AUSTRALIAN BOWLING PROPRIETORS ASSOCIATION LIMITED CONSTITUTION CONTENTS 1 PRELIMINARY ...............................................................................................................................5 DEFINITIONS ...........................................................................................................................................5 INTERPRETATION ....................................................................................................................................6 REPLACEABLE RULES NOT TO APPLY .....................................................................................................6 2 0BJECTS AND POWERS ...............................................................................................................6 3 INCOME AND PROPERTY OF THE COMPANY ....................................................................7 4 MEMBERSHIP ................................................................................................................................8 BECOMING A MEMBER ...........................................................................................................................8 REGISTER OF MEMBERS .........................................................................................................................8 WHERE A MEMBER IS A BODY ................................................................................................................8 RESIGNATION OF MEMBERS....................................................................................................................9 EXPULSION OF MEMBERS .......................................................................................................................9 EXPULSION OF REGISTERED REPRESENTATIVES ..................................................................................10 ASSIGNMENT OF MEMBERSHIP ............................................................................................................10 ELECTION OF STATE ZONE DIRECTORS ................................................................................................10 REPLACING A DIRECTOR ......................................................................................................................10 LIMITED LIABILITY OF MEMBERS .........................................................................................................10 5 SUBSCRIPTIONS & LEVIES......................................................................................................11 ENTRANCE FEE .....................................................................................................................................11 ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION .......................................................................................................................11 SPECIAL LEVIES....................................................................................................................................11 6 GENERAL MEETINGS................................................................................................................12 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING ................................................................................................................12 GENERAL MEETING...............................................................................................................................12 NOTICE OF GENERAL MEETING .............................................................................................................12 POSTPONEMENT OR CANCELLATION OF MEETING ................................................................................13 7 PROCEEDINGS AT GENERAL MEETINGS ...........................................................................14 REPRESENTATION OF MEMBER ............................................................................................................14 QUORUM ...............................................................................................................................................14 APPOINTMENT AND POWERS OF CHAIRMAN OF GENERAL MEETING ....................................................15 ADJOURNMENT OF GENERAL MEETINGS...............................................................................................15 VOTING AT GENERAL MEETING ............................................................................................................15 QUESTIONS DECIDED BY MAJORITY .....................................................................................................16 POLL .....................................................................................................................................................16 EQUALITY OF VOTES - CHAIRMAN'S CASTING VOTE .............................................................................16 ENTITLEMENT TO VOTE ........................................................................................................................16 OBJECTION TO VOTING QUALIFICATION ...............................................................................................16 APPOINTMENT OF PROXY .....................................................................................................................16 DEPOSIT OF PROXY AND OTHER INSTRUMENTS ....................................................................................17 VALIDITY OF VOTE IN CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES ................................................................................17 DIRECTOR ENTITLED TO NOTICE OF MEETING ......................................................................................18 AUDITOR ENTITLED TO NOTICE OF MEETING ........................................................................................18 8 DIRECTORS ..................................................................................................................................18 CONSTITUTION OF THE BOARD .............................................................................................................18 PRESIDENT ............................................................................................................................................18 VICE-PRESIDENT ..................................................................................................................................18 2 ROTATION OF DIRECTORS ....................................................................................................................18 CASUAL VACANCY ...............................................................................................................................18 FIRST DIRECTORS .................................................................................................................................18 9 10 REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES .........................................................................................19 VACATION OF OFFICE AND CONFLICT OF INTEREST ..............................................19 VACATION OF OFFICE ...........................................................................................................................19 DIRECTOR'S INTERESTS ........................................................................................................................19 11 POWERS OF AND DUTIES OF DIRECTORS .....................................................................20 APPOINTMENT OF ATTORNEY ...............................................................................................................20 MINUTES...............................................................................................................................................20 EXECUTION OF COMPANY CHEQUES, ETC. ...........................................................................................21 12 PROCEEDINGS OF DIRECTORS .........................................................................................21 MEETINGS.............................................................................................................................................21 QUORUM ...............................................................................................................................................21 EFFECT OF VACANCY............................................................................................................................21 CONVENING MEETINGS .........................................................................................................................21 USUAL BUSINESS AT MEETINGS ............................................................................................................21 NOTICE .................................................................................................................................................21 APPOINTMENT OF PROXY .....................................................................................................................21 CHAIR ...................................................................................................................................................22 HOW QUESTIONS DECIDED ...................................................................................................................22 COMMITTEES ........................................................................................................................................22 WRITTEN RESOLUTION .........................................................................................................................22 USE OF TECHNOLOGY ...........................................................................................................................22 VALIDITY OF ACTS OF DIRECTORS .......................................................................................................22 13 ZONES ........................................................................................................................................22 14 BY-LAWS ...................................................................................................................................23 15 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER .............................................................................................23 APPOINTMENT AND REMOVAL .............................................................................................................23 REMUNERATION ...................................................................................................................................23 POWERS ................................................................................................................................................23 16 ALTERNATE DIRECTORS ....................................................................................................23 17 SECRETARY AND TREASURER ..........................................................................................24 18 SEALS .........................................................................................................................................24 COMMON AND DUPLICATE COMMON SEAL ...........................................................................................24 USE OF COMMON SEAL .........................................................................................................................24 19 INSPECTION OF BOOKS .......................................................................................................24 20 NOTICES ....................................................................................................................................24 SERVICE OF NOTICES ............................................................................................................................24 21 AUDIT AND ACCOUNTS ........................................................................................................25 COMPANY TO KEEP ACCOUNTS ............................................................................................................25 COMPANY TO AUDIT ACCOUNTS...........................................................................................................25 22 WINDING UP.............................................................................................................................25 3 23 INDEMNITY ..............................................................................................................................25 INDEMNITY OF OFFICERS ......................................................................................................................25 INSURANCE ...........................................................................................................................................25 24 GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE ...................................................................................................26 25 ALTERATION OF CONSTITUTION ....................................................................................26 APPLICATION TO BECOME A MEMBER OF ......................................................................................27 PROXY FORM FOR ................................................................................................................................28 4 Corporations Law Constitution of AUSTRALIAN BOWLING PROPRIETORS ASSOCIATION A Company Limited by Guarantee 1 Preliminary Definitions 1.1 The following words have these meanings in this Constitution unless the contrary intention appears. Auditor means the auditor for the time being of the Company. Board means the Board of Directors established under article 8. Bowling means the sport of tenpin bowling, whether played competitively or socially. Bowling Centre means a bowling centre, which is recognized as being owned by a member under article 4.1. Chief Executive Officer means a person appointed as chief executive officer under article 15. Company means Australian Bowling Centres Association Limited. Constitution means this Constitution as altered or added to from time to time by a Special Resolution of members as provided by the Corporations Law and a reference to a provision of this Constitution is a reference to this Constitution as altered or added to from time to time. Corporations Law means the Corporations Act 2001. Director means a director of the Company, and where appropriate includes an Alternate Director. Directors means all or some of the Directors acting as a board. 5 Financial Year means the year ending on 30 June or such other period as the Board from time to time determines. Member or member means a member of the Company as provided in articles 4.1 to 4.5. Registered Office means the registered office for the time being of the Company. Replaceable Rules means the provisions of the Corporations Law that provide replaceable rules for companies. Seal means the common seal of the Company and any official seal of the Company. Secretary means a person appointed as a secretary of the Company, and where appropriate includes an acting secretary and a person appointed by the Directors to perform all or any of the duties of a secretary of the Company. Treasurer means the person appointed as treasurer of the Company and where appropriate includes an acting director and a person appointed by the Directors to perform all of any of the duties of a Treasurer of the Company. Zone means a geographical area as defined in articles 13.2 to 13.6. Zone Director means a member who is elected in accordance with article 4.32. Interpretation 1.2 In this Constitution unless the contrary intention appears: (a) the word person includes a firm, a body corporate, an unincorporated association or an authority; (b) the singular includes the plural and vice versa; (c) where a word or phrase is given a particular meaning, other pasts of speech and grammatical forms of that word or phrase have corresponding meanings; (d) a reference to writing 'includes typewriting, printing, telex, telegram, facsimile and other modes of representing or reproducing words in a visible form; (e) a reference to a section is a reference to a section of the Corporations Law; and (f) a reference to the Corporations Law or to a provision of the Corporations Law, means the Corporations Law or that provision as amended from time to time, or any statute, code or provision enacted in its place and 'includes regulations and other instruments under it. 1.3 Headings are inserted for convenience and do not affect the - interpretation of this Constitution. 1.4 Powers conferred on the Company, the Directors, a Committee of Directors, a Director or a Member may be exercised at any time and from time to time. Replaceable Rules not to apply 1.5 The Replaceable Rules are displaced by this Constitution and, accordingly, do not apply to the Company, unless this Constitution is deficient on a point covered by the Replaceable Rules and the deficiency is necessary for the operation of the Company 2 0bjects and Powers 2.1 Objects 6 The objects of the Company are: 2.2 a) to foster and promote Tenpin Bowling and the interests of the proprietors in all matters; b) to improve members purchasing power; c) to liaise with Federal, State and Regional Government; d) to liaise with the National Bowlers Association to the benefit of both organisations and in particular its viable operation; e) to seek National sponsorship of Tenpin Bowling; f) to provide marketing tools for proprietors; g) to provide or assist in National Training programs; h) to promote where appropriate national Tournaments ; and i) to do all things necessary for and incidental to the advancement of the objects set out in this article. Powers Solely for the purpose of carrying out the objects in article 2.1 and not otherwise the Company shall have all the powers of a person and any other powers of a company under the Corporations Law. Without limiting the foregoing, the Company has power to act as trustee of any trust of fund which may be established in furtherance of the Company’s objects. 3 Income and property of the Company 3.1 Profit and Income The profits (if any) or other income and the property of the Company, however derived, must be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects of the Company as set out in this Constitution, and no part of those profits or that income or property may be paid or transferred, directly or indirectly by way of dividend, bonus or otherwise, to Members. 