Economics - EEG - Universidade do Minho

Official length - 4 years/8 semesters/40 weeks of full-time study per year/240 ECTS credits.
Access requirements - Secondary School and Higher Education Entry Examinations (Economics
and Mathematics or Portuguese and Mathematics or English and Mathematics).
Programme requirements - The Licenciatura in Economy gives major academic education and
training in Economics Science related domain, particularly in the fields of research in Theory and
Political Economics, Quantitative Methods and Applied Economics. It gives also minor
complementary education and training in Social Science, Laws, Private and Public Management
and Computers Science. In the last two years this Degree Programme includes eight courses taken
from a menu of courses, which gives flexibility in the choice of particular courses of the interest
of the student and a bigger flexibility in the offer of courses which the job market demands or the
economics research is paying special attention to.
Access to further study - The Licenciado degree allows access to postgraduate studies, according
to the terms described in
Professional status - The Licenciatura in Economy is recognized by the Order of Economists and
is also authorized by the Ministry of Education to provide teaching in some groups at the Junior
and Secondary schools. It is also recognized by the Official Chamber of Accounting.
Local Funcionamento: Campus of Gualtar, Braga
Director: Carlos Alberto Arriaga Taboleiros Costa
Coordenadores ECTS
Natália Maria Carvalho Barbosa
Ano Código
Unidade Curricular
Regime ECTS
2301N5 Economic History
2301N1 Introduction to Economics I
2301N3 Introduction to Organisations Management I
2301N4 Quantitative Methods I
2301N2 Techniques for Economic Analysis
2302N4 Epistemology and Methodology of the Social Sciences
2302N1 Introduction to Economics II
2302N5 Introduction to Law
2302N2 Introduction to Organisations Management II
2302N3 Quantitative Methods II
2303N2 Economic Law
2303N4 Macroeconomic Analysis I
2303N3 Microeconomic Analysis
2303N1 Quantitative Methods III
2303N5 Sources and Methods of Statistic Information
2304N2 Financial Analysis
2304N4 Industrial Economics
2304N3 Macroeconomic Analysis II
2304N5 Public Finance
2304N1 Quantitative Methods IV
2305N2 Development Economics I
2305N7 Monetary Economics
2305N5 Option I
2305N6 Option II
2305N3 Public Economics
2305N1 Theory of International Trade I
2306N3 Development Economics II
2306N7 Econometrics
2306N5 Option III
2306N6 Option IV
2306N4 Regional Economics
2306N2 Theory of International Trade II
2307N3 Economics of Innovation and Technology Transfer
2307N6 International Money and Finance
2307N4 Option V
2307N5 Option VI
2307N1 Portuguese Economics
2308N2 Capital Budgeting
2308N6 European Union Economics
2308N3 History of Economic Thought
2308N4 Option VII
2308N5 Option VIII
2301N5 - Economic History
Regime: S1
Tipo: Compulsory
Methodology of economic history. Analysis of the Portuguese economy in european and
worldwide context between the 18 th and 20th century.
Basic concepts of economics science.
Resultados de Aprendizagem:
Identification the main features of worldwide economies during post industrial revolution period.
Understanding their evolution. Comprehension of the contemporary economy as emerging from
an evolutionary process.
MATA, EUGÉNIA E VALÉRIO, NUNO História de Portugal - Uma perspectiva global.
Presença, Lisboa, 1994 , ALEXANDRE, VALENTIM Os sentidos do império. Questão Nacional
e Questão colonial na crise do Antigo Regime. Porto, Edições Afrontamento, 1993, PEREIRA,
Costa Editora, Lisboa, 1983, PEDREIRA, JORGE MIGUEL VIANA Estrutura Industrial e
mercado colonial Portugal e Brasil (1789-1830). DIFEL, Linda-a-Velha, 1994 CAPELA, JOSÉ
VIRIATO O Tratado de 1810 com Inglaterra e a ruína das Industrias Nacionais na Separata de
Bracara Augusta Vol. XL, Braga. 1986 e 1987, pp. 1 -121 anda MACEDO, JORGE BORGES
DE Problemas de história da indústria portuguesa no século XVIII. Querco, Lisboa, 1982.
Maria Cristina Guimarães Almeida Moreira
Carga Horária: 4
Métodos de Ensino:
Métodos de Avaliação:
Final examination and an essay.
Língua de Instrução: Portuguese
Créditos ECTS: 6
2301N1 - Introduction to Economics I
Regime: S1
Tipo: Compulsory
Economic problems and economic goals. Scarcity. Supply and demand: the market mechanism.
supply and demand: the concept of elasticity. Demand and utility. Costs and perfectly competitive
supply. Market structure. Firms and markets as alternative organizations. Income distribution.
General equilibrium.
Resultados de Aprendizagem:
The main objective is to provide an overview of economic problems, especially within a
microeconomic context .
Joseph Stiglitz and John Driffill, Economics, Norton e Robert Frank, Microeconomia e
Comportamento, McGraw Hill, 3ª. Edição, Lisboa, 1997.
Fernando Manuel Almeida Alexandre
José António Cadima Ribeiro
Carga Horária: 5
Métodos de Ensino: Lectures.
Métodos de Avaliação:
Final examination.
Língua de Instrução: Portuguese
Créditos ECTS: 6
2301N3 - Introduction to Organisations Management I
Regime: S1
Tipo: Compulsory
General management theory.: organization concept,historical vue, objectives. Public and private
management. Evolution of organisational theory: classic theory; Human relations theory;
Bureaucracy; organisations and their environments. Some functional areas of the organization:
human resources; estrategic management; marketing.
Resultados de Aprendizagem:
Learning of fundamental concepts of organization management;
CHIAVENATO, Idalberto (1987), Teoria Geral da Administração, 3ª ed., McGraw-Hill, São
Paulo. CHIAVENATO, Idalberto (1989), Iniciação à Administração Geral, McGraw-Hill, São
Paulo. COLE, G. A. (1996), Management: Theory and Practice, 5ª Ed., Letts Educational,
London. KOTLER, Philip (1988), Marketing para organizações que não visam o lucro, Editora
Atlas S. A., São Paulo. ROCHA, J. A. Oliveira (1991), Princípios de Gestão Pública, Editorial
Presença Lda., Lisboa. TRUJILLO FERRARI, Alfonso (1983), Fundamentos de Sociologia,
McGraw-Hill, São Paulo.
Lino Henrique Soares Mesquita Machado
Carga Horária: 4
Métodos de Ensino: Lectures.
Métodos de Avaliação:
Final examination.
Língua de Instrução: Portuguese
Créditos ECTS: 5,5
2301N4 - Quantitative Methods I
Regime: S1
Tipo: Compulsory
Matrix analysis. Simultaneous linear equations. Applications of matrix analysis. Introduction to
differential and integral calculus with applications to economic theory.
Resultados de Aprendizagem:
Students should be prepared to explain, describe, justify, analyze, and apply the concepts and
techniques of matrix analysis and differential calculus which will enable them to understand
economic theory's mathematical background. In order to achieve this, students must attend
classes, discuss the subjects, make questions, revise the class materials, and read the compulsory
Gregório, Luís e Ribeiro, C. Silva, Álgebra Linear, McGraw-Hill, 1996. Ribeiro, C.Silva; Reis,
Luizete; Reis, Sérgio Silva, Álgebra Linear, Exercícios e aplicações, McGraw-Hill, 1990. Pires,
Cesaltina, Cálculo Diferencial, McGraw-Hill, 2001.
Maria Lurdes Castro Martins
Carga Horária: 5
Métodos de Ensino: Lectures and practical classes.
Métodos de Avaliação:
Final examination only, or final and midsemester examinations.
Língua de Instrução: Portuguese
Créditos ECTS: 6,5
2301N2 - Techniques for Economic Analysis
Regime: S1
Tipo: Compulsory
This course provides a theoretic and empirical overview of some of the techniques used in
economic analysis. The course is structured into four main blocks. The first consists of an
analysis of the most common mathematical models used in Economics. The second is basic
descriptive statistics. The third block is on indexes. Finally, there is a block on financial
Resultados de Aprendizagem:
Introduction to most commonly used techniques in economics.
Chaves et al. (2000) Instrumentos Estatísticos de Apoio à Economia: Conceitos Básicos,
McGraw-Hill, 2000.
Análise exploratória de dados: Estatística Descritiva, Bento J.F. Murteira, McGraw-Hill 1993.
Exercícios Práticos de Cálculo Financeiro, 3ª edição, Alves Mateus, Edições Sílabo, 2000.
Natália Maria Sá Figueiredo Pimenta Monteiro
Carga Horária: 4
Métodos de Ensino:
Lectures are organized on the basis of practical exercises.
Métodos de Avaliação:
Two tests (45% each) or a final examination (90%) and participation and presence in the classes
Língua de Instrução: Portuguese
Créditos ECTS: 6
2302N4 - Epistemology and Methodology of the Social Sciences
Regime: S2
Tipo: Compulsory
1. The nature and statute of the social sciences; 2. The methodology for the elaboration of models
in social and economic sciences; 3. Classical and modern perspectives on society: E. Durkheim,
M. Weber and H. Simon. (Second module): 4. Questions about the research in social sciences:
why to research?; what is a method?; how many methods there are?; 5. Analysis of a typical path
within research: where and how to begin?; how and when to finish?; 6. Two classical examples of
socio-economic research: gathering and analysing pre-existent information (mainly statistics);
conducting a survey through a questionnaire; 7. Typical mistakes made by the researcher:
empiricism, hyper-theorization, unawareness of the effects introduced by the presence of the
Resultados de Aprendizagem:
1. Global understanding of the nature and methodology of the social sciences; 2. Ability to
identify common procedures undertaken in social-scientific research; 3. Ability to find out
qualified sources that may help the set-up of a research plan.
1. Gordon, S. (1991), Historia y filosofía de las ciencias sociales. Trad.: J. Flórez. Barcelona:
Ariel. 1995. 2. Hollis, M. (1994) Filosofía de las ciencias sociales. Trad.: A. Lizón. Barcelona:
Ariel. 1998. 3. Albarello, Luc e outros (1997), Práticas e Métodos de Investigação em Ciências
Sociais, Lisboa, Gradiva (ed. original de 1995).
Joel Augusto Barbosa Almeida Felizes
João Carlos Ribeiro Cardoso Mendes
Carga Horária: 4
Métodos de Ensino: Lectures and tutorials.
Métodos de Avaliação:
Written exam.
Língua de Instrução: Portuguese
Créditos ECTS: 6
2302N1 - Introduction to Economics II
Regime: S2
Tipo: Compulsory
1.Macroeconomics and Microeconomics; 2. Macroeconomic goals and measures; 3. The fullemployment model; 4. A macroeconomic model with unemployment; 5. Money, banking and
credit; 6. Monetary and fiscal policy; 7. Inflation and unemployment: a dynamic analysis; 8.
Economic growth and productivity.
Resultados de Aprendizagem:
The main objective is to provide an overview of economic problems, especially within a
macroeconomic context.
Joseph Stiglitz and John Driffill (2000). Economics, WW Norton. Docentes:
Fernando Manuel Almeida Alexandre
Sílvia Cristina Conduto Sousa
Carga Horária: 5
Métodos de Ensino: Lectures.
Métodos de Avaliação:
Final examination or, optionally, students can do three tests during the lectures period.
