External Assessment – Upon completion of the second year (May

IB Chemistry SL/HL 1&2 - 2011-2012
Mr. Brakke (martinb@eca.com.ve) or (http://martinbrakkeibchem.escuelacampoalegre.wikispaces.net/)
Room #401
Course Description: IB Chemistry is a two year course. Areas of study include: (sequence may be modified)
Standard Level
Higher Level
Topic 1: Quantitative chemistry
Topic 1: Quantitative chemistry
Topic 2: Atomic structure
Topic 2: Atomic structure
Topic 3: Periodicity
Topic 3: Periodicity
Topic 4: Bonding
Topic 4: Bonding
Topic 5: Energetics
Topic 5: Energetics
Topic 6: Kinetics
Topic 6: Kinetics
Topic 7: Equilibrium
Topic 7: Equilibrium
Topic 8: Acids and Bases
Topic 8: Acids and Bases
Topic 9: Redox
Topic 9: Redox
Topic 10: Organic chemistry
Topic 10: Organic chemistry
Topic 11: Measurement & data
Topic 11: Measurement & data
Additional Higher Level
Theory Hours
Internal Assessment
Topic 12: Atomic structure
Topic 13: Periodicity
Topic 14: Bonding
Topic 15: Energetics
Topic 16: Kinetics
Topic 17: Equilibrium
Topic 18: Acids and bases
Topic 19: Redox
Topic 20: Organic chemistry
Option A: Analytical Chemistry
Option B: Human Biochemistry
Option C: Chemical Industry
Option E: Environmental chemistry
80 core + 30 Options
30 IA + 10 Group 4 Project
150 hours
Option A: Analytical Chemistry
Option B: Human Biochemistry
Option C: Chemical Industry
Option E: Environmental chemistry.
135 core + 45 Options
50 IA + 10 Group 4 Project
240 hours
Course Standards: These are the standards, as adopted by the science dept. at ECA, in which students will be assessed.
SC6: Understands the structure and property of matter.
SC7: Understands the sources and properties of energy.
SC9: Designs experiments.
SC10: Collects and processes data
SC11: Draws conclusions and evaluates experiments.
SC12: Manipulates equipment.
SC13: Understands collaborative and communication skills.
Course Grading Scale: (this is NOT the IB grading scale, same numbers, but they don’t translate perfectly, please don’t get confused)
7: Student has exceedingly surpassed standard and has demonstrated an exemplary mastery of material beyond the standard
6: Student has reached beyond standard and demonstrated mastery of the material
5: Student has met the standard determined by the teacher and rubrics provided
4: Student is approaching standard
3: Below the standard
2: Failing the standard (2.1-2.9), no work submitted (2), unexcused (2)
Quest Online Homework:
Some homework assignments may be on the Quest Online Learning system (https://quest.cns.utexas.edu/). Questions are given in
random order and you may make several attempts at a question, although you receive less credit each attempt. Follow the
instructions on the wiki to get set up.
As the Course Companion and the IB Study Guide are not quite a full resource for IB Chem, we will be trying out a new online version
of a textbook that I have found to be useful, Chemistry for the IB Diploma by Talbot. Please visit the website (http://my.dynamiclearning.co.uk/Default.aspx?cid=DL28978) and follow instructions on the wiki to set up an account. The trial is only for one month so
I need constructive feedback soon 
IB Grade Assessment:
External Assessment – Upon completion of the second year (May 8th-9th , 2012 for SL/HL 2)
The external IB assessment consists of 3 written papers. These papers make up 76% of the final IB grade. Each has core SL
material but HL also has additional HL material and lengthened exams and testing times.
Paper 1: Multiple Choice – core topics
Paper 2: Free Response – core topics
Paper 3: Free Response – optional topics
Internal Assessment
The Internal Assessment (IA) is the practical work that is carried out in class and is assessed by the teacher. It is worth 24 %
of the final IB grade. Practical work is graded according to criteria set by the IB. Two labs demonstrating a students highest
achievement in each of the following categories: Design, Data collection and processing and Conclusion and evaluation.
The Manipulative skills are measured throughout the course and subjectively graded by the teacher. The final catetory
Personal skills is graded based on contribution to the Group 4 project. (Students may be asked to give up a Saturday in the
spring for a mandatory group 4 project)
ECA Grade Assessment:
Students are graded in each of the above mentioned ECA course standards on the 7pt scale. The majority of the grade will consist of
exams, quizzes, laboratory assignments, classwork, homework, and participation. There will at times be assignments that students
can simply only attain a standard level of achievement (5) due to the nature of the assignment. Students should also be aware that
should a cap ever decrease a student grade they may approach the teacher with their concern.
Late work and tardy Policy:
The ECA handbook will be the source of all grade markdowns and expectations upon return to school after an absence. If a student
is unexcused for a tardy, worth they have missed will potentially be marked as a zero. This is at the teachers discretion.
Missed Lecture material and absences:
All material will be placed on the class wiki on a daily basis. It is your responsibility to print off any handouts while absent and take
all notes based on power point presentations and uploaded videos. Students should return back to class after being absent well
prepared. It is not acceptable to show up after being absent to ask “what did I miss last class?” You should already know.
The use of computers in the classroom is a privilege, not a right. During class time students are to use their computers only to
navigate the class wiki, class documents, take notes, or work on assignments specific to this chemistry class. At times students may
ask for permission to use their computer for personal uses. There are no warnings, if your computer is used for personal means
during class time or is a distraction to others it will be turned into Administration for a length to be determined by faculty.
Academic Integrity:
Ignorance is not an excuse when it comes to cheating – stating that you were not aware a rule was being broken is not acceptable.
Students should expect to work individually on all assignments unless specifically told they may do otherwise. Collaboration is only
acceptable unless specifically granted by your teacher. Laboratory assignments must be worked on individually, no exceptions. Even
teacher feedback is limited on internal assessments. If turn-it-in.com is requested, students must submit. As always, incidents and
allegations alike will be reported directly to administration. If an honor pledge is required, students must sign. Any incident of
academic dishonesty will result in a zero for the assignment for all students connected to the event.
I, _______________________________(print student’s name), and my parent/guardian have received, read and discussed the
policies and expectations for Mr. Brakke’s IB Chemistry SL/HL 1&2 class.
Student Signature: ___________________________________
Parent Signature: