Chapter 37 Independent Study Assignment


Independent Study Assignment

Chapter 37

(100 point daily grade & 200 point test grade)

If you think that it is ok to use someone else’s information, and that I won’t find out, and that it won’t hurt your grade, and that you won’t regret it in the end…

…think again.

Before you do any of these assignments…go to the end of this and read the objectives.


Complete by Saturday night

 Start with “The Advent of Eisenhower”

Read in the following way each night beginning Thursday night o 3 subsections, 4 subsections, 4 subsections

 You can stop reading after reading THRU “An Old General Fades Away”

YOU MUST ANNOTATE EACH SUBSECTION. I will be checking for this.

Chapter 37 Terms

Complete by Saturday night

1. The Feminine Mystique (Betty Friedan)

2. Checkers Speech

3. McCarthyism

4. Army-McCarthy hearings

5. Jim Crow

6. Montgomery bus boycott

7. Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas

8. Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee

9. Operation Wetback

10. Federal Highway Act of 1956

11. policy of boldness

12. Hungarian uprising

13. Battle of Dien Bien Phu

14. Suez Crisis

15. Organization of Petroleum Exporting countries

16. Sputnik

17. kitchen debate

18. John Foster Dulles

19. Ho Chi Minh

20. Gamal Abdel Nasser

PowerPoint Lecture Viewing

This is to be completed by Sunday night .

You will each go to

and watch the following PowerPoints (the link is also on the AP page). You will take notes on the slides that are listed for you below. It is IMPERATIVE that you pause the slides to take notes as well as taking notes on what he is saying that is not included on the slides. You will be tested over this material when I return on Wednesday.

#11 – The Early Cold War (1945-1961) -- watch beginning with slide #40 and go thru #52

#12 - Affluent Society and Civil Rights I (1945-61) – watch all but copy notes only from #17 thru #35

Objective Reflection Summaries

Completed by Tuesday In-Class/Tuesday Night

You should prepare yourself with these objectives as if I were planning on giving you a freewrite “short response essay” on Wednesday…which is possible.

1. Describe the Republ icans’ return to power under Eisenhower and the rise and decline of McCarthyism.

2. Trace the emergence of the civil rights movement in the 1950s and its initial impact on

American race relations and the nation’s image abroad.

3. Describe the practice of Eisenhower Republicanism in the 1950s, including domestic consequences of the Cold War.

4. Outline the Eisenhower-Dulles approach to the Cold War and the nuclear arms race with the Soviet Union.

5 . Indicate how Eisenhower’s foreign policy was implemented in Vietnam, the Middle

East, and Cuba.

6. Describe the issues and outcome of the tight Kennedy-Nixon presidential campaign of


