May - Education for Nature

Education for Nature - Vietnam
P.O. Box 222
Ha Noi, Vietnam
Tel/Fax: +84 4 7753685
Press Release
Nguyen Phuong Dung, Tele. (04) 775-3685 (
Le Hong Viet (
Latest Issue of Green Forest Features Ambassador of The Sky
(Hanoi) May 2, 2007 – Education for Nature –
Vietnam (ENV) released the latest issue of the popular
student activity magazine, Green Forest, on Vietnam’s
birds, entitled “Ambassador of The Sky“.
This newest issue of Green Forest is aimed at providing
student readers with the opportunity to learn about
different types of birds, their ecology, and the role that
birds play in nature.
Vietnam is home to an estimated 850 bird species,
including eight species that are found nowhere else in
the world.
Vietnam also lies along the migration route and provides
important seasonal habitat and resting areas for of some
of the region’s most critically endangered bird species
such as the black-faced spoonbill and the Saurus crane.
Birds are an important part of our natural world, helping
to control insects and other pests, dispersing seeds, and
contributing to richness and the value of life with their
beauty and song.
At the same time, our appreciation for birds has resulted in increased hunting pressure upon wild
birds valued in pet markets both here in Vietnam and abroad. Birds are also hunted for food and
threatened by loss of important habitat. Whether a resident or visitor, birds are truly nature’s
“ambassadors of the sky”.
Green Forest student nature magazine is produced twice each year by ENV. Each issue
provides readers with an opportunity to learn about an important group of animals, landscape or
environmental issue. Green Forest also includes news, games, puzzles, comics, and other
information about nature and the environment, presented in a way that makes learning enjoyable.
Moreover, Green Forest also provides an opportunity for students to share their ideas and
experiences with other readers through stories and poems, photographs, artwork, and other
contributions they mail in to ENV.
Ambassadors of the Sky is the 25th issue of Green Forest magazine to be produced by ENV.
Green Forest is distributed free through the ENV Family Network to students, schools and
environmental educators throughout Vietnam.
ENV wishes to thank the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) for supporting
this important educational resource.
About Education for Nature - Vietnam
Education for Nature-Vietnam (ENV) was established in 2000 as Vietnam’s first non-governmental
organization focused on conservation of nature and wildlife. Our mission is to foster greater
understanding amongst the public about the need to protect Vietnam’s rich natural heritage and
the living world around us. Through our creative and innovative approach to addressing key
conservation and environmental issues, we aim to influence attitudes and behavior, and
encourage greater public participation in this important and challenging task.
Publication of Green Forest magazine and other educational resources
ENV produces Green Forest, a children's magazine that is distributed nationally through the
Environmental Education Family Network. Two issues of Green Forest are produced each year.
Each issue focuses on an environmental topic and includes student contributions from around the
country. In addition to the magazine, ENV produces a range of other educational resources that
support awareness programs and activities, including environmental education curriculum, plays
and puppet shows, illustrated stories, films, and posters.