Indian Institute of Management Bangalore Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation PGP Elective Term 4 2012 Course Outline I LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. To develop a framework for using financial statement information in a variety of business analysis and valuation contexts. 2. To differentiate between good accounting and bad accounting. 3. To write an equity research report, credit evaluation report or internal management report based on analysis of financial statements and other relevant reports. 4. To analyze business strategies to understand the value that they add. 5. To integrate accounting principles and finance concepts. II COURSE CONTENTS Session 1 June 14 Topic Part I OVERVIEW OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Introduction to Investing and Valuation Investment Styles and Fundamental Analysis The Role of Financial Reporting in Capital Markets Stock Market Bubbles The Professional Analyst and the Investor Business Analysis Valuation Technology Read: Chapter 1 of SP. Assignment: E1.5; E1.6; CP M1.1. America Online Inc. 2 June 15 Introduction to the Financial Statements The Financial Statements: Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Statement of Cash Flows, etc. Measurement in the Financial Statements Comparisons using Financial Statements Read: Chapter 2 of SP. Assignment: E2.10; E2.13; CP M2.1. Nike Inc 3 June 21 How Financial Statements are Used in Valuation Multiple Analysis Asset-Based Valuation Fundamental Analysis The Architecture of Fundamental Analysis Dividend Discount Model Read: Chapter 3 of SP. Assignment: E3.7; E3.12; E3.16; CP M3.1. Cordant Technologies and Howmet International 4 Cash Accounting, Accrual Accounting, and Discounted Cash Flow Valuation The Discounted Cash Flow Model June 22 1 The Statement of Cash Flows Cash Flow, Earnings, and Accrual Accounting Read: Chapter 4 of SP. Assignment: E4.3; E4.9; E4.10; CP M4.1. Coca-Cola and Home Depot Inc. 5-6 June 28 June 29 7 July 5 8 July 6 Accrual Accounting and Valuation: Pricing Book Values The Concept Behind the Price-to-Book Ratio Prototype Valuations A Model for Anchoring Value on Book Value Read: Chapter 5 of SP. Assignment: E5.3; E5.6; E5.12; E5.17;; E5.18; M5.2; CP M5.3. KimberlyClark Accrual Accounting and Valuation: Pricing Earnings The Concept Behind the Price-to-Earnings Ratio Prototype Valuation A Model for Anchoring Value on Earnings Read: Chapter 6 of SP. Assignment: E6.1; E6.5; E6.11; E6.12; E6.16; CP M6.3. Google PART II THE ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Business Activities and Financial Statements Business Activities and Reformulating Statements Accruals Read: Chapter 7 of SP. Assignment: E7.1; E7.5; E7.7 9 July 12 Analyzing the Statement of Shareholders’ Equity Reformulating the Statement of Owners’ Equity Clean Surplus and Dirty Surplus Read: Chapter 8 of SP. Assignment: E8.7; E8.8; E8.14; CP M8.1. Microsoft Corporation 10 July 13 Analyzing the Balance Sheet and the Income Statement Reformulation of the Balance Sheet Reformulation of the Income Statement Comparative Analysis Read: Chapter 9 of SP. Assignment: E9.5; E9.9; E9.10; CP M9.2. Chubb Corporation July 17 MID-TERM EXAMINATION 11 July 20 Analyzing the Cash Flow Statement Free Cash Flow Reformulating Cash Flow Statements Read: Chapter 10 of SP. Assignment: E10.3; E10.10; E10.11; CP M10.1. Dell Inc 2 12 July 26 Analyzing Profitability Effect of Leverage Drivers of Profitability Read: Chapter 11 of SP. Assignment: E11.1; E11.4; E11.10; CP M11.1. Procter & Gamble II 13 July 27 Analyzing Growth and Sustainable Earnings What is Growth? Analyzing Changes in Profitability and Sustainable Earnings Analyzing Growth in Investment Read: Chapter 12 of SP. Assignment: E12.4; E12.5; E12.10; E12.11; CP M12.2. Microsoft Corporation 14 Aug. 2 PART III FORECASTING AND VALUATION ANALYSIS Valuation of Operations and Analysis of Price-to-Book Ratios Forecasting and Valuation with Balance Sheets Modifying Residual Earnings The Cost of Capital in Valuation Read: Chapter 13 of SP. Assignment: E13.9; E13.12; E13.13; E13.18; CP M13.1. Chubb Corporation 15 Aug. 3 Simple Forecasting and Simple Valuation Simple Forecasts and Simple Valuation Simple Forecasts of Growth and Return on Net Operating Assets The Applicability of Simple Valuations Simple Valuation as an Analysis Tool Read: Chapter 14 of SP. Assignment: E14.7; E14.10; E14.13; CP M14.2. Cisco Systems Inc 16 Aug. 9 Full-Information Forecasting