Língua de Instrução: Portuguese
Créditos ECTS: 6
2302N5 - Introduction to Law
Regime: S2
Tipo: Compulsory
Law and Justice - perspectives around the essence of every juridical reality. Essays on a notion of
Law. The juridical system. The norms and its application. The organization of the courts. Meaninf
and purpose of Law.
Resultados de Aprendizagem:
Basic formation on Law to undergraduate students of Economics
Paulo Ferreira da Cunha, Princípios de Direito, Porto, Resjurídica; Paulo Ferreira da Cunha,
Introdução à Teoria do Direito; J. Baptista Machado, Introdução ao Direito e ao Discurso
Legitimador, Coimbra, Almedina
Cristina Manuela Araújo Dias
Carga Horária: 4
Métodos de Ensino: 2 hours/week - lectures. 2 hours/week - example classes.
Métodos de Avaliação:
Written and, in special cases, oral examinations.
Língua de Instrução: Portuguese
Créditos ECTS: 6
2302N2 - Introduction to Organisations Management II
Regime: S2
Tipo: Compulsory
Organisations and their environment: general environment and specific environment. Planning
and strategy making: the planning function; strategy in management; different models of
management strategy. Organisation: central concepts; different types of organisational structure.
Decision making in organisations: rational models, bounded rationality and the political model of
decision making. Controlling in management: purpose of control; different types and techniques
of control. The main functional areas in management: financial management, marketing,
operations management and human resource management.
Resultados de Aprendizagem:
Provide students with the basic concepts of organisational management and functioning. Focus
their attention on the internal and environmental constraints on organisations and their
Détrie, J-P. (1993). Strategor - Política global da empresa, 2ª ed. (tradução de Luís de Barros),
Lisboa: Publicações D. Quixote; Bartol, K. M. & Martin, D. C. (1991). Management, New York:
McGraw-Hill; Stoner, J. A. F. & Freeman, R. F. (1992). Administração (trad. Alves Calado), Rio
de Janeiro: Prentice-Hall do Brasil; Robbins, S. P. & Coulter, M. (2002) (7th ed.) Management,
New Jersey: Prentice-Hall; Teixeira, S. (1998). Gestão das Organizações, Alfragide: McGrawHill de Portugal; Lousã, A., Pereira, P. A. & Lambert. R. (1996). Técnicas de Organização
Empresarial. Porto: Porto Editora.
Ana Cristina Almeida Carvalho
Carlos José Cabral Cardoso
Carga Horária: 4
Métodos de Ensino:
Students are divides into two class groups; each has two 120 minute classes a week, combining
theoretical explanation with case study discussion; there is a further 2 hour period a week in
which students can contact the teacher for individual or group tutoring.
Métodos de Avaliação:
This evaluation in this course consists of a written exam (90%) and case study reports (10%).
Língua de Instrução: Portuguese
Créditos ECTS: 5,5
2302N3 - Quantitative Methods II
Regime: S2
Tipo: Compulsory
Differential calculus: functions of more than one variable. Constrained and unconstrained
optimisation. Integral calculus. Applications to economics and business.
Resultados de Aprendizagem:
The objective is to provide the students with the notions and techniques of differential and
integral calculus which they will need in their degree and future jobs.
Pires, Cesaltina (2001), Cálculo para Economistas, McGraw-Hill de Portugal; Piskounov, N.
(1992), Cálculo Diferencial e Integral, Volumes I e II, Lopes da Silva Editora; Simon, Carl And
Blume, Lawrence (1994), Mathematics for Economists, W.W. Norton&Company, New York ;
Saraiva, Maria dos Anjos (1993), Cálculo Diferencial em RN, Livraria Almedina.
Rosa Branca Silva Vilas-Boas Esteves
Carga Horária: 5
Métodos de Ensino:
Lectures and practical classes.
Métodos de Avaliação:
Final examination or, optionally, students can do two tests during the lectures period.
Língua de Instrução: Portuguese
Créditos ECTS: 6,5
2303N2 - Economic Law
Regime: S1
Tipo: Compulsory
I. Introduction 1. Notion and object of Economical Law 2. The enterprise as an economical
interventor II. The life of the enterprise — The corporations (constitution and activity) 1. First
notions 2. The corporations: types and characteristics 3. The constitution process and its main
steps 4. The corporation as a legal entity III. Bankruptcy
Resultados de Aprendizagem:
Basic formation on Law Economics to undergraduate students of Economics
ABREU, J.M. Coutinho de, Curso de Direito Comercial, vol. II (Das sociedades), Coimbra,
Almedina, 2002. CORDEIRO, António Menezes, Manual de Direito Comercial, vol. II, Coimbra,
Almedina, 2001.
Catarina Isabel Silva Santos Serra
Teresa Alexandra Coelho Moreira
Carga Horária: 4
Métodos de Ensino: 2 hours/week - lectures. 2 hours/week - practice.
Métodos de Avaliação:
Written and, in special cases, oral examinations (RIAPA).
Língua de Instrução: Portuguese
Créditos ECTS: 5,5
2303N4 - Macroeconomic Analysis I
Regime: S1
Tipo: Compulsory
I - Introduction II - Macroeconomic issues and the main trends of thought in macroeconomics III
- Measures of economic activity IV - A full-employment model: the economy in the long run V The theory of economic cycles: the economy in the short run The Mundell-Fleming model with
constant prices and expectations VII - Conclusions.
Resultados de Aprendizagem:
Prepare students at an intermediate level in macroeconomics; introduce students in the relevant
data basis (bibliography and statistical) through case studies.
MANKIW, G. N. (2002), Macroeconomics, 5nd ed. Worth Publishers. New York.
DORNBUSCH, R.. S. FISCHER e R. STARTZ (1998), Macroeconomia, McGraw Hill, 7ª ed.
Lisboa. FERRAZ, A (2002), Análise Macroeconómica, Escolar Editora SANTOS, J., J. BRAGA,
M. TEIXEIRA e M. A. AUBYN (1994), Macroeconomia Exercícios e Teoria, McGraw-Hill,
Lisboa. Textos de Apoio (produzidos pelos docentes).
Maria João Cabral Almeida Ribeiro Thompson
Carga Horária: 4
Métodos de Ensino: Lectures; study cases.
Métodos de Avaliação:
Final examination or, optionally, students can do two tests during the lectures period plus partial
Língua de Instrução: Portuguese
Créditos ECTS: 6
2303N3 - Microeconomic Analysis
Regime: S1
Tipo: Compulsory
Consumer theory: preferences and utility; budget constraint; choice; Marshallian and Hicksian
demand functions; indirect utility function; Roy's identity; Slutsky equation. Theory of the firm:
technology; cost minimization; cost function; Shephard's lemma; profit maximization; profit
function; Hotelling's lemma. Costs. Perfect competition. Exchange: Edgeworth box, equilibrium;
Resultados de Aprendizagem:
Introduce the principles and concepts that are relevant to current microeconomics policies and
problems Ability t to apply economic reasoning when analyzing agents’ behavior and its welfare
Mateus Abel e Margarida Mateus (2001), Microeconomia.Teoria e Aplicações, Editorial Verbo
Frank R.(1997), Microeconomia e Comportamento, Mc Graw Hill, Lisboa 3ª ed. Varian H.
(1999) Intermediate Microeconomics 5th ed:W.W. Norton. New York.
Paula Alexandra Correia Veloso Veiga
Carga Horária: 5
Métodos de Ensino: Lectures and problem solving.
Métodos de Avaliação:
Students may choose between: a) two partial exams or b) final exam.
Língua de Instrução: Portuguese
Créditos ECTS: 6
2303N1 - Quantitative Methods III
Regime: S1
Tipo: Compulsory
Part I- Introduction to probability theory: Probability; Random unidimensional and bidimensional
variables; Expectations of a random variable; Discrete Random Variables and Probability
Distributions (Uniform distribution, Binomial distribution and Poisson distribution); Continuous
Random Variables and Probability Distributions (Uniform distribution, Normal distribution, tstudent and F-snedcor distributions ). Part II- Statistical Inference: Sampling and sampling
distributions, Point estimation and Interval estimation.
Resultados de Aprendizagem:
The purpose is to provide the students with the concepts and techniques of probability theory,
sampling and statistical inference which they will need in their degree and future jobs.
Newbold, Paul (1995), Statistics for Business and Economics. Prentice Hall International
Editions; Murteira, Bento; Ribeiro, Carlos Silva; Silva, João Andrade e; Pimenta, Carlos (2002),
Introdução à Estatística, McGraw-Hill; Larson, Harold J. (1982), Introduction to Probability
Theory and Statistical Inference, 3rd edition, John Wiley & Sons; Hogg, R. V.; Tanis, E. (1997),
Probability and Statistical Inference, 5th edition, Prentice Hall ; Wonnacott, Thomas e
Wonnacott, Ronald (1993), Introductory Statistics for Business and Economics, 4th edition, John
Wiley and Sons, Toronto.
Rosa Branca Silva Vilas-Boas Esteves
Carga Horária: 5
Métodos de Ensino: Lectures and practical classes.
Métodos de Avaliação:
Final examination or, optionally, students can do two tests during the lectures period.
Língua de Instrução: Portuguese
Créditos ECTS: 6,5
2303N5 - Sources and Methods of Statistic Information
Regime: S1
Tipo: Compulsory
This course focus on the process of gathering and analysis of statistical information. It analyses
the several stages of an empirical study. Several sources of statistical information are described.
Sampling theory and methods are explored.
Resultados de Aprendizagem:
provide a guidebook on procedures for a valid empirical study
Bravo, r. Sierra (1991) Técnicas de investigación social - teoria y ejercicios. Madrid: editorial
paraninfo. Pardal, l.; Correia, e. (1995) Métodos e técnicas de investigação social. Lisboa: areal
editores. Vicente, p.; Reis, e.; Ferrão, f. (1996) Sondagens - a amostragem como factor decisivo
de qualidade. Lisboa: edições sílabo.
Priscila Andrea Marques Ferreira
Carlos Alberto Arriaga Taboleiros Costa
Carga Horária: 4
Métodos de Ensino: Lecturers have a strong empirical component.
Métodos de Avaliação:
A final examination and a group term paper. The exam has a weight of 50% of the overall grade.
Língua de Instrução: Portuguese
Créditos ECTS: 6
2304N2 - Financial Analysis
Regime: S2
Tipo: Compulsory
Introduction; Fundamentals of Financial Accounting; Basic Instruments and Techniques of
Financial Analysis: comparison of accounting statements, ratio analysis; Short-term and LongTerm Financial Equilibrium: working capital decisions, cash flow analysis, causes and solutions
to financial failure; Analysis of Risk and Return: economic and financial rates of return, operating
and financial leverage, break even analysis, value-added of the firm and efficiency ratios. New
Approaches to Financial Analysis: measuring the value of a company.
Basic Concepts of Financial Accounting.
Resultados de Aprendizagem:
Comprehension of the importance of the financial function and the role of the financial manager;
Reading and comprehension of the accounting statements; Application of the methods and
techniques of financial analysis, in order to assess the financial equilibrium and economic
efficiency of the firm; Understanding the risk-return relationship.
