Sample Course Syllabus Template

Westwood Regional School District
Algebra II, CP
Course Information
Course Number, Course Title: Algebra II, CP
Semester & Year Offered: Semesters 1 & 2, 2011-2012
Teacher’s Email Address:
Web Address: > Jr./Sr. High School > Staff > Lauren Keith
Course Description
This course will provide a thorough treatment of the essential skills needed for success in the future
study of mathematics although instructional practices and achievement outcomes may be modified.
Experiences with technology and real-world applications will be incorporated. Students will examine
properties of equations and inequalities, functions and relations, properties of linear and quadratic
functions, exponents, roots and irrational numbers, graphing, and polynomial and rational expressions.
Additional topics include the complex number system and matrix operations. Students will utilize
graphing calculators and computer technology in the application of these concepts. Standardized
assessment readiness will be emphasized throughout.
Course Goals and Objectives
Algebra is the language through which much of mathematics is communicated and is, therefore,
fundamental for both further education in mathematics and the effective use of mathematics in the
workplace … Algebra has been referred to as a “gatekeeper” for the future study of mathematics,
science, the social sciences, business, and a host of other areas. (NJ High School Algebra II Course Draft 3/14/07)
It is the goal of this course to open those gates for our students.
Texts, Readings, Materials
Larson, Ron; Boswell, Laurie; Kanold, Timothy; & Stiff, Lee (2008). Algebra 2: Concepts and Skills.
Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell.
Course Outline of Topics
Marking Period 1
 Tools of Algebra
 Linear Equations & Functions
 Systems of Linear Equations
Marking Period 2
 Inequalities & Absolute Value
 Quadratic Functions & Factoring
 Matrices
Midterm Exam
Marking Period 3
 Polynomials & Polynomial Equations
 Powers, Roots, & Radicals
Marking Period 4
 Rational Equations & Functions
 Exponential and Logarithmic Equations
 Discrete Mathematics
Final Exam
**Disclaimer** - The above outline is subject to change.
Schedule of Assignments:
Please view the homework section of my web page for regularly updated homework, assignments,
quizzes, projects, and tests.