Curriculum Vitae - JShi - John J Shi's Home Page

:::C URRI C U L U M V I T A E :::
J U N (J OH N ) S H I
9268 Loganberry Ln, Cordova, TN 38016
Phone: 901.606.9701
: : : S U M M AR Y : : :
PhD degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Hong Kong
Member of Sigma Xi (Honorable Scientific Research Society)
Senior Member of Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE)
Reviewer of Supply Chain Management: an International Journal
60 citations of publications
: : : E D U C AT I O N + C E R T I F I C AT I O N S : : :
2002, PhD of Industrial Engineering
Dept. of Industrial & Management System Engineering, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Thesis: Web-based Design for X in Collaborative Product Development
1997, MSc of Mechanical Engineering
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Southeast University, China
Thesis: CAPP/NCP of Box-like Mechanical Parts (in a Computer Integrated Manufacturing System)
1995, BSc of Mechanical Engineering
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Southeast University, China
Thesis: Automated Assembly Process Drawing Generation of Axis Parts
2006, SAS Base Programming, USA
2001, Microsoft Certificated Solution Developer (MCSD: VB & SQL), Hong Kong
1995, Rank Certification of Computer Software (Software Engineer), China
: : : P R O F E S S I O N AL S E R V I C E S : : :
2006-Now, Journal Regular Reviewer, Supply Chain Management: an International Journal
2006-Now, Reviewer, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management
2007-Now, Reviewer, International Journal of Multicultural Education
2007-Now, Editorial Review Board, Scientific Journals International (SJI)
2003-2004, Thesis Reader (MSc), GIS Analysis and Visualization of BRT Decision Support
2003, Journal Paper Reviewer, Special Issue of AI EDAM Journal: Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Design,
Analysis and Manufacturing on Platform Product Development for Mass Customization
2000, Conference Paper Reviewer, International Conference of Gearing, Transmissions, and Mechanical Systems
: : : P R O F E S S I O N AL A S S O C I AT I O N M E M B E R S H I P S :::
2007-Present Permanent Membership of the National Scholars Honor Society
2007-Present Active Member of Sigma Xi (Honorable Scientific Research Society)
2006-2007 Active Senior Member of Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE)
2002-2004 Member of Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) – Cincinnati Chapter
2006-2007 Active Member of APICS
2007 Active Member of Logistics Institute
2007 Active Member of Society for Engineering & Management Systems (SEMS)
2002-2004 Member of Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME)
2006-2007 Vice President / Member of Biomedical Engineering Society – Memphis Student Chapter
2006 Member of Engineering World Health (EWH)
: : : A C AD E M I C P O S I T I O N S : : :
07/2005-12/2006, Graduate Research Assistant, Biomedical Engineering, University of Memphis, TN
Tasks: designed a robot system for harvest and implanted (disc and fusion products from Medtronic and
Synthesis) spines biomechanics testing; developed spine testing protocols; designed and fabricated medical
equipments; processed the experimental data; and prepared presentations and reports for companies.
Results: a robot system; 40 lumbar spines; 2 industrial reports; 3 devices required by the lab.
01/2002-10/2004, Post-doc Fellow, Industrial Engineering, University of Cincinnati, OH
Tasks: Research on KBM and SCM; supervised students; and industrial solutions and wrote technical reports.
Results: 11 engineering applications; 5 journal publications and 1 conference presentation; 4 courses; 4 research
proposals (1 funded by NSF); and 5 graduate students' supervision.
09/1998-08/2001, Research Assistant, Ind. & Mngt. Sys. Eng., University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Tasks: Explored and applied the methodologies in Web-based DFX in Collaborative Product Development and
Agent-based Workflow Management over the Internet; studies on Supply Chain Integrations.
Results: 3 journal publication; 11 conference presentation; and 3 courses.
Summer 1995-Fall 1996, Research assistant, Mech. Eng., Southeast University, China
Tasks: Computer Aided Manufacturing/Assembly Process Planning and NC Code Generation.
Results: 2 journal publication, 1 conference presentation, and 3 courses (C/C++ and FoxPro).