MOREIRA, José António (1999). Análise Financeira de Empresas - Da Teoria à Prática, 3ª ed.,
IMC, Porto; NEVES, João Carvalho das (2000). Análise Financeira: Vol. I - Técnicas
Fundamentais, 11ª ed., Texto Editora, Lisboa; NEVES, João Carvalho das (2000). Análise
Financeira: Avaliação do desempenho baseado na criação de valor para o accionista, 1ª ed., Texto
Editora, Lisboa; BREALEY, Richard A.; MYERS, Stewart C. (1996). Principles of Corporate
Finance, 5th ed., McGraw-Hill International.
Florinda Conceição Cerejeira Campos Silva
Carga Horária: 4
Métodos de Ensino:
Lectures and practical sessions.
Métodos de Avaliação:
Choice between: final examination (written exam - 100%) or final examination (written exam 70%) and group work (30%).
Língua de Instrução: Portuguese
Créditos ECTS: 6
2304N4 - Industrial Economics
Regime: S2
Tipo: Compulsory
The first two thirds of the course covers the basics of competition, monopoly, oligopoly, and
monopolistic competition. The other third covers more specialized topics in Industrial
organization such as price discrimination, predatory and limiting pricing.
Resultados de Aprendizagem:
Develop an understanding of the "works" of different market structures and apply microeconomic
theory to the study of particular market strategies.
Dennis W. Carlton, Jeffrey M Perloff, Modern Industrial Organization (Harper Collins College
Publishers, USA, 1994) Alexis Jacquemin, Economia Industrial Europeia (Biblioteca de Estudos
económicos, Edições 70, Portugal, 1979), Cabral, Luis, Economia Industrial ( Mc Graw Hill,
1994); Phlips Louis, The Economics of Price Discrimination (Cambridge University Press,
Londres e Nova York, 1983)
Carla Angélica Silva Pinto Sá
Carlos Alberto Arriaga Taboleiros Costa
Carga Horária: 4
Métodos de Ensino:
Theoretical lecturers are for the most part descriptive using both algebraic and diagrammatic
tools. In some instances lectures are based on case studies. Students are expected to participate in
class and to do some independent study based on the materials provided.
Métodos de Avaliação:
Partial exams and Final examination.
Língua de Instrução: Portuguese
Créditos ECTS: 5,5
2304N3 - Macroeconomic Analysis II
Regime: S2
Tipo: Compulsory
I - Introduction
II - Unemployment, Inflation and the Phillips Curve
III - Aggregate Supply Models and Macroeconomic Equilibrium Models
VI - Some Microeconomics of fundamental macroeconomic variables: consumption; investment;
money demand and supply
VII - Consensus and divergent areas in Macroeconomics.
Resultados de Aprendizagem:
To continue the formation of students at an intermediate level in macroeconomics; to introduce
students in the analysis of relevant data basis (bibliography and statistical).
Mankiw, N.G. (2003), Macroeconomics, 6ª ed. Worth Publishers. New York.
Shone, Ronald (2001), An Introduction to Economic Dynamics, Cambridge University Press.
Fernando Manuel Almeida Alexandre
Carga Horária: 5
Métodos de Ensino:
Lectures and classes.
Métodos de Avaliação:
A test: 30%; assignments: 10%; Final exam: 60%.
Língua de Instrução: Portuguese
Créditos ECTS: 6
2304N5 - Public Finance
Regime: S2
Tipo: Compulsory
Introduction to the study of public finance. Public expenditures. Public revenues. The Portuguese
National budget. Fiscal policy. Fiscal federalism. Fiscal interdependencies in the European
Resultados de Aprendizagem:
This course intends to provide the students strong knowledge on issues related to public
intervention in the economy, through a public finance point of view. For each topic of the
syllabus the theoretical foundations are taught and the Portuguese reality is analyzed in an
international context, namely that of the European Union.
Stiglitz, Joseph (2000), Economics of the Public Sector, 3ª ed., W. W. Norton & Company, New
Rosen, Harvey S. (2004), Public Finance, 7ª ed., Irwin McGraw-Hill.
For each topic of the syllabus specific bibliography will be advised, as well as the relevant
legislation and notes produced by the teacher.
Linda Rosa Fonseca Gonçalves Veiga
Carga Horária: 4
Métodos de Ensino: Lectures.
Métodos de Avaliação:
Students can choose between: a) final examination; b) 2 evaluation tests (50% each); c) 2
evaluation tests (70%) and a group work (30%).
Língua de Instrução: Portuguese. The final exam can be written in English.
Créditos ECTS: 6
2304N1 - Quantitative Methods IV
Regime: S2
Tipo: Compulsory
Correlation analysis. The nature of regression analysis. The classical linear regression model.
Simple regression model: estimation and inference. Extensions of the simple, linear regression
Resultados de Aprendizagem:
This course is an introduction to the theory and practice of econometrics. It is intended to provide
an elementary introduction to the econometric methodology without resorting to matrix algebra,
or statistics beyond an elementary level. This methodology is illustrated with examples from
various areas of economics and business.
Damodar N. Gujarati(1995), Basic Econometrics, McGraw-Hill: NY, 3ª ed.
Natália Maria Sá Figueiredo Pimenta Monteiro
Carga Horária: 5
Métodos de Ensino:
Lectures and practical classes.
Métodos de Avaliação:
Two tests (45% each) or a final examination (90%) and participation and presence in the classes
Língua de Instrução: Portuguese
Créditos ECTS: 6,5
2305N2 - Development Economics I
Regime: S1
Tipo: Compulsory
1. Solow's [1956] neoclassical model. 2. The AK growth model. 3. Romer's [1990] endogenous
growth model. 4. Lucas's [1988] endogenous growth model. 5. Comparison of the growth models
in terms of the ways they obtain a constant marginal productivity of capital. 6. Other growth
models based on research and development. 7. Other growth models based on human capital.
Resultados de Aprendizagem:
The main objective consists in studying analytically the main growth models of the most recent
growth literature, from Solow’s[1956] neoclassical model into endogenous growth models with
relevance given to Romer’s [1990] research and development based model and Lucas’s[1988]
human capital based model. We analyse the importance of technological progress and of human
capital accumulation as the engines of sustained positive per-capita growth in the long-run.
Dornbusch,R. , S.Fischer e R.Startz (1998), Macroeconomia, McGraw Hill, 7ª ed. Lisboa.; Jones,
C. 1998, Introduction to Economic Growth, N&C.; Ribeiro, M-J [forthcoming], Endogenous
Growth: theoretical Investigations and Developments. PhD thesis. University Warwick.
Maria João Cabral Almeida Ribeiro Thompson
Carga Horária: 4
Métodos de Ensino: Lectures.
Métodos de Avaliação:
Final examination and short individual essay.
Língua de Instrução: Portuguese
Créditos ECTS: 5
2305N7 - Monetary Economics
Regime: S1
Tipo: Compulsory
The functions of money. Financial systems and economy financing. Banks and the supply of
money. The demand for money. The level and the structure of interest rates. Monetary policy face
EU environment.
Resultados de Aprendizagem:
This subject intends to familiarize the students with the institutions, concepts, models, and
politics of money and the financing of the economy
Barata, J. M. (1998), Moeda e mercados financeiros, edição de autor, Lisboa; Marques, W.
(1998), Moeda e instituições financeiras, D. Quixote ed., Lisboa Lewis, Mervyn K. e Mizen, Paul
D. (2000), Monetary Economics, Oxford University Press, New York. Ferraz, António (2002).
Economia Monetária Internacional: Teoria e Prática. Escolar Editora. Lisboa.
Ermelinda Amélia Veloso Costa Lopes Fernandes Silva
Carga Horária: 4
Métodos de Ensino: Lectures.
Métodos de Avaliação:
Final examination.
Língua de Instrução: Portuguese
Créditos ECTS: 5
2305N5 - Option I
Regime: S1
Tipo: Optional
Health Economics - Economics, health and health care: The market mechanism and the health
care sector. Demand for health and health care: Theories of investment, imperfect information
and uncertainty. Organizing the provision of health care: The supply and the financing of health
care. Outcomes and performance evaluation: The economic evaluation Equity in health care
finance and provision.
Economics of Firm - Firm versus Market: Two alternative institutions to organize economic
activities; Economic theories of firm; Firms' creation and growth; Corporate governance.
Insurance and Actuarial Mathematics - Insurance Economics: utility theory; insurance and
utility; optimal insurance. Life insurance mathematics: survival distributions and life tables; life
insurance. The Portuguese insurance market.
Accounting Practices and Techniques I - PART I: Introduction; Fundamental Concepts PART II:
The Accounting Oficial Plan (POC); Financial Statements; Availability (cash and banks; Stocks;
State and other Public Entities' Accounts; Other Operations; Fixed Assets: End of period
International Organisations - The role of international organisations in the international political
system. The study of universal organisations (UN, UNESCO, ILO and WTO); regional
organisations (OAS, AU, EC, OECD and EU); security and defense organisations (WEU, OSCE
and NATO); and linguistic/cultural organisations (Community of Portuguese Speaking
Health Economics - None.
Economics of Firm - Students should have knowledge on microeconomics analysis and industrial
Insurance and Actuarial Mathematics - None.
Accounting Practices and Techniques I - None.
International Organisations - None.
Resultados de Aprendizagem:
Health Economics - Introduce students to the economic problems of health and health care and
the role of the economist in working with medical professionals and policy-makers in providing
potential solutions for these problems.
Economics of Firm - understand the main elements of economic theories of firm; understand the
chief determinants of firms' dynamics; be able to use economic concepts and methods to analyse
and interpret real-world firms' behaviour.
Insurance and Actuarial Mathematics - The purposes are to introduce the students to Insurance
Economics and to Actuarial Mathematics and to provide them with some knowledge about the
Portuguese insurance market.
Accounting Practices and Techniques I - Application of the Portuguese accountig standard and
design future developments.
International Organisations - To understand the role of international organisations in the
international political system.
Health Economics - Folland, S., Goodman, A. and Stano. M. (1997) The Economics of Health
and Health Care. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. International and National Articles in the health
economics area.
Economics of Firm - Buckley, P. J. and Michie, J., (1996), Firms, Organizations and Contracts,
Oxford: OUP. Hart, O., (1995), Firms, Contracts and Financial Structure, Oxford: OUP.
Putterman, L. and Kroszner, R. S., (1996), The Economic Nature of the Firm, Cambridge: CUP.
Insurance and Actuarial Mathematics - Bowers, N. L.; Gerber, H. U.; Hickman, J. C.; Jones, D.
A. e Nesbitt, C. J. (1997), Actuarial Mathematics, The Society of Actuaries, Schaumburg, Illinois.
Several reports and booklets published by the Instituto de Seguros de Portugal and the Associação
Portuguesa de Seguradores.
Accounting Practices and Techniques I - Borges, António; Rodrigues, Azevedo e Rodrigues,
Rogério (1997), Elementos de Contabilidade Geral. Lisboa: Rei dos Livros Borges, António e
Ferrão, Martins (1997), Manual de Casos Práticos. 8ª Edição. Lisboa: Rei dos Livros Costa, C.
Baptista e Alves, G. (2001), Contabilidade Financeira. 4ª Edição. Lisboa: Rei dos Livros Plano
Oficial de Contas (POC).
International Organisations - Archer, Clive (2001) International Organizations, London:
Routledge; Campos, João Mota de (1999) Organizações Internacionais. Teoria geral. Estudo
monográfico das principais organizações internacionais de que Portugal é membro, Lisboa:
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
Natália Maria Carvalho Barbosa
Isabel Maria Ferraz Cordeiro
Cláudio Filipe Ferreira Silva
Maria Elvira Costa Madeira Lima
José António Passos Palmeira
Carga Horária: 4
Métodos de Ensino:
Health Economics - Lectures and discussion.
