai
Hill Area of Western Ghats.
Singh, R. and A. Adholeiya, 2005. TERI’s in vitro Mycorrhizal Bio Fertilizer: A
Multipurpose and Multifaceted product for Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry,
Environmentally Degraded Lands and Bio-Fuels.
Murugan, K. 2005. Integration of Botanical and Microbial Pesticides for the
Sustainable Management of Insect Pests.
Conservation and Sustainable Management of Below-Ground Biodiversity
CSM-BGBD India (2005). Proceedings of National Workshop on Evolving Appropriate
Methodologies for Economic Valuation of Ecosystem Services from
Belowground biodiversity, 12th and 13th May, 2005, University of Agricultural
Sciences, Bangalore, 134 pp.
Conservation and Sustainable Management of Below-Ground Biodiversity
Indonesia BGBD Project Component: Publications list
Peer Reviewed Journal publications
Book and Book chapters
Conference and workshop papers; Journal (national) publications
Susilo, F.X. and Aini, F.K. 2005. Diversity and density of termites in a range of land
use types in the Rigis Hill area, Sumberjaya – Lampung. Jurnal Sains dan
Teknologi 11 (3): 129 – 136. (ISSN: 0853-773X)
Sugiyanto, G. dan Miswar, D. 2005. Interpretasi citra Ikonos dan surve lapangan
daerah Bodong Sumberjaya Lampung Barat (media dan sumber belajar geografi).
Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial 6 (1): 62 – 73. (ISSN: 1410-8534)
Murwani, S., Dewi, W.S., and Hairiah, K. 2006. Effects of land use change on
earthworm diversity and biomass in Sumberjaya, West Lampung. Jurnal Sains
dan Teknologi 12 (1): 14 – 20. (ISSN: 0853-773X).
Prasetyo, J. and Aeny, T.N. 2006. Diversity and abundance of soil-borne pathogenic
fungi in various land-use systems in Sumberjaya, Lampung. Jurnal Hama dan
Penyakit Tumbuhan Tropika 6(2): 107 – 112. (ISSN: 1411-7525).
Aini, F.K., Susilo, F.X., Yanuwiadi, B., and Hairiah, K. 2006. Increasing potential
distribution of crop pest termites Odontotermes spp. after forest conversion to
coffee based agroforestry system: Effects of changing in micro climate and food
availability on population density. Agrivita (in press) (ISSN: 0126-0537).
Dewi, W.S., Yanuwiyadi, B., Suprayogo, D., and Hairiah, K. 2006. Conversion of
forest to agricultural land: Can agroforestry system maintain earthworm diversity?
Agrivita (in press) (ISSN: 0126-0537).
Purwanto, Handayanto, E., Suprayogo, D., and Hairiah, K. 2006. Impact of forest
conversion to coffee-based agroforestry systems on rate of nitrification: Inventory
of population and activity of nitrification bacteria. Agrivita (in press) (ISSN:
Working papers; internal series
Arifin, B., Ismono, H., and Utomo, M. 2005. The Future Use of Legume Nodulating
Bacteria (LNB) in Indonesia: Technical and Economic Perspectivas. Universitas
Lampung Press, Bandar Lampung. 149 pp. (ISBN: 979-8287-75-4).
Conservation and Sustainable Management of Below-Ground Biodiversity
Include BGBD review
Student Theses
Key note lecture invitations; invited papers
Abstracts & posters presentations, newspaper articles
Other, Manuals
F.X. Sisilo and Agus Karyanto, 2005. Methods for Assessment of below-Ground
Biodiversity in Indonesia. Universitas Lampung. ISBN NO: 979-8287-76-2
F.X. Sisilo, Agus Karyanto, Muhajir Utomo, Rusdi Evizal, Sri Murwani, I Gede
Swibana, 2005.Conservation and Sustainable Mangement of Below ground Biodiversity
in Indonesia. Universitas-Lampung (ISBN 979-8287-69-X).