: : : U N I V E R S I T Y T E AC H I N G E X P E R I E N C E :: :
2002-2004, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, Assisted in classes of:
INDS411 Quality Control and Reliability
INDS728 Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Manufacturing
INDS745 Introduction to Supply Chain Management (SCM)
1998-2001, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Assisted and taught in classes of:
IMSE1005 Manufacturing processes
IMSE2006 Manufacturing technology
IMSE1006 Product engineering
1996-1997, Southeast University, China, Assisted teaching in classes of:
Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP)
Finite Element Method (FEM)
8/2005~11/2006 Hub (Supply Chain) Analyst / Sr Content Specialist
AutoZone Inc.-Memphis, TN
Monitored 130 hub stores to server more than 3000 satellite stores at AutoZone
Generated annual more than 60M expanded parts sales and 30M express parts
7/2006-12/2006, Web site manager, Herff College of Engineering, University of Memphis, TN
Used Luminus CMS (Content Management System) system to create templates and launch new web site
Selected JAlbum as the tool to develop the engineering school photo albums
Will develop new events web page using PHP and MySQL
12/2004-present, Volunteer of Office Administration, Odyssey Healthcare of Memphis, TN
Assisted the organizing of the Mid-South Comfort Care Coalition (MSCCC) and arranged conferences
Developed VBA programs in Access to manage hospice service contacts exported from Novel GroupWise
Developed VBA applications in Excel to automatically generate mail list according to the organization type
Reduced the time of 2 months to 2 days to compile the contacts of 100 organizations and 400 persons
09/2001-12/2001, Sr. Software Engineer, Netwinner Cyber Technology Co. Ltd., Shenzhen, China
Developed more than 100 middle layer components (DCOM) in an N-tier architecture
Designed stored procedures in SQL Server for individual ERP functions such as the purchasing plan
Used ASP and XML (MSXML Document) to construct web pages
Suggested the 3-tier architecture for the middle layer development and applied it in two customer solutions.
Engaged in the upgrading of the Dot Net implementation of the ERP solutions
Summer 2000, Guest Researcher (Internship), Huawei Hi-tech Co. Ltd., Shenzhen, China
Carry out Web-based DFA analysis for products provided by the company
07/1997-08/1998 Assistant Manager, Dept. of MIS, Nanjing Topo Network Co. Ltd., Nanjing, China
Prepared the proposals of projects for a state electrical bureau and a taxation bureau
Managed/developed sub systems of the resource management using VB and SQL Server
Prepared proposals for Intranet project using Lotus Notes and VB/VBScript
Managed a computer network project: two 12-floor buildings, one 4-floor building, and 200+ network plug-ins
Recruited temporary employees to fulfill the projects and trained customers
Fall 1996, Software Developer, Wuxi Machine Tools Factory of Jiangsu Province, Nanjing, China &
Summer1994, Software developer, Nanjing Machine Tools Factory of Jiangsu Province, Nanjing, China
Developed software tools in FoxPro database to generate manufacturing plans and numerical control codes
Deployed the rule-based expert system in a Machine Tools Factory and trained factory users
Shortened the automated factory line of machining a fine box-like part from 2 days to 2 hours
: : : H O N O R S & A W AR D S : : :
2005-Now, Graduate Student Scholarship, University of Memphis
2006, Runner-up/Best People Choice in “Rice Bowl” Healthcare Case Study Competition (UT Memphis)
2005, Odyssey Healthcare Best Volunteer Service
2005, Red-Cross Excellent Volunteer Service
2002-2004, Post-Doc Fellowship, University of Cincinnati
1998-2001, PhD Studentship, University of Hong Kong
1996, Siemens Prize
1995, Graduate Student Level B Scholarship, Southeast University
1995, Privilege to enter graduate program, waive of admission exam, Southeast University
1995, Honorable Graduate Student, Southeast University
1992-1994, Scholarship of Cheng Shiyuan, Southeast University
: : : C I T E D P U B L I C AT I O N S : : :
Cited by 19, A Product Driven Approach to Manufacturing Supply Chain Selection
Cited by 10, Manufacturing productivity improvement using effectiveness metrics and simulation analysis
Cited by 6, Manufacturing System Modeling for Productivity Improvement
Cited by 6, Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) over the WWW
Cited by 6, Synchronized System for the DFX Guidelines over the WWW
Cited by 4, MetaDFX-A System for developing Design for X tools
Cited by 4, Web-based Design for Assembly
Cited by 3, Web-Based Design for X Guidelines
Cited by 3, A RDF-based Approach of Heterogeneous Resources Description in an Educational Digital Video
Cited by 2, CyberAgent: Collaborative Agents for Distributed Applications over the Internet
Cited by 2, Rapid Development of Knowledge Based Systems via Integrated Knowledge Acquisition
Cited by 2, 通用化箱体类零件 CAPP/NCP 集成系统的研究 (Study on CAPP/NCP Integrative System of Box-like
Mechanical Parts)
Cited by 1, Web-based 'Design for X' in Collaborative Product Development (Thesis)
Cited by 1, Web-based "Design for X" for collaborative product development (Conference)
: : : J O U R N AL P U B L I C AT I O N : : :
Ranganath Kothamasu, J. Shi, Samuel H. Huang, and H. R. Leep (2004) Comparison of Selected Model
Evaluation Criteria for Maintenance Applications, Journal of Structural Health Monitoring, 3: 213-224.
