MF -- Jim Humble, e-izmenjava mnenj (marec 2013)

E-izmenjava mnenj z Jimom Humblom o bazičnosti in kislosti
(povod je bila njegova objava za javnost z 12. januarja 2013)
Mitja Fajdiga <xxx>
date: Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 12:40 AM
Re: Alkalinity vs. Acidity (01-12-2013) (PROPER)
Dear friends and Archbishop Jim Humble in particular,
This is a goodwill attempt to draw your attention at some facts that should make you reconsider many of the
assertions in email article “Acidity vs.Alkalinity - Life or Death” or “The pH Fallacies” of Sat, Jan 12,
I was hopeful the controversies and faulty concepts of this seemingly revolutionary article would be taken up
and resolved by other Reverends.
First, my apologies for my lousy English.
Second, instead of rendering lengthy arguments of mine as to the reasons of my disagreement with the basic,
i.e. subject premis of the Archbishop, I shall resort to drawing your attention to the following:
>...[A]ll dead bodies are alkaline.
If this was true then:
 No dead body would decompose and rotten on the condition of bowels removal, like in dead fish
or game.
 No embalming of the dead bodies by means of alkaline natron salt would be required (see first
stage of mummification process in Ancient Egypt).
Conclusion: The premise that all dead bodies are alkaline is misleading and illusionary.
>…[A] normal blood pH between 7.35 and 7.45, a fairly tight range. And pretty much nothing you do, at least in terms
of food, is going to change that.
This is true (!). However, the deduction drawn from this fact is false. The premise that nothing could be
able to change the pH of intercellular fluids due to this blood barrier is gravely mistaken.
One only has to think of various blood diseases manifesting inspite of its constant pH maintained between
7.35 and 7.45; for instance:
… "live blood cell analysis" on a drop of fresh blood extracted from my finger. Apparently this is a popular test
in Japan and is useful in getting a complete picture of the functioning of the blood and overall health. As we saw
the cells come into focus on the video monitor hooked up the microscope, the practitioner turned to me and
exclaimed, "I don't know how you're sitting here. You're going on will power alone." My white blood cell count
was low, and the cells were poorly formed and were dying almost as soon as they were born. They were so
overloaded trying to escort toxins out of the immune system that they would break and spill their load right back
into the blood sample we were watching.
Next we examined the red blood cells. They were small and poorly formed also. Furthermore, there were huge
clumps of candidias yeast drifting through them. My blood wasn't able to do its job, and my immune system was
incredibly weak. (Overcoming Chronic Fatigue with Diet, testimony by Lucy Burdo; Women’s health Guide,
OPW Press, 1997, Becket/
Furthermore, one only has to think of parasite larvae which are able to disperse themselves throughout the
affected body. And this goes, likewise, for the spores of fungi in dysbiotic intestinal floras, lacking
beneficial bacteria, which in turn is preconditional for the pathogen organisms to flourish in intestinal
floras. In compromised intestines the spores enter the blood stream and get carried throughout the body,
eventually reaching intercellular fluids, where the spores metamorphose into fungal parasites and resume
the leathal process of body fluids acidification.
Conclusion: The theory of the blood barrier (due to its normal blood pH between 7.35 and 7.45) is
critically misleading and equals an illusion (despite the fact the blood pH keeps its alkalinity at all time
and cost).
>Why alkaline your […] saliva when these are natural acids?
Wrong (!). Healthy saliva carries pH 7+ (check it out with any Medical Encyclopedia). However, to find a
person with a healthy saliva, i.e. saliva of pH 7+ is as rare as are people free of dental cavities or
periodontal problems. For more, please refer to .
>The pH of [...] tissues is about the same as blood, and why wouldn’t they be, they are serviced by the blood.
The premise of the alkaline blood, servicing also salivary glands (in charge for the production of saliva)
and supposedly keeping the glands alkaline, should attest its validity in no other than alkaline saliva in
every human being.
> Baking soda causes bubbles in the blood that can kill you. The millions of little bubbles that baking soda creates to
cause the cake to rise, can also cause problems with the blood.
Wrong. Baking soda turns into little bubbles at high temperatures, like in ovens at appr. 200°C.
For additional disambiguation see
>[Y]ou can check to see if there ever has been a clinical trial of any kind checking the workability for the acid-alkaline
theory. In the more than 30 years that this theory has been pushed by alternate medicine teachers there never has
been a clinical trial, much less a trial showing that it works.
Please consider the effectivnes and chemistry of :
 Topical powder clay therapy, recommended even by the Genesis II Church.
 of Hip Bath in Water Solution of Baking Soda for vaginal problems in women.
This kind of therapies are of no value to the big pharma, thus no clinical trails are available.
(Bicarbonate Increases Tumor pH and Inhibits Spontaneous
Metastases, )
With Regards,
Rev. Mitja Fajdiga
From Slovenia
James Humble <xxx>
"Rev. Joseph" <xxx>, Mitja Fajdiga <xxx>
date: Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 8:23 AM
Re: Re: Alkalinity vs. Acidity (01-12-2013) (PROPER)
I appreciate your attempt to set me right, but I decided I should really go over the
data. Hope you will take the time to understand this. And I might be wrong at point
and maybe you misunderstand me at point as for example baking soda has many
very useful things. I don't mean to make it look bad, it's only bad for injecting in the
veins and even then you can do it, if you know what you are doing.
Acidity v. Alkaline Theory
Many people have died as a result of them believing this theory that was created by medical doctors. There
is nothing scientific about this theory. It doesn’t fit any of the scientific facts or logical facts known except
craziness. There is nothing in the theory that fits the truth in any way.
The whole basis of the Acidity-Alkaline theory is that all disease is caused by allowing the body to become
too acidic. The theory states that all disease can be solved by merely making the body alkaline. The theory
further suggests that disease cannot live in an alkaline environment. One large group even suggests that if
we will just bring our body up to the alkaline pH level of 9.5 we would have near perfect health.
The fact is, our bodies can generate all the acid we need to digest our food and kill pathogens in the
stomach. Why would you assume that our bodies cannot generate enough alkalinity for our bodies? Well, in
fact, our bodies can generate all the alkalinity we need. Our bodies can generate all the alkalinity we need to
adjust the alkaline blood levels and all other alkaline levels that the body needs. Alkalinity and acidity are not
foods. They are the levels of hydrogen ions needed in the blood and other areas of the body so that the
body will function correctly.
Alkalinity and Acidity are levels of hydrogen chemistry needed in various areas of the body. So if the body
needs an acidic condition to help with the digestion then it generates the necessary hydrogen ions to create
the acid condition needed. And when the body needs to have an alkaline condition to help assimilate the
digested food or other reasons, the body then generates the hydroxide ions (alkalinity) needed for the
alkaline condition. The body has full capabilities of generating any alkaline or acidic condition needed. No
special alkaline or acidic foods are required. The body uses chemistry to generate what is needed.
Many internet sites will tell you that you must eat alkaline foods to create an alkaline condition in the body to
destroy diseases which are acid. This is simply crazy. All of the diseases of mankind are alkaline with the
exception of one or two, one of which is cancer. The outside of the cancer is often acidic, but the inside of
the tumor where the cancer is, is alkaline. Injecting the cancer with alkalinity is usually a useless practice.
