Annex B – Schedules of Representations Received to the Draft Towcester Masterplan Consultation Draft June 2009 Introduction Here follow 2 Schedules of Responses – ‘Responses to Questionnaires Draft Towcester Masterplan’ and ‘Other Responses to Representations Draft Towcester Masterplan' - which provide a full list of all responses received to the consultation on the Draft Towcester Masterplan which took place between June and August 2009. The ‘Responses to Questionnaires Draft Towcester Masterplan‘ and ‘Other Responses to Representations Draft Towcester Masterplan' sets out all the responses received directly to the Masterplan Questionnaire. Any additional comments and documents or letters received are detailed in the ‘Towcester Masterplan Consultation Responses Sept 2010’. The Council has considered each representation received during the formal public consultation, and in response has made some changes to the document. 1. Responses to Questionnaires Draft Towcester Masterplan (page 2 – 21) Rep Number Respondent Number Towcester Masterplan Stage For/ Organisation Document Part/ Chapter Paragraph no. SNC Response Comment Each representation is ordered first by the Rep Number, then the question number of the questionnaire, then by respondent number. 2. Other Responses to Representations Towcester Masterplan Consultation (page 22 onwards) Rep Number Respondent Number For/ Organisation Document Part/ Chapter Reference No. Paragraph no. Comment SNC Response Each representation is ordered first by the Rep Number, then by the chapter and paragraph number in the Draft Masterplan that the representation relates to, then by respondent number. 1 Rep Number – Each representation in each Schedule has a specific separate Rep Number and are ordered by that number for ease of reference Respondent Number This is a unique reference number given to the person or body that the representation has been received from. Towcester Masterplan Stage This is the stage that the Masterplan has reached ie. All of the consultations listed in these schedules refer to the Draft Towcester Masterplan. For/ Organisation Name of person, agent or organisation (Only given if not a private individual) Document Part / Chapter/ Paragraph No. This is the original paragraph / page in the Draft Towcester Masterplan Consultation Draft June 2009 Comment This sets out the representation. SNC Response This sets out the Officer’s comments and recommendations in respect of all the representations. 2 Responses to Questionnaires Draft Towcester Masterplan Rep No 001 002 003 004 005 Respondent Number Towcester Masterplan Stage For/ Organisati on Document Part/ Chapter Paragraph No. Comment SNC Response 8. Following your reading of the whole document is there anything you consider could be added to Part 1 to improve the document? The document is badly written Comments noted. It is intended that the and very unclear. final version will rectify this. 006 TMPQ General Poorly presented and hard to Comments noted. It is intended that the read - poor choice of colours. final version will rectify this. 030 TMPQ General The next 15 years is of concern - Noted. The Masterplan has been the rate of progress will depend designed to be flexible and adaptable on the financial situation. so that it is able to respond to changing Following the credit crunch who economic circumstances. can predict the financial situation in one year, let alone 15. 013 TMPQ 1 Introduction 0.2 The plan is, overall, very Whilst there is a need to provide a conceptual and leaves a great gateway to the south of the town it is deal of ambiguity. Although I am important that it does not compete with a genuine advocate of the town centre. The quantum and type progressive development in the of any retail permitted to the south of town, I am concerned about the the town would need to be carefully loss of the linear park(s) from the considered to prevent competition with 1st draft and have real the town centre. The Masterplan reservations about the presence includes reference to the need for a of a local centre/ activity node on green edge to the town and green parks the A5 (South) approach to the and areas within including the Easton town opposite the Racecourse. Neston Water Meadows and the This would in my opinion split the parkland at Wood Burcote. town in half, more so than the previous draft suggestion, and 3 21st Century cause congestion. 036 TMPQ Market Town 1.5 3 21st Century Leave Towcester to develop The careful planning of the future Market Town naturally rather than have development of Towcester is required to thousands of investors from ensure that it brings the best benefit outside both to existing and future residents of 018 TMPQ 1.10 the town. 3 006 007 008 011 024 001 TMPQ TMPQ TMPQ 3 21st Century Market Town 7 Excellent Connectivity 7 Excellent Connectivity Diagram 3 Towcester Town Centre I do not agree that Towcester Town Centre has ample free car parking. The location of car parking will be examined as part of the town centre proposals. Removing car parking from the Market Square would improve the public realm in the heart of the town. Please ensure Nightingale Road/ Magpie Rd is excluded from any road links through to the new southern extension. It is a quiet cul-de-sac and I would like it to stay that way. Hundreds of people on the 'birds' estate would be affected by any such use. The final masterplan will make reference to the need to achieve integration between the new proposed development and the existing areas of Towcester. It is important that the new development does not harm the residential amenity of existing residents. The specific links between the southern extension and the existing town will be the subject of detailed planning application negotiation and consultation. However a transport study is being undertaken by SNC, NCC, the West Northants Joint Planning Unit and the Highways Agency to identify the scale of the transport issues for the town including the optimal locations for housing and employment growth that will support more sustainable transport patterns. The Towcester Transport Study will provide guidance on likely volumes of traffic that new growth and development will generate. Critically it will address the trigger points for key infrastructure to ensure that improvements are phased and take the key highway capacity and connections issues into account. This will feed into the planning application process for Towcester South. Agreed. The relief road is noted as being a fundamental prerequisite to the future growth of Towcester. 2.2C The bypass is fundamental or the rest is almost irrelevant. 2.4C 4 009 010 011 012 007 008 021 039 TMPQ TMPQ TMPQ TMPQ 7 Excellent Connectivity 7 Excellent Connectivity 7 Excellent Connectivity 7 Excellent Connectivity 2.4C To achieve your vision a substantive southern bypass must be built and established before any development of Towcester Vale goes ahead. By building the road structure first you will achieve your vision. This was how Milton Keynes succeeded. Care must be taken to ensure the bypass really is a bypass and not an 'access road' out of a 1960's planning manual as in the last proposal. 2.4C Bypass construction and improved public transport are essential to market 'existing Towcester'. Double bypass? Traffic is bad already, you try roundabout by the Council Offices in the morning - life in your hands. 2.4 2.4C Towcester Regeneration Board to include a Representative from Towcester Town Council. 013 014 TMPQ 12 Determination to Succeed 2.40 5 Agreed. The relief road is noted as being a fundamental prerequisite to the future growth of Towcester. Studies are currently being carried out by transport consultants on behalf of SNC, NCC, the West Northamptonshire Joint Planning Unit and the Highways Agency to determine the actual type of relief road that will be required to meet the needs of future growth. The solution needs to be appropriate, affordable and deliverable. Agreed. The relief road is noted as being a fundamental prerequisite to the future growth of Towcester. A relief road is required as a fundamental prerequisite for growth in Towcester. Studies are currently being carried out (see rep 010 above) to determine the type of relief road that will be required. The solution needs to be appropriate, affordable and deliverable. The delivery vehicle needs to be appropriate to the site. The masterplan paves the way for SNC to return to being the local planning authority for the district. It will act in consultation on all proposals for implementation with the Town Council in Towcester and the community. More needs to be said about the community life of the town, and institutions involved in sustaining that - schools, clubs, churches, community centres etc 014 015 035 037 TMPQ TMPQ 016 014 TMPQ 017 018 TMPQ 10 A Family Environment 10 A Family Environment 2.27 The Museum deserves more attention in the arts and culture section. 2.27 Agreed. The final masterplan will make more detailed reference to the community life in the town, and the institutions that sustain it such as schools, clubs and churches. Amend to include the contribution of institutions such as schools, clubs and churches to community life within Towcester. Agreed. Add text to the masterplan reflecting the establishment of Towcester museum. Towcester Regeneration Board See rep 013. 12 to include a Representative from Determination Towcester Town Council. to Succeed 2.40 10. Are there any other areas in the town that you think should be highlighted? This is a political decision forced Growth is required in the District simply on the Towcester Community. It because of the demographics of the was made by people who have existing population and to ensure the little knowledge of, or interest in local economy does not stagnate. If the community and who have provision is not made at the level huge sums of money to rape proposed in the masterplan and the Towcester new Core Strategy, the area will not provide a level of housing that meets the needs of its own population. The masterplan seeks to ensure that this growth is planned for so that Towcester becomes a flourishing 21st century market town and remains a sustainable General community. 6 018 019 026 013 TMPQ TMPQ The masterplan is effectively shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted. The plan ducks the issue of activity areas which will negate the respect for landscape claimed in the document. The masterplan recognises the need for growth and the importance of ensuring that it respects the character of a town surrounded by beautiful countryside. Green edges are planned so that the town retains a clear boundary with the countryside to prevent sprawl. Green corridors will connect the countryside with the town through areas such as the Easton Neston Water Meadows and Silverstone Brook. Increase emphasis on the countryside to Towcester within the final masterplan. Agrees with development of Moat Lane but at this stage cannot "agree" with Sponne School, Water Meadows, Towcester Lanes or Market Square because what makes up an "opportunity area" is not defined. A number of opportunity sites are identified as sites where redevelopment is possible due to them coming forward for sale, eg. the use of the Magistrates Court is ceasing in 2011 and therefore this site will be available for redevelopment; Moat Lane and surrounding area is currently a major redevelopment project being undertaken jointly between SNC & WNDC. The opportunity sites also include Easton Neston Water Meadows and Wood Burcote Parkland which are both being made available for public recreation use. The masterplan seeks to set out principles for the development of most of the opportunity sites and suggests end uses although it is not prescriptive on these since this will be the result of investment and the planning application process. The masterplan also identifies the need for improvements within the town, eg. through providing additional green space, and some of the sites put forward provide opportunities for these issues to be dealt with. General 5 A Vibrant Town Centre 2.4A 7 020 021 022 023 002 037 006 014 TMPQ TMPQ TMPQ TMPQ 6 Towcester Town Centre Opportunities 6 Towcester Town Centre Opportunities 6 Towcester Town Centre Opportunities 6 Towcester Town Centre Opportunities Town Centre Opportunities - 1 Moat Lane Town Centre Opportunities - 1 Moat Lane Town Centre Opportunities - 3 Sponne School Town Centre Opportunities - 3 Sponne School 8 Remove the war memorial from the cemetery in Brackley Rd to a new site in Moat Lane. This would be a more suitable location for Remembrance parades and access for older members of the congregation. This is an interesting thought and has been passed to the team responsible for development at Moat Lane. However, the moving of War Memorial is not a straightforward process as there is specific legislation relating to war memorials and their locations. The water meadows are not included in the document as one of these sites - Islington Road is. The Water meadows need to be carefully managed to keep the right balance of access, so that the site's important biodiversity is not threatened. Agreed. The Water Meadows have been acquired by SNC for the community and were opened up public access during 2010. The Watermeadows are now managed by the Wildlife Trust and have already enhanced and protected as a significant area of environmental quality. A good example of the concern with this entire plan is the development of Sponne School. Given the concern with childhood obesity, mentioned in the masterplan, how can you suggest dramatically reducing the size of the school playing fields? What is this if not favouring developer's profits over the quality of life for residents? Agreed. The playing fields at Sponne School are within the flood plain of the River Tove and therefore unlikely to be developed. Other significant areas of parkland are being provided within Towcester. Should Sponne School be relocated to the southern extension then playing fields will be required as part of these proposals. 1. Sponne School - concern playing fields will go. 2. The idea to use the centre of the racecourse for football pitches. The Bell Plantation site is too dangerous (crossing A43). Land does need to be earmarked for football especially if the recreation ground is developed as stated (page 47 - 2.32) For playing fields see rep. 022 above. The Council is unaware of plans for providing football pitches at the racecourse. Towcestrians is an important site and the masterplan makes reference to the need for safe routes there. Football pitches will remain an important requirement within the town. Sponne School does wish to and need to expand in capacity. The current site is not sufficient to meet these challenges (DWF land to build ratios). Consequently a new build on a new site within the town is the only option. 024 017 TMPQ 6 Towcester Town Centre Opportunities Town Centre Opportunities - 3 Sponne School The Police Station is a good example of 1930's building and should be retained. 025 026 032 036 TMPQ TMPQ 6 Towcester Town Centre Opportunities 6 Towcester Town Centre Opportunities Town Centre Opportunities - 3 Sponne School Town Centre Opportunities -3 9 1.Sponne School would benefit from a move to a purpose built new site with additional all weather / & indoor sports and drama / arts facilities. I also think there is a need for some 'out of town retail' off the A43 to support the significant increases in population. Comments noted. The final masterplan will include reference to the need for a new school to replace the existing Sponne school in order to accommodate the increase in number of pupils likely to result from the growth in Towcester. However, there are a variety of ways in which this could be provided: through the provision of a new, more compact school on the existing Sponne School site; a new school in a new neighbourhood ie. within the southern development; or a split site school. The final masterplan will note that the frontage of the Police Station is a Grade II Listed Building and therefore must be retained. Add text to final masterplan in respect of the frontage of Magistrates Court/ Police station being listed. Comments noted. See rep 024. Any 'out of town retail' would need to be small in scale as it must not compete with the town centre. 027 028 029 030 008 027 010 001 TMPQ TMPQ TMPQ 7 Excellent Connectivity 9 Opportunities for Employment Development 11 Respect for the Landscape The roads in Towcester need careful consideration as their fitness for purpose has changed with time. The road between the A43 and roundabout by the cemetery would now be of better service with two lanes on the south side and one on the north and the junction at the Saracen's Head would be better if the wide pavements were reduced so that Brackley Road into Watling Street has two lanes because cars "push" through. A cyclist using this junction at peak times would find the cycle marked lane occupied by vehicles turning left (north). Considerable thought also needs to be given to pedestrian access and routes. Comments noted. A transport study that is currently underway, on behalf of SNC, NCC, the Highways Agency and the West Northamptonshire Joint Planning Unit. It has been undertaken to identify the scale of the transport issues for the town including the optimal locations for housing and employment growth that will support more sustainable transport patterns. The Towcester Transport Study will provide guidance on likely volumes of traffic that new growth and development will generate. The study will address the trigger points for key infrastructure to ensure that improvements are phased and take the key highway capacity and connections issues into account. The provision of pedestrian and cycling routes is important as an alternative to private motor transport, but the Council recognises that these need to be safe. A hub for cycle routes centred on the old railway station (Tesco's). Comments noted. Part of the role of the masterplan is to indicate to potential landowners, developers and investors the opportunities that Towcester has to offer in order to attract further funding and investment. This could well include a cycle hub. Yes - flooding including both river plains and surface water drainage is an important consideration in the development of Towcester. 2.3C Employment Opportunities - 1 Northern Gateway Will danger from flash flooding be taken into account at every stage of the town development? 2.31 Bucklands van site opposite Waitrose is a prime retail and residential site. If a purchase cannot be agreed CPO it. TMPQ 10 Comments noted. 031 032 019 025 Old Greens Norton Rd - poor impression of town ie run down. A5 Racecourse to Park View Road - poor impression of the town - run down derelict buildings The Shires development seems to have been ignored. This due to the fact that this development is the perfect example of urban sprawl detached from the town. TMPQ TMPQ Should include Islington Rd rather than Water Meadows. Not enough attention has been paid to the Shires (a significant area of the population) eg not included in the 'local' bus provision, no community space or provision. This is more surprising in the light of Tove Valley Baptist Fellowship's ownership of 'community land' in south of housing. Also the recreational space needs proper management and integration with Water Meadows and rest of town. 033 035 TMPQ 11 Noted. The entrances to the town from mentioned are important gateways to the town. The masterplan includes proposals for upgrading these. Comments noted. It is for this reason that the Council is seeking to ensure that new growth particularly the southern extension forms an integral part of the existing town with strong links to the town centre and surrounding areas. Add text to final masterplan recognising need to better integrate the Shires development into the town through methods including signage and town maps. Comments noted. It is for this reason that the Council is seeking to ensure that new growth particularly the southern extension forms an integral part of the existing town with strong links to the town centre and surrounding areas. The proposals by Tove Valley Baptist Fellowship for a new community building/ church will be included in the final masterplan. The document seeks to influence investment in the town and will highlight the need for better links between the Shires and the town, including flagging up to bus companies the need for better bus services to provide this link. The Council will press for improvements to bus routes, recognising however that in the current fiscal climate public funding will not support new transport provision required which will affect possible new routes. 034 035 036 037 039 021 022 024 Exit and entry to new Towcester? Will bring much more traffic to the Highfields Estate. This must flow and not block. Do we get a bypass first? Then the houses? Will there be any bungalows in the new houses. Towcester needs more bungalows for people getting older. TMPQ TMPQ TMPQ TMPQ 11. Any other comments? Presentation of diagram in black background and shading used are difficult to read / identify General areas. Found Diagrams very difficult to understand. Colours used very dark and spelling bad. General General 12 Vague 'motherhood and apple pie' documents like this should have been written 5 years ago. The 27th June presentation in the town hall was shambolic understaffed, with collapsing presentation boards and crammed into a small sideroom stacked with furniture. Comments noted. The relief road is an essential prerequisite of any future development in Towcester. The point in relation to housing design is noted and will be added to the final masterplan. Add text to final masterplan recognising need for bungalows and lifetime homes to reflect the needs of the ageing population. Comments noted. This will be rectified in the final masterplan. Comments noted. This will be rectified in the final masterplan. Comments noted 038 039 040 030 037 041 TMPQ TMPQ TMPQ Comments noted. This will be rectified in the final masterplan. General The choice of colour (hard to read) the choice of photographs is poor (reflects a town stuck in a timewarp rather than a vibrant town). Why not colour photos including Waitrose/ Porsche and Radstone. Also a photo of Towcester on market day or Saturday would have helped. This document is more a 'Blobby' concept plan rather than a masterplan. Whilst understanding the need for allowing scope for some change, more detail would have helped. Support welcomed and noted. General This generally looks like a good document to plan for Towcester's future development. It feels as if the document is only paying lip service to the environmental issues and needs greater emphasis on eco-friendly new build. The maps are not easy to understand - insufficient marking of the roads/ key locations. More emphasis is needed on natural environment/ wildlife - particularly Water Meadows. Although timescales/ timetable are mentioned, no timings are indicated. No mention of the role of the religious community/ churches within the community. Bus link to Milton Keynes railway station vital for sustainable travel. The final masterplan will place greater emphasis on the need to ensure that new development is locally distinctive, of high quality and meets standards such as the Code for Sustainable Homes. New development will need to be in accordance with national guidance and the Council's policy guidance which place emphasis on the need for sustainable development. The final masterplan will include an action plan which sets out how the masterplan will be implemented and likely timescales. General 13 041 042 005 006 TMPQ TMPQ 1 Introduction 1 Introduction 0.1 0.2 14 Please, please keep to your commitment to keep Towcester individual. Don't drive out the wonderful independent retailers (Drop Dead Gorgeous, Present Thinking, Mulberry Tree, Elliots etc etc) by inflating rent/ rates & bringing in the likes of Costa Coffee, Starbucks, Waterstones, Specsavers etc that dominate other High Streets. Please don't let the outskirts become another retail park - identical to hundreds of others around the country. Comments noted. The importance of specialist niche shopping is noted and will be emphasised in the final masterplan as this helps to make Towcester locally distinctive and individual and is part of the town's attractiveness. The Council wishes to strengthen this element in order to make the town a destination where people want to visit. A large out of town retail park would not be appropriate as it would be competition with the town centre. The masterplan doesn't address the fundamental issue of whether we need this enormous expansion of housing. Towcester is obviously the wrong shape to expand and the question remains; in who's interest is this development, the local residents or developer's profits? Presumably you realise this or you wouldn't refuse to give local residents a real say on whether this expansion goes ahead. Growth is required in the District simply because of the demographics of the existing population and to ensure the local economy does not stagnate. If provision is not made at the level proposed in the masterplan and the new Core Strategy, the area will not provide a level of housing that meets the needs of its own population. The masterplan seeks to ensure that this growth is planned for so that Towcester becomes a flourishing 21st century market town and remains a sustainable community. 043 044 016 018 TMPQ TMPQ 1 Introduction 1 Introduction 0.2 0.2 15 Certainly, the document contains some good suggestions for improving the town and should be congratulated. However, rather than undertaking central Governments ill advised motivation to concrete over 'this green and pleasant land'. Rather activity should focus on limiting population growth, either by controlling immigration and/ or education regarding the family unit and containment of family density. See rep 042 above. The masterplan gives the message that new developments within Towcester will be expected to be of the highest quality and meet deign standards, to ensure that they are well integrated into the existing town, and meet all material planning considerations. Development will be locally distinctive and create a sense of place. In particular, careful attention will be paid to character, scale, form and architectural style/ detailing in any new building designs. Text to be added to final masterplan. When one considers that in 40 years time the country will be without land for agriculture. In 1940 the Germans tried to starve us into submission by use of Uboats - and nearly succeeded. Do the developers, with your love of money, never learn from history? Towcester is recognised as a market town, however some growth is required to meet the needs of the existing population and to ensure the local economy does not stagnate. If provision is not made at the level proposed in the masterplan and the new Core Strategy, the area will not provide a level of housing that meets the needs of its own population. The masterplan seeks to ensure that this growth is planned for so that Towcester becomes a flourishing 21st century market town and remains a sustainable community. However insufficient land is available within the existing town to meet local needs and therefore the growth does require the development of an urban extension to the south. 045 046 047 026 011 035 TMPQ TMPQ TMPQ 1 Introduction 3 21st Century Market Town 3 21st Century Market Town 0.2 Doubling the size of Towcester will be a complete failure. Towcester has survived so long because it has developed 'naturally'. This proposal to increase the size is being forced upon the town and is arbitrary. The so-called southern bypass is a joke, the A43/ A5 junction will end up with tailbacks to Silverstone and Blisworth on a regular basis and rush hours will be extended. See reps 027 and 044 above. The masterplan does not adequately address the car parking problems. Historically Towcester has been the market town for many surrounding villages. Those villages will not be encouraged to come into the town unless they can park their cars conveniently. The need for rationalisation of car parking within Towcester will be recognised within the final masterplan. The Moat Lane development will include the provision of additional car parking. I have serious reservations about the establishment of the Towcester Regeneration Partnership Board - there is no community representation in its membership, and it is not clear to whom the Board will be accountable, nor even how organisations (schools, clubs, churches) will access it. More 'local ownership and engagement' is necessary. Why for instance - is the Towcester Partnership not included? See rep 014. 1.10 1.10 16 048 049 050 004 012 001 TMPQ TMPQ TMPQ 3 21st Century Market Town 7 Excellent Connectivity 7 Excellent Connectivity Town Centre Opportunities - 2 Market Square 2.3B 2.4C 17 1. I feel that some disabled parking should be retained on the market square, otherwise some people would be unable to use the town centre. Safe cycling/ walking routes essential. A way of avoiding roundabout on A43 when going to Towcestrians. The congestion and pollution of the A5 is blighting the historic town centre. If removed the aspirations have a chance of success. The No 1 priority and the No 1 by a distance - get the A5 de-trunked and / or a bypass built. Comments noted. Whilst there is a need to remove car parking from the Market Square in order to improve the public realm in the heart of the town it is recognised that the provision of disabled parking is important here. The provision of pedestrian and cycling routes is important as an alternative to private motor transport, but the Council recognises that these need to be safe. Agreed. The relief road is noted as being a fundamental prerequisite to the future growth of Towcester. 051 052 003 010 TMPQ TMPQ 7 Excellent Connectivity 7 Excellent Connectivity 2. Bypass not to be too far south. There should be mass planting of evergreen trees and others south of the bypass. The route of the relief road is being examined by a transport study being undertaken on behalf of SNC, NCC, the Highways Agency and the West Northamptonshire Joint Planning Unit. It has been undertaken to identify the scale of the transport issues for the town including the optimal locations for housing and employment growth that will support more sustainable transport patterns. The Towcester Transport Study will provide guidance on likely volumes of traffic that new growth and development will generate. Critically it will address the trigger points for key infrastructure to ensure that improvements are phased and take the key highway capacity and connections issues into account. It will also examine the route that the relief road should take. The solution needs to be appropriate, affordable and deliverable. There will be critical areas north of the relief road that will be open space and a green edge will be provided to the south. 1. The building of a bypass is absolutely basic to the sensible development of Towcester. Expansion stands or falls on this vital infrastructure project. 2. Public transport to Milton Keynes offers a very slow journey of 50 mins. A faster journey to the railway station is needed. The relief road is noted as being a fundamental prerequisite to the future growth of Towcester. The masterplan will make clear that following the construction of a relief road the existing A5 will be detrunked. 2.4C 2.4C 18 The A5 bypass is of paramount importance. Until that occurs all other plans to develop Towcester would be subject to serious doubt. Making the existing Watling Street through the town and up to the roundabout a 20mph limit is a sensible idea and could be implemented at little cost. 053 054 013 014 TMPQ TMPQ 7 Excellent Connectivity 7 Excellent Connectivity 2.4C 2.4C 1. Besses Lane Area to be kept is very good - stick to it. 2. Concern that a fly-over will be created from the A43 to the new bypass. This would create a noise problem for the west of Towcester. 3. Suggest A5 roundabout is a 'underpass' - if not it will detract from the "Long Water" line. Traffic developments should ensure that the Brackley Road and A5 North of the Saracens Head do not become 'rat runs' for local traffic - this assuming that a bypass goes ahead. 055 056 015 025 TMPQ TMPQ 7 Excellent Connectivity 7 Excellent Connectivity 2.4C Build the bypass first, then we can consider growth in the town 2.4C 19 The relief road is noted as being a fundamental prerequisite to the future growth of Towcester. The masterplan will make clear that following the construction of a relief road the existing A5 will be detrunked as this will alleviate the town centre from traffic and enable it to improve and expand with improvements to the street scene. The inclusion of speed limits for Towcester will be a matter for decision by Northamptonshire County Council as local traffic authority. 1. The Besses Lane area is proposed as a new parkland development at Wood Burcote where enabling development will be considered as this would provide parkland to the town. 2. See rep 052. The relief road is noted as being a fundamental prerequisite to the future growth of Towcester. The masterplan will make clear that following the construction of a relief road the existing A5 will be detrunked as this will alleviate the town centre from traffic and enable it to improve and expand with improvements to the street scene. The relief road is noted as being a fundamental prerequisite to the future growth of Towcester. 1. Require a bus route to Buckingham. 057 058 059 003 023 038 TMPQ TMPQ TMPQ 7 Excellent Connectivity 7 Excellent Connectivity 9 Opportunities for Employment Development 2.5 The bus service to MK needs to stop near the station. At present it means changing and waiting for buses in Stony Stratford or getting a taxi at £22 each way. Need more signed car parks - at busy times Richmond Road is always full. The provision of bus services is outside the remit of the Council's action plan for the final masterplan as these are private companies. However the Council will press for improvements to bus routes, recognising however that in the current fiscal climate public funding will not support new transport provision required which will affect possible new routes. See rep 057 above. The final masterplan will recognise the need to rationalise and better signpost car parking within Towcester. Additional car parking is proposed as part of the Moat Lane development. 2.5 Employment Opportunities - 2 Town Centre 20 I find the plan very vague and this form seems to be designed to get ticks on subjects that are too vast and too vague to answer yes or no. I am particularly concerned about the southern gateway on the existing A5. After making the point that the northern gateway should show Towcester heritage putting buildings on the southern edge which will, no doubt, be just like 21st century building all over the country seems out of keeping. At present the Racecourse after the area around Heathencote and the coming down the hill provides a unique entry to Towcester. The masterplan gives the message that new developments within Towcester will be expected to be of the highest quality and meet design standards, to ensure that they are well integrated into the existing town, and meet all material planning considerations. Development will be locally distinctive and create a sense of place. In particular, careful attention will be paid to character, scale, form and architectural style/ detailing in any new building designs. Text to be added to final masterplan. 060 061 062 063 039 003 007 004 TMPQ TMPQ TMPQ TMPQ 10 A Family Environment 10 A Family Environment 10 A Family Environment 10 A Family Environment 2.14 2.16 2.16 2.19 21 We agree that Towcester needs more houses and bungalows. We need to bring jobs for our young people for our young people as well as bring people in to our shops in Towcester. What worries us. If you make a mistake on such a big project we will have an old Towcester and a new Towcester. We need the two to blend and work together. Comments noted. 3. affordable housing/social housing only to meet local need otherwise Towcester will become a dumping ground. Comments noted. With your objectives of planning to regenerate the market town of the future from the population's birth to death, I would like to see more retirement accommodation such as Malt House for more affluent who wish to downsize from the many sizeable homes which already exist in the town and surrounding villages and which will become much more available in the expanding population of the town. Comments noted. The masterplan is intended to encourage investment in the town, and will make mention of the need for housing that meets a wide range of needs especially the ageing population in Towcester. 