
AP Biology
Course Syllabus
"Science is built of facts the way a house is built of bricks; but an accumulation of facts is no more
Science than a pile of bricks is a house."
-Henri Poincare
Ms. Zhao
(312) 445-4680 ext. 7714
Office Hours
Course Description: Advanced Placement Biology is designed to be a college-level introduction to
the Biological Sciences. Because of the depth of the curriculum in AP Biology, students are expected to take
responsibility for their own learning under the guidance of the instructor. At the end of this course, students will
have the option of taking the College Board AP Biology test for college credit. The main goal of this AP course is to
study science as a process and to prepare students for the challenging academic work expected at the college level.
This AP Biology course offers students the opportunity to explore diversity and interdependence in our living world.
This course is structured around the four big ideas, enduring understandings and science practices from the AP
Biology Curricular requirements. In particular, evidence of evolution is employed as a unifying theme across topics.
Students will develop a conceptual understanding of biology with an emphasis on the “process” as they make
connections to modern environment / social issues and other scientific disciplines while refining their laboratory
All Students will score a 3 or higher on their AP Biology Exam
The Big Ideas:
Big Idea 1: The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life.
Big Idea 2: Biological systems utilize free energy and molecular building blocks to grow, to reproduce and to
maintain dynamic homeostasis.
Big Idea 3: Living systems store, retrieve, transmit and respond to information essential to life processes.
Big Idea 4: Biological systems interact, and these systems and their interactions possess complex properties
Science Practices (SP):
1. The student can use representations and models to communicate scientific phenomena and solve scientific
2. The student can use mathematics appropriately.
3. The student can engage in scientific questioning to extend thinking or to guide investigations within the context of
the AP course.
4. The student can plan and implement data collection strategies appropriate to a particular scientific question.
5. The student can perform data analysis and evaluation of evidence.
6. The student can work with scientific explanations and theories.
7. The student is able to connect and relate knowledge across various scales, concepts and representations in and
across domains.
Reece, Jane, et al., Campbell Biology, 9th Edition, 2012, Pearson Benjamin Cummings.
AP Biology Investigative Labs: an Inquiry Based Approach.
Assessment / Grading scale:
Number of
(per semester)
Quizzes/Practice Exams
Unit Tests
20 (1 per week)
Final Exam
Total Semester Points
97-100% = A+
93-96% = A
90-92% = A-
88-89% = B+
83-87% = B
80-82% = B-
Points possible
per assignment
Total Points
(per semester)
400 - 500
78-79% = C+
73-77% = C
70-72% = C-
68-69% = D+
63-67% = D
60-62% = D-
Tests/Quizzes: Tests will be based on the AP test format. Generally, there will be approximately 50 multiplechoice questions and two essays (timed). Quizzes may be given unannounced.
Labs: Once a week we have a lab activity or an AP investigative lab. We will be conducting all of the AP Labs as
well as additional labs. A significant portion of the AP test involves these labs and therefore the lab reports will be a
significant portion of the class grade. Students will spend a minimum of 25% of instructional time engaged in handson laboratory work. The laboratory component is structured around inquiry and the use of the seven science
practices. For each laboratory exercise, I allot one period to discuss the goals/objectives of the lab, including
clarifying all procedures. Students are given pre-lab questions to make sure that they are prepared for the lab and are
confident in performing the lab during the actual lab day. Students will be asked to conduct numerous investigations
(many of which are student-designed) while exercising their scientific reasoning skills. Additionally students will be
asked to report findings by way of notebook entries, formal laboratory reports and peer-reviewed presentations.
NOTE: An F in this course will result in delayed graduation; a student who fails will not be able to walk in
graduation and will be required to take summer school at the cost of $140 per class.
Required Materials:
Campbell Biology 9th ed. Reese and Campbell (Provided in class)
Class Handouts
Graphing Calculator
Binder with designated AP Biology section
Homework folder
Lab notebook (must be purchased from MCP)
Agenda (failure to bring agenda will result in LaSalle)
Notebooks: Notebook organization is very important. Unit checks will be unannounced. The biology section of
the binder must be organized with dividers as follows: Notes & diagrams (titled and dated), Class Work,
Labs/Reports, Homework, Tests and Quizzes.
The A.P. Examination:
May 13, 2013. The exam is three hours in length and is designed to measure a student's knowledge and
understanding of modern biology. On a 5 point scale, a score of 3 or better is passing. The format of the exam is
shown on the next page.
Section I
Question Type
Number of Questions
Part A: Multiple Choice
Part B: Grid-In
90 minutes
Section II
Question Type
Number of Questions
Long Free Response
Short Free Response
80 minutes + 10-minute
reading period
Please visit the AP website for more information.
AP Credit: At the end of this course, students have the option of taking the AP test for college credit. Most
colleges grant credit to students earning a 4 or 5 on the test. The credit is for 4-hours of a laboratory science.
