Student Syllabus Spring 2016
Course Name/Section Number: Psychology 2314
G1 CRN 20267
Class Time
Tuesday/Thursday 7:30-8:45 pm. Room 119
Instructor Name:
Jennifer Jennings, MA
Division Department:
Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences/Psychology
Office Hours:
T/R 11:00-12:00 AM, in the VC Gonzales
I will be in Faculty Adjunct Office, or you can make an
appointment with me by email (Blackboard). For night students, I am in the main
building at 5:00 pm or a little before. I can meet with you then. I have a 6:00 pm class.
The Adjunct Office that I share with other adjuncts is in the kitchen. Go through kitchen
and you will see a small office marked Adjunct Faculty Office. Or, I will be in the main
office or in the classroom 119.
Office Number:
Instructor Email:
Emailing your instructor:
Please mention the course title in the subject line so that it will not be mistaken for
junk mail. If you send the instructor an email you should receive a reply within 48hrs
unless it is over the weekend. Keep a copy of the sent email in your outbox or sent box
in case you need proof that you sent it. If you do not receive a reply within 48hrs it means
that your email wasn’t received by Ms. Jennings. In that case, be sure to re-send the
email. Ms. Jennings typically checks Blackboard (if applicable) and VC email several
times each weekday.
Prerequisite(s) (AMS): Psychology 2301
Required Textbook(s), Supplies, and Materials:
TEXT: ...........Berger, K.S. The Developing Person Through the Life Span, 9th Edition.
New York, NY: Worth Publishers.
Other: Scantron #882 (long green and white) with pencil for exams.
Disclaimer: The instructor reserves the right to change this syllabus as deemed necessary and appropriate.
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Course Description(AMS)
Psychology 2314 is a survey of the physical, mental and emotional characteristics of the
individual from infancy through maturity.
Learning Outcomes (AMS):
Because many topics are covered in this course, the student should be prepared to devote
ample time to each assignment. Upon completion of this course, students will achieve
the following objectives and learning outcomes:
1. Students will know the major personalities important to the field of human growth and
development and the ideas, theories, and schools with which they are associated.
2. Students will know the major terms and major concepts associated with this area.
These two performances will be measured by the results on the final exam.
Upon completion of this course, the student should have passed the following IDEA
Gained factual knowledge.
Learned fundamental principles, generalizations and theories.
Learned to apply course material.
Developed specific skills, competencies and points of view needed by professionals in
the field most closely related to this course.
5. Learned how to find and use resources for answering questions or solving problems.
Teaching Strategies:
This course will be taught using lecture notes, slideshow presentations and interactive
learning aids.
Course Requirements
Each student is expected to read in advance of each class meeting. Lectures are
organized to follow the organization of the textbook. Each lecture covers approximately
30-50 pages in the textbook. The pages that will be covered in each class period are
indicated in the “Tentative Class Schedule” (see below).
Group Presentations will take the form of structured argument or debate on
controversial issues relevant to issues being studied in this course. Some group members
may be more responsible for research while others are more responsible for actual verbal
presentation. I will have you fill out a form explaining exactly how you contributed to
your group. With small groups, everyone will be involved in the presentation.
Disclaimer: The instructor reserves the right to change this syllabus as deemed necessary and appropriate.
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Individual Project: This project is to replace a low exam score on one of the four
exams. (You must take all four exams). Look through the book for an interesting
subject. Then, plan a 15 minute lecture, power point, guest speaker (20 minutes), and
anything to teach the class about your topic. You must turn in a one page summary of
your topic to show me that you have researched it. The summary is due even though you
have a speaker. The summaries must be turned in 4/14/16. You will give your lecture
4/21/16. This grade will replace one of your exam grades.
Assessments: Four Exams. Each will have 50 questions are worth 100 points.
Make Up Exams:
Students should make every effort to be present on the day of an exam. Make up exams
will be offered only with the evidence that an emergency situation prevented the student
from being present. You will make an appointment with the Testing Center in
Gonzales. You have one week to make up any make-up work.
Students must arrange to make up exams within one week of the original exam date in
order to receive credit for it. The Final Exam can be made up if it is a documented
Criteria for Grading:
Class Activities/Participation 20%
Group Presentation
Agendas handed out in each class period are very important in this course. I can
change assignments (delete or add) and I will add this comment to your current
agenda. Please make sure you get an agenda every time you attend class.
Attendance: Attendance will be taken for every class meeting. The method by which
attendance is taken will be determined by the faculty member and clearly outlined in the class
syllabus. Attendance records will be submitted electronically to the appropriate division dean
on the last day of the course. Regular and prompt class attendance is expected of every
student. A student’s absence means that the student is not able to participate in the class.
Disclaimer: The instructor reserves the right to change this syllabus as deemed necessary and appropriate.