3.2 Payments in Good Faith Article 3.1 does not prevent the payment in good faith to an officer or Member, or to a firm of which an officer or Member is a partner: a) 3.3 of remuneration for: (i) services rendered to the Company; or (ii) goods supplied in the ordinary course of business; or b) of interest at a rate not exceeding the rate for the time being fixed for the purposes of this article by the Directors on money borrowed from an officer or Member; or c) of reasonable rent for premises demised or let by an officer or Member. Source of Funds The funds of the Company shall be derived from entrance fees, annual subscriptions, special levies, and such other sources as the Board determines. 7 4 Membership Becoming a Member Each member of the Company (subject to Articles 4.9 and 4.32) must be a person or Corporation who or which ; 4.1 is the proprietor of or a Centre Manager (representing the proprietor) of a Tenpin Bowling Centre; 4.2 applies for membership to the Board in the form outlined in Annexure 1 or such other form the Board approves from time to time; 4.3 in the absolute discretion of the Board is approved for membership; 4.4 has paid the entrance fee payable under article 5.1; and 4.5 has from time to time paid any annual subscription as specified in article 5 . Register of Members 4.6 The Secretary shall keep and maintain a Register of Members which shall contain the full name, address and date of entry of the name of each member. 4.7 The register shall be available for inspection by members at the address of the Secretary provided that reasonable notice is given to the Secretary. 4.8 The register shall contain the full name address and date of entry of each Registered Representative and Alternate Registered Representative of the member. Where a member is a Corporation 4.9 The member may at any time by notice in writing to the Secretary appoint a Registered Representative of the member and remove any Registered Representative so appointed. 4.10 When appointing a Registered Representative the member must also provide to the Secretary the written consent of the Registered Representative and an acknowledgment from the Registered Representative that he or she agrees to be bound by the Constitution. 4.11 A member may act in relation to the Company only through its Registered Representative and the Registered Representative may exercise on behalf of that member all or any of the powers and discretions possessed by that member by virtue of its membership of the Company. 4.12 Where a Registered Representative exercises a power or discretion possessed by the member he or she represents: (a) the member he or she represents is bound by the exercise of that power or discretion; (b) the Company is entitled to assume the validity of the exercise of that power or discretion and the authority of the Registered Representative to exercise the power or discretion; (c) if the power or discretion can be exercised only once, the exercise of the power or discretion by the Registered Representative is final and binding on the member; and (d) a vote given by a Registered Representative is deemed to be a vote personally given by the member the Registered Representative represents. 4.13 Any communications from the Company or the Board to the member in its capacity as a member may be addressed to the Registered Representative of the member, and service upon the Registered Representative is deemed to be service upon the member the Registered Representative represents. 8 4.14 The presence of the Registered Representative of the member is to be taken as the presence in person of the member he or she represents for the purposes of determining whether a quorum is present at a General Meeting or meeting of the Board. 4.15 A reference in these Rules to a member, unless the context otherwise requires, shall be taken to include a reference to the Registered Representative of that member. 4.16 a Registered Representative or Alternate Registered Representative of a member ceases to be a Registered Representative of that member: (a) if removed by a general meeting under article 4.28; or (b) if the member is removed by a general meeting under article 4.25. 4.17 A person may only be a Registered Representative for one member. 4.18 A person who is a member may not also be a Registered Representative of another member. 4.19 A member may appoint only one Registered Representative. 4.20 A member may in the manner outlined in article 4.9 appoint a natural person as an alternate to the Registered Representative (“Alternative Registered Representative”) appointed by the member who during any period when the Registered Representative is unable to act, may exercise all of the powers and discretions which the Registered Representative is entitled to exercise and in lieu of the Registered Representative. 4.21 Any dispute concerning: a) the interpretation of this article 4; or b) the rights and obligations of a Registered Representative or Alternate Registered Representative or the member he or she represents, shall be dealt with as outlined in article 24. Resignation of members 4.22 A member of the Company may resign by giving 3 months notice in writing to the Secretary. 4.23 A resignation notified under article 4.22 shall only be accepted by the Secretary on the condition that the member’s fees are paid up to date of expiry of the notice i.e. 3 months from receipt of the notice . 4.24 After the receipt of a notice referred to in article 4.22 the Secretary shall: a) report by writing or in person the receipt of that notice to the next Board meeting; and b) as soon as possible after the next Board meeting and after the resignation is effective, make entries in the Register of Members recording the date on which the member ceased to be a member, and any Registered Representative of that member consequently ceased to be a Registered Representative. Expulsion of members 4.25 The Company in General Meeting may, by ordinary resolution at a general meeting, expel a member from membership. 4.26 Where the member the subject of a proposed resolution referred to in article 4.25 makes representations in writing to a Director (not exceeding a reasonable length) and requests that they be notified to the members, that Director may send a copy of the representations to each member or, if they are not so sent, the member may require that they be read out at the general meeting. 4.27 Except to the extent of the rights vested in a member pursuant to article 4.26, no member may take any action or otherwise object against expulsion from membership. 9 Expulsion of Registered Representatives 4.28 The Company in General Meeting may in its absolute discretion by ordinary resolution expel a Registered Representative or Alternate Registered Representative from his or her office. 4.29 A Registered Representative or Alternate Registered Representative expelled under article 4.28 may not be reappointed as either a Registered Representative or an Alternate Representative for any member within 5 years from the date of the expulsion. 4.30 No Registered Representative or Alternate Registered Representative may take any action or otherwise object to his or her expulsion. Assignment of Membership 4.31 A right, privilege, or obligation of a person by reason of membership of the Company or his or her status as a Registered Representative or Alternate Representative of a member: a) is not capable of being transferred or transmitted; and b) terminates upon the cessation of membership whether by bankruptcy, death, resignation or otherwise. Classes of Membership 4.32 Classes of Membership (and terms thereof) may include a Group Membership where a member is the proprietor of or a Centre Manager (representing the proprietor) of more than one Bowling Centre with the Group Membership fee to be determined by the Board. The Classes of Membership (and terms thereof) may be varied from time to time by the members in a general meeting on the recommendation of the Board. The Company is unlimited as to the number of members it can have. Election of State Zone Directors 4.33 (1) At least two months prior to the Annual General Meeting of the Company each year members located within the geographical zones as defined in article 13 shall elect one of the members comprised within those zones as Zone Director, as provided in the bylaws of the Company and shall within ten days thereafter inform the Company of the name and address of the Director elected. The member elected as Zone Director must consent to act as Zone Director. (2) The Members elected as Zone Director for their respective zones in accordance with article 13 will hold office until the next annual meeting of the Company at which meeting all of the Zone Directors will resign but will be eligible for re-election. Replacing a Director 4.34 If a person ceases for any reason to be a Zone Director, the Members of that particular zone who originally elected that person must elect another. A replacement Zone Director elected under this article will hold office until the next annual meeting and is eligible for re-election. Limited Liability of members 4.35 Each Member undertakes to contribute to the Company's Property, if the Company is wound up while the person is a Member or within one year after the person has ceased to be a Member, for payment of the Company's debts and liabilities contracted before the person ceases to be a Member and of the costs, charges and expenses of winding up and for adjustment of the rights of the contributors among themselves, such amount as may be required not exceeding one $100.00. Cessation of Membership 4.36 A person shall cease to be a member if : (a) he or