2009-10 Annual Survey of Public Library Services in Victoria 2009-10 ISSN 1035-4832 January 2011 Published by Local Government Victoria Department of Planning and Community Development 55 Collins Street, Melbourne Victoria 3000 http://www.localgovernment.vic.gov.au Disclaimer Statistics provided in the Annual Survey of Public Library Services are submitted by all Public Library Services in Victoria. Data is collected and collated annually by Local Government Victoria, who remains committed to publishing the Annual Survey. The Survey can be downloaded from http://www.localgovernment.vic.gov.au Every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of the published data. However, some errors and omissions in the submitted data may not have been detected. Population data - The population figures used in each Annual Survey is the Estimated Residential Population (ERP) as provided by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. The State Library of NSW kindly provide the NSW population figures for bordering library services. Copyright & Disclaimer The materials presented in this report are for information purposes only. The information is provided solely on the basis that readers will be responsible for making their own assessments of the matters discussed and are advised to verify all relevant representations, statements and information and obtain independent advice before acting on any information contained in or in connection with this report. While every effort has been made to ensure that the information is accurate, the Department of Planning and Community Development will not accept any liability for any loss or damage which may be incurred by any person acting in reliance upon the information. Copyright © State of Victoria 2011 This publication is copyright. No part may be reproduced by any process except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968. Contents Overview 1 Public Library Services Statistics 3 1 General 4 2 Service Points 5 3 Membership 8 4 Collection – Print Material 9 5 Collection – Non-Print Material 18 6 Collection – eResources 24 7 Collection – Subscriptions 25 8 Collection – Overall 28 9 Programs 32 10 Information Technology 34 11 Staff 36 12 Finance 38 Supporting Notes from Public Library Services 42 Indicators 47 Summary of Statistics 1950 to present 57 Annual Survey Questionnaire 61 Overview Victoria has 290 public libraries and 26 mobile libraries Collections contain nearly 9 million items There are 290 branches across Victoria including many that are joint-use or multi-use facilities with other community services. The public library collections contain over 8.7 million items, giving people access to a wide range of books, audiovisual and reference materials. In addition to these permanent branches there are 26 mobile libraries servicing 400 locations often in isolated rural and regional communities with nearly 450,000 visits. These mobile libraries provide a range of services including internet and computer access as well as traditional borrowing services. Over 52 million items are borrowed each year A wide range of items are borrowed each year from Victoria’s public libraries, these include: • 36 million books; • 12 million audio visual items; and • 3.2 million newspapers and serials (including newspapers in languages other than English). Every member of a public library borrows more than 20 items per year on average. Library also conducted over 30,000 programs, attended by over 900,000 participants. Over 50% of new material were purchased over the last 5 years and last year 1 million items were replaced, keeping the collections modern and relevant. 48% of Victorians are members of local libraries There are 2.5 million Victorians who are members of a library. Victorians make over 28 million visits to libraries Libraries are the most used community facility in Victoria, along with parks and gardens, and are used by 51% of the population (Australian Bureau of Statistics General Social Survey 2002). Other community facilities, such as art galleries and museums, are used by about half as many Victorians (Australian Bureau of Statistics Survey of Attendance at Selected Cultural Venues and Events 2005-6). There are 3.4 million bookings for use of the internet Despite the increase in the number of people that have internet access at home there is still significant internet use in libraries. Bookings were made for 2.2 million hours of internet time and over 300,000 wireless sessions. Public access computers in libraries has grown to over 4,000 giving library members more access to both the internet and computer applications. 