Students must take the AP Biology Test in order to receive the weighted
Participation: Students are responsible for active participation in class room, laboratory and small group
activities. Inefficient use of class or lab time will result in a deduction of participation grade and possible behavioral
Tardy Policy (not in seat when bell rings):
Less than 1 minute = 1 demerit
1 – 3 minutes = 2 demerits
More than 3 minutes = 3 demerits
Homework/ Research Projects: Every night, student will be assigned reading post-reading questions.
Because this is college-leveled class, homework is the responsibility of the student. Because this is a CollegeLevel course, No late homework will be accepted. Therefore, student must develop regular study habits.
Each quarter, students will complete a research project that requires them to do independent work, turn in a report
and participate in a class debate (i.e. Forensics, Ethics of Gene Therapy and Global Warming Projects).
Writing assignments must be submitted on by 11:59pm of the due date. The assignment will remain a 0
until the assignment is submitted on No late paper or major projects will be accepted.
Absence Policy: For excused absences and absences due to suspension students are generally given as many
days to turn in make-up work as they were absent. For example, if a student is absent for two days, they would have
to turn in make-up work by the second day they are back. Students are responsible for obtaining their make-up work,
which will be kept in an absent folder on the door. Failure to turn in homework by the second day of return will
result in a 0.
Lab Safety: In order to promote a safe lab environment any inappropriate behavior while in the laboratory will
result in an automatic detention. You must wear safety goggles at all times when instructed. Lab safety will be dealt
swiftly and severely depending on the infraction. Consequences could range from a warning to removal from class.
All students are required to carefully read and sign a Flinn safety contract before the start of the year. See last pages.
Lab Equipment: You are responsible for ensuring all materials and equipment issued to you are clean and
accounted for prior to exiting the lab. You are financially responsible for all lab equipment that is lost or broken
during your lab period.
Extra Credit: Extra credit will be offered to all students, but you will disqualify yourself from being able to
complete it if you do not complete the regular credit. For example, if you do not complete the Q2 portfolio
assignment, you will not be eligible for extra credit for the rest of Semester 1.
Office Hours: Students that score lower than 60% on a Unit Test will be encouraged to attend office hours.
Proactive Intervention Plan (PIP) ~ Don’t be the weakest link
Mastery is defined as 50% or higher on Free-Response quizzes and 75% or higher on Multiple Choice
exams. Homework should be completed nightly.
Red Flags:
1. Less than 30% on a FR quiz
2. Less than 50% on a MC quiz/exam
3. Not completing HW on time (2 infractions in a week)
1. Mandatory office hours for a week and give a study plan.
2. Talk to advisor
3. Give a study buddy to student
4. Conference with student and call home
How to Avoid the PIP:
1. Start your assignments EARLY, read assigned chapters daily.
2. Use your resources to get unstuck (textbook, examples in book, lecture notes, online videos, class notes)
3. Be proactive, and ask, either Ms. Zhao or a friend in your study group.
4. Come to office hours or make appointment with Ms. Zhao when confusion strikes. Do not wait.
5. Plan to spend about at least 45min on AP Biology homework every night.
Note: Seniors use professional email etiquette when sending messages (emails without proper salutations,
capitalizations, punctuations, and closings will not be responded to or acted upon.)
Class Rules/Procedures:
Come to class prepared to learn (with all required materials)
Follow directions given and stay on task
Observe all safety precautions
Read required chapters in textbook prior to class discussion.
Pop-quizzes will be given periodically. If you are absent the day of a test/quiz, your make-up exam may
consist of a more challenging version of the missed test/quiz.
6) Academic Dishonesty is dealt with severity. With the exception of group work requiring one paper with
multiple names, all work MUST be your own. If a case of academic dishonesty is suspected, attention will
be brought to the school administration and parents.
Course Goals / Unit instructions
Unit 1: Introduction
2 Weeks: 8/27/12 – 9/7/12
Big ideas: 1, 2
Connected to Enduring Understandings:
1.A Change in the genetic makeup of a population over time is evolution.
2.A Growth, reproduction and maintenance of the organization of living systems require free energy and matter.
1. Introduction: Themes in the Study of Life (Ch. 1)
2. The Chemical Context of Life (Ch. 2)
3. Water and Life (Ch. 3)
Unit 1 Overview of Lecture and Discussion Topics:
1. Darwin and the Theory of Natural Selection
2. Inquiry as a way to learn science
3. Structure of Atoms
4. Emergent Properties of Water
1. Students create visual representations with annotations (e.g., diagrams or models) to explain how water’s
molecular structure results in unique properties and how these properties are vital to life processes.
2. Students create mini-posters to explain how either the carbon or nitrogen cycles provide essential chemical
elements to support life in an ecosystem. Students make predictions about the impact of human activity on cycles.
3. Students explain either through narrative or visual representations (e.g., diagram with annotation) how the
SPONCH elements move from the environment to synthesize complex biomolecules (e.g., carbohydrates, lipids,
proteins, nucleic acids, ATP) necessary for cellular processes.