she dies; 10 (b) he or she resigns; (c) ; (d) he or she is adjudicated bankrupt or enters into a deed of arrangement or assigns his or her estate for the benefit of his or her creditors; (e) he or she is incapable of continuing to act as a member due to physical or mental incapacity with mental incapacity being as defined under any Queensland legislation relating to mental health; (f) he or she is convicted of an indictable offence and the rehabilitation period has not expired; (g) he or she ceases to be eligible for admission in the class of membership in which he or she was admitted; (h) he or she is found by the Board to have failed to comply with this constitution and any regulations or by-laws of the Company; or (i) any other manner provided for in this Constitution or the Corporations Law; or (j) he or she is in arrears of fees declared payable under article 5 for more than 3 months; or (k) if the member is a body corporate then membership admitted to membership shall cease if it : (i) resigns; (ii) has a liquidator, provisional liquidator, receiver, receiver and manager or official manager or administrator appointed to it; (iii) resolves to wind-up or is subject to an order to wind-up; or (iv) is in arrears of fees declared payable under article 5 for more than 3 months. Voting Rights 4.37 Each member has equal voting rights of one (1) in respect of the Company , except in the case of a Group Member who shall be entitled to one (1) vote for each Bowling Centre he/she represents. 4.38 In addition to the member’s voting rights, each Zone Director shall have a voting right of one (1) in respect of the Company. The foregoing is regardless of the Zone Director also having voting rights as a member. 5 Subscriptions & Levies Entrance fee 5.1 The entrance fee payable to become a member of the Association is the amount determined from time to time by the members in General Meeting on the recommendation of the Board. Annual subscription 5.2 The annual subscription of a member (including a Group member) is the amount determined from time to time by the members in General Meeting on the recommendation of the Board. The annual subscription is payable in advance for each Financial Year or such other date as the Board from time to time determines. Special Levies 5.3 The Board may from time to time impose on any member or any group of members any special levy for any particular purpose; subject to the member or members upon which the levy is assessed or is imposed having agreed in writing to pay the levy. 11 6 General meetings Annual general meeting 6.1 Annual general meetings of the Company are to be held at least once in each calendar year and within five months after the end of each Financial Year. General meeting 6.2 The Directors may convene a general meeting of the Company whenever they think fit and must call and arrange to hold a meeting when requisitioned by either: a) Three Zone Directors; or b) at least 20% of members entitled to vote at a General Meeting. The requisition of a general meeting shall state the objects of the meeting and shall be signed by the Zone Directors of members (as the case may be) requesting the requisition. A general meeting convened by the members shall be convened in the same manner (or as nearly as possible) as that in which general meetings are ordinarily convened by the Board, and all reasonable expenses incurred in convening the general meeting shall be reimbursed by the Company to the person incurring expenses. Notice of general meeting 6.3 At least 21 days notice must be given of a meeting, exclusive of the day on which the notice is served or deemed to be served and of the day for which notice is given, specifying the place, day and the hour of the meeting and, in the case of special business, the general nature of that business, must be given to those persons entitled to receive notices from the Company. 6.4 Despite article 6.3 the Company may call on shorter notice: 6.5 6.6 a) for an annual general meeting : if all the members entitled to attend and vote at the annual general agree beforehand; and b) for any other general meeting : if members with at least 95% of the votes that may be cast at the meeting agree beforehand. Article 6.4 does not apply to a meeting at which a resolution will be moved to: a) expel a director; or b) appoint a director in place of a director so expelled; or c) to reappoint a director for a director who has attained the age of 72 years; or d) remove an auditor under section 329 of the Corporations Law. A notice of a general meeting must: (a) set out the place, date and time of meeting, and state the general nature of the business to be dealt with at the meeting and, if the meeting is to be held in two or more places, the technology that will be used to facilitate this; and (b) state that: (ii) a Member who is entitled to attend and cast a vote at the meeting has a right to appoint a proxy, and (iii) a proxy need not be a Member. 6.7 If a special resolution is to be proposed, the notice of meeting must set out an intention to propose the special resolution and state the resolution. 6.8 The non-receipt of notice of a general meeting by, or the accidental omission to give notice of a general meeting to, a person entitled to receive notice does not invalidate any resolution passed at the general meeting. 12 Postponement or cancellation of meeting 6.9 Where a general meeting (including an annual general meeting) is convened by the Directors they may, whenever they think fit, cancel the meeting or postpone the holding of the meeting to a date and time determined by them. 6.10 Written notice of cancellation or postponement of a general meeting must be given to each member individually by written notice sent to the member, and to each other and such other person as is entitled to notice under the Corporations Law or this Constitution and must specify the reason for cancellation or postponement (as the case may be). 6.11 A notice postponing the holding of a general meeting must specify (a) date and time for the holding of the meeting; and (b) a place for the holding of the meeting which may be either the same as or different from the place specified in the notice convening the meeting; and. (c) if the meeting is to be held in two or more places, the technology that will be used to facilitate this. 6.12 The number of clear days from the giving of a notice postponing the holding of a general meeting to the date specified in that notice for the holding of the postponed meeting must not be less than the number of clear days notice of the meeting required to be given by this Constitution or the Corporations Law. 6.13 The only business that may be transacted at a general meeting the holding of which is postponed is the business specified in the notice convening the meeting. 6.14 The accidental omission to give notice of the cancellation or postponement of a meeting to, or the non-receipt of any such notice by, any Zone Director or person entitled to notice does not invalidate that cancellation or postponement or any resolution passed at a postponed meeting. 6.15 Where (a) by the terms of an instrument appointing a proxy, a proxy is authorised to attend and vote at a general meeting to be held on a specified date or at a general meeting or general meetings to be held on or before a specified date; and (b) the date for holding the meeting is postponed to a date later than the date specified in the instrument of proxy, then, by force of this article, that later date is substituted for and applies to the exclusion of the date specified in the instrument of proxy unless the member appointing the proxy gives to the Company at its registered office notice in writing to the contrary not less than 48 hours before the time to which the holding of the meeting has been postponed. 6.16 This constitution does not displace the ability to hold a general meeting convened by Members under Section 249F of the Corporations Law or by the Directors pursuant to a requisition of Members under the Corporations Law. Electronic Communication (Applicable to all meetings) 6.17 For the purpose of this Constitution the contemporaneous linking together by telephone, radio, closed circuit television, on-line communication or other electronic means of audio or audio-visual communication or other means of communication of a number of members not less than the quorum together with the Secretary, whether or not any one or more of the members are present in person at a place designated for the meeting or is out of the Commonwealth of Australia, shall be deemed to constitute a meeting of the Company and all the provisions in these Rules as to meetings of the Directors shall apply to such meetings as long as the following conditions are met : 13 (i) all the members for the time being entitled to receive notice of a meetings of the Company may receive notice of such a meeting in the manner specified by this Constitution; (ii) each of the members taking part in the meeting by telephone or other means of communication and the Secretary must be able to hear each of the other members taking part at the commencement of the meeting; and (iii) at the commencement of the meeting each member taking part in the meeting by telephone or other means of communication must acknowledge his or her presence for the purpose of a meeting of the members of the Company to the Secretary and all the others members taking part in the meeting by telephone or other means of communication. 