1 2 Public Library Services Statistics 3 Supporting Notes from Public Library Services Bayside Library Service 7.6, 7.7, 7.10, 7.11 These periodicals are included in the general periodical collection or the LOTE collection. 10.5 No record kept of Wireless sessions 10.6 Users do not book wireless PCs they bring their own 10.7 Council server only tracks page views 12.10 Includes cataloguing and processing $104,973 City of Boroondara Library Service 6.5 Stats not available for all databases 10.8 Not a figure collected during the year Brimbank Libraries 4 & 5 The shelf ready component of materials expenditure is an estimate only, as processing & cataloguing costs are not broken down by collection category. 5.22 Other non-print material acquisitions excludes approx 400 new Wii games titles purchased. Not yet added to catalogue. 5.25 Other non-print material expenditure includes $21,951 for new Wii games collection. 6.1 e-book titles subscriptions: 4 products. Figures provided include Safari (50 titles), plus Gale Virtual Reference Library (115 titles), Tumblebooks (270 titles) & Bookflix (170 titles). 10.2 We have 90 public PC's operational for 6 months of the year instead of the full 125. 10.5 WiFi was launched in 2009, and accurate stats were not available until February 2010 10.6 Our WiFi customer do not book sessions and are able to connect to the internet for any period time they require during opening hours. 12.2 Resources budget $905,528; St Albans redevelopment $685,008; Sunshine Library minor works $39,000 12.4 St Albans Library Living Libraries grant final payment $280,000 12.5 Premiers Reading Challenge $29,020 12.10 This includes magazines, e-collection & 25% internal charges on non capital (magazines, e-collections, processing & cataloguing) 12.13 This includes $1,248,898 Council internal charges for the Department 12.14 All other operating cost - Depreciation of RFID equipment Campaspe Regional Library 10.5 and 10.6 Wireless statistics not available, only just commenced with this system 10.7 and 10.8 Unfortunately due to IT staffing constraints these statistics cannot be provided. 42 Casey-Cardinia Library Corporation 2.15 Visits down slightly due to temporary building/mobile library closures for refurbishment works 3.6 Figure is an estimate based on extrapolated data. Specific data for 30 June 2010 is not available 8.4 Overall loans down slightly due to temporary building/mobile library closures for refurbishment works 12.10 Variation in materials expenditure due to holding of $100,000 in Pakenham Library reserve collection for opening of new branch. Central Highlands Regional Library 2.5 Sebastopol College - provide library management system, cataloguing services, access to collection and delivery of items. Staff provided by Sebastopol College. 2.7 Sebastopol College - we don't have their details for visits. 4.4 The additions were donations 5.10 The additions were donations 7.8 Children's subscriptions expenditure included as part of total Adult expenditure 12.4 Living Libraries $18,000 for Avoca Library paid to Pyrenees Shire Council Corangamite Regional Library Corporation 3.6 Collection out on Loan on 30 June 2010 LMS cannot provide figures 4 No LOTE collection 6 No downloadable material 7 No LOTE serials 10.4 Number of PC hours booked - information unavailable 10.5 & 10.6 WiFi not available between 1 July 2009 and June 30 2010 11.5 Number of work experience & other placement staff not available Darebin Libraries 3.4 Clearance of inactive users. Currently we are unable to do this, but are able to accurately measure members active in the previous three years. 10.6 Number of wireless sessions hours booked. Unable to measure number of hours East Gippsland Shire Library 2.17 Home library service - Selection and delivery is conducted by volunteers who are coordinated by Gippsland Lakes Community Health. 2.22 Hours undertaking home service - Library administration = 2.5 hours per fortnight and volunteers = 15 hours per fortnight. Multiplied by 26 fortnights in the financial year = 455 hours. 8.13 - 8.14 Reference enquiries – It was decided that we should not keep count of our reference enquiries. We recently started recording those statistics again. 