These sites even tell us that lemons that everyone knows are acid somehow creates alkalinity in the body
and they say this is true of other acidic fruits. I hope you understand that this is totally crazy. They state it,
but they offer no proof and the science of it is that acid things cannot be alkaline. Plus that’s the logic of it
too. Something else you should know, all fruits are acidic.
So let’s talk a little bit more about acidity, alkalinity and pH in the human body. (I should mention here that
we are talking about bodies that are not sick. Once a body is sick there are a few things that it will change in
order to return to health. However that does not mean that it must make things alkaline. It has full capability
to do that, but that is not what is needed when one is sick.)
It doesn’t matter what alkaline foods you eat even including antacid tablets, your body generates
enough hydrochloric acid in your lower stomach to totally destroy all alkalinity. Please understand
when alkalinity is destroyed it is gone. It does not somehow magically come back. Destruction is
destruction. None remains. When the food finally leaves your lower stomach it is acid. There is no
alkalinity left even if you took antacid tablets which are totally alkaline.
Now there are hundreds of internet Sites saying that we must maintain an acidic alkaline balance in our
blood. And that our bodies must be brought to an alkaline condition. But they don’t tell you how that can
happen or what happens in the body to bring about an acidic-alkaline balance. SO LET ME EXPLAIN
Actually pH is the chemical condition, expressed as a number, of any liquid showing how many hydrogen
ions are present for acidic liquids, or how many hydroxide ions are present in the liquid for alkaline liquids. It
is important to understand what the pH does for a liquid. There is no time or room here to delve completely
into the science of pH but we can cover some of the details concerning how the science of pH affects the
health of the body concerning alkalinity.
The pH determines the activity level, that is, how fast and how violent a liquid reacts to its
environment or to other liquids and other things. For our use here it is the speed of the reaction that
we are interested in.
The more hydrogen ions (H) or hydroxide ions (OH) are in a solution the more violently and faster that
solution will react.
Thus the body must adjust all liquids to the exact pH needed to do its job in the body. The alkalinity
or the acidity of the body cannot be changed by eating certain foods or drinking certain liquids. The
body continuously adjusts the pH of the body. This pH cannot be adjusted from the outside by
eating certain foods. It is impossible. Nature requires a certain pH for various functions and it
cannot be changed. If the body had been designed to allow changes in pH one could easily kill
himself by eating the wrong foods, but this is not the case. IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT FOOD YOU
The body has dozens or hundreds of things happening at one time. Many of these happenings must
synchronize with other happenings. It would be a disaster if each chemical reaction was not controlled. Poor
control or no control of chemical reaction times would prevent the chemical reactions from synchronizing
properly. Do you see why the different organs of the body operate at slightly different pH’s. The reaction
time of each organ must operate to synchronize with other organs properly. The pH determines the exact
reaction time needed and the body maintains the reaction time by maintaining the exact pH in each area of
the body or each organ.
The pH doesn’t in any way change the liquid from being what it is, it just determines the speed of
reaction that the liquid uses to get the job done.
You may be surprised to learn that in order for the blood to do its job in the body the pH must not vary more
than 1% total throughout the body and even then it must not vary more than 1/2 of 1% in each area where it
does its job. When the blood leaves the lungs after picking up its oxygen it will be traveling in arteries and
the pH must be exactly 7.41. This pH does not vary more than 1/4 of 1% at this point in the body. The pH
will begin moving downwards in number from 7.41 towards 7.3 as the blood leaves off oxygen and nutrients
and picks up carbon dioxide. When the blood finally reaches a level of pH 7.3 it then transfers to the veins
and returns to the lungs to again pick up oxygen. The blood traveling in the veins does not change in pH. It
remains at 7.3 until it picks up oxygen in the lungs which changes the pH to 7.41 again as it transfers to the
The blood in the arteries changes slowly from 7.41 down to 7.3 as it leaves off oxygen and nutrients and
picks up carbon dioxide. At 7.3 it transfers to the veins and in the veins it does not vary more than 1/4 of 1%
at any time until it gets back to the lungs. There are many sites that tell you that the pH of the blood varies
from 7.3 to 7.45 but they leave it as if the blood just varies around these figures randomly. But not so, the
operation of the body causes the blood to vary exactly between 7.3 and 7.41 as needed to do the job.
So then there are many internet sites explaining that the blood needs to have an acidic-alkaline balance. But
do you see, there is no such thing as an acidic-alkaline balance anywhere except at pH 7. Those things,
acid and alkaline, are exact opposites. Below pH 7 the amount of hydrogen ions (H) in solution determines
the speed of reaction of acidic liquids in the body, and above pH 7 the amount of hydroxide ions (OH) in
solution determines the speed of reaction of the alkaline solutions in the body. Hydroxide and acidic ions are
opposite and they balance one another only at pH 7.
But do you see, the blood remains continuously at a pH above 7 always in the alkaline area. It is never at a
pH of 7 where the acidic and alkaline are balanced. If your blood ever reached an acidic-alkaline pH of 7 it
would throw the operation of your system off so far you would at first go comatose and then slowly die.
Now this is an important point: The taking on of oxygen causes the pH of the blood to
change from 7.3 to 7.41. It isn’t the other way around. The blood doesn’t somehow change
from 7.3 to 7.41 so that it can hold more oxygen, not at all. The oxygen changes the blood
to 7.41 as it enters the blood. The only mechanism for changing the pH of the blood at this
point is the oxygen.
It doesn’t change things when you eat highly alkaline foods or when you eat highly acid foods. Nature
created the human body so that one can eat all the foods that are available whether they are acidic or
alkaline. It is really a function of survival. If famine or pestilence happens to restrict the available food, your
body is set so that it can eat anything that is nutritious to your body.
Your upper and lower stomach works on the foods adding enough hydrochloric acid to turn all food
acidic no matter how alkaline they might be.
Hydrochloric acid is a real acid, not acidic. This acid also breaks even the acidic foods down for
digestion. You simply cannot make your stomach alkaline. This is nature at work making it so that you can
eat almost any kind of food and still survive. The stomach never becomes alkaline.
When the foods or liquids have been worked upon until they are all acidic soupy liquid they enter the upper
small intestines.
This is the point where the pancreas releases an enzyme that turns all of the acidic material coming
from the stomach to a slightly alkaline condition.
It does not matter how much acidic food you have eaten or how much alkaline food you have eaten all food
at this point is brought up to a low alkaline condition. Nothing escapes this treatment. The food is then
absorbed by the tissues of the walls of the small intestines and the pH is further adjusted upwards towards
7.41 at this point to more closely match the pH of the blood. The blood then coming from the lungs adsorbs
the food from the intestine walls carrying it to various parts of the body.
So I hope you didn’t miss it. The body produces enough acid to completely destroy the alkalinity of any food
that you might eat. So if you eat really alkaline foods and drink alkaline water all you do is make the body
work that much harder to produce the acids necessary to digest the foods. When you have finally eaten
enough alkaline foods and drunk enough alkaline water your body will, in order to conserve a certain amount
of acid, route much of the alkalinity directly to the urine.
So by eating alkaline and drinking alkaline you can change your urine to an alkaline condition, but
that is the only thing in the body that changes to alkaline. When you over eat alkaline foods the body
will route some of the hydroxide ions (OH) directly to the urine.
