I. Mr. Steve E. Taylor addressed the Board to state that parents want

The School Board of Pinellas County, Florida, met in Regular
Session on Tuesday, November 12, 2002, at 5:00 P.M. in the
Conference Hall of the Administration Building, 301 4th Street SW,
Largo, Florida.
Present: Mr. Lee Benjamin, Chairman;
Mrs. Nancy N. Bostock, Vice Chairman; Mrs. Carol J. Cook,
Mrs. E. Jane Gallucci, Dr. Max R. Gessner, Mrs. Linda S. Lerner,
and Ms. Janice Starling, Members; Dr. J. Howard Hinesley,
Superintendent and Ex-officio Secretary to the Board;
Dr. John Stewart, Deputy Superintendent; and, Mr. John Bowen,
School Board Attorney.
The Invocation was given by The Reverend Bonnie Lattimer, First
United Methodist Church of Largo, Largo FL. This was followed by
the Pledge of Allegiance.
Introduction of the following representatives of professional and
community organizations was given by Dr. Ron Stone: Carolyn
Smith, PESPA; Rob McMahon, PCTA; Carolyn Bluett PCCPTA;
Vic Rowley, Pinellas County SAC; Chase Wiley, Students Rights &
Responsibilities Committee, Tarpon Springs High School; Jeanne
Reynolds, Pinellas Arts for a Complete Education; Cathy
Athanson, Operations Team; Lynn Porter, The Tampa Tribune;
and, Kelly Ryan Gilmer, The St. Petersburg Times.
Mr. Benjamin, on behalf of the Board, presented commemorative
clocks to both Dr. Max Gessner and Ms. Janice L. Starling in
recognition of their terms of service on the Pinellas County School
Board. This is the last meeting for both Dr. Gessner who was
elected to the Board in 1998 and Ms. Starling who was appointed
to the Board in July of 2002.
It was moved by Mrs. Gallucci and seconded by Dr. Gessner to
adopt the agenda.
Superintendent’s Improvement Plan
CONSENT #4 and #5
CONSENT #15 (resignation
submitted) and #21
Dr. Hinesley informed the Board that the following individuals have
requested an administrative hearing; therefore, the Board’s action
should reflect that:
Regular School Board Meeting
November 12, 2002
#18 Ms. Kari Shouse
#20 Mr. William Sutscheck
The motion to adopt the agenda, as amended, was carried with a
7-0 vote.
Mr. Jim Madden, Director, Unitary Status Implementation,
presented the Choice Update.
Chase Wiley, Students Rights and Responsibilities Committee,
Tarpon Springs High School, reported to the Board on activities
and achievements at his school. Chase also presented positive
comments on their new principal, Mr. Dennis Duda.
Mr. Ed Hoffman Jr., of Hoffman Architects, AIA, PA., presented to
the Board for their approval the Combined Schematic Design
Phase I, Preliminary Design Phase II and Construction Documents
Phase III Submittal for Sunset Hills Elementary School on the Food
Lion Site for an estimated total cost of $11,520,780.
It was moved by Dr. Gessner, seconded by Ms. Starling, and
carried with a 7-0 vote to approve the Combined Schematic Design
Phase I, Preliminary Design Phase II and Construction Documents
Phase III Submittal for Sunset Hills Elementary School on the Food
Lion Site for an estimated total cost of $11,520,780.
Dr. Hinesley introduced the following newly appointed
Ms. Mary Jane Dann, Principal
Clearview Avenue Elementary School
Ms. Dann was greeted and congratulated by the Board Members.
Ms. Betty Douglas, Supervisor, Secondary Social Studies,
presented to the Board Mr. Alan Kay as the Winner of the National
D.A.R. Outstanding Teacher of America History Award.
Mr. Kay addressed the Board to share information on National
History Day and to invite the Board Members to the History Fair.
Board Members greeted and congratulated Mr. Kay on his award.