4. Lab/Project: Science Project (SP 2, 3, 4, 5)
Open inquiry of a biological topic of choice, Research topic to formulate a question, Hypothesize, Design a
controlled experiment to test the hypothesis (multiple trials), Analyze data and make conclusions, Prepare a folder of
the scientific work and prepare for a visual presentation. (Due Wednesday, 9/5/12)
Unit Quiz: Thursday, 9/6/12
Unit 2: Biochemistry and Introduction to the Cell
3 Weeks: 9/10/12 – 9/28/12
Big ideas: 1, 2, 3, 4
Connected to enduring understandings:
1.D The origin of living systems is explained by natural processes.
2.A Growth, reproduction and maintenance of the organization of living systems require free energy and matter.
2.B Growth, reproduction and dynamic homeostasis require that cells create and maintain internal environments
that are different from their external environments.
3.A Heritable information provides for continuity of life.
4.A Interactions within biological systems lead to complex properties.
4.B Competition and cooperation are important aspects of biological systems.
4.C Naturally occurring diversity among and between components within
biological systems affects interactions with the environment.
4. Carbon and the Molecular Diversity of Life (Ch. 4)
5. Large Biological Molecules (Ch. 5)
6. A Tour of the Cell (Ch. 6)
7. Membrane Structure and Function (Ch. 7)
Unit 2 Overview of Lecture and Discussion topics:
1. The impact of carbon as the “backbone of life”
2. How monomers build polymers, including the roles of nucleic acids
3. Examples of organelles that are membrane bound to compartmentalize their functions
4. Membrane structure and function
1. BUILD-A-MEMBRANE: <> Cut, fold, and paste biological molecules to create a
three-dimensional cell membrane with embedded proteins, followed by whole class discussion of membrane
structure and function. (SP 1) Students complete animations and activities from Amazing Cells page of this website.
2. Mystery Cell ID. Using a microscope, students identify the general type of cell (e.g., prokaryote/eukaryote,
plant/animal) and support their observations by describing two distinctive features of each mystery cell.
3. Diffusion and Osmosis Investigative Lab 4. A demonstration using dialysis tubing (model) will allow students
to make observations and to provide evidence for the diffusion of molecules; students set up an experiment
regarding osmosis and concentration gradients after hypothesizing the outcome; data collection, calculations of
percent change, graphing percent change in mass of dialysis bags of varying sucrose molarities placed in water, and
analysis of the data will follow. (SP 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) (Formal Lab Report/Portfolio due Monday, 10/1/12)
4. Using common household items, students create a model of a specific cell (e.g., neuron, white blood cell, plant
leaf cell, Paramecium, sperm cell, bacterium) that includes a working organelle that defines overall function of the
cell. Students will then explain their cell and organelle to the class. (Due Wednesday, 9/19/12)
5. Ten-Minute Debate. Working in small teams, students create a visual representation to support the claim that
eukaryotes evolved from symbiotic relationships between groups of prokaryotes. Then students identify one or two
unanswered questions about Margulis’s endosymbiont hypothesis.
6. Students construct a diagram to explain the relationships that exist between the three domains of life (Archaea,
Bacteria, and Eukarya) based on molecular processes and cellular features. Students present their diagrams to the
class for review and revision.
Unit Test: Thursday 9/27/12
Unit 3: Cellular Energy and Related Processes
3 Weeks: 10/1/12 – 10/ 19/12
Big ideas: 1, 2, 4
Connected to enduring understandings:
1.A Change in the genetic makeup of a population over time is evolution.
1.D The origin of living systems is explained by natural processes.
2.B Growth, reproduction and maintenance of the organization of living systems require free energy and matter.
4.A Interactions within biological systems lead to complex properties.
4.B Competition and cooperation are important biological systems.
8. An Introduction to Metabolism (Ch. 8)
9. Cellular Respiration (Ch. 9)
10. Photosynthesis (Ch. 10)
Unit 3 Overview of Lecture and Discussion Topics:
1. Metabolic pathways
2. Laws of Energy Transformation
3. How ATP powers cellular work
4. Enzyme structure and function
5. Harvesting chemical energy: glycolysis, citric acid cycle, oxidative phosphorylation
6. Light reactions and the Calvin cycle
7. Evolution of alternative mechanism of carbon fixation
1. THE EVOLUTION OF THE CELL: <> The endosymbiotic theory explains how
relatives of ancient bacteria ended up in modern-day cells. A whole class discussion is used to analyze the
endosymbiotic theory, encouraging students to question how prokaryotes can carry on energy transfer processes
without true membrane bound organelles. Students are given 5 minutes to write a conclusion to the discussion on a
post-it note for posting on their way out of class. (SP 3, 6)
2. Students engage in “Bean Brew,” an inquiry-based investigative case study on the fermentation process used to
develop soy sauce. The activity is student directed and requires minimum teacher facilitation.
3. “Picture Perfect”. An inquiry-based case study built on concepts relating to enzymatic activity. Students design an
experiment to examine factors affecting the action of amylase on starch to identify a stain on an antique dress.