8.5 10.7 10.8 Total Collection Expenditure formula - The heading is (Calculation of all categories within Print and Non-Print. Also includes Loans for eResources and Subscriptions) This figure does not include subscription expenditure 7.16, but we wondered if it should. Website visits - We currently don't have the ability to measure the number of hits to our Online Public Access Catalogue. Some of the visits to the library website will have continued to the OPAC link, but many would have that link saved in their favourites and therefore not be recorded. Page views - As discussed in the previous note, OPAC visits won't be included in this figure at all. We are currently working on setting OPAC pages up for Google stats Eastern Regional Libraries Frankston Library Service 1 Taken from Community profile page http://profile.id.com.au/Default.aspx?id=111 &pg=210 Source: ABS) 7.7 Children's loans not available separately. 8.14 Continuous count Glen Eira Library & Information Service 4-7 We do not break down our expenditure in these categories, only included the total collection expenditure in Q8.5 10.5 Wireless reporting tool not yet in place 10.6 Wireless sessions are not booked 10.7 Reporting tool not yet in place 10.8 as above" 12.13 Does not include some internal accounting charges Glenelg Libraries Goldfields Library Corporation 2 Romsey Library joined the Goldfields Library Corporation in December 2009. Statistics for the Pyramid Hill RTC are not available. 6 Did not subscribe to downloads in 2009-10 7 GLC does not have any LOTE material 9 Includes schools visits 10 We do not book wireless sessions. 12 This grant went directly to Council, but it benefitted the RLC (kangaroo Flat library refurbishment) Goulburn Valley Regional Library Corporation Gannawarra Library Service 2.8 Mobile service is contracted out to, and vehicle owned by Swan Hill Regional Library Service. 2.11 Unable to provide figures due to service being contracted out. 2.12 One stop on behalf of Gannawarra Library Service. Additional stops for Swan Hill Library Service. 3.4 Membership files cleared monthly through Swift Symphony management. 4.26 - 4.30 No LOTE Collection held. 5.11 - 5.15 No CD (music) Collection held. 6.5 See 5.24 (other non-print material) 7.9 - 7.12 No LOTE Newspapers or Serials held. 8.13 - 8.14 Unable to provide data for 2009/2010. 10.4 Do not record number of hours booked. 10.5 - 10.6 Wireless Access was not in place 2009/10. Greater Dandenong Libraries 3.5 Figure was calculated using borrower last activity for a 12 month period. 4.10 Includes Let's Read and Premier's Read Challenge expenditure. 5.25 Expenditure for Online Resources including Gulliver and Bolinda E-Books. 9.4 Includes Adult Learners Week and Neighbourhood House Week participants 10.3 & 10.4 Includes English Language and Literacy Access PC Usage. 12.2 Library Materials are funded as part of capital works. 12.4 Partial Wireless and Computer Management Grant received in 2009/10 & Premier's reading challenge. 12.5 Let's Read Communities for Children Federal Funding. Geelong Regional Library Corporation 1 Home Library service operated by DoCare Geelong 2 Children and young adult copies, loans and expenditure are included in the adult count 2.16 Home Library Service operated by Do Care Geelong 3 March-June 2010 only 6.2 March-Jun 2010 only 6.5 includes full text downloads only 7.5-7.8Children & Youth Adult copies, loans and expenditure are included in the adult count. 12 State Government Grants figure includes $1,517,235 operational and local priorities grant, 21,054 Computer and wireless grant, 49,522 Premiers Reading Challenge grant. User fees and Charges amount includes all library generated income including for example photocopying fees, fines, meeting room hire, etc. High Country Library Corporation 1 LGV used June 2008 ABS ERP population figure for 2009/10 funding. 4 Discard figure includes all categories. Expenditure to make all items shelf ready included here. 5 Music CDs - We do not have any holdings of these, but our patrons are able to place holds directly on them from out SWIFT partners, and they are issued and counted as music cds in out circulation statistics. 6.5 $11,389 was spent on online databases. 7 Expenditure includes junior and teen subscriptions 7 All expenditure on subscriptions is included in the Adult subscriptions total - we do not separate the subscriptions in our budget. 10 HCLC uses SirsiDynix Rooms software for our web page and it does not have the functionality to count visits or page views. 43 Hobsons Bay Libraries 5 Other non print material = equipment - bike locks, headphones, controllers etc 10 Wi Fi sessions - unable to obtain exact data in this version of booking system. Extrapolated from downloads and available times. Unable to provide hours. 11.1 Full time 8: part time 7 Melbourne Library Service 7 Children and Young Adult subscriptions are included in Adult subscriptions 10.7 This includes 725,0008 visits to the website and 666,741 visits to the webopac. 10.8 This includes 1,398856 page views on the website and 1,333,462 page views on the webopac. Hume Libraries 3.6 Unable to collect this figure as we were unaware of its inclusion 5.24 Non-print loans are 0 due to SCIS website holdings. 6.1-6.4Do not have e-books or music downloads 6.5 This information is not available in full 10.8 Unable to collect this figure due to software restrictions 11.10 Includes Superannuation, Workcover premiums, does NOT include leave. Melton Library & Information Service 3.3 Membership considerably reduced as after changing LMS systems in May 2007. Many old, inactive memberships received a new "activity" date in May 2007 and these were all purged May 2010 if they had not used their card. 4.38 Discards given in other categories eg nonfiction. 4.39 Mostly staff loans that are not checked out. 5.18 Video collection mostly discarded. 5.21 Sports Library and Console Games included here. 5.22 Acquisition of console games - existing titles swapped for newer titles. 5.24 Loans for Console games only internal. 5.25 Sports Library purchased through other funds, not out of library budget. 5.3 Discards Talking book cassette collection dismantled. 5.9 No loans as CDROMs for use in library only. 6.2 E-book titles only new, so very few downloads. 11.2 Includes an allowance of 1.6 EFT in Casual staff 12.8 Includes income from sale of service to Caroline Springs College at Caroline Springs Library Kingston Information & Library Service 2.2 Warrigal Road hours transferred to Clarinda in February 2009. 2.17 Home Library Service is provided by Staff and Volunteers. This option could not be entered correctly from the drop down menu. 4.27 517 LOTE items purchased before 30 June were processed after this date and are not included in the acquisitions total. 8.2 Acquisitions include 2,000 items purchased for Patterson Lakes Library. Expenditure for these was included in 2008-09 survey. Latrobe City Library Service 3.2 Institutional members includes other libraries that are members for inter-library loan purposes. 3.14 Membership file is cleared monthly of inactive users in past three years 4.36 Figure includes the ex-Yallourn Collection and some Local Collection material. 5.21 Online database subscriptions, e.g. Ancestory.com. 6.5 The figures includes use of yourtutor® online tutoring website. 7.3 Loan figure is an aggregate of loans of adult, children and young adult and LOTE titles. 12.13 Library service expenditure excludes paper for printing and photocopying, postage, IT support and equipment and internet costs all of which are absorbed within relevant Council departments such as Information Technology. Maribyrnong Library Service 1 8% pop increase from 2006 Figure 3.6 Date used was 15th Sept 2010 10 PC Bookings - Hours of usage taken as number of bookings as in 09-10 we did not have Pharos in place, so PCS were walk up one hour use Webpage visits/views are for the Library pages on the Maribyrnong Council web page. These figures do not include visits to our OPAC pages by home users. 44 Mildura Rural City Council Library Service 3.5 Items on loan on Friday 27th August. I could not retrospectively get the figures for 30th June. 4 & 5 & 12.10 The cost of making items shelf-ready is not included in the figures of expenditure as we don't collect this information separately. Most of this is done in-house. The cost of materials plus some outsourcing totalled $27,268. A rough estimate of in-house labour cost would be $43,550. 4.36-4.40 Other print material includes our stack collection and our literacy collection which have a variety of formats and levels included. It was too difficult to accurately add the items to specific collections. 7.8 Children's and Young Adult serials expenditure included in Adult expenditure. 12.2 Includes Capital works for new Mobile Library, Library materials and furniture. 12.4 Includes final payment for Living Library Program - Mobile Library and Premiers Reading Challenge Funding. 12.11 Includes Mobile Library project and furniture purchases. Mitchell Shire Library & Information Service 1 Provided sale of service to Macedon Ranges Shire for the Romsey Library until December 2009. 2 Joined SWIFT consortium in March 2010. 