1 - 市立小港國中

班 座號
第一部份:下列各題請依文意選出一個正確或最佳的答案(每題 2 分,共 60 分)
1. The seafood pizza was so delicious _____.
(A) that I couldn’t eat it anymore
(B) for me to eat (C) but also expensive (D) that it was soon gone
2. Miss Wang: Hello, may I speak to Mr. Lin, please.
Mrs. Lin: I’m sorry. He’s not at home now. He _____ New York. He will be back on Friday morning.
(A) has gone to (B) has been to (C) went in
(D) goes to
3. On Monday afternoon, Amanda heard the news _____ J.K.Rowling was coming to Taipei the next day on the radio.
very excited because she is a big fan of Harry Potter.
(A) that (B) which
(C) who (D) whether
4. Ben is a terrible boy. He _____ on Mary and dated two girls at the same time!
(A) cheated (B) worried (C) laughed
(D) decided
She felt
5. Tim: _____ have you rewritten your homework?
Jay: I don’t remember, maybe twice.
(A) How often (B) How long (C) How soon
(D) How many times
6. We’re wondering whether Kevin _____ Linda next month. They have been boyfriend and girlfriend for years.
(A) will marry (B) married (C) gets married with (D) would marry to
7. On the way to school, I saw Kenny _____ walk alone. He didn’t look good.
(A) yourself (B) myself (C) himself (D) themselves
8. Doctors say that _____ food is better for us than raw food.
(A) cooks (B) cooking (C) cooked (D) cook
★ raw 生的
9. Do you see the _____ building on the corner? My dad says we’re going to move there next month.
★ story 樓層
(A) five stories
(B) five-story
(C) five story
(D) five-stories
10. Scott: How did Mandy look at that time when she found she won the prize?
Sue: _____
(A) Very happy (B) Very happier (C) Very exciting (D) Very excitedly
11. You need to exercise more to keep in _____, or you’ll be getting fat soon.
(A) health (B) energy (C) shape (D) rich
12. Everyone that knows John will give him a hand, _____?
(A) won’t they (B) doesn’t he (C) will he (D) don’t they
13. I heard that the TV program is very interesting. I won’t miss it when it is to be _____ next Saturday afternoon.
(A) encouraged (B) repeated (C) watched
(D) followed
14. The woman _____ is my English teacher.
(A) who live in the big white house (B) has a dog (C) who like fishing by the lake (D) waiting for her friends
15. Mary walks into the living room _____ John is watching TV.
(A) X (B) where (C) which (D) that
16. _____ smoking helps you relax might be true, but there are some better ways to help you relax.
★ relax 放鬆
(A) It (B) Whether
(C) That (D) X
17. The neck is the part of our body which is right _____ our head.
(A) behind (B) between (C) below (D) beside
18. Seeing his mother coming, Jeff quickly _____ the present he had bought for her because he wants to give her a surprise later.
(A) hid (B) found
(C) made (D) forgot
19. Susan was the first friend that Mark _____. They have been close friends since then.
(A) was meeting (B) met (C) has met (D) meets
20. Cartoons used to _____ me a lot. However, when I grew up, I am more _____ in news.
(A) interesting; interested (B) interested; interest
(C) interest; interesting (D) interest; interested
21. Do you believe in _____? It’s a secret power to make impossible things happen by saying special works or doing special
★ secret 秘密的 power 力量
(A) cheat (B) magic
(C) interest
(D) daylight
22. Please have the letter with my resume _____. Mr. Cheng will need it tomorrow morning.
(A) send
(B) was sending
(C) was sent
★ resume 履歷
(D) sent
三英 1
23. Those who know how to make good use of time are usually _____.
your time well.
(A) lazy (B) successful
(C) polite
If you want to be like them, you should also learn to use
(D) honest
24. It was a touching story about _____ happened at our school ten years ago.
(A) who (B) what (C) which (D) that
25. A _____ person always put a lot of effort into a job and do it well. This kind of person is usually welcome.
(A) work hard (B) hard work
26. 選出正確的句子
(C) working-hard
★ effort 努力
(D) hard-working
(A) Do you think when he will come?
(B) Could you tell me how many websites about lizards there are on the Net?
(C) I am seldom at home on Sundays, and so are my parents. (D) The question is too difficult for all students to answer it.