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Among other factors, regular and prompt class attendance is very important for success in this
Attendance will be taken each class period and may be taken at any point during
To be counted as present, students must be in class when attendance is taken.
Instructors will drop all students who do not attend prior to the Official Record
Date (ORD).
Students may drop the course at any time before 65% of the course has been
completed for a grade of Q or W.
Instructors may drop students from the course if absences exceed 20% of the
scheduled class meetings.
Instructors will drop students from the course when absences exceed 40% of the
scheduled class meetings
unless said excessive absences accrue after the 65% drop date or
unless students are in good standing.
Students who miss class are responsible for all material discussed and any
assignments or announcements made that relate to the course.
The ORD for this class is:
February 3, 2016
The last day to drop this course is: April 6, 2016
WITHDRAWAL: Please note that non-attendance does not constitute withdrawal from class.
All withdrawals must be processed officially through the Counseling Services or
Admissions/Registrar’s office. Failure to do
so will result in a failing grade for the course.
In general attendance is defined as being physically present in a face-to-face class and/or a
hybrid class at the time attendance is taken. Attendance will be taken at each class meeting..
Regular and prompt class attendance is expected of every student. A student’s absence means
that the student is not able to participate in the class. Also, if an absence occurs, I will deal with
questions concerning the absence through email only. Please do not take up class time dealing
with your absence.
Instructor-Initiated Withdrawals (Drops)
While it is the final responsibility of the student to drop a class that she/he is no longer
attending, instructors
1. must drop a student who has not logged into an online class or physically attended a
face-to-face or hybrid class prior to the ORD. Instructors must initiate ORD drops by the
published deadlines.
Disclaimer: The instructor reserves the right to change this syllabus as deemed necessary and appropriate.
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2. cannot drop a student with an average of D/UD or better.
3. after following established division retention practices, may at their discretion drop
students without consultation with the student when absences exceed 20% of the
scheduled class meetings. For classes that include a separate laboratory, a student may
be dropped when absences exceed 20% of the laboratory meetings or 20% of the
lecture meetings.
4. must drop a student when absences exceed 40% of the scheduled class meetings unless
said excessive absences accrue after the 65% drop date.
5. cannot drop a student after 65% of class instruction has been completed.
This practice applies to all modes of instruction.
Under special circumstances, an instructor may drop a student sooner than outlined above if
the special circumstances are clearly noted in the syllabus or program handbook and have been
approved in advance by the appropriate division dean. Selective admission programs define
their attendance and instructor-initiated withdrawal procedures in their syllabi and program
Instructors will initiate withdrawals by completing the electronic drop form and forwarding it to
the Advising and Counseling Office. The electronic drop form can be found on the faculty tab of
the VC portal. The grade at the time of the drop as well as the last day of attendance must be
included on the electronic drop form.
Instructors will set their own make-up policy as outlined in the course syllabus for work missed
due to absence(s). The Vice President of Instruction can make exceptions to the above rules.
16 Week Classes
# of class
per week
Number of
Number of
class meetings class
to exceed 20% meetings to
exceed 40%
Attendance will be taken into consideration when a student's score is on the borderline of the
next letter grade after all work has been completed.
Disclaimer: The instructor reserves the right to change this syllabus as deemed necessary and appropriate.
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Important Note: Never just stop work on any course. Always go through the standard
drop process. Failing to do so may lead to a grade of "F" rather than a "W".
The student must protect his or her own academic record by completing the drop
procedure in order to avoid a possible failing grade at the semester's end.
Students with disabilities: The College will make reasonable accommodations for persons
with documented disabilities. These students must notify Counseling Services,
Administration Building, before accommodations can be provided.
Classroom Policies:
Cell Phones: As a courtesy to the instructor and to other students in our learning community,
please silence all beepers, cell phones, or other types of communication devices before
entering class. Thank you for your cooperation.
Academic honesty: Plagiarism and Cheating (See pg. 31 Sections 7.1 and 7.2 of Student
“We will not lie, steal, or cheat, nor tolerate among us anyone who does.”
Cadet Honor Code
USAFA (United States Air Force Academy)
Missed and late assignments: Assignments are due the day of class. If you miss class and/or
have an emergency, then it should be turned in the week the assignment is due. If the day falls
on a Friday, then the following Monday would be appropriate.
Participation: Regular and prompt class attendance is very important for success in this course.
You must attend class in order to participate actively and gain the maximum benefits this class
can offer!
Workspace: Please be respectful of VC property and the workspace of fellow classmates.
Quality of work and formatting: Please double space and check with the Tutoring Center if you
are not sure about the quality of your written assignment.
Please remember these items…
1. When you are absent or before (better), write an email (BB) to me to explain why. I
will tell you what you missed and if there is anything to make up. If you missed a
Disclaimer: The instructor reserves the right to change this syllabus as deemed necessary and appropriate.