3. Towcester CE Primary School would benefit enormously from a new school building. Comments noted. The masterplan sets a strategic framework for the future development of Towcester, going through principles for the development of key opportunity sites. It examines the social and physical infrastructure required to support the required increase in housing provision. The precise detail will be for service providers to decide. 064 065 066 017 032 004 TMPQ TMPQ TMPQ 10 A Family Environment 11 Respect for the Landscape 11 Respect for the Landscape 2.19 Correct statements about Sponne School and Nicholas Hawksmoor they are inaccurate The statements about these schools will be updated in the final masterplan document. As Bloor Homes are planning a connecting road from Burcote Road opposite Highfields to the A5 reducing traffic at the Vernon Rd junction, there is every reason to make Bessie's Lane pedestrian only as it is a favourite walk of many of Towcester's residents. The Besses Lane area is proposed as a new parkland development at Wood Burcote where enabling development will be considered as this would provide parkland to the town. The road linkages between the urban extension and the existing town will be the subject of negotiation in connection with the planning applications for the Towcester south urban extension and the Wood Burcote site although the final masterplan in line with the Core Strategy will emphasise the need for these 2 sites to be planned together as a coordinated whole. The Besses Lane area is proposed as a new parkland development at Wood Burcote where enabling development will be considered as this would provide parkland to the town. 2.35 2. I very much feel that the Jackson Stops Estate and Wood Burcote should retain its 'countryside' character so that all can enjoy the beauty of Bessie's Lane and the road through Wood Burcote. 2.36 22 2. Other Responses to Representations Towcester Masterplan Consultation Rep Number 001 002 Respondent Number 025 024 For/ Organisation Councillor Diana Dallyn Reference Number 001 004 Document Part/ Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Introduction Para. Number Diagram 1 0.1 23 Comment SNC Response The constellation map on page 4 gives a clear and valuable insight into the geographical value of the location to Towcester. However an additional OS map extract to indicate its relationship to roads and nearby villages would be an improvement. Comments Noted. Amend to include a diagram of an Ordnance Survey plan of Towcester, its catchment, nearby villages, centres and motorways and main roads There are some factual errors in the introduction. Sadly the town centre is not "perfect environment for the boutiques and independent shops that occupy its fine buildings", as suggested in para 0.1. Frankly it’s an extraordinary lapse of rigour to suggest that it is. If the statement were true, one wonders why Towcester needs regeneration. The reality is that the once fine town centre is currently blighted by the heavy lorries and associated pollution from Watling Street. Comments noted. Towcester town centre has a strong tradition of local, high-quality, specialist retailers but the recent Chase & partners Retail Study does say that the town is underperforming. It is recognised that the town centre is currently blighted by the heavy traffic that uses the A5 and that key to the future enhancement of the town centre is the removal of this traffic. The relief road is therefore noted as being a fundamental prerequisite to the future growth of Towcester. The masterplan will make clear that following the construction of a relief road the existing A5 will be detrunked as this will alleviate the town centre from traffic and enable it to improve and expand with improvements to the street scene. I am concerned about the idea of Towcester projecting a "modern image" as the concept has not been defined. People, including HRH Prince Charles, prefer to live in an environment with an older fashioned image. Towns built in the 1950s and 1960s with a "modern image" have totally failed, and we do not want Towcester to fail. 003 013 002 1 Introduction 0.2 It would be useful to place the masterplan in the context of the wider development plan hierarchy. Needs to be linkages to the Local Development Framework and the Core Spatial Strategy. 004 017 Northamptonshire Enterprise Ltd (NEL) 002 1 Introduction 0.2 24 Comments noted. The final masterplan will emphasis that new development must reflect the character of Towcester as a historic market town. The masterplan gives the message that new developments within Towcester will be expected to be of the highest quality and meet design standards, to ensure that they are well integrated into the existing town, and meet all material planning considerations. Development will be required to be locally distinctive and create a sense of place. In particular, careful attention will be paid to character, scale, form and architectural style/ detailing in any new building designs. Text to be added to final masterplan. Agreed. The final masterplan will include reference to the context of the masterplan within the Local Development Framework that governs the spatial development of a place, and other strategies written by the Council. Add text to the masterplan setting out its context. 005 006 007 008 017 017 018 024 Northamptonshire Enterprise Ltd (NEL) Northamptonshire Enterprise Ltd (NEL) Highways Agency 005 006 002 005 1 Introduction 1 Introduction 1 Introduction 1 Introduction 0.2 NEL particularly welcomes the recognition of the important linkages between Towcester and its rural hinterlands. Support welcomed and noted. NEL supports the overarching vision for the town to become a thriving '21st Century Market Town'. Support welcomed and noted. The Highways Agency endorses the overall aim, which is to create a sustainable and cohesive community within Towcester. Para 0.2 is factually incorrect, in suggesting that the overall aim of all this is to create a sustainable and cohesive community within Towcester. The overall aim has been set by the government and it is to expand Towcester dramatically to respond to a national housing shortage. That is the driver for expansion. We should ensure that the community derives as much benefit as possible from such expansion. The masterplan should follow this line of thinking rather than suggesting that expansion arises out of some perceived need to improve Towcester. Support welcomed and noted. 0.2 0.2 0.2 25 The amount of growth for Towcester has been reduced since the draft masterplan and accords with the Core Strategy for West Northamptonshire. Towcester is recognised as a market town, however some growth is required to meet the needs of the existing population and to ensure the local economy does not stagnate. If provision is not made at the level proposed in the masterplan and the new Core Strategy, the area will not provide a level of housing that meets the needs of its own population. The masterplan seeks to ensure that this growth is planned for so that Towcester becomes a flourishing 21st century market town and remains a sustainable community. However insufficient land is available within the existing town to meet local needs and therefore the growth does require the development area to the south. 009 010 027 027 Burcote Developments Ltd Burcote Developments Ltd 001 006 1 Introduction 1 Introduction 0.2 0.2 26 Totally agree that the plan context for Towcester should be for a strong and unique market town serving a population, as stated of 29,000 both in the immediate and close surrounding areas. Only this type and size of settlement can, through development, attract the requisite employment, infrastructure and services needed already and for the future sustainable population growth. Cohesiveness and connectivity are essential to managing the style of the growth required. We are a company that have produced such design concepts for a major development area at Daventry which received commendations from CABE, the government appointed design watchdog, and we feel would serve as a model template for further discussion on this issues at Towcester. Support welcomed and noted. See rep 008 above. Agreed. New development in Towcester will be required to be of high quality and sustainable design. The new development area to the south of Towcester will need to be well integrated with the existing town. As a strategic service we need to consider the wider growth of the County alongside Towcester masterplan, to ensure we maintain our standards of operational response and service delivery. Through undertaking detailed risk modelling it will enable us to ascertain the impact of the growth agenda placed on the Service. It is noted within the masterplan that the population of Towcester will increase to around 29,000, with the proposed development area to the south of the town contributing most to this growth. 011 012 030 038 Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue 001 001 1 Introduction 1 Introduction 0.2 0.2 27 Personally I do not support the argument that Towcester needs to expand its population by some 100%. Central Government's proposal is without mandate; it is my opinion that a local referendum, or election, should be held to measure the local community’s approval, or other, of such significant change that will have far reaching implications for the residents of Towcester. Comments noted. The future growth of Towcester set out in the masterplan accords with the Core Strategy which sets out the overarching policies for the spatial development of the town. The Core Strategy is part of South Northamptonshire’s Local Development Framework and sets out the vision, objectives and policies for managing future growth, change and development within the District for at least the next 15 years. See rep 008 above. However whilst growth is necessary the purpose of the masterplan is to ensure that it is delivered in a coordinated way that benefits both existing and future residents. The current infrastructure does not, and despite the promises being made, I fear will not support such a change. History shows that developers promise much to stakeholders and deliver little, excepting for profitability to shareholders. Any such perceived issues associated with population density and a lack of housing should not be alleviated by recourse to building on green belt land. A methodology favoured by the current Labour Party. Rather, investigation should take place into 'Cause and Effect'. I would suggest that the following should be instigated in an attempt to limit the current population growth within the country: Stricter controls regarding our borders and immigration. Teenage pregnancy and associated housing demand. The sanctity of marriage, single parent families and associated housing demand. 013 038 002 1 Introduction 0.2 28 The masterplan sets out a framework for the development of Towcester and seeks to ensure that it includes provision for the expansion of new employment opportunities and the provision of necessary improved social infrastructure such as primary healthcare provision. The final masterplan will set out the issues that Towcester faces and examine how these are best addressed through its future development, giving details of what infrastructure is needed in the short to medium term to address the current gaps and what is needed in the future / long term to address the growth agenda. The document seems to be gently, rather than radically, ambitious in its aspiration for developing Towcester into a 21st Century market town, which would appear to be a sensible and pragmatic approach to the future, particularly given these uncertain economic times. However, we would suggest that the Masterplan be seen still to encourage projects, development ideas, and schemes in the Opportunity Areas which might be more dramatic or radical in their ambition, so as not to quash creative or innovative approaches to the future of the town. 014 015 039 008 Northamptonshire Chamber 003 002 1 Introduction 1 Introduction 0.2 0.3 29 Do not believe that the developments outlined will help the town flourish further. The masterplan will set out both a guide for the future development of Towcester up to 2026 and a delivery and action plan setting out the actions required to bring this about. It is therefore both a document setting out a vision for Towcester in 2026 together with aspirations and principles for the growth of Towcester and a document giving details in relation to delivery and specific actions that will deliver the objectives that underpin the vision for Towcester. The Towcester Masterplan is not a rigid blueprint for development and design, but sets the context within which individual projects will come forward. The Masterplan is not an end in itself, but provides the framework to deliver the agreed vision for the town. The Masterplan provides a framework for developers and landowners to work with the Local Planning Authority and its partners, to develop proposals to secure the coordinated growth of the town. Comments noted. 016 017 018 019 020 018 027 040 028 027 Highways Agency Burcote Developments Ltd DPP on behalf of Tesco Stores Ltd Pegasus Planning Group on behalf of Persimmon Homes and Bloor Homes Burcote Developments Ltd 003 002 001 008 003 1 Introduction 1 Introduction 1 Introduction 1 Introduction 2 Consultation 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.8 30 Para 0.3 should also recognise that population growth will drive demand for more integrated transport solutions within and around the town. Noted. Agree and amend as suggested. Population growth is the main driver of creating added value to a town's existing retail and commercial areas and gives vibrancy and support for the many social facilities needed in a 21st Century environment. Comments noted. Tesco are supportive of the main thrust of the Masterplan, in particular the vision for Moat Lane which will provide a high quality focal point at the heart of Towcester. The Masterplan signals an exciting future for Towcester Town Centre and the wider settlement, whilst the future construction of new by-pass to the south-east will create a vastly different environment within the Town Centre by removing the bulk of the through traffic. The document is a vision outlining a route map to deliver one sustainable cohesive town. Such an approach which brings together the local authority's public sector 'vision' in a coordinated manner for the town is helpful and will hopefully assist in enabling the various stakeholders to work together with the Towcester Vale developers to achieve a viable and deliverable vision for the whole town. Tenscentral's comments are both supportive and contributory to the various issues we feel the next stage of the Plan process should address. Comments noted. Comments noted. The Masterplan provides a framework for developers and landowners to work with the Local Planning Authority and its partners, to develop proposals to secure the coordinated growth of the town. Comments noted. Under ' Excellent Connectivity' in para 1.1, the town should also aspire to have a more accessible and integrated system for public transport. 021 022 018 033 Highways Agency English Heritage 004 006 3 21st Century Market Town 4 Shaping the Future 1.1 1.3 31 Watling Street - we agree that once detrunked, measures such as pavement widening and other public realm improvements that respect the principles of English Heritage's 'Streets for All' should be pursued. It is important that traffic still has opportunity to pass through the centre and park (as recognised in paragraph 2.1), as passing trade must make a significant contribution to the town centre economy and vitality. Noted. Agree and amend as suggested. However the Council will press for improvements to public transport, recognising however that in the current fiscal climate public funding will not support new transport provision required which will affect possible new routes. The masterplan will promote the use of public transport however it is recognised that in a rural area such as South Northamptonshire there may be a limit to the benefits it can provide. Comments noted. The detrunking of the A5 is necessary to remove heavy traffic from the town centre which will improve the heart of the town. 023 031 024 032 Environmental Health, South Northamptonshire Council 006 4 Shaping the Future 1.4 002 4 Shaping the Future 1.5 32 There are environmental issues that need to be considered if the smaller side streets and alleyways that serve Towcester town centres and link up with the residential areas are to be utilised, although this may be more in the detailed planning stages. The class of use for each area/ unit should be considered to ensure it is feasible. Other issues that would need to be considered are: waste storage facilities and collection services, adequacy of drainage facilities, air conditioning units and extraction outlets on listed buildings or buildings within the conservation area as well as noise and odours from these services. Thought needs to be given to how they are likely to affect more sensitive or conflicting uses nearby. Yes Towcester would benefit from additional shopping facilities, but why have a second major "hub" at the southern end of town. This will no doubt be largely of interest to major retailers, who will require major incentives to locate units together with major parking facilities. The result will be the down grading of facilities in the centre of the town, and losing the independent retailers currently there and whose shops are lauded in the booklets. Comments noted. The Masterplan is not an end in itself, but provides the framework to deliver the agreed vision for the town. The Masterplan provides a framework for developers and landowners to work with the Local Planning Authority and its partners, to develop proposals to secure the coordinated growth of the town. The specific use of each unit within the town centre will be a matter for determination as part of the implementation of the masterplan and will be the subject of planning application decisions. The draft masterplan proposes suggestions for the future of Towcester. There will need to be a small scale neighbourhood / local centre within the southern extension so that there is a facility in walking distance for nearby residents and businesses. This location shown on the masterplan is not a major scale centre. However it is important that any such centre does not compete with the Towcester town centre and redeveloped areas such as Moat Lane. 025 026 027 028 028 039 012 027 Pegasus Planning Group on behalf of Persimmon Homes and Bloor Homes Northamptonshire Chamber Towcester & District Local History Society Burcote Developments Ltd A series of green corridors is envisaged permeating the existing urban area and the new neighbourhood, as is proposed in the Persimmon/ Bloor Towcester Vale Masterplan. 013 007 003 004 4 Shaping the Future 3 21st Century Market Town 3 21st Century Market Town 3 21st Century Market Town 1.6 1.11 1.4 1.7 33 Yes Northamptonshire Chamber would support the five main aims of the Towcester Masterplan set out in Part 1 and 2. They seem comprehensive, achievable and appropriate to the direction and nature of sustainable development to which the town inspires. Para 1.4 on p9 says Towcester has been a market town since the 13th century. In view of the fact that Towcester was on a junction of two Roman roads and was an important enough settlement to be fortified by the Romans at great expense we would recommend that the text says that Towcester has been a market town for two thousand years since the first century AD. The core issue to establishing a vibrant and positive market town is the removal of through traffic on the A5. In many areas of UK comparable towns have had such through traffic by-passed for decades starting in the 1930's onwards. The masterplan sets out principles for the future development of Towcester. Green corridors are considered a fundamental part of the future development of Towcester linking the countryside surrounding the town with the town centre. Support welcomed and noted. The final masterplan will include a section on the history of Towcester since it is important that the future of the town is grounded in its past. Add section to final masterplan that relates the history of Towcester. Agree. The masterplan recognises that the key to the growth of Towcester, both in terms of its economy and spatially, is the construction of the relief road and the detrunking of the A5 to remove heavy traffic from the town centre which will improve the heart of the town. 029 030 031 032 033 028 028 028 029 023 Pegasus Planning Group on behalf of Persimmon Homes and Bloor Homes Pegasus Planning Group on behalf of Persimmon Homes and Bloor Homes Pegasus Planning Group on behalf of Persimmon Homes and Bloor Homes White Young Green on behalf of Aldi Stores Ltd The Towcester Partnership 009 010 011 002 023 3 21st Century Market Town 3 21st Century Market Town 3 21st Century Market Town 3 21st Century Market Town 3 21st Century Market Town It is noted and supported that a southern bypass will remove strategic traffic from the historic centre. Comments noted. It is common ground that the challenge is to grow Towcester without losing what makes it special, but that the objectives must be sustainable, realistic and deliverable. Agreed. It is noted that Towcester is said to be ready for change. Agreed. Aldi agrees that Towcester is ready for change and considers that unless Towcester responds to the competition from other nearby settlements and developments, it could decline to a point where it will be unable to meet the dayto-day needs of residents in the town and its rural hinterland. Agreed. There is considerable local concern over the imposition of this regeneration board. It has been imposed without any local consultation. We are concerned by the lack of representation of local bodies, and the apparent unaccountability of this body. Comments Noted. The delivery vehicle needs to be appropriate to the site. The masterplan paves the way for SNC to return to being the local planning authority for the district. It will act in consultation on all proposals for implementation with the Town Council in Towcester and the community. 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.9 1.10 34 034 035 024 004 010 West Northamptonshire Joint Planning Unit 001 3 21st Century Market Town 3 21st Century Market Town There is no need for the Towcester Regeneration Partnership Board. Indeed, with NCC, WNDC, SNC, NEL, the Towcester Partnership and the Town Council, we already have too many public bodies exercising jurisdiction over Towcester, (before we even consider the Highways Agency, the Environment Agency et al). The Towcester Partnership was established under the government's 'Action for Market Towns' initiative and already has the structure and skills necessary to oversee delivery of the Masterplan. Comments Noted. The delivery vehicle needs to be appropriate to the site. The masterplan paves the way for SNC to return to being the local planning authority for the district. It will act in consultation on all proposals for implementation with the Town Council in Towcester and the community. Principal themes in relation to Towcester are covered in the document; however more emphasis should be placed on how the key objectives of the plan can be delivered. Comments noted. The final masterplan will include an action plan that will deliver the objectives that underpin the vision for Towcester. The Towcester Masterplan is not a rigid blueprint for development and design, but sets the context within which individual projects will come forward. The Masterplan is not an end in itself, but provides the framework to deliver the agreed vision for the town. The Masterplan provides a framework for developers and landowners to work with the Local Planning Authority and its partners, to develop proposals to secure the coordinated growth of the town. 1.10 1.11 35 Cultural assets are not mentioned within the key objectives and it is considered that Towcester has a great deal to offer and this should be emphasised. 036 037 038 039 004 009 016 016 West Northamptonshire Joint Planning Unit Northamptonshire Police Barton Willmore acting for Waitrose Ltd Barton Willmore acting for Waitrose Ltd 002 003 001 002 3 21st Century Market Town 3 21st Century Market Town 3 21st Century Market Town 3 21st Century Market Town 1.11 No mention of safety and sustainability in the objectives. Given the current Government agenda for addressing climate change the lack of mention of sustainability in the objectives. This is one of the key priorities of the Sustainable Communities Strategy and it is clear that this is essential to quality of life and enabling the other objectives for a family environment and vibrant town centre. Safety attracts people to an area. 1.11 1.11 1.11 36 Support the strategic objective of the Masterplan to promote Towcester as a place to invest and to demonstrate that it is 'open for business' as a town. Also support the underlying principles of the document eg creating a vibrant town centre. Question whether the draft Masterplan in its current form will actually deliver these aims. Agreed. The final masterplan will make more reference to the history of Towcester and the historical assets of the town. The historical nature of the town is seen as an important feature that needs to be reflected in its future development. Towcester masterplan's vision is that Towcester in 2026 will be a sustainable market town. This includes the town as a safe and healthy local environment. Add text to final masterplan defining a sustainable community, including the principle that a safe and healthy local environment is vital to a sustainable community. Support noted. The draft masterplan set out suggestions for the future growth of Towcester. Following consultation it has been possible to refine the masterplan so that it established a framework for the future development of the town, together with a vision and principles that will allow the vision to be realised. 040 041 042 043 017 Northamptonshire Enterprise Ltd (NEL) 024 025 029 008 001 Councillor Diana Dallyn White Young Green on behalf of Aldi Stores Ltd 003 001 3 21st Century Market Town 3 21st Century Market Town 3 21st Century Market Town 3 21st Century Market Town 1.11 1.11 NEL supports the aim of the Masterplan to support growth in Towcester, and welcomes the recognition that the implementation of such growth considers the impact on the image of Towcester as a Market town and ensures that regeneration and development is sympathetic to the historic nature of the area, particularly within the Conservation Zones. The key objectives as set out on page 19 are laudable and it is good that the Masterplan sets them out clearly. However, in other respects the masterplan communicated poorly and bears all the hallmarks of a document that has been cut and pasted by successive committee edits. As a result the flow of the document is poor, punctuation is random and it is littered with typographical errors. On page 16 recreation needs adding. 'Successful small businesses' needs manufacturing, local crafts, equestrian and agricultural businesses adding. Not everyone in the area is capable of working in high tech, knowledge based industries and they must be provided with employment as well. Noted. Amend. Add more reference to the Market Town and more to the conservation and historic aspects of the town in the final masterplan. Aldi supports the Key Objectives of the masterplan and applauds the Council's approach in seeking to co-ordinate growth pressures in the town through a masterplan that aims to develop the concept of a 21st century market town. Support noted. Comments Noted. It is intended that the final masterplan will overcome these issues. Comments Noted. Amend the business section of the masterplan to recognise there needs to be a range of employment provided for the current and future community. 1.11 1.11 37 044 045 046 031 035 036 Environmental Health, South Northamptonshire Council Churches Together in Towcester Governing Body of Towcester CE Primary School 005 003 003 3 21st Century Market Town 3 21st Century Market Town 3 21st Century Market Town 1.11 The key objectives for Towcester are set to encourage a vibrant town centre of mixed use. Whether this is successful will depend on whether the design of services to the facilities is sympathetic to the needs and requirements of the more sensitive development/ existing uses of premises nearby. For example residential properties will be sensitive to late night noise from licensed premises, noise and odours from cooking extraction facilities, noise from early morning deliveries as well as from patrons arriving and leaving those premises. Comments noted. There is a need to balance the issues of requiring diversity of uses to benefit the town's economy with the conflicts that the juxtaposition of such uses may cause. This will partly be down to development implementation issues which will be decided at planning application stage rather than through the masterplan. We welcome these objectives (and the mention of the Town Council and Towcester Partnership) but would wish to strengthen the importance of community development and the place of arts and culture in building a good family environment, including the places of the churches/ faith groups (with their role in building Social Capital). Comments and support noted. There will be a need in the final masterplan to emphasise the importance of community development and the roles in delivery that these organisations will play. Add text to final masterplan relating to community development and the roles of organisations such as Towcester Town Council, Towcester Partnership and the churches within the town. Comments Noted. The final masterplan will note that Towcester CE Primary School is in need of redevelopment however it is ultimately the decision on the future of the school will be up to Northamptonshire CC to take as Education Authority. 1.11 1.11 38 We support the outlined key objectives pg 16: the aspiration for 'excellent quality, modern educational facilities' as part of a Family Environment for Towcester. In the light of this we wish to point out that the buildings currently occupied by the Towcester CE Primary School date from 1957 and the late 1960's and were built for a town of 3000. They are no longer adequate or fit for purpose; cost far too much to keep watertight, and is an inefficient spilt site. I am broadly in agreement with most of what is said in the consultation draft which astutely recognises Towcester's place in a variety of local and regional spheres of influence. I would stress that the town's great strength is that it still does retain a distinctive local identity and character both in relation to its historic site astride the A5 and its retention of dominant local building materials in its front-line (ie most visible) buildings. 047 014 Northamptonshire Archaeology 001 3 21st Century Market Town Diagram 2 Towcester Now 39 The masterplan sets a strategic framework for the future development of Towcester, going through principles for the development of key opportunity sites. It examines the social and physical infrastructure required to support the required increase in housing provision. The precise detail will be for service providers to decide. Add text to final masterplan stressing the need for redevelopment of Towcester CofE Primary School. Agreed. It is recognised in the masterplan that new development must reflect the historic character of Towcester. New developments within Towcester will be expected to be of the highest quality and meet design standards, to ensure that they are well integrated into the existing town, and meet all material planning considerations. Development will be locally distinctive and create a sense of place. In particular, careful attention will be paid to character, scale, form and architectural style/ detailing in any new building designs. Text to be added to final masterplan. Town Information centre - No specific plans for a Town Information or Tourist Centre are mentioned, despite mention of Tourist attractions. 048 049 023 016 The Towcester Partnership Barton Willmore acting for Waitrose Ltd 015 003 3 21st Century Market Town 3 21st Century Market Town Diagram 2 Towcester Now Diagrams 2 &3 The inset to the map has reference to 'independent retailers (97%) thriving alongside Waitrose and Somerfield supermarkets'. In our view this reference infers that town centre supermarkets including Waitrose have the potential to have a detrimental impact on other retailers. Clearly this is not the case in Towcester where other retailers are thriving. Suggest text be amended to read: "Thriving independent retailers (97%) complimented by Waitrose and Somerfield supermarkets." With or without bypass there will be increased traffic and car parking problems. Concerned that parking on page 15 is described as "ample". 050 001 003 3 21st Century Market Town Diagram 3 Towcester Town Centre 40 Noted. As an attractive historic market town Towcester has potential for becoming a tourist destination. Tourism is recognised as being key to the future economic growth of Towcester. Comments noted. The combination of both national chains such as the existing supermarkets and independent niche shopping provides a range of shopping facilities in Towcester. However the range of shopping does need to be widened to reduce loss of retail spend to surrounding towns. Noted. The masterplan will include reference to the need for a parking strategy in Towcester which will include examining what parking is available and whether it is in the right place. Additional parking is to be provided as part of the Moat Lane redevelopment. Add text in final masterplan relating to car parking issues. The centre of Towcester is a Conservation Area, and was made one to retain the character of the town centre. The distinctive character of Towcester should be retained, and we should ensure that it does not become indistinguishable from other towns. What distinctive characteristics there are need to be retained and amplified in any future development of the town centre. 051 052 012 016 Towcester & District Local History Society Barton Willmore acting for Waitrose Ltd 001 009 3 21st Century Market Town 3 21st Century Market Town Diagram 3 Towcester Town Centre Diagram 3 Towcester Town Centre 41 We fully support the diagrammatic annotation of the proposed town centre boundary showing the Waitrose store within the town centre boundary of Towcester, given the store's anchor importance to the town centre's vitality, now and in the future. This should be supported by the Council and carried through to other documents as part of the LDF process. Noted. It is considered that the historic nature of Towcester is part of what gives the town its character as a market town. The final masterplan will refer to the need to ensure that new development respects and enhances the setting and character of the town. New developments within Towcester will be expected to be of the highest quality and meet design standards, to ensure that they are well integrated into the existing town, and meet all material planning considerations. Development will be locally distinctive and create a sense of place. In particular, careful attention will be paid to character, scale, form and architectural style/ detailing in any new building designs. Text to be added to final masterplan requiring high quality development. Noted. The Council considers that the Waitrose store is important to the town centre’s vitality and viability. It is not the role of a Masterplan to amend the boundary that is currently set out in the Local Plan. This needs to be undertaken through the statutory LDF planning process. Therefore, a revised Town Centre Key Infrastructure requirements Infrastructure requirements for the future town have been identified in consultation, workshops and in a proposed section 106 shopping list covering civic, community, commercial, leisure needs. These should be included in the plan. 053 023 The Towcester Partnership 025 3 21st Century Market Town Diagram 3 Towcester Town Centre I do not agree that there is ample car parking in Towcester. Teachers and Pupils need to stop using Brackley Road car park. Richmond Road car park is too small and full every day. The Northampton Road car park is now full everyday. If we want visitors to stop and explore Towcester, an additional free car park is essential. 