Economics of Firm - Exposition of the material using computer and slides; Constant interaction
between students and professor.
Insurance and Actuarial Mathematics - Lectures and practical classes.
Regulatory Economics and Competition Policy - Lectures and practical classes.
Accounting Practices and Techniques I - Lectures.
International Organisations - Exposition of the subject and interaction with the students.
Métodos de Avaliação:
Health Economics - Class Presentation; Final exam; and Term Paper.
Economics of Firm - Participation in the classes and final examination.
Insurance and Actuarial Mathematics - One team work and a final examination.
Accounting Practices and Techniques I - Final Examination.
International Organisations - Final examination.
Língua de Instrução: Portuguese
Créditos ECTS: 5
2305N6 - Option II
Regime: S1
Tipo: Optional
Health Economics - Economics, health and health care: The market mechanism and the health
care sector. Demand for health and health care: Theories of investment, imperfect information
and uncertainty. Organizing the provision of health care: The supply and the financing of health
care. Outcomes and performance evaluation: The economic evaluation Equity in health care
finance and provision.
Economics of Firm - Firm versus Market: Two alternative institutions to organize economic
activities; Economic theories of firm; Firms' creation and growth; Corporate governance.
Insurance and Actuarial Mathematics - Insurance Economics: utility theory; insurance and
utility; optimal insurance. Life insurance mathematics: survival distributions and life tables; life
insurance. The Portuguese insurance market.
Accounting Practices and Techniques I - PART I: Introduction; Fundamental Concepts PART II:
The Accounting Oficial Plan (POC); Financial Statements; Availability (cash and banks; Stocks;
State and other Public Entities' Accounts; Other Operations; Fixed Assets: End of period
International Organisations - The role of international organisations in the international political
system. The study of universal organisations (UN, UNESCO, ILO and WTO); regional
organisations (OAS, AU, EC, OECD and EU); security and defense organisations (WEU, OSCE
and NATO); and linguistic/cultural organisations (Community of Portuguese Speaking
Health Economics - None.
Economics of Firm - Students should have knowledge on microeconomics analysis and industrial
Insurance and Actuarial Mathematics - None.
Accounting Practices and Techniques I - None.
International Organisations - None.
Resultados de Aprendizagem:
Health Economics - Introduce students to the economic problems of health and health care and
the role of the economist in working with medical professionals and policy-makers in providing
potential solutions for these problems.
Economics of Firm - Understand the main elements of economic theories of firm; understand the
chief determinants of firms' dynamics; be able to use economic concepts and methods to analyse
and interpret real-world firms' behaviour.
Insurance and Actuarial Mathematics - The purposes are to introduce the students to Insurance
Economics and to Actuarial Mathematics and to provide them with some knowledge about the
Portuguese insurance market.
Accounting Practices and Techniques I - Application of the Portuguese accountig standard and
design future developments.
International Organisations - To understand the role of international organisations in the
international political system.
Health Economics - Folland, S., Goodman, A. and Stano. M. (1997) The Economics of Health
and Health Care. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. International and National Articles in the health
economics area.
Economics of Firm - Buckley, P. J. and Michie, J., (1996), Firms, Organizations and Contracts,
Oxford: OUP. Hart, O., (1995), Firms, Contracts and Financial Structure, Oxford: OUP.
Putterman, L. and Kroszner, R. S., (1996), The Economic Nature of the Firm, Cambridge: CUP.
Insurance and Actuarial Mathematics - Bowers, N. L.; Gerber, H. U.; Hickman, J. C.; Jones, D.
A. e Nesbitt, C. J. (1997), Actuarial Mathematics, The Society of Actuaries, Schaumburg, Illinois.
Several reports and booklets published by the Instituto de Seguros de Portugal and the Associação
Portuguesa de Seguradores.
Accounting Practices and Techniques I - Borges, António; Rodrigues, Azevedo e Rodrigues,
Rogério (1997), Elementos de Contabilidade Geral. Lisboa: Rei dos Livros Borges, António e
Ferrão, Martins (1997), Manual de Casos Práticos. 8ª Edição. Lisboa: Rei dos Livros Costa, C.
Baptista e Alves, G. (2001), Contabilidade Financeira. 4ª Edição. Lisboa: Rei dos Livros Plano
Oficial de Contas (POC).
International Organisations - Archer, Clive (2001) International Organizations, London:
Routledge; Campos, João Mota de (1999) Organizações Internacionais. Teoria geral. Estudo
monográfico das principais organizações internacionais de que Portugal é membro, Lisboa:
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
Natália Maria Carvalho Barbosa
Isabel Maria Ferraz Cordeiro
Ana Cristina Brandão Fernandes
Cláudio Filipe Ferreira Silva
Maria Elvira Costa Madeira Lima
José António Passos Palmeira
Carga Horária: 4
Métodos de Ensino:
Health Economics - Lectures and discussion.
Economics of Firm - Exposition of the material using computer and slides; Constant interaction
between students and professor.
Insurance and Actuarial Mathematics - Lectures and practical classes.
Regulatory Economics and Competition Policy - Lectures and practical classes.
Accounting Practices and Techniques I - Lectures.
International Organisations - Exposition of the subject and interaction with the students.
Métodos de Avaliação:
Health Economics - Class Presentation; Final exam; and Term Paper.
Economics of Firm - Participation in the classes and final examination.
Insurance and Actuarial Mathematics - One team work and a final examination.
Accounting Practices and Techniques I - Final Examination.
International Organisations - Final examination.
Língua de Instrução: Portuguese
Créditos ECTS: 5
2305N3 - Public Economics
Regime: S1
Tipo: Compulsory
1. The Study of Public Economics; 2. Relevant Theoretical Concepts; 3. The Economic Rationale
of the State; 4. Public Goods and Private Goods Provided by the State; 5. Externalities; 6. Public
Production; 7. Regulation and Public Policies; 8. Public Expenditure and Efficiency; 9. CostBenefit Analysis; 10. The Analysis of Public Intervention Policies; 11. Fiscal Revenues; 12.
Macroeconomic Intervention.
Resultados de Aprendizagem:
This subject intends to familiarize the students with the reasons for public intervention in the
economy, as well as the main problems that it arises. The advantages and disadvantages of public
intervention are also discussed. Finally, a critical analysis of public policies in Portugal is
[1] Albi, E., J. M. González-Páramo e I. Zubiri (2000): Economía Pública I: Fundamentos,
Presupuesto y Gasto, Aspectos Macroeconómicos. Ariel Economía, Barcelona; [2] Barbosa,
António S. Pinto (1997), Economia Pública, McGraw-Hill, Lisbon; [3] De Rus, G. (2001):
Análisis Coste-Beneficio. Ariel Economía, Barcelona; [4] Stiglitz, J. (2000): Economics of the
Public Sector, 3º Edition, W. W. Norton & Company, New York; [5] Vickrey, W. (1994): Public
Economics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Francisco Carballo Cruz
Carga Horária: 4
Métodos de Ensino: Lectures.
Métodos de Avaliação:
Final examination.
Língua de Instrução: Portuguese.
Créditos ECTS: 5
2305N1 - Theory of International Trade I
Regime: S1
Tipo: Compulsory
I. Introduction II Classical theory of international trade III. Hecksher-Ohlin-Samuelson (H-O-S)
model IV-International trade and income distribution V- Empirical tests of the H-O-S model VIThe new international trade theory
Resultados de Aprendizagem:
Introduce the basic international trade theory concepts and models. Apply the concepts and
models to understanding case studies
Proença, Margarida, Lições de Comércio Internacional-Uma Visão Europeia Krugman, Paul e
M.Obstfeld, International Economics, Theory and Policy, Harper Collins College Publishers,
caps: 1-5,7 Caves, Richard, J.A.Frenkel e R.Jones (1996), World Trade and Payments, Harper
Collins College Publishers Melo,Jaime e J-M.Grether (1997), Commerce International – Théories
and Applications, De Boeck Université. Salvatore,Dominick (1990), International Economics,
Maxwell MacMillan
Maria Margarida Santos Proença Almeida
Carga Horária: 4
Métodos de Ensino: Lectures.
Métodos de Avaliação:
Final examination.
Língua de Instrução: Portuguese
Créditos ECTS: 5
2306N3 - Development Economics II
Regime: S2
Tipo: Compulsory
Development strategies and trade; State, institutions, governance and development; Poverty,
income inequalities and Social Security Nets.
Resultados de Aprendizagem:
This course aims at studying economic development from the least developed countries'
perspective. Students should be able to identify developing countries' specificities, obstacles to
development and discuss State-market articulation.
RAY, Debraj (1998) Development Economics POMFRET, Richard (1997), Development
Economics, Londres : Prentice Hall BARRO, Robert (1997), « Economic Growth and
Convergence », in Determinants of Economic Growth: A Cross- Country Empirical Study,
Cambridge, Mas. : MIT Press, pp. 1-48 MEIER, Gerald (1995) Leading Issues in Economic
Development, New York: Oxford Univesity Press STIGLITZ, Joseph (1998), More Instruments
and Broader Goals: Moving to the Post-Washington Consensus, in
Van der HOEVEN, Rolph (2000), Poverty and Structural Adjustment. Some Remarks on
Tradeoffs Between Equity and Growth in
Cristina Maria Soeiro Matos
Carga Horária: 4
Métodos de Ensino: Lectures.
Métodos de Avaliação:
Final examination; Students can choose to present a 20 page report (course presentation is
Língua de Instrução: Portuguese
Créditos ECTS: 5
2306N7 - Econometrics
Regime: S2
Tipo: Compulsory
Introduction. Multiple Regression Analysis: Estimation and Inference (Review). Prediction.
Binary variables. Specification analysis. Simultaneous-Equation Models. Binary choice models.
Resultados de Aprendizagem:
This course is concerned with the development of econometric methods, their assumptions, uses,
and limitations. It is intended to provide students with a working knowledge of econometric
techniques for conducting applied economics research.
Damodar N. Gujarati(1995), Basic Econometrics, McGraw-Hill: NY, 3rd ed.
Wooldridge, Jeffrey M. (2000) Introductory Econometrics, A Modern Approach, South-Western
College Publishing.
Greene, W. H. (2000) Econometric Analysis, 4th edition, Prentice-Hall.
Mendes de Oliveira, M.; Aguiar, A.; Carvalho, A.; Martins, F.; Mendes, V.; Portugal, P.(1999)
Econometria: Exercícios, McGraw-Hill
Natália Maria Carvalho Barbosa
Carla Angélica Silva Pinto Sá
Carga Horária: 5
Métodos de Ensino:
Exposition of the material using computer and slides. Practical exercises performed in computer.
Métodos de Avaliação:
Work group (20%), 2 mid-term assignments (20%), and final examination (60%).
Língua de Instrução: Portuguese
Créditos ECTS: 5,5
2306N5 - Option III
Regime: S2
Tipo: Optional
Regulatory Economics and Competition Policy - Competition policy: history, objectives and the
law. Market definition and the assessment of market power. Collusion and horizontal agreements:
what should be legal and what illegal? Merger Policy: vertical restraints and vertical mergers.
Abusive practices. Case studies.
Monetary Integration - Part I: Costs and benefits of Monetary Union The costs of a common
currency. The theory of optimum currency areas. The benefits of a common currency.