6.18 A member may not leave the meeting by disconnecting his or her telephone or other means of communication unless he or she has previously obtained the express consent of the Chairperson of the meeting and a member shall be conclusively presumed to have been present and to have formed a part of the quorum at all times during the meeting unless he or she has previously obtained the express consent of the Chairperson of the meeting to leave the meeting as aforesaid. 6.19 A minute of the proceedings at such meeting by telephone or other means of communication shall be sufficient evidence to such proceedings and of the observance of all necessary formalities if certified as a correct minute by the Chairperson of the meeting and by the Secretary. 6.20 While articles 6.17 to 6.19 allow electronic communications to hold meeting, any relevant members required to attend the meeting should preferably be at the meeting in person, however if it is practically inconvenient that member is not obliged to personally attend and may utilise the provisions of articles 6.17 to 6.19. 7 Proceedings at general meetings Representation of Member 7.1 A member may be present and vote in person or may be represented at any meeting of the Company by proxy. Quorum 7.2 A quorum is constituted by a majority of the Members who are entitled to attend and vote at general meetings. A proxy of a Member is to be counted for the purpose of deciding whether a quorum is present at a general meeting. 7.3 An item of business may not be transacted at a general meeting unless a quorum is present when the meeting proceeds to consider it. If a quorum is present at the beginning of a meeting it is to be deemed present throughout the meeting unless the chairman of the meeting on the chairman's own motion or at the instance of a Member or proxy who is present otherwise declares. 7.4 If within 15 minutes after the time appointed for a meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting: (a) if convened by, or on requisition of, members, is dissolved; and (b) in any other case stands adjourned to the same day in the next week and the same time and place, or to such other day, time and place as the Directors appoint by notice to the Members and others entitled to notice of the meeting. 14 7.5 At a meeting adjourned under article 7.4(b), 40% of members or proxy must be present at the meeting are to constitute a quorum and, if a quorum is not present within 15 minutes after the time appointed for the adjourned meeting, the meeting is dissolved. Appointment and powers of chairman of general meeting 7.6 The President is entitled to preside as chairman at general meetings. 7.7 If a general meeting is held and the President is not present within 15 minutes after the time appointed for the holding of the meeting or is unable or unwilling to act, the following may preside (in order of entitlement): the Vice-President, a Director chosen by a majority of Directors present, a Member chosen by a majority of the Members or their proxies present. 7.8 The chairman of a general meeting: (a) has charge of the general conduct of the meeting and of the procedures to be adopted at the meeting; (b) may require the adoption of any procedure which is in the chairman's opinion necessary or desirable for proper and orderly debate or discussion and the proper and orderly casting or recording of votes at the general meeting; and (c) may, having regard where necessary to Sections 250S and 250T of the Corporations Law, terminate discussion or debate on any matter whenever the chairman considers it necessary or desirable for the proper conduct of the meeting, and a decision by the chairman under this article is final. Adjournment of general meetings 7.9 The chairman may, with the consent of any meeting at which a quorum is present, and must if so directed by the meeting, adjourn the meeting to a new day, time or place, but no business may be transacted at any adjourned meeting other than the business left unfinished at the meeting from which the adjournment took place. 7.10 When a meeting is adjourned for 21 days or more, notice of the adjourned meeting must be given as in the case of an original meeting. 7.11 Except as provided by article 7.10, it is not necessary to give any notice of an adjournment or of the business to be transacted at any adjourned meeting. 7.12 A demand for a poll does not prevent the continuance of the meeting for the transaction of any business other than the question on which the poll has been demanded. 7.13 A resolution passed at a meeting resumed after an adjournment is passed on the day it was passed. Voting at general meeting 7.14 At any general meeting a resolution put to the vote of the meeting must be decided on a show of hands unless a poll is demanded before the vote is taken, before the voting results on the show of hands are declared or immediately after the voting results on the show of hands are declared: (a) by the chairman; (b) by not less than five Members entitled to vote on the resolution; or (c) by Members with at least 5% of the votes that may be cast on the resolution on a poll. Unless a poll is properly demanded and the demand is not withdrawn, a declaration by the chairman that a resolution has on a show of hands been carried or carried unanimously, or by a particular majority, or lost, and an entry to that effect in the book containing the minutes of the proceedings of the Company, is conclusive evidence of the fact. Neither the chairman nor 15 the minutes need state and it is not necessary to prove the number or proportion of the votes recorded in favour of or against the resolution. Questions decided by majority 7.15 Subject to the requirements of the Corporations Law, a resolution is taken to be carried if a simple majority of the votes cast on the resolution are in favour of it. Poll 7.16 If a poll is properly demanded, it must be taken in the manner and at the date and time directed by the chairman and the result of the poll is the resolution of the meeting at which the poll was demanded. 7.17 A poll demanded on the election of a chairman or on a question of adjournment must be taken immediately. 7.18 A demand for a poll may be withdrawn. Equality of votes - chairman's casting vote 7.19 If there is an equality of votes, either on a show of hands or on a poll, the chairman of the meeting is entitled to a casting vote in addition to any votes to which the chairman is entitled as a Member or proxy, The chairman has a discretion both as to whether or not to use the casting vote and as to the way in which it is used. Entitlement to vote 7.20 Subject to this Constitution: (a) on a show of hands, each Member present in person and each other person present as a proxy of a Member has one vote; and (b) on a poll, each person who is voting as a proxy has (in addition to any other votes that person may cast) a right to cast one vote for each Member who has appointed that person as a proxy. 7.21 A proxy's authority to speak and vote for a Member at a meeting is suspended while the Member is present at the meeting. Objection to voting qualification 7.22 An objection may not be raised to the right of a person to attend or vote at the meeting or adjourned meeting except at that meeting or adjourned meeting. Any such objection must be referred to the chairman of the meeting, whose decision is final. A vote not disallowed under such an objection is valid for all purposes. Appointment of proxy 7.23 A Member entitled to attend and vote at a meeting of the Company may appoint a person as the Member’s proxy to attend and vote for the Member at the meeting. 7.24 An appointment of a proxy is valid if it is signed by the Member making the appointment and contains the following information: (a) the Member’s name and address; (b) the Company's name; (c) the proxy's name or the name of the office held by the proxy; (d) the meetings at which the appointment may be used; and (e) and in the form as contained in annexure 2 of this Constitution (or as varied from time to time by the Board), 16 and an appointment may be a standing one. 7.25 An undated appointment is to be taken to have been dated on the day it is given to the Company. 7.26 An appointment may specify the way the proxy is to vote on a particular resolution. If it does: (a) the proxy need not vote on a show of hands, but if the proxy does so, the proxy must vote that way; (b) if the proxy has two or more appointments that specify different ways to vote on the resolution, the proxy must not vote on a show of hands; (c) if the proxy is the chairman, the proxy must vote on a poll, and must vote that way; and (d) if the proxy is not the chairman, the proxy need not vote on a poll, but if the proxy does so, the proxy must vote that way. If a proxy is also a Member, this article does not affect the way that the person can cast any votes held by that person. 7.27 An appointment of a proxy does not need to be witnessed. 7.28 A later appointment revokes an earlier one to the extent of any inconsistency and if both appointments could not be validly exercised at the meeting. 