Neither alkaline urine nor alkaline saliva means you are healthy. It only means you are eating too much
alkaline foods for good health.
You may remember a few months ago when Kim Tinkham was interview by Oprah on the Oprah Winfrey’s
television show. Kim became famous after being questioned by Oprah concerning her intention to go follow
the teachings of Dr. Robert O. Young who continues to push the alkaline theory. Well it is very sad to report
that Kim Tinkham has died of that breast cancer that she was trying to handle with the alkaline health
theory. Because thousands of people who have emailed and called me, I have known of others who died
while on the alkaline health theory. [3]
Here is another point that you might consider. Most of the diets of people of Africa, hundreds of millions
of people, are totally alkaline as they eat mostly vegetables and other plants and some fruits. We know, of
course, that either fruits are acid and they create some kind of alkaline response in the body or that they are
just plain alkaline. (And of course that is all very crazy. Acidic fruits, such as lemons, do not create an
alkaline response in the body and neither can all the rest of the fruits that are acid. That simply can’t
Very few people of Africa eat meat as only the wealthier can afford it. According to the acidic-alkaline theory
the Africans should be mostly totally healthy. They should have less disease there than the rest of the
world. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case. Thousands die from disease every day while on alkaline diets. A
lot of them really are on alkaline diets as they eat only vegetables.
Hydrochloric acid is that acid that your stomach uses as the main ingredient to digestion, but it has other
functions. It kills most of the bacteria and viruses that enter the digestive system. Some bacteria always get
past this acid situation and enter the rest of the system and the blood. Since acid cannot exist in any part of
the system other than the digestive system other means are required to kill disease causing pathogens and
viruses that may exist there. The method other than acid is oxidation, and pathogens are killed by oxidative
liquids in the body outside of the digestive system.
Hypochlorous acid, (not the same as stomach acid) is that acid that the body creates to kill diseases. It is
an extremely weak acid and does not kill by the acid process, but rather kills by oxidation. It is ineffective at
anything higher than pH of 8, but that is rather a moot point as the body never gets to a pH of 8. However
Hypochlorous acid still works at the alkaline level of the blood, which is pH 7.4, and it works on all the lower
pH levels of the digestive system. Actually, Hypochlorous acid works best at the lower pH levels below
7. [6] MMS works from the alkaline pH level of 8 and down to the lowest acidic pH level in the body. (Note:
Hypochlorous acid is a very weak acid and does not change the pH of the liquid.)
Remember acids and alkalinity are opposites and they destroy one another. But tell me what thing in the
body would you change to an alkaline pH or even just make it more alkaline? The saliva is normally acidic
but it can be changed by what you eat to alkaline for a few minutes, the stomach is 4 to 6.5 pH, the lower
stomach is 1.5 to 4 pH, the small intestines are 4 to 6 pH except when you eat something, and then it
becomes 7 pH and slightly higher. What is it that you would change? Well the fact is you cannot change
any of the body’s pH levels. All the levels are exactly what the body needs to survive and although you can
eat alkaline or acidic foods these foods cannot change any of the body’s pH levels with the exception of the
Hundreds of sites say that you must alkalize. But you cannot do that. Have the writers of those sites give
you an explanation of how the body works when alkalizing. You can eat vegetables and other foods that are
high in hydroxide (OH) ions (high pH) as much as you can eat for as long as you want, but that cannot
change the alkaline level of the body and blood because the acid of the stomach will always destroy all
alkalinity of the food.
Be careful, because the fact that the blood does not change does not mean you will stay healthy eating an
unhealthy diet. Just because the blood pH does not change, you will not be kept healthy when eating the
wrong things. You need to eat a proper diet. Once again there are those who try to sell unhealthy theories
to the world by deception. It would be nice if all you had to do to remain healthy was eat an alkaline
diet. The medical people can and do make billions treating people who get sick on this diet.
Now here is something you can check. I can’t give you the reference for it because there is no
reference. And that is you can check to see if there ever has been a clinical trial of any kind checking the
workability for the acid-alkaline theory. In the more than 30 years that this theory has been pushed by
alternate medicine teachers, there never has been a clinical trial; much less any trial showing that it
works. Spend some time, use a good search engine, no trials exist.
Do you understand why there has never been a clinical trial concerning the acid-alkaline theory? The theory
has been around for about 30 years and still no clinical trials. As I said above the alkaline or acid condition of
the body cannot be changed without killing the body. There is no way to do a test. Eat all the alkaline stuff
you want, nothing but the urine is going to change and the saliva can only change for a short while. But you
definitely will be able to change the urine to alkaline by eating a lot of alkaline stuff. That only proves that
the body must off load some alkaline stuff to keep from having too great an excess of alkalinity.
Now about the idea that pathogens cannot live in alkaline environments:
I am
sure you understand that the theory that disease causing microbes cannot live in an alkaline environment is
the whole basis for the acid-alkaline theory. The scientific word “alkaliphile” refers to microbes that live at
high alkaline environments. If you go to Google and put in the search line, “alkaliphile microbes” you will get
a result of more than 72,000 pages listed. [Google: alkaliphile microbes.] Starting at the very top you can
read about microbes that can live in alkaline environments. But they cannot live in your body as they live at
pH 9 and above, and nothing in your body ever even reaches 8 much less 9. So they will never affect you
as your entire body will always remain within 1% of 7.4 pH except for the urine. I just wanted you to know
about them so you would know bacteria and microbes of all kinds do live in highly alkaline
environments. [11]
The fact is that all disease causing microbes do live in or can live in an alkaline environment of the
body. Also the fact is, all disease causing microbes can live in and do live in an environment of pH 6 to 8. If
you happen to be a person that believes in the acidic-alkaline theory, I’m sorry but that is the undisputed
scientific facts of it. The microbes that do exist in the alkaline environment of the body are called neutrophile
microbes (not the same as neutrophil white blood cells) and they can survive at a pH of 6 to 8. There are
hundreds if not thousands of disease-causing microbes that can live in an alkaline environment such as the
body. Remember though, the body never goes to pH 8, nor does it go down to 6 except in the digestive
system, but this is not important as these microbes will remain alive and in good health at the body’s 7.4 pH
with no trouble. Thousands of disease causing microbes can live at most any pH from 6 to 8.
Your body makes an ideal environment for all neutrophile, disease causing, microbes.
I might mention a couple of these diseases. There is Leukemia and Lymphoma that are blood
cancers. Both of these diseases exist just fine at the 7.3 to 7.4 pH of the blood. If you wanted to kill these
diseases using pH you would have to raise the pH of the body well above 8 which cannot be done without
killing you. The acidic-alkaline theory’s basic idea is that disease causing microbes cannot live at an alkaline
but just the opposite is true for all neutrophile microbes, which are all disease causing
microbes. All these disease causing microbes can live at the alkaline pH of the body
just fine.
I hope you understand this point as it is totally opposite to the acidic-alkaline theory,
and I might add totally opposite to the facts. [12] [13]
You shouldn’t need a reference concerning the fact that Leukemia and Lymphoma live at a pH of 7.3 to
7.4. They are blood cancers. They have to live at pH 7.3 to 7.4 as the blood is the only thing that is
available to them, and they live just fine and kill or in some way destroy their host. [12] [13]
Again, the body pH remains within less than 1% of 7.3 in the veins and 7.4 to 7.3 in the arteries and all of the
neutrophile microbes including all disease causing microbes can survive OK at that pH. So your
only natural hope is that the Hypochlorous acid created by the body will kill all of the disease causing
microbes that have survived to this point. But the body often doesn’t have enough Hypochlorous acid,
especially if the disease already has a foot hold.
