JavaScript has been disabled in your browser. This application will not function without JavaScript. Enable JavaScript in your browser. Return U.S. Department of Labor Office of Labor-Management Standards Washington, DC 20210 FORM LM-2 LABOR ORGANIZATION ANNUAL REPORT MUST BE USED BY LABOR ORGANIZATIONS WITH $250,000 OR MORE IN TOTAL ANNUAL RECEIPTS AND LABOR ORGANIZATIONS IN TRUSTEESHIP Form Approved Office of Management and Budget No. 1245-0003 Expires: 10-31-2013 This report is manadatory under P.L. 86-257, as amended. Failure to comply may result in criminal prosecution, fines, or civil penalties as provided by 29 U.S.C. 439 or 440. READ THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE PREPARING THIS REPORT. For Official Use Only 1. FILE NUMBER 035-847 2. PERIOD COVERED From 01/01/2011 Through 12/31/2011 3. (a) AMENDED - Is this an amended report: (b) HARDSHIP - Filed under the hardship procedures: (c) TERMINAL - This is a terminal report: 4. AFFILIATION OR ORGANIZATION NAME ENGINEERS, OPERATING, AFL-CIO 5. DESIGNATION (Local, Lodge, etc.) LOCAL UNION 7. UNIT NAME (if any) No No No 8. MAILING ADDRESS (Type or print in capital letters) 6. DESIGNATION NBR 139 First Name TERRY Last Name MC GOWAN P.O Box - Building and Room Number BOX 130 Number and Street N 27 W 23233 ROUNDY DR 9. Are your organization's records kept at its mailing address? Yes City PEWAUKEE State WI ZIP Code + 4 530720130 Each of the undersigned, duly authorized officers of the above labor organization, declares, under penalty of perjury and other applicable penalties of law, that all of the information submitted in this report (including information contained in any accompanying documents) has been examined by the signatory and is, to the best of the undersigned individual's knowledge and belief, true, correct and complete (See Section V on penalties in the instructions.) 26. Terrance E McGowan SIGNED: Date: Mar 27, 2012 Form LM-2 (Revised 2010) Contact Info: PRESIDENT 262-896-0139 27. Rodney Bessett SIGNED: Date: Mar 27, 2012 Contact Info: TREASURER 262-896-0139 ITEMS 10 THROUGH 21 FILE NUMBER: 035-847 10. During the reporting period did the labor organization create or participate in the administration of a trust or a fund or organization, as defined in the instructions, which provides benefits for members or beneficiaries? Yes 11(a). During the reporting period did the labor organization have a political action committee (PAC) fund? Yes 11(b). During the reporting period did the labor organization have a subsidiary organization as defined in Section X of these Instructions? No 12. During the reporting period did the labor organization have an audit or review of its books and records by an outside accountant or by a parent body auditor/representative? Yes 13. During the reporting period did the labor organization discover any loss or shortage of funds or other assets? (Answer "Yes" even if there has been repayment or recovery.) No 14. What is the maximum amount recoverable under the labor organization's fidelity bond for a loss caused by any officer, employee or agent of the labor organization who handled union funds? $500,000 15. During the reporting period did the labor organization acquire or dispose of any assets in a manner other than purchase or sale? Yes 16. Were any of the labor organization's assets pledged as security or encumbered in any way at the end of the reporting period? Yes 17. Did the labor organization have any contingent liabilities at the end of the reporting period? No 18. During the reporting period did the labor organization have any changes in its constitution or bylaws, other than rates of dues and fees, or in practices/procedures listed in the instructions? No 19. What is the date of the labor organization's next regular election of officers? Form LM-2 (Revised 2010) 20. How many members did the labor organization have at the end of the reporting period? 8,738 21. What ar the labor organization's rates of dues and fees? Rates of Dues and Fees 08/2013 Dues/Fees Amount Unit Minimum Maximum (a) Regular 25 per MONTH 10 50 Dues/Fees (b) WAGES Working 1.5% per & Dues/Fees FRINGES (c) Initiation 328.13 per MEMBER 46.88 328.13 Fees (d) Transfer 175 per MEMBER 137.50 312.50 Fees (e) Work N/A per N/A N/A N/A Permits STATEMENT A - ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ASSETS FILE NUMBER: 035-847 Schedule Number 22. Cash ASSETS 23. Accounts Receivable 24. Loans Receivable 1 2 25. U.S. Treasury Securities 26. Investments 27. Fixed Assets 28. Other Assets 5 6 7 29. TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES LIABILITIES 30. Accounts Payable 31. Loans Payable 32. Mortgages Payable 33. Other Liabilities 34. TOTAL LIABILITIES 35. NET ASSETS Form LM-2 (Revised 2010) Schedule Number 8 9 10 Start of Reporting Period (A) End of Reporting Period (B) $2,884,276 $2,461,741 $401,513 $0 $413,803 $0 $114,808 $118,132 $3,465,306 $8,257,267 $1,159 $3,552,574 $7,764,441 $51,038 $15,124,329 $14,361,729 Start of Reporting Period (A) $460,103 $2,076,841 $0 $8,319 End of Reporting Period (B) $358,055 $1,313,107 $0 $14,500 $2,545,263 $1,685,662 $12,579,066 $12,676,067 STATEMENT B - RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS CASH RECEIPTS SCH AMOUNT 37. Per Capita Tax 38. Fees, Fines, Assessments, Work Permits 39. Sale of Supplies 40. Interest 41. Dividends SCH AMOUNT 15 16 17 18 19 20 3 9 2 14 $2,988,481 $148,891 $253,992 $364,378 $1,880,934 $1,719,622 $1,408,706 $0 57. Strike Benefits 42. Rents 49. TOTAL RECEIPTS CASH DISBURSEMENTS $8,622,435 50. Representational Activities 51. Political Activities and Lobbying $0 52. Contributions, Gifts, and Grants $108,744 53. General Overhead 54. Union Administration $590 55. Benefits $136,318 56. Per Capita Tax 36. Dues and Agency Fees 43. Sale of Investments and Fixed Assets 44. Loans Obtained 45. Repayments of Loans Made 46. On Behalf of Affiliates for Transmittal to Them 47. From Members for Disbursement on Their Behalf 48. Other Receipts FILE NUMBER: 035-847 $0 $271,700 58. Fees, Fines, Assessments, etc. $0 $627,144 59. Supplies for Resale $0 $0 60. Purchase of Investments and Fixed Assets $0 61. Loans Made $0 62. Repayment of Loans Obtained 63. To Affiliates of Funds Collected on $12,376 Their Behalf $331,608 64. On Behalf of Individual Members $10,110,915 65. Direct Taxes 4 $730,603 2 9 $0 $763,734 $0 $4,116 $267,043 66. Subtotal $10,530,500 67. Withholding Taxes and Payroll Deductions 67a. Total Withheld $984,209 67b. Less Total $987,159 Disbursed 67c. Total Withheld But Not Disbursed 68. TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS Form LM-2 (Revised 2010) -$2,950 $10,533,450 SCHEDULE 1 - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE AGING SCHEDULE Entity or Individual Name (A) Totals from all other accounts receivable TOTALS (Column (B) Total will be automatically entered in Item 23, Column (B)) Form LM-2 (Revised 2010) FILE NUMBER: 035-847 Total 90-180 Account Days Receivable Past Due (B) (C) 180+ Days Past Due (D) Liquidated Account Receivable (E) $413,803 $413,803 $0 $0 $0 SCHEDULE 2 - LOANS RECEIVABLE List below loans to officers, employees, or Loans members which at any time during the Outstanding at reporting period exceeded $250 and list all Start of Period loans to business enterprises regarless of (B) amount. (A) Total of loans not listed above $0 Total of all lines $0 Item 24 Totals will be automatically entered in... Column (A) Form LM-2 (Revised 2010) FILE NUMBER: 035-847 Loans Made During Period (C) $0 Item 61 Cash (D)(1) Other Than Cash (D)(2) $0 Item 45 $0 Item 69 with Explanation Loans Outstanding at End of Period (E) $0 Item 24 Column (B) SCHEDULE 3 - SALE OF INVESTMENTS AND FIXED ASSETS Description (if land or buildings give location) (A) Cost (B) Total of all lines $698,682 $120,485 $205,628 $372,569 5 AUTOMOBILES GOV SECURITIES MUTUAL FUNDS Book Value (C) $603,395 $23,809 $205,628 $373,958 FILE NUMBER: 035-847 Gross Sales Price (D) $627,144 $44,144 $208,000 $375,000 14. Less Reinvestments (Net Sales total will automatically entered in Item 43) 15. Net Sales Form LM-2 (Revised 2010) Amount Received (E) $627,144 $44,144 $208,000 $375,000 $0 $627,144 SCHEDULE 4 - PURCHASE OF INVESTMENTS AND FIXED ASSETS Description (if land or buildings, give location) (A) Total of all lines COMPUTER EQUIPMENT SECURITY SYSTEM - PEWAUKEE, WI WATER LINES - PEWAUKEE, WI GOV SECURITIES MUTUAL FUNDS Cost (B) $730,603 $4,094 $11,251 $1,566 $206,031 $507,661 FILE NUMBER: 035847 Book Value (C) $730,603 $4,094 $11,251 $1,566 $206,031 $507,661 14. Less Reinvestments 15. Net (Net Purchases total will automatically entered in Item 60) Purchases Form LM-2 (Revised 2010) Cash Paid (D) $730,603 $4,094 $11,251 $1,566 $206,031 $507,661 $0 $730,603 SCHEDULE 5 - INVESTMENTS Description (A) FILE NUMBER: 035-847 Amount (B) Marketable Securities 1. Total Cost 2. Total Book Value 3. List each marketable security which has a book value over $5000 and exceeds 5% of Line 2. VANGUARD SHORT TERM INVESTMENT FUND $3,643,214 $3,552,574 $3,329,576 Other Investments 4. Total Cost 5. Total Book Value 6. List each other investment which has a book value over $5,000 and exceeds 5% of Line 5. Also, list each subsidiary for which separate reports are attached. 7. Total of Lines 2 and 5 (Total will be automatically entered in Item 26, Column(B)) Form LM-2 (Revised 2010) $3,552,574 SCHEDULE 6 - FIXED ASSETS Description (A) FILE NUMBER: 035-847 Cost or Other Basis (B) Total Depreciation or Amount Expensed (C) Book Value (D) Value (E) 1. 5191 ABITZ RD., APPLETON, WI $132,138 $132,138 $132,138 1. 4702 S. BILTMORE LN., MADISON, WI $626,166 $626,166 $626,166 1. N27W23233 ROUNDY DR.,PEWAUKEE, WI $308,278 $308,278 $308,278 1. 1003 HILLCREST PKWY, ALTOONA, WI $107,830 $107,830 $107,830 3. 5191 ABITZ RD., APPLETON, WI 3. 4702 S. BILTMORE LN., MADISON, WI 3. N27W23233 ROUNDY DR.,PEWAUKEE, WI 3. 1003 HILLCREST PKWY, ALTOONA, WI $955,237 $2,506,804 $353,429 $738,611 $601,808 $1,768,193 $601,808 $1,768,193 $4,402,390 $1,203,596 $3,198,794 $3,198,794 $825,546 $318,414 $507,132 $507,132 $766,551 $604,479 $162,072 $162,072 $1,558,282 $1,206,827 $351,455 $351,455 $20,878 $20,303 $575 $575 $12,210,100 $4,445,659 $7,764,441 $7,764,441 5. Automobiles and Other Vehicles 6. Office Furniture and Equipment 7. Other Fixed Assets 8. Totals of Lines 1 through 7 (Column(D) Total will be automatically entered in Item 27, Column(B)) Form LM-2 (Revised 2010) SCHEDULE 7 - OTHER ASSETS Description (A) Total Other Assets (Total will be automatically entered in Item 28, Column(B)) PREPAID INSURANCE PREPAID SUBSCRIPTIONS DEPOSIT ON 2012 HATS Form LM-2 (Revised 2010) FILE NUMBER: 035-847 Book Value (B) $51,038 $3,300 $4,347 $43,391 SCHEDULE 8 - ACCOUNTS PAYABLE AGING SCHEDULE Entity or Individual Name (A) Total from all other accounts payable Total Accounts Payable (Column(B) Total will be automatically entered in Item 30, Column(D)) Form LM-2 (Revised 2010) Total Account Payable (B) $358,055 $358,055 90-180 Days Past Due (C) FILE NUMBER: 035-847 $0 180+ Days Past Due (D) $0 $0 $0 Liquidated Account (E) $0 $0 SCHEDULE 9 - LOANS PAYABLE Source of Loans Payable at Any Time During the Reporting Period (A) Total Loans Payable Totals will be automatically entered in... JOHNSON BANK Loans Owed at Start of Period (B) Loans Obtained During Period (C) $2,076,841 Item 31 Column (C) Form LM-2 (Revised 2010) $2,076,841 FILE NUMBER: 035-847 $0 Item 44 Repayment During Period Cash (D)(1) $763,734 Item 62 $0 $763,734 Repayment During Period Other Than Cash (D)(1) $0 Item 69 with Explanation $0 Loans Owed at End of Period (E) $1,313,107 Item 31 Column (D) $1,313,107 SCHEDULE 10 - OTHER LIABILITIES Description (A) Total Other Liabilities (Total will be automatically entered in Item 33, Column(D)) PAYROLL WITHHOLDINGS PAC CONTRIBUTIONS FROM MEMBERS Form LM-2 (Revised 2010) FILE NUMBER: 035-847 Amount at End of Period (B) $14,500 $6,240 $8,260 SCHEDULE 11 - ALL OFFICERS AND DISBURSEMENTS TO OFFICERS (A) Name (B) Title (C) Status (D) (E) (F) Gross Salary Allowances Disbursements Disbursements Disbursed for Official (before any Business deductions) A TERRANCE E MCGOWAN B BUSINESS MANAGER/PRES CC Schedule 16 