Comparison of the Costs and benefits of a common currency. Part II: Monetary Union Incomplete
monetary unions. The transition to a monetary union. The European Central Bank. Monetary
policy in Euroland. Fiscal policies and monetary unions. EMU and the international monetary
Labour Economics - Labour supply; Labour demand; Equilibrium and impact of the minimum
wage; Wage differentials: theories and evidence; Unemployment: theories and evidence; Trade
union action: theories and evidence.
Accounting Practices Techniques II - 1. Companies. 2. Capital and companies and reserves;
changes in capital 3. Companies' creation and other issues. 4. Financial investments: short and
permanent investments 5. Accounts consolidation.
Modernization and State Reform - Introduction. Models of administrative change. Resistance to
change. New approaches to administrative reform. Administrative reform in OECD countries.
Administrative reform in Portugal.
Regulatory Economics and Competition Policy - None.
Monetary Integration - None.
Labour Economics - Basic microeconomics; - mathematics: constrained optimization and
differential calculus; - basic econometrics.
Applied Economics Project - None.
Accounting Practices Techniques II - None.
Modernization and State Reform - None.
Resultados de Aprendizagem:
Regulatory Economics and Competition Policy - Students should be able to explain, justify and
analyze the economic effects of competition law and regulatory schemes with a special attention
given to Portuguese and European Union' Law.
Monetary Integration - understand the economic implications of monetary integration evaluate
the costs and benefits of EMU.
Labour Economics - The course focuses on the theoretical and empirical analysis of the behaviour
of economic agents in the labour market. At the end of the semester, students should: - be able to
discuss with a rigorous scientific basis current topics in labour economics; - know stilized facts
about the Portuguese labour market, comparing it to other countries; - have learnt how to write a
scientific report; - understand articles in scientific journals with a light or medium technical
complexity; - analyse in a critical sense articles in newspapers.
Accounting Practices Techniques II - Competency to recognise and record accounting facts as
related to limited companies creation and capital changes. Accounting record of short and
permanent financial investments. Competency to recognise different accounting consolidation
techniques of economic groups.
Modernization and State Reform - To understand the concept of reform and change. To analyse
the theories of administrative reform. To analyse administrative reform in OCDE countries and
Regulatory Economics and Competition Policy - Motta, Massimo, Competition Policy: theory
and practice, Cambridge, 2004. Viscusi, W.; Vernon, John; Harrington, Joseph, Economics of
regulation and Anti-trust, Third Edition, MIT Press, 2000 (BGUM 338.45.01-V).
Monetary Integration - De Grauwe, Paul (2003), Economics of Monetary Union, 5th edition,
Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Labour Economics - George J. Borjas (1996) Labor Economics. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Applied Economics Project - Blaugh, Mark (1992). A Metodologia da Economia. Gradiva, 1994.
Popper, Karl (1963). Conjecturas e Refutações. Almedina, 2003. Eco, Umberto (1980). Como
fazer uma tese? Editorial Presença, 9 edª., 2002.
Accounting Practices Techniques II - SILVA,F.V. Gonçalves, J. M. Esteves,(1994),contabilidade
das sociedades, 10ª edição, Platano, Lisboa. Costa, Carlos Baptista da; Alves Gabriel Correia,
(1996), contabilidade Financeira, Rei dos Livros, Lisboa. Rivero, José (1994) Contabilidad de
Sociedades, Trivium S.A. , Madrid.
Modernization and State Reform - Araújo, Joaquim Filipe Ferraz Esteves de, 1993, Tendências de
Reforma da Administração Pública na Comunidade, particularmente em Portugal, Dissertação de
Mestrado, Universidade do Minho, Braga. Araújo, Joaquim Filipe Ferraz Esteves de, 2002,
"Considerações Sobre o Conceito de Reforma Administrativa", Revista de Administração e
Políticas Públicas, Vol. 2, Nº 2, pp. 60-63. Araújo, Joaquim Filipe Ferraz Esteves de, 2002,
"Tendências Recentes de Abordagem à Reforma Administrativa", Revista de Administração e
Políticas Públicas, Vol. 1, Nº 1, pp. 38-47. Araújo, Joaquim Filipe Ferraz Esteves de, 2002,
Gestão Pública em Portugal: mudança e persistência institucional, Quarteto Editora, Coimbra.
Caiden, Gerald E., 1991, Administrative Reform Comes of Age, Walter de Gruyter, New York.
Joaquim Filipe Ferraz Esteves Araújo
Francisco José Alves Coelho Veiga
Maria Lurdes Castro Martins
Miguel Ângelo Reis Portela
Cláudio Filipe Ferreira Silva
Carga Horária: 4
Métodos de Ensino:
Regulatory Economics and Competition Policy - Lectures and practical classes.
Monetary Integration - Exposition of the material using MS Powerpoint slides; Constant
interaction between students and professor.
Labour Economics - Lectures and problem solving.
Accounting Practices Techniques II - Theoretical and practical classes. Realisation of Case
Modernization and State Reform - Lectures followed by discussion of topics.
Métodos de Avaliação:
Regulatory Economics and Competition Policy - Final examination only, or final and
midsemester examinations.
Monetary Integration - Final examination and a group assignement.
Labour Economics - Six short individual assignments using the WWW; Group term paper; Final
Accounting Practices Techniques II - Final Exam.
Modernization and State Reform - Written exam and term paper.
Língua de Instrução: Portuguese
Créditos ECTS: 5
2306N6 - Option IV
Regime: S2
Tipo: Optional
Regulatory Economics and Competition Policy - Competition policy: history, objectives and the
law. Market definition and the assessment of market power. Collusion and horizontal agreements:
what should be legal and what illegal? Merger Policy: vertical restraints and vertical mergers.
Abusive practices. Case studies.
Monetary Integration - Part I: Costs and benefits of Monetary Union The costs of a common
currency. The theory of optimum currency areas. The benefits of a common currency.
Comparison of the Costs and benefits of a common currency. Part II: Monetary Union Incomplete
monetary unions. The transition to a monetary union. The European Central Bank. Monetary
policy in Euroland. Fiscal policies and monetary unions. EMU and the international monetary
Labour Economics - Labour supply; Labour demand; Equilibrium and impact of the minimum
wage; Wage differentials: theories and evidence; Unemployment: theories and evidence; Trade
union action: theories and evidence.
Accounting Practices Techniques II - 1. Companies. 2. Capital and companies and reserves;
changes in capital 3. Companies' creation and other issues. 4. Financial investments: short and
permanent investments 5. Accounts consolidation.
Modernization and State Reform - Introduction. Models of administrative change. Resistance to
change. New approaches to administrative reform. Administrative reform in OECD countries.
Administrative reform in Portugal.
Regulatory Economics and Competition Policy - None.
Monetary Integration - None.
Labour Economics - Basic microeconomics; - mathematics: constrained optimization and
differential calculus; - basic econometrics.
Applied Economics Project - None.
Accounting Practices Techniques II - None.
Modernization and State Reform - None.
Resultados de Aprendizagem:
Regulatory Economics and Competition Policy - Students should be able to explain, justify and
analyze the economic effects of competition law and regulatory schemes with a special attention
given to Portuguese and European Union' Law.
Monetary Integration - understand the economic implications of monetary integration evaluate
the costs and benefits of EMU.
Labour Economics - The course focuses on the theoretical and empirical analysis of the behaviour
of economic agents in the labour market. At the end of the semester, students should: - be able to
discuss with a rigorous scientific basis current topics in labour economics; - know stilized facts
about the Portuguese labour market, comparing it to other countries; - have learnt how to write a
scientific report; - understand articles in scientific journals with a light or medium technical
complexity; - analyse in a critical sense articles in newspapers.
Accounting Practices Techniques II - Competency to recognise and record accounting facts as
related to limited companies creation and capital changes. Accounting record of short and
permanent financial investments. Competency to recognise different accounting consolidation
techniques of economic groups.
Modernization and State Reform - To understand the concept of reform and change. To analyse
the theories of administrative reform. To analyse administrative reform in OCDE countries and
Regulatory Economics and Competition Policy - Motta, Massimo, Competition Policy: theory
and practice, Cambridge, 2004. Viscusi, W.; Vernon, John; Harrington, Joseph, Economics of
regulation and Anti-trust, Third Edition, MIT Press, 2000 (BGUM 338.45.01-V).
Monetary Integration - De Grauwe, Paul (2003), Economics of Monetary Union, 5th edition,
Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Labour Economics - George J. Borjas (1996) Labor Economics. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Applied Economics Project - Blaugh, Mark (1992). A Metodologia da Economia. Gradiva, 1994.
Popper, Karl (1963). Conjecturas e Refutações. Almedina, 2003. Eco, Umberto (1980). Como
fazer uma tese? Editorial Presença, 9 edª., 2002.
Accounting Practices Techniques II - SILVA,F.V. Gonçalves, J. M. Esteves,(1994),contabilidade
das sociedades, 10ª edição, Platano, Lisboa. Costa, Carlos Baptista da; Alves Gabriel Correia,
(1996), contabilidade Financeira, Rei dos Livros, Lisboa. Rivero, José (1994) Contabilidad de
Sociedades, Trivium S.A. , Madrid.
Modernization and State Reform - Araújo, Joaquim Filipe Ferraz Esteves de, 1993, Tendências de
Reforma da Administração Pública na Comunidade, particularmente em Portugal, Dissertação de
Mestrado, Universidade do Minho, Braga. Araújo, Joaquim Filipe Ferraz Esteves de, 2002,
"Considerações Sobre o Conceito de Reforma Administrativa", Revista de Administração e
Políticas Públicas, Vol. 2, Nº 2, pp. 60-63. Araújo, Joaquim Filipe Ferraz Esteves de, 2002,
"Tendências Recentes de Abordagem à Reforma Administrativa", Revista de Administração e
Políticas Públicas, Vol. 1, Nº 1, pp. 38-47. Araújo, Joaquim Filipe Ferraz Esteves de, 2002,
Gestão Pública em Portugal: mudança e persistência institucional, Quarteto Editora, Coimbra.
Caiden, Gerald E., 1991, Administrative Reform Comes of Age, Walter de Gruyter, New York.
Joaquim Filipe Ferraz Esteves Araújo
Francisco José Alves Coelho Veiga
Maria Lurdes Castro Martins
Miguel Ângelo Reis Portela
Paulo Jorge Costa Ventura
Cláudio Filipe Ferreira Silva
Carga Horária: 4
Métodos de Ensino:
Regulatory Economics and Competition Policy - Lectures and practical classes.
Monetary Integration - Exposition of the material using MS Powerpoint slides; Constant
interaction between students and professor.
Labour Economics - Lectures and problem solving.
Accounting Practices Techniques II - theoretical and practical classes. Realisation of Case
Modernization and State Reform - Lectures followed by discussion of topics.
Métodos de Avaliação:
Regulatory Economics and Competition Policy - Final examination only, or final and
midsemester examinations.
Monetary Integration - Final examination and a group assignement.
Labour Economics - Six short individual assignments using the WWW; Group term paper; Final
Accounting Practices Techniques II - Final Exam.
Modernization and State Reform - Written exam and term paper.
Língua de Instrução: Portuguese
Créditos ECTS: 5
2306N4 - Regional Economics
Regime: S2
Tipo: Compulsory
The notion of space and region. Economic location theories.Regional analysis techniques.
Regional growth theories . Regional development policies . Regional planning: the portuguese
and European Union cases.
