Apologies: Lis Wright

Apologies: Lis Wright. Marilyn Dawson (stepped down from group)
Correction to Agenda: Delete Mrs. Pauline Maybank – Insert Mrs. Pauline Maynard
1. Minutes of meeting held on 10th December 2012
The minutes were approved as a true record.
2. Matters Arising
2.1 PPG Group Membership
Posters had again been displayed around the practice advertising the meeting. We were delighted
to welcome 2 new members this evening, Mr. Damian Bullimore and Mr. Keith Cameron who
had been encouraged to attend by other group members.
2.2 Dr. Moon Sickness Absence
Dr. Moon will return part-time on 2nd April 2013, moving to full time by the beginning of June
2.3 Central Surgery GP and Nurse Practitioner Recruitment Drive
o Dr. Timothy Garret-Moore - The practice was delighted to announce that Dr. GarrettMoore will join the practice working full time from 15th April 2013.
o Nurse Practitioner Kate Hawkridge started on 4th February 2013.
o Nurse Practitioner Lesteen Wright will start on 19th February 2013.
o Nurse Practitioner Barbara Thrower will start on 8th April 2013.
2.4 Possible meeting with other Felixstowe PPG Groups
Haven Health was trying to co-ordinate a Felixstowe wide group meeting and hoped to have MP
Therese Coffey attend. A provisional meeting date of 27th March 2013 had been put forward.
Jenny would let PPG members know as soon as the date is confirmed.
3. Election of New Chair
Mrs. Pauline Maynard had been proposed at the last meeting. Pauline accepted the role of Chair.
4. Vice Chair
Pauline recommended that a Vice Chair be in place who could step in to chair the meetings in her
Mr. Mike Thomas offered to take on this role and this offer was gratefully accepted.
5. Results of Patient Survey
The survey results had been previously circulated and paper copies were available at the meeting.
The practice had achieved 80% of all patient ratings about the practice being goo, very good or
excellent. Posters to this effect would be displayed in the waiting rooms.
The practice was disappointed that the overall rating had fallen from 82% to 80% this year.
However, in view of the exceptional GP sickness absence, GP’s and NP’s leaving and recruitment
problems a fall had been expected.
Dr. Feltwell stated that access demand and choice of GP were always at opposing ends of the
Dr. Pearce reported that appointment demand is increasing at 6% per year. To aid coping with
demand the practice had introduced the Duty Day Triage system. This is implemented when all
routine appointments for the day have been taken. Patients indicating they need to see or speak
with a GP on that day will have their telephone number added to a contact list. The triage team
(which consists of GP’s and Nurse Practitioners) will then telephone the patient, discuss their
medical concern, and decide on the most appropriate course of action, which may be either that
they are offered an appointment, or that the matter can be dealt with by a prescription or advice.
Dr. Pearce stated that of the daily triage telephone calls, approximately 30 – 40% can be dealt
with without the GP or NP needing to see the patient.
The impact of Did Not Attend (DNA) patients was discussed. Figures should be included in
Since the practice has changed to SystmOne, if we hold a mobile telephone number for a patient,
when an appointment is booked the system sends an automatic text reminder to them on the day
of booking plus a reminder is sent the day before their due appointment. The practice is
encouraging patients to ensure we have updated mobile telephone contact numbers.
The group considered that the survey was undertaken at the wrong time of year. Jenny agreed
that it had been the intention to run the survey at the end of the summer, however, with the
practice having to change clinical computer system in September, which had placed the practice
staff under enormous pressure, it had not been possible to take on the extra work involved in the
survey distribution.
It is difficult to compare standards with other local practices as not all use the same survey (some
write and conduct their own individual surveys).
A full report of the survey findings and proposed Action Plan is attached as a separate document
to these minutes.
6. Formulate Action Plan to improve survey for next year
Attached as a separate document.
7. Redevelopment Update
Dr. Feltwell reported that work had started on the development site. An archeological survey is
currently underway. The building is expected to take approximately 10 months to complete and
the likely opening date is February 2014.
The new development will have a Pharmacy on site. The article in the EADT was incorrect and
referred to a different pharmacy company who applied in November and that is what was reported
last week.
The Pharmacy modular unit will open here on our current site on 4th March 2013 and will relocate
with the practice when we move. The Pharmacy will be open for 100 hours per week. A revised
press statement has been sent to the EADT today.
Buses will divert to the new development. New bus stops will be put in place and routes changed
in April in readiness for the new site.
8. Any Other Business
o Website - Agreed this needs updating.
o It would be helpful to have links for PPG members to feed in.
Bus timetables – can the practice have available? Jan Apthorp agreed to see if she could
obtain copies.
A ‘whirly stand’ for leaflets may be better than the wall displays – Jenny to look where this
could be safely placed.
Tannoy problems – Jenny to ask GP’s to speak loudly and clearly.
Praise for Reception – they do an excellent job
Appointment questioning – words used can cause confusion. Should try to avoid saying “is it
an emergency” – example given was that patient needed to see GP within 7 days but it was
not an ‘emergency’ for that day. Dr. Pearce explained that questioning is often necessary to
ascertain how soon the patient needs to see a GP. Agreed to take back to GP/staff meeting to
discuss whether more appropriate form of wording could be used.
Date of next meeting: 15th April 2013 7p.m
Register of Attendance:
Jill Gibbs
Jan Apthorp
Pauline Maynard
Ruth Thurston
Gina Widdowson
Sue Brace
Keith Cameron
Damian Bullimore
Mike Thomas
James Glaysher
Diane Fedida
Dr Stephen Feltwell
Dr Keith Pearce
Jenny Molloy
Debbie Hawkes
PPG member
PPG member
PPG Chair
PPG member
PPG member
PPG member
PPG member
PPG member
PPG member
PPG member
PPG member
GP Partner
GP Partner
Practice Manager