Dwivedi, S.; Shi, J.; Huang, S. H. and VerDuin, W. H. (2003) Yield Prediction for Seamless Tubing Processes: A
Computational Intelligence Approach, accepted by Computers in Industry.
Hao Xing, Samuel H. Huang and J. Shi (2003) Rapid Development of Knowledge Based Systems via Integrated
Knowledge Acquisition, accepted by the special issue of AIEDAM (Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design,
Analysis and Manufacturing) entitled New AI Paradigms for Manufacturing.
S. H. Huang, J. P. Dimukes, J. Shi, Q. Su, M. A. Razzak, R. Bodhale, and D. E. Robinson (2003) Manufacturing
Productivity Improvement Using Effectiveness Metrics and Simulation Analysis, International Journal of
Production Research, Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 513-527.
J. Shi, G. Q. Huang, K. L. Mak (2003) Synchronised Design for X platform for performance measurement on the
WWW, International Journal of Technology Management (IJTM), Vol. 26, No. 1.
S. H. Huang, J. P. Dimukes, J. Shi, Q. Su, G. Wang, M. A. Razzakm, and D. E. Robinson (2002) Manufacturing
System Modeling for Productivity Improvement, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 249-259.
S. H. Huang, M. Uppal, and J. Shi, A Product Driven Approach to Manufacturing Supply Chain Selection (2002),
Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Vol. 7, No. 3/4, pp. 189-199.
Shi, J.; Huang, G.Q. and Mak, K.L. (2001) Synchronous System for Developing Performance Measurement
Tools on the Web, Computers in Industry, 44, 67-78.
Huang, G.Q.; Shi, J. and Mak K.L. (2000) Synchronized System for the DFX Guidelines over the WWW, Journal
of Materials Processing Technology, 107, 71-78.
Huang, G.Q.; Shi, J. and Mak, K.L (2000) Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) over the WWW, International
Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 16 (8), 603-608.
张蕾, 卢玉明, 石均 (Jun Shi) (1998) 高速, 中载圆柱齿轮减速器的稳健设计, 机械设计/ MACHINE DESIGN, 1998
年 10 月 第 15 卷, 第 10 期.
程帆, 石均 (1998) 通用化箱体类零件 CAPP/NCP 集成系统的研究, 机械设计与制造工程, 机械设计与制造工程.
石均 (1998) 基于 Petri 网的离散事件系统建模, 淮海工学院学报, 1998 年 7 卷 2 期, 起止页码: 30-32 页.
14. Shi Jun, Yi Hong and Tang Wencheng (1997) Study on Automated Producing of Assembly Process Drawing in
CAAPP system, Combined Machine Tool and Automated Manufacturing Technology, 3, 37-40.
: : : I N T E R N AT I O N AL C O N F E R E N C E P R E S E N T AT I O N S : : :
Xinhao Wang, J. Shi, Hexiang Huang (2004) Traffic-related Air Quality Analysis and Visualization, ISEIS’2004
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Xinhao WANG & Hexiang HUANG & Jun SHI (2004) Presenting a Potential Bus Rapid Transit Line with GIS,
Analytical Models and 3D Visualization, CORP - Competence Center of Urban and Regional Planning, CORP
2004: 9th International Symposium on Planning & IT, February 2004, Vienna, Austria.
R. Kothamasu, J. Shi, and S. H. Huang (2004) Human Centered Neuro-Fuzzy Modeling, The 8th World MultiConference on Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics, July 18-21, Orlando, FL, 2004.