Conservation and Sustainable Management of Below-Ground Biodiversity
Kenya BGBD Project Component: Publications list
Special Issues of Journals
Kenya Society of Microbiology (2004). Special issues with selected topics on belowground biodiversity in Kenya. Journal of Tropical Microbiology, Vol. 3, Nr. 1,
October 2004. (The Kenyan BGBD review with the following articles:
Okoth, S.A. (2004). An overview of the diversity of micro-organisms involved in
decomposition in soils, Journal of Tropical Microbiology, Vol. 3, Nr. 1, p 3 -13.
Kimenju, J.W., D. M. Muiru, N. K. Karanja, W.M. Nyongesa, D. W. Miano and G.
K. Mutua (2004). Assessing the role of organic amendments in management of rootknot nematodes on common bean, Journal of Tropical Microbiology, Vol. 3, Nr. 1, p
Kimenju, J.W., N. K. Karanja and W.M. Nyongesa (2004). Diversity and abundance
of nematodes in agroecosystems of Kenya. Journal of Tropical Microbiology, Vol. 3,
Nr. 1, p 24-33.
Kahindi J. H. P., N. K. Karanja, D. Odee and F.B. Mwaura (2004). The diversity of
biological nitrogen fixing systems in Kenya, Journal of Tropical Microbiology, Vol.
3, Nr. 1, p 35-47.
Jefwa, J. M., L. M. Mwangi, D. Odee and G. Mugambi (2004). Preliminary studies
on mycorrhizal symbioses in plant conservation, forestry and farming systems in
Kenya, Journal of Tropical Microbiology, Vol. 3, Nr. 1, p 48-62
Conservation and Sustainable Management of Below-Ground Biodiversity
Mexico BGBD Project Component: Publications list
Peer Reviewed Journal publications
Book and Book chapters; special issues of journals
Fragoso, C. and Reyes-Castillo, P. eds. (2001). Diversidad, functión y manejo de la biota
edáfica en México. Acta Zoologica Mexicana (n.s.), Special Issue 1, Instituto de
Ecologia A.C. Xalapa, Mexico, 238 p.
Conference and workshop papers; Journal publications
Esperanza Martínez. 2006. Cuantificación de los microorganismos que participan en
los ciclos del nitrógeno y del azufre en suelos de “Los Tuxtlas”, Veracruz.
Presented at the XXXV Congrego Nacional de Microbiología. 4-7 Abril de 2006
Oaxtepec, Morelos.
Franco-Navarro, F & D. Godinez-Vidal (2006). Soil nematode community under four
land use intensities in the Mexican tropic. Paper presented at the XXXVIII Annual
Meeting ONTA (Organización de Nemátologos de los Trópicos Americanos) 26th30th June 2006, San José, Costa Rica.
Franco-Navarro, F; J. Miranda-Damián & D. Godinez-Vidal 2006. New isolates of the
nematophaguos fungs, Pochonia chlamidosporia, from Mexico. Paper presented at
the XXXVIII Annual Meeting ONTA (Organización de Nemátologos de los Trópicos
Americanos) 26th - 30th June, 2006, San José, Costa Rica
Franco-Navarro, F. & D. Godinez Vidal (2006). Occurrence of Pasteuria on soil
nematodes in a Biosphere reserve in Mexico. Paper presented at the XXXVIII
Annual Meeting ONTA (Organización de Nemátologos de los Trópicos Americanos)
26th-30th June, 2006, San José, Costa Rica.
Varela, L., F.J. Álvarez-Sánchez, I. Sánchez-Gallén, P. Guadarrama, D. Trejo, I, Barois,
E. Amora-Lazcano, L. Lara, D. Olivera, W. Sangabriel, R. Zulueta (2006). Land Use
and Diversity of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Mexican tropical rain forest.
Paper presented at the 5th International Conference on Mycorrhiza (ICOM5) 23th 27th, July 2006 Granada, Spain.
Varela, L; Álvarez-Sánchez, F.J; Sánchez-Gallén, I; Guadarrama, P; Olivera, D; Trejo, D;
Lara, L; Sangabriel, W; Zulueta, R; Barois, I & E. Amora-Lazcano (2006). Análisis
de la riqueza y diversidad de Hongos Micorrizógenos Arbusculares en función
del uso del suelo en una selva alta perennifolia. Congreso Mexicano de Ecología,
Morelia Michoacán, México. 26th - 30th November 2006. Sociedad Científica
Mexicana de Ecología, A. C.