Fortunately you can now use MMS1 or you can add some Hypochlorous acid by adding MMS2. Then if you
follow the protocol of hourly doses you will destroy these diseases, whatever they might be. Of course there
are the various antibiotics that might be used, but diseases are rapidly developing resistance to
antibiotics. The diseases cannot develop a resistance to MMS1 (chlorine dioxide) or MMS2 (the same acid
that your body uses to kill diseases as this acid has been killing diseases for hundreds of thousands of years
and there is no evidence of any microbes developing a resistance to this acid). So your answer would be to
go to,, or and follow the hourly dose Protocol that fits your
disease which would be protocol 1000 or 2000 to start, along with adding protocol 2000 plus and 3000, and
DMSO. There are also a host of other minor protocols that can be added as needed.
Emotional responses: In many places on the Internet where acid-alkaline is explained with reasonable
scientific data and references, there are sometimes places to leave a comment, and there you will find
comments made with a great deal of emotion. The same is true about vegetarianism and most
religions. It seems that these subjects are going to be believed by those who are determined to believe
them. We have attempted to bring you the facts along with references that you can check, but it looks like
you are going to have to determine what you are going to believe. Hopefully you will look for the facts. We
are just here to help you, but if you don’t want to be helped that is certainly your right.
MMS has spread across the world to more than 100 countries in only about 7 years. More than 600 people
from around the world have traveled thousands of miles to learn and become ministers of MMS. Most areas
where MMS is used there is no argument about whether it works or not. The reason is because there are a
lot of well people around that wouldn’t otherwise be around. The acid-alkaline theory has been around for a
good deal more than 30 years and if it really worked there wouldn’t be dead believers like Kim Tinkham who
followed the acidic-alkaline theory of Dr. Robert O. Young, as I mentioned earlier in this article. In fact, if the
acidic-alkaline theory worked we really wouldn’t need MMS and I would never have discovered it. To cure
malaria and all other African diseases all we would have to do is let most of the Africans just continue on
their already alkaline diet.
If you go to Young’s web site you will see that he is extremely good at using dozens if not hundreds of great
complex medical terms, but that doesn’t mean he is right, or that he knows what he is talking about. I’d like
to point out that people who explain their theory to normal people don’t have to use big scientific medical
terms that none of us understand. They only use such big terms when they think they are snowing the
reader or they really don’t understand the terms either. Young and many others claim that this theory
explains all disease. If that is the case in 30+ years it should have gotten to the public. Don’t you think there
would be more than the 600 ministers of MMS who would be treating people with the acidic-alkaline theory in
the world by now? (14,15, 16)
So, to some it all up:
Below the pH of 7 any aqueous liquid including human body liquids are acidic (which is not the
same as being acid). The acidic condition, when it exists, is caused by hydrogen ions (H) in the
solution. Above the pH of 7 aqueous solutions are alkaline which are caused by hydroxide (OH) ions
in the solution.
We don’t have room for an explanation of the complete science of pH but we can cover some of the
details. The pH of solutions is what determines the speed and violence of the reaction of the
solution. This is determined by the quantity of hydrogen ions (H) in acidic solutions, and by the
hydroxide ions (OH) in alkaline solutions. In both cases the greater the number of ions that are in
solution the faster and more violent the chemical reaction occurs. The body adjusts the speed of
various reactions by adjusting the quantity of hydrogen or alkaline ions in solution.
All foods or solutions must enter the body through the stomach where they are all changed to an
acidic condition by the powerful hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes of the stomach. Nothing
can bypass this action. At the top of the small intestines all foods are turned to an alkaline condition
by a special enzyme produced by the pancreas. No nutrients can bypass this action as the foods
must be alkaline near the same pH as all the rest of the body in order to be assimilated by the body.
Once changed to alkaline condition the food is then adsorbed into the intestinal tissues where it is
further adjusted in pH to match the pH of the blood. It then transfers from the intestinal tissues to
the arteries of blood and carried throughout the body.
Arterial blood pH is 7.41 as it comes from the lungs and it carries 67% more oxygen than venous
blood. As it travels throughout the body letting off oxygen and nutrients and picking up carbon
dioxide (CO2) it slowly changes to pH 7.3 and the blood then transfers to the veins. Venous blood
pH is 7.3 which is caused by the blood picking up carbon dioxide as it lets off oxygen and food
The pH of the blood is controlled by the body as it adjusts the hydrogen and alkali ions in the food
and in the blood. This adjustment is accomplished mostly by the actions of the body such as the
blood taking on oxygen in the lungs creates an alkaline condition of a pH of 7.41 or the blood taking
on CO2 creates a 7.3 pH condition. When the pH needs to be adjusted drastically the body creates
an enzyme that does the job, or at least gets the job started such as the pancreas secreting an
enzyme to turn all food alkaline. The scientific facts simply show that changing the alkalinity more
than a tiny fraction from what the body needs would kill you and thus the body does not allow for
acid-alkaline changes by the food that you eat.
The science of neutrophile disease causing microbes proves that an alkaline environment will not
harm these disease microbes, but rather is what they need to survive. This is exactly opposite to the
Acidic-alkaline theory.
Only oxidation will kill the pathogens after they have passed through the stomach into the upper
intestines, (unless some antibiotics have been taken, but pathogens are developing resistance to
antibiotics). The body provides natural Hypochlorous acid to create the needed oxidation to destroy
the neutrophile diseases at this point.
There is however a problem and that is that many people are deficient in The chemicals from which
the body makes Hypochlorous acid. There are also conditions that exist that inhibit the production
of Hypochlorous acid. The biggest cause is Myeloperoxidase deficiency resulting from several
causes of which the medical establishment has no idea.
For further information on Myeloperoxidase deficiency see reference number 19. [19] In the case of
a deficiency of Hypochlorous acid, MMS1 and MMS2 can provide the necessary oxidation.
See for protocols for killing all the pathogens that might affect the body using MMS1
and MMS2.
1. pH explained and reaction of hypochlorous action according to pH of the
solution .htm
2. The pH of Blood. On the internet go to Google or any search engine and put in for the search “The
pH of Blood.” You will get many answers but they will all be the same.
3. Kim Tinkham – See and many other sites on the web.
4. Blood, Sweat, and
Buffers; Acid-Base Equilibra
Experiment by Rachel Casiday and Regina Frey Department of Chemistry, Washington University St.
Louis, MO 63130
5. Blood – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
6. hypochlorous acid is effective from 7.4 down to the lower
acid levels that are found in the body.
7. Digestive System and pH Level. This article is well
documented giving 24 research papers showing pH level of the entire digestive system and it shows that
the stomach is highly acid and the small upper intestines are alkaline.
8. Body uses CO2 to
create bicarbonate in the blood to maintain the pH.
9. pH of body fluids, and organs are tightly regulated in a process called
acid-base homeostasis.