054 020 County Councillor Rosemary Bromwich 015 3 21st Century Market Town Diagram 3 Towcester Town Centre 42 boundary for Towcester together with appropriate polices will be set out in the West Northamptonshire Site Allocations Development Plan Document. The final masterplan will set out the key issues facing Towcester and look at ways of addressing these as the town grows in order that it become a 21st century sustainable market town. The masterplan sets out a strategic framework for the future development of Towcester and seeks to ensure that it includes provision for the key physical, social and Green infrastructure that will be required to meet the needs of both existing and future residents. The final masterplan will recognise the need to undertake a parking strategy for Towcester to address what car parking there is, and to examine what need there will be for additional provision of car parking in Towcester to address current demand and demand in the future as a result of the growth agenda. The redevelopment of Moat Lane will include additional car parking. Add text to final masterplan regarding car parking issues. Car Parking - 1. Car Parking is only mentioned as "ample" at present. An expanded population and associated policies that will increase community spend in the town centre are not considered. 2. It is a specific and vital issue for the town centre that cannot be avoided, especially as the indicative bus network is ever likely to be inadequate. 055 023 The Towcester Partnership 012 3 21st Century Market Town Diagram 3 Towcester Town Centre Need for the retention of free parking in Towcester is an important way of attracting both business and visitors to the town. This will mean finding ways of supplying and maintaining the parking without charging. 056 025 Councillor Diana Dallyn 002 3 21st Century Market Town Diagram 3 Towcester Town Centre 43 The final masterplan will recognise the need to undertake a parking strategy for Towcester to address what car parking there is, and to examine what need there will be for additional provision of car parking in Towcester to address current demand and demand in the future as a result of the growth agenda. The redevelopment of Moat Lane will include additional car parking. Add text to final masterplan regarding car parking issues. The final masterplan will recognise the need to undertake a parking strategy for Towcester to address what car parking there is, and to examine what need there will be for additional provision of car parking in Towcester to address current demand and demand in the future as a result of the growth agenda. The redevelopment of Moat Lane will include additional car parking. Add text to final masterplan regarding car parking issues. 057 058 014 033 Northamptonshire Archaeology English Heritage 003 003 3 21st Century Market Town Photo 4 Shaping the Future 44 The photo on page 17 entitled ' Example of a Thriving Town Centre' is totally and utterly out of place as it is the Duke of York Square, Chelsea, adjacent to the Saatchi Gallery and not relevant to the market place of Towcester. Please find a more suitable example! National guidance places emphasis on understanding the significance of the historic assets of an area and promotes the role of heritage in inspiring good design and place-making. These are particularly relevant to Towcester. Guidance suggests that local planning authorities should set out a positive, proactive, strategy for the conservation, enhancement and enjoyment of the historic environment in their area. They should particularly focus on the local distinctiveness for the historic environment and how this can be used to promote a sense of place. They should include consideration of how best to conserve individual, groups or types of heritage assets that are most at risk of loss through neglect, decay or other pressures. Agreed. The final masterplan will include photos that relate to Towcester as a historic market town. The final masterplan will recognise that new development must reflect the historic character of Towcester. New developments within Towcester will be expected to be of the highest quality and meet design standards, to ensure that they are well integrated into the existing town, and meet all material planning considerations. Development will be locally distinctive and create a sense of place. In particular, careful attention will be paid to character, scale, form and architectural style/ detailing in any new building designs. The masterplan will also include reference to the need to protect existing historical assets within Towcester. Text to be added to final masterplan. 059 060 016 025 Barton Willmore acting for Waitrose Ltd Councillor Diana Dallyn 004 005 4 Shaping the Future 4 Shaping the Future Diagram 4 Concept Diagram Diagram 4 Concept Diagram 45 The Concept Diagram at the end of Part 1 page 19 could be clearer particularly in terms of the town centre expansion area. It is not clear what the difference is intended to be between the 'opportunity areas' and the 'town centre expansion area'. Clearer annotation and the use of colour on the diagram would assist, together with a greater explanation in the supporting text. In general however we support the expansion of the designated town centre area to include Moat Lane, the area west of Watling Street, and Waitrose to the north. On pg 19 there needs to be a gateway to the town marked for the Brackley Road entrance. Both this and the A5 southern gateway need landmark entrances as well as the A5 northern gateway. Comments noted. The text and supporting diagrams will be amended to show clearly where there are any proposals for increasing the town centre area along with details of the opportunity sites that are available within the town centre, eg. Moat Lane area, Market Square and Towcester Lanes. The final masterplan will highlight the need for gateways with landmark entrances to the north and south of Towcester - at the A5/ A43 roundabout adjacent to Tove Valley Business Park and opposite the Racecourse. A landmark public art feature is suggested for the roundabout such as a statue of Nicholas Hawksmoor to give a 'sense of place'. Concern at the representation in the Concept Diagram that the two development areas in Towcester Vale do not conjoin is unfortunate and runs the risk of a disjointed form of development lacking cohesion. 061 062 028 028 Pegasus Planning Group on behalf of Persimmon Homes and Bloor Homes Pegasus Planning Group on behalf of Persimmon Homes and Bloor Homes 003 4 Shaping the Future Diagram 4 Concept Diagram Concerned by the indication (by a single dashed line) that there should be a road link to both Carey Road and Rowan Close. The potential for an additional link on Rowan Close to be for pedestrians and cycles only may be one worthy of more detailed consideration. 005 4 Shaping the Future Diagram 4 Concept Diagram 46 Noted. It is considered to be fundamental that the southern development area connect to the existing town of Towcester so that they form a co-ordinated integrated whole. It is vital that the southern extension be part of the existing town in order to reduce the amount of out-commuting currently taking place from Towcester to neighbouring towns. For example, pedestrian and cycling linkages will be required from the development area to the town centre in order that the town and the development area become a cohesive development. The road linkages between the development area and the existing town will be determined through the planning application process. Pedestrian and cycling linkages will also be required from the development area to the town centre in order that the town and the development area become a cohesive development. 063 064 028 013 Pegasus Planning Group on behalf of Persimmon Homes and Bloor Homes 012 001 4 Shaping the Future 5 A Vibrant Town Centre Diagram 4 Concept Diagram 2.1A 47 The Concept Diagram shows two strategic opportunity areas which broadly coincide with the western part of the Persimmon/ Bloor Towcester Vale Masterplan, in the western slope area and an area to the east which broadly coincides with Persimmon/ Bloor Towcester Vale Master Plan. Living in an outlying village, and tries to shop with the least environmental impact which coincidentally also means the least cost to me and the least wear and tear on my car. So if I can buy a product in the village I do, if not I buy it in Towcester if it is available but otherwise goes to Milton Keynes. Although a small range of shops in Towcester, the staff in these are friendly and knowledgeable and you leave with a satisfied feeling and a suitable product. These shops provide a much more personal service. However Towcester does lack various shops, including a book shop, a men's tailors, a camera shop, a music shop, and a mobile phone shop. Noted. It is vital that the southern extension be part of the existing town and will be planned so that it becomes a coordinated and integral part of the town. Noted. The masterplan recognises the need to widen the retail offer in Towcester to reduce the amount of outcommuting and loss of retail spend currently taking place as this is having a detrimental impact on the economy of the town which is underperforming economically. The final masterplan will include an action plan that seeks to address the improvements needed to the town centre in order to encourage its revitalisation. PPS4 proposes encouraging a positive and proactive approach to planning for sustainable economic development in urban and rural areas and promotes investment, competition and innovation. It recognises that continued growth and prosperity of town and village centres will require all regions and local authorities to review their own visions and strategies for their key centres. Growth in Towcester should be planned and delivered in accordance with the emphasis on delivering strong economic development and town centre regeneration activities that enhance the largely rural setting of the town. 065 066 017 025 Northamptonshire Enterprise Ltd (NEL) Councillor Diana Dallyn 004 008 5 A Vibrant Town Centre 5 A Vibrant Town Centre 2.1A Totally agrees with what is said in paras 2.2 and 2.3 - both are very important. 2.2 & 2.3 48 Noted. The final masterplan will stress the need for the revitalisation of the town centre in order to reduce the loss of retail spend and to address the outcome of the Chase & Partners Retail Study carried out for the Council which found that the town was underperforming. The masterplan sets a strategy for development and renewal of the town centre which includes encouraging a mix of uses and enhancements to the street scene that will be possible after once the bulk of traffic has been removed from the A5 and the road has been detrunked in order to improve the town centre environment with less heavy traffic going through the centre of the town. The masterplan recognises the role of Towcester as a historic market town, and new development will be required to respect this. Support welcomed and noted. Para 2.4, pg 23 refers to 'opportunity areas', although goes on to suggest that these should not be seen as 'development sites'. In our view it is unclear what the Council's intentions are for these 'opportunity areas' and that in reality they are likely to be seen as development sites. Therefore a fuller explanation of the Council's intentions for the sites should be provided. 067 016 Barton Willmore acting for Waitrose Ltd 005 5 A Vibrant Town Centre 2.4A 49 A number of opportunity sites are identified as sites where redevelopment is possible due to them coming forward for sale, eg. the use of the Magistrates Court is ceasing in 2011 and therefore this site will be available for redevelopment; Moat Lane and surrounding area is currently a major redevelopment project being undertaken jointly between SNC & WNDC. The opportunity sites also include Easton Neston Water Meadows and Wood Burcote Parkland which are both being made available for public recreation use. The masterplan seeks to set out principles for the development of most of the opportunity sites and suggests end uses although it is not prescriptive on these since this will be the result of investment and the planning application process. The masterplan also identifies the need for improvements within the town, eg. through providing additional green space, and some of the sites put forward provide opportunities for these issues to be dealt with. 068 069 033 016 English Heritage Barton Willmore acting for Waitrose Ltd 007 006 5 A Vibrant Town Centre 5 A Vibrant Town Centre 2.1A 2.4A 50 A Vibrant Town Centre & Retail chapters - We recognise that with the level of population growth proposed, there will be a need to expand the town centre. However, we do have some concerns about how the independent sector will be protected from competition; careful phasing and management of this process will be needed. PPS4 'Planning for Prosperous Economies' recognises that smaller shops can significantly enhance character and vibrancy of a centre and make a valuable contribution to consumer choice and indicates that local planning authorities should take measures to conserve and, where appropriate, enhance the established character and diversity of their town centre, but the local planning authority will need to consider mechanisms to achieve these objectives. Graphics and detail on opportunity sites are not clear and need to be more defined eg Towcester Lanes. Would be useful to have more detailed graphic information on the extent of the sites and the suggested opportunities for each site. The supporting text and the graphic information is too general and non-specific at present. Unclear where these sites are located and there needs to be a clearer understanding of the Council's Intentions for the sites and how they are to be taken forward. It is recognised that in many ways it is not possible to restrict the use of retail units so that they are kept for independent niche shops. However it is possible to make the town centre an attractive location where such retailers will thrive. The masterplan therefore includes a strategy for revitalising the town centre to increase its attractiveness. It also refers to the establishment of a Town Fund which will be set up for contributions from new developments within Towcester to enable this strategy to be implemented. Noted. See rep 067. The purpose of the masterplan is to ensure that it is delivered in a coordinated way that benefits both existing and future residents. The final masterplan will include an appendix setting out all the opportunity sites and principles that should be taken into consideration in their development. 070 071 036 016 Governing Body of Towcester CE Primary School Barton Willmore acting for Waitrose Ltd 005 005 5 A Vibrant Town Centre 5 A Vibrant Town Centre 2.4A We support and recognise the importance of the 5 opportunity areas for the Towcester Town Centre pg 23 to 26 and the strategic clarity that this can help bring to future development. Comments Noted. Para 2.4, pg 23 refers to 'opportunity areas', although goes on to suggest that these should not be seen as 'development sites'. In our view it is unclear what the Council's intentions are for these 'opportunity areas' and that in reality they are likely to be seen as development sites. Therefore a fuller explanation of the Council's intentions for the sites should be provided. Noted. See rep 067. The purpose of the masterplan is to ensure that it is delivered in a coordinated way that benefits both existing and future residents. The final masterplan will include an appendix setting out all the opportunity sites and principles that should be taken into consideration in their development. See rep 067 above. However whilst growth is necessary the purpose of the masterplan is to ensure that it is delivered in a coordinated way that benefits both existing and future residents. The final masterplan will include an appendix setting out all the opportunity sites and principles that should be taken into consideration in their development. 2.4A Opportunity sites - a number of potential opportunity sites were identified during consultations and workshops. These should be included in the final masterplan after pre-consultation with landowners. 072 023 The Towcester Partnership 024 5 A Vibrant Town Centre 2.4A 51 Aldi supports the extension of the town centre boundary as indicated on the various plans in the Masterplan. The proposed new boundary is over 100m closer to the CWG site and will help to integrate it more closely with the town centre. 073 029 White Young Green on behalf of Aldi Stores Ltd 004 5 A Vibrant Town Centre 2.4A The Chamber's primary interest, unsurprisingly, are those aims most relevant to local business community. The Chamber roundly supports the ambition set out in the section on "Vibrant Town Centre", reiterating the observation that central to achieving this aim is the construction of the southern Towcester Bypass. The opportunity areas would seem to be the right ones, Moat Lane, Market Square etc, and the building up of the Towcester Lanes as a location for a niche shopping and dining experience could provide a very interesting strength and selling point for the developing town. 074 039 Northamptonshire Chamber 009 5 A Vibrant Town Centre 2.4A 52 Comments noted. It is not the role of a Masterplan to amend the boundary that is currently set out in the Local Plan. This needs to be undertaken through the statutory LDF planning process. Therefore, a revised Town Centre boundary for Towcester together with appropriate polices will be set out in the West Northamptonshire Site Allocations Development Plan Document. Comments noted. The final masterplan will include a town centre strategy which will strengthen the town centre and promote the town and provide support to retailers and employers as a part of active town centre management. Funding will be secured from development schemes within the town to deliver the aims of building a vital, vibrant town. The aim is to strengthen Towcester's role as a historic market town so that it becomes a destination that people want to visit and spend time. This will enhance the local economy. 075 076 077 009 012 020 Northamptonshire Police Towcester & District Local History Society County Councillor Rosemary Bromwich 004 008 001 Towcester Town Centre Opportunities Towcester Town Centre Opportunities Towcester Town Centre Opportunities Site 1 - Moat Lane Site 1 - Moat Lane Site 1 - Moat Lane 53 Moat Lane is clearly a key regeneration site for the town. However its location is away from the main through flow of the town centre and as such the area can become very quiet in the evening and susceptible to anti-social behaviour. It is vital that the design of this area is high quality and ensures that opportunities for crime and anti-social behaviour are designed out to ensure the full potential of this site is reached. We would only agree with one "opportunity area", because we do not understand the exact meaning of the "opportunity area" a glossary would have been a useful addition to the Master plan. The Moat Lane "opportunity area" is acceptable. But we have historic or environmental concerns about the other four areas, so at this stage we cannot agree with them. The Moat Lane development is good news for Towcester and currently under construction. It is important the whole project runs continuously, so that there is no 'gap' in the development. A development plan/ map should be erected adjacent to the garage enabling the public to see visually what the end product will look like. Noted. The intention is that the Moat Lane development will be designed to be high quality and a place where people want to visit at night as well as during the day. The need to ensure that it does not become a place for crime and anti-social behaviour are noted. Comments noted. Add a glossary of terms in the final version of the masterplan. Comments Noted. The phased development of Moat Lane is considered to be beyond the scope of the masterplan which is intended to set a strategic framework for the development of the town to ensure that growth provides benefit to all that are connected with the town, and to set principles for the overall growth of the town over the next 15 years. Bury Mount - 1. Excellent and in the process of delivery. Note: some confusion exists on the usage of Moat Lane and the Market Square. The market square cannot act as a car park, a bus hub, and a market place at the same time not is it desirable that it should. The Moat Lane scheme envisages a street market for the town in Moat Lane and not in the Market Square where there are obstacles in doing so. The identification and location of a bus hub in the town centre is a key strategic master planning decision that has to be made and is missing from this document. 078 023 The Towcester Partnership 019 Towcester Town Centre Opportunities Site 1 - Moat Lane 54 The masterplan sets principles for the overall growth of Towcester. The confusion between the uses of the Market Square and Moat Lane is noted. The exact details of the use of each location is outside the scope of the masterplan which is intended to provide a strategic overview of development, however it is likely that the Market Square will be returned to its original use as a market place at the heart of the town. However this cannot happen until the relief road for the A5 has been constructed and the road detrunked. Some limited parking may be required to be retained at the Market Square. Moat Lane is intended as an area for civic and tourism uses, and any open space is more likely to provide a place where cafes can overflow into and street entertainment be held. 079 080 032 033 003 English Heritage 008 Towcester Town Centre Opportunities Towcester Town Centre Opportunities Site 1 - Moat Lane Site 1 - Moat Lane 55 Moat Lane development - a) The provision of various facilities is badly needed, (small shop units, other small business units, leisure facilities, e.g. Cafes), but civic development of the size suggested is not required. The purpose built office in Springfield already has parking and is within easy walking distance of the Town Centre. b) This will only result in major traffic problems around the Chantry Lane area with many additional traffic movements per day as they attempt to access this area. There are many near miss accidents (car accident & pedestrian) at present; more will result from this scheme. c) suggestions for widening of pavements and a pedestrian friendly Market Square do not combine into a sensible suggestion with the additional traffic d) it was suggested that parking for this civic building (including library, art gallery etc) could be provided elsewhere, being the other side of Northampton Rd (Masonic Lodge site.) Is this practical? Would be unlikely to encourage wide use of these facilities, especially when raining or by the vulnerable. English Heritage has been involved in the development of the Moat Lane project, but there will be a continuing need for involvement, particularly with regard to the implementation of the proposals for the Bury Moat scheduled monument. See rep 079. The developments at Market Square and Moat Lane area will both require careful engineering to ensure that they are safe and accessible for any cars and other vehicles that may need to access them. This is outside the scope of the masterplan which is intended to provide a strategic overview of the growth of Towcester and to set out principles for development within the town and identify the need for improvements within the town. Issues relating to accessibility into these areas and their specific use would be the subject of planning applications or specific Development Briefs for these areas such as the Moat Lane Adopted Supplementary Planning Document which SNC adopted in 2007. Comments noted. Town Centre Opportunities - We welcome the identification of these areas, building on what has already begun at Moat Lane, but there appear to be many different and contradictory aspirations for the Moat Lane area (compare the 'civic building' expectations on pg 24, section 1 with para 2.8 of pg 34. We feel there needs to be more firm detail in the proposals for this site. 081 082 083 035 Churches Together in Towcester 015 025 Councillor Diana Dallyn 004 Towcester Town Centre Opportunities Site 1 - Moat Lane p38 Opportunities for Employment Development 2-4 Town Centre - there implies an acceptance that the current town centre should be for the professional services and personal services which is contrary to the SNC's current policy that retailers have priority. 004 Opportunities for Employment Development Sites 2-4 Town Centre 009 Towcester Town Centre Opportunities Site 2 Market Square 56 page 26 Market Square - the market does not have to be held in the current Market Square and this should be made clear. The proposals for Moat Lane are set out in the Moat Lane Adopted Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) produced by South Northants Council. The site is being project managed on behalf of WNDC and SNC by a company called Urban Delivery. The exact proposals for the Civic Building and some of the other elements of the site are still not decided due to the current economic climate and the fact the elements of the site need to be financially viable hence there is no exact detail prescribed in the Draft Masterplan. They are outside the scope of this masterplan which is intended to set the strategic development of the whole of the town and to identify the need for improvements to the town. The final masterplan will stress that there should be a greater diversity of uses within the town centre, but that at the same time there is a need to ensure that these support the retail function, and do not outnumber the number of retail units. Comments noted, but conflict with other comments received. It is recognised that the market does not have to 084 028 Pegasus Planning Group on behalf of Persimmon Homes and Bloor Homes It is agreed that the removal of through traffic will allow the Market Place to regain its role as the heart of the town. 014 Towcester Town Centre Opportunities Site 2 Market Square We would also wish to be consulted about proposals for the Market Square, as the town centre has a large number of listed buildings, including the Grade 2 Chantry House, where setting could be an issue. 085 033 English Heritage 009 Towcester Town Centre Opportunities be held in the Market Square however it would be good for this to return to its original location within the heart of the town. Support noted. Site 2 Market Square 57 The masterplan sets out general principles for improvements to the town. However many of the public realm improvements suggested in the action plan to be included in the final masterplan will be the subject of a Development Brief and/ or planning permission for which English Heritage would be a statutory consultee. SNC is aware that the Market Square is within the Conservation Area and surrounded by Listed Buildings and that the setting of these would need to be taken into careful consideration. We note the needs expressed for Sponne School pg 26 and emphasise the need for new school premises worthy of the achievements of this school and essential to its continuing success in an expanded town. At present the school is under equipped, even for the present number of pupils and its facilities do not even come to the standard of other secondary schools in the area with considerably smaller pupil numbers. We also call for an early decision on the expansion of secondary education; one school on the current site of Sponne; one new school on spilt sites, or two schools (p.42 - section 2.21). This has been talked about for some time and to achieve whatever is decided will take several more years. 086 087 036 009 Governing Body of Towcester CE Primary School Northamptonshire Police 010 005 Towcester Town Centre Opportunities Towcester Town Centre Opportunities Site 3 Sponne School Site 3 Sponne School 58 The Sponne School site also includes the current police station site. We are in the process of developing an Estates Strategy from an agreed Vision. The removal of the police station fits with the vision provided alternative accommodation can be found in the town centre for the Safer Community Teams in a One stop shop facility and an Incident Resolution Team base can be secured on the strategic road network. The removal of the current police station would also require cooperation from the courts service who have a long lease on part of the building. Comments noted. The final masterplan will note that Sponne School needs to expand but that there are several options for this. However ultimately the decision on the future of the school will be up to Northamptonshire CC to take as Education Authority, or the school itself if the school achieves its aim of becoming an Academy. The masterplan examines the social and physical infrastructure required to support the required increase in housing provision. The precise detail will be for service providers to decide. Add text to final masterplan updating Sponne School's quest to become an Academy and the options for its future. It is understood that the Magistrates Court is closing their part of the building in 2011. The Police Station and Magistrates Court therefore provides a site that will shortly be available for redevelopment. As a governor of the school for the past 10 years, I support the sale of the land and buildings at Sponne School to be used for other purposes. The present school is no longer 'fit for purpose' and pupils deserve a more modern school that matches today's technological age. A new secondary school should be built (through a PFI/ Trust Status arrangement) within the new development thus ensuring that Towcester remains as one town not two. 088 020 County Councillor Rosemary Bromwich 003 Towcester Town Centre Opportunities Site 3 Sponne School Sponne School - I would have expected Sponne School and the associated retail area to be considered as part of the town centre. On Page 19 it is implied that it will be in the future. 089 025 Councillor Diana Dallyn 012 Towcester Town Centre Opportunities Site 3 Sponne School 59 The final masterplan will note that Sponne School needs to expand but that there are several options for this. However ultimately the decision on the future of the school will be up to Northamptonshire CC to take as Education Authority, or the school itself if the school achieves its aim of becoming an Academy. The masterplan examines the social and physical infrastructure required to support the required increase in housing provision. The precise detail will be for service providers to decide. Add text to final masterplan updating Sponne School's quest to become an Academy and the options for its future. Comments Noted. The final masterplan will note that Sponne School needs to expand but that there are several options for this. However ultimately the decision on the future of the school will be up to Northamptonshire CC to take as Education Authority, or the school itself if the school achieves its aim of becoming an Academy. The masterplan examines the social and physical infrastructure required to support the needed increase in housing 090 091 028 032 Pegasus Planning Group on behalf of Persimmon Homes and Bloor Homes 015 004 Towcester Town Centre Opportunities Towcester Town Centre Opportunities Site 3 Sponne School Site 3 Sponne School 60 It is noted that Sponne School can accommodate some of the growth but there is a need for consolidation, hopefully by a new replacement high density school on the current site. The Persimmon / Bloor masterplan allows for flexibility by also enabling a new school to be incorporated within the Towcester Vale scheme, should that be necessary or preferred. Sponne site - yes Sponne could benefit from updating or replacing a number of its buildings. However is a site in the centre of a residential area really suitable for additional large-scale (as it appears to be suggested) development? B) Traffic. This area is already busy, especially at School times. Additional commercial &/ or retail provision would make this even worse. How many children would end up in accidents? c) the provision of "key anchor stores" - I assume this means a national retailer would have the effect of drawing trade away from the town centre shops ruining the effect the town centre regeneration is meant to provide. provision. The precise detail will be for service providers to decide. Add text to final masterplan updating Sponne School's quest to become an Academy and the options for its future. See rep 089 See rep 089. The current town centre is declining with increasing vacant units and high levels of outcommuting to nearby centres. The masterplan sets out possibilities and principles for the future development of Sponne School site if the school chooses to relocate. This includes employment or retail uses, and it is recognised that there is a need to provide a choice of retail, leisure, community, business uses in the town centre to increase choice and encourage local shopping. The implications of traffic would need to be taken into account in the determination of any planning applications on the Sponne school site. 092 093 035 040 Churches Together in Towcester DPP on behalf of Tesco Stores Ltd 005 002 Towcester Town Centre Opportunities Towcester Town Centre Opportunities Site 3 Sponne School Site 3 Sponne School 61 Particularly we would want to emphasise the importance of early development in the Islington Rd and Sponne School opportunity areas. The two schools in these areas have buildings which are presently not 'modern fit-for-purpose learning environments' (pg26) - both schools need to achieve such new facilities in advance of receiving additional children from the growth of housing. In view of finance constraints we look to the Regeneration Partnership Board to work closely with both schools and their Governing Bodies to make this possible. We also believe that within an expanded Towcester, Islington Rd should not be the sole focus for the town's community and social clubs, or it will become congested and overcrowded. The key opportunity site for larger scale development in the town centre is the Sponne School site as indicated by the 'Towcester Town Centre Opportunities' section. We are supportive of the redevelopment of this site, and the inclusion of a new retail opportunity within the site is a welcome addition, but the Masterplan suggests a wide range of uses as aspirations to be incorporated into the redevelopment. Whilst this does present a variety of opportunities, consideration should be given to the space available to achieve sufficient 'enabling development' in order to make the scheme viable, which may entail a rationalisation of the uses being suggested in the Masterplan. See reps. 046 & 089. See rep 089. The area called Towcester Lanes (area 4 on p25) is in the Conservation Area so its character must be retained. It includes the Somerfield site and car park and under these lie significant and important Roman remains which were only partly uncovered during the original development. Among the discoveries was a Roman water conduit which still had flowing water after 2,000 years. 094 095 096 097 012 Towcester & District Local History Society 025 Councillor Diana Dallyn 006 013 South Northamptonshire Volunteer Bureau 002 Towcester Town Centre Opportunities Site 4 Towcester Lanes 010 Towcester Town Centre Opportunities Site 4 Towcester Lanes 002 003 Towcester Town Centre Opportunities Towcester Town Centre Opportunities Site 5 Islington Road Site 5 Islington Road 62 Towcester Lanes - the archaeology of this area needs to be mentioned. The Community Centre in Islington Rd needs redeveloping to meet the needs of the town. If you look at the area around Islington Rd plus the proposed changes to the schools there is an opportunity to build on the concept of Extended Schools so that school facilities can be utilised by the whole community. The facilities in Islington Road could be improved but any road widening would increase the traffic speed and potentially increase the risk of accidents. Concerned that creating active frontages to the recreation ground would encroach on its area and reduce its usefulness for football practice, big fêtes and firework displays. Comments noted. The final masterplan will include more specific details of the key opportunity sites setting out their constraints and the key issues that will need to be taken into account in their future development. However archaeology can only be taken into account if ground disturbance is involved in future schemes. Text to be added to final masterplan in respect of Towcester Lanes, that archaeology should be investigated if redevelopment of sites including disturbance of the ground is proposed. See rep 094. Comments noted. However the decision on whether schools can also be used for community use is a matter for the school and the Education Authority and outside the scope of the masterplan. Noted. The purpose of the masterplan is to set a strategic framework for the future development of Towcester and to identify the need for improvements within the town, including at Islington Road. However specific proposals would be The Riverside Centre for Disabled Persons will be less used due to the changes for those with Learning Disabilities being helped to be part of the community and have activities within the wider community. My work with Learning Disabilities organisations and the 'Valuing People Now' proposals support the move away from day centres. Work should be co-ordinated with the County Council to rejuvenate the site of these two buildings. 