8.13 Reference statistics were not collected this year 10.7 Fault with system and unable to get figure Monash Public Library Service 4.4 Expend on Other print is Subscriptions. Loans are captured in section 7 but not the expend, so added it here. I had done this to catch the spend on Serials which is otherwise not being captured in total expenditure. 5.25 Other Non Book expend is online databases 6 e-book downloads and titles includes safar and tumblebooks titles available and counts from those sites of titles viewed. Moonee Valley Library Service 9.2 Figures affected due to temporary relocation of Milleara Library to portable. Storytime was unable to continue in the portable space from August 2009. Moreland City Libraries 3.1 Current version of Spydus does not allow archiving of borrowers 4.35 Expenditure on databases included in Reference 5 LOTE AV (CD ROMs, CDs, DVDs and Videos) have been counted in this section and not included in sections 4.26 - 4.30 7.5-7.8Breakdown for Children and Young Adult data not available 8.6-8.8Unable to provide age of collection data 9.7 This figure does not include involvement in local community festivals 10.3 Number of PC bookings not recorded 10.5-10.6 Wireless service not available 2009-10 12.14 The depreciation amount of $752,340 has not been included in the income/contribution from Council Mornington Peninsula Library 4 Other Print Material = Local History and Library Management 10 Our WiFi software does not take bookings it allows for unlimited users so no bookings necessary. 10 Website stats ourlibrary.mornpen.vic.gov.au only and do NOT include the Online catalogues uages" Murrindindi Library Service 2.15 We do not record visits as two of our service points are joint use facilities with council services, and it is not possible to separate visits to each service area at these sites. 12.5 Other grants: $90,000 was received by Murrindindi Shire Council via the Victorian Bushfire Relief Fund to plan and deliver an Arts and Cultural program across 10 towns affected by the February 2009 bushfires. Port Phillip Library Service 7 Children's and Young Adult subscriptions included in Adult subscriptions. One budget for LOTE, Adult and Young Adult serials. 10.7-10.8 Includes access to online catalogue Stonnington Library & Information Service 5 LOTE AV has been included in this section. Pedomoeters have been included in other non-print material 7 Comics have been included in subscriptions 10 Number of wireless sessions is approximate only & from Nov 09-Jun10 between the hours of 8am -9pm each day. Do not distinguish between webpage visits and page views 12 Could not balance expenditure exactly to the dollar amount. Swan Hill Regional Library Service 2.3 One of the NSW branches has reduced its opening hours by 3 hours 2.9 Figure provided for 2008/09 report was for total fortnightly opening hours not weekly. The Mobile Library operates on a 9 day roster so 2009/10 total opening hours have been averaged 3.6 Unaware this stat needed to be collected so have used figure from another Wednesday but figure will be fairly accurate as loans don't vary much 4.36 Is for Local History and Archive items 7.1 Adult, children's and young adult combined 8.13 Statistics not kept in 2009/10 10 Does not include NSW branch staff as they are paid by Wakool Council 12.4 This figure is only for depreciation of the Mobile Library. Building not owned by Council, furniture and equipment older than number of years allowed for in standard accounting depreciation formulas, Computers depreciated and replaced through Council's IT Department. Upper Murray Regional Library 1.1 One less shire in NSW (Albury City Council withdrew from regional library service) 1.2 Less population due to withdrawal 1.3 Less square kms due to withdrawal 2 Due to the withdrawal of Albury City Council from UMRL. Two major branches Albury and Lavington are no longer with UMRL. 3 Members file cleared, figures shown less the Albury City Council members. 8 Collections numbers down due to withdrawal and massive weeding of old items. 9 Programs down in numbers due to withdrawal of Albury City Council libraries 10 Public Access PCs numbers down due to withdrawal. Five Victorian branches supplied with wireless hotspots. Wellington Shire Library West Gippsland Regional Library Corporation 3.6 How can we supply this when not made aware of the requirement until mid August 45 4.35 9 10.5 Includes expenditure on electronic databases An open day was held for our new library at Inverloch, as well as the introduction of story time at Mirboo North, a trial of an early years program and the introduction of baby rhyme time to increase our figures dramatically. Partial year (2 months) - Commenced wireless service stat collection May 2010 at 6 libraries. 