THE PHILIPPINE WOMEN’S UNIVERSITY TAFT AVENUE, MANILA RESEARCH CASE PAPER FORMAT Title Page Acknowledgment Approval Sheet Executive Summary The case paper synopsis discussing the company’s current situation and the problems besetting the firm. The final paragraph states the possible alternative courses of actions solution to the problem. Possibly 1-2 pages only. Table of Contents (include all details of List of Appendices, Exhibits, etc) Chapter 1 The Problem and Its Background a) Introduction The researcher cites the relevance and the importance of the study in term of its existence. The researcher likewise mention theories or concepts linked with his/her present study in relation to the total industry setting where it belongs and how it helped them to overcome problems of the firm. The introductory chapter will have the background of the problems to give the reader a bird’s eye view of the study. b) Background of the Study This section discusses the research environment (locate) under study stating briefly the history of the company. It contains concise situational analysis of the past, present and the future outlook of the company. It discusses the thorough analysis of the organization problems and how the company will solve them. There are case papers which include: c) Scope and Limitation of the Study This includes the coverage of the study, the participants, the issues and constraints that have direct bearing on the case study. d) Significance of the Study This section presents the importance of the study from its intended beneficiaries. The researcher should prove that study has important contribution to the above beneficiaries. e) Definition of Terms Relevant key terms must be defined in scholarly manner. It will help the reader in understanding its meaning. The key terms can be arranged as they appear on the paper. Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature and Studies This chapter present studies and importance concepts gleaned from the literature and theories, which are relevant to the case study. The major source of there related literature and studies are laws, constitution, management directives (circulars, orders, memoranda etc) articles taken from book, magazines, journals, and various case studies either similar or different in nature that has direct bearing on the researcher’s case study. Chapter 3 Methodology This chapter presents the specific method used by the candidate in gathering, analyzing and interpreting the data. It contains the following: a) Research Design The case paper is descriptive in nature and will utilize the Harvard Business School Case Analysis Method. The researcher can cite other considerations in the evaluation of the case analysis. b) Participants of the Study The section discusses the participants of the study either form both the company and competitors’ participation. These are the people who helped the researcher in obtaining his/her data in the firm under study. c) Data Gathering Procedure The researcher proceeds with the actual sourcing of data, interviews, research, interpretation and analysis of the study including the need for asking the company’s permission and approval. Chapter 4 Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data (CASE PRESENTATION using the Harvard Business School Case Analysis Method) Time Context - it delineates the take-off-point of the4 case analysis. This is the date the deviation occurred in the firm under study. This is important in directly relating the problems and its courses of action to be taken on its actual time. Normally, plans, actions, documents that have bearing on the study should likewise be within the time frame previously identified to be consistent with the problem identified during the period. Point of View – This person simply someone who can male a decision critical to the company’s growth and opportunities. The final decision maker who can make sound judgment and able to see the required solutions either short or long term basis for the attainment of the desired goals for the company. Statement of the Problem – The problem is a deviation from the standard, by all means. Thoroughly identified what is the particular deviation. It is either stated in a question form of declarative form. It will answer the basic questions of what, when, where, why and how of particular negative or positive deviation. Statement of Objectives – This is the goal you want to achieve in solving the problem. These are your future expectations in solving the problem. It is the desired results of the company stating the SMART PRINCIPLES (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-Bound). Areas of Consideration – This section contains discussion of the facts of the case. It contains all sorts of information, the existing or deviation on policies and procedures relative to the problem. It analyzes both internal and external environment of the firm under study or simply the SWOT ANLAYIS (identifying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats). Alternative Courses of Action (ACA) – These are generally the possible solutions formulated to solve the problem and will require further analysis for a final decision. Stated ACAs will be independently identified from each other and can solve the problem. The way the researcher will identify the best solution is by means of identifying/enumerating its advantages and disadvantages stating risk involved or the merits and demerits including its implications on the future of the company. This will validate the final decision with the help of decision criteria on the next section. Decision Criteria – The researcher should identify decision variables that will help the decision maker for final recommendation and implementation. This section will analyze quantitatively by rating formulated ACA using the 5-point liker scale matching the criterion to each ACA and whichever ACA gamers the highest rating will be the ACA to be adopted for final recommendation. The research should define each criterion and compare the rating or each ACA. 5 – most likely 4 - more likely 3 – likely Example 2 – less likely 1 – unlikely PROFITABILITY: ACA 1 gamered a weight of 4-more likely because the company will generate profit as much as 15% increase from the year 2000 figure (see exhibit 1-1). In comparison with ACA 2 given a weight of 2 – unlikely which only shows a 7% increase in profit from year 2000 figure (SEE EXHIBIT 1-b) Chapter 5 Recommendation The final justification of your recommended solution in solving the problem qualifying its importance and implications in the company’s continued growth or survival. The researcher may categorize either on short or long term basis for the purpose of setting priorities in the actual implementation. The recommendation will now be the basis for an Action Plan. Action Plan – This is the firm concise overview of the implementing guidelines in adopting the recommended solution to solve the problem. a) State of Corporate Vision, Mission and Objectives. b) State the Strategy and Policy in adopting the ACA. c) Implementation of the Plan of Action. This section contains the detailed roadmap of activities, strategies to be accomplished on the area of human resource,, marketing, financial and prediction/operation management of the company. This will serve as a continuing process to achieve the desired results if the company. Example: PLAN OF ACTIONS xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CORPORATE VISION: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CORPORATE MISSION: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CORPORATE OBJECTIVES: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx STRATEGY: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx POLICY: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PLAN OF ACTIONS: FUNCTIONAL AREAS Xxxxxxxxxx (HR Mgnt) (Mktg. Mgnt) (Finc’t Mgnt) (Oper. Mgnt) STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES xxxxxxxxx PERSON RESPONSIBLE xxxxxxxxxxx TIME FRAME xxxxxxxx BUDGET xxxxxx Bibliography Appendices Exhibits; Figures (if any) Curriculum Vitae The researcher Appendix A will be the COMPREHENSIVE CASE of the company under study. (This is the basis of the reader to understand the company as a whole starting from its existence up to the current situation wherein the problem occurred). GUIDE IN WRITING A COMPREHNSIVE CASE Basically the comprehensive case is a situational discussion of the company as a whole. The introductory statements will serve as a pointer that described the real life issues affecting the firm. It will guide the reader to see the initial depiction and the particular problem of the company starting from company historical background up to the growth years. The framework for a comprehensive case is as follows: A) The industry Profile and Historical Background the Company Company during early years Corporate Vision and Mission Company in Turnaround Years Company in Growth Years B) The Current Situation Cite any excerpts from the company’s board meeting, owner consideration regarding its future outlook. It describes the overview of the problem, challenges ahead, and implemented strategies. C) Analyzing the Internal and External Environmental Covers the major functional areas in business management (human resources, marketing, financial and production/operation management). Analyzes competitors and other external forces that affect the company as a whole. Succeeding appendices will include various exhibits documents that are relevant to the case study and deemed necessary in the case study. a) Organizational Structure b) Comparative Financial Statements from the period that has direct bearing on the current study. c) Financial Analysis. d) Market Research e) Industry Figures (if any) Market Share Presentation f) Product Classifications g) Flow Charts (if any, especially on the operational problems) h) Forecasts (Production, Financial Forecasts-Projected F/S) i) Sales Forecast