69 Political % Activities and Lobbying Schedule 15 I Representational Activities A DENNIS D LUCIANI B PRESIDENT CP Schedule 15 I Representational Activities Schedule 16 100 Political % Activities and Lobbying Schedule 16 23 Political % Activities and Lobbying Schedule 16 99 Political % Activities and Lobbying A DANIEL SPERBERG B FINANCIAL SECRETARY CC A RODNEY J BESSETT B TREASURER CC Schedule 15 I Representational Activities A SHAUN MCHUGH B TRUSTEE CC Schedule 17 Contributions $128,804 Schedule 17 Contributions $31,866 Schedule 16 Political Activities and Lobbying Schedule 15 I Representational Activities Schedule 17 Contributions $128,799 A RYAN A OEHLHOF B RECORDING SECRETARY CC Schedule 15 I Representational Activities Schedule 17 Contributions $59,916 A CHARLES E WARNER B VICE PRESIDENT CC Schedule 15 I Representational Activities $158,948 Schedule 16 92 Political % Activities and Lobbying Schedule 17 Contributions $126,431 Schedule 17 Contributions $94,658 $15,984 Schedule 18 General Overhead $6,058 Schedule 18 General Overhead $15,451 Schedule 18 General Overhead $11,657 Schedule 18 General Overhead $237 Schedule 18 General Overhead $10,794 Schedule 18 General Overhead $16,062 FILE NUMBER: 035847 (G) Other Disbursements not reported in (D) thru (F) (H) TOTAL $174,932 Schedule 19 Administration 31 % $65,974 Schedule 19 Administration $144,250 Schedule 19 Administration 77 % $140,461 Schedule 19 1% Administration $32,103 Schedule 19 100 Administration % $137,225 Schedule 19 8% Administration $110,720 Schedule 16 99 Political % Activities and Lobbying Schedule 15 I Representational Activities A PATRICK B NELSON B TRUSTEE CC $94,989 Schedule 16 98 Political % Activities and Lobbying Schedule 15 I Representational Activities Schedule 17 Contributions A TIM GOETZ B TRUSTEE CN Schedule 16 89 Political % Activities and Lobbying A DANIEL J SCHULTZ B TRUSTEE CP Schedule 17 Contributions Schedule 17 Contributions $392 Schedule 16 Political Activities and Lobbying Schedule 15 I Representational Activities A RANDY L PATROW B AUDITOR CC A DARRIN BURSAW B AUDITOR CC Schedule 17 Contributions Schedule 18 General Overhead Schedule 16 Political Activities and Lobbying A DANIEL R WESTLUND B AUDITOR CP Schedule 16 95 Political % Activities and Lobbying Schedule 17 Contributions $80,846 Schedule 17 Contributions Schedule 19 1% Administration $103,865 Schedule 19 2% Administration $101,155 Schedule 19 Administration Schedule 18 General Overhead $14,349 Schedule 18 General Overhead 11 % $58,096 Schedule 19 6% Administration $260 $0 Schedule 15 I Representational Activities Schedule 15 I Representational Activities Schedule 17 Contributions $94,863 Schedule 16 100 Political % Activities and Lobbying Schedule 18 General Overhead $7,560 Schedule 17 Contributions A BILL DREYER B AUDITOR CC Schedule 18 General Overhead $6,430 $50,536 Schedule 16 94 Political % Activities and Lobbying Schedule 15 I Representational Activities Schedule 15 I Representational Activities $8,876 $94,725 Schedule 15 I Representational Activities Schedule 18 General Overhead $652 Schedule 19 100 Administration % $109,212 Schedule 19 Administration $0 Schedule 18 General Overhead $12,917 Schedule 18 General Overhead Schedule 19 100 Administration % $93,763 Schedule 19 5% Administration A SAM SMITH B CONDUCTOR CC Schedule 15 I Representational Activities A STEVE B GUARD CC $94,800 Schedule 16 100 Political % Activities and Lobbying Schedule 17 Contributions Schedule 18 General Overhead $110,759 Schedule 19 Administration BUFFALO $100,893 Schedule 15 I Representational Activities Schedule 16 28 Political % Activities and Lobbying A SHANE E GRIESBACH B E-BRD CC Schedule 15 I Representational Activities Schedule 16 Political 8% Activities and Lobbying Schedule 15 I Representational Activities Schedule 16 Political Activities and Lobbying Schedule 16 Political Activities and Lobbying Schedule 16 Political Activities and Lobbying Schedule 18 General Overhead $9,871 Schedule 17 Contributions Schedule 17 Contributions $1,960 A JEFFEREY J VERHEYEN B E-BRD CC Schedule 15 I Representational Activities Schedule 17 Contributions $2,156 A RICHARD J MILNER B E-BRD CC Schedule 15 I Representational Activities $7,264 $104,651 A JIM AXTMAN B E-BRD CC A CRAIG B E-BRD CC $15,959 Schedule 17 Contributions $2,548 Schedule 17 Contributions Schedule 18 General Overhead $108,157 Schedule 19 Administration $114,522 Schedule 19 Administration $1,528 Schedule 18 General Overhead Schedule 19 100 Administration % $3,313 Schedule 19 100 Administration % $1,831 Schedule 18 General Overhead 92 % $3,684 $1,353 Schedule 18 General Overhead 72 % $4,379 Schedule 19 100 Administration % GLOVER $2,156 Schedule 15 I Representational Activities A MATTHEW B E-BRD CC I Schedule 15 Schedule 16 Political Activities and Lobbying Schedule 17 Contributions $760 Schedule 18 General Overhead $2,916 Schedule 19 100 Administration % ISON $2,352 Schedule 16 Schedule 17 $1,364 Schedule 18 $3,716 Schedule 19 100 Representational Activities Political Activities and Lobbying Contributions A JEFFREY A ARTUS B E-BRD CC Schedule 15 I Representational Activities $1,764 Schedule 16 Political Activities and Lobbying Schedule 17 Contributions A GLENN L ROLOSON B E-BRD CC Schedule 15 I Representational Activities $2,352 Schedule 16 Political Activities and Lobbying Schedule 17 Contributions A RICKY D GREUEL B E-BRD CC Schedule 15 I Representational Activities $1,960 Schedule 16 Political Activities and Lobbying Schedule 17 Contributions A DAVID A VELIE B E-BRD CC Schedule 15 I Representational Activities $2,352 Schedule 16 Political Activities and Lobbying Total Officer Disbursements Less Deductions Net Disbursements Form LM-2 (Revised 2010) Schedule 17 Contributions $1,445,725 $19,992 General Overhead Administration $1,259 Schedule 18 General Overhead $3,023 Schedule 19 100 Administration % $1,906 Schedule 18 General Overhead $4,258 Schedule 19 100 Administration % $1,257 Schedule 18 General Overhead $3,217 Schedule 19 100 Administration % $875 Schedule 18 General Overhead $171,862 % $3,227 Schedule 19 100 