27. 選出正確的句子
(A) There are many pictures on the wall, only one of them is beautiful.
(B) An old lonely poor man lives in the house whose the window is broken.
(C) I think the gloves are a little big for me. Can I change the other pair?
(D) Here is ten thousand dollars. Half of it is for the house rent.
★ rent 租金
28. 選出正確的句子
(A) Neither noodles nor rices are the major food for western people.
(B) Hank really looks frightening in the costume of a vampire.
(C) Jacky was too scared to open the door at night, was he?
(D) We were laughed by them when we were singing the song.
★ frighten 使驚嚇
29. 選出正確的句子
costume 戲服
vampire 吸血鬼
(A) It’s kind for you to pick up the trash on the ground.
(B) Do you know who the guy is from Japan?
(C) Jim is the best player who I’ve ever seen these years.
(D) I am wondering whether Jacky will show up tomorrow night.
30. 選出正確的句子
(A) Last night I myself saw some people break those cars parked along the street.
(B) There have been a lot of bad news for me since last week.
(C) Andy left only little homework for tomorrow to do, didn’t he?
(D) The new air conditioner took me more than thirty thousand dollars.
第二部份:下列題組,請依據文意選出一個正確或最佳的答案(每題 2 分,共 40 分)
Yesterday on my way home,
happened. I saw a serious car accident. While I
happily on the street
and enjoyed the relaxing moment after school, there was a big noise
from behind me. A motorcycle ran through
the red light and bumped into a big truck on the street corner.
The truck was all right, but the motorcyclist was badly hurt. He was lying on the ground and was bleeding seriously. The
by many people then, and the motorcyclist was surrounded by lots of strangers. Without
any help, they just stood and watched. I soon called the police to come.
After the police got there, the young man
to the hospital by the ambulance. However, it was too late.
the man arrived at the hospital, he died on the half way because of the acutely blooding losing. I am now thinking of one thing:
if the traffic rules can be always followed, there
so many tragic things. And if people can always help each other,
some sad things can be avoided, too.
★ relax 放鬆
lying 躺
bleed 流血
surround 圍繞
ambulance 救護車
actuely blooding losing 大量失血
31. (A) everything terrible
32. (A) was singing
33. (A) made
(B) every terrible thing
(B) singing
(B) make
(C) something terrible
(C) sung
(C) was made
(D) some terrible thing
(D) am singing
(D) making
34. (A) is seen
35. (A) to give
36. (A) sent
37. (A) When
38. (A) are
(B) was seen
(B) gave
(B) was sent
(B) After
(B) will be
(C) saw
(C) was given
(C) was sending
(C) Not until
(C) aren’t
(D) was seeing
(D) giving
(D) to be sent
(D) Until
(D) won’t be
三英 2
tragic 悲劇的
Mrs. Wang: Tina, it’s time for dinner. Come out quickly. Mom has made your favorite dish.
Tina: OK, I’ll be ready in a minute.
Mrs. Wang: The song you’re playing sounds great! Who sings it?
Tina: Do you really think so? It’s sung by Hatsune Miku.
Mrs. Wang: Hatsune Miku? Is she a new Japanese singer? I haven’t heard of her before.
Tina: Ha! Of course you haven’t. She’s not a real person.
Mrs. Wang: What do you mean she’s not real? I don’t understand.
Tina: I bought a new software called Vocaloid yesterday. After I enter the words and music notes of a song, it plays the
song using a girl’s voice. Hatsune Miku is only a character made for the voice. This software is very popular in
Japan. Millions of copies have been sold.
Mrs. Wang: Oh, that’s wonderful! So did you write that song yourself?
Tina: Yes, I did. It’s for the song writing competition in my school. All songs which enter the competition must have
words and singing, but I can’t sing well, so I use this software to help me.
Mrs. Wang: I see. I’m sure you’ll win the competition.
Tina: Thanks a lot!
★ software 軟體
music note 音符
39. Hatsune Miku is _____.
(A) a new Japanese singer
(C) Tina’s real name
character 角色
competition 比賽
(B) a character from a computer software
(D) the name of a competition
40. Which of the following is TRUE about Tina?
(A) She has s sweet voice.
(B) She can’t use a computer.
(C) She is good at writing songs. (D) She got Vocaloid from her teacher.
41. When might be the dialogue have taken place?
(A) 1:00 p.m.