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major exam, you will have to make an appointment with the Testing center on
Gonzales V. C. campus. You will have one week to make it up.
If you need to go to the RR, please go.
Food is fine because our class is during the dinner hour!! Please clean up after
yourself. Mom isn’t with you to help.
Cell phones are a problem sometime. I consider it rude and not studious on your part
to text during class. We want to make as many neuron connections as possible in this
class. (enrichment increase the length of the dendrites and makes more glial cells in
your neurons) We need to build neurons in your college classes! I know some of you
are waiting for a call from the babysitter and that can be urgent. Have it on “Buzz”
and leave it where it cannot disturb your fellow classmates. Then, dismiss yourself
from class to take the call. They paid to be here too. Laptops are fine.
I consider myself to be a very fair instructor. You have to work with me and not
against me. If you are having a problem with any part of this course, please come to
me and we will talk about it. Both of us can solve many problems.
Please check announcements and calendar on Blackboard.
Tentative Class Schedule
Introduction/Description/ HW: Read Chapter 1
Syllabus/Blackboard 2314
1/21/16 Lesson on Chapter 1
1/26/16 Chapter 2
1/28/16 Lesson Chapter 3
Thursday (Catch Up)
2/2/16 Lesson/Chapter 4
2/4/16 Catch up/ Review
2/9/16 Exam Unit 1:
Tuesday Chapters 1, 2, 3, & 4
2/11/16 Lesson on Chapter 5
HW: Read Chapter 2
Pick Groups
Chapter Presentations
DUE 4/21/16
Explanation of
DUE 4/21 – 5/5
HW: Read Chapter 4
Study for Exam 1
Read Chapter 5
HW: Read Chapter 6
Disclaimer: The instructor reserves the right to change this syllabus as deemed necessary and appropriate.
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2/16/16 Lesson over Chapter 6
2/18/16 Lesson on Chapter 9
Read 9
Read Chapter 10
2/23/16 Lesson over Lesson 10
2/25/16 Review and catch up
HW: Study for Exam 2
3/1/16 Exam 2
Tuesday Chapters 5,6,9,&10
HW: Read Chapter 13
3/3/16 Lesson over Chapter 13
HW: Read Chapter 14
3/8/16 Lesson over Chapter 14
3/10/16 Work in groups/Inform
Thursday each other of your group
meeting time.
3/13/16 –
HW: Read Chapter 15
Spring Break
3/22/16 Chapter 15
HW: Read Chapter 16
3/24/16 Chapter 16
Study for EXAM 3
Over 12, 14, 15, & 16
3/29/16 EXAM 3 over Chapters
14, 15, &16
3/31/16 Chapter 19
Study Chapter 19
4/5/16 Lesson on Chapter 21
4/7/16 Chapter 24
HW: Study Chapter 24
Read Chapter Epilogue
4/12/16 Epilogue
Disclaimer: The instructor reserves the right to change this syllabus as deemed necessary and appropriate.
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4/14/16 Review for EXAM 4
Written Individual
Presentations DUE
Study for EXAM 4 over
Chapters 19, 21, 24, &
4/19/16 Unit EXAM 4 over
Tuesday Chapters 19, 21, 24, &
Any Presentations will be
due today.
Second half of class is to
meet with your group for
last minute details.
4/26/16 Group Presentations
4/28/16 Group Presentations
5/3/16 Group Presentations
5/5/16 Group Presentations
5/9/16 – 5/12/16
Check school Check with Ms. Jennings
You only come to your
finals this week..
No class schedule.
Victoria College Student Services
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Childcare Assistance, PELL, Student Loans, Scholarships, & Work
Student Services Building
Suite 108
Center **
Disclaimer: The instructor reserves the right to change this syllabus as deemed necessary and appropriate.
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Johnson Hall, Suite 101
The KEY Center is a federally funded program providing support services for eligible students. **
Student Services Building,
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Suite 105
Student Activities
Student Government Association, Student Clubs, Activities, Halloween Carnival, Welcome Information
Student Center
Continuing Education Center,
Student Testing Services
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Room 202/Testing Room 201
Individual and Group
Main Tutor & Study Center
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361.573.3291 ext. 3282
Vice President of Student
Student Handbook, Student Code of Conduct, Discipline Issues, Financial Aid
Student Services Building
Additional information on Student Support Services can found in The Victoria College Student
Handbook. A link to the Handbook is in the Publications & Dates folder in the Pirate Portal. A hardcopy of The
Handbook can be obtained by contacting any Student Services office.
Disclaimer: The instructor reserves the right to change this syllabus as deemed necessary and appropriate.
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Updated 07-07-2015
Disclaimer: The instructor reserves the right to change this syllabus as deemed necessary and appropriate.