Big idea #2 Laboratory Investigations:
1. AP Biology Investigation 13: Enzyme Activity. Students design and conduct investigations to explore the effects
of environmental variables on the rates of enzymatic reactions.
2. AP Inquiry Lab Investigation 5: Photosynthesis - Student-directed and inquiry based investigations about
photosynthesis using the floating leaf disc procedure. A write-up of the design and discussion of the outcome will be
kept in a formal lab report. (Supports Big idea 2; SP 2, 3, 4, 6 & 8) (Lab report due Friday 10/12/12)
3. AP Inquiry Lab Investigation 6: Cellular Respiration - Students use microrespirometers or gas pressure sensors
to investigate factors that affect the rate of cellular respiration in multicellular organisms.
4. Online investigation: Students research the connections between paraquat (or other herbicides), the pathways of
photosynthesis, and possible effects of herbicides on ecosystems. (Article about paraquat appeared in a 1978 issue of
Rolling Stone magazine.) Students will write a 3 page analysis paper on their findings. (Due Wednesday 10/17/12)
Unit Test: Thursday 10/18/12
Unit 4: Cell Communication and the Cell Cycle
2 Weeks: 10/22/12 – 11/2/12
Big ideas: 1, 2, 3
Connected to enduring understandings:
2.E Many biological processes involved in growth, reproduction and dynamic homeostasis include temporal
regulation and coordination
3.A Heritable information provides for continuity of life
3.B Expression of genetic information involves cellular and molecular mechanisms.
3.D Cells communicate by generating, transmitting and receiving chemical signals.
11. Cell Communication (Ch. 11)
12. The Cell Cycle (Ch. 12)
Unit 4 Overview of Lecture and Discussion Topics:
1. Evolution of cell signaling
2. Reception, transduction, response
3. Apoptosis
4. How mitosis produces genetically identical daughter cells
5. Evolution of Mitosis
6. How the eukaryotic cell cycle is regulated by a molecular control system
7. Origin of cell communication
1. Pathways with Friends: <> Directed by instructional cards, students kinesthetically
model cell communication by acting as components in a cell signaling. Whole class discussion follows, assessing
student understanding of cell communication. Animations of Cell Communication, An Example of Cell
Communication, The Fight or Flight Response, How Cells communicate during the Fight or Flight Response (These
animations provide students with a model example of the concepts involved in cell signaling). (SP 1)
2. Whole class discussion: How do hormones and other signaling molecules work? (Animals and Plants, Chapters
45 and 39)
3. Modeling the Cell Cycle. Students construct a model of the cell cycle, explain and present the major events in a
presentation. (SP 1)
Unit Test: Thursday, 11/1/12
Unit 5: Genetic Basis of Life
3 Weeks: 11/5/12 – 11/23/12
Big ideas: 1, 3, 4
Connected to enduring understandings:
1.A Change in the genetic makeup of a population over time is evolution.
3.A Heritable information provides for continuity of life.
3.C The processing of genetic information is imperfect and is a source of genetic variation.
4.C Naturally occurring diversity among and between components within biological systems affects interactions
with the environment.
13. Meiosis and Sexual Life Cycles (Ch. 13)
14. Mendel and the Gene Idea (Ch. 14)
15. The Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance (Ch. 15)
Unit 5 Overview of Lecture and Discussion Topics:
1. Genes are passed from parents to offspring by the inheritance of chromosomes
3. Evolutionary significance of genetic variation that results from sexual life cycles
4. Concepts of Mendelian genetics (laws of probability, inheritance patterns)
5. Genes are located along chromosomes (concepts of gene linkage, mapping distance between genes,
causes of genetic disorders)
1. Knowing the % of each color in packages of M&M’s, as published by the packaging company, students will
count the colors in packages and apply the null hypothesis concept and Chi Square calculations on the data. (SP 2)
2. Students will create a cartoon-like “flip book” that highlights a series of diagrams with annotations that compare,
contrast, and analyze the processes of mitosis and meiosis, focusing on the chromosome number of the resulting
daughter cells.
3. Based on information gleaned by reading The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, students design and implement a
project that reflects an issue raised by the author (e.g., the relationship between cancer cells and cell cycle control,
the use of HeLa cells in scientific research, the legal and ethical questions raised in the book).
(Project due Friday 11/16/12)
4. AP Inquiry Laboratory Investigation 7 (big idea 3): Mitosis and Meiosis- After exploring and modeling
mitosis and meiosis, students conduct independent investigations to determine the effect of biotic or abiotic factors
on the rate of mitosis in plant roots. Informal Lab Report due the next day.
5. AP Investigation Drosophila: Drosophila laboratory involving three crosses of the fruit flies. They will design
their own experiments and conduct observations. Students make predictions about expected phenotypic ratios in
genetic crosses and then use the chi-square test to explain any deviations between the expected and observed ratios.