Working papers; internal series
Student Thesis
Conservation and Sustainable Management of Below-Ground Biodiversity
Key note lecture invitations; invited papers
Abstracts & posters presentations, newspaper articles
Barois I, S. Negrete-Yankelevich , J. Alvarez, G. Castillo, C. Fragoso, F. Franco, J. A.
García, T. Fuentes, S. Cram, E. Martinez, M. Moron, P. Rodríguez, P. Rojas, V. Sosa,
D. Trejo, L. Varela, J. A. Vasquez, et al., M. de Los Santos (2005). Conservación y
Manejo Sostenible de la Biodiversidad Bajo el Suelo (Conservation and
Sustainable Management of Below Ground Biodiversity, BGBD.), Proyecto
GF/2715-02-4517- GF/1030-02-05. Poster presented at the “Primer Congreso
Internacional de casos exitosos de Desarrollo Sostenible del Trópico”, Mayo 2005,
Boca del Río, Veracruz, México. [Universidad Veracruzana, Centro de
Investigaciones Tropicales (CITRO) & Universidad de California-Riverside, a través
de su Centro de Conservación Biológica].
Barois I, J.A. García, J. Álvarez, G. Castillo, S. Cram, C. Fragoso, F. Franco, T. Fuentes,
B. López-Cano, E. Martínez, E. Meza, M. A. Morón, S. Negrete, P. Rodríguez, P.
Rojas, V. Sosa, D. Trejo, y L. Varela (2005). Resultados del Proyecto
Biodiversidad Bajo del Suelo Los Tuxtlas. Poster presented at the workshop
“Presentación de Resultados del proyecto: Conservation and Sustainable Management
of Below-Ground Biodiversity (CSM-BGBD) en la Región de Los Tuxtlas III”,
November 2005, Catemaco, Ver.
Barois I, José A. García, Martín de los Santos, (2005). Resultados del proyecto
Biodiversidad Bajo del Suelo, Ejido Adolfo López Mateos, 2005. Poster presented
in the workshop “Presentación de Resultados del proyecto: Conservation and
Sustainable Management of Below-Ground Biodiversity (CSM-BGBD) en la Región
de Los Tuxtlas III”, November 2005, Catemaco, Ver.
Barois I, José A. García, Martín de los Santos, (2005). Resultados del proyecto
Biodiversidad Bajo del Suelo, Ejido Venustiano Carranza, 2005. Poster presented
at the workshop “Presentación de Resultados del proyecto: Conservation and
Sustainable Management of Below-Ground Biodiversity (CSM-BGBD) en la Región
de Los Tuxtlas III”, November 2005, Catemaco, Ver.
Barois I, José A. García, Martín de los Santos, 2005. Resultados del proyecto
Biodiversidad Bajo del Suelo, Ejido San Fernando, 2005. Poster presented at the
workshop “Presentación de Resultados del proyecto: Conservation and Sustainable
Management of Below-Ground Biodiversity (CSM-BGBD) en la Región de Los
Tuxtlas III”, November 2005, Catemaco, Ver.
Fragoso, C., L. Camarena, L, Coria & A. Ángeles. 2006. Earthworm Communities
from Los Tuxtlas Reserve: Influence on land use systems and landscape changes.
Poster presented in The 8th International Symposium on Earthworm Ecology, I.S.E.E.
4th - 9th September 2006, Krakow-Poland.
Franco-Navarro, F., Godinez-Vidal, D., Barois, I., de los Santos M., y J.A. García,. 2005.
Nemátodos de “Los Tuxtlas” Veracruz México. Poster presented at the workshop
“Presentación de Resultados del proyecto: Conservation and Sustainable Management
Conservation and Sustainable Management of Below-Ground Biodiversity
of Below-Ground Biodiversity (CSM-BGBD) en la Región de Los Tuxtlas III”,
November 2005, Catemaco, Ver.
