Collaborative Doctoral Partnerships HEI partner application form Title of proposal, as listed on the BL CDP webpage: Name of proposed academic supervisor: (NB Supervisors must be of postdoctoral standing with a contract of employment at an HEI) Department: Institution: How do you propose to develop this theme, in order for the student to gain maximum benefit from research collaboration with the British Library? How do your research interests and expertise support this proposal? How will your department support the student and manage co-supervision with the British Library over the course of the studentship? Outline any impact initiatives at your institution that will be supported by the studentship: Please give evidence of previous successful collaboration with non-HEI partners: How did you find out about the CDP opportunities at the British Library? Details circulated by my HEI British Library website Twitter Word of mouth Other (please specify): _________________________________________________________________________ This form can be extended as necessary to a maximum of 4 pages. Please use size 11 font or above. Please also provide a CV of the proposed academic supervisor (no longer than 2 pages) Please send to by 4pm on Friday 27 November 2015.