Name: ______________________________ Class: ____________________ Date: _____________________ Integrated Science Virtual Simple Machine Lab Part 1-Videos Directions- Watch the videos on the following topics, in the order that I have them listed, and answer a couple questions about each video. URL Link- Video Titles What is Work Is the weight lifter doing the same amount of work when he lifts the 1200N barbell 1m as when he lifts the same barbell 2m? ________ Explain. What is work in physics? What is a joule? Mechanical Advantage and Friction How do machines make work easier? How do you find mechanical advantage of a lever? What causes the mechanical advantage of the inclined plane to be less than that of the lever? Inclined Plane Explain how an inclined plane does work? How do you find the mechanical advantage of an inclined plane? Lever Explain how a lever does work? What are the three types of levers? Give examples of each? Screw and Wheel Explain how a screw does work? Explain how a wheel & axel does work? How do you find the mechanical advantage of a screw and wheel & axel? 1. Screw- 2. Wheel and Axel- Pulley Explain how a pulley does work? What are the three type of pulleys? How does each type of pulley make work easier? 1. 2. 3. Part 2-Simple Machine Games URL- Directions- Now try out some of the simple machines? Play the game and try two different choices for each machine and write your qualitative observations in the space below. Focus your answers on how much force is needed to do work for each of your choices. Write your choice of machine in the blank space provided. Inclined Plane First Inclined Plane________________- Second Inclined Plane______________- Lever First Lever (Fulcrum Placement)______________- Second Lever(Fulcrum Placement) ______________- Wheel and Axle First Wheel and Axel______________- Second Wheel and Axel______________- Pulley First Pulley______________ Second Pulley______________ Part 3-Rube Goldberg Machine Directions- Describe how this Rube Goldberg Machine works? What simple machines do you see in this Rube Goldberg Machine? List 4 specific examples and what kind they are. Example – Scissors are a wedge 1. 2. 3. 4. How does this Rube Goldberg Machine Work? Part 4- Simple Machine Games Directions- Play the games and record your scores. URL- What is your total score the first time?________________________ What is your total score the second time?______________________ What did you struggle with? URL- What is your total score the first time?______________________ What is your total score the second time?____________________