and Valuation Knowing the Business Financial Statement Analysis: Focusing the Lens on the Business Full-Information Forecasting and Pro Forma Analysis Value Generated in Share Transactions Read: Chapter 15 of SP. Assignment: E15.4; E15.5; E15.8; E15.9; E15.14; CP M15.2. Dell Inc 17 Aug. 10 PART IV ACCOUNTING ANALYSIS AND VALUATION Creating Accounting Value and Economic Value Value Creation and the Creation of Residual Earnings Accounting Methods, PB Ratios, PE Ratios, and Valuation Hidden Reserves Conservative and Liberal Accounting Read: Chapter 16 of SP. Assignment: E16.4; E16.5; E16.6; CP M16.1. E*Trade 3 18 Aug. 16 19 Aug. 17 20 Aug. 23 Analyzing the Quality of Accounting Accounting Quality Earnings Quality Detecting Accounting Manipulation and Transaction Manipulation Disclosure Quality Read: Chapter 17 of SP. Assignment: E17.7; E17.10; E17.15; CP M17.1. Xerox Corporation PART V ANALYZING RISK Analyzing Equity Risk and the Cost of Capital Understanding Risk Betas Price Risk Read: Chapter 18 of SP. Assignment: E18.1; E18.4; E18.5. Analyzing Credit Risk Ratio Analysis for Credit Evaluations Forecasting and Credit Analysis Liquidity Planning and Financial Strategy Read: Chapter 19 of SP. Assignment: E19.1; E19.2; E19.4; CP M19.1. Fruit of the Loom END-TERM EXAMINATION III EVALUATION AND SCHEDULE Component Description/Scope Weight (%) 10 Case Presentation Presenting in class cases from those marked CP in the course outline. Project Study of financial statements or a research topic. 20 Mid-term examination Chapters 1 to 9. 30 Date Will be scheduled through the course. Proposal: 5 p.m. on Friday, June 29, 2012; Report: Friday, August 24, 2012. Wednesday, July 17, 2012. Method Student teams (same teams of five for cases and projects) present a case in ten minutes. Evaluation criteria: content; clarity; and presentation. Student teams present a written report containing the results of their study. Test of understanding and application of principles. Detailed problems. Duration: three hours. 4 End-term examination Analysis of company financial statements, analyst reports and other material. 40 Saturday, August 28, 2012. Annual report will be distributed in advance. Test of understanding of the annual report focusing on reformulation, forecasting and valuation. Duration: three hours. Tests and exams are open-book. The student may bring anything except laptop and mobile phone. IV READING MATERIAL Prescribed Reading: 1. Stephen Penman. 2010. Financial Statement Analysis and Security Valuation 4e. McGraw-Hill (SP for short). 2. 2012 annual report of Hindustan Unilever Limited. In addition, selected articles will be distributed. Additional Reading: 1. Krishna Palepu, Paul Healy and Victor Bernard. Business Analysis & Valuation Using Financial Statements, Fourth Edition. Cincinnati, Ohio: South-Western College Publishing, 2008. 2. Sidney Cottle, Roger F. Murray, and Frank E. Block. Graham and Dodd's Security Analysis. Reprint by Tata McGraw-Hill, 2002. This is a FSA classic. 3. Financial Analysts’ Journal, Journal of Applied Corporate Finance. Popular Reading: 1. Alex Berenson. The Number. New York: Random House, 2003. 2. Howard Schlitz. Financial Shenanigans. Second edition. Reprint by Tata McGraw-Hill, 2003. V MARKING, COMPLAINTS, REVIEW, AND GRADING Answer-sheets will be marked within one week from the date of the test or examination. Students will have the opportunity of inspecting their respective answer scripts and the instructor's model answers at the instructor's office. Students must not remove answer scripts and instructor's model answers. Any complaint regarding marking should be given in writing in a brief and precise note immediately after inspecting the answer script. Complaints regarding matters other than totalling errors cannot be considered. The instructor will examine the complaint and revise the marks, if appropriate. The instructor is not able to discuss (in person, over the phone or by e-mail) marking or grading matters. 5 On the basis of the student’s total marks in the course, there will be an overall grade and a grade point average. The various components of evaluation will not be graded separately. Attendance: Students’ attendance is not mandatory. VI INSTRUCTOR R. Narayanaswamy Office: A Block 2nd Floor Room # 205 080 2699 3135 Office hours: To be announced. VII WEBSITE The course is on Students must register as soon as possible. All submissions will be via the site. Marks will be posted on the site. 6