098 020 County Councillor Rosemary Bromwich 005 Towcester Town Centre Opportunities Site 5 Islington Road The Area bordering the Recreation Ground is often subject to vandalism. Widening Islington Road and improving crossings will not solve the problem. It actually needs good lighting all around the Recreation Ground. At the far end of the Recreation Ground is Meadow Court and Plank Houses, where very elderly people reside, who should not have to witness noise and vandalism outside their homes. 099 020 County Councillor Rosemary Bromwich 006 Towcester Town Centre Opportunities Site 5Islington Road 63 subject to planning applications which would require consultation with the Highways Authority. Road widening would also be subject to decisions by the Highways Authority who would also need to take into consideration the impact on road and pedestrian safety Comments Noted. The Masterplan sets out a strategic framework for development and identifies the need for improvements to the town. The use of specific buildings such as Riverside Centre for Disabled are within the remit of the service provider who will have to take note of the relevant current and forthcoming legislation and guidance in relation to the needs of individuals with disabilities. Comments Noted. The purpose of the masterplan is to set a strategic framework for the future development of Towcester and to identify the need for improvements within the town, including at Islington Road. Road widening would be subject to decisions by the Highways Authority who would also need to take into consideration the impact on road and pedestrian safety. Islington Road needs to be widened to improve the safety and accessibility for the local people especially the local children, school children and the elderly and to improve accessibility to the area as a whole. 100 101 025 032 Councillor Diana Dallyn 011 005 Towcester Town Centre Opportunities Towcester Town Centre Opportunities Site 5 Islington Road Site 5 Islington Road 64 Islington Road - I completely agree with the widening of Islington Road, it would be useful to have some indication of how this would be done. See rep 099. Islington Road - a) yes, the road has more potholes than the moon craters, and with parking as now access to Riverside and the Community Centre is very difficult. Opening up this area either to access the previously mentioned facilities, or to allow for other improvements or developments does make sense. However widening the road could only be effected at the expense of either properties on the western side eg demolishing houses, or taking land away from the school. Islington Road has potential for improvement. The schools have recently merged and formed Towcester Primary School and they have aspirations for a new build school so they will have some surplus land which could assist with funding that school. There is a need to widen the road in order to improve the accessibility and safety of that area and make the area more attractive and viable and also during evening periods this will make the area safer as it will be more open to enable natural surveillance. However road widening would ultimately be subject to decisions by the Highways Authority who would also need to take into consideration the impact on road and pedestrian safety. 102 103 104 033 036 036 English Heritage Governing Body of Towcester CE Primary School Governing Body of Towcester CE Primary School 010 006 007 Towcester Town Centre Opportunities Towcester Town Centre Opportunities Towcester Town Centre Opportunities Site 5 Islington Road Site 5 Islington Road Site 5 Islington Road 65 Although the primary school at Islington Road is not listed, it may warrant local listing. National guidance encourages the protection of significant heritage assets, whether designated or not. Local planning authorities should particularly seek the views of the local community where the evidence suggests that the asset may have a historic, archaeological, architectural or artistic significance to the local community that may not be fully understood from records or statutory consultees alone. There is also the issue of 'embodied energy', when decisions about demolition or reuse are being considered. Islington Rd pg 26 and pg 47 we confirm that the aspirations for the Islington Rd area fit with the Governing Body's and school's requirements for a modern, fit-for-purpose learning environment, central to the community. SNC is examining the possibility of designating a Local List of Historic buildings and sites. If and when the List is proposed the school will be given consideration as to whether or not it should be included. The Masterplan rightly recognises that upgraded modern community facilities in this area would benefit the school and the clubs and other groups currently located on Islington Rd neighbourhood. Better access, widening of the road and links with the rest of the town centre all benefit the school as well as the wider community. At present the surroundings are too cramped, unattractive and dangerous. Comments noted. See reps 046 & 097. Comments Noted. See rep 046. The development of the Islington Road area as the central and accessible home of community facilities is also in tune with the Extended Schools provision, a key element of 'Every Child Matters', as outlined in the section on Schools pg42. Our school already hosts a number of independent clubs, as well as providing a Breakfast Club and AfterSchool Club. 105 036 Governing Body of Towcester CE Primary School 008 Towcester Town Centre Opportunities Site 5 Islington Road Both Towcester Lanes & Islington Road have a degree of anti-social behaviour and criminal damage. Therefore it is vital that any alterations of the area take into account the opportunity to design out crime. Schemes should therefore include the input of the Crime Prevention Design Advisor. 106 107 009 030 Northamptonshire Police Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue 006 004 Towcester Town Centre Opportunities 7 Excellent Connectivity Sites 4 & 5 Towcester Lanes & Islington Road 2.2 66 We note the emphasis on improving the connectivity and road networks throughout Towcester in the masterplan. When developers and local planning authorities work on detailed plans, it is important that emergency appliance access is considered. It is essential that fire and rescue appliances, along with other emergency service vehicles, can reach their destination within operational response times. Comments noted. Islington Road is recognised in the masterplan as a key opportunity area for the community and education facilities. The masterplan examines the social and physical infrastructure required to support the required increase in housing provision. The precise detail will be for service providers to decide. The use of the CE Primary School for independent clubs is noted. Noted. New schemes will require planning permission which will be subject to consultation including with the Crime Prevention Design Advisor. Schemes will need to be designed in accordance with the Council's planning guidance in SPGs and SPDs which include 'Planning Out Crime in Northamptonshire' written by Northamptonshire CC. Noted. Whilst the masterplan highlights key opportunity sites that are available, schemes for these will require planning permission. The masterplan will require that schemes be built in accordance with design standards which will include highway design standards such as access for emergency vehicles. Today there needs to be a suitable crossing for pedestrians to the Bell Plantation. Not everyone has a car and since we will be looking at healthier lifestyles in Towcester, less smelly traffic and safer crossings are on the agenda. 108 002 017 7 Excellent Connectivity 2.3 Open spaces - 1. With the acquisition of the Water Meadows, the town now has excellent open spaces. 2. However, the provision of cycle networks is poorly presented and appears to ignore the project piloted by the Partnership in conjunction with NCC and TC and recently funded by NCC. 109 023 The Towcester Partnership 011 7 Excellent Connectivity 2.3 67 However, given that there are a number of design standards that schemes will need to meet it will not be possible to list all within the masterplan. The highways authority are consulted on all schemes requiring planning permission that include highway access. The masterplan sets out the strategic framework for the future development of Towcester, going through principles for the development of key opportunity sites. It examines the social and physical infrastructure that the town will require. The comments in respect of a crossing to Bell Plantation are noted, and will be included within the final masterplan as a proposal that would be like to be seen; however there are no details for its delivery and therefore such an idea cannot be set in stone at this stage. Support in respect of Water Meadows noted. The final masterplan will include more detail in respect of cycle networks which provide important alternatives to roads. SNC will work with Northamptonshire County Council to deliver these links to ensure connectivity and safer routes throughout the town. This will be highlighted through the Transport Strategy. 110 111 037 001 South Northamptonshire Constituency Labour Party 001 002 7 Excellent Connectivity 7 Excellent Connectivity The plans include sensible proposals for a network of cycle routes throughout the designated Towcester development area. What is missing is a plan to extend the cycle routes into the surrounding countryside. From the old Towcester railway station - now the site of Tesco's - four disused railway lines radiate in the directions of Northampton, Bedford, Banbury and Woodford Halse. Although they are now overgrown with vegetation, the lines are almost entirely intact and could be converted into safe, off-road cycle routes if the money was made available. Such routes do wonders for health, local communications and eco-tourism. I appreciate that the old railway lines are largely outside the designated development area, but surely joined-up thinking is not impossible? Noted. The final masterplan will stress the need to encourage the development of cycle routes that link into the countryside making use of green corridors that provide important links between the town centre and the surrounding countryside. Further development envisaged in the masterplan is entirely dependant on the construction of the bypass, acknowledged in paras 1.7 and 2.4 but need implicit assurance that funding for this will be forthcoming. What happens if the bypass does not happen? The construction of the relief road will be a fundamental prerequisite to any future growth of the town. 2.3 2.4 68 Whilst necessary to remove through traffic from Towcester town centre and especially HGVs the Southern Towcester A5 bypass will need to be designed carefully to prevent moving the Air Quality Management Area, from Towcester town centre to the Belle Baulk estate adjacent to the A43/ Abthorpe Road roundabout. Modelling undertaken has shown that, should HGV's currently using the A5 be diverted onto the A43 through a link road/bypass, due to the current congestion at the A43/ Abthorpe Road roundabout, Nitrogen Dioxide would exceed levels required in the Belle Baulk estate adjacent to the A43. The design of junctions on the A43 must therefore be seriously considered and ensures the free flow of traffic as part of the whole scheme so that the problem of pollution is resolved rather moved from one area to another. 112 113 031 015 Environmental Health, South Northamptonshire Council 003 003 7 Excellent Connectivity 7 Excellent Connectivity 2.4 2.5 69 We should also take care in defining where the location of a bus hub will be in the town centre - most people translate this as being the Market Square; this does not sit alongside the proposal to pedestrianise this area. The route of the relief road is being examined by a transport study being undertaken on behalf of SNC, NCC, the Highways Agency and the West Northamptonshire Joint Planning Unit. It has been undertaken to identify the scale of the transport issues for the town including the optimal locations for housing and employment growth that will support more sustainable transport patterns. The Towcester Transport Study will provide guidance on likely volumes of traffic that new growth and development will generate. Critically it will address the trigger points for key infrastructure to ensure that improvements are phased and take the key highway capacity and connections issues into account. It will also examine the route that the relief road should take. The solution needs to be appropriate, affordable and deliverable. Noted. Whilst it is recognised that there is a need within Towcester to provide enhanced bus facilities there are no proposals within the masterplan for a bus hub. Currently there is limited amount of sustainable, public transport travel options. 114 017 Northamptonshire Enterprise Ltd (NEL) 009 7 Excellent Connectivity 2.5 People of Towcester who use public transport want a bus station that is safe for the young and old to use. Those over 60+ with free bus travel in the UK want to use it, but Towcester has a limited service. The draft talks about radically improved bus services and access to rail stations. 115 020 County Councillor Rosemary Bromwich 007 7 Excellent Connectivity 2.5 70 Noted. However, the masterplan will stress the need for an improved bus service as an alternative to private motor transport. This will include working with transport providers to improve connections from Towcester and other locations within the District to local railway stations. Comments Noted. Public Transport is the responsibility of Northamptonshire County Council. The document seeks to influence investment in the town and will highlight the need for better links between the Shires and the town, including flagging up to bus companies the need for better bus services to provide this link. The Council will press for improvements to bus routes, recognising however that in the current fiscal climate public funding will not support new transport provision which will affect possible new routes. 116 020 County Councillor Rosemary Bromwich 008 7 Excellent Connectivity 2.5 71 We must have a bus service from Towcester to Daventry so that access to Dantree Hospital is direct. At present passengers have to go to Northampton and then get a bus back to Daventry! It takes one hour 30 mins to travel by bus when a direct service could do it in 30 minutes. The hospital are transferring appointments to Dane tree Hospital to save people in the south of the country travelling to Northampton. Buses should be available to Milton Keynes and Northampton for youngsters to access job/ college/ evening entertainment, and therefore buses should be available for them to return to Towcester all day and evening. Should also be bus services enabling people to go to Oxford. We should not expect everyone to use a car, and there should therefore be excellent bus services 7 days a week from 7am - late evening. Comments Noted. The final masterplan will mention the need for more regular bus services to and from Towcester to the main centres within and outside the District including hospitals at Daventry and Northampton. The Council will press for improvements to bus routes, recognising however that in the current fiscal climate public funding will not support new transport provision which will affect possible new routes. 117 118 119 020 023 035 County Councillor Rosemary Bromwich The Towcester Partnership Churches Together in Towcester 009 004 008 7 Excellent Connectivity 7 Excellent Connectivity 7 Excellent Connectivity The residents of Towcester are unified in requesting a bypass. It is not clear if this is to be a link-road which is not duelled and has pedestrian crossings at intervals. This would be extremely dangerous and would need to have bridges across for pedestrians/ cyclists/ pushchairs. The current situation means that people cannot cross the A43 at the A5 roundabout as there is no crossing, and many people cross it and report how 'at risk' they feel. Bridges are essential over a trunk road that carries large lorries travelling at high speeds between the M40 and the M1. This issue is key to all residents in Towcester and must be resolved with safety issues made clear. They are not in this draft document. Comments Noted. The provision of a relief road will be a fundamental prerequisite for the future development of Towcester. See rep 112. The need for pedestrian and cycle links to the surrounding countryside is recognised. The Bus service: 1.does not relate to other transport strategies as developed by SNC and LSP. 2. It does not reflect and improve upon the existing bus system in town, 3. stronger links to national networks are required. Comments Noted. The masterplan recognises the need for better public transport provision, and flags up to bus companies the need for better bus services. The Council will press for improvements to bus routes, recognising however that in the current fiscal climate public funding will not support new transport provision required which will affect possible new routes. Comments Noted. SNC will work with Northamptonshire County Council who are responsible for the provision of bus services in the District and encourage better bus 2.5 2.5 2.5 72 We agree strongly that vastly improved public transport (i.e. bus services) is vital for Towcester already, let alone as it grows further. This means more and better services, evening services and faster services to main centres - Milton Keynes, Northampton, Daventry (with proper access to railway stations in the first two of those). Currently, visiting significant medical facilities in Daventry by public transport requires a journey into Northampton first! Good links for the villages into Towcester must also figure in this project, which must not just be an aspiration but become reality. We are surprised that the 'circular' bus route around Towcester does not include the Shires, and urge that it is added in. We also point out that there needs to be some kind of coach/ bus interchange for the A43, where various express coach services run (but at present pass by Towcester without stopping!) this might mean that the 'circular’ route needs to link with the A43 as well. 120 017 Northamptonshire Enterprise Ltd (NEL) 012 7 Excellent Connectivity NEL welcomes the Masterplan's 'virtual network' proposals and recommends further investigation into the issues highlighted - high speed broadband, home working, enterprise units - as potential sustainable solutions for business, leisure and communication based activities. 2.6 73 provision. Towcester does need a more frequent range of bus services within Towcester, to and from the villages and to the main nearby centres for all users eg for access to towns, railway stations, education, further education colleges, hospitals and places of employment. The document seeks to influence investment in the town and will highlight the need for better links between the Shires and the town, including flagging up to bus companies the need for better bus services to provide this link. The Council will press for improvements to bus routes, recognising however that in the current fiscal climate public funding will not support new transport provision required which will affect possible new routes. Support welcomed and noted. High speed broadband and a 'virtual network' is recognised in the masterplan as key to being able to work from home which would provide an alternative sustainable transport solution. 121 122 017 017 Northamptonshire Enterprise Ltd (NEL) Northamptonshire Enterprise Ltd (NEL) 013 014 7 Excellent Connectivity 7 Excellent Connectivity NEL recommends the regional ICT toolkit as a useful means of implementing innovative ICT devices and ensuring that new developments and regeneration projects are planned, designed and implemented with ICT from the outset, based on best practice guidance. Supporting the inclusion of ICT infrastructure within the new areas of opportunity should be a goal of the masterplan, as this will have significant impacts in attracting businesses and residents to the area, as part of being a 21st century market town. Relating these opportunities to the Silverstone Innovation Centre and wider Silverstone Circuit Masterplan will also be essential in providing a broad range of high quality innovation units for start-up as well as SME companies. Comments noted. Add text to final masterplan stressing the need for greater ICT opportunities as a way of providing an alternative sustainable transport solution. Relating these opportunities to the Silverstone Innovation Centre and wider Silverstone Circuit Masterplan will also be essential in providing a broad range of high quality innovation units for startup as well as SME companies. Relate ICT Opportunities to the Silverstone Innovation Centre and the Silverstone Masterplan. Noted. Amend masterplan to include cross reference to Silverstone Innovation Centre and Silverstone Masterplan. 2.6 2.6 74 With regard to technology for instance, there is a small paragraph on virtual networks and home-working, but the document could be more expansive and creative here (still in keeping with its 21st Century market town ambition) perhaps advocating the generation of "shared remote-working hubs" with access to Wi-Fi internet connectivity, to office support, to meeting space both real and virtual/ eco-conferencing, and emphasising the importance of replicating these facilities, or access to them, for businesses/ homeworkers in the surrounding villages. 123 039 Northamptonshire Chamber 013 7 Excellent Connectivity 2.6 It is noted and agreed that Towcester needs investment in the round including a bypass and improved bus services. 124 028 Pegasus Planning Group on behalf of Persimmon Homes and Bloor Homes 016 7 Excellent Connectivity 2.1B 75 Agreed. Add text to final masterplan recognising the importance of providing ICT within the town as a way of increasing working from home. Also that ensuring the highest speed internet, networking cafés and start up enterprise units will all play a role in ensuring Towcester will maximise business opportunities. Meeting space for business will be available in Moat Lane’s new civic building or boutique hotel, in local cafés, and at Towcester Racecourse for larger events. Support noted. The final masterplan will make clear that the provision of a relief road will be a fundamental prerequisite to the future growth of Towcester. The document will also flag up to bus companies the need for better bus services to provide this link. The Council will press for improvements to bus routes, recognising however that in the current fiscal climate public funding will not support new transport provision required which will affect possible new routes. 125 126 031 039 Environmental Health, South Northamptonshire Council Northamptonshire Chamber 004 012 7 Excellent Connectivity 7 Excellent Connectivity 2.2B 2.2B 76 Towcester is presently well served by trunk roads and this has a detrimental effect on those attempting to travel by alternative means. Currently the car is the most appropriate/ safest mode to travel round Towcester as whilst there are cycle boxes by the Saracens Head junction there are very few dedicated cycle paths out of the way of traffic. Many footpaths and links through to the town are unlit and not well sign posted which does not encourage the use of alternative means of transport i.e. the use of cycles and on foot. Secure facilities in key locations to enable bikes to be locked would help to encourage a shift from the use of the car. Agreed. The masterplan will stress the need for alternatives to the private vehicle including the provision of cycling and pedestrian routes and facilities for these. In the chapter on Excellent Connectivity", the Chamber was surprised to see no mention of Towcester's excellent connections being both a blessing and a curse highlighting in this regard, the issue of out-commuting in the local area and how this might be addressed through various mechanisms in the town's future development. We understand that near to 70% of Towcester's working population currently out-commutes, so in the Chamber's view it would be useful for the Masterplan to consider in greater detail how the provision of technology, land use and facilities in the town might begin to address this and retain both the knowledge and skills of its population, but its buying power and value as a local consumer. The masterplan will reflect the need to provide sustainable alternative methods of transport to reduce the number of people currently out-commuting. Such methods will include encouraging public transport, the creation of cycling and pedestrian routes and facilities, virtual networks in order to allow people to work from home, the provision of a better and broader range of retail, employment and health services, together with careful consideration of the interrelationship between housing, employment and transport. Walking and cycling are also important in ensuring a healthy environment but for this the facilities to be used, safety needs to be factored in from the outset. 127 128 009 021 Northamptonshire Police Towcester Neighbourhood Watch 010 010 7 Excellent Connectivity 7 Excellent Connectivity 2.3B 2.3B We agree with the ambition to improve walking and cycling routes. However, in our experience caution and expert design is necessary to avoid the current "rat-run" of narrow paths and fenced alleyways ("pedestrian connections" in the Masterplan?) squeezed between housing blocks that the Police and Safer Community teams say are virtually impossible to control. We need more visible open access routes that are carefully landscaped such as in Milton Keynes. It is noted and supported that cycling and walking should be encouraged to flourish, the town already has an extensive network of traffic free/ quiet routes. 129 028 Pegasus Planning Group on behalf of Persimmon Homes and Bloor Homes 017 7 Excellent Connectivity 2.3B 77 The final masterplan will recognise that walking and cycling routes need to be safe in order that they be used. This will include for instance the provision of convenient secure cycle parking and related facilities within the town centre that is convenient to use, secure and in areas of good surveillance. Comments Noted. Walking and Cycling Routes are the responsibility of the Northamptonshire County Council. SNC however will seek to ensure that walking and cycling routes are safe and accessible. This will be noted within the masterplan. Agreed. A network of green corridors between the town centre and residential areas and the surrounding countryside will provide routes for cycling and walking. The masterplan recognises that green corridors and key linkages between these areas are vital to encouraging alternative forms of transport to private motor vehicles. 130 131 028 013 Pegasus Planning Group on behalf of Persimmon Homes and Bloor Homes 018 004 7 Excellent Connectivity 7 Excellent Connectivity 2.1C/ 2.2C It is noted and agreed that local permeability for walking and cycling should be encouraged and extensions such as the Silverstone Brook corridor should link the development areas and town (as proposed in the Persimmon / Bloor Towcester Vale Masterplan). Noted. The crossings over the Silverstone Brook seem adequate to me at present, although they could no doubt be improved, the cost to the taxpayer would outweigh any benefit. I suppose that by a "modern fit-for-purpose learning environment" is meant a "school". The masterplan sets out a framework for the development of Towcester and seeks to ensure that it includes provision for the expansion of new employment opportunities and the provision of necessary improved social and physical. This includes the provision of Green Infrastructure such as Green corridors. Planning obligations will be sought from developers for the necessary infrastructure. Support welcomed and noted. 2.2C Supports safe cycle routes 132 015 002 7 Excellent Connectivity 2.2C 78 The section on Connectivity could be strengthened to acknowledge that contributions may be sought from developers, as part of any development proposals to secure improvements to public transport services, cycle routes etc. in and around the town. It should also highlight the requirements for future development proposals to incorporate Green Travel Plans, to ensure that opportunities for reducing car use and achieving other sustainable transport objectives are maximised. 133 018 Highways Agency 008 7 Excellent Connectivity 2.2C 79 Comments Noted. Add text to final masterplan to state that planning obligations will be sought towards the improvement of public transport and cycling and walking routes and facilities. Green travel plans will also be sought from developers to ensure that opportunities for reducing car use and achieving other sustainable transport objectives are maximised. 134 135 038 008 004 005 7 Excellent Connectivity 7 Excellent Connectivity 2.2C 2.3C 80 I also note that it is proposed to enforce a 20mph speed limit on the main routes through the town and question the motivation for such action. Could it be that my concerns as to the utilisation of the 'bypass' have already been raised and such a move might be required to 'encourage' through traffic to take up the alternate routing? Having worked extensively on the Powertrain research and development I can advise, with some conviction, that such a move will most likely lead to an increase in both Nox and Particulate Pollution. To explain, the modern motor vehicle engine is highly inefficient at low engine speeds, due to fuel droplet problems experienced at low gas velocities in the inlet port. Additionally gas exchange at valve overlap and combustion associated issues. This again appears to be an ill advised Central Government directive, more associated with an obsessive mission to rid our town of motor vehicles, rather than to undertake well researched and thought out initiatives. The concept of local centres has been proven to be totally outdated and useless in Milton Keynes. Local centres just attract trouble and the shops that open there usually go bust quickly. The requirement to move towards modal shift and alternative more sustainable forms of transport is set out in national policy, the Northamptonshire County Council Local Transport Plan and the South Northamptonshire Council Transport Strategy. Sustainable transport is encouraged in order to address issues of climate change such as pollution and the rising price of oil and the resultant rise in petrol which over the years will result in alternative means of fuel and transport choice being sought. The other reason for promotion of cycling and walking is in line with the health living agenda to encourage people to undertake exercise. The masterplan recognises that local centres will be required in new residential development areas, including a range of small shops of a local nature, serving a small catchment in order to reduce the amount of travel to the town centre for day-to-day needs through providing services such as a small supermarket, a newsagent, a sub-post office, a hot-food 136 137 029 032 White Young Green on behalf of Aldi Stores Ltd 005 008 7 Excellent Connectivity 7 Excellent Connectivity 2.3C 2.3C 81 Aldi supports the designation of an Activity Node in the vicinity of the CWG site. Aldi considers its proposal to be consistent with this designation in that it will re-enforce existing commercial activity in the north of Towcester, creating around 50 new jobs in the process. Local hubs - this is planning jargon again. I assume this means small local shopping areas, and / or other facilities. Similar to the Local Centres in Milton Keynes. Would these work given the intention to concentrate shopping in major areas (Sponne, Southern development area)? or will they much like the proposed local centre once in the plans for the Shires end up being developed into additional housing in 10 to 15 years time but left undeveloped in the meantime. takeaway, launderette and a pharmacy. However the masterplan also stresses that they must not compete with the retail provision in Towcester town centre and need to be safe places with natural surveillance in order that there is less possibility of youngsters congregating there. Support noted. Comments Noted. The final masterplan will seek to reduce the use of planning jargon and will include a glossary where such words or phrases do need to be used. Whilst local centres which include a range of small shops of a local nature, serving a small catchment, will be sought within new residential developments to reduce the amount of travel to the town centre for day-today needs through providing services such as a small supermarket, a newsagent, a sub-post office, a hot-food takeaway, launderette and a pharmacy it is recognised that there must not compete with existing retail facilities within the town centre. 138 139 140 002 002 008 005 010 003 7 Excellent Connectivity 7 Excellent Connectivity 7 Excellent Connectivity 2.4C The bypass is an essential, not something to be built "as funds permit". Objects to any further delay in its construction. There is a need to have the bypass built first to give Towcester the relief from the pollution of smell and noise from the HGV's. HGV's speed on the current A5, making it dangerous to cross the road. The A5 is a very narrow road and HGVs almost touch people on the very narrow pavements. Possibly the bypass will not be finished for years. Agreed and noted. The final masterplan will make clear that the provision of a relief road will be a fundamental prerequisite to the future growth of Towcester. Object to limiting the number of access points under or over the bypass to 2. With the current emphasis on healthy living the new build should provide easy, safe access out into the countryside. The decision on the number of access points on the relief road will be up to the Highways Agency. The masterplan recognises the importance of providing cycle and pedestrian linkages from the town centre and residential areas to the surrounding countryside. There is a significant air quality issue in the centre of Towcester as a result of pollution from traffic using the A5, particularly HGVs. The creation of a relief road will remove these vehicles from Watling Street except for local service vehicles that serve the local shops and businesses. Following the implementation of the A5 Relief road Watling Street will be de-trunked and traffic calming/ weight restrictions 2.4C I do not believe the case is proven for the need for a bypass. Traffic through the town brings money into the town. Also, you rarely have to queue for a couple of minutes going through the town. Building new roads simply does not FIT to an environmental agenda. Over the next 20 years less cars will be on the road due to increasing fuel costs. At some point we will no doubt find other ways of working (i.e. home working). Either way we do not need a bypass, and local people do not want the local countryside decimated. 2.4C 82 141 017 Northamptonshire Enterprise Ltd (NEL) 010 7 Excellent Connectivity 2.4C The Proposed A5/A43 bypass for Towcester is recognised as an important improvement in the road infrastructure in the area, and will be vital to delivering and securing the long term growth potential of the town. It is important that locations adjoining the new bypass will be attractive to the commercial market and as such consideration to providing limited opportunities for development at key nodes along this corridor should also be considered. 