Administration % $0 $1,637,579 $483,455 $1,154,124 SCHEDULE 12 - DISBURSEMENTS TO EMPLOYEES (A) Name (B) Title (D) (E) (F) (G) Gross Salary Allowances Disbursements Other (C) Disbursements Disbursed for Official Disbursements Other Payer (before any Business not reported in deductions) (D) thru (F) A DAVID BACKMAN B COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR C N/A Schedule 15 I Representational Activities Schedule 16 Political Activities and Lobbying A TERRY DABB B HEALTH BENEFIT LIASON C N/A Schedule 15 I Representational Activities Schedule 16 96 Political % Activities and Lobbying A ROBERT DEI B BUSINESS AGENT C N/A Schedule 15 I Representational Activities Schedule 16 100 Political % Activities and Lobbying Schedule 16 73 Political % Activities and Lobbying Schedule 16 100 Political % Activities and Lobbying Schedule 17 Contributions Schedule 17 Contributions Schedule 17 Contributions Schedule 17 Contributions $75,270 Schedule 16 100 Political % Activities and Lobbying A ROBB KAHL B PUBLIC REL COORDINATOR C N/A I Schedule 15 $94,666 $95,265 A MARK GAUF B ORGANIZER C N/A Schedule 15 I Representational Activities Schedule 17 Contributions $46,097 A ALLAN FOGEL B BUSINESS AGENT C N/A Schedule 15 I Representational Activities $84,102 $64,634 A WILLIE D ELLIS B BUSINESS AGENT C N/A Schedule 15 I Representational Activities FILE NUMBER: 035-847 75 Schedule 16 Schedule 17 Contributions $6,831 Schedule 18 General Overhead $9,785 Schedule 18 General Overhead $90,933 Schedule 19 100 Administration % $104,451 Schedule 19 4% Administration $10,446 Schedule 18 General Overhead $75,080 Schedule 19 Administration $7,596 Schedule 18 General Overhead $9,909 Schedule 18 General Overhead $53,693 Schedule 19 Administration Schedule 18 General Overhead 27 % $105,174 Schedule 19 Administration $7,402 $154,536 4 % Schedule 17 (H) TOTAL $82,672 Schedule 19 Administration $154,536 Schedule 18 Schedule 19 21 Representational Activities % Political Activities and Lobbying A JEROME KLUBERTANZ B BUSINESS AGENT C N/A Schedule 15 I Representational Activities $94,744 Schedule 16 100 Political % Activities and Lobbying A JENNIFER HAWKE B OFFICE STAFF C N/A Schedule 16 Political Activities and Lobbying A TRAVIS MARTZAHL B ORGANIZER C N/A Schedule 16 100 Political % Activities and Lobbying A DAVID PARKINSON B ORGANIZER C N/A Schedule 15 I Representational Activities Schedule 16 100 Political % Activities and Lobbying A RICK PARRENT B BUSINESS AGENT C N/A Schedule 15 I Representational Activities Schedule 16 100 Political % Activities and Lobbying Schedule 16 100 Political % Activities and Lobbying A DAN SOBOTTA B BUSINESS AGENT C N/A Schedule 15 I Representational Activities A GUY YUKER Schedule 17 Contributions $94,638 Schedule 17 Contributions $94,660 Schedule 17 Contributions $94,690 A LEONARD SHELTON B BUSINESS AGENT C N/A Schedule 15 I Representational Activities Schedule 17 Contributions General Overhead $8,639 Schedule 18 General Overhead $47,771 Schedule 15 I Representational Activities Schedule 15 I Representational Activities Contributions Schedule 17 Contributions $94,898 Schedule 17 Contributions $94,939 Schedule 16 98 Political % Activities and Lobbying Schedule 17 Contributions $94,798 Administration % $103,383 Schedule 19 Administration $47,771 Schedule 18 General Overhead $8,488 Schedule 18 General Overhead $12,622 Schedule 18 General Overhead $7,727 Schedule 18 General Overhead $6,763 Schedule 18 General Overhead $8,428 Schedule 18 General Overhead $6,112 Schedule 19 100 Administration % $103,126 Schedule 19 Administration $107,282 Schedule 19 Administration $102,417 Schedule 19 Administration $101,661 Schedule 19 Administration $103,367 Schedule 19 2% Administration $100,910 B DISPATCHER C N/A Schedule 16 Political Activities and Lobbying Schedule 15 I Representational Activities A GREGORY WEST B BUSINESS AGENT C N/A Schedule 15 I Representational Activities $94,720 Schedule 16 99 Political % Activities and Lobbying A REBECCA WAZNY B OFFICE STAFF C N/A Schedule 15 I Representational Activities Schedule 15 I Representational Activities Schedule 16 Political Activities and Lobbying Schedule 16 Political Activities and Lobbying Schedule 16 Political Activities and Lobbying Schedule 16 Political Activities and Lobbying Schedule 17 Contributions Schedule 17 Contributions Schedule 17 Contributions $43,774 Schedule 16 Political Activities and Lobbying A LYNN KUEMMERLEIN B BOOKKEEPER C N/A Schedule 15 Representational Schedule 18 General Overhead $566 Schedule 18 General Overhead Schedule 17 Contributions Schedule 18 General Overhead Schedule 17 Contributions $101,926 Schedule 19 1% Administration $57,814 Schedule 19 100 Administration % Schedule 19 100 Administration % $27,058 Schedule 18 General Overhead Schedule 19 100 Administration % $42,327 Schedule 18 General Overhead $140 Schedule 18 General Overhead $52,501 Schedule 16 Political Schedule 19 100 Administration % $12,752 $42,327 A EMILY WALSH B OFFICE STAFF C N/A Schedule 15 I Representational Activities $7,206 $27,058 A REBECCA THORTON B OFFICE STAFF C N/A Schedule 15 I Representational Activities Schedule 17 Contributions Schedule 18 General Overhead $12,752 A REANNA ROBERTS B OFFICE STAFF C N/A Schedule 15 I Representational Activities Schedule 17 Contributions $57,248 A SHANNAN KAISER B OFFICE STAFF C N/A I Schedule 17 Contributions Schedule 19 100 Administration % $43,914 Schedule 19 100 Administration % $52,501 Schedule 18 General Schedule 19 100 Administration % Activities Activities and Lobbying A SUE LENARD B OFFICE STAFF C N/A Schedule 15 I Representational Activities $47,014 Schedule 16 Political Activities and Lobbying A JACKIE PODJASKI B OFFICE STAFF C N/A Schedule 15 I Representational Activities Schedule 16 Political Activities and Lobbying Net Disbursements Form LM-2 (Revised 2010) Schedule 18 General Overhead Schedule 17 Contributions Schedule 19 100 Administration % $47,185 Schedule 17 Contributions $19,366 Schedule 16 Political Activities and Lobbying Total Employee Disbursements Less Deductions $47,014 $47,185 TOTALS RECEIVED BY