(B) 3:30 p.m.
(C) 7:00 p.m.
(D) 11:30 p.m.
One day, all the animals became worried after hearing the news, which said that there was going to be a war and all the healthy
animals had to become soldiers.
The monkey didn’t want to become a soldier. He had an idea. He cut off part of his long tail and went to see a doctor. He
showed it to the doctor and said, “ Look, my tail gets hurt. I can’t go to the war.” The doctor agreed and let him go. The
rabbit used the same way as the monkey. This time, he cut off part of his long ear. The doctor agreed that he could not become a
soldier and let him go.
The bear became even more worried because he didn’t have a long tail or long ears. The monkey and the rabbit were his best
friends. They thought that maybe he could pull out all his teeth. The bear did so. After seeing the doctor, he came back sadly
and told his friends, “ They think that I’m too heavy, so I don’t have to join the war.”
★ war 戰爭 solider 士兵
tail 尾巴
42. Why did the rabbit cut off part of his long ear?
(A) Because the monkey told him to do so.
(C) Because he didn’t want to become a soldier.
(B) Because the doctor told him to do so.
(D) Because he thought his ear was too long.
三英 3
43. Why did the bear come back from the doctor sadly?
(A) Because he had to become a soldier.
(C) Because he lost all his teeth.
(B) Because he could not join the war.
(D) Because he was too heavy to be a soldier.
44. What did the bear learn from that day?
(A) Do what your friends tell you to do.
(B) Do not do everything your friends tell you to do.
(C) Do not feel sad after doing something bad.
(D) Lose something in order to get something.
Here are parts of Billy’s diary.
July 4, 2009
This is the day I left my sweet home
to fly to America. This is also my first
day to stay with my host family. The
host parents are very kind, so I don’t
feel nervous at all.
July 19,2009
Time flies! Today is the last weekend
I will stay with my host family. We
went on a picnic together and had a good
time. To tell the truth, they have treated
me so well that I don’t know how to
thank them.
★ host 接待
nervous 緊張的
July 5,2009
Today is Saturday. I had no English
class, so my host parents drove me to
the beach, which is so beautiful with so
many people swimming there. This
afternoon, their only child joined us
for lunch. She’s my age, so we become
good friends quickly.
July 25,2009
After five weeks of English classes,
and with the help of my host family, my
English has become much better than it
was before. Today is my last day with
them. I will miss them.
truth 事實
treat 對待
45. From the diary, we know that Billy has joined _____.
(A) an English program in America.
(B) a swimming class with his friend
(C) a summer camp in America with his sister
(D) a five-week trip to America with his family
46. How many people are there in Billy’s host family?
(A) Two
(B) Three
(C) Four
(D) Five
47. On what day did Billy first arrive in America?
(A) Monday
(B) Wednesday (C) Friday (D) Saturday
Thief Thanks Police
This is something you don’t see every day. A thief in Italy said thank you to the police --- for arresting him.
The man stole a bag from a family of tourists from South Korea when they weren’t looking. When they saw the thief, he took
out a knife --- and then turned to run. But two young men from the family ran after him.
The bad news for the thief was this --- the two South Korean men were good at taekwondo! And after they caught him, they
started to give him a lesson. Very soon the thief wished he had chosen another victim. And so in fact he was very happy when a
policeman arrived and arrested him. “Thank you!” he said. “ They were killing me!”
So the family got the handbag back --- but of course this is not the best way to deal with a thief. If you go on holiday,
remember to keep an eye on your things at all times!
★ arrest 逮捕
三英 4
tourist 觀光客
taekwondo 跆拳道
victim 受害者
deal 應付
48 Why did the thief say “thank you” to the police?
(A) Because the police saved him from being hit.
(B) Because he knew he was wrong.
(C) Because he wanted the police not to arrest him.
(D) Because the police took him to the hospital.
49 In which sentence, is the meaning of the word “lesson” the same as the one in line 7?
(A) There is one lesson to be learned.
(B) If you kick me again, I will teach you a lesson.
(C) I think Lesson 3 is easier than Lesson 2.
(D) There are six lessons in Book 6.
50 Which is true?
(A) Never go to Italy alone.
(B) The thief threw the handbag to two young men.
(C) Don’t bring too much money with you when traveling.
(D) Watch out your bag when you take a trip.
三英 5
三英 6