Ms. Jan Kucerik, Supervisor of World Languages, introduced to the
Board the following Japanese teachers from Nagano City, Japan:
Mr. Shuichi Miyazawa, middle school English teacher
Mrs. Chieko Kitayama, elementary school teacher
Regular School Board Meeting
November 12, 2002
Mr. Miyazawa addressed the Board to express his gratitude for the
opportunity to visit our schools and attend this meeting. He also
thanked the Board for sending so many students and teachers to
Nagano to participate in this program. Mr. Miyazawa presented a
book on Nagano to the Board Members.
Mr. Miyazawa and Mrs. Kitayama were greeted by the Board
Ms. Michelle Dennard, District Monitoring and Advisory Committee
(DMAC), addressed the Board to express the need for continued
efforts by the district to recruit minority staff members. Ms.
Dennard also requested that the Board encourage staff to take
steps in “growing their own” minority administrators. Ms. Dennard
stated that her comments will come to the Board in a formal
presentation next month.
Mr. Darryl E. Rouson, Esq., NAACP President, was not present.
Mr. Steve E. Taylor addressed the Board to state that parents want
neighborhood schools and voiced his concern that Choice may
take that away from parents. Discussion followed by Mrs. Bostock,
Dr. Hinesley, and Mr. Benjamin.
Ms. Carolyn Underwood, Paperwork Monitoring Task Force,
addressed the Board to share information she has received from
the Department of Education regarding the paperwork required for
ESE students. Both Dr. Gessner and Mrs. Lerner thanked Ms.
Underwood for her efforts in addressing this problem.
Dr. Hinesley stated that when an employee is hired into this
district, they look to their supervisor for a safe work environment
and to their immediate supervisor’s supervisor to ensure that. Dr.
Hinesley stated that the supervisor in this case, Mr. Natale Malfa,
grabbed a 68 year old female employee in the buttocks; that Mr.
Malfa was prosecuted; that the Hearing Officer found that this
incident did occur but that the discipline recommended was too
severe; and, that the Hearing Officer recommended a suspension
for five months, rather than the recommended dismissal.
Ms. Jackie Spoto Bircher, Staff Attorney, addressed the Board
described the incident and stated that it demonstrated a definite
lack of judgment on the part of Mr. Malfa. Ms. Bircher expressed
concern with the possibility that Mr. Malfa would be allowed to
continue as an employee of this district.
It was moved by Mrs. Bostock, seconded by Mrs. Gallucci, and
carried with a 7-0 vote to remove from the table the motion to
approve the Superintendent’s recommendation to dismiss Mr.
Regular School Board Meeting
November 12, 2002
Malfa. This item was tabled at the October 22, 2002, School
Board meeting.
Discussion followed by Board Members.
It was moved by Mrs. Gallucci and seconded by Mrs. Lerner to
adopt the Administrative Law Judge’s Recommended Order and
suspend Mr. Natale Malfa (Night Foreman, Cypress Woods
Elementary School) for five months without pay and benefits and
that when he is returned to work he will return as a regular plant
operator at a different location. A “friendly amendment” was
offered by Ms. Starling that Mr. Malfa must receive counseling
before returning to work. Both Mrs. Gallucci and Mrs. Lerner
agreed to accept this amendment to their motion.
Discussion continued by Board Members and Mr. Bowen.
The motion presented by Mrs. Gallucci, seconded by Mrs. Lerner,
and amended by Mrs. Starling failed with a 2-5 vote, Mr. Benjamin,
Mrs. Bostock, Mrs. Cook, Dr. Gessner, and Ms. Starling voting
It was moved by Dr. Gessner, seconded by Mrs. Bostock, and
carried with a 5-2 vote, Mrs. Gallucci and Mrs. Lerner voting
against, to approve the Superintendent’s recommendation to not
accept the Administrative Law Judge’s Recommended Order, due
to the recommended penalty, and adopt a proposed Final Order
submitted by the Staff Attorney, dismissing Mr. Natale Malfa, Night
Foreman, Cypress Woods Elementary School, effective November
13, 2002.