EMPLOYEES MAKING LESS THAN $10000 Schedule 15 I Representational Activities Overhead $1,769,653 Schedule 17 Contributions $0 Schedule 18 General Overhead Schedule 19 100 Administration % $4,421 $23,787 Schedule 18 General Overhead $123,081 Schedule 19 100 Administration % $0 $1,892,734 $500,754 $1,391,980 SCHEDULE 13 - MEMBERSHIP STATUS Category of Membership (A) FILE NUMBER: 035-847 Number (B) Members Agency Fee Payers* Voting Eligibility (C) 8,738 2 Total Members/Fee Payers 8,740 *Agency Fee Payers are not considered members of the labor organization. REGULAR AND APPRENTICE OWNER OPERATORS "S" MEMBERS RETIRED/DISABLED 5,702 154 138 2,744 Form LM-2 (Revised 2010) Yes Yes Yes Yes DETAILED SUMMARY PAGE - SCHEDULES 14 THROUGH 19 SCHEDULE 17 CONTRIBUTIONS, GIFTS & GRANTS SCHEDULE 14 OTHER RECEIPTS 1. Named Payer Itemized Receipts 2. Named Payer Non-itemized Receipts 3. All Other Receipts 4. Total Receipts $259,499 $60,955 $11,154 $331,608 SCHEDULE 15 REPRESENTATIONAL ACTIVITIES 1. Named Payee Itemized Disbursements 2. Named Payee Non-itemized Disbursements 3. To Officers 4. To Employees 5. All Other Disbursements 6. Total Disbursements $443,638 $70,183 $1,189,689 $1,238,373 $46,598 $2,988,481 SCHEDULE 16 POLITICAL ACTIVITIES AND LOBBYING 1. Named Payee Itemized Disbursements 2. Named Payee Non-itemized Disbursements 3. To Officers 4. To Employees 5. All Other Disbursements 6. Total Disbursement Form LM-2 (Revised 2010) FILE NUMBER: 035-847 $95,000 $39,600 $0 $6,181 $8,110 $148,891 1. Named Payee Itemized Disbursements 2. Named Payee Non-itemized Disbursements 3. To Officers 4. To Employees 5. All Other Disbursements 6. Total Disbursements $159,942 $30,643 $0 $0 $63,407 $253,992 SCHEDULE 18 GENERAL OVERHEAD 1. Named Payee Itemized Disbursements 2. Named Payee Non-itemized Disbursements 3. To Officers 4. To Employees 5. All Other Disbursements 6. Total Disbursements $101,920 $173,652 $0 $0 $88,806 $364,378 SCHEDULE 19 UNION ADMINISTRATION 1. Named Payee Itemized Disbursements 2. Named Payee Non-itemized Disbursements 3. To Officers 4. To Employees 5. All Other Disbursements 6. Total Disbursements $188,479 $276,474 $447,891 $648,180 $319,910 $1,880,934 SCHEDULE 14 - OTHER RECEIPTS Name and Address (A) CONSTRUCTION BUSINESS GROUP 4702 S. BILTMORE LANE MADISON WI 53718 Type or Classification (B) AFFILIATED ORGANIZATION REIMB WAGES, TAXES & BEN Name and Address (A) WESTBEND MUTUAL INSURANCE CO 1900 S. 18TH AVENUE WEST BEND WI 53095 Type or Classification (B) INSURANCE COMPANY INSURANCE REFUND Name and Address (A) FILE NUMBER: 035-847 Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions REIMB WAGES AND TAXES REIMB WAGES AND TAXES REIMB WAGES AND TAXES REIMB WAGES, TAXES AND BENEFITS REIMB WAGES AND TAXES REIMB WAGES, TAXES AND BENEFITS REIMB WAGES AND TAXES REIMB WAGES, TAXES AND BENEFITS REIMB WAGES, TAXES AND BENEFITS REIMB WAGES, TAXES AND BENEFITS REIMB WAGES, TAXES AND BENEFITS REIMB WAGES AND TAXES REIMB WAGES, TAXES AND BENEFITS REIMB WAGES AND TAXES REIMB WAGES, TAXES AND BENEFITS REIMB WAGES AND TAXES REIMB WAGES, TAXES AND BENEFITS REIMB WAGES AND TAXES REIMB WAGES, TAXES AND BENEFITS Date (D) 01/11/2011 01/28/2011 02/25/2011 Amount (E) $132,587 $57,688 $190,275 $8,079 $6,198 $5,881 03/09/2011 $5,280 03/22/2011 $5,881 04/07/2011 $7,541 05/02/2011 $5,881 05/10/2011 $6,770 06/13/2011 $9,648 07/14/2011 $10,271 08/02/2011 $5,511 08/15/2011 $5,985 09/09/2011 $9,249 09/28/2011 $5,985 10/13/2011 $7,817 10/24/2011 $5,280 11/09/2011 $6,786 11/16/2011 $5,640 12/06/2011 $8,904 Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions Date (D) WORKERS COMP INS REFUND 08/18/2011 Purpose (C) Date (D) Amount (E) $10,379 $10,379 $10,379 Amount (E) WI OPER ENG SKILL IMPROV AND APP FUND 160 N27W23233 ROUNDY DRIVE PEWAUKEE WI 53072-0160 Type or Classification (B) AFFILIATED BENEFIT FUND REIMB WAGES, TAXES, BENS Form LM-2 (Revised 2010) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions REIMB WAGES, TAXES AND BENEFITS REIMB WAGES, TAXES AND BENEFITS REIMB WAGES, TAXES AND BENEFITS REIMB WAGES, TAXES AND BENEFITS REIMB WAGES, TAXES AND BENEFITS REIMB WAGES, TAXES AND BENEFITS REIMB WAGES, TAXES AND BENEFITS $116,533 $3,267 $119,800 02/08/2011 $7,726 02/09/2011 $6,203 02/17/2011 $31,868 03/14/2011 $32,660 04/13/2011 $21,659 05/27/2011 $10,886 06/03/2011 $5,531 SCHEDULE 15 - REPRESENTATIONAL ACTIVITIES Name and Address (A) BAUM SIGMAN AUERBACH & NEUMAN, LTD 200 W. ADAMS STREET, #2200 CHICAGO IL 60606 Type or Classification (B) ATTORNEY Name and Address (A) BNA TAX MANAGEMENT 17009 BALTIMORE MD 21297-1009 Type or Classification (B) CONSTRUCTION LABOR SUBSCRIPTION Name and Address (A) IUOE LOCAL 150 6200 JOLIET ROAD COUNTRYSIDE IL 60525 Type or Classification (B) AFFILIATED LOCAL Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions LEGAL SERVICES LEGAL SERVICES LEGAL SERVICES LEGAL SERVICES LEGAL SERVICES LEGAL SERVICES LEGAL SERVICES LEGAL SERVICES LEGAL SERVICES LEGAL SERVICES LEGAL SERVICES LEGAL SERVICES FILE NUMBER: 035-847 Date (D) 01/14/2011 02/11/2011 03/18/2011 04/15/2011 05/13/2011 06/14/2011 07/16/2011 08/19/2011 09/09/2011 10/14/2011 11/10/2011 12/09/2011 Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions Date (D) Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions Date (D) REIMB EXPENSE TO ORG WATERWAYS REIMB EXPENSE TO ORG WATERWAYS REIMB EXPENSE TO ORG WATERWAYS REIMB EXPENSE TO ORG WATERWAYS REIMB EXPENSE TO ORG WATERWAYS REIMB EXPENSE TO ORG WATERWAYS REIMB EXPENSE TO ORG WATERWAYS Amount (E) $344,487 $344,487 $29,940 $23,405 $20,726 $31,998 $31,109 $31,109 $39,297 $28,981 $35,588 $30,535 $19,567 $22,232 Amount (E) $6,442 $6,442 Amount (E) $67,783 $67,783 01/28/2011 $6,372 03/18/2011 $6,361 04/01/2011 $5,603 05/06/2011 $6,205 06/14/2011 $6,369 07/16/2011 $6,226 07/22/2011 $6,764 REIMB EXPENSE TO ORG WATERWAYS REIMB EXPENSE TO ORG WATERWAYS REIMB EXPENSE TO ORG WATERWAYS REIMB EXPENSE TO ORG WATERWAYS 09/16/2011 $5,979 10/17/2011 $5,840 11/02/2011 $6,037 12/02/2011 $6,027 Name and Address (A) MCGRAW HILL 1225 ELLEN AVENUE MADISON WI 53716 Type or Classification (B) PUBLISHERS - DODGE REPORTS Name and Address (A) VERIZON WIRELESS 25505 LEHIGH VALLEY PA 18002-5505 Type or Classification (B) CELL PHONE PROVIDER Name and Address (A) WHYTE HIRSCHBOECK DUDEK, SC 33 EAST MAIN STREET #300 MADISON WI 53703 Type or Classification (B) ATTORNEY Name and Address (A) WINEKE CONSULTING SERVICES 412 EDWARD STREET VERONA WI 53593 Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions Date (D) Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions Date (D) CELL PHONE BILL CELL PHONE BILL CELL PHONE BILL Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions LEGAL SERVICES Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions Amount (E) $7,025 $7,025 06/14/2011 07/16/2011 12/16/2011 Date (D) 12/16/2011 Date (D) Amount (E) $19,442 $36,838 $56,280 $6,341 $6,399 $6,702 Amount (E) $11,926 $13,878 $25,804 $11,926 Amount (E) $6,000 $6,000 Type or Classification (B) ORGANIZING CONSULTANT Form LM-2 (Revised 2010) SCHEDULE 16 - POLITICAL ACTIVITIES AND LOBBYING Name and Address (A) IUOE 139 STATE POLITICAL ACTION 4702 S. BILTMORE LANE MADISON WI 53718 Type or Classification (B) AFFILIATED PAC FUND Name and Address (A) JOBS FIRST COALITION 2071 Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions PAC FUND TRANSFER PAC FUND TRANSFER PAC FUND TRANSFER PAC FUND TRANSFER Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions BROOKFIELD WI 53008-2071 Type or Classification CONTRIBUTION (B) ADVOCACY GROUP DEVOTED TO JOB CREATION Name and Address (A) TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPEMENT ASSOC 10 EAST DOTY STREET, #201 MADISON WI 53703 Type or Classification (B) ADVOCACY GROUP FOR ADEQUATE TRANSPORTATION INFRAST Name and Address (A) WELCH GROUP 22 N. CAROL STREET, #310 MADISON WI 53703 Type or Classification (B) LOBBYING CONSULTANT Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions CONTRIBUTION Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions CONSULTING FILE NUMBER 035-847 Date (D) 07/22/2011 01/14/2011 10/19/2011 12/12/2011 Date (D) 07/15/2011 Date (D) 01/04/2011 Date (D) 07/16/2011 Amount (E) $43,000 $3,000 $46,000 $6,000 $20,000 $10,000 $7,000 Amount (E) $20,000 $1,000 $21,000 $20,000 Amount (E) $5,000 $600 $5,600 $5,000 Amount (E) $7,000 $35,000 $42,000 $7,000 Name and Address (A) WISCONSIN TRANSPORTATION BUILDERS ASSN 1 S. PINCKNEY STREET, #300 MADISON WI 53072 Type or Classification (B) FEDERAL LOBBYING COSTS Form LM-2 (Revised 2010) Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions CONTRIBUTION Date (D) 12/02/2011 Amount (E) $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 SCHEDULE 17 - CONTRIBUTIONS, GIFTS & GRANTS FILE NUMBER: 035-847 Name and Address (A) B&B EMBROIDERY 4017 WINDSOR ROAD DEFOREST WI 53532 Type or Classification (B) PROMOTIONAL SUPPLY VENDOR Name and Address (A) DIVERSIFIED PRINTING SERVICES W237N2889 WOODGATE RD, UT A PEWAUKEE WI 53072 Type or Classification (B) PRINTER Name and Address (A) NORTHEASTERN WISCONSIN ADVERTISING, INC 894 1901 S. WEBSTER AVENUE GREEN BAY WI 53405-0894 Type or Classification (B) PROMOTIONAL SUPPLY VENDOR Name and Address (A) PROMOTION PLUS, INC 731 W. GLENDALE AVENUE APPLETON WI 54914-2301 Type or Classification (B) PROMOTIONAL SUPPLIES VENDOR Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions Date (D) Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions Date (D) 44,500 ASSORTED DECALS Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions 252 TRAVEL BAGS Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions 10,000 PENS AND STICKERS DEPOSIT ON HATS Amount (E) $9,958 $9,958 02/11/2011 Date (D) 10/07/2011 Date (D) 06/01/2011 12/16/2011 Amount (E) $9,045 $1,383 $10,428 $9,045 Amount (E) $8,928 $8,928 $8,928 Amount (E) $50,983 $206 $51,189 $7,592 $43,391 Name and Address (A) THE MAREK GROUP W228N821 WESTMOUND DRIVE WAUKESHA WI 53186 Type or Classification (B) PROMOTIONAL SUPPLY VENDOR Name and Address (A) UMA SPECIALTIES N35W21100 CAPITOL DRIVE PEWAUKEE WI 53072 Type or Classification (B) PROMOTIONAL SUPPLIES VENDOR Name and Address (A) UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE 140 SIMMONS AVENUE PEWAUKEE WI 53072 Type or Classification (B) POSTAGE Form LM-2 (Revised 2010) Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions Date (D) 10,000 WALL CALENDARS 11,000 POCKET CALENDARS & COVERS AND CALENDAR MAIL 11/02/2011 Amount (E) $36,562 $5,021 $41,583 $11,547 12/09/2011 $25,015 Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions Date (D) 1,207 SHIRTS JACKET, STICKERS AND PINS 5,000 KEY TAGS 08/19/2011 10/07/2011 11/18/2011 Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions Date (D) POSTAGE FOR PIN MAILING 11/29/2011 Amount (E) $47,928 $14,075 $62,003 $16,841 $15,294 $15,793 Amount (E) $6,496 $6,496 $6,496 SCHEDULE 18 - GENERAL OVERHEAD Name and Address (A) ALLIANT ENERGY 3068 CEDAR RAPIDS IA 52406-3068 Type or Classification (B) UTILITY PROVIDER Name and Address (A) CLEAN SOURCE, LLC 6995 W. GLENBROOK ROAD MILWAUKEE WI 53223 Type or Classification (B) OFFICE CLEANING COMPANY Name and Address (A) CMS OF MADISON, INC 628306 MIDDLETON WI 53562 Type or Classification (B) OFFICE CLEANING COMPANY Name and Address (A) COUNTY OF EAU CLAIRE 721 OXFORD AVENUE EAU CLAIRE WI 54703 Type or Classification (B) PROPERTY TAXES Name and Address (A) HARKER HEATING AND COOLING 87 W. BELTLINE HIGHWAY FILE NUMBER: 035-847 Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions Date (D) Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions Date (D) Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions Date (D) Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions Date (D) PROPERTY TAXES PROPERTY TAXES Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions Amount (E) $17,402 $17,402 Amount (E) $29,161 $29,161 Amount (E) $11,700 $11,700 01/07/2011 12/23/2011 Date (D) Amount (E) $8,732 $8,732 $4,247 $4,485 Amount (E) $5,984 $5,984 MADISON WI 53713 Type or Classification (B) HEATING REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE Name and Address (A) JOHNSON BANK 7500 GREEN BAY ROAD KENOSHA WI 53142 Type or Classification (B) MORTGAGE LOAN INTEREST Name