(Formal Lab Report due Friday 11/23/12)
6. A Day in the Life. Students compose a short story, PowerPoint presentation, video, poem, song, or significant
piece of art to describe a day in the life of a teenager afflicted with a single gene disorder or chromosomal
abnormality. Students should include the science behind the disorder (i.e., causes and effects) and identify a social,
medical, or ethical issue(s) associated with human genetic disorders. (Presentation due Monday 11/26/12)
Unit Test: Friday 11/23/12
Unit 6: Gene Activity and Biotechnology
3 1/2 weeks: 11/26/12 – 12/18/12
Big ideas: 1, 2, 3, 4
Connected to enduring understandings:
1.A Change in the genetic makeup of a population over time is evolution
2.C Organisms use feedback mechanisms to regulate growth and reproduction, and to maintain dynamic
2.E Many biological processes involved in growth, reproduction and dynamic homeostasis include temporal
regulation and coordination.
3.A Heritable information provides for continuity of life.
3.B Expression of genetic information involves cellular and molecular mechanisms.
3.C The processing of genetic information is imperfect and is a source of genetic variation.
4.A Interactions within biological systems lead to complex properties.
16. The Molecular Basis of Inheritance (Ch. 16)
17. From Gene to Protein (Ch. 17)
18. Regulation of Gene Expression (Ch. 18)
19. Viruses (Ch. 19)
20. Biotechnology (Ch. 20)
21. Genomes and their Evolution (Ch. 21)
Unit 6 Overview of Lecture and Discussion Topics:
1. DNA is the genetic material (historical experiments, DNA structure and function, DNA replication)
2. Flow of genetic information (genetic code, role of other polymers, transcription, translation)
3. Mutations
4. Gene expression (operon systems in prokaryotes, eukaryotic gene expression)
5. Virus structure and activity
6. Restriction enzymes, plasmids, transformation
7. DNA technology (how gel electrophoresis works and applications of this technology)
Gene to Protein
1. Provided with evidence relating to how the Frederick Griffith and Hershey- Chase experiments supported the
identification of DNA as the genetic material, students pose questions that remained unanswered by these historical
2. DNA and Histone Model <> A 3-D cut-and-paste model depicting how histone,
acetyl and methyl molecules control access to DNA and affect gene expression. (Connection of big idea 3 to
enduring understanding 4.A; SP 1, 6)
3. The Watson and Crick Model of DNA. Students develop a model of the structure of DNA based solely on Watson
and Crick’s original Nature article, “Molecular Structure of Nucleic Acids: A Structure for Deoxyribose Nucleic
4. Students create a board game to take players through the key steps in translation — and have classmates play the
game, if time allots.
Gene Expression
5. Debate: Students create a diagram to distinguish between the products of embryonic versus adult stem cells.
What are some arguments for and against embryonic stem cell research?
Genetic Engineering
6. Using information from the film Gattaca or Michael Crichton’s Jurassic Park to explain several applications
of genetic engineering and possible ethical, social, or medical issues raised by human manipulation of DNA. Discuss
what science can do but does it mean that it should? (Portfolio Assignment #2 due Monday 12/10/12)
Big idea # 3 Laboratory Investigations:
1. AP Investigation 8: Biotechnology – Bacterial Transformation: Students will perform a transformation
experiment in which they transform a bacterial cell to contain a plasmid
containing a gene which can be expressed so as to produce protein products which make the cell “glow”. Students
will then study the structure of the plasmid and make predictions regarding growth on various agar plates (LB plates,
plates with ampicillin and arabinose added). They will then examine the bacterial growth afterwards and collect
quantitative data. They will calculate transformation efficiency. Students will then plan a controlled experiment that
they think would improve the transformation efficiency. The entire laboratory study will be documented in the
laboratory research notebook. (Supports big idea 3; SP 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) (Formal Lab Report due Monday 12/10/12)
2. AP Biology Investigation 9: Biotechnology - Restriction Enzyme Analysis of DNA: Beginning with a forensic
mystery, students investigate how genetic information can be used to identify and profile individuals.
Unit Test: Friday 12/18/12
Unit 7: Evolution and Phylogeny
5 Weeks: 1/21/12 – 2/22/12
Big ideas: 1, 3, 4
Connected to enduring understandings:
1.A Change in the genetic makeup of a population over time is evolution.
1.B Organisms are linked by lines of descent from common ancestry.
1.C Life continues to evolve within a changing environment.
1.D The origin of living systems is explained by natural processes.
3.A Heritable information provides for continuity of life.
3.C The processing of genetic information is imperfect and is a source of genetic variation.
4.C Naturally occurring diversity among and between components within biological systems affects interactions
with the environment.