The following individuals addressed the Board during
Presentations from the Audience:
Carolyn Bluett, PCCPTA – Addressed the Board to share some
information from the PCCPTA President, Debbie Woodard,
regarding their recent 79th Annual State PTA Convention held in
Daytona Beach. Ms. Bluett stated that the following Florida PTA
positions were designated as their top priority items for the coming
year: adequate public education funding, class size reduction,
Florida tax structure, vouchers, parental choice of public schools,
public education capital outlay, and early childhood education
(readiness to start school.)
Mark Klutho -- Stated that “things begin to get messy and Dr.
Hinesley bails.” Mr. Klutho continued to say that the district builds
“stupid” buildings and read a quote from his uncle which appeared
in a newspaper article approximately one hundred years ago.
Regular School Board Meeting
November 12, 2002
Martha Lair and Mary Taylor – Addressed the Board to express
concern that Tampa Bay Water intends to run pipelines and place
wells near some of our schools that will carry “brackish” water. Ms.
Lair and Ms. Taylor urged the Board to not allow this to happen.
Mr. Jim Miller, Director of Real Property, clarified that the district
has not given permission for this project and that Tampa’s effort is
more of an exploratory effort. Mr. Miller will continue to monitor
this issue.
Brittney Boone – Stated that she is a senior at Eckerd College
and a requirement of one of her courses is to participate in 40
hours of community service within Pinellas County. Brittney
proceeded to share information with the Board regarding the
project she and two other students have written which is the first
Pinellas County Leadership Conference for both public and private
high school students in March 2003. Brittney stated that contact
has been made with some of our high schools and told that they
needed approval from the Board to participate. Brittney distributed
materials regarding this project and requested that the Board and
Superintendent indicate their support of the Conference to the
schools. Dr. Hinesley stated that he has given permission to
contact all high schools but that it is a voluntary involvement by
each school. Dr. Hinesley stated that the Education Foundation is
also producing a leadership conference for our students. Brittney
stated that she plans to do a more formal presentation at the next
School Board meeting.
The meeting recessed at 7:00 p.m. and reconvened at 7:10
Dr. Hinesley presented a brief overview on his recommendation for
the request of adoption t Amendments to Policy 5.15 Reporting
Student Progress and Class Ranking—High School. He stated
that he recommends Option A but, that both Option A and Option B
are better, in his opinion, than Option C.
The following individuals addressed the Board regarding this item:
Carolyn F. Riedl, Mark Boyle, Jenny Michaud, Troy Irwin, Tara
Brandenburger, Ben Kanoski, Clarissa Jessup, Chris Buckler,
Scott Kinsler, Abby Hunter, Lesley Stewart, Mark Schreiner,
Shanna Groom, Devyn Waitt, Candace Sharrow, Matt
Alderman, Lynn Chauhan, Megan Latchford, Morgan Dority,
Allison Meyers, Mava Weiss, Chris Wong, Whitney Fellows,
Luanne Ferguson, Laura Jurgens, Chase Wiley, Shawn
Thompson, Gail Johnson, Denise Prior, Claire Walker –
Addressed the Board to request that they approve Option C, and
administer the quality points retroactively.
Regular School Board Meeting
November 12, 2002
Annette Coast, George Mouzakis, Carolanne Vann, Natalie
Paul, Justin Hires, Lindsey Walker -- Addressed the Board to
state that administering the quality points would be unfair and
requested that the Board approve Option A.
Discussion followed by School Board Members, Dr. Hinesley, and
Mr. Bowen.
It was moved by Mrs. Cook, seconded by Dr. Gessner, and carried
with a 7-0 vote, to adopt Option C with respect to the quality point
courses designated as of this date; and Option A for any new
quality point courses designated in subsequent school years and
Dr. Hinesley presented his Improvement Plan 2002-2003 for Board
approval. This item was tabled at the October 8, 2002, School
Board meeting.