142 143 017 018 Northamptonshire Enterprise Ltd (NEL) Highways Agency 011 010 7 Excellent Connectivity 7 Excellent Connectivity 2.4C 2.4C 83 The aspirations of the Masterplan are clearly dependant on the implementation of the bypass. Whilst the consultation leaflet provides some clarity in relation to the current planning application and to the Highway Agency's role in this, there is no firm commitment to deliver this. will be introduced. The construction of the relief road is essential to allowing improvements to the street scene in Towcester so that it is able to accommodate economic development that increases the vitality and viability of the town. Noted. Gateways to the north and south of Towcester are proposed within the masterplan and highlighted as key opportunity sites. It is recognised that they will have an important role to play in giving Towcester a 'sense of place' and that they will need to be developed with high quality design and materials. The final masterplan will make clear that the provision of a relief road will be a fundamental prerequisite to the future growth of Towcester. Would like confirmation that the Current A5 Watling Street will be de-trunked as stated since page 30 says this is 'likely to result' in de-trunking. There should only be reserved places in the Market Square for disabled drivers and the area made into a pedestrian walkway. There is great public anger that non disabled people use disabled spaces and Market traders park all day in the Square when they are exhibiting/ trading in the Town Hall thus reducing the number of spaces for drivers. 144 145 020 021 County Councillor Rosemary Bromwich Towcester Neighbourhood Watch 002 007 7 Excellent Connectivity 7 Excellent Connectivity 2.4C The fundamental solution to help create a safer Towcester must be to de-trunk the A5 Watling Street with a bypass south of the town however ensuring that the necessary road design and easements at the pressure points on the existing A43 and its roundabout and access roads is gauged and countered. 2.4C Redevelopment of the shopping centre and Watling Street in the wake of the bypass to create a shopper-friendly (and commercial friendly) zone. 146 021 Towcester Neighbourhood Watch 008 7 Excellent Connectivity The masterplan will make clear that following the construction of a relief road the existing A5 will be detrunked as this will alleviate the town centre from traffic and enable the street scene to be improved. The need for removing the majority of car parking from the Market Square is recognised so that the Market Square can provide a market area and public open space within the heart of the town. However, the need for a limited amount of disabled parking here is also noted. The final masterplan will make clear that the provision of a relief road will be a fundamental prerequisite to the future growth of Towcester. See reps 112 & 144. 2.4C 84 Comments Noted. The masterplan notes that the construction of a relief road for the A5 will enable the removal of HGVs from the town centre, which will then in turn allow the full potential of Market Square and Watling Street to be realised. This will improve the potential for establishing an attractive retail offer and an improved environment. Acknowledges the need, and the corridor, of the A5 bypass, but does not address issues of this currently live subject, including de-trunking Watling Street through the town centre. 147 148 149 150 023 The Towcester Partnership 024 025 028 003 008 Councillor Diana Dallyn Pegasus Planning Group on behalf of Persimmon Homes and Bloor Homes 006 001 7 Excellent Connectivity 7 Excellent Connectivity 7 Excellent Connectivity 7 Excellent Connectivity 2.4C 2.4C 2.4C 2.4C 85 Traffic on the A5 is a major drawback and the Masterplan should address it in unequivocal terms. Resolution of this should be a pre-condition to any significant development in the town. an easterly alignment of a bypass, via Eastern Neston, should be at least considered as it would direct traffic towards the M1. The area for the bypass should start at the junction of the A5 and the road to Pury End and Whittlebury and end at the junction of the Whittlebury Rd and the A43. This way it would mean that a proper bypass could be built and the junction revamped to allow traffic to exit and enter from each side of the A43 in both directions. Support and endorse the recognition of the need for and benefits of the proposed southern bypass. The bypass will enable the consequential diversion of much of the more strategic and heavy vehicle traffic, and underpins many of the opportunities which the draft Towcester Masterplan document quite properly seeks to exploit. See reps 112 & 144. The final masterplan will make clear that the provision of a relief road will be a fundamental prerequisite to the future growth of Towcester. The final masterplan will make clear that the provision of a relief road will be a fundamental prerequisite to the future growth of Towcester. See reps 112 & 144. See reps 112 & 144. The final masterplan will make clear that the provision of a relief road will be a fundamental prerequisite to the future growth of Towcester. See reps 112 & 144. 151 152 153 028 031 031 Pegasus Planning Group on behalf of Persimmon Homes and Bloor Homes Environmental Health, South Northamptonshire Council Environmental Health, South Northamptonshire Council 019 001 002 7 Excellent Connectivity 7 Excellent Connectivity 7 Excellent Connectivity It is noted and agreed that the southern bypass "offers a unique opportunity to create a people focussed town centre and divert long distance traffic (including HGV)". See reps 112 & 144. Air Quality in Towcester is currently exceeding the Air Quality Standards. Nitrogen dioxide in particular being exceeded along Watling Street from Richmond Road through to the Saracens Head junction. The problem is caused by slow moving and stop/starting traffic and subsequent congestion which is not helped by illegal and inconsiderate parking in bus stops and loading bays on the A5. The Market Square car parking also slows down and increases emissions in the area. Noted. See reps 112 & 144. Air Quality Modelling work which was undertaken for SNC and reported on in October 2008 showed that should parking in the Market Place be reduced to just 10 spaces, including making it easier to pull off the A5 and park without interrupting the traffic flow, and all illegal and inconsiderate parking be enforced, then the flow of traffic could be improved to such an extent that the air quality objectives / standards would be met through Towcester. Obviously improvements in parking in Towcester and signage directing people to alternative parking spaces in Towcester would be required as well as the use of enforcement to discourage parking in loading bays and bus stops. Following the construction of the A5 relief road and the detrunking of the A5 through the town the masterplan recognises that there will be a need to address the future of Market Square. It is intended that the majority of car parking be removed from Market Square so that it can be returned to its original use as a market area and public open space within the heart of the town. 2.4C 2.4C 2.4C 86 154 155 032 035 009 Churches Together in Towcester 007 7 Excellent Connectivity 7 Excellent Connectivity 2.4C 2.4C 87 The Bypass - the booklet refers to the bypass "accommodate existing and future capacity requirements", does this mean that it will be duelled, or will we be left with an inadequate road that will not provide the required level of relief for the town? The Bypass is essential and long overdue; it is already necessary, not just in the future when the housing growth happens. The town centre cannot thrive or become a pleasant public space until the HGV traffic is banished from this part of Watling Street. We welcome the further discussion of the alignment of the bypass and the idea that it does become the boundary to a larger town. We urge that the A5 is de-trunked through the town once the bypass is complete, as there are still some voices saying this is not possible. We feel it is important that this road is designed to be easily upgradeable to accommodate future capacity. What is needed is answers to the questions 'When? How? By Whom?' in reference to the decisions, and delivery of this project; Towcester has waited far too long for it. See reps 112 & 144. The final masterplan will make clear that the provision of a relief road will be a fundamental prerequisite to the future growth of Towcester. See reps 112 & 144. 156 036 Governing Body of Towcester CE Primary School 004 7 Excellent Connectivity 2.4C 88 We welcome the emphasis (p18) on the provision of a southern bypass as necessary, and in our view nonnegotiable, with future developers. A bypass and the subsequent de-trunking of the A5 through the town will make possible the renewal of Watling Street and the Town Centre. As the school is currently located in this area at the heart of the town many young pupils and their families have to walk along and across the A5 at peak times of heavy and polluting traffic. Our school staff and children currently face the daunting experience of negotiating this busy road on their regular school visits to St Lawrence Church, and no doubt in the future will wish to make regular visits to the open parkland features of the new Moat Lane Regeneration Development. The final masterplan will make clear that the provision of a relief road will be a fundamental prerequisite to the future growth of Towcester. See reps 112 & 144. 157 038 003 7 Excellent Connectivity 2.4C 89 The proposed 'by-pass' appears to be little more than a service road for the proposed southern development. As such, traffic will still prefer to continue along the A5. I am of the opinion that any such 'bypass' will simply shift any traffic congestion to the location of the A43, adding to the already very serious bottleneck condition at the intersection of the two main highways, the A43 and the A5. As a resident of Belle Baulk, I am particularly concerned as to this aspect, as the resultant increase in traffic density and associated noise and air pollution will impact on my quality of life, well being and health. It is with some sadness and incredibility of the intent to move towards a policy of demonising the motor vehicle, currently favoured by the present Government, which will generate a climate where access to the town will become more difficult, especially for the elderly. It is not particularly that which is written but the underlying message. eg.'raising the profile of walking and cycling as a normal transport choice' and 'a pedestrian friendly market square'. See reps 112 & 144. The requirement to move towards modal shift and alternative more sustainable forms of transport is set out in national policy, the Northamptonshire County Council Local Transport Plan and the South Northamptonshire Council Transport Strategy. Sustainable transport is encouraged in order to address issues of climate change such as pollution and the rising price of oil and the resultant rise in petrol which over the years will result in alternative means of fuel and transport choice being sought. The other reason for promotion of cycling and walking is in line with the health living agenda to encourage people to undertake exercise. 158 159 160 039 028 035 Northamptonshire Chamber Pegasus Planning Group on behalf of Persimmon Homes and Bloor Homes Churches Together in Towcester 008 020 009 7 Excellent Connectivity 7 Excellent Connectivity 7 Excellent Connectivity 2.4C In response to the question of achievability, the Masterplan is right to highlight the delivery of the southern bypass of premium importance to the local economy and to realising the potential of Towcester as a true market town. It would unlock the real heart of the town, freeing it from the current stranglehold on the centre created by the A5 through-traffic, allowing a redefinition of the market square and a refocus of the retail, cultural and hospitality offer. It is difficult to see how, without the bypass and resultant detrunking of the main route through the town centre, these aspirations might be accomplished. It is accepted that improving access to public transport will be important and that the proposed growth in population can help fund improvements and make future services more economically sustainable to provide in the future. The improved bus network is shown from a "hub" on Watling Street through to Burcote Road (as per the Persimmon/ Bloor Towcester Vale Masterplan). See reps 112 & 144. We are surprised that the 'circular' bus route around Towcester does not include the Shires, and urge that it is added in. We also point out that there needs to be some kind of coach/bus interchange for the A43, where various express coach services run (but at present pass by Towcester without stopping!) this might mean that the 'circular' route needs to link with the A43 as well. The document seeks to influence investment in the town and will highlight the need for better links between the Shires and the town, including flagging up to bus companies the need for better bus services to provide this link. The Council will press for improvements to bus routes, recognising however that in the current Whilst it is recognised that there is a need within Towcester to provide enhanced bus facilities there are no proposals within the masterplan for a bus hub. 2.5C Diagram 6 Proposed Bus Network for Towcester 90 fiscal climate public funding will not support new transport provision required which will affect possible new routes. 161 162 013 015 005 001 7 Excellent Connectivity 7 Excellent Connectivity Diagram 7 Proposed Cycle Route Network for Towcester Diagram 7 Proposed Cycle Route Network for Towcester 91 The masterplan claims a catchment area of 29,000 people, but the cycle map on page 32 only considers the 10,000 people living in the town centre. Cycle and walking routes are needed so that all 29,000 can access Towcester town centre safely without having to use their car. The map on page 32 should include the complete catchment area, showing the potential cycle and footpath connections to the villages. Comments noted. Town Centre Access - The current draft proposals (p 32 Proposed Cycle Route Network for Towcester) have all routes into the town centre designated as 20 mph limit ie the full extent of Brackley Road, the whole of Northampton Road, Watling Street and Bickerstaffes Road. This will most definitely kill all local trade in the town centre and contribute to even more pollution. Noted. The inclusion of 20mph routes around Towcester will be deleted from the final masterplan. The masterplan sets out the need for the new relief road to reduce the amount of heavy traffic using the A5 through the town centre and the subsequent detrunking of the A5 through the town centre which will improve its environment. However the inclusion of speed limits will be a matter for decision by Northamptonshire County Council as local traffic authority. 163 164 165 025 Councillor Diana Dallyn 028 Pegasus Planning Group on behalf of Persimmon Homes and Bloor Homes 034 013 021 001 7 Excellent Connectivity 7 Excellent Connectivity 7 Excellent Connectivity Diagram 7 Proposed Cycle Route Network for Towcester Diagram 7 Proposed Cycle Route Network for Towcester Diagram 7 Proposed Cycle Route Network for Towcester 92 Puzzled as to why some of the A5 through the town is 20mph, some off road or quiet streets and some neither. There are 3 instances where the off road or quiet streets route crosses the A43. How is this going to be achieved especially since it will be even busier once the bypass is built? See rep 162. The proposed cycle network is broadly consistent with the Persimmon/ Bloor Towcester Vale Masterplan, as is the pedestrian network. Comments noted. The Towcester Masterplan includes the construction of a 'quiet street' skirting the present Towcester boundary with the Towcester Vale development and the re-routing of Grafton Way through the new urban area. Nowhere is the nature of this "off road or quiet street" fully defined but, since it has the potential to have a substantial negative effect on the current residents of this area, their outlook and access to the countryside, much more detailed information on the nature of these proposals should be provided before any further proceedings are undertaken. The interests of the current residents of the town need to be safeguarded within the plans for expansion to ensure a cooperative spirit and united community. The final masterplan will not include reference to "Quiet Streets". However, the masterplan will refer to Green corridors which are routes that link the town to the surrounding countryside and provide routes for cycling and walking. SNC will work with Northamptonshire County Council to deliver these links to ensure connectivity and safer routes throughout the town. 166 167 025 009 Councillor Diana Dallyn Northamptonshire Police 015 007 7 Excellent Connectivity 7 Excellent Connectivity Diagram 8 Proposed Pedestrian Network for Towcester Diagrams 7 &8 93 Several more green connections are needed to provide circular walking routes around and through Towcester. One needs adding in order to link the route from the west Tesco through Belle Baulk, along Green Lane to join up Grafton Way. There needs to be a route linking the Grafton Way around the 'Bird's Estate' area, through the Jackson-Stops land, across the A5 and into the route through the Racecourse. If this route could end with an avenue of trees in line with the gates of the Racecourse it would be visually impressive. Finally routes through Rowan Close and Carey Road would increase people's options even more. Comments Noted. The final masterplan will recommend a series of green corridors that will provide links from the town to the surrounding countryside and provide routes for cycling and walking. However the final decision on routes lies with Northamptonshire County Council as they are the body with responsibility for Rights of Way. Overall the section of connectivity is encouraging as it broadly follows the principles of Manual for Streets in ensuring active frontages and ensuring that walking and cycling are encouraged. However, the maps with the proposed cycling and walking networks do not coincide, and it is unclear why this is the case. Ideally the two should coincide to ensure that shared spaces are encouraged as much as possible. This will help to create a greater level of activity that will help to ensure the safety and therefore quality of life of the town. The masterplan sets a strategic framework for the growth and development of Towcester and seeks to set out principles which such development should meet, together with details of the social and physical infrastructure that will be required. SNC will work with its partners and developers to ensure that future development accords with the masterplan. However, the final decisions in relation to cycling and walking routes lies with Northamptonshire County Council as the body with responsibility for Rights of Way. 168 169 018 039 Highways Agency Northamptonshire Chamber 009 015 7 Excellent Connectivity Diagrams 7 &8 8 Successful Local Businesses 94 The pedestrian/ cycle/ green routes, as shown indicate that access across the A43 will be necessary in up to 3 locations to the north west of the town. Given the levels of traffic on the A43 will be high, particularly once the bypass is built, then consideration should be given within the masterplan for bridges or other defined crossing points. It may be appropriate for pedestrian routes to be funnelled into one well placed crossing. It would be useful also for this section of the Masterplan to include some local planning of how this growing town centre economy and business community will be supported, through what services, facilities, skills provision, advice, incentives, engagement mechanisms, etc. Comments Noted. Amend the walking and cycling route diagrams within the masterplan to reflect this point. The location of green corridors/ pedestrian and cycle routes will be a matter for discussion between Northamptonshire County Council and SNC. The masterplan will examine the key issues facing employment today in Towcester, for example the impact of the recession on a highly educated workforce and a large proportion of outcommuting for employment which needs to be reduced. The final masterplan will refer to the employment opportunities offered within and surrounding Towcester, for example in retail and tourism, and at Silverstone. New employment development is to be provided within the Towcester South development. The issues mentioned are felt to be too detailed to be included in the masterplan although there may be general mention, but are included within the SNC economic development strategy. Each document needs to point to the other but not duplicate each other. The district is one of the most prosperous areas of the county, with a high concentration of businesses coupled with a high employment rate. Towcester has been identified as an important area for large-scale growth through the MKSM sub regional strategy. The Strategic Northamptonshire Economic Action Plan (SNEAP) highlights the importance of the area as a centre for high-skilled employment in innovation and technology sectors, particularly in the motorsport, research and development, and finance as well as contributing significantly to the tourism offer of the county. The growth of Towcester should support the businesses and sectors already embedded in the district. 170 017 Northamptonshire Enterprise Ltd (NEL) 003 8 Successful Local Businesses 2.7 95 The employment section in the final masterplan will be broadened to include detail of the key issues facing employment today with Towcester together with broad principles as to how these will be overcome. The final masterplan will refer to the employment opportunities offered within and surrounding Towcester, for example in retail and tourism, and at Silverstone. This will include the importance of the area as a centre for high-skilled employment in innovation and technology sectors, particularly in the motorsport, research and development. Mention will also be made of the growing impact of tourism within the economy in the area. 171 172 017 039 Northamptonshire Enterprise Ltd (NEL) Northamptonshire Chamber 017 016 8 Successful Local Businesses 8 Successful Local Businesses Traditionally South Northamptonshire has seen low levels of unemployment and high levels of economic activity, some of the highest nationally. Despite this, the effect of the recession on the area has been significant. New community and education services are required in the area and NEL would welcome the inclusion of elements of business support services, such as outreach services within these. These could be utilised by existing business support agencies and build on work already underway to support existing businesses and attract new investment over the longer term. 2.7 Lastly, with fundamental ethos of a sustainable community being somewhere 'people want to live and work, now and in the future', again more emphasis should be in this section on addressing the current need for residents to commute out to work. Clearly, with the area already having a deficiency in the amount of jobs available in its vicinity, we suggest any measures that will seek to improve the employment landscape of South Northamptonshire should be prioritised. 2.7 96 The masterplan will examine the key issues facing employment today in Towcester, including the disproportionate impact that the recession is having in an area that has a highly educated workforce. The issues mentioned are felt to be too detailed to be included in the masterplan although there may be general mention, but are included within the SNC economic development strategy. Each document needs to point to the other but not duplicate each other. The final masterplan will address the need to reduce the current amount of outcommuting from Towcester. This includes the need both to protect existing employment sites so that employers within the town are encouraged to remain here, and to provide additional employment through the Towcester South and Silverstone developments. 173 039 Northamptonshire Chamber 017 8 Successful Local Businesses 2.7 97 Hence, infrastructure improvements that are required to attract inward investment and facilitate indigenous enterprises should be of paramount importance and delivered at the earliest possible instance. This should include, the provision of diverse business premises, from incubator space to high quality larger office space to workshop and engineering facilities around the high performance engineering/ motorsport cluster; a mix of employment sites to nurture existing businesses encourage start-up and attract inward investment, would be appropriate, alongside transport links such as the afore-mentioned A5 Towcester bypass, and the policy to improve public transport provision from residential areas to the town centre and employment sites. The section on Opportunities for Employment Development makes some useful suggestions for new areas of employment land, but the Chamber would like to see the Masterplan not being too prescriptive in this regard and proffering a general openness to other sites / ideas for job-creating schemes. The masterplan examines the infrastructure requirements that will result from the future development of Towcester. will make reference to the need for a variety of employment sites together with protecting existing employment sites so that employers within the town are encouraged to remain here, and to provide additional employment through the Towcester South and Silverstone developments. Towcester Racecourse - How would development of the racecourse fit in with its landscape preservation status? 174 175 025 008 Councillor Diana Dallyn 016 004 8 Successful Local Businesses 8 Successful Local Businesses 2.9 Diagram 9 Employment Opportunities in Towcester 98 The plan suffers from 'design creep'. What do I mean by that? The bypass route seems to have been pushed even further out - so that it will threaten nearby villages even more. This simply is unacceptable and will be challenged at every stage. The route previously presented to the Lords should be respected. Whilst I am in principle against expanding our road network yet further, the design proposed previously was at least adequate as a bypass route. Towcester Racecourse is a key opportunity site within the masterplan. The Racecourse is recognised as a major tourism attraction for the District, and an asset to Towcester for the community and visitors. The masterplan points out that it is currently underused and has potential for an intensification of the site for recreation and tourism. However the site's constraints are also detailed, and it is recognised that new development must be in keeping with its location within the grounds of Easton Neston House which is a Special Landscape Area and a Registered Grade II* Historic Park and Garden. Add text to final masterplan giving details of constraints affecting the key opportunity sites. See reps 112 & 144. The proposed route for the relief road will be determined through the Towcester Transport Study. The extent to which the boundary of the development area at Towcester South will be defined by the relief road and the amount of open space will be negotiated as part of the discussions on the planning application for this development. South Northamptonshire has a high concentration of High Performance Engineering and Motorsports businesses. While this focuses on Silverstone it is important to include in the masterplan mention of a positive planning framework for support in this sector. 176 177 017 023 Northamptonshire Enterprise Ltd (NEL) The Towcester Partnership 018 026 8 Successful Local Businesses 8 Successful Local Businesses 2.10 2.10 99 Serving the Hinterland - the plan fails to comprehensively address Towcester's hinterland for which it is the local service centre. As an example, the importance of Silverstone, as a centre of tourism within the district, presents opportunities for the development of hotels etc in Towcester. Before access to the circuit was improved, the Towcester economy benefited greatly from the tourists, in a way that it does not now. This economic opportunity and others need to be addressed. Noted. Add text to final masterplan recognising Towcester's proximity to Silverstone Circuit and the importance, as a result, of the high performance engineering and motorsport sector. The high performance engineering companies in the area extend beyond motor sport including aerospace, electronics and material technology. This will be addressed in the final masterplan. Insert text into final masterplan recognising the importance of Towcester's hinterland, for example addressing issues such as rural business and Silverstone Circuit. 178 179 039 002 Northamptonshire Chamber 014 007 8 Successful Local Businesses 8 Successful Local Businesses The chapter entitled Successful local businesses" offers a useful summary of Towcester's current situation in terms of local economic activity and some gentle ambition about what its future business community might look like, concentrating on two or three fairly obvious sectors. The chamber was surprised not to see any aspiration in the Masterplan to reach beyond the areas of existing specialism into new and emerging (post-recession) sectors, building on skills already there. Where else might the expertise within Towcester's high performance engineering industry take the local economy? Prototyping for advanced technology? Environmental engineering / technology? By stemming the outcommuting what other new business start-ups might be created and nurtured? The Chamber would like to see some more stretching or innovative objectives under this aim. 2.10 2.11 100 Concerns that building a new giant supermarket in the development area will create an old and new town, would not encourage new residents into the town centre. People need to be attracted into Towcester to improve businesses already in the town. Support small business opportunities, eg. local corner shops are an important service, more user friendly and can't compete against giant supermarkets. The employment section in the final masterplan will be broadened to include detail of the key issues facing employment today with Towcester together with broad principles as to how these will be overcome. The final masterplan will refer to the employment opportunities offered within and surrounding Towcester, for example in retail and tourism, and at Silverstone. This will include the importance of the area as a centre for high-skilled employment in innovation and technology sectors, particularly in the motorsport, research and development. Mention will also be made of the growing impact of tourism within the economy in the area. Whilst a local centre is proposed in the Southern development area to Towcester it is vital that it does not compete with the retail units in the town centre. 180 181 182 012 016 020 Towcester & District Local History Society Barton Willmore acting for Waitrose Ltd County Councillor Rosemary Bromwich 007 007 010 8 Successful Local Businesses 8 Successful Local Businesses 8 Successful Local Businesses 2.11 2.11 2.11 101 The Towcester Masterplan only considers expansion of the number of retail businesses in the town. In view of the economic climate contraction as well as expansion should be considered. Para 2.11 refers to retail and suggests that part of creating a vibrant town centre is retaining more retail spend on the town through expansion and diversification of the retail offer. It is suggested that the range of sites will suit small independent and niche retailers and restaurateurs, as well as larger floorspace stores that will appeal to the national chains to complement the existing. Whilst these may be good intentions for a Masterplan document, it would be helpful to have some diagrammatic detail of the sites in question and in particular more information on the location of the sites (ie. where the larger floorplate stores could sit in relation to the existing larger stores) and also what type of stores these would be (whether convenience or comparison goods retailers). Towcester does require some additional shopping facilities eg clothes and shoes. A Marks and Spencers Unit would be ideal and prevent people having to go to Northampton or Milton Keynes. Is this achievable? There is a need for shops selling everyday items to keep people shopping in Towcester. The masterplan has been designed to be flexible and adaptable so that it is able to respond to changing economic circumstances. The purpose of Towcester masterplan is to set a strategic framework for the future development of the town rather than focussing down on minutiae. However it does set out key opportunity sites where there is scope for redevelopment or for meeting key local needs such as providing public access to parkland areas. The main site for retail redevelopment in the town centre is at Towcester Lanes however is a site that would principally attract small independent retail units. The masterplan has a role in marketing the town of Towcester and highlighting to potential landowners, developers and investors the opportunities that the town has to offer in order to attract further funding and investment. The masterplan cannot determine the precise retail brand names but should be seen as a positive commitment to a stronger retail offer in the centre of Towcester. On page 14 and 37 Somerfield needs changing to the Co-op as of the 3rd August. National chains will also want smaller floorspace units eg Costa Coffee. It would be better if the Farmers Market were weekly and closer to the town centre. On page 38 on the Town Centre paragraph, restaurants, bars and coffee/tea shops need adding in. 183 025 Councillor Diana Dallyn 017 8 Successful Local Businesses 2.11 Aldi agrees that part of creating a vibrant town centre is about retaining more retail spend to diversifying the town's retail offer, which will also promote choice and competition. Furthermore, Aldi considers that it is important for retail proposals to complement rather than duplicate the specialist independent sector that is currently flourishing in the town centre. 184 029 White Young Green on behalf of Aldi Stores Ltd 003 8 Successful Local Businesses 2.11 102 Comments Noted. At the time of publication of the consultation draft the store was known as the Somerfield brand. Since the publication of the masterplan the Co-op have changed the signage and branding from Somerfield to Co-op and this needs to be reflected in the final masterplan. Amend text on Retail to highlight that there needs to be the provision of a wide range of retail units sizes to meet market demand and be adaptable to meet changes in demand. Comments noted. There is a need to increase and broaden the retail offer in Towcester in order to reduce the number of residents currently outcommuting to neighbouring towns which is resulting in a loss of retail spend in Towcester and a town centre that is underperforming. The masterplan seeks to increase the vitality and viability of Towcester town centre. 185 186 039 Northamptonshire Chamber 002 011 015 8 Successful Local Businesses 8 Successful Local Businesses 2.11 It might be for Towcester to follow the precedent set by other growth and regeneration areas by using local planning documents to facilitate community and cultural schemes, such as providing Internet cafes/ gallery space in new housing developments for residents, or creating sculpture parks in town centres, which are welcomed by local people, generate economic activity, and enhance the attractions to visitors to the town. Rural symbiosis with Towcester and other smaller areas is so important. This is of major importance for employment and ability to thrive 2.12. page 37. 2.12 Appropriate shops needed for a healthily lifestyle include a shops for bicycles, skate boards. etc. If people are going to use sustainable methods of transport eg bicycles they need somewhere to buy them from and repair them in Towcester. Also a shop selling shoes, perhaps encouraging retailers to join together, for the same reason. 