Unit Plan Unit Title and Grade Level: Environmental Health for grades 6-8. Unit Objectives: Cognitive: Students will be informed about environmental issues. Students will be aware of organizations and global initiatives to protect the environment. Students will learn sources of air pollution and ways to help keep the air clean. Students will learn the sources of water pollution and ways to help keep the water safe. Students will learn the sources of noise pollution and ways to reduce noise pollution. Students will learn ways to help improve the visual environment. Students will learn sources of natural and energy resources and ways to conserve energy and natural resources. Students will learn how to precycle, recycle, and dispose of waste properly. Students will learn what the natural environment is and how to protect the natural environment. Students will learn how to be a health advocate for the environment. Affective: Students will appreciate the environment and its natural resources. Students will have fun while learning about environmental health. Students will appreciate the work of organizations whose goal is to help protect the environment. Psychomotor: Students will recycle plastic waste from their classes and homes. Students will improve the visual environment of the front of the school. Students will create a song and CD cover, and will sing their song in front of the class. Materials and Equipment: Health Textbooks Construction Paper, Computer Paper Crayons, Markers Paper Plates Video Clip of Reduction of Rain Forests, Hybrid Car, Different Sources of Energy Garbage Bags, “Trash”- bottles, paper, newspaper, boxes, napkins, & etc Scope and Sequence: Introductory and Closing Activities: Each class period will begin with an introductory activity and will end with a closing activity. The introductory activities will introduce the topic for the day, and will enhance the students’ interest of the topic. The closing activity either will expand on the topic of the day with a game or fun activity or will introduce the topic for the next day. Below the first activity is the introductory activity and the second activity is the closing activity. Day 1: Short video clip of reduction of rain forests Cooperative learning-solutions for the reduction of rain forests Day 2: Environmental Draw and Guess Students assigned for fish bowl effect-hybrid car Day 3: Short video clip of hybrid car Students draw an environment with air pollution and an environment with no air pollution Day 4: Demonstration of the effects of oil on water Students assigned role playing with script-water pollution Day 5: Environment Calendar Environment Calendar Day 6: Ranking-rank noises that bother them Field Trip to improve visual environment around school Day 7: Short video clip of different sources of energy Brainstorming-ways to conserve energy at home Day 8: Students draw their natural environment Students assigned debate of recycling Day 9: Environmental Draw and Guess Environmental Mural Day 10; Littering Activity Discussion of students being more conscience of environment Environmental Health: Day 1: Environmental Issues & Organizations and Global Initiatives to Protect the Environment (Lecture & Discussion using powerpoint) Day 2: Air Pollution (Lecture & Discussion using powerpoint) Field Trip (outside to write air pollutions they observe) Day 3: Hybrid Car (Fish Bowl Effect) Day 4: Group Investigation of Water Pollution Day 5: Role Play (water pollution) Day 6: Noise Pollution & Visual Environment (Lecture & Discussion and Brainstorm) Day 7: Discussion of Energy & Natural Resources Day 8: Discussion of Natural Environment Day 9: Debate of Recycling & Discussion of Advocating for the Environment Day 10: Environmental Smash CD & Contest Block Plan: Wee k 1 Monday Tuesday Intro. Activity: Short video Intro. Activity: Environment Wednesda y Intro. Activity: Thursday Intro. Activity: Demonstratio Friday Intro. Activity: clip of reduction of rain forests Lesson Focus: Environment al Issues & Organization s and Global Initiatives to Protect the Environment (Lecture & Discussion using powerpoint) Closing Activity: Cooperative learningsolutions for the reduction of rain forests Wee k 2 al Draw and Guess Lesson Focus: Air Pollution (Lecture & Discussion using powerpoint) Field Trip (outside to write air pollutions they observe) Closing Activity: Students assigned for fish bowl effect-hybrid car Monday Tuesday Intro. Activity: Rankingrank noises that bother them Intro. Activity: Short video clip of different sources of energy Lesson Focus: Noise Pollution & Visual Environmen t (Lecture & Discussion Lesson Focus: Discussion of Energy & Natural Resources Closing Short video clip of hybrid car n of the effects of oil on water Lesson Focus: Hybrid Car (Fish Bowl Effect) Closing Activity: Students draw an environmen t with air pollution and an environmen t with no air pollution Lesson Focus: Group Investigation of Water Pollution Wednesda y Intro. Activity: Students draw their natural environmen t Closing Activity: Students assigned role playing with script-water pollution Thursday Environmen t Calendar Lesson Focus: Role Play (water pollution) Closing Activity: Environmen t Calendar Friday Intro. Activity; Intro. Activity: Environment Littering al Draw and Activity Guess Lesson Lesson Focus: Focus: Environment Debate of al Smash CD Lesson Recycling & & Contest Focus: Discussion of Discussion Advocating Closing of Natural for the Activity: Environmen Environment Discussion of t students Closing being more and Brainstorm) Activity: Brainstorming -ways to Closing conserve Activity: energy at Field Trip to home improve visual environmen t around school Closing Activity: Students assigned debate of recycling Activity: Environment al Mural conscience of environment Lesson Plans: Provided separately. Evaluation Procedures: There will be a variety of evaluations. Pop quizzes will be throughout the unit to assess the students over the information provided. Everyday will have at least one built in evaluation. At the end of the unit, students will have a contest. The contest will require the students to create and perform a song about environmental health. A rubric will be used for the contest. References: Heit, P., Page, R., Meeks, L. Comprehensive School Health Education. 5th Edition. 2007.