and Address (A) MADISON CRUSHING AND EXCAVATING CO, INC 5185 REINER ROAD MADISON WI 53718 Type or Classification (B) SNOW PLOWING Name and Address (A) MADISON GAS AND ELECTRIC 1231 MADISON WI 53701-1231 Type or Classification (B) UTILITY PROVIDER Name and Address (A) SHAWTOWN PRODUCTIONS Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions MORTGAGE LOAN INTERST MORTGAGE LOAN INTERST MORTGAGE LOAN INTERST MORTGAGE LOAN INTERST MORTGAGE LOAN INTERST MORTGAGE LOAN INTERST MORTGAGE LOAN INTERST MORTGAGE LOAN INTERST MORTGAGE LOAN INTERST MORTGAGE LOAN INTERST MORTGAGE LOAN INTERST MORTGAGE LOAN INTERST Date (D) 01/14/2011 02/18/2011 03/18/2011 04/15/2011 05/20/2011 06/14/2011 07/22/2011 08/19/2011 09/16/2011 10/21/2011 11/18/2011 12/16/2011 Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions Date (D) Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions Date (D) Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Date (D) Amount (E) $83,092 $83,092 $8,308 $8,080 $7,105 $7,683 $7,230 $7,277 $6,769 $6,773 $6,501 $6,027 $5,920 $5,419 Amount (E) $6,016 $6,016 Amount (E) $6,132 $6,132 Amount (E) 13249 38TH AVENUE CHIPPEWA FALLS WI 54729 Type or Classification (B) OFFICE CLEANING COMPANY Name and Address (A) SWEEPS-A-LOT 787 BROOKFIELD WI 53008 Type or Classification (B) OUTDOOR MAINTENANCE Name and Address (A) THE BRUCE COMPANY 620330 2830 PARMENTER STREET MIDDLETON WI 53562-0330 Type or Classification (B) LANDSCAPING AND OUTDOOR MAINTENANCE COMPANY Name and Address (A) WASTEMANAGEMENT 4648 CAROL STREAM IL 60197-4648 Type or Classification (B) WASTE REMOVAL Name and Address (A) WE ENERGIES 231 W. MICHIGAN STREET MILWAUKEE WI 53290-0001 Type or Classification (B) Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions $5,901 $5,901 Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions Date (D) Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions Date (D) Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions Date (D) Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions Date (D) GAS AND ELECTRIC SERVICE GAS AND ELECTRIC SERVICE 01/21/2011 02/18/2011 Amount (E) $15,250 $15,250 Amount (E) $13,711 $13,711 Amount (E) $7,228 $7,228 Amount (E) $10,096 $55,167 $65,263 $5,092 $5,004 UTILITY PROVIDER Form LM-2 (Revised 2010) SCHEDULE 19 - UNION ADMINISTRATION FILE NUMBER: 035-847 Name and Address (A) AT&T 8100 AURORA IL 60507-8100 Type or Classification (B) TELEPHONE PROVIDER Name and Address (A) BENESYS 700 TOWER DRIVE, #300 TROY MI 48098-2808 Type or Classification (B) COMPUTER CONSULTANT Name and Address (A) BIG WILD COMMUNICATIONS 5308 VALLEY RIDGE PLAZA MIDDLETON WI 53562 Type or Classification (B) PROMOTIONAL ADVISOR Name and Address (A) COLOMA SUPERMARKET 67 112 MAIN COLOMA WI 54930 Type or Classification (B) SUPERMARKET Name and Address (A) COMBINED CRAFTS Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions Date (D) Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions Date (D) Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions Date (D) Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions Date (D) FOOD FOR RETIREES PICNIC 07/29/2011 Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions 11270 WEST PARK PLACE, #95 Total of All Transactions MILWAUKEE Amount (E) $29,270 $29,270 Amount (E) $12,000 $12,000 Amount (E) $9,425 $9,425 Date (D) Amount (E) $16,958 $16,958 $16,958 Amount (E) $5,103 $5,103 WI 53224 Type or Classification (B) PAYROLL AUDITS Name and Address (A) COMFORT SUITES PEWAUKEE 28 PEWAUKEE WI 53072-0430 Type or Classification (B) LODGING FOR UNION MEETINGS Name and Address (A) DIVERSIFIED PRINTING SERVICES W237N2889 WOODGATE RD, UT A PEWAUKEE WI 53702 Type or Classification (B) PRINTER Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions Date (D) Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions Date (D) 20,000 MEMBER CARDS Amount (E) $6,321 $6,321 05/02/2011 Amount (E) $5,200 $745 $5,945 $5,200 Name and Address (A) FIS 601 RIVERSIDE AVENUE JACKSONVILLE FL 32204 Type or Classification (B) CREDIT CARD FEES Name and Address (A) HOLIDAY INN APPLETON 150 NICOLET ROAD APPLETON WI 54914 Type or Classification (B) LODGING FOR UNION Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions Date (D) Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions Date (D) Amount (E) $6,059 $6,059 Amount (E) $6,229 $6,229 MEETINGS Name and Address (A) HOLIDAY INN EAU CLAIRE 2703 CRAIG ROAD EAU CLAIRE WI 54701 Type or Classification (B) LODGING FOR UNION MEETINGS Name and Address (A) JOHNSON BANK 7500 GREEN BAY ROAD KENOSHA WI 53142 Type or Classification (B) BANK FEES Name and Address (A) LEVINSON SIMON HEIN & BILKEY, PC 566 W. LAKE STREET, #300 CHICAGO IL 60661 Type or Classification (B) ACCOUNTANT Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions Date (D) Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions Date (D) Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions Date (D) AUDIT AND FORM LM2 PREPARATION COMPILED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Amount (E) $9,744 $9,744 Amount (E) $16,759 $16,759 Amount (E) $50,004 $7,479 $57,483 04/22/2011 $42,561 11/25/2011 $7,443 Name and Address (A) MARRIOTT MILWAUKEE WEST W231N1600 CORPORATE COURT WAUKESHA WI 53186 Type or Classification (B) LODGING FOR UNION MEETINGS Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions Date (D) Name and Address (A) MASTERTECH AUTOMOTIVE Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Date (D) Amount (E) $9,314 $9,314 Amount (E) INC 201 WASHINGTON SLINGER WI 53086 Type or Classification (B) AUTO REPAIRS AND MAINT ON SPARE AUTOS Name and Address (A) OFFICE DEPOT 689020 DES MOINES IA 50368-9020 Type or Classification (B) OFFICE SUPPLIES Name and Address (A) PITNEY BOWES 371874 PITTSBURGH PA 15250-7874 Type or Classification (B) POSTAGE EQUIPMENT RENTAL AND METER REFILL Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions $16,336 $16,336 Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions Date (D) Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions Date (D) POSTAGE METER REFILL POSTAGE METER REFILL POSTAGE METER REFILL POSTAGE METER