It was moved by Dr. Gessner, seconded by Mrs. Gallucci, and
carried with a 7-0 vote to approve the Superintendent’s
Improvement Plan 2002-2003.
It was moved by Mrs. Gallucci, seconded by Mrs. Bostock, and
carried with a 7-0 vote to approve the consent agenda, as
To approve the minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting of
October 22, 2002, as submitted.
Mrs. Cook, having pulled this item, stated that she had
expressed her concern that advance placement exams will
continue through May 16 but had been informed that
arrangements will be made for these students.
It was moved by Mrs. Cook, seconded by Dr. Gessner, and
carried with a 7-0 vote to approve the Student/Teacher
Calendar for School Year 2003-04, Personnel (Common)
Calendar and Special Observance Days.
Mrs. Lerner, having pulled this item along with Mrs. Bostock
and Mrs. Cook, requested that Carolyn Smith, President of
PESPA, read the Resolution. Ms. Smith responded
It was moved by Mrs. Bostock, seconded by Mrs. Gallucci,
and carried with a 7-0 vote to approve the Resolution
Acknowledging the Contribution of Our Educational Support
Regular School Board Meeting
November 12, 2002
Professionals. (Copy to be found in Supplemental Minute Book
To approve the Personnel Actions as Recommended by the
Superintendent. (Copy to be found in Supplemental Minute Book
To approve the Recommendation to Dismiss Mr. Troy Barry, Bus
Driver, Transportation Department, effective November 13, 2002.
(Copy to be found in Supplemental Minute Book #98.)
To approve the Recommendation to Accept the Stipulation to
Suspend Mr. Franklin Bryant, Night Foreman IV, Northeast High
School for Ten (10) Days Without Pay, effective November 13,
2002. (Copy to be found in Supplemental Minute Book #98.)
To approve the Recommendation to Suspend Ms. Rosemary
Deschryver, Food Service Assistant, Safety Harbor Middle School
for Three (3) Days Without Pay, effective November 13, 2002.
(Copy to be found in Supplemental Minute Book #98.)
To approve the Recommendation to Dismiss Mr. Henry Dessipe,
Bus Driver, Transportation Department, effective November 13,
2002. (Copy to be found in Supplemental Minute Book #98.)
To approve the Recommendation to Dismiss Ms. Marri Greenfield,
P.E. Assistant, Bardmoor Elementary, effective November 13,
2002. (Copy to be found in Supplemental Minute Book #98.)
To approve the Recommendation to Accept the Stipulation to
Suspend Mr. Michael Hazen, Bus Driver, Transportation
Department for Three (3) Days Without Pay, effective November
13, 2002. (Copy to be found in Supplemental Minute Book #98.)
To approve the Recommendation to Suspend Ms. Loretta Hinton,
Paraprofessional, Largo Middle School for Five (5) Days without
Pay, effective November 13, 2002. (Copy to be found in
Supplemental Minute Book #98.)
To approve the Recommendation to Accept the Stipulation to
Suspend Mr. Robert Hubbard, Mechanic-Journeyman,
Maintenance Department for Three (3) Days without Pay, effective
November 13, 2002. (Copy to be found in Supplemental Minute
Book #98.)
To approve the Recommendation to Accept the Stipulation to
Suspend Mr. Steven Pace, Pest Control Technician for Three (3)
Days Without Pay, effective November 13, 2002. (Copy to be
found in Supplemental Minute Book #98.)
Regular School Board Meeting
November 12, 2002
To approve the Recommendation to Accept the Stipulation to
Suspend Ms. Carolyn Rogers, Bus Driver, Transportation
Department for Three (3) Days Without Pay, effective November
13, 2002. (Copy to be found in Supplemental Minute Book #98.)
To suspend Ms. Kari Shouse, Teacher Assistant, Northeast High
School, without pay, effective November 13, 2002, pending the
outcome of the administrative hearing. (Copy to be found in
Supplemental Minute Book #98.)