7.29 An instrument appointing a proxy is to be taken to confer authority to demand or join in demanding a poll. Deposit of proxy and other instruments 7.30 (a) An instrument appointing a proxy may not be treated as valid unless the instrument and the power of attorney under which the instrument is signed or, in the case of an unregistered power, a copy of that power or authority certified as a true copy, is or are received by the Company at least 24 hours before the time for holding the meeting or adjourned meeting at which the person named in the instrument proposes to vote at the Registered Office the place of the meeting or at any other place specified for that purpose in the notice convening the meeting. (b) If the notice convening a general meeting specifies a facsimile number to which a proxy and related materials may be sent then receipt by the facsimile machine on that number of a complete and legible facsimile of the document will be taken as a receipt by the Company at a specified place for the purposes of this article. Validity of vote in certain circumstances 7.31 A vote given in accordance with the terms of an instrument of proxy or of a power of attorney is valid notwithstanding: (a) the previous death or unsoundness of mind of the principal; or (b) the revocation of the instrument, or of the authority under which the instrument was executed, or of the power, if no intimation in writing of the death, unsoundness of mind or revocation has been received by the Company at its Registered Office before the commencement of the meeting or adjourned meeting at which the instrument is used or the power is exercised. 7.32 A vote cast by a person as a proxy is valid notwithstanding the previous revocation of that person's authority by the death of the Member in respect of which the vote is cast or otherwise unless a notice in writing of the revocation has been received at the Registered Office or by the chairman of the meeting before the vote is cast. 17 Director entitled to notice of meeting 7.33 A Director is entitled to receive notice of and to attend all general meetings of the Company and is entitled to speak at those meetings. Auditor entitled to notice of meeting 7.34 The Company must give its auditor: (a) notice of a general meeting in the same way that a voting Member is entitled to receive notice; and (b) any other communications relating to the general meeting that a voting Member is entitled to receive. 8 Directors Constitution of the board 8.1 The board shall consist of' a) Four Zone Directors elected from each of the zones defined in article 13; and b) one Director appointed by the Four Zone Directors. President 8.2 At the first Directors' meeting following the annual general meeting the Directors must elect from amongst themselves a President. Vice-President 8.3 At the first Directors' meeting following the annual general meeting the Directors must elect from amongst themselves a Vice-President Rotation of Zone Directors 8.4 A Zone Director elected in accordance with this Constitution may not hold office for more than two calendar years without submitting for re-election. At each Annual General meeting a minimum of 2 Zone Directors elected in accordance with Article 8.1 must offer themselves for re-election. The Zone Directors who are to retire by rotation at each Annual General meeting are those who have been longest in office. As for Zone Directors who have been in office an equal length of time, the Zone Director to retire is determined by drawing lots. Casual vacancy 8.5 If a Director ceases to hold office by virtue of this Constitution, the Directors may appoint another Member to fill the casual vacancy. A Director so appointed holds office only until the next annual general meeting but is eligible for re-election. 8.6 The appointment made under article 8.5 may be terminated and replaced by the person having the right to make the appointment. 8.7 A notice of appointment or removal must be in writing and is effective when the notice is received by the Secretary. First Directors 8.8 The Directors in office on the adoption of this Constitution and the positions held by them are: a) Aldo Belmarte; b) Raymond Louis Hodge; c) John Roy Spencer; and d) Brian Anthony Bates. 18 The Directors referred to in articles 8.8 inclusive will hold office until the Director dies, resigns or is removed from or otherwise vacates office under this Constitution. 9 Remuneration and expenses Subject to the provisions of Articles 3.1(a) (i) and 17, a Director may not be paid any remuneration for services as a Director but may be reimbursed out of the funds of the Company such reasonable travelling, accommodation and other expenses as the Director may incur when travelling to or from meetings of the Directors or a Committee or when otherwise engaged on the affairs of the Company. 10 Vacation of office and conflict of interest Vacation of office 10.1 The office of a Director is automatically vacated if the Director: (a) ceases to be a Director by virtue of, or becomes prohibited from being a Director because of an order made under, the Corporations Law; (b) becomes bankrupt or insolvent or makes an arrangement or composition with creditors of the Director's joint or separate estate generally; (c) becomes of unsound mind or a person whose person or estate is liable to be dealt with in any way under a Queensland law relating to mental health; (d) resigns office by notice in writing to the Company or refuses to act; or (e) is not present personally or by an Alternate Director or proxy at the meetings of the Directors for a continuous period of three months without leave of absence from the Directors. Director's interests 10.2 A Director who has a material personal interest in a matter that is being considered at a meeting of Directors: (a) must not vote on the matter; and (b) must not be present while the matter (or a proposed resolution of that kind) is being considered at the meeting. 10.3 Article 10.2 does not apply: (a) to an interest that the Director has: (ii) as a Zone Director of the Company; and (iii) in common with the other Zone Directors of the Company; or (b) if the Directors have at any time passed a resolution that: (i) specified the Director, the interest and the matter; and (ii) states that the Directors voting on the resolution are satisfied that the interest should not disqualify the Director from considering or voting on the matter. 10.4 A Director may, notwithstanding the Directors office and the fiduciary relationship established by it: (a) hold an office or place of profit (except that of Auditor or State Manager) under the Company or under any body corporate in which the Company is a member or otherwise interested; 19 (b) enter into a contract with the Company as vendor, purchaser or otherwise and participate in any association, institution, fund, trust or scheme for past or present employees or Directors of the Company or any of its predecessors or their dependants or persons connected with them; and (c) retain for the Director's own benefit any profit arising from any such office, place of profit or contract and any pension, allowance or other benefit received because of that participation. 10.5 A contract entered into by or on behalf of the Company is not void or voidable by reason only that a Director is in any way directly or indirectly interested in it. 10.6 The Director may be counted in the quorum present at any Director's meeting at which the contract, proposed contract or arrangement or other matter is considered if the Director is permitted by the Corporations Law to be present during the consideration. 10.7 For the purposes of article 10.2, a director does not have an interest in a matter relating to an existing or proposed contract of insurance merely because the contract insures, or would insure, the Director against a liability incurred by the Director as an officer of the Company or of a related body corporate. This article does not apply if the Company is the insurer. 10.8 A Director may, notwithstanding the Director's interest, and whether or not the Director is entitled to vote, or does vote, participate in the execution of any instrument by or on behalf of the Company and whether through signing or sealing the same or otherwise. 10.9 In article 10, where the context admits, "contract" includes an arrangement and a proposed contract or arrangement. 10.10 This article does not apply in respect of pecuniary interest – (a) that exists only by virtue of the fact that the member of the Board is a member of a class of person for whose benefit the Company is established; or (b) that the member of the Board has in common with all or a substantial proportion of the members of the Company. 11 Powers of and duties of Directors 11.1 The business of the Company is to be managed by the Directors, who may exercise all such powers of the Company as are not, by the Corporations Law or by this Constitution, required to be exercised by the Company. 11.2 The Directors may borrow or raise money for the Company and secure the repayment, satisfaction or performance thereof or of any debts liabilities contracts or obligations incurred or under-taken by the Company in such manner and on such terms in all respects as they think fit. Appointment of attorney 11.3 The Directors may, by power of attorney, appoint any person or persons to be the attorney or attorneys of the Company for the purposes and with the powers, authorities and discretions vested in or exercisable by the Directors for such period and subject to such conditions as they think fit but not less than once every three weeks. 