22. Darwin’s Theory of Evolution (Ch. 22)
23. The Evolution of Populations (Ch. 23)
24. The Origin of Species (Ch. 24)
25. The History of Life on Earth (Ch. 25)
26. Phylogeny and the Tree of Life (Ch. 26)
27. Bacteria and Archae (Ch. 27)
Unit 7 Overview of Lecture and Discussion Topics:
1. How natural selection serves as a mechanism for evolution
2. Scientific evidence supporting evolution
3. Hardy-Weinberg concept
4. How allele frequencies can be altered in a population
5. Concepts of speciation
6. Origin of Life; Fossil Records
7. Events in the “history of life” (origin of single-celled and multicellular organisms; mass extinctions;
adaptive radiations)
Big idea # 1 Laboratory Investigations:
1. AP Inquiry Investigation 2: Mathematical Modeling: Hardy-Weinberg - Introduces students to application of the
Hardy-Weinberg equation to study changes in allele frequencies in a population and to examine possible causes for
these changes. Although the first part of this lab is teacher directed, inquiry based questions for students to answer
are included.
2. AP Inquiry Investigation 1: Artificial Selection - Using Wisconsin Fast Plants, students explore evolution by
conducting an artificial selection investigation. Students then can apply principles to determine if extreme selection
can change expression of a quantitative trait. (Formal Lab Report due: Friday, 2/15/12)
3. After learning about and discussing experiments by Oparin, Miller and Urey, and others, students are guided
through an inquiry in which they form coacervates by combining carbohydrate molecules with protein molecules as
they vary pH. They observe the coacervates and collect quantitative data. Students then develop a question they
would like to answer through experimentation about coacervate formation, and materials are made available as
students design experiments to test the hypotheses they have made. The entire laboratory study will be documented
in a laboratory research notebook. In addition, students will post outcomes on Moodle, and students will be required
to comment on the findings of the various student groups. (SP 1, 3, 4, 5)
4. Students will learn how to analyze cladograms and understand evolutionary relationships using the Basic Local
Alignment Sequencing Tool. Students will analyze morphological details about a newly discovered fossil,
hypothesize as to the position of the fossil in a pre-constructed cladogram, then test the hypothesis using BLAST.
Once students become comfortable, they will use the tool to answer questions of their choice regarding gene
sequences. Alternatively, students can explore and discover using Cold Spring Harbor DNA Learning Lab: DNA
Subway. (Supports big idea 1; SP1, 3, 4, 5)
1. NOVA; PBS video: “What Darwin Never Knew.” This video will be utilized in conjunction with whole class
discussions to take a look at Charles Darwin’s observations and conclusions and how modern day molecular biology
is confirming what Darwin documented.
2. Students read the two articles from Science about genetic variants/kidney disease/Trypanosoma. They then
answer the following question either in writing or class discussion: How does the information apply to the study of
population genetics and support the concept of continuing evolution by natural selection?
3. Constructing a Phylogenetic Tree Using DNA Sequence Data Simulation:<>
Students exchange the “ancestral DNA” with random mutations over time and make divergences into different
evolutionary lines. A phylogenetic tree is constructed. Then, in a second part, students construct a phylogenetic tree
of another group based strictly on nucleotide sequences of present-day organisms. (SP 1, 4, 5)
4. Evolutionary Time: The Geologic Time String <> The Time String involves
the use of a string. The string is 4.6 meters long, and each millimeter on the string represents 1 million years. Knots
tied at distinct locations along the string represent extinctions, beginning of Eras, and so forth, in the geologic time
table. (SP 7) 4a
4. HHMI video: “Evolution” Students will view the lecture on artificial selection and a class discussion will follow.
5. Students conduct online research to identify examples of recent or ongoing speciation events and prepare a poster
or PowerPoint slide(s) to share their speciation event with the class for discussion.
Unit Test: Thursday 2/21/13
Unit 8 Diversity in the Biological World: Organism Form and Function
6 Weeks: 2/25/13 – 3/29/13
Big ideas: 1, 2, 3, 4
Connected to enduring understandings:
1.A Change in the genetic makeup of a population over time is evolution.
1.B Organisms are linked by lines of descent from common ancestry.
2.A Growth, reproduction and maintenance of the organization of living systems require free energy and matter.
2.C Organisms use feedback mechanisms to regulate growth and reproduction, and to maintain dynamic
2.D Growth and dynamic homeostasis of a biological system are influenced by changes in the system’s
2.E Many biological processes involved in growth, reproduction and dynamic homeostasis include temporal
regulation and coordination.
3.E Transmission of information results in changes within and between biological systems.
4.A Interactions within biological systems lead to complex properties.
4.B Competition and cooperation are important aspects of biological systems.
40. Basic Principles of Animal Form and Function (Ch. 40)
43. The Immune System (Ch. 43)
48. Neurons, Synapses, and Signaling (Ch. 48)
49. Nervous Systems (Ch. 49)
(Chapters 28-49 will be utilized to provide students with resources for the enduring understandings in this unit)
Unit 8 Overview of Lecture and Discussion Topics: This section covers a broad survey of the diversity of life;
specific topics will connect big ideas and enduring understandings.