10. http://sciencebasedpH -balancing-a-failed-hypothesis/ More data
11. Alkaline pH Homeostasis in Bacteria: New Insights
12. Please note that neutrophiles are hard to find
because the spelling only adds an “e” at the end of the word neutrophil, but this is the link to one of many
web sites explaining neutropiles as disease causing microbes.
13. This is another web
site describing neutrophiles as disease causing microbes. Note: neutrophils are white blood cells. Note
that the only difference in spelling is the “e” at the end of the word that indicates microorganisms.
16. more acidic-alkaline theory more acid-alkaline theory more acidalkaline theory
19. Go to Google or any other large search engine and search Myeloperoxidase deficiency and you will
get much data on this disorder.
Mitja Fajdiga <xxx>
James Humble <xxx>
"Rev. Joseph" <xxx>
Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 9:31 PM
subject: Re: Re: Alkalinity vs. Acidity (01-12-2013) (PROPER)
Much obliged for your extensive revert; I do appreciate your effort and taking the time to explain the issues of
dispute one more time and in great detail. Based on your revert I realise we have been and still are on different
pages; this revert of mine is aiming at placing us on the same page, as well as drawing your attention to the facts
unknown to you and my fellow Genesis II Church reverends.
>The whole basis of the Acidity-Alkaline theory is that all disease is caused by allowing the body to become too acidic.
That's true, yet the theory is critically flawed in the healing part only; this is where the current A-A theory has
failed completely and you're rightly opposed to it. Here, I'm in absolute agreement with you.
>The [A-A] theory states that all disease can be solved by merely making the body alkaline.
I disagree with the above loose definition. A more detailed clarification is required here in order to dispel any
further ambiguity. The precise definition should state: All disease can be solved by restoring the mild ALKALINITY
OF INTERCELLULAR FLUIDS, which is the precondition for healthy and perpetual functioning of the body. The
alkalinity of the intercellular fluid restoration is the hard task. (This would also result in mildly alkaline/healthy
salivas and negative Saliva Candida test.)
> Why would you assume that our bodies cannot generate enough alkalinity for our bodies?
This is no assumption as far as the alkalinity of the intercellular fluid is concerned; one would assume, since the
blood maintains its own alkalinity at all cost, intercellular fluids should retain their alkalinity as well; well, here
the fungal parasite factor takes the stage:
 Due to a prolonged intestinal dysbiosis candida overgrowth develops and results in expanded intestinal walls
(easily observed in loose abdomens/potbellies in most modern men); thus, small intestinal barrier function is
impaired (a.k.a. Leaky Gut Syndrome), sooner or later; hence the fungal seed/spores can enter the blood
stream. The spores are resistive to the mild alkalinity of the human blood (!).
 Therefore, serviced by the blood, the spores ultimately disperse throughout the body, enter intercellular
fluids; there the spores enter a nutrient rich environment and the body has no protection mechanism in place,
except for minerals, to prevent the spores from germinating.
 This is kind of a crash-course etiology of the process of how dysbiosis leads to the parasitic fungi finding their
way to intercellular fluids. The latter become acidic eventually and this unhealthy condition is so called ground
zero of all modern disease that A-A theory refers to, and rightfully so.
>Many internet sites will tell you that you must eat alkaline foods to create an alkaline condition in the body to destroy diseases
which are acid. This is simply crazy.
I agree.
>The outside of the cancer is often acidic, but the inside of the tumor where the cancer is, is alkaline.
This claim isn't fact based; it's pure speculation and contrary to the facts.
>Injecting the cancer with alkalinity is usually a useless practice.
Untrue as the contrary has been proven in countless cases. Just one: a Slovene medical doctor's spouse developed
a breast cancer; the doctor, aware of the hazards involved in conventional cancer treatment, didn't want to
subject his wife to the chemo. He approached my friend, a quantum healer, who was somewhat familiar with the
practice of Dr. Simoncini's treating cancer tumor with sodium bicarbonate water solutions; my friend suggested
the doctor to treat his wife with the injections of sodium bicarbonate solution directly into the tumor. He did and
the cancer was gone. The doctor happily reported this very auspicious outcome to my friend, but implored the
latter not to reveal his name in public, because the doctor feared ostracization from the medical community.
Dr. Simoncini has proven the viability of cancer treatment with sodium bycarbonate water solution inrenally, and
with 10% iodine solution topically.
>... [L]emons that everyone knows are acid somehow creates alkalinity in the body and they say this is true of other acidic fruits.
(Writers of such contentions, as above, should do some homework, first, and then only make thoughtful
My suggestion would be to check out the lemon juice formula and you'll find plenty of oxygen therein; the
whitening effect of the lemon juice application indicates the lemon juice works similarly as does MMS, i.e. by
releasing the oxygen atom.
As for other organic nature and the microbial, viral and fungal defences in the world of plants, they produce
alkaloids and acids with antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral effects; such examples of acids are coconut fats,
grapefruit seed extract, tannins a.o. bioflavonoids.
Apart from the benefits of organic produces vs. Conventional, this healing properties of whole foods/unprocessed
food dieting is the main reason of the new age food awareness.
>The only mechanism for changing the pH of the blood at this point is the oxygen.
It doesn’t change things when you eat highly alkaline foods or when you eat highly acid foods.
Totally in agreement. We're on the same page.
As you may have noticed I do not oppose you on the blood pH or intestinal metabolism. My argument is in the
place where you haven't contemplated to investigate, but should do so.
> Hundreds of sites say that you must alkalize. But you cannot do that.
I agree. Only the body itself can through discharge: respiration, perspiration, urination, bowels, and with our
arduous help, i.e. through physical activity.
>And that is you can check to see if there ever has been a clinical trial of any kind checking the workability for the acid-alkaline
theory. In the more than 30 years that this theory has been pushed by alternate medicine teachers, there never has been a
clinical trial; much less any trial showing that it works.
The whole A-A equilibrium thing is well known in the science of medicine and referred to as
intercellular homeostasis; as far as the A-A theory is concerned the following distinction should be kept in mind:
 Tissues in human embrio grow to become specialized organs. These specialized cells of tissues and organs
unfortunately reach old age and die. What makes these cells die? A famous French physiologist, Alexis Carrel,
found the cause. He kept a chicken heart alive for about 28 years. He incubated a chicken egg; the heart of the
developing young chicken was taken out and cut into pieces; these, consisting of many cells, were transferred
into a saline solution which contained minerals in the same proportion as chicken blood. He changed this
solution every day, and kept the chick's heart cells alive about 28 years.
 Claude Bernard...called the extracellular fluids that surround the cells the milieu interne, 'the internal
environment,' and Walter Cannon...referred to the maintenance of constant conditions in these fluids
as homeostasis.
(Guyton, Function of the Human Body)
(Source: Acid & Alkaline, by Herman Aihara, GOMF, 1986, Oroville; chapter The Importance of Acid and Alkaline
balance; subchapter # 2. Immortality)
Therefore, my claims are factual and history based; and so is A-A theory, the etiology of modern disease part, at
least (!); however, the healing part of the current A-A theory is delusional, I agree.
>Your body makes an ideal environment for all neutrophile, disease causing, microbes.
My sincere apologies, Jim, but this Neutrophil theory is a wild shot in order to find a viable explanation.