187 188 002 017 016 Northamptonshire Enterprise Ltd (NEL) 019 8 Successful Local Businesses 9 Opportunities for Employment Development 2.12 Need to expand the strategic employment sites within Towcester as the Strategic Employment Land Assessment (SELA) recommends 103 Noted. Many of the issues stated will be included in the final masterplan as they are seen as ways to increase the attractiveness of Towcester, to increase the vitality and viability of Towcester town centre and to ensure it becomes a destination that people want to visit and spend time and money. The role of Towcester as a local service centre within its wider rural hinterland is recognised and will be stressed within the final masterplan. Amend text to recognise role of Towcester within its rural hinterland. The masterplan has a role in marketing the town of Towcester and highlighting to potential landowners, developers and investors the opportunities that the town has to offer in order to attract further funding and investment. The masterplan cannot determine the precise retail brand names but should be seen as a positive commitment to a stronger retail offer in the centre of Towcester. Noted. The final masterplan will set out the key existing employment issues in Towcester including the Towcester works to retain its employment focus within urban areas where possible, building on the strong technology-sector base already located in the area. PPS4 aims to promote the focus of growth in key centres. The TMP identifies several development opportunities situated within the centre that are currently available to suit local demand, and subject to few constraints. These sites would provide additional strategic employment land however their delivery will be largely dependent on securing additional public and private sector funding as well as the delivery of the proposed A5/ A43 bypass and housing growth. the masterplan is in line with the SELA but suggest that it should give indicative indications of the quantum of development at the areas of opportunity. 1. A specific requirement for "Business Parks" is missing. 2. The section "opportunities for employment" confuses gateways with local centres and business parks. A clear strategy is required for each. 3. Mixed use development seems to be enshrined here, rather than separate zones. This planning strategy is fundamental but has not been debated with SNC or the local community. 189 023 The Towcester Partnership 008 9 Opportunities for Employment Development 104 current high levels of outcommuting, the disproportionate impact of the recession on the town, and the need to protect existing employment sites from redevelopment to residential use. The masterplan will seek to address these issues as well as outlining site principles for the key opportunity employment sites. The strategy for employment and economic development is set within the context of national guidance and within the SNC Economic Development Strategy and documents such as the SELA and SNEAP which feed into the Core Strategy. The 2 strategies are both subject to public consultation. The purpose of this masterplan is to set out a strategic framework for the future development of Towcester based on evidence from the strategies mentioned above. The final Para 1.5 aspires for a northern gateway, which would be situated at the junction of the A5/A43. Clearly any aspirations will need to reflect the plans (inherent bypass proposals) for a new junction arrangement here, which might include significant grade separation or hamburger type junction, for example. 190 018 Highways Agency 006 9 Opportunities for Employment Development Site 1 Northern Gateway The Masterplan recognises the area as a business and an edge of centre retail location. Aldi considers that this should be reflected by identifying the area as an opportunity for employment and other appropriate uses that contribute towards economic growth and which will serve predominantly the needs of residents in Towcester and its rural catchment. 191 029 White Young Green on behalf of Aldi Stores Ltd 006 9 Opportunities for Employment Development Site 1 Northern Gateway 105 masterplan will refer to the employment opportunities offered within and surrounding Towcester, for example in retail and tourism, and at Silverstone. The Towcester Transport study has recently been undertaken which examines the key highway capacity and connections that will be required together with the optimal location for the relief road. The results will determine the location of development at the northern gateway if this is adjacent to the relief road. Noted. The northern gateway which includes the A5/ A43 roundabout, the Tove Valley Business Park and the Aldi site is identified as a key opportunity site within the masterplan. Development constraints and principles are set out for the site. It is recognised that such sites must meet the needs of both the residents of Towcester but also of the rural hinterland since Towcester as a market town is a local service centre for such areas. 192 040 DPP on behalf of Tesco Stores Ltd 003 9 Opportunities for Employment Development Site 1 Northern Gateway 106 Given the location of our Client's store on Old Tiffield Rd, within the 'Northern Gateway Employment Opportunity', Tesco are also keen to establish themselves as having a role within the future of Towcester. There are a number of options for the future development of the site, indeed an onsite replacement store has been promoted in the past. Tesco would welcome the opportunity to continue to work positively with the Council to investigate future development opportunities for their store and enhance their presence in Towcester to help meet the demands that the growth in population will have on the local food shopping facilities. This could be through further on site expansion at Old Tiffield Road or off site opportunities, that could allow the existing site to be redeveloped. Whilst at this stage we cannot be certain, we would like to continue to work with the Council to develop these opportunities. Comments noted. Any further development of the Tesco store must be given careful consideration to ensure it does not compete directly with retailers within the town centre. 193 041 Landowner of the Old Cattle Market, Watling Street, Towcester 001 9 Opportunities for Employment Development Site 1 Northern Gateway 107 I am the landowner of the Old Cattle Market site and am keen to discover whether the area of land it occupies can be promoted within the planned scheme as an 'opportunity site' for potential developers? Original site use for fencing business planning permission granted in Jan 1997. Prior to this a company selling Motor Homes occupied the site. In 2004 I relocated my business to Harlestone Firs in Northampton because the current site was too small / outgrown current site. Since that date tried in vain to lease or develop the site due to constricting highway. I would like The Cattle Market Site to be included in the formalised masterplan. Presently the site is landlocked but there is potential to unlock it for example with the current Tesco application by creating a new entrance and this would enable the site to be opened up and not be landlocked due to highways issues. I believe a new development would be highly welcomed by the planners as it is at the Gateway of Towcester. The Old Cattle Market is located near to the Tove Valley Business Park which is a key opportunity site for employment. However any such development will still require planning permission and will need to address material planning considerations such as highways access. Town Centre - 1. The traffic circulation in Richmond Road, Queens Road, Pomfret Road, Water Lane and Brackley Road needs reviewing and redesigning as part of the town centre regeneration yet is not mentioned within the transport part of the plan. Transport is a key economic driver and should be recognised as such within the masterplan. 2. The extent of the 20mph speed limit (page 32) needs reviewing. Opportunities for Employment Development 2-4 Town Centre (page 38) - there implies an acceptance that the current town centre should be for the professional services and personal services which is contrary to SNC's current policy that retailers have priority over service industries for ground floor accommodation. 194 195 023 023 The Towcester Partnership The Towcester Partnership 021 022 9 Opportunities for Employment Development 9 Opportunities for Employment Development Sites 2-4 Town Centre Sites 2-4 Town Centre 108 Opportunities for Employment Development 2-4 Town Centre (page 38) - there implies an acceptance that the current town centre should be for the professional services and personal services which is contrary to SNC's current policy that retailers have priority over service industries for ground floor accommodation. The final masterplan will include an action plan that sets out the actions required to implement the masterplan. This includes the need to investigate whether there is a need for a 1-way system around the Richmond Road area to reduce traffic congestion. The inclusion of 20mph routes around Towcester will be deleted from the final masterplan. The masterplan sets out the need for the new relief road to reduce the amount of heavy traffic using the A5 through the town centre and the subsequent detrunking of the A5 through the town centre which will improve its environment. However the inclusion of speed limits will be a matter for decision by Northamptonshire County Council as local traffic authority. The masterplan has been revised in line with national guidance to state that a diversity of uses will be encouraged within the town centre. However it will still be a requirement that the proportion of other uses within the town centre does not outnumber retail units. 196 197 025 016 Councillor Diana Dallyn Barton Willmore acting for Waitrose Ltd 018 008 9 Opportunities for Employment Development 9 Opportunities for Employment Development Site 5 Wood Burcote Industrial Estate Site 6 Southern Gateway 109 Wood Burcote Industrial Estate - would like to know more about where the link to the town centre and existing and future residential areas would go. Also what type of neighbourhood services might be provided? Wood Burcote Industrial Estate is an existing employment site within the town. There are no proposals for its change. The Southern Gateway is dealt with in the 'opportunities for Employment Development' section of the Masterplan. In our view this is rather confusing given that the Southern Gateway is primarily intended as a Local Centre rather than as an opportunity for employment development. The new neighbourhood centre to the south west of the town centre is shown as an 'opportunity area' on the plan on page 39, but is not referred to in the supporting text. Given its importance it may be more appropriate to include the Southern Gateway in the 'Family Environment' section of the masterplan rather than in the employment section. Noted. The role of the southern gateway is to provide a sense of arrival to the town through the provision of landmark buildings. Whilst the final masterplan outlines key principles for the development of the opportunity sites and gives a signpost to developers and investors on the type of appropriate development. It is not the role of the masterplan to define specific end uses of sites but to highlight where the key opportunity sites are and the development issues that are likely to apply. 198 199 018 025 Highways Agency Councillor Diana Dallyn 007 019 9 Opportunities for Employment Development 9 Opportunities for Employment Development Site 6 Southern Gateway Site 6 Southern Gateway 110 The document refers to a new local centre to the south of the town, incorporating a mixed use development - new bus hub, retail activities, health and education facilities. Careful consideration will need to be given to this, given that the location at present is fairly distant from any local housing and would be a potential generator of additional car borne journeys. The proximity of this centre to the potential bypass junction will also need to be carefully considered, particularly if the presence of the junction acts as a deterrent to pedestrians and cyclists. Consideration will also need to be given to the range and quantum of potential activities within the centre, to ensure that these would not be better located within the more accessible main centre. Accession transport modelling could assist with this process. Noted. The role of the southern gateway is to provide a sense of arrival to the town through the provision of landmark buildings. Whilst the final masterplan outlines key principles for the development of the opportunity sites and gives a signpost to developers and investors on the type of appropriate development. It is not the role of the masterplan to define specific end uses of sites but to highlight where the key opportunity sites are and the development issues that are likely to apply. The Towcester Transport Study is examining the impacts of some of the proposals. In the Southern Gateway paragraph I completely endorse the respect for landscape and complementing of the Racecourse for any employment area. Has the idea for a national HQ Building been abandoned ? Whilst the final masterplan outlines key principles for the development of the opportunity sites and gives a signpost to developers and investors on the type of appropriate development that would be permitted on these. It is not the role of the masterplan to define specific end uses of sites. The reconfiguration of the local centre to adjoin Watling Street needs careful consideration over potential impacts upon the setting of the racecourse and the wider environment of the Eastern Neston and the Registered Park. 200 201 028 033 Pegasus Planning Group on behalf of Persimmon Homes and Bloor Homes English Heritage 006 012 9 Opportunities for Employment Development 9 Opportunities for Employment Development Site 6 Southern Gateway Site 6 Southern Gateway 111 This is a proposal for a new local centre as part of a larger development area. We have concerns about major development in this area, particularly to the north of the A5, particularly in respect of its impact on the hamlet of Heathencote and the potential impact on the setting of listed buildings here and Heathencote Farm, as well impacts on the Easton Neston registered historic park and garden. Although diagrammatic, the opportunity area covers part of the registered park and development adjacent to the park would affect its setting. National guidance includes provisions regarding the importance of protecting and enhancing the setting of historic assets. Again, early discussion about the proposals for the Southern Gateway proposal is requested. Noted. The role of the southern gateway is to provide a sense of arrival to the town through the provision of landmark buildings. It is noted in the principles for development of this site that it is in close proximity to the Registered Historic Park and Garden and that the design of schemes must reflect this. Noted. The role of the southern gateway is to provide a sense of arrival to the town through the provision of landmark buildings. It is noted in the principles for development of this site that it is in close proximity to the Registered Historic Park and Garden and that the design of schemes must reflect this. A cemetery is shown as a commitment, but the difficulties of finding a suitable site should not be underestimated, especially since this matter is urgent. A new cemetery is required by 2014. This is a statutory duty for the Town Council, and a public health issue. Allocation of a site now would be a challenge to deliver within this timescale. 202 023 The Towcester Partnership 020 10 A Family Environment 2.13 Key Infrastructure requirements Infrastructure requirements for the future town have been identified in consultation, workshops and in a proposed section 106 shopping list covering civic, community, commercial, leisure needs. These should be included in the plan. 203 023 The Towcester Partnership 025 10 A Family Environment 2.13 On page 41 para 2.13 the provision of a sewage treatment plant is essential and the cemetery needs to be accessible, and so possibly in the centre of town. 204 025 Councillor Diana Dallyn 021 10 A Family Environment 2.13 112 The masterplan examines the future development that will be required as outlined in the West Northamptonshire Core Strategy and sets out the physical, social and Green Infrastructure that will be required to meet the needs of both existing and future residents. This includes the need for a new cemetery. The masterplan examines the future development that will be required as outlined in the West Northamptonshire Core Strategy and sets out the physical, social and Green Infrastructure that will be required to meet the needs of both existing and future residents. The purpose of the masterplan is to ensure that new development enables Towcester to become a sustainable community and that new homes are balanced with relevant infrastructure. The masterplan examines the future development that will be required as outlined in the West Northamptonshire Core Strategy and sets out the physical, social and Green Infrastructure that will be required to meet the needs of both existing and future residents. This All the aspirations under the various headings in this section are commendable. We would however want to strengthen what is said by including the need for community centre or community hall provision alongside the schools, health centre, parks and shops. In the proposed areas of new housing, this requires careful liaison with the proposed new school(s), or health facilities to maximise provision in the most economical way. We also believe that there is an urgent need for additional facilities for youth activities in Towcester, which may not best be provided within a school environment or which cannot be provided for a number of years yet. Other short term opportunities to provide youth facilities should therefore be considered. 205 035 Churches Together in Towcester 010 10 A Family Environment 2.13 113 includes the need for an extension to the sewage treatment plan and a new cemetery. However it is unlikely that sufficient space is available for a new cemetery in the centre of the town. The masterplan examines the future development that will be required as outlined in the West Northamptonshire Core Strategy and sets out the physical, social and Green Infrastructure that will be required to meet the needs of both existing and future residents. SNC has liaised with the Education and Health authorities in the formulation of the masterplan and their requirements form part of the plan. However it is also the role of the masterplan, together with other documents such as the LDF Core Strategy, to set out to service providers within the town the amount of development that is proposed in the next 15 years or so within Towcester. 206 207 002 006 002 012 10 A Family Environment 10 A Family Environment 2.14 Objection to building of houses before all the relevant infrastructure such as access roads, health, social and educational buildings. health clinics need to be built ready to use. Concern that the current Health services in Towcester could be hard pressed to serve the increased population. Good town planning anticipates the required facilities. The developers should be held responsible for promoting the ideal of creating an environment beneficial to well-being. There is a need for allotments and the protection of allotments from vandalism. 2.14 Shouldn't be Towcester Vale should just be 'Towcester' an inclusive name. 208 002 013 10 A Family Environment 2.14 The masterplan and the town's growth should ensure a sustainable balance between housing and employment growth. 209 017 Northamptonshire Enterprise Ltd (NEL) 020 10 A Family Environment 2.14 114 See rep 205. See rep 205. When considering the design and location of new allotments consideration will be given to security including consultation with the Crime Prevention Design Advisor. Noted. SNC refers to the southern development area as Towcester South as it is essential that it be planned in a comprehensive manner so that it becomes an integral part of the existing town of Towcester. The masterplan sets out the future vision and development principles for the development of Towcester. The vision for a sustainable market town is for new housing that is accompanied by new employment opportunities in order to reduce the current high levels of out-commuting. Community Centre - 1. Fails to address the real issue of the regeneration of the community centre and the Islington Road area and, in concrete terms, the provision of another facility within the development area of Towcester. 2. The Shires lacks any community facilities whatsoever, commercial or otherwise. 210 023 The Towcester Partnership 014 10 A Family Environment 2.14 115 The purpose of the masterplan is to set out a strategic framework for the future development of the town rather than focussing down on minutiae. However it does set out key opportunity sites where there is scope for redevelopment or for meeting key local needs such as providing public access to parkland areas. Islington Road is identified as an opportunity area for community services & education and highlights the issues there. It also identifies existing community facilities provision and outlines the additional needs that will result from the growth of Towcester to 2026. It is understood that Tove Valley Baptist Fellowship have proposals for a community building/ church at the Shires and this will be included in the final masterplan. 211 212 213 009 009 020 Northamptonshire Police Northamptonshire Police County Councillor Rosemary Bromwich 008 009 011 10 A Family Environment 10 A Family Environment 10 A Family Environment 2.15 2.15 2.15 116 It is recognised that Towcester is to grow over the next 20 years. It is also recognised in 2.15 on page 41 that the design quality of the development will be vital in creating distinct places. Ensuring the design reduces the opportunities for crime and anti-social behaviour will be vital. This is an opportunity to ensure that we design for the future in such a way that places are safe to live in. New development must be built to Secured by Design standards. Noted. New schemes will require planning permission which will be subject to consultation including with the Crime Prevention Design Advisor. Schemes will need to be designed in accordance with the Council's planning guidance in SPGs and SPDs which include 'Planning Out Crime in Northamptonshire' written by Northamptonshire CC. There is a link between reducing antisocial behaviour and the fear of crime and ensuring the health and well being of the population. There is evidence (Lifetime Homes Lifetime Neighbourhoods) that particularly older people are increasingly excluded from society and therefore are more likely to suffer from ill health in areas where there is perceived or actual crime and anti-social behaviour. Housing should give the feeling of spaciousness. We should avoid cramming housing together and should ensure good standards such as very good insulation so that for example neighbours cannot be heard through walls. Safety and wellbeing is important for our growing older population. Comments noted. It is intended that Towcester will become a place where people want to be. Noted. The relaxation of density standards within government planning guidance means that new dwellings are able to be spacious and of high quality design. The type and size of housing will meet the needs of the projected range of household type and respond to anticipated demographics. New development is required to be built in accordance with Building Regulations and the Code for Sustainable Homes which relate to standards such as noise insulation. Whilst the Masterplan does not dwell in detail on the proposed Towcester Vale development, it is the view of Neighbourhood Watch that much attention needs to be given to integrating the new housing into the existing town and its current community and infrastructure. New residents should be made aware at an early stage of Neighbourhood Watch and the value it can bring to a new community and their integration into the town. 214 021 Towcester Neighbourhood Watch 013 10 A Family Environment 2.15 The provision of village greens in the new development is vitally important. 215 025 Councillor Diana Dallyn 020 10 A Family Environment 2.15 The rural setting of Towcester as well as the character of the buildings must be respected. Urban residential buildings are not appropriate. We want to feel we are living in the countryside whilst having the advantages of living in a town. 216 025 Councillor Diana Dallyn 022 10 A Family Environment 2.15 117 Comments Noted. An development area is proposed to the south of the town, however these proposals will require planning permission which is yet to be determined. The Masterplan highlights the vision for Towcester in 2026 to be a sustainable market town which includes social cohesion and the need for a well-integrated mix of decent homes of different types and tenures to support a range of household sizes, ages and incomes. The provision of welldesigned public and green space will be an important part of the southern extension to Towcester. Noted. The revised masterplan will place much emphasis on the setting of Towcester within a rural environment. It is recognised that the town is surrounded by quality countryside. Green edges are planned so that the town retains a clear boundary with the countryside to prevent sprawl. Green corridors will connect the countryside with the town through areas such as the Easton Neston Water Meadows and Silverstone Brook. 217 218 028 028 Pegasus Planning Group on behalf of Persimmon Homes and Bloor Homes Pegasus Planning Group on behalf of Persimmon Homes and Bloor Homes 002 007 10 A Family Environment 10 A Family Environment 2.15 2.15 118 Many of the broad concepts are supported and consistent with the Towcester Vale scheme, including the twin focus for urban development on the south western and south eastern flank; the extension of the Silverstone Brook corridor for pedestrians and cyclists and realignment of Grafton Way; and a twin focus for the local centre in the south east and a neighbourhood centre in the south west. In summary, the Towcester Masterplan document endorses the principle of the development proposed within the Towcester Vale planning application. However it must be emphasised that whilst the Towcester Vale proposals have a clear role in achieving the implementation of the southern bypass and with it the ability to rejuvenate the historic town centre and potentially realise a number of other key objectives set out in this Towcester Masterplan document, the Towcester Vale scheme must also be considered (and delivered) as a commercially viable strategic mixed use development. Comments noted. Comments noted. Owns a site of 0.5 acre in Water Lane next to the Bucklands Site opposite Alchester Court. Wishes to see the site included in the masterplan as a care home. 219 003 Clayson Country Homes Ltd 001 10 A Family Environment 2.16 The County Council are in the process of a consultation on the Residential Care Homes in the West of the County. Ridgway House is now outdated and needs replacing. Careful consideration will be given to this, and the outcome decided later this year. It is important to ensure we have excellent facilities for those older people who require full time care. The County Council will be looking for a new build of this facility, and consideration should be given to a site for sheltered accommodation and nursing care home. 220 020 County Councillor Rosemary Bromwich 012 10 A Family Environment 2.16 119 Noted. It is not proposed that this be a key opportunity site within the masterplan as it is not considered to be a key site within the town. However this does not prevent the site being put forward as a possible scheme for planning permission. Comments Noted. Our Strategic Housing Team works on the various housing requirements across the District. There is a recognised need for housing for older people with a variety of needs. There is a need for public and private provision. Amend to increase emphasis on the need for development that addresses the needs of the ageing population. Suggest Springfields as a possible site for a nursing home. 221 222 223 021 Towcester Neighbourhood Watch 012 10 A Family Environment 2.16 021 Towcester Neighbourhood Watch 014 10 A Family Environment 2.16 023 The Towcester Partnership 013 10 A Family Environment 2.16 120 Development must design out crime, for example, ensuring that, where possible, residential homes can oversee industrial units and open spaces to help police and diminish unrest and criminal activity. Ensuring a similar mix of housing on various levels with retail, shops and cafes, etc. Designing out "blind spots" around business units, community centres, leisure facilities, children's play areas and recreational parks etc. where untoward and disturbance could be an issue. Careful use of ground landscaping as well as trees, borders and shrubbery to enhance the area but not without compromising its policing. Lighting especially residential areas, walkways and main car parks. Great efforts needs to be given to partnership work with the developers and estate agents to not only offer a new bricks-and-mortar home but also a home with our community. This may simply involve a form of "Welcome Pack" for all new residents or a series of open evens that all new residents are welcome to attend. Housing - 1. That affordable housing will be provided is one of the few definite commitments in the document. 2. a commitment to further residential care for the elderly would be desirable. Comments noted. There is various legislation, planning policy and guidance cover the design of development proposals that potential landowners and developers have to apply to their proposals. One such document is "Planning Out Crime in Northamptonshire" written by Northamptonshire CC and which planning proposals must be designed in accordance with. The Police have a Crime Prevention Officer and have involvement as a consultee on planning applications for new development. Comments Noted. However this is detail which goes beyond the scope of the masterplan which is a strategic planning document setting out proposals for the future development and growth of Towcester. Comments Noted. Our Strategic Housing Team works on the various housing requirements across the District. There is a recognised need for housing for older people with a variety of needs. There is a need for public and private provision. Amend to increase emphasis on the need for development that I endorse the provision of open space. 224 225 025 030 Councillor Diana Dallyn Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue 023 005 10 A Family Environment 10 A Family Environment addresses the needs of the ageing population. Suggest Springfields as a possible site for a nursing home. Noted. 2.16 2.16 121 Paragraph 2.16 (page41) of the masterplan refers to 'well designed, safe streets, well provided with open space and local services'. Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service are keen to promote the concept of designing safety into any new building scheme and to reduce the opportunities for arson, and therefore welcome this reference within the masterplan. We would like to ensure that developers are provided with advice and guidance when designing schemes, and work closely with other agencies for example Crime Prevention Design Advisors from Northamptonshire Police. Comments noted. However this detail goes beyond the scope of the masterplan which sets out a strategic framework for the future development of Towcester. The development of key opportunity sites will need to be designed in accordance with a range of planning guidance on design and will be subject to consultation at planning application stage with consultees including the Crime Prevention Advisor. 226 227 030 002 Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue 006 014 10 A Family Environment 10 A Family Environment In addition, we note that paragraph 2.16 also makes the following point 'specialist housing such as affordable homes, flats, starter homes, and elderly persons accommodation will also be provided in accordance with local housing market needs.' We strongly encourage developers, architects, and local planning authorities to consider installing sprinklers within the built environment of Northamptonshire, especially in properties which could be deemed as higher risk such as those mentioned in paragraph 2.16. Over 500 people a year die in fires in their homes. A large proportion of these deaths are from the vulnerable community eg elderly, very young, disabled, those affected by alcohol and drugs. Smoke alarms do not save these groups but sprinklers can. Comments noted. However this detail goes beyond the scope of the masterplan which sets out a strategic framework for the future development of Towcester. The development of key opportunity sites will need to be designed in accordance with a range of planning guidance on design and will be subject to consultation at planning application stage with consultees including the Crime Prevention Advisor. The new build should incorporate the best energy and water saving technology. Noted. Agreed as set out in the Council’s SPD on Renewable Energy which applicants need to consider before submitting a planning application / proposal for development. New development will need to be planned in accordance with environmental standards such as Code for Sustainable Homes. Add text to final masterplan requiring that new development be of high environmental standards. 2.16 2.18 122 Environmental issues and climate change should be mentioned more strongly. Should land for allotments be allocated so that food is grown near to where it is consumed? Should provision be made for strengthening the electricity supply to the town so that recharging points for electric vehicles can be available in every car park? Should footpaths that are designed for use by pedestrians be also wide enough to be used safely by cyclists and by the electric mobility scooters used by the elderly? 228 012 Towcester & District Local History Society 004 10 A Family Environment 2.18 The inclusion of the need for sympathetic high quality design is welcomed. Further guidance is needed to consider low carbon technologies and opportunities for green design in the urban fabric are included. 229 017 Northamptonshire Enterprise Ltd (NEL) 015 10 A Family Environment 2.18 123 The purpose of the masterplan is to set out a strategic framework for the future development of the town rather than focussing down on minutiae. The issues raised are dealt with through other planning guidance such as the Council's SPD on Renewable Energy which applicants need to consider before submitting a planning application / proposal for development. New development will need to be planned in accordance with environmental standards such as Code for Sustainable Homes. Add text to final masterplan requiring that new development be of high environmental standards. Noted. Agreed as set out in the Council's SPD on Renewable Energy which applicants need to consider before submitting a planning application / proposal for development. New development will need to be planned in accordance with environmental standards such as Code for Sustainable Homes. Add text to final masterplan requiring that new development be of high environmental standards. 230 231 232 233 017 025 Northamptonshire Enterprise Ltd (NEL) Councillor Diana Dallyn 019 Northamptonshire County Council 020 County Councillor Rosemary Bromwich 016 024 003 004 10 A Family Environment 10 A Family Environment 10 A Family Environment 10 A Family Environment 2.18 2.18 Further guidance is needed to consider low carbon technologies and opportunities for green design in the urban fabric are included. These could include eco home potential and also looking to promote green design in commercial developments. Consideration for micro generation and district heating/ power facilities could be given as well as the need to plan for renewable energy generation. I would like to see it stated that advances in technology were not just accommodated, but actually used. See rep 228. The County Council considers the Masterplan gives a fair representation of the position in relation to education provision in Towcester. However, there are some concerns in respect of the expectations that are being raised in the document that are all schools in the town are rebuilt. None of these schemes are a priority for the County Council, and besides would require a considerable amount of money and at a time of increasing tightening in public spending. The practicalities of the proposal to build a new higher density school on the Sponne site as a way to increase capacities within the town would require further consideration. Comments Noted. There is a need to make clear the role and requirements of the County Council in Education, the current education provision and aspirations of the individual schools and the requirements for future education provision as part of the growth. It is recognised that the replacement and provision of educational facilities will be subject to funding issues and therefore are likely to be problematic in the short term. A development brief would be produced for the Sponne school site as it is part of the wider regeneration and expansion of the town centre functions. See rep 089. Comments Noted. It is recognised that the current community centre owned by the Town Council on 2.19 2.19 124 Agree that the new Towcester Primary School should be redeveloped on the existing site. The Community Centre in Islington Road should be demolished See rep 228. and the new Civic Centre in Moat Lane should be the centre for activities for all. 234 235 021 025 Towcester Neighbourhood Watch Councillor Diana Dallyn 009 025 10 A Family Environment 10 A Family Environment The Masterplan correctly gives an emphasis to our schools, and again there is need for a strategy developed in detail with the various groups to ensure a concerted plan. Sponne School, Nicholas Hawksmoor and Towcester Primary School all have issues of serious concern with pedestrian safety and road access at peak times. 