To approve the Recommendation to Dismiss Ms. Beatrice Starling,
Teacher Assistant, Pinellas Park High School, , effective
November 13, 2002. (Copy to be found in Supplemental Minute
Book #98.)
To suspend Mr. William Sutscheck, Teacher, Safety Harbor Middle
School, without pay, effective November 13, 2002, pending the
outcome of the administrative hearing. (Copy to be found in
Supplemental Minute Book #98.)
To approve the Following Special Projects: (Copy/copies, as
appropriate, to be found in Supplemental Minute Book #98.)
a) Even Start Family Literacy Program (Parent Facilitators):
b) Title II Part D: Enhancing Education through Technology
Entitlement Grant: $591,584.61
c) Title II Part D: Enhancing Education through Technology
for North County Schools Competitive Grant: $300,000
d) Title II Part D: Enhancing Education through Technology
for South County Schools Competitive Grant: $300,000
e) Glazer Foundation Grant: $1,000
f) Project Central grant: $400
g) Youth as Resources Grant (Caring Kids): $150
h) Carl Perkins Secondary Program for Juvenile Justice
Commitment: $49,430
i) Agreement with East Coast Technical Assistance Center:
To approve Budget Amendment No. 1 (September 2002) to the
District’s 2002/03 Budget.
To approve the Financial Statements for the Month Ending
September 30, 2002 for Fiscal Year 2002-03.
To approve the Air Space Agreement, Addendum and Lease
Amendment (2) With the Florida Department of Transportation for
use of Portions of State Road 93 (I-275) Rights-of-Way to Facilitate
Construction of Storm Drainage Facilities for the new Gibbs High
Regular School Board Meeting
November 12, 2002
School Replacement Facilities. (Copy to be found in Supplemental
Minute Book #98.)
To authorize the Superintendent or School Board Attorney to
Execute the Agreements for Purchase for Acquisition of the Final
two Properties for Expansion of the Riviera Middle School Site.
To approve the Agreement for Electric Service With Florida Power
Corporation, Authorizing the Placement of Electric Utilities on the
Shore Acres Elementary School Site. (Copy to be found in
Supplemental Minute Book #98.)
To approve the 2002/2003 Sponsorship Award Agreement With
the City of St. Petersburg Wherein the City Will Pay the School
Bus Parking Fees at the Bayfront Center. (Copy to be found in
Supplemental Minute Book #98.)
To approve the Facility Leases, Joint-Use-Activities, and Other
Community Uses Processed by the Real Property Management
Department During the Third Quarter 2002. (Copy to be found in
Supplemental Minute Book #98.)
To approve the Educational Specifications for new Construction at
Shore Acres Elementary School for an Estimated Total Project
Cost of $11,032,033. (Copy to be found in Supplemental Minute
Book #98.)
To approve the Agreement with Architect Larry LaDelfa for
Architectural and Construction Contract Administration Services in
Connection With School Renovations, IDEA and Technology
Grants at Cross Bayou, 74th Street and Woodlawn Elementary
Schools in the Amount of $401,900. (Copy to be found in
Supplemental Minute Book #98.)
To approve the Amendment No. 2 to Agreement with Williamson
Dacar Architects, Inc. for Architectural and Construction Contract
Administration Services in Connection With new Construction at
Bayside High School in the Amount of $11,511. (Copy to be found
in Supplemental Minute Book #98.)
To approve the Amendment No. 2 to Agreement with Renker Eich
Parks Architects, Inc. for Architectural and Construction Contract
Administration Services in Connection With Additions, Remodeling
and Renovations at Gibbs High School in the Amount of $5,200.
(Copy to be found in Supplemental Minute Book #98.)
To approve the Amendment No. 1 to Agreement with Ajax Building
Corporation for a Partial Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) in
Connection With new Construction at Gibbs High School in the
Regular School Board Meeting
November 12, 2002
Amount of $30,417,937. (Copy to be found in Supplemental
Minute Book #98.)
