Home Management and Consumer Studies

Identify and describe the three basic components of management
Evaluate any two inputs that play a part in family resource management
Why is the evaluation of outputs in management considered a crucial stage?
Give a brief explanation of the purpose of resource management in the home
Explain why a good management system can contribute to a well run home and the
well being of all family members
6. Outline how the family acts as a managerial unit
7. Differentiate between ‘open’ and ‘closed’ management systems
8. List the basic steps that should be followed when making a decision
9. Explain why communication is important for effective management
10. List the factors that affect management and explain any four in detail
State how the family functions as a financial unit within the economy
Give an account of the social factors that affect household income
Differentiate between gross and net income
What is a tax credit? What circumstances may lead to an increase in a persons tax
5. Give a brief explain of the following sources of household income:
i)wages ii)salaries iii)pension iv)social welfare allowance v)social welfare benefit
6. Discuss three types of pension schemes currently operational in Ireland
7. Differentiate between PAYE and PRSI
8. Explain the difference between a compulsory and a voluntary deduction taken from
a persons wage and give two examples of each
9. Write an informative account of Family Income Supplement
10. Write an informative account of Supplementary Welfare Allowance
11. List four other sources of income or benefits (not mentioned in previous questions)
a person might receive from the government
What is a budget? Identify four requirements in drawing up a household budget
List the factors that should be considered when planning household budgets
Differentiate between essential and discretionary expenditure and give some
4. What are the advantages of budgeting?
5. Plan a monthly budget for a married couple with a combined net weekly income of
€850 and child benefit of €150 per month. They currently pay mortgage of Є700
per month and they commute to work using a family car. (show your %)
6. Why should household budgets be reviewed regularly?
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List six points to consider before entering a credit agreement
Outline the general advantages and disadvantages of buying goods on credit
Using a table format compare the following methods of credit under the headings:
Method of credit/advantages/disadvantages
Methods: 1) Overdraft 2) Term loan 3) Hire Purchase 4) Credit Card 5) Store card
6) Budget account
Explain how a laser/debit card works? List two advantages and two disadvantages
Explain the purpose of the Consumer Credit Act (1995) and give an account of four
key areas controlled by this act
Which government department implements the Consumer Credit Act (1995)?
Outline the protection provided to the consumer by the Hire Purchase Act 1960
List six pieces of information that must be displayed in a hire-purchase agreement
What are the advantages of saving regularly?
Outline the factors to consider when choosing a saving scheme
Evaluate the role of the credit union as a financial institution
Recommend a saving scheme for the following situations under the headings:
Name of scheme/Details/Reasons for choice
Sit A) A secondary school student saving to attend 3rd level college
Sit B) A young couple renting a house and saving to buy their own house
Sit C) A middle aged couple saving for retirement
5. What is DIRT? What is the purpose of paying DIRT?
Outline the factors to consider when choosing a mortgage
Identify the conditions that have to be satisfied in order to obtain a mortgage
Give an account of the costs associated with buying a house
Name four types of mortgage currently available and explain two in detail
State one advantage and one disadvantage of a) a fixed mortgage interest rate and
b) a variable mortgage interest rate
6. Explain the term mortgage protection and state why mortgage protection is
7. Name one scheme which the government operates in order to help people purchasing
their home and give details of this scheme
1. Write a detailed note on Pay Related Social Insurance (PRSI)
2. What factors should be considered when choosing an insurance policy?
3. What is Life assurance and why would a person take out Life assurance (benefits)
4. Name three common types of life assurance and give details of one scheme you have
5. What is Health insurance and why would a person take out Health insurance
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6. Name three common types of Health insurance and give details of one scheme you
have studied
7. Write an account of property insurance
8. What are the advantages of insuring property?
9. Name two other types of insurance currently available to the consumer
10. Explain the following terms: i) Broker ii) Premium iii) assessor iv) actuary
1. Give details of the different trends in housing developments in Ireland today
2. Give details of the socio-economic factors that affect one’s choice of housing
3. What Government department is responsible for the formulation and
implementation of the National Housing Policy?