1. Evolutionary trends (endosymbiosis, adaptations that allowed plants to move from water to land,
reproductive adaptations of angiosperms, environmental roles of fungi, animal body plans, progressively
complex derived characters in animal groups)
2. Unique features of the angiosperm life cycles
3. Signal transduction pathways (plant and animal hormones)
4. Photoperiodism in plants
5. Feedback control loops in animals
6. Thermoregulation in animals
7. Energy allocation and use in animals
8. Examples of functioning units in mammal systems (alveoli in lungs, villi of small intestines, nephrons in
9. Structure and function in immune systems
10. Structure and function in nervous systems (neurons, resting potential, action potential, synapses)
11. Structure and function of the human brain
1. Working with cladograms and phylogenetic trees: given groups of organisms and some of their distinguishing
characteristics, students will construct a cladogram and properly interpret and analyze it in terms of how it shows
common ancestry. (SP 1 ,3, 5) 4a & 4d
2. “The Donor’s Dilemma.” Students engage in an inquiry-based, investigative set of activities that explore the
transmission of West Nile virus with an application to genetic engineering techniques.
3. Working with a partner or small group, students compose responses to the following questions and then share and
explain their answers with the entire class for feedback: While there are many different antibiotics for treating
bacterial infections, there are relatively few drugs available to treat viral infections. Why are anti-viral drugs
difficult to manufacture? How do viruses differ from bacteria?
3. Jumpin’ the Gap: <> Students act out communication at the neural level by behaving
as vesicles, neurotransmitters, receptors, secondary messengers and transporters. (SP 1, 7)
4. What affects urine production? <>, Chapter 44. Through animation, students explore
the role of a solute gradient on maximum urine production. Next, they explore the effect of hormones on urine
production. Animated experiments are run and data is collected. Students analyze the
outcomes of the experiments. (SP 1, 5, 7)
5. Research: Can stem cell-based therapy be used in brain and spinal cord injuries? Students will prepare
presentations of their findings and responses to questions such as: Should embryonic stem cell research continue to
be permitted? Should it be supported by government funding? Do the origins of embryonic stem cell lines make a
6. Students create a visual representation to illustrate the regulation of blood sugar levels, growth spurts in teenagers,
and events associated with labor and childbirth. Students then explain how disruptions to these regulatory processes
(e.g., failure to produce insulin) affect homeostasis in the organism. I provide verbal and/or written feedback to each
student regarding their visual representation and explanation. This assessment informs my decisions about next
instructional steps.
7. Students create a mini-poster to compare, contrast, and analyze one physiological process in three different
organisms from three different environments (e.g., osmoregulatory mechanisms in marine fish, desert reptiles, and
tropical plants).
8. Don’t Eat Fugu: Understanding the Neuron. Students create a model of a neuron to explain how the vertebrate
nervous system detects signals and transmits information. (Students should use the clips from Stimulus Response for
inspiration.) Students use the model to predict how abnormal cell structure, drugs, and toxins can affect impulse
transmission. Students should explain the differences in nervous system physiology in two different animal phyla.
They present their models to the class for discussion and peer feedback.
Unit Test: Thursday, 3/28/13
Unit 9: Ecology
4 Weeks: 4/1/13 – 4/26/13
Big ideas: 1, 2, 3, 4
Connected to enduring understandings:
1.A Change in the genetic makeup of a population over time is evolution.
1.C Life continues to evolve within a changing environment.
2.A Growth, reproduction and maintenance of the organization of living systems require free energy and matter.
2.C Organisms use feedback mechanisms to regulate growth, reproduction and dynamic homeostasis.
2.D Growth and dynamic homeostasis of a biological system are influenced by changes in the system’s
2.E Many biological processes involved in growth, reproduction and dynamic homeostasis include temporal
regulation and coordination.
3.E Transmission of information results in changes within and between biological systems.
4.A Interactions within biological systems lead to complex properties.
4.B Competition and cooperation are important aspects of biological systems.
4.C Naturally occurring diversity among and between components within biological systems affects interactions
with the environment.
51. Animal Behavior
52.2. Interactions between organisms and the environment limit the distribution of species.
53. Population Ecology
54. Community Ecology
55. Ecosystems
56. Conservation Biology and Global Change
Unit 9 Overview of Lecture and Discussion Topics:
1. Aspects of animal behavior
2. Aspects of biomes
3. Models describing population growth
4. Regulation of population growth
5. Community interactions
6. Species diversity and composition
7. Community biodiversity
8. Energy flow and chemical cycling in ecosystems
9. Primary productivity
10. Energy transfer between trophic levels
11. Human activities that threaten biodiversity
Big idea #4 Laboratory Investigations:
1. AP Inquiry Investigation 12: Fruit Fly Behavior - Students design their own controlled experiments to
investigate a question they have about animal behavior (kinesis and taxis in isopods, fruit fly behavior with respect
to selected stimuli). (Supports big idea 4; SP 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
2. AP Inquiry Investigation 11: Transpiration - Students design and conduct experiments to investigate the effects
of environmental variables on transpiration rates. This lab requires minimal teacher facilitation and is student
directed and inquiry based.
