Review –Truman, Eisenhower, and the 1950s

Review –Truman, Eisenhower, and the 1950s GI Bill of Rights (aka Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944) FHA VA AFL-­‐CIO Operation Dixie Sunbelt Problems with the postwar economy 1945-­‐1948 Taft-­‐Hartley Act 1947 Election of 1948: Dixiecrats Progressives *Does Truman provide a “Fair Deal” to all Americans ? *Does Eisenhower practice “dynamic conservatism”? Civil Rights: key events and tactics -­‐
Brown v. Board of Education -­‐
Montgomery Bus Boycott -­‐
Emmett Till -­‐
Little Rock -­‐
Sit-­‐ins -­‐
SNCC and SCLC – compare actions taken by President Truman to those taken by President Eisenhower regarding Civil Rights. Jackie Robinson Earl Warren Orval Faubus Operation Wetback Termination Policy – reversal of “Indian New Deal” *Causes of 1950s prosperity *McCarthyism – causes and effects Impact of Federal Highway Act of 1956 Rosa Parks Dr. Spock *Growth of the suburb – causes and effects Beats Betty Friedan Sputnik: NASA ICBM NDEA There will be some foreign policy questions: Korean conflict 1950-­‐53 “New Look” Foreign policy – John Foster Dulles Hungary 1956 Vietnam: (we will return to this) CIA involvement in Iran Suez Crisis 1956 Eisenhower Doctrine 1957 – Lebanon OPEC U-­‐2 spy plane Compare U.S. society in the 1950s to the 1920s.
Are the 1950s a time of conformity or rebellion?
NB: the election of 1960 will be on the next test.