Resultados de Aprendizagem:
The main objectives of this course unit are: i) students’ awareness for the implications of space
upon the development of economic phenomena, ii) featuring of some basic tools which convey
regional analysis; iii) definition of the fundamental concepts and theories associated to the
economic activities’ location, human agglomerates and regional development; iv) it envisages to
contribute for the education and training of both technicians and citizens with growing awareness
for the importance of regional planning as far as the populations’ standard of living is concerned.
Costa, José da Silva(ORG.), 2002, Compêndio de Economia Regional, Ed. APDR, coimbra;
Polèse, Mário,1998, Economia urbana e Regional, Ed. APDR, Coimbra; Richardson, Harry
W.,1987, Economia Regional y Urbana, Alianza Editorial, Madrid.
João Carlos Cerejeira Silva
Carga Horária: 4
Métodos de Ensino: Lectures; tutorial work.
Métodos de Avaliação:
Final examination.
Língua de Instrução: Portuguese
Créditos ECTS: 4,5
2306N2 - Theory of International Trade II
Regime: S2
Tipo: Compulsory
Integration and international trade. International trade policy. Foreign Direct Investment and
Multinational firms. Labour migration. Trade, economic growth and economic development.
International monetary and financial markets. Analysis of the Portuguese case.
Resultados de Aprendizagem:
The objectives of this course are to extend the knowledge of students in international economics,
namely in trade policy, factor movements and in topics related to the contribute of international
trade to growth.
Krugman, Paul R. and Maurice Obstefeld (1997), International Economics Theory and Policy,
Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA. Salvatore, Dominick (1995) International Economics, PrenticeHall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ
Manuel Herédia Caldeira Cabral
Maria Margarida Santos Proença Almeida
Carga Horária: 4
Métodos de Ensino: Lectures.
Métodos de Avaliação:
Final examination.
Língua de Instrução: Portuguese
Créditos ECTS: 5
2307N3 - Economics of Innovation and Technology Transfer
Regime: S1
Tipo: Compulsory
Theory of invention and innovation. Markets for technology. Market dynamics and innovation.
Intra-firm and inter-industry diffusion of innovation. Science and technology policies.
Microeconomics, industrial organization and econometrics.
Resultados de Aprendizagem:
Explain the determinants and consequences of the innovation process and the diffusion of new
technologies within firms and markets. Explain firms? innovative behaviour within different
market structures. Provide a framework to design public policies aimed to support innovation and
technological change.
Beije, Paul (1998). Technological Change in the Modern Economy: Basic Topics and New
Developments, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Dodgson, Mark and Rothwell, Roy eds. (1994). The
Handbook of Industrial Innovation, Glos: Edward Elgar. Stoneman, Paul ed. (1994). The
Handbook of Economics of Innovation, (ed.), London: Edward Elgar. Hall, Peter (1994).
Innovation, Economics, & Evolution, Hertfordshire: Harvester Wheatsheaf.
Ana Paula Rodrigues Pereira Faria
Carga Horária: 4
Métodos de Ensino: Lectures.
Métodos de Avaliação:
Final examination and one essay.
Língua de Instrução: Portuguese
Créditos ECTS: 6
2307N6 - International Money and Finance
Regime: S1
Tipo: Compulsory
Part I - Foreign exchange markets and the international financial system: 1) The foreign exchange
market; 2) International money and capital markets; 3) Exchange rate risk and uncovered
international investments; 4) Exchange rate forecasting, risk premia and forward market
efficiency; 5) International capital flows.
Part II - Open-economy macroeconomics: 6) Extensions to the Mundell-Fleming model; 7)
Expectations, exchange rate dynamics and economic policy; 8) Expectations, inflation and
business cycles; 9) Asset markets and exchange rate determination; 10) The Portuguese Balance
of Payments; 11) Approaches to Balance of Payments equilibrium; 12) Currency crises and
speculative attacks.
Part III - The international monetary system and international interdependence and cooperation:
13) The international monetary system; 14) International interdependence and cooperation; 15)
European monetary integration.
Resultados de Aprendizagem:
Undestand financial markets and instruments, and their implications on economic policies;
Understand the working of open-economy macroeconomics and the way in which it differs from
closed-economy macroeconomics.
Rivera-Batiz, Francisco and Luis Rivera-Batiz(1994),International Finance and Open Economy
Macroeconomics, 2nd edition, McMillan, New York. Hallwood , C.P. and R. McDonald (2000)
International Money and Finance, 3rd ed., Blackwell Publishers, Oxford.
Francisco José Alves Coelho Veiga
Carga Horária: 4
Métodos de Ensino: Lectures using transparencies.
Métodos de Avaliação:
Mini-test, focusing of Part I of the program (1/3 of the final grade).
Final examination, focusing on Parts II and III of the program (2/3 of the final grade).
Língua de Instrução: Portuguese
Créditos ECTS: 6
2307N4 - Option V
Regime: S1
Tipo: Optional
Banking and Financial Economics - Part I: Introduction to financial markets The role of financial
activity in the economy. The globalization and the legislation of financial markets. Introduction to
Portfolio theory: Reference models. Analysis of financial markets: main indicators. Application
of reference models to the financial markets. Part II: Banking activities Intermediation in
economics. Main instruments used in banking activity. Credit market and the evaluation of risk.
The performance in the banking industry: Analysis of the balance sheet, income statement and
banking rapports of several banks of the Portuguese banking system.
Applied Economics Project - This course aims at introducing students in research practices in
economics. Therefore, students will be taught the techniques of writing a paper or an economic
report, using the quantitative techniques learned throughout their studies. Several seminars are
organised on research and methodology issues in economics.
Management Accounting I - 1. Introduction - course objectives; concepts and classification of
cost accounting and management accounting. 2. Analytical Income Statement 3. Different ways
to impute costs - Homogeneous Sections. 4. Process cost system: 5. Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis
and Break-even point. 6. Conception of Management Accounting Systems.
Tax Law - 1. Introduction 2. Definition of Tax and related concepts 3. Taxonomy of Taxes 4.
Income Tax 5. Corporate Tax 6. Valued Added Tax 7. Other Taxes.
Deontology in Public Administration - Introduction. Fundamental Question of Ethics in Public
Administration. The Basic Elements of Ethical and Deontological Infrastructure. Ethics and
Deontology in Public Services. Comparative Analysis of Ethics in Management Initiatives. Study
of some Deontological Codes.
Banking and Financial Economics - Final examination and a group assignment.
Applied Economics Project - None.
Management Accounting I - None.
Tax Law - None.
Deontology in Public Administration - None.
Resultados de Aprendizagem:
Banking and Financial Economics - Understand the role of financial activities in the economy;
Practical dominates theoretical approach in this course. It's an applied oriented course.
Applied Economics Project - Be able to write an economic paper using the methodology of
economics, and the statistical and econometrics skills developed during their studies.
Management Accounting I - Introduce the basic concepts of management accounting in order to
prepare students for these matters.
Tax Law - Overview of the Portuguese Tax System; Command of Tax terminology; Ability to
solve effectively case studies involving Income Tax, Corporate Tax and Value Added Tax.
Deontology in Public Administration - To develop the conscience of the deontological questions
and issues concerning them. To develop analytical capabilities in ethical decision making
processes. To develop a behaviour in the workplace based on moral obligation and personal
Banking and Financial Economics - Channon Derek (1995), Bank Strategic Management and
Marketing, 8th edition, John Wiley &Sons, Chichester. New York. Brisbane. Toronto. Singapore.
Chen, Dan (1999), Frontiers in Credit Risk Analysis, Charlottesville Association for Investment
Management and Research cop Cobbaut R, (1992), Théorie Financière, Economica, Paris. Annual
Rapports of the Portuguese Banks Association (A.P.B.).
Applied Economics Project - Blaugh, Mark (1992). A Metodologia da Economia. Gradiva, 1994.
Popper, Karl (1963). Conjecturas e Refutações. Almedina, 2003. Eco, Umberto (1980). Como
fazer uma tese? Editorial Presença, 9 edª., 2002.
Management Accounting I - CAIADO, António Pires - Contabilidade de Gestão, Vislis, Lisboa,
1997. PEREIRA, Carlos Caiano e FRANCO, Vítor Seabra - Contabilidade Analítica, Rei dos
Livros, Lisboa, 2001. NABAIS, Carlos - Contabilidade Analítica de Exploração, 2ª Ed., Ed.
Presença, Lisboa, 1991.
Tax Law - MARTÍNEZ, PEDRO SOARES (1993), Direito Fiscal, 7ª ed., Livraria Almedina,
Coimbra. - NABAIS, JOSÉ CASALTA (2000), Direito Fiscal, Livraria Almedina, Coimbra. ROCHA, ISABEL / ROCHA, JOAQUIM (2003), Legislação Fiscal, 10ª ed., Porto Editora, Porto
- GOMES, NUNO SÁ (2000) Manual de Direito Fiscal: I, 11ª ed., Rei dos Livros, Lisboa; II, 9ª
ed., Rei dos Livros, Lisboa - XAVIER, ALBERTO (1974), Manual de Direito Fiscal, I, FDUL,
Lisboa. - SANCHES, JOSÉ LUÍS SALDANHA (1998), Manual de Direito Fiscal, Lex - Edições
Jurídicas, Lisboa, 1998.
Deontology in Public Administration - Frederickson, George. 1997. The Spirit of Public
Administration. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Moreira, José Manuel. 2000. Ética, Democracia e
Estad Para uma Nova Cultura da Administração Pública. Cascais: Principia. OCDE. 1996. Ethics
in the Public Service. Public Management Occasional Papers. Paris. OECD. 1998. Principles for
Managing Ethics in the Public Service: OECD Recommendation. Public Management Policy
Brief. OECD. 2000. Building Public Trust. Ethics Measures in OECD Countries. Public
Management Policy Brief. Rose-Ackerman, Susan. 2002. Corrupção e Governo. Lisboa Prefácio.
Thompson, Dennis F. 1985. "The Possibility of Administrative Ethics." Public Administration
Lúcia Maria Portela Lima Rodrigues
Cláudia Maria Neves Simões
Fernando Manuel Almeida Alexandre
Maria Filomena Machado Campos Veiga
Pedro Jorge Sobral Camões
Carlos Alberto Arriaga Taboleiros Costa
Agostinha Patrícia Silva Gomes
Carga Horária: 4
Métodos de Ensino:
Banking and Financial Economics - Exposition of the material using overheads; laboratory
classes in the computers room.
Applied Economics Project - Several seminars on research problems and methodology in
economics; Constant interaction between students and its supervisor.
Management Accounting I - Exposition of the material using overheads; Constant interaction
between students and professor in practical classes. Students are doing many exercises to
consolidate these matters.
Tax Law - Lectures with case study discussions.
Deontology in Public Administration - Lectures.
Métodos de Avaliação:
Applied Economics Project - Students have to write a paper, under the supervision of a professor
of the department, that is presented in a seminar in the of the year.
Management Accounting I - Final examination and continuous evaluation in classes.
Tax Law - Written exam.
Ethics in Public Administration - Final Examination.
Língua de Instrução: Portuguese
Créditos ECTS: 6
2307N5 - Option VI
Regime: S1
Tipo: Optional
Banking and Financial Economics - Part I: Introduction to financial markets The role of financial
activity in the economy. The globalization and the legislation of financial markets. Introduction to
Portfolio theory: Reference models. Analysis of financial markets: main indicators. Application
of reference models to the financial markets. Part II: Banking activities Intermediation in
economics. Main instruments used in banking activity. Credit market and the evaluation of risk.
