E recruitment process - the University of Salford

Equality Impact Assessment Summary Report
Name of the policy being impact assessed:
E recruitment process
What the equality impact assessment concluded:
The e recruitment process is able to monitor applications by the above
categories, including the addition of religion/belief and sexual orientation
which is an enhancement to the previous manual system
It is possible for disabled applicants to declare their disability at different
stages in the process, e.g. they will be able to declare it after they have
been appointed. It is anticipated that this will increase the percentage of
people who choose to declare a disability. The system makes it easy for
disabled people to request that they be considered under the 2 tick scheme
It is also anticipated that the rate for disclosure for all equality strands will
increase as the system is easy to use and complete
Equality Information will be treated as confidential and will not be seen by
the hiring manager
What evidence was used?
The university has statistics on applicants and successful applicants by
equality strands of gender, ethnicity, disability and age.
Who was involved and consulted and how:
Consultation has taken place with the e recruitment project group, and HR
managers. A number of open days and workshops have been held for staff
interested in the new system. Representatives from the equality networks
were invited to demonstrations of the system and to comment on it.
Detailed comments were received from members of Salford University
Disability network and specific sessions were held with individuals with
visual impairment during the testing phase
The action that will be taken as a result of the impact assessment:
Potential applicants can have assistance with applying on line from
HR or others outside the University e.g. job centre. Computers will be
available within the University for people to use to apply for posts
Assistance will be available for potential applicants for whom English
is not a first language
It has been confirmed that the WCN systems meet the disability
standards ( AAA Bobby and RNIB)
During the testing period the system was tested with staff who are
visually impaired and they were able to change fonts and colours.
The system is compatible with standard accessibility software
The system has been checked and is compatible with magnified
screen readers (Microsoft Accessibility Wizard)
Suggestion from SUDS that the question relating to disability could be
made more welcoming
- All text on the system is changeable, and the text is under review
Suggestion from SUDS that user information when input is
remembered by the software
- We can confirm that when a profile is created by candidates, all
information inputted is retained by the software for future applications
Suggestion from SUDS that stress risk assessments are incorporated
into the system
- As discussed with SUDS, any stress risk assessments would have
to be done at the creation of the job description & person specification
so this would fall out of the eRecruitment system. A suggestion would
be that we add an additional question onto the “vacancy creation”
form asking whether a “stress risk assessment” has been carried out
on the vacancy.
The date and author of the Equality Impact Assessment:
Please submit this summary report to the Equality Impact Assessment