4. List some of the main objectives of the government’s National Housing Policy and
how they are being achieved
5. Write a note on the availability of housing in your area
6. List and explain some new trends in housing developments in Ireland
7. What conditions apply when seeking a home from the local authority?
8. Write an account of two local authority housing schemes
1. Write an account of the contribution of household technological developments to
home management
2. Outline the factors to consider when choosing household appliances
3. Name two types of retail outlets where household appliances can be purchased and
state one advantage and one disadvantage of each outlet
4. Give an account of one small appliance with a heating element under the headings:
a) working principle b) guidelines for use & c) care and cleaning
4. Give an account of one small appliance with a motor under the headings:
b) working principle b) guidelines for use & c) care and cleaning
8. Explain with the aid of a labelled diagram the working principle of a refrigerator
9. List six guidelines for the use and care of a refrigerator
10. Name four modern design features commonly found on refrigerators
11. Give a detailed account of the star rating system found on refrigeration appliances
12. State the function of the following parts of the refrigerator:
a) thermostat b) refrigerant c) automatic defrost
13. Set out the details of a study you have carried out on a microwave cooker- refer to:
working principle
the different types of microwave cookers available
modern design features
guidelines for using the appliance
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14. Evaluate the contribution of the microwave cooker to modern food preparation and
cooking practices
15. What do you understand by the term ‘standing time’ in relation to microwave
16. State the function of each of the following parts of a microwave cooker:
a) transformer b) magnetron c) wave guide d) wave stirrer e) turntable
17. List three foods a) suitable and b) unsuitable for microwave cooking
18. Name three containers/materials that are a) suitable and b) unsuitable for
19. Identify two reliable sources of consumer information when selecting household
20. Evaluate the role of energy labelling/energy efficiency rating in assisting the
consumer when selecting electrical appliances
Write an account of the factors which affect choice of textiles
List four reasons why we need clothing
Discuss the use of textiles as a household resource
List three desirable properties of a fabric for a) upholstered furniture b) clothing
Taking one natural and one mane-made fabric give an account of the properties and
the care that is required because of these properties
6. Outline the basic scientific principles underlying the care of fabrics
7. Draw and explain any three symbols found on household articles and clothing
8. Write an account of one fire retardant finish under the headings a) treatment
a. effects and c) uses
9. Why is safety an important consideration in selecting household textiles?
10. Identify two safety considerations that should be considered when selecting
textiles for household purposes
Write an account of the Fire Safety (Domestic Furniture) Order, 1988
(include details of identification and purpose of the order & the labels specified)
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1. Give an account of the factors that affect consumers’ decision-making when
selecting goods and services
2. List the advantages and disadvantages of advertising
3. Name four types of retail outlets where goods and services can be purchased and
state one advantage and one disadvantage of each outlet.
4. Describe five in-store merchandising techniques that supermarkets use to
encourage consumer spending.
5. List the guidelines that should be followed when shopping
6. Give details of six changes that have occurred in shopping patterns in recent years
7. What is consumer research?
8. Outline three methods of consumer research
9. Explain how consumer research benefits i) the retailer and ii) the consumer
10. Describe any two quality symbols appearing on Irish products
Terms to revise: Loss leader; loyalty scheme; own-brand/generic goods; bar code;
party selling
Enumerate the responsibilities of the consumer
Give an account of the rights of consumers
Explain the term ‘caveat emptor’
What is meant by ‘redress’. Explain how the consumer can seek redress
What do you understand by the term ‘merchantable quality’?
Give a brief account of four sources of reliable information when buying goods and
7. Explain the difference between biased and unbiased information & give one example
of each
8. Illustrate three safety symbols that indicate the safety of consumer products
9. In relation to the environment differentiate between a renewable and a
non-renewable resource and give two examples of each
10. Explain how households can reduce their waste to help save the environment
11. List six ways that consumers can be more energy efficient in their homes
12. Write an account of the role of recycling in waste management
13. Name and describe one government initiative that has helped to reduce pollution and
promote a greener environment
14. Explain what is meant by a) ENFO b) Green dot and c) Eco label
15. Write an account of three types of pollution under the following headings:
a) causes b) effects & c) prevention
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1. Write an account of the Sales of goods and Supply of Services Act 1980
2. Write an account of the Consumer Information Act 1978
3. Give details of two statutory and two voluntary bodies concerned with consumer
4. Name four sources of consumer protection and information in Ireland
5. State the function of Citizen Information Centres
6. Explain the role of a) The Office of the Director of Consumer Affairs (give 3
functions) and b) the Ombudsmen in consumer protection
7. What is a guarantee?
8. What is the role of the Advertising Standards Authority of Ireland?
9. Outline the procedure which should be followed by a consumer when dissatisfied
with goods/services purchased
10. Explain the Small Claims Procedure
11. State two benefits of the Small Claims Procedure
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