Essential and Non-Essential Grammatical Units – Answer Key 1. non-essential Mr. John McCarthy, who lives in Toronto, is kind and intelligent. 2. essential The Mr. John McCarthy who lives in Toronto is kind, but the one who lives in Ottawa is cruel. 3. essential A clause which gives no necessary information is non-essential. 4. essential Psychiatrists who hate to talk to people are usually unsuccessful. 5. non-esential The second clause, which was clearly non-essential, was set off with commas. 6. essential All fraternity men who get caught growing marijuana will be expelled. 7. non-essential My great-grandfather Baldwin, who spent most of his life in Alberta, used to make his own hickory furniture. 8. essential Priscilla was determined to marry no man who could not repair a wristwatch. 9. essential The person who draws the lucky number will receive a four-ound codfish. 10. essential or non-essential depending on context The old gentleman frying tomatoes is the city constable (this would be correct – ie. essential—if there were several old gentlemen in the area) The old gentleman, frying tomatoes, is the city constable (this would be correct – ie. non-essential – if there were no old gentleman except one) 11. non-essential “Silent Night,” now being sung by the North bay Childeren’s Choir, is my favorite carol. 12. non-essential Perkins, working overtime on Saturdays, hoped to finish the job by September. 13. non-essential The question of thermodynamics in family life, which so many sicentists have igonored, is fully treated in one of John Black’s last books. 14. essential I often felt that Mrs. Twig was not fond of either of her children, but it was clearly the daughter whom she hated. 15. essential Redwoods growing on the crest of mountains seldom attain a height of more than 50 feet. Note: for this sentence, you would have to have the knowledge that redwoods usually grow much higher. 16. non-essential Colonel Stone, who had been 3 years in Africa, began to grow homesick. 17. non-essential The Germans, who lost the war, suffered fewere casulaties than did the victors. 18. essential or non-essential depending on how many aunts exist My aunt, who lives in Kingston, will spend Christmas with me. (only 1 aunt exists) My aunt who lives in Kingston will spend Christmas with me (more than 1 aunt so “who lives in Kingston” is essential in order to identify which aunt) 19. essential The old house which is situated on the hill has finally been sold. 20. non-essential J.B. Smith, who lives only two blocks away, owns a purple cow. 21. non-essential John Jiles, who just inherited a million dollars, is now celebrating in the pub! 22. non-essential Sally Thompson, whom you will meet tonight, is my third cousin. 23. essential People who know 40 languages are geniuses 24. essential Please help all the students who fail this exam.. 25. non-essential The author is Samuel Johnson, who was born in England.