2.19 Endorse everything which is stated on page 42. Particularly important are the rebuilding of Towcester Primary School and Sponne School, the provision of a Children's Centre and further education facilities. The 16 plus age group has great difficulty travelling to work or education due to poor public transport provision. A local facility, perhaps with a mini-bus to transport students as Moulton College does, would be a valuable addition to the town. 2.19 125 Islington Rd is not fit for purpose although the current facility is used by a number of organisations including Vision Youth Cafe. See rep 232. Comments Noted. Amendments required. Need to add to the text on Schools within the actual Masterplan extract text and update from the Frequently Asked Questions document and add information in relation to accessibility and safety as mentioned in this consult See rep 089. Comments Noted. Amend and Add a reference to the Education and Public Transport provision for students to access further education facilities and jobs. See rep 089. 236 237 036 023 Governing Body of Towcester CE Primary School The Towcester Partnership 009 005 10 A Family Environment 10 A Family Environment 2.19 2.21 126 We believe that our primary school, the adjacent Tiny Tows Nursery and the new Children's Centre (expected to be installed in the adjacent Community Centre) will receive the first of the children from any new housing development to the south of the town. Not only do we feel it is essential that we have these new premises in readiness but that it is paramount that the Islington Road Opportunity Area is prioritised with a new educational and community emphasis which will in itself act as an attractive incentive to draw new families and investment to the town. Like Moat Lane development, the Islington Road site is a fundamental building block for the town's current community, and in providing infrastructure support in advance of the new residential development and employment. The Governing Body looks to the partners in the Regeneration Board (NCC, SNC, NEL, WNDC) to work with us and others in accessing funding for this development. On new schools the masterplan: 1. Lacks substance and makes assumptions. 2. ignores the strategy by the Education community. 3. Sponne needs re-locating on a new site. Redevelopment on the existing site is impracticable and undesirable. Noted. See rep 232. Islington Road is noted as a key opportunity site for community and education purposes. See reps 089 and 232. 238 239 240 028 028 022 Pegasus Planning Group on behalf of Persimmon Homes and Bloor Homes Pegasus Planning Group on behalf of Persimmon Homes and Bloor Homes White Young Green acting for NHS Northamptonshire Primary Care Trust 022 023 001 10 A Family Environment 10 A Family Environment 10 A Family Environment 2.21 A number of options are noted for secondary schooling; a new more compact school on the existing site, a new school in the new neighbourhood or a spilt site. It is recognised that a new school is not required for a number of years. See reps 089 and 232. An objective to secure higher education facilities either at Towcester, or Silverstone is noted. Noted. See reps 089 and 232. The PCT recognise that the significant growth planned for Towcester raises specific challenges for the provision of health care facilities. NHS Northants PCT will be producing an Estates Strategy and Primary Care Strategy based on an evaluation of how growth across the County will impact on current and future services. Based on the current nationally recognised target average GP list size 'of 1 GP list size' of 1 GP for every 1838 additional population there a clear indication that new facilities will be required to meet the current planned growth. Comments Noted. The masterplan is intended to be a strategic plan guiding the future development of Towcester. The detail proposed is considered to be high level that would change over time. This would be more appropriate to add at planning application stage. Amend and add quote to the masterplan within the Health and Well being chapter. However it is noted that substantial and far reaching changes are proposed to the provision of health services in the near future. 2.22 2.23 127 241 022 White Young Green acting for NHS Northamptonshire Primary Care Trust 002 10 A Family Environment The PCT supports the vision set out in paragraph 2.23 concerning planning for healthy lifestyles and the provision of new health facilities referred to as 'Healthy Living Centres'. It is the PCT's view that the provision of adequate health facilities to meet the needs of a growing population is a key element of delivering sustainable growth in line with the stated aims set out in the masterplan. 2.23 Health centres: 1. Healthy Living Centres are not currently sought by the PCT or the two local practices who consider current provision to be adequate for growth over the foreseeable future. 2. Mental health facilities are currently underprovided but not mentioned. 242 243 023 020 The Towcester Partnership County Councillor Rosemary Bromwich 006 014 10 A Family Environment 10 A Family Environment 2.23 2.24 128 The Towcestrians already provide excellent facilities for Rugby & Cricket & Tennis. However there are no Hockey pitches for our Towcester Women's Hockey Team who now have received accreditation for their performance. This facility is essential for the future of the team in the hockey world. Comments noted. The purpose of the masterplan is to set a strategic framework for the future development of Towcester and to identify the need for improvements within the town, including the physical, social and Green infrastructure that will be required to meet the needs of existing and future populations in Towcester. Comments noted. The purpose of the masterplan is to set a strategic framework for the future development of Towcester and to identify the need for improvements within the town, including the physical, social and Green infrastructure that will be required to meet the needs of existing and future populations in Towcester. However it is noted that substantial and far reaching changes are proposed to the provision of health services in the near future, and that public funding for health will be problematic in the short term. Comments Noted. Amend the text to recognise the need for Hockey provision to serve this requirement. Obviously land purchase and provision is subject to funding. In the current climate there is unlikely to be funding available for this provision. There should be provision of more and better leisure and sporting facilities. The Masterplan touches loosely on the current facilities but we now believe this now needs to be strategically developed in detail with the various groups to ensure a concerted plan, and reduce duplication of effort for instance. 244 245 246 021 023 026 Towcester Neighbourhood Watch The Towcester Partnership Towcester Town Football Club 005 010 001 10 A Family Environment 10 A Family Environment 10 A Family Environment 2.24 2.24 Sports Facilities - 1. The statement that Towcester has "a wide variety of sports facilities on offer" is misleading. Towcestrians do not have sufficient facilities to house their present teams, particularly Ladies Hockey, and there is no senior football team (owing to the lack of facilities). No facilities for any sport exist of such quality to enable local people to aspire to perform at national sporting levels. 2. The requirement is merely stated as a "desire". 2.24 Feel that the Masterplan rightly places a strong emphasis on Sports and Leisure Facilities. 129 The purpose of the masterplan is to set out a strategic framework for the future development of Towcester, setting key planning principles for this development, and examining the physical, social and Green Infrastructure that will be required to meet the needs of both existing and future population. The masterplan examines the existing issues for sport within the town and looks at the options that are available for meeting these. However the outcome requested goes beyond the scope of the masterplan. Noted. However, whilst SNC would support proposals for additional sports facilities within the town, private investment would be required. Comments noted. 247 026 248 028 249 032 Towcester Town Football Club Pegasus Planning Group on behalf of Persimmon Homes and Bloor Homes 009 10 A Family Environment 2.24 024 10 A Family Environment 2.24 010 10 A Family Environment 2.24 130 But just as important we believe a successful Club and successful facilities is a major draw to the town, at a time when we want to attract inward investment, expansion, new housing, employment and better communities. Noted. However, whilst SNC would support proposals for additional sports facilities within the town, private investment would be required. The document notes that there are a wide variety of sports facilities on offer at Towcester including the long established rugby club, excellent cricket and hockey teams and indoor facilities at the leisure facilities. These facilities (which have plans to extend and improve) are to be supplemented by new sports pitches as part of the expansion at Towcester Vale. All the sports and leisure facilities are concentrated at the northern end of Towcester. What plans are there to incorporate additional facilities at the southern end of the town? There is no mention in the plan of other leisure activities such as fishing, children's play area, and allotments. What plans are being made in this regard? Noted. However, whilst SNC would support proposals for additional sports facilities within the town, private investment would be required. Additional sports provision will be required as part of the Towcester South development to cater for the additional growth in the town. South Northamptonshire Council and WNDC have commissioned a Leisure Strategy which examines the current provision and future requirement for provision in light of the growth agenda for a wide range of indoor and outdoor leisure facilities and this will involve engaging with local stakeholders and sports clubs etc as well as assessing what additional facilities are required within the leisure centre. A variety of open space is needed through the town for a range of uses from allotments to football pitches. A new Astroturf pitch was provided in November 2009 at the Towcester Leisure Centre in order to cater for all weather provision. Work has also been undertaken with the Towcestrians to determine their future requirements to cater for the current and growing population. Leisure and Sport provision is essential for the current and future community and visitors to the District. This need is noted within the masterplan however private investment will be required. Problems related to Youth in Towcester such as under age drinking, aimless gathering are not adequately addressed. ASBOs don't seem to involve rather they exclude. Youngsters need a good reason to be socially involved - not socially destructive. The new build must cater for the enlarged town's social needs: a great opportunity to include a cinema and a bowling alley. Existing clubs could be complemented by somewhere else to go within walking/ cycling distance. Perhaps have a Healthy Lifestyle Youth Cafe. Partly run by youth with adult guidance. 250 002 003 10 A Family Environment 2.25 131 Issues to do with under age drinking need to be addressed by the Police, licensed premises that sell the alcohol and the licensing committee. Children will naturally gather to socialise. In terms of current youth provision the desire for a new activity centre for youth is noted in the masterplan. The masterplan sets out the aspiration and the need for such a facility, it will be down to private and public sectors to provide it. The masterplan recognises there is a need to improve the social and entertainment offer in the town. The Moat Lane Regeneration scheme will provide an element of social facilities. The provision of a cinema and bowling area would require private investment. 251 009 Northamptonshire Police 011 10 A Family Environment 2.25 132 Provision of sport and leisure facilities for all groups of people within the town is key. It is particularly important that provision for youths is provided as part of the redevelopment of the town. Things for people to do is vital in preventing boredom and therefore reducing the incidents of anti-social behaviour in the town and thereby boosting the quality of life of all residents. The desire for additional sports facilities together with a new activity centre for youth is noted in the masterplan. The masterplan sets out the aspiration and the need for such a facility, it will be down to private and public sectors to provide it. 252 253 021 021 Towcester Neighbourhood Watch Towcester Neighbourhood Watch 254 021 Towcester Neighbourhood Watch 255 023 The Towcester Partnership 002 003 10 A Family Environment 10 A Family Environment 2.25 A prime focus of the town over the last 18 months has been responding to concerns held by residents regarding anti-social behaviour and specifically the lack of youth provision. This concern has been very evident not only via dialogue with Neighbourhood Watch members but also as the main issues selected by the regular Towcester Community Panels. A programme of action has been produced by the Towcester Joint Action Group. The masterplan should reflect these concerns. The youth of Towcester should be given the opportunity for formal and inclusive communication and involvement that gives them a rightful say in issues that concern them, on an on-going basis. This should include everything from leisure and sporting facilities, schools, children's play areas and recreational open spaces. Comments noted. The next stage of the masterplan process should include recognition by the authorities and community leaders through consultation that their contribution is valuable and of equal rights with the other users and the wider community. Youth provision is expressed in inspirational terms only and the fundamental impact that the current lack has on the community is not addressed. Noted. The comments made during the consultation process on the draft masterplan have been examined and fed through into the final draft of the masterplan. Noted. The desire for a new activity centre for youth is noted in the masterplan. The masterplan sets out the aspiration and the need for such a facility, it will be down to private and public sectors to provide it. Funding is a South Northamptonshire Council has had a Youth Council since 1998 which meets several times a year and their views on a variety of issues feed into Council discussions to make sure councillors consider the thoughts of young people in the district. 2.25 004 10 A Family Environment 2.25 007 10 A Family Environment 2.25 133 critical issue at the current time. 256 257 025 020 Councillor Diana Dallyn County Councillor Rosemary Bromwich 027 013 10 A Family Environment 10 A Family Environment 2.25 On pg 44 Sport and Leisure paragraph 2.25 I endorse the recognition of the need for young people to have facilities for casual sport and socialising. Comments noted. New football pitches must be in place as soon as possible on the Bell Plantation where the land has been offered, so that the large numbers of Young People and Adults can partake of this sport. Comments noted. The Bell Plantation has planning permission for the pitches but there are currently no funds available to implement the planning permission to develop the pitches. Comments noted. The development of the key opportunity sites will require planning permission. There will therefore be an additional consultation stage as part of the planning application process. The need for further community facilities is noted, however a mix of public and private investment will be required in order that these can be provided. Part of the role of the masterplan has been to examine the physical and social infrastructure that will be needed to meet the needs of existing and future residents in Towcester. The masterplan flags up these requirements. The final masterplan will include more detail in respect of cycle networks which provide important alternatives to roads. SNC 2.26 Further consultation should take place on key areas identified in the Masterplan. Of specific and urgent need is the development of the Islington Road area which is adjacent to the main Recreational Park in Towcester and already home to several youth-focused groups (Vision Cafe, Football Club, St John Ambulance, A5 Cycling Rangers, Community Centre, schools and others). This is identified in the masterplan as a key town centre opportunity. Developing new and central facilities for the community, not only for the youth, will help meet this goal. 258 259 021 021 Towcester Neighbourhood Watch Towcester Neighbourhood Watch 006 011 10 A Family Environment 10 A Family Environment 2.26 2.26 134 Specifically, pedestrian and cycle routes over the A43 encouraging green trafficking to Towcestrians, the Bell Plantation site and the open countryside to the north and west of the town. No doubt this will also apply to the bypass in the south in due course. para 2.26 refers to cycle and pedestrian links over the A43. There needs to be clarification in the plan of the likelihood of achieving this in the near future and what type of crossing would be provided. 260 025 Councillor Diana Dallyn 028 10 A Family Environment 2.26 135 will work with Northamptonshire County Council to deliver these links to ensure connectivity and safer routes throughout the town. This will be highlighted through the Transport Strategy. The final masterplan will include more detail in respect of cycle networks which provide important alternatives to roads. SNC will work with Northamptonshire County Council to deliver these links to ensure connectivity and safer routes throughout the town. This will be highlighted through the Transport Strategy. The final masterplan will make reference to the need for additional sports facilities and the requirement for improved pedestrian and cycle links over the A43 to make it safer for young people to travel to the ground. 261 262 026 026 Towcester Town Football Club Towcester Town Football Club 002 003 10 A Family Environment 10 A Family Environment Towcester Town Football Club established in 1988 has 14 youth teams of boys and girls from nearly 200 families and is seeking to establish an adult team in the future. Club has been recognising the needs of the growing community and recently been awarded the FA Charter Standard Community Club: the pinnacle of club development. Our aspirations match many of those highlighted in the Masterplan. We are embarking on an expansion at a time when the town itself is growing. Our work and influence is of incalculable benefit to our boys and girls; devoted volunteers, coaches, assistants, families, management team, sponsors and business supporters who dedicate significant time and energy week by week to the club. But it is common knowledge that the facilities in the town poorly support the clubs efforts. Noted. However, whilst SNC would support proposals for additional sports facilities within the town, private investment would be required. Additional sports provision will be required as part of the Towcester South development to cater for the additional growth in the town. The existing facilities at Towcester Recreation Ground are an endless disappointment and embarrassment poor grounds, poor drainage, and quite often spoiled and "dog-soiled" ground with absolutely no facilities in the way of decent parking, safe access, changing facilities, public conveniences, etc. It is a poor illustration of our town, when these visiting teams' own facilities are so much better than ours and quite often from villages less than a quarter of the size of Towcester (i.e. Long Buckby and Blisworth)! Comments noted. The masterplan recognises the need for a revitalised recreation ground at Islington Road. 2.26 2.26 136 263 264 265 266 026 026 026 026 Towcester Town Football Club Towcester Town Football Club Towcester Town Football Club Towcester Town Football Club 004 005 006 007 10 A Family Environment 10 A Family Environment 10 A Family Environment 10 A Family Environment 2.26 We welcome involvement with you and the authorities in addressing these weaknesses building on the Masterplan as a foundation. Our Current new partnership work developing the allpurpose astro turf pitches at the Towcester Leisure Centre is exactly the start we need. Most important is the development and encouragement towards a strategic and focussed solution to Towcester's Sports and Leisure facilities. We call for greater consultation and partnership between like-minded groups such as ourselves, the Towcestrians and the Leisure Centre, but also joined with the schools and statutory councils. 2.26 2.26 Our planning aspirations for the Bell Plantation site represent an important milestone in developing facilities that our Towcester Football Teams deserve. We recognise that our plans need to be seen as part of the larger development of Sports and Leisure in the town. Any expanded and new sports and leisure facilities must be supported with the necessary infrastructure indicated in the Masterplan, most notably safer and easier pedestrian and cycling access over the A43 to this site eg Bell Plantation. This we see as even more necessary following the installation of the southern bypass resulting in heavier flows of traffic using the current A43. 2.26 137 Comments noted and welcomed. Noted. The purpose of the masterplan is to set a strategic framework for the future development of Towcester and to identify the need for improvements within the town, including for sports and recreation. Opportunities for sports clubs to put together a strategy and take part in partnership working is a matter for decision between the clubs. Comments noted. Comments noted. The final masterplan will make reference to the need for additional sports facilities and the requirement for improved pedestrian and cycle links over the A43 to make it safer for young people to travel to the ground. 267 268 026 002 Towcester Town Football Club 008 001 10 A Family Environment 10 A Family Environment 2.26 2.27 138 The Towcester Football Club is only one of a handful of official FA Charter Standard Community Clubs in the county out of several hundred football clubs. We are embarking on an expansion at a time when the town itself is growing. Our work and influence is of incalculable benefit to our boys and girls; devoted volunteers, coaches, assistants, families, management team, sponsors and business supporters who dedicate significant time and energy week by week to the club. Comments noted. The need for improved facilities for the Towcester Football Club is noted in the masterplan. Large housing development necessitates the need for community services and facilities. Tove Valley Baptist Fellowship propose a community building if they are able to acquire land for this purpose. The building would provide shared community facilities for mums and toddlers, guides, scouts, youth, the elderly, drama groups, community events as well as church based events. No mention under Community Facilities of the new building for Tove Valley Baptist Fellowship. Community facilities give an opportunity for social cohesion of the existing and new community. It is not for the Masterplan to specify end users of development sites and each end user has specific requirements based on their needs. The Council is aware that the Tove Valley Baptist Fellowship were given some land as part of the Shires Development Section 106. Their ambition to provide a community/ church building will be noted in the final document. It is fundamental that the new development area be integrated into the existing town. Add to final masterplan: Reference to proposals for community/ church building proposed by Tove Valley Baptist Fellowship at the Shires. Also add requirement that the new southern extension to Towcester be integrated into the existing town. The elderly can feel isolated and vulnerable. They must be widely consulted to ensure that they are adequately catered for in terms of social events, safety and housing opportunities in Towcester. 269 270 271 002 006 004 South Northamptonshire Volunteer Bureau 013 001 006 10 A Family Environment 10 A Family Environment 10 A Family Environment 2.27 2.27 2.27 Much of the focus of the masterplan is the economic development of the town and the quality of life being based around leisure, sport and green areas. For a town to be 'vibrant' there is a need to develop a community spirit and if this is successful it will encourage community cohesion. Sport and leisure facilities do contribute but there is a need to consider other community activities i.e. facilities for clubs/meetings. There is no mention here of the churches and chapels in Towcester, of groups such as the Women's Institute, of various support groups, such as Diabetes Uk that meet in Towcester, and of adult education and the WEA. All these provide art and cultural activities. On an arts facility the masterplan: 1. The requirement for a performance venue is welcomed. However, the means of achieving this is unidentifiable. 2. A specific commitment to the Civic Building in Moat Lane would be welcomed. 272 023 The Towcester Partnership 009 10 A Family Environment 2.27 139 Comments noted. It is recognised that the proportion of elderly within Towcester will grow during the lifetime of the masterplan. The final masterplan will point out the need to address the needs of this group. Agreed. The final masterplan will include a wider definition of community facilities that will comprise sport, art and culture and refer to the role of the voluntary sector in providing community facilities. Add wider definition of community services to the final masterplan. Comments noted. Include reference to the voluntary sector and expanded section on culture and arts in final masterplan. Noted. The final masterplan will include a wider definition of community facilities that will mention sport, art and culture and refer to the role of the voluntary sector in providing community facilities. The masterplan will put more emphasis on the commitment to the Civic Building in the Moat Lane Museum reference is inspirational only and does not reflect the actual situation. 273 023 The Towcester Partnership 018 10 A Family Environment 2.27 Arts and Culture para 2.27 suggests that a performance venue would be provided in each school and community facility. I assume what would be provided would be complementary rather than repetition. 274 025 Councillor Diana Dallyn 029 10 A Family Environment 2.27 140 development that will provide a centre of activity for the local community, visitors and tourists. The building will include a relocated Towcester Library and a Registrar’s Office as well as a number of other community spaces, services and venues. Noted. The final version of the masterplan will include reference to the museum currently being set up within the town. Add reference to museum within Final Version. Comments noted. Clarification needs to be given in the text to this point. It is noted that Towcester is currently lacking a performance venue for live music, theatre and amateur dramatics, which leads to out-commuting to surrounding towns at Northampton and Milton Keynes for such purposes. An outside performance space is proposed as part of the Moat Lane development but there is no specific location for an indoor performance facility. 275 276 035 035 Churches Together in Towcester Churches Together in Towcester 011 012 10 A Family Environment 10 A Family Environment 2.27 2.27 141 Under Arts and Culture pg 44 we would also want to point out that Schools provision needs to be considered well in advance of the likely completion of the new school buildings (what is said here is somewhat contradictory to para. 2.19, pg 42 where questions are still to be resolved about secondary schooling and a relocation of Nicholas Hawksmoor Primary School). Urgent decisions are required about a better educational facilities for all the existing schools, as well as any new schools; these decisions have been delayed for far too long. See reps 089 and 232. Also in this context of performance space, it had already been pointed out to consultants that St Lawrence Parish Church, in the heart of the town centre is considering how the building might be developed to provide more community uses, especially live music performance. Comments noted. It is noted that Towcester is currently lacking a performance venue for live music, theatre and amateur dramatics, which leads to out-commuting to surrounding towns at Northampton and Milton Keynes for such purposes. An outside performance space is proposed as part of the Moat Lane development but there is no specific location for an indoor performance facility. The possible use of St Lawrence Parish Church for this use is noted. 277 278 279 280 039 025 025 032 Northamptonshire Chamber Councillor Diana Dallyn Councillor Diana Dallyn 010 004 030 007 10 A Family Environment 11 Respect for the Landscape 11 Respect for the Landscape 11 Respect for the Landscape 2.27 The Chamber welcomes the prioritising in the Draft Towcester Masterplan of cultural and public realm infrastructure in the developing town centre. The importance to communities of cultural facilities (theatres, libraries, museums, arts and music performance space etc) and also an attractive townscape should not be underestimated, as mechanisms for inspiring and galvanising local people. Of course, the cultural and creative industries are also key providers of skilled jobs, as well as wealth creators, particularly considering the economic impact of visitors. Support welcomed. The masterplan has a role in marketing the town of Towcester and highlighting to potential landowners, developers and investors the opportunities that Towcester has to offer in order to attract further funding and investment. Respect for Landscape needs an explanation of what physical connections are. Concerns relating to the use of jargon in the draft masterplan have been noted and it is intended that the use of such jargon will be substantially reduced in the final masterplan. Physical connections refers to the footpaths and bridleways that links the town to the surrounding countryside. Support welcomed and noted. 2.28 2.28 2.28 142 para. 2.28 - wholeheartedly endorses the stress on connection to the countryside and its retention and enhancement. Silverstone Brook is empty of water for much of the year. Has any consideration been given to improvements in this regard, eg. Mini weirs to pool water and improve what to many looks just like a drainage culvert. This would also provide benefits to wildlife in that area. This could be carried out as an extension to the Brook. Comments Noted. This is a good point consultation would need to be undertaken with the Environment Agency and possibly Natural England. This area is deemed as a flood plain and during heavy rainfall water levels do increase but mainly this is low level water. As 281 002 011 11 Respect for the Landscape 2.29 Supports the acquisition of the Water Meadows Eastern Neston Land. Would like the new public space to have character in keeping with the existing old town of Towcester. Existing footpaths and bridleway should be kept and link up with the Grafton Way through such places as Burcotewood Farm, Cox Covert, Porterswood Farm, Swinneyford Farm. The present route virtually separates the new build from main Towcester town making 2 separate areas instead of 1 inclusive community. Tove Floodplain - considers it to be most important that for informal sports there should be no permanent infrastructure, since this would take away the rural nature of the area. 282 025 Councillor Diana Dallyn 031 11 Respect for the Landscape 2.31 143 part of the public realm improvements a scheme for Silverstone Brook currently and its extension could be considered in order to increase its functions and maximise it as an asset to the town from accessibility, attractiveness and wildlife habitat. Support welcomed. The masterplan refers to the need to provide footpaths that link from the town to Grafton Way. New development and public realm improvements will be required that respects and enhances the character and setting of Towcester as a historic market town. It is intended that the Tove floodplain be kept as natural as possible to ensure that its flooding does not endanger life. It is therefore proposed that the use of Tove floodplain will be kept for informal sports pitches, outdoor gym and walking routes when not in flood. It is noted that the document contemplates using the floodplain of the River Tove for informal sports pitches and walking routes. 283 028 Pegasus Planning Group on behalf of Persimmon Homes and Bloor Homes 025 11 Respect for the Landscape 2.31 Recreation Ground - p47 2.32 - the proposals seem to suggest that the area should be filled with more defined activities ie climbing wall, boules, bandstand(!). This would leave no space for free play in an area of Towcester that is sadly lacking in any playing fields. 284 285 286 015 025 012 005 Councillor Diana Dallyn Towcester & District Local History Society 032 006 11 Respect for the Landscape 11 Respect for the Landscape 11 Respect for the Landscape 2.32 2.32 2.33 144 Recreation Ground pg 46 para 3.32, the ideas suggested for the Recreation Ground are excellent. The Recreation Ground should be a dog free zone. It is stated that Nicholas Hawksmoor designed the grounds of Easton Neston. We cannot confirm that he did so, so perhaps this statement should be deleted from future versions. It is intended that the Tove floodplain be kept as natural as possible to ensure that its flooding does not endanger life. It is therefore proposed that the use of Tove floodplain will be kept for informal sports pitches, outdoor gym and walking routes when not in flood. The masterplan recognises that there is a shortage of playing fields within Towcester. It points out that the Recreation Ground is currently a place where few people want to go after dark but that it is a valuable asset to the town and could become a place where people of all ages want to be. Support welcomed and noted. Noted. This statement will be removed from the final masterplan. 