11.4 Any such power of attorney may contain such provisions for the protection and convenience of persons dealing with the attorney as the Directors think fit and may also authorise the attorney to delegate all or any of the powers, authorities and discretions vested in the attorney. Minutes 11.5 The Directors must cause minutes of meetings to be made and kept in accordance with the Corporations Law. 20 Execution of Company cheques, etc. 11.6 All cheques, promissory notes, bankers' drafts, bills of exchange and other negotiable instruments, and all receipts for money paid to the Company, must be signed, drawn, accepted, indorsed or otherwise executed, as the case may be, in such manner and by such persons as the Directors determine from time to time. 12 Proceedings of Directors Meetings 12.1 The Directors may meet for the despatch of business, adjourn and otherwise regulate their meetings and proceedings as they think fit. Quorum 12.2 Until otherwise determined by the Directors a majority of Directors present in person or by proxy are a quorum. Effect of vacancy 12.3 The continuing Directors may act notwithstanding a vacancy in their number. Convening meetings 12.4 A Director may, and the Secretary on the request of a Director must, convene a meeting of the Directors. 12.5 A Director who is not in Australia is not entitled to notice of a meeting of Directors other than to an address in Australia nominated by him for the Company’s records. Usual business at meetings 12.6 The usual business at a meeting of the Board shall include: (a) to confirm the minutes of the last meeting; (b) to deal with any items retained on the agenda from the previous meeting; (c) to receive reports upon the activities of each Subcommittee; (d) to receive reports from members of the Board charged with the responsibility for agenda items; (e) to discuss correspondence received and correspondence to be sent; (f) to organise General Meetings and other functions; and (g) such other business as may be notified to members of the Board. Notice 12.7 The Secretary shall use his or her best endeavours to give notice of each meeting of the Board (together with a proposed agenda and minutes of the previous meeting of the Board) to each director of the Board at least 7 days before the meeting or such shorter period as all members of the Board (other than any member on leave of absence approved by the Board) may agree upon. Appointment of proxy 12.8 A Director may attend and vote by proxy at a meeting of the Directors if the proxy is a Director and has been appointed by writing under the hand of the appointor or by telegram, facsimile or other form of visible communication from the appointor. Such an appointment may be general or for any particular meeting or meetings. 21 Chair 12.9 The President is entitled to preside at meetings of the Directors but, if the President is not present and able and willing to act within 15 minutes after the time appointed for a meeting or has signified an intention not to be present and able and willing to act, the following may preside (in order of entitlement): the Vice-President, a Director chosen by a majority of the Directors present. How questions decided 12.10 Questions arising at a meeting of the Directors are to be decided by a majority of votes and in the event of an equality of votes the chairman of the meeting has a casting vote. The chairman has a discretion both as to whether or not to use the casting vote and as to the way in which it is used. Committees 12.11 The Directors may delegate any of their powers to committees consisting of such Director or Directors and others as they think fit and may revoke that delegation. 12.12 A Committee in the exercise of the powers so delegated must conform to any regulations imposed by the Directors. 12.13 Subject to article 12.12, the meetings and proceedings of a Committee consisting of two or more Directors are governed by the provisions of this Constitution as to the meetings and proceedings of the Directors so far as they are applicable. Written resolution 12.14 A resolution in writing signed by all the Directors who are then in Australia or all the members of a Committee who are then in Australia, in either case being at least a quorum, is as valid and effectual as if it had been passed at a meeting of the Directors or Committee duly called and constituted at the time the resolution was last signed and may consist of several documents in like form each signed by one or more of the Directors or members. Use of technology 12.15 A Directors' meeting may be called or held using any technology provided for in articles 6.17 to 6.20 and any other manner as consented to by each Director. The consent may be a standing one. A Director may only withdraw consent within a reasonable period before the meeting. Validity of acts of Directors 12.16 All acts of the Directors, a Committee or a person acting as a Director or Committee or member of a Committee are valid notwithstanding that it is afterwards discovered that there was some defect in the appointment, election or qualification of them or any of them or that they or any of them were disqualified or had vacated office. 13 Zones Membership 13.1 The members of a Zone will be those Members owning and/or managing a bowling centre located within the geographic area encompassed by the Zone, except that those centres owned by AMF will not be included . 13.2 Every member located within the geographical borders of NSW & the ACT will be regarded as a member of the NSW Zone. 13.3 Every member located within the geographical borders of Victoria & Tasmania will be regarded as a member of the Victorian/Tasmanian Zone. 22 13.4 Every member located within the geographical borders of Queensland will be regarded as a member of the Queensland Zone. 13.5 Every member located within the geographical borders of South Australia, Western Australia & the Northern Territory will be regarded as a member of the South Australia, Western Australia & Northern Territory Zone. 14 By-laws 14.1 The Directors have the power to make such by-laws as are in their opinion necessary and desirable for the proper control, administration and management of the Company's affairs. 14.2 Notwithstanding the provisions of article 14.1, the Company in general meeting may amend or repeal any by-law made by the Directors. 14.3 A by-law: (a) is subject to this Constitution; (b) must not be inconsistent with any provision of this Constitution; and (c) is binding on all Members and has the same effect as a provision of this Constitution. 15 Chief Executive Officer Appointment and removal 15.1 The Directors may appoint a person (who may be a member or Director) to the office of Chief Executive Officer either for a fixed term or without limitation as to period of appointment but not for life, and may remove a person so appointed and appoint another instead. Remuneration 15.2 The Directors will determine the terms of appointment including the remuneration of a Chief Executive Officer. Powers 15.3 The Directors may confer on an Chief Executive Officer such of the powers conferred on the Directors by this Constitution, for such time, to be exercised for such purposes, on such terms and with such restrictions as they think fit and all or any of those powers may be conferred collaterally with but not to the exclusion of the powers of the Directors and may be revoked or varied by the Directors. 16 Alternate Directors 16.1 Subject to the Corporations Law, a Director may appoint a person, approved by a majority of the other Directors, to be an alternate Director in the Director's place during such period as the Director thinks fit (“Alternate Director”). 16.2 An Alternate Director is entitled to notice of all meetings of the Directors and, if the appointor does not attend a meeting, is entitled to attend and vote in the appointor's place. 16.3 An Alternate Director may exercise all the powers except the power to appoint an Alternate Director and, subject to the Corporations Law, may perform all the duties of the appointor insofar as the appointor has not exercised or performed them. 16.4 Whilst acting as a Director, an Alternate Director is responsible to the Company for the Alternate Director's own acts and defaults and the appointor is not responsible for them. 23 16.5 The appointment of an Alternate Director may be terminated at any time by the appointor notwithstanding that the period of the appointment of the Alternate Director has not expired, and terminates in any event if the appointor ceases to be a Director. 16.6 An appointment, or the termination of an appointment, of an Alternate Director must be effected by a notice in writing signed by the Director who makes or made the appointment and delivered to the Company. 16.7 An Alternate Director is not to be taken into account separately from the appointor in determining the number of Directors. 17 Secretary and Treasurer The Secretary and Treasurer shall hold office on such terms and conditions, as to remuneration and otherwise, as the Board determine. 18 Seals Common and duplicate common seal 18.1 The Company may have: (a) a common seal; and (b) a duplicate common seal, which must be a copy of the common seal with the words "duplicate seal" or "certificate seal" added. 