Negrete, Simoneta; Isabelle Barois, José A. García, Martín de los Santos, Javier ÁlvarezSanchez, Gonzalo Castillo, Silke Cram, Carlos Fragoso, Francisco Franco, Tajín
Fuentes, Esperanza Martínez, Miguel A. Morón, Pilar Rodríguez, Patricia Rojas,
Vinicio Sosa, Dora Trejo, y Lucia Varela, (2005). Below-Ground BioDiversity in
Tropical Landscapes: Mexican case study. Poster presented in the “First Diversitas
open Science Conference”: OSC1-Integrating Biodiversity Science for Human Wellbeing Oaxaca, México 9-12 Noviembre 2005.
Rodríguez-Guzmán, Pilar, (2005). Diversity of Root Pathogenic Fungi in the Los
Tuxtlas Biosphere Reserve, Veracruz, México. Poster presented in the “First
Diversitas open Science Conference”: OSC1-Integrating Biodiversity Science for
Human Well-being Oaxaca, México 9-12 Noviembre 2005
Rodríguez-Guzmán, María del Pilar; Raúl Rodríguez-Guerra, Grisel Negrete-Fernández,
Martha Robledo-Esqueda, Erika Robledo-Esqueda y Bertha Sánchez-García. 2005.
Hongos Patógenos de las raíces en Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz. Poster presented in the
workshop “Presentación de Resultados del proyecto: Conservation and Sustainable
Management of Below-Ground Biodiversity (CSM-BGBD) en la Región de Los
Tuxtlas III”, celebrated in November in Catemaco, Ver.
Rodríguez-Guzmán, Pilar, (2005). Diversity of Root Pathogenic Fungi in the Los
Tuxtlas Biosphere Reserve, Veracruz, México. Poster presented in the “First
Diversitas open Science Conference”: OSC1-Integrating Biodiversity Science for
Human Well-being Oaxaca, México 9-12 Noviembre 2005
Rojas, P., A. Angeles, J. Amador and L. Hernández. 2006. Diversity of Soil Ants in Los
Tuxtlas, Ver. Mexico: land use effects mediated by the amount of forested area.
Poster presented in the XV International Congress of the International Union for the
Study of Social Insects. 30th July – 4th August, 2006 Washington, D.C., USA.
Trejo, Dora; Wendy Sangabriel, Liliana Lara, Ramon Zulueta, Lucia Varela, Juan Ruiz y
Isabelle Barois (2006). Disturbance and land use effect on functional diversity of
the mycorrhizal fungi. Poster presented in the 5th International Conference on
Mycorrhiza (ICOM5), 23th - 27th, July 2006, Granada, Spain
Trejo, D. 2005. ¿Qué es una Micorriza? Poster presented at the workshop “Presentación
de Resultados del proyecto: Conservation and Sustainable Management of BelowGround Biodiversity (CSM-BGBD) en la Región de Los Tuxtlas III”, November
2005, Catemaco, Ver.
Newspaper Article
Torres, J-L. (22nd May 2006) Bajo tierra. Diario de Xalapa, OEM. P 15. Publicado el 22
de Mayo 2006.
Conservation and Sustainable Management of Below-Ground Biodiversity
Uganda BGBD Project Component: Publications list
Peer Reviewed Journal publications
Serani, S., G. Mutumba, G. Lamtoo, Kiryose, and M.J.N. Okwakol, 2007. Effect of land
use type on diversity and abundance of Mycorrhiza in Mabira forest ecosystem. Accepted
in ACTA for publication, Still in press
Okwakol, M.J.N. and M. B. Sekamatte, 2007. Soil macrofauna research in Uganda
ecosystems. A special issue of African Journal of ecology. In press.
Okwakol, M. J. N. and B. Sekamatte, 2007. The present knowledge of on soil pests and
pathogens in Uganda. A special issue of African Journal of ecology. In press.
Rwakaikara-Silver, M. C. and C.Nkwiine, 2007. A review of work on rhizosphere
microbiota in Uganda. A special issue of African Journal of ecology. In press.
Nkwiine, C. and M.C. Rwakaikara-Silver, 2007. Status of research on soil microbiota. A
special issue of African Journal of ecology. In press.
Rwakaikara-Silver M.C. and C. Nkwiine, 2007. A review of studies on decomposer
microbiota in Uganda. A special issue of African Journal of ecology. In press.
