UNDERSTANDING HUMAN EVOLUTION & RACE RACE – THE POWER OF AN ILLUSION: Visit the website at: http://www.pbs.org/race/000_General/000_00-Home.htm On the menu on the right hand side, select: 1. What is Race? Look at Quick Facts 1-10. 2. Sorting People Try Begin Sorting to see how well you can match people with current US racial categories. Look at Explore Traits to see how well several genetic traits match up with “so called races”. What can you conclude about the relationship between skin color, fingerprints, blood type & race? 3. Human Diversity Take the Quiz to see how much you know about human diversity. Explore Diversity to learn why there is no genetic basis for race. Physical Appearance What is a cline? Briefly explain each of the maps below: Do clines match your idea of race? Read the conclusion to help explain. Geographic Origin Use the map below to explain the spread of human ancestors “Out of Africa”. UNDERSTANDING RACE: Visit the website at: http://www.understandingrace.org 1. Select Human Variation in the center and try the following: The Human Spectrum Briefly explain what the graph above is demonstrating. Only Skin Deep: Briefly use the map to explain the evolution of human skin color based on geography, UV radiation and diet. Race and Human Variation Explain the diagram below in terms of human evolution and genetic diversity Explain the map below in terms of mtDNA, Y-chromosome and the distribution of genetic diversity over time: Health Connections Do Genes Determine Our Health? What is the relationship between sickle cell, skin color and malaria? Human Variation Quiz Take the Quiz – how did you do?