>I might mention a couple of these diseases. There is Leukemia and Lymphoma that are blood cancers. Both of these diseases
exist just fine at the 7.3 to 7.4 pH of the blood.
The blood cancer is but a natural consequence of a long term intestinal dysbiosis and blood poisoning with yeasts,
molds, pathogens and other toxic waste. See Fungal Parasite factor and Increased/Unhealthy Intestinal
Permeability, above.
>Dr. Young and many others claim that this theory explains all disease. If that is the case in 30+ years it should have gotten to
the public.
I agree with you. The A-A theory critically lacks effective treatment methods. Alkaline dieting is delusional and
completely wrong.
>The science of neutrophile disease causing microbes proves that an alkaline environment will not harm these disease
microbes, but rather is what they need to survive.
This is fine by me; I believe the neutrophiles are not aging factor in humans; instead, the homeostasis of the
extracellular fluids that surround the cells is critical for the right disease etiology, see above.
> Only oxidation will kill the pathogens after they have passed through the stomach into the upper intestines, ... There is
however a problem and that is that many people are deficient in The chemicals from which the body makes Hypochlorous acid.
There are also conditions that exist that inhibit the production of Hypochlorous acid. The biggest cause is Myeloperoxidase
deficiency resulting from several causes of which the medical establishment has no idea.
I agree 100%.
I'm grateful for giving me the opportunity to further explain my views and to pinpoint the source of our
discrepancies. Hopefully, the above clarifications of mine shall shed some much needed clarity.
Sincerely and Respectfully,
Rev. Mitja Fajdiga
From Slovenija-Slovenia
James Humble <xxx>
Mitja Fajdiga <xxx>
Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 5:33 AM
subject: Re: Re: Alkalinity vs. Acidity (01-12-2013) (PROPER)
Appreciate your letter. see my answers below. We are close in our arguments.
On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 2:31 PM, Mitja Fajdiga <> wrote:
Much obliged for your extensive revert; I do appreciate your effort and taking the time to explain the issues of dispute
one more time and in great detail. Based on your revert I realise we have been and still are on different pages; this
revert of mine is aiming at placing us on the same page, as well as drawing your attention to the facts unknown to you
and my fellow Genesis II Church reverends.
>The whole basis of the Acidity-Alkaline theory is that all disease is caused by allowing the body to become too acidic.
That's true, yet the theory is critically flawed in the healing part only; this is where the current A-A theory has failed
completely and you're rightly opposed to it. Here, I'm in absolute agreement with you. Good
>The [A-A] theory states that all disease can be solved by merely making the body alkaline.
I disagree with the above loose definition. A more detailed clarification is required here in order to dispel any further
ambiguity. The precise definition should state: All disease can be solved by restoring the mild ALKALINITY OF
INTERCELLULAR FLUIDS, which is the precondition for healthy and perpetual functioning of the body. The alkalinity of
the intercellular fluid restoration is the hard task. (This would also result in mildly alkaline/healthy salivas and negative
Saliva Candida test.) I don't think so. The alkaline/healthy condition of the intercellular fluid is not
a cause of anything it is the result of disease, not a cause of the disease. We have already
proved it time and again in thousands of people. Kill the disease and the acid alkaline condition
of the intercellular fluids revert to normal. I was not unaware of this condition as Andreas
pointed it out months ago, but I didn't want to get all that complex.
> Why would you assume that our bodies cannot generate enough alkalinity for our bodies?
This is no assumption as far as the alkalinity of the intercellular fluid is concerned; one would assume, since the blood
maintains its own alkalinity at all cost, intercellular fluids should retain their alkalinity as well; well, here the fungal
parasite factor takes the stage:
 Due to a prolonged intestinal dysbiosis candida overgrowth develops and results in expanded intestinal walls
(easily observed in loose abdomens/potbellies in most modern men); thus, small intestinal barrier function is
impaired (a.k.a. Leaky Gut Syndrome), sooner or later; hence the fungal seed/spores can enter the blood
stream. The spores are resistive to the mild alkalinity of the human blood (!).
 Therefore, serviced by the blood, the spores ultimately disperse throughout the body, enter intercellular
fluids; there the spores enter a nutrient rich environment and the body has no protection mechanism in place,
except for minerals, to prevent the spores from germinating. Here again I would doubt this. The
architect of the human body would not have missed this point. But maybe so.
 This is kind of a crash-course etiology of the process of how dysbiosis leads to the parasitic fungi finding their
way to intercellular fluids. The latter become acidic eventually and this unhealthy condition is so called ground
zero of all modern disease that A-A theory refers to, and rightfully so. This is where the A-A theory falls
down completely. There is no proof the acidic is unhealthy. This whole theory comes from
the doctor pharmaceutical alliance. Acidic is healthy in theory as that is the only place
oxidation can take place. Alkalinity prevents oxidation. Oxidation makes the body exist,
without it there is no body.
>Many internet sites will tell you that you must eat alkaline foods to create an alkaline condition in the body to destroy diseases which
are acid. This is simply crazy.
I agree. Good.
>The outside of the cancer is often acidic, but the inside of the tumor where the cancer is, is alkaline.
This claim isn't fact based; it's pure speculation and contrary to the facts. Not true. Sorry but Andreas Kalcker
works with a research team researching MMS in 2 universities in Spain and they indeed have
check that a number of times. It isn't really in question.
>Injecting the cancer with alkalinity is usually a useless practice.
Untrue as the contrary has been proven in countless cases. Just one: a Slovene medical doctor's spouse developed a
breast cancer; the doctor, aware of the hazards involved in conventional cancer treatment, didn't want to subject his
wife to the chemo. He approached my friend, a quantum healer, who was somewhat familiar with the practice of Dr.
Simoncini's treating cancer tumor with sodium bicarbonate water solutions; my friend suggested the doctor to treat
his wife with the injections of sodium bicarbonate solution directly into the tumor. He did and the cancer was gone.
The doctor happily reported this very auspicious outcome to my friend, but implored the latter not to reveal his name
in public, because the doctor feared ostracization from the medical community.
Dr. Simoncini has proven the viability of cancer treatment with sodium bycarbonate water solution inrenally, and with
10% iodine solution topically. Could be. I don't have a lots of data here, but I have hear of failures
and why would it not be being used world wide. Why bother with MMS if this theory
works? MMS has worked and it is acidic, so is all oxidizers?
>... [L]emons that everyone knows are acid somehow creates alkalinity in the body and they say this is true of other acidic fruits.
(Writers of such contentions, as above, should do some homework, first, and then only make thoughtful arguments.)
My suggestion would be to check out the lemon juice formula and you'll find plenty of oxygen therein; the whitening
effect of the lemon juice application indicates the lemon juice works similarly as does MMS, i.e. by releasing the
oxygen atom. Maybe, but even so, that doesn't make it alkaline. Even oxygen doesn't oxidize in
the alkaline areas. No, all the fruits and vegetables are acidic and they do not form alkaline.
The body creates alkaline through the chemistry of enzymes.
As for other organic nature and the microbial, viral and fungal defences in the world of plants, they produce alkaloids
and acids with antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral effects; such examples of acids are coconut fats, grapefruit seed
extract, tannins a.o. bioflavonoids. You said it, you must have missed it. These are acids.