5.20 7 7.8 10.6 Whitehorse Manningham Regional Library Corporation 3.6 This figure is for the date 1 September 2010 as cannot retrieve the figure retrospectively from LMS 4.15 Includes Junior and Adult Non - Fiction 4.39 Wonga Park Loans 4.5 Does not include shelf ready costs 5.25 Electronic resources 7.4 Includes LOTE and Children’s (unable to separate expenditure) 8.6, 8.7, 8.8 Unable to provide figures due to new LMS March 2006 Wimmera Regional Library Corporation 1.2 Population based on 42.8% of Buloke Shire = 3,012 + 50,050 = 53,062 2.17 Provided by Library staff & volunteers, not Volunteers only 4.36 Unformatted Stock, 4.38 = Informatted Discards, 4.39 = Unformatted loans including from other Swift libraries, 4.40 = PRC $64804 & Discretionary $9852 expenditure 5.10 No expenditure separated into CD-ROM, the 11 acquisitions expended funds are including in the non-fiction figure. 5.25 Expenditure on electronic resources (databases etc) 7.14 Serial copies only, excludes newspaper copies 11.10 Based on Income Statement (Profit/Loss Statement) 12.12 Based on Cash Flow Statement includes GST, excludes Adjustment for Employee Entitlements eg. Long Service Leave, etc. Wyndham City Library Service 3.6 Data not available for 30 June 2010 as responsible staff member wasn't aware of this requirement when generating the data on 1 July 2010. Data was sourced for items checked out on 23rd September 2010. 10.7 Google Analytics metric that we are using to measure site visits is "unique page views" 12.10 Total expenditure includes shelf ready costs & tender management fee for Point Cook Library Opening Day Collection. Yarra Libraries 4.4 Other print material is a variety of undefined category items and ephemeral material including interlibrary loans that can't be allocated a cost. Expenditure in 4.5, 4.10,4.15 and 4.20 has received allocations from the Ewing Trust.4.31 includes local history items. 46 11.9 12.1 12.4 12.4 Includes material purchased through the Ewing Trust. 5.25 Other non print are Light meters that were donated by the sustainable department of the council. LOTE subscriptions expenditure was slightly down due to going to tender but will be higher in the next year's figures. Expenditure Collections and Subscriptions, Children and Adult: as we don't separate costs for children's subscriptions they are incorporated into adult figures total. We can't provide this figure as wireless users don't book with the current system. Number of staff employed includes 16 casuals who work only as required. Grant from Ewing bequest, Computer Management and Wireless Internet in Public Libraries Grant 2009/10. Other depreciation costs not available. Yarra Plenty Regional Library Service 2.10 This figure does not include visits to the Outreach Services Vehicle, which visits 38 institutes. 2.19 These institutes are visited by the Outreach Services Vehicle, not by Home Library Service. Each institute is visited 16 times per year. 3.3 Membership database cleared monthly of inactive borrowers after two years 4.1, 4.2, 4.4 Includes paperbacks 4.3 Includes Children's & YA 4.6, 4.7, 4.9 Includes picture books, ES and graphic novels 4.8 Included in 4.3 4.13 Includes Children's Non Fiction 4.18 Included in adult count 4.26, 4.27, 4.28 & 4.29 Includes LOTE magazines 4.31, 4.32, 4.33 & 4.34 Includes Local History 5.7-5.8 Included in total CD & DVD count 5.13 Included in total CD & DVD count 5.18 Includes CDRom, CD & DVDs 7.1 Included in print collection 7.6 Included with Adult 7.7 Included with Adult 7.10, 7.11, 7.12 Included in LOTE print 12.1 In the 2008/09 financial year the Board received the following contributions from municipalities that related to the 09/10 financial year: $1,186,971 Vision Australia Information Library Service 1.2 ABS 2007-8 National health survey figure for Blindness and Other visual disturbances or loss of vision. 3.6 Not relevant due to Burn on Demand ability which only creates items in response to client need. 5 Talking books includes cassette, CD and Daisy. Other non-print material includes Braille. 6.4 Figure includes magazines, newspapers, podcasts and Braille music scores downloaded. 8.6-8.8Due to transition to Burn on Demand, this figure is not providable Indicators 47 56 Summary of Statistics 57 60 Annual Survey Questionnaire 61