
Name_____________________________ Group __________________Date________
Western Literature Study Guide
“Sancho” p. 398
Time: Late 1800’s
Place: Texas/Great Plains
Art Connection: page 399, painting Stampeded by Lightening by Frederick Remington.
Remington was an artist-historian of the vanishing frontier. He is considered the best and
most popular painter of the Old West. For him, the West symbolized adventure and
excitement. What part of the story “Sancho” does this painting suggest? Use details and
examples from the story to explain your answer.
Define Vocabulary: vigorous, yearling, persistent, accustomed
1. Why does Maria adopt Sancho as a pet?
2. What unusual traits does Sancho reveal while living on the ranch?
3. What finally happens to Sancho?
4. How is Sancho different from the other steer?
“The Medicine Bag” p. 602
Time: Sometime in the mid to late 20th century
Place: suburban Iowa
Cultural Connection: Grandpa Joe lived on a Sioux reservation. The Sioux used to live
throughout the northern plains of North America, and they were famous for their bravery
and fighting ability. Tension developed and increased between the Sioux and the United
States in the mid 1800’s. The two main reasons for this friction were the settler’s
slaughtering of the buffalo and the gold prospectors’ violating the sacred Black Hills. The
United States decided to settle the conflict by forcing the Sioux onto reservations. In
“Medicine Bag”, Joe Iron Shell describes his vision quest as a sacred rite of passage that
marked his leap from boyhood to adulthood. Explain how the old man shows an
understanding for a changed world even as he held on to ancient traditions. Use details
and examples from the story to support your response.
Define Vocabulary: authentic, procession
1. What three reasons from coming does Grandpa give?
2. How does Martin’s attitude toward the medicine bag change after his friends visit
3. What does Martin do at the very end of the story?
4. What causes Martin to feel ashamed when his Grandpa suddenly appears?
“Chicoria” p. 912
Time: Late 1800’s
Place: New Mexico/California
Literary Focus: Folk Tales were composed orally and passed by word of mouth from
generation to generation. These stories often express a belief or a custom of the culture
that creates them. What is the lesson told in the folk tale “Chicoria”?
Define Vocabulary: cordially, haughty
1. Who is Chicoria?
2. Why do New Mexican’s bring Chicoria to California?
3. Chicoria states that “I never beg,” and then makes a bet with the servants. What does
this show about his character?
4. What determines who sits with the rancher at dinner and who does not?