Apart from the benefits of organic produces vs. Conventional, this healing properties of whole foods/unprocessed
food dieting is the main reason of the new age food awareness.
>The only mechanism for changing the pH of the blood at this point is the oxygen.
It doesn’t change things when you eat highly alkaline foods or when you eat highly acid foods.
Totally in agreement. We're on the same page.
As you may have noticed I do not oppose you on the blood pH or intestinal metabolism. My argument is in the place
where you haven't contemplated to investigate, but should do so.
> Hundreds of sites say that you must alkalize. But you cannot do that.
I agree. Only the body itself can through discharge: respiration, perspiration, urination, bowels, and with our arduous
help, i.e. through physical activity.
>And that is you can check to see if there ever has been a clinical trial of any kind checking the workability for the acid-alkaline theory.
In the more than 30 years that this theory has been pushed by alternate medicine teachers, there never has been a clinical trial; much
less any trial showing that it works.
The whole A-A equilibrium thing is well known in the science of medicine and referred to as
intercellular homeostasis; as far as the A-A theory is concerned the following distinction should be kept in
mind: Again, the science of medicine was invented to make money and destroy the human race.
The A-A theory you have already admitted that it does not cure or heal below saying it is
 Tissues in human embrio grow to become specialized organs. These specialized cells of tissues and organs
unfortunately reach old age and die. What makes these cells die? A famous French physiologist, Alexis Carrel,
found the cause. He kept a chicken heart alive for about 28 years. He incubated a chicken egg; the heart of the
developing young chicken was taken out and cut into pieces; these, consisting of many cells, were transferred
into a saline solution which contained minerals in the same proportion as chicken blood. He changed this
solution every day, and kept the chick's heart cells alive about 28 years.
 Claude Bernard...called the extracellular fluids that surround the cells the milieu interne, 'the internal
environment,' and Walter Cannon...referred to the maintenance of constant conditions in these fluids
as homeostasis.
(Guyton, Function of the Human Body)
(Source: Acid & Alkaline, by Herman Aihara, GOMF, 1986, Oroville; chapter The Importance of Acid and Alkaline
balance; subchapter # 2. Immortality) A lot of things happen for other reasons that what are given.
The fact that medical people say anything I totally disregard. Last year more than 7 million
people died from the treatment of cancer, not the cancer, but rather the treatment of cancer.
The medical people try to put as much misinformation on the line as they can get away with.
Wish that wasn't true, but the facts show that it is. I am sorry but the chicken heart doesn't
prove anything about the human body. Nice experiment, but it's not a good example. ------ I
have the feeling you would like the alkaline theory to be true so that their might be a method of
living forever. We should work on that idea of living forever or a long time. It will take more
than a chicken heart in alkaline but I agree that is a good place to start.
Therefore, my claims are factual and history based; and so is A-A theory, the etiology of modern disease part, at least
(!); however, the healing part of the current A-A theory is delusional, I agree. BUT THIS IS THE CRUX OF THE
AMOUNT OF EACH SIDE. pH 7 IS THE NEUTRAL POINT. A balance would mean the same
amount of alkaline as acidic, and again, that's crazy.
>Your body makes an ideal environment for all neutrophile, disease causing, microbes.
My sincere apologies, Jim, but this Neutrophil theory is a wild shot in order to find a viable explanation.
Not true.
You are not making sense now. Neutrophile is not a theory. It is the scientific classification of
certain bacteria. (you spelled the word wrong) Neutophile bacteria are the only disease
causing bacteria with one or two exceptions, that exist at pH 6 to 8. Not a wild shot, it is a fact.
There are many bacteria that exist above pH 8 and below pH 6 but these bacteria do not live in
the body.
>I might mention a couple of these diseases. There is Leukemia and Lymphoma that are blood cancers. Both of these diseases exist
just fine at the 7.3 to 7.4 pH of the blood.
The blood cancer is but a natural consequence of a long term intestinal dysbiosis and blood poisoning with yeasts,
molds, pathogens and other toxic waste. See Fungal Parasite factor and Increased/Unhealthy Intestinal Permeability,
>Dr. Young and many others claim that this theory explains all disease. If that is the case in 30+ years it should have gotten to the
I agree with you. The A-A theory critically lacks effective treatment methods. Alkaline dieting is delusional and
completely wrong. OK, GLAD YOU MENTION IT.
>The science of neutrophile disease causing microbes proves that an alkaline environment will not harm these disease microbes, but
rather is what they need to survive.
This is fine by me; I believe the neutrophiles are not aging factor in humans; instead, the homeostasis of the
extracellular fluids that surround the cells is critical for the right disease etiology, see above.
> Only oxidation will kill the pathogens after they have passed through the stomach into the upper intestines, ... There is however a
problem and that is that many people are deficient in The chemicals from which the body makes Hypochlorous acid. There are also
conditions that exist that inhibit the production of Hypochlorous acid. The biggest cause is Myeloperoxidase deficiency resulting from
several causes of which the medical establishment has no idea.
I agree 100%.
I'm grateful for giving me the opportunity to further explain my views and to pinpoint the source of our discrepancies.
Hopefully, the above clarifications of mine shall shed some much needed clarity. THANKS FOR YOUR ADDED
LOGIC. It appears to me we are pretty much on the same page, but some basic points are that
you don't heal by a alkaline diet and that you can heal by using MMS or CDS. Which of course,
We agree as stated above.
Mitja Fajdiga <xxx>
James Humble <xxx>
Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 3:31 PM
subject: Re: Re: Alkalinity vs. Acidity (01-12-2013) (PROPER)
Much obliged for having read my e-revert and for your comments. I wish my command of Eglish
was half as good as my Slovenian so I could make persuasive statements without giving English
native speakers shivers while reading my half-illiterate essays.
Nevertheless, glad to learn some points of mine have offered you some substance to digest and
that we are almost 100% in agreement.
(I can reiterate enough my gratitude for your discoveries, because your oxidation elaboration and your Saving
the World MMS-Newsletter of August 22, 2012, pointed me to the facts established by Hans Christian Gram
about the negative/positive electric charged pathogens/beneficial bacteria, respectively.)
Lately, my focus has been on:
(A) The Restoration of Healthy Intestinal Flora through Beneficial Bacteria Gut Replenishment
After having the intestinal pathogen overgrowths suppressed through the oxidation or else, such as intestinal
cleanse methods (they are varied and well known to general public), the healthy intestinal flora restoration
methods. The latter method are yet to be developed, because the ones widely recommended – laboratory and
natural organic probiotics – proved unsufficient in my case, hence I had to continue my research and
Previously, I had believed in line with your contention the MMS oxygen introduction would've been
sufficient enough to the restoration of healthy intestinal floras. I believe, beneficial bacteria replenishment
throughout the gut shouldn't be left to chance, because the disease relapse is all too common place. It all
begins and ends with (un)healthy gut floras.
(Here, I disagree with Mark Grenon that raw cow/goat milk consumption in the morning is all positive. Yes,
lactoacidophillus bacteria are beneficial but every animal milk put a heavy burden on the intestinal tract by
diminishing the absorptive capacity of intestinal villi and by clogging the large intestine; for more, see Colon
Cleansing /in heavy milk consumers thick layers of old and undigested animal milk deposits have been
flushed out, thus bringing relief to the affected large intestine and restoring its healthy condition/.)
