10th Grade Project Addictions Step 1 Choose an addiction you want to learn more about. You are going to write a magazine article about the addiction you chose. You can use your book INSIGHTS (Unit 2 It Can't Happen to Me!) to get ideas for an addiction. Here are some Internet sites that you can use: http://www.addictionsearch.com/ http://www.soberrecovery.com/links/adolescenttreatment.html http://www.drug-rehabs.com/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Addictions http://www.kidshealth.org/teen/your_mind/problems/addictions.html http://www.technewsworld.com/story/53102.html?welcome=1209310572 http://www.surfnetkids.com/safety/common_internet_addictions_for_teens21839.htm Step 2 Find two articles connected to addictions. You can look in the Internet, magazines or newspapers. You must print out the articles and keep them at all times. Step 3 In order to summarize your articles, mark the sentences that you used. You cannot copy whole sentences from the articles. You must use your own words. Make sure you add a dictionary definition of the word addiction to your article. Include a solution for the addiction. Step 4 You can work either alone or with a partner. If you work in pairs, one does the introduction and half of the project and the other one does half of the project and the conclusion. Each one must write 200-300 words. Step 5 Give your summary a title and hand in your first draft with your sources printed out. Step 6 Correct your first draft and print the project. Step 7 Hand in your project. It must include the following: a. It must be in a plastic file b. It must have a cover page which includes: c. d. e. f. g. h. i. - title of project - student’s name - class - teacher’s name - date table of contents introduction the final typed and printed copy. conclusion bibliography your first draft with the corrections a copy of the original articles which you printed (Step 2) Checklist STEPS STEP 1: I found my articles. STEP 2: I printed out my articles and the sources. STEP 3: I marked the important sentences. I summarized my articles. I used my own words to summarize. STEP4: I wrote between 200-300 words. I counted my words. STEP 5: I handed in my first draft with my printed articles. STEP 6: I corrected my first draft and rewrote it as the final draft. I printed it. STEP 7: I handed in my project. It is: -typed and printed -in a plastic file -with a title page -with a copy of the articles used -with the first draft -with the final copy -with the table of contents -with introduction -with bibliography -with conclusion I handed my project in on time. DATE DUE I DID IT Addictions 10th Grade Project Evaluation Rubric 25 Project format *plastic file *cover page *copies of articles *final copy printed *has bibliography *table of contents *first draft *introduction *conclusion 15-25 15-20 2 or 3 things missing 0-10 *work not satisfactory *not well organized *copied from articles *not about topic chosen *has introduction *work satisfactory *work is about topics chosen *work well organized *written in own words *uses some of author’s words *work organized Language *uses correct verbs *good sequence of events in paragraphs *sentences well written *minimal spelling, punctuation, capital letter mistakes 10-15 *shows evidence of Process Handed in on Time editing, drafting and revision *hands in all drafts of work Only 3 things handed in. 10-15 Content And Organization 15-30 0-15 8-15 0-8 *confuses verbs *mistakes interfere with *paragraphs not connected *sentences need work *some spelling, punct., capital letter mistakes understanding of text *paragraphs not logical *sentences not correct *many mistakes in capital letters, spelling, punctuation 5-10 *some evidence of editing *has some drafts of work 5 points 0-5 *no evidence of editing *does not include drafts