Huang, S.H., Shi, J., Sumit Maloo and Erlandur Steinthorsson (2002) Automatic Generation of Quadrilateral
Multi-Block Topology for FEA/CFD Applications, 2002 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology:
Productivity Reincarnation through Robotics & Automation, Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, 11-14
December 2002.
Huang G.Q., Shi J. and Mak K.L. (2001) CyberAgent: collaborative agents for distributed applications over the
internet, Proceedings of IDETC2001: 2001 ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers
and Information in Engineering Conference, September 9-12, 2001, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
J. Shi, G.Q. Huang, K.L. Mak, C.H. He (2001) Web-based “Design for X" for Collaborative Product Development,
in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Concurrent Engineering. California, USA.
Shi, J.; Huang, G.Q. and Mak, K.L. (2001) Web-Based Design for X Handbook: A Metadata Approach, 8th ISPE
International Conference on Concurrent Engineering, Los Angle, USA, July 28-August 1.
Shi, J.; Huang, G.Q. and Mak, K.L. (2001) Mining Product Design Guidelines in a Web-based "Design for X"
Handbook, 2001 International Conference on eCommerce Engineering: New Challenges for Global
Manufacturing in the 21st Century, Xi’an, China, Sept. 16-18.
Shi, J.; Huang, G.Q. and Mak, K.L. (2000) A Web-based Platform for Developing Performance Measurement
Tools, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Managing Innovative Manufacturing (MIM 2000),
Aston University, Birmingham, UK, July 17-19.
Huang, G.Q.; Shi, J. and Mak, K.L. (2000) Synchronized "Design for X" Explorer on the World Wide Web, 7th
ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering, Lyon, France July 17-20.
Shi, J.; Huang, Weihong; Zhang, L.; Huang, G.Q. and Mak, K.L. (2000) Collaborative Supplier Selection on the
Web, IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology, Orchard Hotel, Singapore,
12-15 November, 827-831.
Zhang, L. and Shi, J. (2000) Robust Design for a High-speed and Medium-load Gear Reducer, Proceedings of
the International Conference on Gearing, Transmissions, and Mechanical Systems, Nottingham, UK, 3-6 July,
Shi, J.; Huang, G.Q., Mak, K.L. and Yi, H. (2000) Distributed and Synchronization Process Planning on the Web,
Information Systems - Research, teaching and Practice, Proceedings of fifth annual conference of the UK
Academy for Information Systems (UKAIS), Cardiff, UK, 26-28 April, 131-138.
Huang, W.; Shi, J.; Zhang, F. and Huang, G. Q. (2000) A RDF-based Approach of Heterogeneous Resources
Description in an Educational Digital Video Library, International Conference on Internet Multimedia Systems and
Applications, Las Vegas, Nevada, US, November 19-23, 245-250.
Shi, J.; Huang, G.Q.; Mak, K. L. and Lee, S.W. (1999) MetaDFX - A System for developing Design for X tools,
The 4th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering Theory, Applications and Practice, Menger
Hotel, San Antonio, Texas, USA, November 17-20, 1999.
Huang, G.Q.; Mak K.L. and Shi, J. (1999) Developing Web-based Design Tools in the Internet, 12th International
Conference on Engineering Design, Munich, Germany, August 24-26.
Huang, G.Q.; Shi, J. and Mak K.L. (1999) Web-Based Design for X Guidelines, CAPE99, 15th International
Conference in Computer-Aided Production Engineering, Durham, UK, April 19-21, 65-71.
Zhang, L. and Shi, J., (1999) Web-based Supply Chain Management in a Manufacturing Enterprise, International
Conference on Global Supply Chain Management: Into the 21st Century, Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Shatin, Hong Kong, 13-14 August, 1999.
Shi, J.; Huang, G.Q. and Mak, K.L. (1998) Web-based Design for Assembly, The 3rd Annual International
Conference on Industrial Engineering Theories, Applications and Practice, Hong Kong, December 28-31.
Tang Wencheng, Yi Hong, Xu Chao, Shi Jun (1995) The Research with Boundary Element Analyzing and
Optimal Designing of the Guideway, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Intelligence, Knowledge
and Integration for Manufacturing, International Conference (IKIM 95), Southeast University, Nanjing, China,
March 28-31, 447-453.