To approve the Amendment No. 2 to Agreement with Harvard,
Jolly, Clees, Toppe, Architects for Architectural and Construction
Contract Administration Services in Connection With Constructing
a new Thurgood Marshall Middle School. Additional traffic study
is requested at the site by Pinellas County, and the PA/E Fee for
this service is $3,200. (Copy to be found in Supplemental Minute
Book #98.)
To approve the Amendment No. 13 to Agreement with Renker Eich
Parks Architects, Inc. for Architectural and Construction Contract
Administration Services in Connection with Additions, Remodeling,
and Renovations at Clearwater High School in the Amount of
$3,562. (Copy to be found in Supplemental Minute Book #98.)
To approve the Amendment No. 4 to Agreement with Criswell,
Blizzard & Blouin Architects, Inc. for Architectural and Construction
Contract Administration Services in Connection with Constructing a
new Nina Harris ESE Center for an Increase of Additional Services
Fees by $5,000. (Copy to be found in Supplemental Minute Book
To approve the Bids to Vendors at Prices in Bid Documents in
Accordance with Bid Policies and Statutes. (Copy to be found in
Supplemental Minute Book #98.)
It was moved by Dr. Gessner and seconded by Mrs. Cook to Set a
Public Hearing and Authorize the Advertisement of the Public
Hearing to Consider the Amendment to Policy 5.05 Instructional
Materials, Including Textbooks, 5.06 Library Information Selection
and 8.45 Academic Freedom.
Dr. Hinesley stated that this is the first reading and recommended
The motion was carried with a 7-0 vote to set a Public Hearing and
Authorize the Advertisement of the Public Hearing to Consider the
Amendment to Policy 5.05 Instructional Materials, Including
Textbooks, 5.06 Library Information Selection and 8.45 Academic
It was moved by Mrs. Gallucci and seconded by Mrs. Cook to set a
Public Hearing and Authorize the Advertisement of the Public
Hearing to Consider the Amendment to Policy 5.07 Required
Regular School Board Meeting
November 12, 2002
Dr. Hinesley stated that this is the first reading and recommended
Mrs. Bostock, referencing line 25 on page 235 of the agenda book,
suggested that “teacher judgment” be changed to “teacher
evaluation.” Board Members, through consensus, agreed to this
The motion was carried with a 7-0 vote to set a Public Hearing and
Authorize the Advertisement of the Public Hearing to Consider the
Amendment to Policy 5.07 Required Program/Promotion/
Retention/Acceleration—Elementary, with the approved change in
It was moved by Mrs. Cook and seconded by Dr. Gessner, to set a
Public Hearing and Authorize the Advertisement of the Public
Hearing to Consider the Amendment to Policy 5.13 Graduation
Requirements: High School.
Dr. Hinesley stated that this is the first reading and recommended
The motion was carried with a 7-0 vote to set a Public Hearing and
Authorize the Advertisement of the Public Hearing to Consider the
Amendment to Policy 5.13 Graduation Requirements: High School.
It was moved by Dr. Gessner and seconded by Ms. Starling to set
a Public Hearing and Authorize the Advertisement of the Public
Hearing to Consider the Amendment to Policy 5.15 Reporting
Student Progress and Class Ranking--High School.
Dr. Hinesley stated that this is the first reading and recommended
The motion was carried with a 7-0 vote to s set a Public Hearing
and Authorize the Advertisement of the Public Hearing to Consider
the Amendment to Policy 5.15 Reporting Student Progress and
Class Ranking--High School.
Dr. Hinesley presented the 2003 Legislative Program of the School
Board of Pinellas County to the Board for approval.
Discussion followed by Mrs. Lerner and Mr. Steve Swartzel,
Director for Governmental Services.
It was moved by Dr. Gessner, seconded by Ms. Starling, and
carried with a 7-0 vote to approve the 2003 Legislative Program of
the School Board of Pinellas County.
Regular School Board Meeting
November 12, 2002
Dr. Hinesley’s report included the following:
 Reviewed the schedule for November 19, 2002 – Swearing in
and organization meeting will begin at 8:30 a.m.; a reception will
immediately follow sponsored by PAA and organized by Mrs.