REFILL POSTAGE METER REFILL Amount (E) $6,649 $6,649 02/04/2011 04/08/2011 07/01/2011 09/02/2011 12/09/2011 Amount (E) $25,713 $8,618 $34,331 $5,000 $5,012 $5,701 $5,000 $5,000 Name and Address (A) SENSIBLE GURUS, LLC 19115 W. NATIONAL AVENUE NEW BERLIN WI 53146 Type or Classification (B) COMPUTER SUPPORT AND CONSULTING Name and Address (A) SHERATON MADISON HOTEL 706 JOHN NOLAN DRIVE MADISON WI 53713 Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions Date (D) Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions Date (D) LODGING AND BANQUET FOR CHRISTMAS MEETING Amount (E) $11,313 $11,313 Amount (E) $6,669 $6,669 02/04/2011 $6,669 Type or Classification (B) LODGING AND BANQUET FOR CHRISTMAS MEETING Name and Address (A) SHERATON MILWAUKEE BROOKFIELD 375 S. MOORLAND ROAD BROOKFIELD WI 53005-4250 Type or Classification (B) LODGING AND BANQUET FOR CHRISTMAS MEETING Name and Address (A) THE MAREK GROUP W228N821 WESTMOUND DRIVE WAUKESHA WI 53186 Type or Classification (B) PRINTER Name and Address (A) TOSHIBA FINACIAL SERVICES 790448 ST. LOUIS MO 63179-0448 Type or Classification (B) COPIER LEASE AND MAINTENANCE Name and Address (A) WAUSAU LABOR TEMPLE 318 S. THIRD AVENUE WAUSAU WI 54401 Type or Classification (B) MEETINGS AND CHRISTMAS Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions BANQUET FOR CHRISTMAS MEETING Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions NEWSLETTER NEWSLETTER NEWSLETTER NEWSLETTER FROM 2010 NEWSLETTER AND POSTCARDS NEWSLETTER, ENVELOPES AND LABELS Date (D) 12/07/2011 Date (D) Amount (E) $8,252 $925 $9,177 $8,252 02/25/2011 04/08/2011 07/16/2011 08/19/2011 11/02/2011 Amount (E) $55,372 $25,042 $80,414 $6,804 $7,057 $7,666 $19,370 $8,566 12/09/2011 $5,909 Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions Date (D) Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions Date (D) Amount (E) $27,140 $27,140 Amount (E) $7,771 $7,771 MEETING HALL Name and Address (A) WAUTOMA RENTAL CENTER 834 415 E. MAIN STREET WAUTOMA WI 54982 Type or Classification (B) EQUIPMENT RENTAL Name and Address (A) WEST BEND INSURANCE CO 1900 S. 18TH AVENUE WEST BEND WI 53095 Type or Classification (B) INSURANCE CO Name and Address (A) WITEL COMMUNICATIONS, LLC 1221 OAKWOOD MANOR DRIVE HUBERTUS WI 53033 Type or Classification (B) TELEPHONE MAINTENANCE Form LM-2 (Revised 2010) Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions EQUIPMENT RENTAL FOR RETIREES PICNIC Date (D) 08/15/2011 Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions Date (D) Purpose (C) Total Itemized Transactions Total Non-Itemized Transactions Total of All Transactions Date (D) MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT 07/01/2011 12/13/2011 Amount (E) $5,809 $659 $6,468 $5,809 Amount (E) $52,774 $52,774 Amount (E) $14,502 $799 $15,301 $8,302 $6,200 SCHEDULE 20 - BENEFITS Description (A) FILE NUMBER: 035-847 To Whom Paid (B) Total Benefits HEALTH AND WELFARE BENEFITS PENSION BENEFITS PENSION BENEFITS LIFE INSURANCE Form LM-2 (Revised 2010) 139 HEALTH AND WELFARE FUND CENTRAL PENSION FUND GENERAL PENSION FUND ANTHEM LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Amount (C) $1,719,622 $761,598 $677,937 $279,719 $368 69. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SUMMARY FILE NUMBER: 035-847 Schedule 13, Row1:REGULAR MEMBERS REPRESENT JOURNEYMEN AND FOREMEN. APPRENTICES REPRESENT MEMBERS WHO HAVE NOT YET REACHED JOURNEYMEN STATUS. THESE MEMBERS PAY FULL DUES. Schedule 13, Row2:OWNER OPERATORS PAY DUES AT A RATE OF $50 PER MONTH SINCE THESE MEMBERS ARE NOT REQUIRED TO PAY WORKING DUES. Schedule 13, Row3:"S" MEMBERS PAY DUES AT A RATE OF TWO TIMES THEIR HOURLY RATE. Schedule 13, Row4:RETIRED/DISABLED MEMBERS PAY DUES AT $10 PER MONTH DUE TO THEIR EMPLOYMENT STATUS. Question 10: INTERNATIONAL UNION OF OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 139 HEALTH BENEFIT FUND, EIN#39-7166771, PLAN #501, PROVIDES HEALTH BENEFITS TO ELIGIBLE MEMBERS AND THEIR DEPENDANTS. WISCONSIN OPERATING ENGINEERS SKILL IMPROVEMENT AND APPRENTICE FUND, EIN#39-1102559, PLAN #501, PROVIDES TRAINING TO ELIGIBLE MEMBERS. THE FUNDS ABOVE ARE LOCATED AT N27W23233 ROUNDY DR., PEWAUKEE, WI 53072-0130. CONSTRUCTION BUSINESS GROUP, EIN#39-1703979, IMPROVES RELATIONS BETWEEN LABOR AND MANAGEMENT AND PROVIDES JOB SECURITY AND COMPETITIVE WAGES AND BENEFITS FOR ITS MEMBERS. THE FUND IS LOCATED AT 4702 S. BILTMORE LANE, MADISON, WI 53718. CENTRAL PENSION FUND OF THE OPERATION ENGINEERS AND PARTICIPATING EMPLOYERS, EIN#36-6052390, PLAN #001, PROVIDES RETIREMENT BENEFITS FOR ELIGIBLE MEMBERS. THE FUND IS LOCATED AT 4115 CHESAPEAKE STREET, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20016-4665. Question 11(a): THE OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 139 PAC (#500583) AND THE OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 139 CONDUIT PAC (#900191) FILE REPORTS TO THE WISCONSIN ELECTIONS BOARD. THE OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 139 PAC (#C00423731) FILES A REPORT WITH THE FEDERAL ELECTIONS COMMISSION. Question 12: THE LOCAL WAS AUDITED BY THE ACCOUNTING FIRM OF LEVINSON SIMON HEIN & BILKEY, P.C. Question 15: THE FOLLOWING PROMOTIONAL ITEMS WERE GIVEN TO MEMBERS OF THE LOCAL DURING THE YEAR ENDED 12/31/11 BLANKETS $3,740 DECALS/STICKERS $13,973 SHIRTS $28,847 MEMBERSHIP/LAPEL PINS $15,387 CALENDARS(VARIOUS SIZES) $40,125 TRAVEL BAGS $8,928 JACKETS $11,046 WATCHES $3,786 PENS $3,604 KEY TAGS $15,793 HAND FANS $1,144 Question 16: THE LOCAL ENTERED INTO A LOAN AGREEMENT WITH JOHNSON BANK FOR $2,650,000 OF WHICH THE PROCEEDS WERE USED FOR RENOVATIONS OF ONE OF ITS DISTRICT OFFICES. THE LOAN IS SECURED BY THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT N27W23233 ROUNDY DR., PEWAUKEE, WI 53072-0130 AS COLLATERAL. THE BALANCE OF THE LOAN AS OF 12/31/11 IS $1,313,107.SCHEDULES 11 & 12, COLUMN F ALL AUTOMOBILE EXPENSES ON BEHALF OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES ARE REPORTED IN COLUMN F OF THESE SCHEDULES. IT HAS BEEN DETERMINED THAT MORE THAN 50% OF THE AUTOMOBILES USE IS FOR OFFICIAL UNION BUSINESS. Form LM-2 (Revised 2010)