The performance in the banking industry: Analysis of the balance sheet, income statement and
banking rapports of several banks of the Portuguese banking system.
Applied Economics Project - This course aims at introducing students in research practices in
economics. Therefore, students will be taught the techniques of writing a paper or an economic
report, using the quantitative techniques learned throughout their studies. Several seminars are
organised on research and methodology issues in economics.
Management Accounting I - 1. Introduction - course objectives; concepts and classification of
cost accounting and management accounting. 2. Analytical Income Statement 3. Different ways
to impute costs - Homogeneous Sections. 4. Process cost system: 5. Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis
and Break-even point. 6. Conception of Management Accounting Systems.
Tax Law - 1. Introduction 2. Definition of Tax and related concepts 3. Taxonomy of Taxes 4.
Income Tax 5. Corporate Tax 6. Valued Added Tax 7. Other Taxes.
Deontology in Public Administration - Introduction. Fundamental Question of Ethics in Public
Administration. The Basic Elements of Ethical and Deontological Infrastructure. Ethics and
Deontology in Public Services. Comparative Analysis of Ethics in Management Initiatives. Study
of some Deontological Codes.
Banking and Financial Economics - Final examination and a group assignment.
Applied Economics Project - None.
Management Accounting I - None.
Tax Law - None.
Deontology in Public Administration - None.
Resultados de Aprendizagem:
Banking and Financial Economics - Understand the role of financial activities in the economy;
Practical dominates theoretical approach in this course. It's an applied oriented course.
Applied Economics Project - Be able to write an economic paper using the methodology of
economics, and the statistical and econometrics skills developed during their studies.
Management Accounting I - Introduce the basic concepts of management accounting in order to
prepare students for these matters.
Tax Law - Overview of the Portuguese Tax System; Command of Tax terminology; Ability to
solve effectively case studies involving Income Tax, Corporate Tax and Value Added Tax.
Deontology in Public Administration - To develop the conscience of the deontological questions
and issues concerning them. To develop analytical capabilities in ethical decision making
processes. To develop a behaviour in the workplace based on moral obligation and personal
Banking and Financial Economics - Channon Derek (1995), Bank Strategic Management and
Marketing, 8th edition, John Wiley &Sons, Chichester. New York. Brisbane. Toronto. Singapore.
Chen, Dan (1999), Frontiers in Credit Risk Analysis, Charlottesville Association for Investment
Management and Research cop Cobbaut R, (1992), Théorie Financière, Economica, Paris. Annual
Rapports of the Portuguese Banks Association (A.P.B.).
Applied Economics Project - Blaugh, Mark (1992). A Metodologia da Economia. Gradiva, 1994.
Popper, Karl (1963). Conjecturas e Refutações. Almedina, 2003. Eco, Umberto (1980). Como
fazer uma tese? Editorial Presença, 9 edª., 2002.
Management Accounting I - CAIADO, António Pires - Contabilidade de Gestão, Vislis, Lisboa,
1997. PEREIRA, Carlos Caiano e FRANCO, Vítor Seabra - Contabilidade Analítica, Rei dos
Livros, Lisboa, 2001. NABAIS, Carlos - Contabilidade Analítica de Exploração, 2ª Ed., Ed.
Presença, Lisboa, 1991.
Tax Law - MARTÍNEZ, PEDRO SOARES (1993), Direito Fiscal, 7ª ed., Livraria Almedina,
Coimbra. - NABAIS, JOSÉ CASALTA (2000), Direito Fiscal, Livraria Almedina, Coimbra. ROCHA, ISABEL / ROCHA, JOAQUIM (2003), Legislação Fiscal, 10ª ed., Porto Editora, Porto
- GOMES, NUNO SÁ (2000) Manual de Direito Fiscal: I, 11ª ed., Rei dos Livros, Lisboa; II, 9ª
ed., Rei dos Livros, Lisboa - XAVIER, ALBERTO (1974), Manual de Direito Fiscal, I, FDUL,
Lisboa. - SANCHES, JOSÉ LUÍS SALDANHA (1998), Manual de Direito Fiscal, Lex - Edições
Jurídicas, Lisboa, 1998.
Deontology in Public Administration - Frederickson, George. 1997. The Spirit of Public
Administration. San Francisc Jossey-Bass. Moreira, José Manuel. 2000. Ética, Democracia e
Estad Para uma Nova Cultura da Administração Pública. Cascais: Principia. OCDE. 1996. Ethics
in the Public Service. Public Management Occasional Papers. Paris. OECD. 1998. Principles for
Managing Ethics in the Public Service: OECD Recommendation. Public Management Policy
Brief. OECD. 2000. Building Public Trust. Ethics Measures in OECD Countries. Public
Management Policy Brief. Rose-Ackerman, Susan. 2002. Corrupção e Governo. Lisboa Prefácio.
Thompson, Dennis F. 1985. "The Possibility of Administrative Ethics." Public Administration
Lúcia Maria Portela Lima Rodrigues
Cláudia Maria Neves Simões
Fernando Manuel Almeida Alexandre
Maria Filomena Machado Campos Veiga
Pedro Jorge Sobral Camões
Carlos Alberto Arriaga Taboleiros Costa
Agostinha Patrícia Silva Gomes
Carga Horária: 4
Métodos de Ensino:
Banking and Financial Economics - Exposition of the material using overheads; laboratory
classes in the computers room.
Applied Economics Project - Several seminars on research problems and methodology in
economics; Constant interaction between students and its supervisor.
Management Accounting I - Exposition of the material using overheads; Constant interaction
between students and professor in practical classes. Students are doing many exercises to
consolidate these matters.
Tax Law - Lectures with case study discussions.
Deontology in Public Administration - Lectures.
Métodos de Avaliação:
Applied Economics Project - Students have to write a paper, under the supervision of a professor
of the department, that is presented in a seminar in the of the year.
Management Accounting I - Final examination and continuous evaluation in classes.
Tax Law - Written exam.
Ethics in Public Administration - Final Examination.
Língua de Instrução: Portuguese
Créditos ECTS: 6
2307N1 - Portuguese Economics
Regime: S1
Tipo: Compulsory
Methodological questions. The 50`s: development through import substitution. The period 196073: export-led industrialization. The period 1974-75. The new economic policies and increasing
bureaucracy. Admission to the European Community and its consequences. Current reality of
innovation and knowledge in the Portuguese Economy. The Importance of the macroeconomic
variables in the management and production outcomes.
Resultados de Aprendizagem:
This course unit aims at endowing students with sound knowledge on the evolution of the
portuguese economy and how it handles problems and difficiculties. Students are taught techniqes
and methods whose application is expected to be feasible within the portuguese economy
framework. It ultimatley seeks to materialise a critical analysis of the portuguese economic
A. L. J. (1985), “Indústria no Estado Novo”, in Dicionário Ilustrado de História de Portugal,
Publicações Alfa, pp. 339-342; Banco de Portugal (vários), Relatório do Conselho de GerênciaGerência; Figueiredo Gonçalves, Octávio M. D., (1996), “Problemas Estruturais da Agricultura
Portuguesa e as suas Repercussões no Desenvolvimento Económico Geral”, in Homenagem a
António S. C. Vale e Vasconcelos, EEG/UM Braga; Mateus, Abel (1998), Economia Portuguesa
(1910-1998), Lisboa, Verbo
Orlando Petiz Pereira
Carga Horária: 4
Métodos de Ensino:
Métodos de Avaliação:
Final examination.
Língua de Instrução: Portuguese
Créditos ECTS: 6
2308N2 - Capital Budgeting
Regime: S2
Tipo: Compulsory
General aspects and structure of projects. Stages of conception, execution and control of projects.
Project cycle. Specific and internal aspects of projects. Market study. Technical studies and cost
forecasting. Definition and analysis of alternatives. Capital budgeting. Topology of projects.
Criteria and methods for the evaluation and selection of projects. Static and dynamic analysis of
investment projects. Inflation and investment decision. Definition and estimation of the Cost of
Capital. Financing decisions, leverage and capital structure.
Basic concepts of Financial Analysis and mathematical finance.
Resultados de Aprendizagem:
Knowledge of the general aspects and structure of projects and specific internal aspects of
BREALEY, Richard A.; MYERS, Stewart C. (1996), Principles of Corporate Finance, 7th
Edition, McGraw-Hill; GITMAN, Lawrence J. (1998), Principles of Managerial Finance, 8th
Edition, Harper Collis; ROSS, Stephen A.; WESTERFIELD, Randolph W.; JAFFE, Jeffrey F.
(1998), Corporate Finance, 4th Edition, Richard D. Irwin.
Manuel José Rocha Armada
Nelson Manuel Pinho Brandão Costa Areal
Carga Horária: 5
Métodos de Ensino: Lectures and case studies.
Métodos de Avaliação:
Final examination. (90%) and information about active student participation gathered during the
semester (10%).
Língua de Instrução: Portuguese
Créditos ECTS: 6,5
2308N6 - European Union Economics
Regime: S2
Tipo: Compulsory
1. Introduction 2. European integration in a context of globalization 3. Some topics of the theory
of Economic integration 4. Intra trade market 5. Common Commercial Policy 6. Industrial and
competitive Policy 7. Regional Policy 8. European Union Budget 9. Single currency and
macroeconomic policies.
Resultados de Aprendizagem:
This course unit aims at endowing students with sound knowledge on the evolution of the EU
economy and fundamental policies.
DYKER, David, ed. (1999), The European Economy, 2nd ed., London: Longman. WALLACE,
Helen and WALLACE, William, eds., (2000), Policy-Making in the European Union (New
European Series). Oxford: Oxford University Press. McDONALD, Frank and DEARDEN,
Stephen, eds., (1999), European Economic Integration, 3rd. Ed., London: Longman.
ROSAMOND, Ben. (2000), Theories of European Integration, London: MacMillan Press.
Sílvia Cristina Conduto Sousa
Carga Horária: 4
Métodos de Ensino: Lectures.
Métodos de Avaliação:
Final examination.
Língua de Instrução: Portuguese
Créditos ECTS: 6
2308N3 - History of Economic Thought
Regime: S2
Tipo: Compulsory
This module focuses the evolution of theory of economic thought. In particular, it emphasizes the
following issues: Mercantilist Thought, Fisiocracy, The Classical School of Thought, Economic
of Marxism, Economic of Marshall, Lausana School, Institucionalists , Economic of Welfare,
Theories of Economic Cicle, Economic of Keynes, Monetarism and Austrian School
Microeconomics and macroeconomics - basics
Resultados de Aprendizagem:
This module underlines economic thought’s historical dimension. Students should be able to
acknowledge cumulative development and conflict between economic models.
BLAUG, MARK, História do pensamento económico, 1º e 2º Volume, Publicações Dom
Quixote, 1989, DENIS, HENRI, História do pensamento económico , Livros Horizonte, 1993,
MARTINEZ-ECHEVARRIA, MIGUEL A. Evolucion del pensamiento económico, Espasa
Clape, 1983 e ROBERT B. EKELUND, JR. A history of economic theory and method, McgrawHilll, 1990.
Maria Cristina Guimarães Almeida Moreira
Carga Horária: 4
Métodos de Ensino: Lectures.