A.M. Akol, 2007. State of Uganda’s biodiversity and reviewing of conservation efforts in
Uganda. Launching biodiversity report 3rd Dec.2004
Rwakaikara-Silver, M.C., A. Akol, G. Lamtoo S. G. Mutumba Serani, C. Nkwiine and
M. J. N. Okwakol, 2007. Conservation and sustainable management of belowground
biodiversity (BGBD) Uganda: Status of current research. 23rd Soil Science Society of
East Africa, held 20-24th November, 2006 in Masaka, Uganda. Will be published in
M. C. Rwakaikara-Silver, C. Nkwiine and C.Kizza, 2007. Demonstration of biofertilizer
technology. 23rd Soil Science Society of East Africa, held 20-24th November, 2006 in
Masaka, Uganda. Will be published in proceedings.
Conservation and Sustainable Management of Below-Ground Biodiversity
Book and Book chapters; special issues of journals
Conference and workshop papers; Journal publications
Working papers; internal series
Student Thesis
Key note lecture invitations; invited papers
Abstracts & posters presentations, newspaper articles
Conservation and Sustainable Management of Below-Ground Biodiversity
Global Coordinating Office
Technical Reports
BGBD Project, 2005. Standard method for the Assessment of Soil Biodiversity in the
Context of Land Use Practices. Fatima Maria de Souza Moreira and David Edward
Bignell (eds). BGBD Project Internal Working Report.
BGBD Project, 2005. Report of the Annual Meeting 2005: Abstracts on the BelowGround Biodiversity Inventory. Jeroen Huising and Peter Okoth (eds). BGBD Project
Internal Working Report.
Conference and workshop papers; Journal publications
Invited Key Note Address
Jeroen Huising & Peter Okoth, 2006. A research agenda for below-ground biodiversity
and ecosystem services. A presentation made to the East African Soil Science Society
meeting, November, 2006, Mbarara Uganda.
Jeroen Huising & Peter Okoth, 2006. A research agenda for below-ground biodiversity
and ecosystem services. A presentation made to the African Regional Workshop on
Sustainable Use of Agricultural Biodiversity, United Nations Environment Programme
(UNEP), December, 2006.
Okoth, Peter F. and Jeroen Huising, 2006. Summary of the presentation at COP 8 Side
Event “Conservation and Sustainable Management of Below-Ground Biodiversity
Project: March, 22, 2006, Curitiba, Brazil.
Press Releases
BGBD and UNEP, 2006. Below Ground Biodiversity—from Beetles to Bacteria—Key to
Environmentally Friendly Agriculture, Curitiba/Nairobi, March 2006. A Press Release by
the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to the Global Audience through
UNEP News Release.
Student Theses
Achieng, C. 2006. Policy Framework for the Utilization and Conservation of BelowGround Biodiversity in Kenya. An MSc Thesis for the Kenyatta University, Nairobi,
Gentiane, Blanchard Ortiz and Chaboussou Anne, 2005. Land Use Intensification and
Sustainable Organic Matter Management: Agrarian Diagnostic Assessment in Taita HillsKenya. Ecole nationale d’Ingenieur des Travaux Agrocoles de Bordeaux (ENITAB),
Centre national d’Etudes Agronomiques des Regions Chaudes (CNEARC) and Tropical
Soil Biology and Fertility Institute of The International Centre for Tropical Agriculture
Conservation and Sustainable Management of Below-Ground Biodiversity
(TSBF-CIAT). MSc Student Report and Thesis. Conservation and Sustainable
management of Below-Ground Biodiversity Project.
Technical Working Documents
BGBD, 2005. Termite and Ant taxonomy. An Internal working reference manual for the
Conservation and Sustainable Management of Below-Ground Biodiversity. Manual
compiled from the Project Lecture and Training series.
Bagyaraj, D. Joseph, 2006. Methodology for the Assessment of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal
Fungi Diversity. Training Programme on AM and Ectomycorrhiza, March 21-25,
Bangalore, India. Department of Agricultureal Microbiology, University of Agricultural
Science, GKVK, Campus.
The BGBD News. Vol 2, Issue 1, May, 2006.