18.2 The Directors must provide for the safe custody of any seal of the Company. Use of common seal 18.3 The common seal may be used only by the authority of the Directors, or of a committee of the Directors authorised by the Directors to authorise the use of the common seal. Every document to which the common seal is affixed must be signed by a Director and be countersigned by another Director, a Secretary or another person appointed by the Directors to countersign that document or a class of documents in which that document is included. 19 Inspection of books Subject to the Corporations Law and any resolution of the Company, the books and documents of the Company or any of them will be open to inspection by the Members and other persons upon reasonable notice in writing. 20 Notices Service of notices 20.1 The Company may give notice to a Director or a Zone Director: (a) personally; (b) sending it by post to an address in Australia nominated by the Zone Director; or (c) by sending it to a fax number or electronic address in Australia nominated by the Zone Director. 20.2 The Company is not bound to give any notice to a Member other than to the address in Australia nominated by him or her for the Company’s records. 20.3 If a notice is sent by post, delivery of the notice is taken to be effected by properly addressing, prepaying and posting a letter containing the notice, and the notice is taken to have been delivered on the day after the date of its posting. 24 20.4 If a notice is sent by facsimile or electronic transmission, delivery of the notice is to be taken to be effected by properly addressing and transmitting the facsimile or electronic transmission, and to have been delivered on the day following its despatch. 21 Audit and accounts Company to keep accounts 21.1 The Directors must cause the Company to keep accounts of the business of the Company in accordance with the requirements of the Corporations Law. Company to audit accounts 21.2 The Directors must cause the accounts of the Company to be audited in accordance with the requirements of the Corporations Law. 22 Winding up If on the winding up or dissolution of the Company there remains, after satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any property whatever, that property may not be paid to or distributed among the members of the Company, but must be given or transferred to another organisation which has similar objects to the Company and which by its constitution is required to apply its profits (if any or other income) in promoting its objects and is prohibited from paying any dividend to its members. The organisation is to be determined by the Zone Directors at or before the time of dissolution or, failing such a determination, by a judge who has or acquires jurisdiction in the matter. 23 Indemnity Indemnity of officers 23.1 Every person who is or has been a director, secretary or executive officer of the Company is entitled to be indemnified, to the maximum extent permitted by law, out of the property of the Company against any liabilities for costs and expenses incurred by that person: (a) in defending any proceedings relating to that person's position with the Company, whether civil or criminal in which judgment is given in that person's favour or in which that person is acquitted or which are withdrawn before judgment; or (b) in connection with any administrative proceedings relating to that person's position with the Company, except proceedings which give rise to civil or criminal proceedings against that person in which judgment is not given in that person’s favour or in which that person is not acquitted or which arise out of conduct involving a lack of good faith; or (c) in connection with any application in relation to any proceedings relating to that person's position with the Company, whether civil or criminal, in which relief is granted to that person under the Corporations Law by the court. 23.2 Every person who is or has been a director, secretary or executive officer of the Company is entitled to be indemnified, to the maximum extent permitted by law, out of the property of the Company against any liability to another person (other than the Company or a related body corporate) as such an officer unless the liability arises out of conduct involving a lack of good faith. Insurance 23.3 The Company may pay a premium for a contract insuring a person who is or has been a director, secretary or executive officer of the Company and its related bodies corporate against: 25 (a) liability incurred by that person as such an officer which does not arise out of conduct involving a wilful breach of duty in relation to the Company or a contravention of Section 232 of the Corporations Law; and (b) any liability for costs and expenses incurred by that person in defending proceedings relating to that person's position with the Company, whether civil or criminal, and whatever their outcome. 24 Grievance Procedure 24.1 Any dispute under the rules between a member and another member or a member and the Association must, unless all parties to the dispute otherwise agree, be dealt with as outlined in this article 24. 24.2 Any party to a dispute as outlined in (article 24.1) may by notice in writing refer the dispute to the Board for determination in favour of that party ( the "Applicant") and must serve a copy of the notice upon all other parties to the dispute. 24.3 The notice must provide details of: (a) all parties to the dispute; (b) the nature of the dispute under the Constitution ; and (c) and may contain such submissions of reasonable length and evidence which the Applicant thinks fit. 24.4 Within 30 days of being served with a copy of the notice, any other party to the dispute may make a written submission to the Board containing such submissions and evidence that party thinks fit and serve a copy of that submission on the Applicant. 24.5 Within 60 days of receipt of a notice under article 24.4, the Board shall conduct a hearing to determine the dispute at which it shall hear any further submissions and evidence any party to the dispute wishes to present. 24.6 Any party to the dispute may appoint any person (other than a legal practitioner) to act on behalf of that party in the above procedures. 24.7 The above procedures must be implemented in accordance with the common law rules of natural justice. 24.8 A determination made by the Committee under the above procedures is final and binding on all parties to the dispute and no appeal lies from a determination to a court . 25 Alteration of Constitution This Constitution or any other Constitution for the time being in force, may be altered, rescinded or repealed and new articles may be made by special resolution passed by at least 75% of the votes cast by members of the Company present in person or by proxy and entitled to vote on the resolution in a general meeting in the manner prescribed by the Corporations Law. Nothing whether contained in the Constitution for the time being in force or otherwise howsoever shall be construed as implying or creating any privilege, priority or right in favour of any member so as to limit the power of the Company at any time to alter rescind or repeal the same to make new articles in their place. 26 ANNEXURE 1 APPLICATION TO BECOME A MEMBER OF AUSTRALIAN BOWLING PROPRIETORS ASSOCIATION LIMITED I _____________________________ the owner/operator of _____________________________ (Insert name of bowling centre- attach list if more than one) hereby apply for membership of THE AUSTRALIAN BOWLING PROPRIETORS ASSOCIATION LIMITED I understand and agree that if elected to membership I will be bound by the Constitution of the Association . I submit the following information for the Association records: NAME OF CENTRE: ____________________________________________________ REGISTERED OWNER: ____________________________________________________ ABN OR ARBN IF COMPANY: ________ - _________ - _________ - ________ DIRECTORS IF COMPANY: 1. ________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________________ REGISTERED ADDRESS: Street: ______________________________________ Suburb & PostCode:___________________________________________________ POSTAL ADDRESS: _________________________________________________ Suburb & PostCode:___________________________________________________ PHONE NO.: _____________ FAX NO.: ______________ EMAIL: __________________ I acknowledge receipt of a copy of the Associations Constitution AND ENCLOSE CHEQUE FOR $ ____________ being the entrance fee & initial years membership of $10.00 per lane. Signed: __________________________________ Date: ____________________________________ ANNEXURE 2 27 PROXY FORM FOR AUSTRALIAN BOWLING PROPRIETORS ASSOCIATION LIMITED I, ______________________________, of _________________________________, being A member of the abovementioned Association appoint _____________________________, of ________________________________________, as my proxy to vote for me on my behalf at the Annual General Meeting of the Association, to be held on _________________________, and at any adjournment thereof. Signed this ______________________________ day of ____________________, _________. ____________________________ Signature This form is to be used *in favour of the resolution. *against *Strike out whichever is not desired. (Unless otherwise instructed, the proxy may vote as he/she thinks fit) The instrument appointing a proxy shall be deposited with the Secretary prior to the commencement of any meeting at which the person named in the instrument purposes to vote. 28