Métodos de Avaliação:
Final examination and an essay
Língua de Instrução: Português
Créditos ECTS: 5,5
2308N4 - Option VII
Regime: S2
Tipo: Optional
Urban Economics - Part I: Market Forces and Urban Growth The location decisions of firms and
households. The regional system of cities (urban hierarchy). Urban growth. Part II: Urban-Land
Use Patterns Land rent and land use in the monocentric city. General-equilibrium land use. Land
use zoning. Part III: Spatial Aspects of Some Urban Problems and Markets Education and urban
labour markets. Housing and poverty. Urban environment and urban transportation. Part IV:
Urban Planning and Policy Local government and local public finance. Urban planning: the
Portuguese case.
Labour Economics - Labour supply; Labour demand; Equilibrium and impact of the minimum
wage; Wage differentials: theories and evidence; Unemployment: theories and evidence; Trade
union action: theories and evidence.
Applied Economics Project - This course aims at introducing students in research practices in
economics. Therefore, students will be taught the techniques of writing a paper or an economic
report, using the quantitative techniques learned throughout their studies. Several seminars are
organised on research and methodology issues in economics.
Management Accounting II - Introduction of Management Accounting The use of profit and loss
models for management decisions. Management Advanced Models (Activity Based Costing
(ABC)). Capital Budgeting Decisions and Variance analysis. Strategic Management Accounting
(The Balanced Scorecard).
Taxation - Part I: The Portuguese taxation system. Featuring of the taxation systems based upon
legal decrees. Direct and Indirect taxes. European Tax harmonisation. Companies' taxation. Tax
auditing. Part II: Income taxes Individual and collective taxation. Companies' Income. Taxes'
calculation. Tax benefits. Accountability. Part III: Expenses' taxes. Consumption taxation. Value
Added Tax. Intracommunitary transactions regime.
Urban Economics - None.
Labour Economics - Basic microeconomics; - mathematics: constrained optimization and
differential calculus; - basic econometrics.
Applied Economics Project - None.
Management Accounting II - None.
Taxation - None.
Resultados de Aprendizagem:
Urban Economics - Use the economic analysis to understand the nature and the role of cities in
the economic system, as well as to be aware of the economic dimensions of some urban
problems. Predict the spatial responses to a particular public policy.
Labour Economics - The course focuses on the theoretical and empirical analysis of the behaviour
of economic agents in the labour market. At the end of the semester, students should: - be able to
discuss with a rigorous scientific basis current topics in labour economics; - know stilized facts
about the Portuguese labour market, comparing it to other countries; - have learnt how to write a
scientific report; - understand articles in scientific journals with a light or medium technical
complexity; - analyse in a critical sense articles in newspapers.
Applied Economics Project - Be able to write an economic paper using the methodology of
economics, and the statistical and econometrics skills developed during their studies.
Management Accounting II - Understand the last developments in management accounting and
complement the knowledge in this matter.
Taxation - Understanding the Portuguese tax system and endow students with competencies for
filling in tax statements and quantify taxes to be paid by companies.
Financial Investments and Markets - This course involves the analysis and characterisation of the
main financial instruments in the context of the markets in which they are traded, not only at the
individual security level, but also at the portfolio level, which leads to the discussion of portfolio
theory. Hence, the programme is focused on three main areas: organization and functioning of
securities markets; financial instruments and valuation portfolio management and evaluation.
Urban Economics - Polèse, Mario (1998), Economia Urbana e Regional, Colecções APDR,
Coimbra O'Sullivan, Arthur (2000), Urban Economics, 4th Ed., McGraw Hill, International
Labour Economics - George J. Borjas (1996) Labor Economics. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Applied Economics Project - Blaugh, Mark (1992). A Metodologia da Economia. Gradiva, 1994.
Popper, Karl (1963). Conjecturas e Refutações. Almedina, 2003. Eco, Umberto (1980). Como
fazer uma tese? Editorial Presença, 9 edª., 2002.
Management Accounting II - Borges, Rodrigues and Morgado (2002). Contabilidade e Finanças
para a Gestão, Áreas Editora .Lisbon. Caiado, António. (1997). Contabilidade de Gestão. Vislis
Editores, Lisbon. Sousa, Gabriela e Lúcia Lima Rodrigues (2002). Balanced Scorecard : um
instrumento de gestão para o século XXI. Rei dos Livros. Lisbon. Marta e Rodrigues, Lúcia
(2004). "O Custeio Baseado em Actividades (ABC)". Publisher Team; Shank, John K. E
Govindarajan, Vijay (1993). "Strategic Cost Management - The New Tool for Competitive
Advantage". New York - The Free Press.
Taxation - Income tax codes. Value Added Tax codes; Tax benefits status; Status of the
Lúcia Maria Portela Lima Rodrigues
Anabela Martins Silva
Fernando Manuel Almeida Alexandre
Miguel Ângelo Reis Portela
João Carlos Cerejeira Silva
Vicente Ribeiro
Carga Horária: 4
Métodos de Ensino:
Urban Economics - Exposition of the material using overheads; Discussion of related questions.
Labour Economics - Lectures and problem solving.
Applied Economics Project - Several seminars on research problems and methodology in
economics; Constant interaction between students and its supervisor.
Management Accounting II - Exposition of the material using overheads; Constant interaction
between students and professor.
Taxation - Theoretical classes. Use of transparencies. Use of legal codes. Case studies.
Métodos de Avaliação:
Urban Economics - Final examination and homework
Labour Economics - Six short individual assignments using the WWW; Group term paper; Final
Applied Economics Project - students have to write a paper, under the supervision of a professor
of the department, that is presented in a seminar in the of the year.
Management Accounting II - Final examination and continuous evaluation in classes.
Taxation - Final Exam. The student may also choose to materialise an assignment.
Língua de Instrução: Portuguese
Créditos ECTS: 6
2308N5 - Option VIII
Regime: S2
Tipo: Optional
Urban Economics - Part I: Market Forces and Urban Growth The location decisions of firms and
households. The regional system of cities (urban hierarchy). Urban growth. Part II: Urban-Land
Use Patterns Land rent and land use in the monocentric city. General-equilibrium land use. Land
use zoning. Part III: Spatial Aspects of Some Urban Problems and Markets Education and urban
labour markets. Housing and poverty. Urban environment and urban transportation. Part IV:
Urban Planning and Policy Local government and local public finance. Urban planning: the
Portuguese case.
Labour Economics - Labour supply; Labour demand; Equilibrium and impact of the minimum
wage; Wage differentials: theories and evidence; Unemployment: theories and evidence; Trade
union action: theories and evidence.
Applied Economics Project - This course aims at introducing students in research practices in
economics. Therefore, students will be taught the techniques of writing a paper or an economic
report, using the quantitative techniques learned throughout their studies. Several seminars are
organised on research and methodology issues in economics.
Management Accounting II - Introduction of Management Accounting The use of profit and loss
models for management decisions. Management Advanced Models (Activity Based Costing
(ABC)). Capital Budgeting Decisions and Variance analysis. Strategic Management Accounting
(The Balanced Scorecard).
Taxation - Part I: The Portuguese taxation system. Featuring of the taxation systems based upon
legal decrees. Direct and Indirect taxes. European Tax harmonisation. Companies' taxation. Tax
auditing. Part II: Income taxes Individual and collective taxation. Companies' Income. Taxes'
calculation. Tax benefits. Accountability. Part III: Expenses' taxes. Consumption taxation. Value
Added Tax. Intracommunitary transactions regime.
Urban Economics - None.
Labour Economics - Basic microeconomics; - mathematics: constrained optimization and
differential calculus; - basic econometrics.
Applied Economics Project - None.
Management Accounting II - None.
Taxation - None.
Resultados de Aprendizagem:
Urban Economics - Use the economic analysis to understand the nature and the role of cities in
the economic system, as well as to be aware of the economic dimensions of some urban
problems. Predict the spatial responses to a particular public policy.
Labour Economics - The course focuses on the theoretical and empirical analysis of the behaviour
of economic agents in the labour market. At the end of the semester, students should: - be able to
discuss with a rigorous scientific basis current topics in labour economics; - know stilized facts
about the Portuguese labour market, comparing it to other countries; - have learnt how to write a
scientific report; - understand articles in scientific journals with a light or medium technical
complexity; - analyse in a critical sense articles in newspapers.
Applied Economics Project - Be able to write an economic paper using the methodology of
economics, and the statistical and econometrics skills developed during their studies.
Management Accounting II - Understand the last developments in management accounting and
complement the knowledge in this matter.
Taxation - Understanding the Portuguese tax system and endow students with competencies for
filling in tax statements and quantify taxes to be paid by companies.
Financial Investments and Markets - This course involves the analysis and characterisation of the
main financial instruments in the context of the markets in which they are traded, not only at the
individual security level, but also at the portfolio level, which leads to the discussion of portfolio
theory. Hence, the programme is focused on three main areas: organization and functioning of
securities markets; financial instruments and valuation portfolio management and evaluation.
Urban Economics - Polèse, Mario (1998), Economia Urbana e Regional, Colecções APDR,
Coimbra O'Sullivan, Arthur (2000), Urban Economics, 4th Ed., McGraw Hill, International
Labour Economics - George J. Borjas (1996) Labor Economics. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Applied Economics Project - Blaugh, Mark (1992). A Metodologia da Economia. Gradiva, 1994.
Popper, Karl (1963). Conjecturas e Refutações. Almedina, 2003. Eco, Umberto (1980). Como
fazer uma tese? Editorial Presença, 9 edª., 2002.
Management Accounting II - Borges, Rodrigues and Morgado (2002). Contabilidade e Finanças
para a Gestão, Áreas Editora .Lisbon. Caiado, António. (1997). Contabilidade de Gestão. Vislis
Editores, Lisbon. Sousa, Gabriela e Lúcia Lima Rodrigues (2002). Balanced Scorecard : um
instrumento de gestão para o século XXI. Rei dos Livros. Lisbon. Marta e Rodrigues, Lúcia
(2004). "O Custeio Baseado em Actividades (ABC)". Publisher Team; Shank, John K. E
Govindarajan, Vijay (1993). "Strategic Cost Management - The New Tool for Competitive
Advantage". New York - The Free Press.
Taxation - Income tax codes. Value Added Tax codes; Tax benefits status; Status of the
Lúcia Maria Portela Lima Rodrigues
Anabela Martins Silva
Fernando Manuel Almeida Alexandre
Miguel Ângelo Reis Portela
João Carlos Cerejeira Silva
Vicente Ribeiro
Carga Horária: 4
Métodos de Ensino:
Urban Economics - Exposition of the material using overheads; Discussion of related questions.
Labour Economics - Lectures and problem solving.
Applied Economics Project - Several seminars on research problems and methodology in
economics; Constant interaction between students and its supervisor.
Management Accounting II - Exposition of the material using overheads; Constant interaction
between students and professor.
Taxation - Theoretical classes. Use of transparencies. Use of legal codes. Case studies.
Métodos de Avaliação:
Urban Economics - Final examination and homework
Labour Economics - Six short individual assignments using the WWW; Group term paper; Final
Applied Economics Project - students have to write a paper, under the supervision of a professor
of the department, that is presented in a seminar in the of the year.
Management Accounting II - Final examination and continuous evaluation in classes.
Taxation - Final Exam. The student may also choose to materialise an assignment.
Língua de Instrução: Portuguese
Créditos ECTS: 6