(B) The Natural Beneficial Bacteria Substances, Readily Available for Ingestion.
I have come across a couple of them – Living Water, produced according to an old Siberian recipe, and bee
Ausppiciously, the very recipe is well thought out on the one hand, considering the intestinal cleanse
introduction through dead water ingestion, and very informative on the other hand, considering the high
beneficial bacteria contents of living water and how lethal disbacteriosis can be in newborn
babies. Disbacteriosis/dysbiosis riddle deciphered, all the pieces fall into place and the vital significance of
healthy intestinal flora restoration in adults for lasting recovery unveils.
After having discovered the efficiency of living water I forwarded the recipe to Mark and Joe Grenon, and
Amanda Mary, November last year. (The Rodopi Mountains abound in spring waters – the living water raw
material – and the sunny location of Perl Lodge Hotel is downright perfect for living water production; the
water would be essential improvement to MMS Sacraments, already provided at Peral Lodge.)
However, I got no revert whatsoever. The quintessential importance of living water bacterial benefits have
been overlooked and the recipe dismissed as negligible, I guess.
(C) Effective Liver Treatments
According to Oriental diagnosis liver condition is directly reflected in eyes; therefore, perfectly healthy liver
functions give perfect eye sight, and any liver disorder/disease affects the eyes and readily reflects in their
condition; nearsightedness (myopia) and farsightedness (hyperopia) are but two common place disorders.
The liver plays a major role in metabolism and has a number of functions in the body, including glycogen
storage, decomposition of red blood cells, plasma protein synthesis, hormone production, and detoxification.
A long time intestinal dysbiosis/disbacteriosis tends to reflect in various liver disorders/diseases. One well
known, the causation of which still mysterious to the science of medicine as yet, is Non-Alchoholic Liver
Steatosis (NALS). In my opinion, NALS is but the direct consequence of a long time intestinal fungal
overgrowth/disbacteriosis, which affects the liver through the portal vein. Namely, due to increased/unhealthy
intestinal permeability fungal spores enter the blood stream and travel to the liver; in the presence of sugar
abundance the spores germinate into full blown fungi and start metabolising sugars into fatty acids; this is the
etiology of the "mysterious" NALS and eye disorder/disease, eventually.
One way of dealing with NALS is MMS/CDS treatment. However, many people have developed aversion to
them and so have I (the smell of disintegrating MMS or CDS would render me sick to the stomach).
I'm familiar with various liver detox methods, but none would have lasting effects without having healthy
intestinal flora restored; the latter and liver detoxification are parallel, preconditional to each other, and to
>I have the feeling you would like the alkaline theory to be true so that their might be a method of living forever. We should work
on that idea of living forever or a long time.
 Well, this ground has already been covered, see above. I shall stick to the extracellular alkaline
environment contention, because every successful attempt in this direction has already proved
beneficial/encouraging, so far. Hopefully, I'm not dwelling in illusions. However, alkaline dieting is a
delusion (!).
 In every immunocompetent individual alkaline saliva attest to this status, whereas acidic saliva is
characteristical for all immunocompromised/sick people. That's why Saliva Spit Test is so
important (
Sincerely and Respectfully,
Rev. Mitja Fajdiga
From Slovenija-Slovenia
from: James Humble < xxx >
to: Mitja Fajdiga < xxx >
date: Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 6:40 AM
subject: Re: Re: Alkalinity vs. Acidity (01-12-2013) (PROPER)
I appreciated your discourse on acidic-alkaline theory and we did indeed wind in agreement, and I am not sure that
we were every out of agreement, basically. Your command of English is not the problem. We are arguing theories
against practicality. I and my staff are doing it daily. As long as I can stop suffering and save lives I don't worry
about the theory too much.
But I really don't have the time now to discuss all the other things, because I have treated many people with raw
milk and always with good results. One world famous clinic used only raw milk to cure thousands of patients for
around 100 years. And as far as living water is concerned I have gone through maybe 100 different living waters
over the past 60 years. Thousands of claims have been made for the different living waters and methods of making
living water. I personally owned a water purification company in Los Angeles with 50 employees working for me.
It's nice to have good clean fresh water to drink but all the rest of the bull shit I have already checked. There are
really hundreds of ways to do it. And dozens of different companies selling things to produce all kinds of amazing
water. A nice way to make money for a while, but it always fades out.
No, I never said that one should leave the flora in the intestines to chance and I have been using different
successful flora for some time. What I did say was use the MMS by itself until the bacteria and other
microorganisms that MMS can kill are killed. To add various other nutrients is simply to feed the pathogens and the
parasites and gives MMS a much harder job. Then when all the diseases have been handled or most of them, then
start adding the other nutrients.
MMS is not oxygen and does not behave as oxygen, although it is an oxidizer.
For too many hundreds of years milk has been used to treat the sick. Of course modern milk is destroyed and really
is much more poisonous than good. But raw milk is a different thing.
There are dozens of ways of overcoming the smell and taste of MMS. I see you argument merely as an excuse to
come up with your own theories and more power to you. Go for it. But all the theories of diseases such as those
you mention have pretty well been disproved or else merely killing the disease with MMS wouldn't work. When the
disease is dead merely add some good nutrition and the body heals.
Literally hundreds of lives have been saved so far merely by killing the disease. The person didn't have to quite
eating sugar, or fruit, or meat, or coke, or Pepsi, or stop smoking cigarettes, or any of those other rules you mention
or and a thousand you didn't mention. About the only change in health rules needed has been that some people
need to start eating meat. Dozens wouldn't heal until they began to eat meat and drink raw milk.
We are not talking about theories. We live it and do it by the dozens and hundreds and even thousands of people.
I don't care what logical theory you come up with, we are doing it. That in the final analysis in the end is important.
Are the people getting well with their health restored or not. Meanwhile, we do have Andreas in Spain doing
research at 2 universities with a series of medical doctors and other scientists.
Sorry, I can't argue these points with you. It is not my job to argue the points or to try to teach people who already
know better. It is my job to heal the sick and teach those who want to know how to heal the sick. We do it and we
know how to do it, and we have taught more than 600 so far. If you haven't been able to heal the sick using what
you have learned from us, you should come and be trained.
I see you as a very intelligent person who possibly could develop his own theories of disease. I never tried. I only
tried to do what works. If we do it and it works, we keep doing it. I just decided that we needed to somehow oppose
the alkaline theory of the medical doctors as the doctors continue to put out false health theories as that brings them
much business. They climbed aboard the vegetarian theories when they realized that they could pull the wool over
thousands of eyes and create much more business for themselves. Their latest books by their brightest and best
known doctors are full of lies. That has created thousands of vegetarians.
Well anyway, good luck.
Z zgornjim e-sporočilom se je najino e-dopisovanje končalo, ker je naslednji dan, v petek, 15. marca
2013, neznani storilec poskušal zastrupiti učitelja Marka Grenona, ki je preživel le zaradi prisebnega Humblovega ukrepanja; glej spodnjo Jimovo izjavo za javnost,
Upoštevajoč zadnji dve prejeti Jimovi e-sporočili, menim, da sva si dovolj razjasnila osnovna
stališča o kislosti in bazičnosti telesa ter ugotovila, da se bistveno ne razhajava.
Mitja Fajdiga (ajtim)