1. For five different terrestrial or aquatic biomes, students create a visual representation to describe each biome and
factors that affect its climate. Then they explain unique adaptations for one plant and one animal in each biome
that help those plants and animals survive.
2. Students design and conduct a field study in animal behavior and/or interactions of an animal at the Lincoln Park
3. Provide students with a copy of an article entitled “Invasive Plant Suppresses the Growth of Native Tree
Seedlings by Disrupting Belowground Mutualisms”, by Kristina Stinson and others. Students will explore the
research based study and analyze the data presented for its meaning. (SP 5)
4. In order to improve species richness, you decide to add phosphate to a pond. How might you determine how much
phosphate to add in order to avoid eutrophication? Students will prepare a visual on whiteboards and present their
thinking to the class. (SP 3, 4)
5. Animated investigation: How Does the Fungus Pilobolus Succeed as a Decomposer? From:
<>, Chapter 31. Students investigate this fungus as a decomposer, hypothesizing and
collecting data in this animated investigation; they will study the adaptiveness of certain spore dispersal methods.
(Connects big idea 4 to enduring understanding 1.A; SP 5, 6, 7)
6. Animated Investigation: How do Abiotic Factors Affect Distribution of Organisms? From:
<>, Chapter 52. Students will use a simple model for observing ecological impact that
occurs when single abiotic factors are changes. By changing abiotic factors, data can be collected and analyzed.
7. An ecosystem consists of earthworms, heterotrophic soil bacteria, grass, deer, beetles, and a lion. Students create
mini-posters to describe the trophic structure of the ecosystem, how each organism receives inputs of energy and
nutrients, where outputs (e.g., wastes) go, and the effect(s) each organism has on the others. Students should include
all energy transformations and transfers based on the hypothetical assumption that 9,500 J of net energy is available
at the producer level. Students then present and explain their descriptions to the class for peer feedback.
Unit Test: Thursday 4/25/13
2 Weeks: 4/26/13 – 5/ 10/13
Monday MAY 13th AP EXAM
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Muchin College Prep Student Agreement
AP Biology 2012-2013
Student Agreement
I have read the syllabus and understand the content and expectations of this course. As a student in this
class I will:
Know and follow all rules and guidelines in this syllabus
Practice safe laboratory behavior
Set high expectations for myself
Be responsible by doing my homework assignments on time
Participate, ask questions and be proactive when I do not understand something, and do my best
Student Name (Printed)
Student Signature
Please present the next page to the instructor on the second day of class. Failure to comply
will result in LaSalle.
Ms. Zhao | AP Biology 2012 – 2013
A Note to Parents
Making this an exceptional year for your student will take our combined efforts; clear
communication is a must. The quickest and most convenient way to reach me is by email at Please feel free to contact me at any time. I look forward to collaborating
with you in helping your child achieve the highest possible score.
1. Quiet structured study time
Help your child to establish a study routine by setting up a quiet study area and a consistent quiet study time
nightly. The routine will help them practice good study habits for college.
Should the study area be their bedroom or a family area, like the dining room?
That depends on your household and your child. If your child is self-motivated and can work steadily without
supervision, then a quiet desk space in their bedroom would work well.
However, if their bedroom is equipped with distractions like a stereo or TV, then this might not be conducive
to concentrating on homework and the family area may work better.
2. Work on Biology EVERY night
For your child to stay up-to-date in this course they need to spend some time on biology every night. The ideal
would be about one (1) hour per night or approximately six (6) hours per week. This would include textbook
reading, lecture review, lab notebook assignments, extra credit assignments, and test preparation. On weeks
when they cannot devote that one hour on a weeknight, they should put in extra time on weekends to make up.
On nights where they have minimal time, your child should at least review the day’s lecture notes (Wikispace).
3. Support Study Groups
Encourage your child to arrange a study group with other students in the class. Each student will have different
strengths and weaknesses in this course. In one unit, your child will be the teacher to other students and in a
different unit they will be the student. Putting two or more heads together is always a benefit. You never learn
something as well as when you have to explain it to someone else.
However let me emphasize that, while study groups and cooperative effort are strongly encouraged; on final
written work, all students are required to craft their own answers and must have a completely uniquely worded
answer for each question.
4. Use a Lifeline
Encourage your child to ask for help. I can stay after any day for extra help. Also, all my AP students have my
e-mail address and they can readily e-mail me for help at any time after school hours and I will make every
effort to reply to them immediately. Do not allow them to feel like they are intruding, I am here to help them
understand and learn to love the subject of Biology as much as I do.
5. Don’t Panic! Stick with it!
Some parts of this course will come more easily than others. Encourage your child to work steadily and not to
be discouraged. Success will build as they improve their critical thinking skills and their writing ability
through practice. This is a college course and they are working on more than learning biology; they are
working on skills that they will use to succeed academically for years to come. Your child needs to work hard
and work steadily and they will be rewarded in this course!
I have read the course description and class policies for AP Biology and have discussed it with my student.
Parent/Guardian Name _________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature _______________________
Contact Information _________________________________________________