Department of Botany Summer Studentship Scheme 2014/2015 Application Form Applications should meet the criteria (see page 3) and include the documentation listed below. Submit applications to the Botany Office, 479 Great King Street, or via email to no later than 4pm, Wednesday 3rd September, 2014. Checklist for application Tick Completed and signed application form Applicant’s CV Academic record of applicant (University approved) Brief outline of project (Botany only) Brief statement (Landcare Research only) Letter of reference (see Supporting Information on page 3) I am applying for: A. Department of Botany Summer Studentship (see Supporting Information on page 3: projects will vary depending on the academic staff member who supports your application) B. Landcare Research Summer Studentship (see Supporting Information on page 3) Applicant name: Student ID: University qualification in which I am currently enrolled: University of Otago qualification in which I intend to enrol in 2015 (Degree/Diploma): A. Department of Botany Summer Studentship applications only: Please attach a brief outline of project (<500 words under the following headings): Principal supervisor: Research area: Background to project: Aims and objectives: Expected outcomes: Outline of student’s duties: Skills and knowledge to be gained by student: Contribution of project to the research area identified above, and the Department of Botany: Some key references to guide the students (list): Page | 1 B. Landcare Research Summer Studentship applications only: Please attach a brief statement (<500 words under the following headings): Outline your reasons for applying for this Landcare Research Summer Studentship: Describe how you think this Summer Studentship will benefit your studies: Describe any skills or previous experience that are relevant to the application: I agree to fully commit to the Summer Studentship if I am successful in my application: Applicant signature: Date: For Department of Botany Summer Studentship applications only: To be completed by principal supervisor: I confirm that supervision is available for the duration of the project as outlined in this application: Supervisor name: Supervisor signature: Date: Office use only Approved/not approved (circle one): Head of Department of Botany (or nominee): Name: Signature: Date: Page | 2 Supporting Information Summer Studentship Criteria 1. The Summer Studentship programme is open only to students who are returning to the University of Otago in 2015 and who will be enrolling in degree or diploma courses offered within the Division of Sciences. If the enrolment circumstances of the student do not meet these specifications then the tax-free status will not apply and higher costs will be incurred. 2. Students qualifying for a Summer Studentship should normally have achieved a minimum of a B+ average across their Major subjects in their most recent academic year of enrolment. Exceptions, with justification, may be considered on a case-bycase basis. 3. The student must be a full participant in the research activity/project (i.e. not merely providing a routine service such as data preparation or entry); 4. The project must be of educational benefit to the student (i.e. relevant to their studies); 5. 10 weeks is the maximum duration for all studentships. The minimum time is six weeks. 6. The start time should normally be around 11 November 2014 and the latest finishing date should be 21 February 2015. 7. Provided the projects meet the Summer Studentship criteria, payment to the student concerned will be as a non-taxable bursary at the rate of $500 per week, or $5000 for a ten week project. 8. To receive their final payment, the student must submit a research report of 1-2 A4 pages on completion of the project. This report should be signed and dated by the student, and the supervisor, and sent to the Department of Botany Administrator who will forward this report to the Division of Sciences. Summer Studentships in the Department of Botany There is one Summer Studentship available in the Department of Botany in 2014/2015. If you are interested you should talk with an academic staff member who you would like to work with. If this person agrees to support you then you will need to work with them in completing this application, including developing the project outline. They will also need to write a letter of reference in support of your application. If you are unsure of the research interests of all the academic staff then take a look at the Academic Staff listing at Make sure you approach them as soon as you can, if you have not done so already. It is worth noting that individual academic staff may have access to additional funds in which case they may be in a position to support you for a Summer Studentship through their own funding. How to apply: Use the Department of Botany application form, providing all the required documentation including a letter of reference from your principal supervisor in support of your application. Summer Studentships at Landcare Research Landcare Research in Dunedin has two summer studentship positions available for the 2014/2015 field season. The successful students will have the opportunity to assist on a wide range of projects including measuring vital ecosystem services (e.g. carbon storage, decomposition rates, soil fertility) in our indigenous tussock grasslands; examining effects of forest fragmentation on indigenous biodiversity (e.g. seed predation); investigating plant community composition along environmental gradients (e.g. abundance and co-occurrence patterns in tussock grasslands). These studentships will be a mix of field work; lab/glasshouse work; and data entry. You will mostly be working within a small team of technicians and scientists. Benefit to the applicant: You will learn a range of skills including application of scientific methods, plant identification skills, soil coring techniques and practical field skills. You will also visit a range of locations in the south island. Applicant specifications: Applicants should have a strong interest in plant identification, basic numerical skills, be willing to work in a small team and spend up to a week at a time in an alpine environment. You must also be able to work unsupervised and be highly motivated. Due to the nature of working in the field a good level of fitness is required. Applicants need to be available to start on or before the 10th November but will have some time off over the Christmas/New Year period. These summer studentships are for 10 weeks (400 hours). How to apply: Use the Department of Botany application form, providing all the required documentation including a letter of reference in support of your application. Page | 3