Eisenhower, Dwight David

Eisenhower, Dwight David, (1890 – 1969), American five-star general
and statesman, 34th President of the United States (Republican) from
1953 to 1963. From 1942 to 1945 he served as Supreme Commander of
the Allied Forces in North Africa and later in Europe. He was charged in
his positions with planning and carrying out the Allied assault on the
coast of Normandy in June 1944 under the code name Operation
Overlord, which was the biggest assault of the kind ever. Eisenhower
showed his great talent for diplomacy when solving disputes between
commanders of the Allies. From In 1951 to 1952 he served as the
first Supreme Commander of NATO. He helped to conclude the Korean
War and to stabilize the situation during the Cold War.
From the beginning of World War II Chief of Staff G. C. Marshall
appraised Eisenhower’s great organizational and administrative skills.
Eisenhower earned respect of all generals including the British general
Eisenhower managed to approach top Soviet officials such as J. V. Stalin
and G.Zhukov with whom he often held negotiations. Thus he earned
trust of President Roosevelt.
During his presidencyEisenhower promoted a “dynamic conservatism“.
Despite the fact Eisenhower was keen on conservative economy he
actually promoted the main parts of New Deal and even expanded it by
education and healthcare. During the Suez Crisis he announced the
Eisenhower Doctrine (in January 1957), which held the U.S. would be
"prepared to use armed force ... [to counter] aggression from any country
controlled by international communism". He defended human rights and
desegregation in American schools.