Beaty; and, a workshop will follow the reception. Dr. Hinesley
informed the Board that some visitors from another state may
be observing the “leadership” portion of their workshop.
 Stated that orientation for new Board Members will take place
on Monday, November 18. Dr. Hinesley stated that all Board
Members are welcome to attend and thanked Mrs. Beaty for
coordinating this date.
 Informed the Board that staff has reconciled the differences on
the appraisals for the alternative high school site. Dr. Hinesley
stated that his recommendation will be to purchase the property
out right.
 Stated that the Board has asked him to bring a recommendation
back regarding “professional courtesy” but, that he would rather
have the Board dedicate a large portion of their January 7,
2003, workshop to “Choice” and related issues. It was decided
by the Board that the workshop will be scheduled to begin at
9:00 a.m. and run the entire day, if necessary.
 Thanked Ms. Starling and Dr. Gessner for the time they have
each served on the School Board.
Mr. Bowen’s report included the following:
 Stated that he has received the ruling on the SunCam case and
informed the Board that if they wish to appeal the ruling, notice
must be given within the next fifteen days. Discussion followed
and it was the consensus of the Board to not pursue an appeal
in this ruling.
 Stated that the single member referendum was approved by the
voters and reminded the Board that there was a problem in the
way it was written. Mr. Bowen stated that he has been
contacted by Senator Miller regarding this issue. Mr. Bowen
requested permission from the Board to move forward and work
with the County Attorney to propose the language that the
Board had originally approved: Permission granted.
 Stated that he has not received any feedback regarding his
proposed Improvement Plan, and that it was to be submitted to
the Board for final approval last July. Mrs. Gallucci requested
Regular School Board Meeting
November 12, 2002
that Mr. Bowen forward copies to the Board Members who will
then have two weeks to respond to Mr. Bowen. Following any
revisions, a final copy will be forwarded to the Board Members.
Reports from School Board Members were as follows:
Schools Visited or Functions Attended by Board Members
Clearwater High School – Marine ROTC Marine Corps Birthday
Celebration; Bay Point Middle School Dedication Ceremony;
Maximo Elementary; Single Member District Debate; EDL
Demonstration at Stavros Institute; Doorways event at Tropicana
Field; Weedon Island Dedication of Education Building; Family
Continuity Program; Second Annual Candlelight Adoption
Celebration (Mrs. Bostock – speaker).
Concerns Expressed, Written, or Oral
Mrs. Lerner – Thanked Dr. Gessner and Ms. Starling for their fine
work during their tenure on the Board and encouraged them to
stay involved.
Mr. Benjamin – Stated that he has enjoyed working with both Dr.
Gessner and Ms. Starling, and that they will both be greatly
Dr. Gessner – Stated that it has been a privilege to serve the
Pinellas County School District as a member of this Board. Dr.
Gessner stated that he has told the community that while the
Board Members may disagree on certain issues, they have
continued to conduct business in a highly professional manner.
Dr. Gessner stated that one thing that has made it such a pleasure
to serve on the Board is the fact that there are so many super
professionals on the staff. He expressed his appreciation for the
opportunity to work with Dr. Stewart, Dr. Hinesley, Mr. Johansen,
Mr. Bowen, division heads, and representatives from PCTA and
PESPA. Dr. Gessner wished the new Board Members success
and thanked the citizens for the opportunity they gave for his to
serve them.
Ms. Starling – Thanked everyone for welcoming her to the Board
and stated that seeing an African-American on the Board does
make a difference to the community.
Mrs. Cook – Expressed her appreciation to both Dr. Gessner and
Ms. Starling for their service to the children of Pinellas County and
stated that she enjoyed working with them.
Regular School Board Meeting
November 12, 2002
Dr. Stewart stated that there had been no directives given by the
Board for follow up during this meeting.
There being no further business to be brought before the Board,
this meeting adjourned at 10:27 p.m.