287 288 025 033 Councillor Diana Dallyn English Heritage 033 011 11 Respect for the Landscape 11 Respect for the Landscape 2.34 2.34 145 This para 2.34 states that the racecourse is up for sale. This is no longer the case due to the lack of high quality bids. para 2.9 states that there are 17 race meetings a year, it will be 20 in 2010. Any complementary leisure facilities in the centre of the racecourse must not include buildings, since this would obstruct the view of both the horses at the bottom of the course and the fantastic view of Towcester. Although paragraph 2.33 on page 47 recognises that Easton Neston registered historic park and garden (Grade 2) includes the Towcester Racecourse, the implications for further development at the racecourse are not recognised in this section. We strongly advise that English Heritage be consulted at the earliest opportunity about any emerging 'business and commercial' proposals for this site, such as a hotel accommodation. National guidance recognises that registered historic park and gardens are of the 'highest significance' and therefore warrant the highest level of protection. Comments Noted. Check with racecourse and amend accordingly. See rep 174. Given that the Racecourse lies within the Easton Neston Registered Historic Park and Garden English Heritage will be a statutory consultee on any planning proposals for this site. If the Old town of Towcester is to be expanded to the south with a large extension of a large number of houses, it is emphatically wrong to leave an area of 60 acres unplanned and in private ownership between old town and its expansion. To do so is to a) deny the opportunity of providing uniquely mature public parkland which has been established as desirable, and b) deny all chance of expanding the town in a co-ordinated manner with optimal pedestrian and cycle links between the old and the new. 289 290 005 005 Warmingtons Chartered Surveyors on behalf of Jackson-Stops Family and the Trusts Warmingtons Chartered Surveyors on behalf of Jackson-Stops Family and the Trusts 003 004 11 Respect for the Landscape 11 Respect for the Landscape 2.35 In order to achieve commercial viability it is necessary to optimise the enabling development. In order to optimise this and in order to expand Towcester in a co-ordinated manner it is necessary to plan and to interface the southern expansion area as a whole and not to leave a 60 acre hole in the middle of it. 2.35 146 Agreed. The Jackson-Stops estate is included within the Core Strategy as a strategic site that should be safeguarded for its parkland within Towcester that should be planned as part of the southern development area. This will be fed through into the masterplan which will state that developments at Towcester South - the Jackson-Stops estate and the southern development area - will need to be considered in a comprehensive, planned and integrated way. There is a need to provide a strong link between the new and existing areas of the town. Noted. The masterplan recognises that some enabling development will be required on the JacksonStops estate in order to allow the parkland to be opened up to the general public. See rep 289. 291 012 Towcester & District Local History Society In the paragraph on Park Opportunity, para 2.35 pp48-49 area 8 is identified as a potential amenity and recreation space. We would recommend that the area be expanded to include the fields off Burcote Road behind the Veterinary Surgery, centred on SP 697476. These were formerly part of the parkland associated with Park View, an occasional residence of the King and Queen of Portugal in the nineteenth century. The area has high landscape value because of its good views, historic hedges and evidence of ridge and furrow. 005 11 Respect for the Landscape 2.35 Agrees that the Jackson-Stops land should be a proposed park and suggests that the Racecourse be a useful addition as a park, although unsure whether this is feasible or not. 292 025 Councillor Diana Dallyn 007 11 Respect for the Landscape 2.35 147 Comments noted. The definition of the site boundary will be a matter for the applications to decide at the planning application stage. The masterplan seeks to set out broad principles for the development of the key opportunity sites which include the parkland area of Jackson-Stops Estate. Planning permission will be required for the development and more detailed information such as the site boundary would be available at this stage. The Jackson-Stops land is recognised as a pastoral landscape on the edge of the current town that may become a new parkland joining the existing and new urban expansion, however enabling residential development would be required in order for this to happen. The Towcester Race Course also forms part of this green boundary, which it will retain as it is redeveloped. The Racecourse is located within the Easton Neston Registered Historic Park and Garden. The Core Strategy and masterplan both recommend that development to the south of Towcester at the Wood Burcote estate and the development area be considered in a comprehensive, integrated and planned way. 293 294 295 025 Councillor Diana Dallyn 028 Pegasus Planning Group on behalf of Persimmon Homes and Bloor Homes 033 English Heritage 034 004 013 11 Respect for the Landscape 11 Respect for the Landscape 11 Respect for the Landscape I completely agree with the Park Opportunity as on page 48. Support noted. The aspiration to secure a public park on the land in the Besses Lane is understood, although the ability to secure this land, its viability and the method for securing it for public access is unclear. Wood Burcote Estate (Jackson-Stops land) will be subject to enabling development in order to secure public access to the park. It is welcomed that the area known as the Jackson-Stops estate is excluded from the Southern Gateway development area and is proposed as an area of parkland that reflects its pastoral landscape. However, it would appear that part of the opportunity area washes across part of this area, which includes a substantial property ('Wood Burcote' unlisted), while the rest is excluded; the relationship of this property to the Jackson Stops Estate needs to be established. The Core Strategy and masterplan both recommend that development to the south of Towcester at the Wood Burcote estate and the development area be considered in a comprehensive, integrated and planned way. 2.35 2.35 2.35 148 Green Edges" and "green belts" eventually get built on. At this stage the masterplan should indicate how the proposed "green edges" will be preserved from the future developments. 296 013 007 11 Respect for the Landscape 2.36 para 2.36 Green Edges - I am concerned about buildings facing out towards the countryside. I presume this means their front doors facing the countryside. This means that to sit in the garden and enjoy the countryside it must be at the front. Many people, including myself, would not be happy about this. 297 298 025 028 Councillor Diana Dallyn Pegasus Planning Group on behalf of Persimmon Homes and Bloor Homes 035 026 11 Respect for the Landscape 11 Respect for the Landscape 2.36 The Towcester masterplan however shows a "Park Opportunity" centred around Wood Burcote, rather than the Jackson Stops Land. Para 2.36 describes a green edge protecting the special character of Wood Burcote and again this approach is consistent with the Persimmon/Bloor Towcester Vale masterplan proposals. 2.36 149 The revised masterplan will place much emphasis on the setting of Towcester within a rural environment. It is recognised that the town is surrounded by quality countryside. Green edges are planned so that the town retains a clear boundary with the countryside to prevent sprawl. Green corridors will connect the countryside with the town through areas such as the Easton Neston Water Meadows and Silverstone Brook. In order to provide safe green areas it will be necessary to design dwellings with natural surveillance of these spaces. This will mean having dwellings that look out onto open countryside. The design of properties will need to take this into account, together with the recognition that people may prefer to sit out in the front of properties. Comments noted. The Core Strategy and masterplan both recommend that development to the south of Towcester at the Wood Burcote estate and the development area be considered in a comprehensive, integrated and planned way. 299 002 008 11 Respect for the Landscape Objection to removal of existing hedgerows as they should be maintained and will enhance the character of the existing area. They should be used to structure walks and cycle routes. This would enhance the rural character and attraction of Towcester. Use what is already available and well established. 2.37 Objection to the culverting of either the Silverstone River or Woodburcote Brook whilst running under the bypass. A footpath could run beside each of them under the new bypass, linking up with footpaths on the south side. These would be a healthy and natural wildlife corridor with open country on the other side of the bypass. 300 002 009 11 Respect for the Landscape 2.37 Information provided in section 1.6 green corridors should be refer to the Towcester and Brackley Landscape Sensitivity Study and the existing plan could also reflect the localised Green Infrastructure Network. 301 004 West Northamptonshire Joint Planning Unit 004 11 Respect for the Landscape 2.37 150 The masterplan recognises there is a need to improve the social and entertainment offer in the town. The Moat Lane Regeneration scheme will provide an element of social facilities. The provision of a cinema and bowling area would require private investment. The purpose of Towcester masterplan is to set a strategic framework for the future development of the town rather than focussing down on minutiae. It will ultimately be the decision of the Environment Agency whether Silverstone River or Woodburcote Brook should be culverted. The possibility of providing a footpath beside each of them linking to the countryside will be examined with Northamptonshire County Council who have responsibility for Rights of Way. The final masterplan includes reference to the need to protect and provide green corridors as outlined in the Towcester Landscape Sensitivity Study. These are seen as providing important links between the town and surrounding countryside and possible routes for cycling and walking. States there is a great failing of the masterplan in that it identifies 60 acres of Jackson Stops Land as being merely of 'importance and special interest' and there is a distortion in the Persimmon/Bloor representation, which refers to a park on the land as being "an aspiration" of doubtful delivery. The Jackson Stops Land is available and deliverable subject only to the commercial viability which is most certainly achievable through an extent of enabling development. 302 005 Warmingtons Chartered Surveyors on behalf of Jackson-Stops Family and the Trusts 002 11 Respect for the Landscape 2.37 People live in Towcester because it is still rural. The masterplan totally fails to protect this. Just keeping a few green corridors is simply NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Please keep this area rural please remember that it is a democracy and the majority of people who live in Towcester choose to do so as it is a rural community. 303 008 006 11 Respect for the Landscape 2.37 151 Comments noted. SNC is aware that the JacksonStops estate is available and deliverable, and is indeed presented in both the Core Strategy and Towcester masterplan as a key strategic site within Towcester. Its benefit in providing parkland that has public access through the delivery mechanism of enabling development is mentioned in both documents, which recommend that development to the south of Towcester at the Wood Burcote estate and the development area be considered in a comprehensive, integrated and planned way. The revised masterplan will place much emphasis on the setting of Towcester within a rural environment. It is recognised that the town is surrounded by quality countryside. Green edges are planned so that the town retains a clear boundary with the countryside to prevent sprawl. Green corridors will connect the countryside with the town through areas such as the Easton Neston Water Meadows and Silverstone Brook. 304 305 306 307 009 025 028 032 Northamptonshire Police Councillor Diana Dallyn Pegasus Planning Group on behalf of Persimmon Homes and Bloor Homes 012 036 027 006 11 Respect for the Landscape 11 Respect for the Landscape 11 Respect for the Landscape 11 Respect for the Landscape I am concerned that 2.37 on page 28 in relation to Green Corridors suggests that there should be a "creation of wellmanaged and lit green corridors". This should not always be lit as by lighting some spaces it provides an attraction for people to use the area after dark for purposes other than what they are intended. It therefore should be on a case by case basis to decide whether the corridors should be lit or not. The first sentence should therefore be replaced with "...creation of safe and well-managed green corridors..." A further bullet point should also be added to the paragraph to ensure that corridors are overlooked with lighting as appropriate. Comments noted. Amend text within masterplan to reflect comments of Northamptonshire Police. I would definitely approve of extending a footpath along Silverstone Brook to join up with the Water Meadows and the Racecourse, since the later is privately owned. Comments noted. The masterplan mentions the benefits that would be gained by the provision of such a route. The document proposes a number of green corridors, including extending the Silverstone Brook and diverting Grafton Way. This too is consistent with the principles which underpin the Persimmon/Bloor Towcester Vale Masterplan proposals. Comments noted. Additional crossings over Silverstone Brook would be advantageous. In this regard the Brook for much of the year is almost empty of water. Has any consideration been given to improvements in this regard eg mini weirs to pool water and improve what to many looks like a drainage culvert. This Comments Noted. Silverstone Brook is an attractive feature in the town which can be improved from its aesthetic appearance, and its accessibility to its wildlife habitat. This link has a large amount of potential and it 2.37 2.37 2.37 2.37 152 would also provide benefits to wildlife in that area. This could be carried out as part of the extension to the Brook mentioned elsewhere in this document. 308 025 Councillor Diana Dallyn 037 11 Respect for the Landscape Diagram 11 Green Infrastructure in Towcester The map does not indicate an opportunity area to the south of the Jackson-Stops Land, does this mean there will be no housing built now. A green route appears to go into Eastern Neston parkland - is there a public right of way over this privately owned land? 309 025 Councillor Diana Dallyn 038 11 Respect for the Landscape Diagram 11 Green Infrastructure in Towcester 153 assists with social cohesion of the community now and in the future in terms of an accessible walking and cycling link. A limited amount of enabling development will be considered on the JacksonStops land as a delivery mechanism for providing public access to the parkland. See rep 302. There are no public rights of way across the Easton Neston parkland, and for this reason the Water Meadows have been purchased to provide open space for community use. This will be rectified in the final masterplan. However the Towcester Green Infrastructure Strategy does indicate a potential green corridor across this land linking across Stoke Bruerne Park following the path of the River Tove. 310 311 004 025 West Northamptonshire Joint Planning Unit Councillor Diana Dallyn 003 039 12 Determination to Succeed 12 Determination to Succeed 2.39 154 The masterplan does not mention a number of relevant strategies studies and strategies that have been produced by the West Northants Joint Planning Unit a number of which have been used to inform the content of the document. It is important that the principles discussed within the Towcester Masterplan are consistent with those within the existing evidence base and therefore documents such as the WN Sports Facility Strategy, the Towcester and Brackley Landscape Sensitivity and Green Infrastructure Study and the Emergent Core Strategy should be referenced. Noted. Several of the strategies included in the evidence base have been used in the writing of the masterplan. The Towcester Regeneration Board would appear to need to work full time to fulfil their commitments - do they realise what a time consuming and vital role they will play in the delivery of the projects ? The delivery vehicle needs to be appropriate to the site. The masterplan paves the way for SNC to return to being the local planning authority for the district. It will act in consultation on all proposals for implementation with the Town Council in Towcester and the community. 312 313 314 033 033 008 English Heritage English Heritage 015 014 001 12 Determination to Succeed 12 Determination to Succeed 12 Determination to Succeed 2.39 There are a number of areas where early or continuing consultation with English Heritage should take place: Moat Lane (Bury Mount Scheduled Ancient Monument); Water Meadows (part of Eastern Neston registered historic park and garden), Watling Street, particularly proposals for the Market Place area; Proposals affecting the scheduled ancient monument, including its setting, adjacent to Sponne School; Towcester Racecourse, including commercial development and the Southern Gateway; Silverstone Circuit (impact on Stowe Park registered historic park and garden). Comments Noted. SNC and WNDC will continue to consult and engage English Heritage in this process. They are recognised as a statutory consultee in the planning application process and therefore will have a fundamental role to play in the formulation of proposals for sites with historic assets such as Historic Park and Gardens, Listed Buildings and within the Conservation Area. Given the sensitivities of the historic environment of Towcester, it is vital that a heritage expert/advisor is included on the Towcester Regeneration Board, if this is not already the case. We note that it will also co-ordinate developments taking place at Silverstone, where there are also heritage issues. Comments noted. The delivery vehicle needs to be appropriate to the site. The masterplan paves the way for SNC to return to being the local planning authority for the district. It will act in consultation on all proposals for implementation with the Town Council in Towcester and the community. Comments noted. 2.40 2.41 155 I do support some inward investment into Towcester. The town is steadily improving and many people who actually live here or in the area are beginning to see it is on a par with Olney - this is evidenced by shops such as Luna, Dolphin Café and And So to Bed. 315 316 317 009 025 017 Northamptonshire Police Councillor Diana Dallyn Northamptonshire Enterprise Ltd (NEL) 015 040 001 13 Roles and Responsibilities 13 Roles and Responsibilities 13 Roles and Responsibilities 2.41 2.41 2.46 156 Concerned that there is currently no delivery plan for how the vision will be reached. I would be keen for Northamptonshire Police to be involved in the development of this implementation plan through the work of the Regeneration Board. From a purely policing perspective the desire to work with partner agencies to provide for Safer Community Team Bases in new development and One Stop Shops within town centres remains. Agree that it is most important that there is a sustained action - over very many years - and joint marketing and promotion of the town. Comments noted. The final version of the masterplan will include a delivery and action plan for the implementation of growth and improvements in Towcester. NEL Single Program funding contributed to the development of the draft Masterplan which, when published, will play an important role in identifying the opportunities for the delivery of housing, employment, community and infrastructure growth in the town. Comments noted. Comments noted. 318 319 022 030 White Young Green acting for NHS Northamptonshire Primary Care Trust Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue 003 002 13 Roles and Responsibilities 13 Roles and Responsibilities 2.49 2.49 157 The PCT also strongly supports the clarity provided on page 54 relating to funding. Delivering adequate levels of service required to achieve sustainable communities can only be achieved through the provision of new facilities in Towcester. The development industry will play a key role when it comes to delivering these new facilities through planning obligation contributions. The PCT suggest that the wording in para. 2.49 be altered from specific reference to 'doctor's surgeries' to a more general description of 'health care facilities'. This would allow greater flexibility when future planning local health service provision in Towcester. Comments noted. The masterplan sets out details of the future growth proposed in Towcester over the next 15 years or so and examines the likely physical and social infrastructure that will be required to meet the needs of existing and future residents. The needs of the PCT for the southern development area are noted and will be included in negotiations in regard to planning contributions for the development. An expansion of this scale will have an impact on current service delivery, both in relation to emergency response resources and fire protection and community safety. As such, we will be looking to secure developer contributions through section 106 channels as detailed development become known. Comments noted. The masterplan sets out details of the future growth proposed in Towcester over the next 15 years or so and examines the likely physical and social infrastructure that will be required to meet the needs of existing and future residents. The needs of service providers as a result of the growth will be noted and included in negotiations in regard to planning contributions for the new development. 320 321 322 039 039 027 Northamptonshire Chamber Northamptonshire Chamber Burcote Developments Ltd 018 019 005 13 Roles and Responsibilities 13 Roles and Responsibilities 13 Roles and Responsibilities 2.49 2.49 2.50 158 One over-riding consideration is evident, if the Masterplan's vision for the town is to succeed it will require buy-in, confidence and commitment from the private sector. To that end, the public sector and local authorities, in particular, will need to do all in their sphere of influence to create an environment in Towcester that is attractive to business and conducive to investment. In the Chamber's view that means ensuring that the aspirations of the Masterplan are backed by a planning structure and system that is receptive and flexible to investors, developers and entrepreneurs; that welcomes creative and innovative approaches to helping achieve the Masterplan's aims; that will constructively consider applications for the change of planning use where it will help to serve "bigger picture" ends. Northamptonshire Chamber considers that if sustainable economic development for sustainable communities is to be achieved then the private sector is a key stakeholder, and the Chamber - as a voice for that sector - is dedicated to being an active partner throughout the process. The current economic conditions of local and central Government finances means that no funding for such works will be forthcoming from the public "purse" and therefore funding has to be sourced from the private sector through property development processes of sufficient size and scale. The masterplan signals this Council's aspirations for the future of Towcester and highlight to investors and developers the opportunities that exist. The action plan will include reference to the need to adopt a permissive approach in development control decisions for cafes, coffee shops, restaurants and any other uses which might enhance the diversity of the town centre offer. Noted. Noted. The current fiscal situation is recognised within the masterplan, however the timescale for the plan is for the next 15 years and so flexibility has been built in to reflect changes in the economic situation. 323 324 025 030 Councillor Diana Dallyn Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue 041 003 13 Roles and Responsibilities 13 Roles and Responsibilities 2.52 2.53 159 timetable para 2.52, it is vitally important the Government understands the problems created by the poor air quality - something which will probably get worse when Transco are doing the work on the A5. A proper Bypass needs to be funded, at least in part, by the Government. We request to be involved in discussions with South Northamptonshire Council and other relevant authorities as the masterplan develops to continually review the impact the development of Towcester will have on the Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Services (NFRS). Noted. The provision of a relief road is seen as a fundamental prerequisite to the future development and growth of Towcester. See reps 112 & 144. Comments noted. The masterplan sets a strategic framework for the development of Towcester and gives details of the amount of housing and employment that will be provided within the town in the next 15 years. SNC produces annual reports on the number of new dwellings approved. SNC will give consideration as to how NFRS can be kept updated on the progress of the masterplans both in Towcester and Brackley although the implementation of these will largely be through the planning application process. 325 326 035 017 Churches Together in Towcester Northamptonshire Enterprise Ltd (NEL) 013 007 13 Roles and Responsibilities 13 Roles and Responsibilities Our major concern here is how public and private funding is secured for the large developments envisaged by the Masterplan (and desired by the town). When (in para 2.53) we read of an Implementation Plan, our earlier comments about community involvement are relevant; we also wonder what time-scale is envisaged here. We request that timetables for production of the implementation plan and marketing strategy are published. We urge that speedy and vigorous action is taken, which will involve the wider community in this implementation. We also urge that the meetings and plans of the Regeneration Board are made as public as possible to provide accountability to the community that we feel is lacking in the proposals to date. SNC and WNDC have widely engaged the community in the Towcester Masterplan so far from one to one meetings, workshops, presentations to local groups and a period of 6 weeks formal consultation. This engagement will continue throughout the production of the final plan and its implementation. The final masterplan includes an action plan for the delivery of the masterplan and improvements required within Towcester. NEL suggests SNC, WNDC and NEL work together with Towcester in developing the brand further in line with the County brand, and aims to create a unique image for Towcester that is easily identifiable, clearly defined and marketed to wider audiences. Noted. SNC welcome this idea which is included in the action plan that will be included in the final masterplan. This sets out a series of actions that will be required for the implementation of the masterplan and improvements to the town. As the final masterplan notes a joint initiative has been undertaken through supporting Towcester and Brackley Traders in a targeted marketing campaign to increase spend in Towcester and Brackley. 2.53 2.55 160 327 021 Towcester Neighbourhood Watch 015 13 Roles and Responsibilities Towcester Neighbourhood Watch supports many aspects of the Masterplan. We feel it provides a good starting point for consultation and now call for specific and detailed action plans drawn up and priorities given notably 1. The 5 town centre opportunities; 2. Schools and wider education; 3. Leisure, sporting and recreational provision including open spaces; 4. Retail and employment; and 5. Highways. 2.55 The Towcester Partnership strongly recommend that this draft be strongly revised in the light of all the constructive comments made by the community and that it should meet the expectations of the community by becoming more specific. It should also include the commitment of an indicative timescale for delivery. 238 023 The Towcester Partnership 027 13 Roles and Responsibilities 2.55 The Masterplan relies on follow up action in the form of a) development briefs on specific sites b) a Retail Study c) a Leisure Strategy and d) an updated Transport Strategy. Without these the Masterplan is too woolly to be any use, so there must be a firm commitment to finance and action these further studies. 329 024 009 13 Roles and Responsibilities 2.55 161 Support noted. The final masterplan will includes an action plan for the delivery of the masterplan and improvements required within Towcester. This will set out priorities for the delivery of the proposals contained within the masterplan although it does not include the key opportunity sites which will be subject to the planning application process. The comments received during the consultation on the draft masterplan have all been considered through this schedule and will be used to inform the context of the final masterplan. This will include an action plan setting out steps for the delivery of the masterplan and an indicative timescale for the implementation of these actions. The final masterplan will include an action plan that sets out the actions required to implement the masterplan. This includes the writing of development briefs for the key opportunity sites, although these will be subject to planning applications which may come through at an early stage. 330 331 029 035 White Young Green on behalf of Aldi Stores Ltd Churches Together in Towcester 008 002 13 Roles and Responsibilities 13 Roles and Responsibilities 2.55 2.55 162 Aldi also considers that the Masterplan could be improved by including an explanation of how the key objectives will be delivered and the timescales for this. Furthermore, Aldi believes that more detailed explanation is required of the strategic policy context for the Masterplan and what status the Masterplan will have. The document is strong on aspiration but not always clear on modes of delivery of what is sought. Particularly uneasy at the Towcester Regeneration Board - we were entirely unaware of them until the Masterplan was published. Make the following points: 1) There is a deficit of community representation in the membership as all the partners are public bodies, only two of which have elected representatives; why was the Towcester Partnership not included? 2) It is not clear to whom this regeneration board is accountable and how? 3) How will this board be accessed in the context of specific developments - for instance by the several institutions and organisations mentioned in the Masterplan whose future is part of regeneration plans (schools, clubs etc)? 4) It is claimed that the board gives 'local management ownership of the delivery process' how? We do not dispute that the Regeneration Board have a vital role to play, especially in accessing funding streams, but we seriously question the claim of local ownership and engagement. Noted. The final masterplan will include detail of the context within which the masterplan is set. The final masterplan will include an action plan that sets out the actions required to implement the masterplan. This includes the writing of development briefs for the key opportunity sites, although these will be subject to planning applications which may come through at an early stage. The delivery vehicle needs to be appropriate to the site. The masterplan paves the way for SNC to return to being the local planning authority for the district. It will act in consultation on all proposals for implementation with the Town Council in Towcester and the community. 332 333 009 009 Northamptonshire Police Northamptonshire Police 013 014 13 Roles and Responsibilities Something should be added to the section on Roles and Responsibilities to explain the overarching roles and responsibilities of the partners collectively. This will demonstrate where the partners are adding value together. This overarching responsibility should also include community safety. Other partners need to be included within this section, and by their inclusion involved on the Towcester Regeneration Board. Northamptonshire Police are keen to play a part on this Board and in helping to shape a successful future for Towcester. Noted. Wording will be added to the final masterplan indicating the benefits that the partners can achieve by working together. The delivery vehicle needs to be appropriate to the site. The masterplan paves the way for SNC to return to being the local planning authority for the district. It will act in consultation on all proposals for implementation with the Town Council in Towcester and the community. Northamptonshire Police should also be included under the roles and responsibilities for both seeking to ensure that the design of Towcester ensures a safe environment and provides for a high quality of life and in ensuring that infrastructure requirements are fully understood. There are a wide variety of public bodies that provide services within the town and which would want an input into the determination of planning applications which is the next step on the delivery of sites. Northamptonshire Police is a statutory body who have to be consulted on planning applications and therefore the Police would be asked for comment at this stage. Planning applications would be required to be in accordance with a range of planning and design guidance, produced at national regional and local levels. This would include guidance on safer places and designing out crime as well as guidance referring to such legislation as Crowded 13 Roles and Responsibilities There is no mention of the Crowded Places agenda that the Government have included within planning documents in recent times. This will be vital for the successful redevelopment of Towcester town centre and as such Northamptonshire Police are vital partners in the process. 334 009 Northamptonshire Police 016 13 Roles and Responsibilities 163 Places. Roles and Responsibilities - These all appear to be made up of bodies that have a much wider remit than just Towcester. Where is the local representation of organisations such as the Town Council, local businesses groups, local youth organisations, social organisations etc? 335 032 011 13 Roles and Responsibilities No one who has concern for the future of Towcester could find trivial fault at the objectives and aims of the masterplan, but the box ticking exercise does not allow for a qualified response to the rest of the document. 336 001 001 General 164 During the production of the masterplan there were many group and one to one meetings with members of the community and various community groups and organisations which has not been made clear in the text. These meetings collated information on what the groups did, what their need was and their aspirations for the future. The masterplan has attempted to highlight these requirements in the plan and there is a need for more detail to make this clearer and to be stated in more detail. A lot of requirements/ aspirations are subject to groups being able to provide finance or attract funding sources so there is no guarantee to delivery. The Council can assist with advice and facilitation in relation to encouraging groups to achieve their objectives Noted. A number of comments have been received (evidenced by this schedule) relating to the masterplan which have been analysed and used in the writing of the final masterplan. The draft contains some errors which need to be rectified in the final version. Jargon and hyperbole need toning down and replacement by plain English. 337 338 339 340 001 004 001 005 007 005 Warmingtons Chartered Surveyors on behalf of Jackson-Stops Family and the Trusts 001 001 General The colour legend is not sufficiently distinctive to allow it to be related to the areas portrayed against a depressingly sombre background. General Comments noted. The use of jargon will be kept to a minimum, however any that is required will be defined in a glossary which will be included in the final document. Add glossary to final document to define words and terms that are not easily understood. Comments noted. This will be rectified in the final version of the masterplan. Support the generality of the masterplan. Support for masterplan noted. An interesting and inspirational document, but questions whether there is a reason for the omission of figures indicating: a) possible costs, b) possible financial benefits. No specific costs or details of specific funding stated in the Masterplan document as the plan needs to be flexible to address current market conditions. If we state an exact cost within the plan this may change over time and deem the plan out of date. The Masterplan will include a detailed action plan as to what is required in the way of infrastructure and improvements to the town which will then be taken forward by the local authority in partnership with other stakeholders or interested parties such as the Town General General 165 341 342 343 009 009 010 Northamptonshire Police Northamptonshire Police Aylesbury Vale District Council 001 002 001 Northamptonshire Police are supportive of any attempts to regenerate and strengthen Towcester for the future General The document provides a broad vision without any indication of how it will be delivered. This is key as without the delivery plan there will be no coordinated improvement to the town. I note that the intention for the delivery plan to be worked up in the coming months and would wish to work with the Council and WNDC to make this as robust as possible. No observations to make on this document General General 166 Council, and service providers such as Police and the Environment Agency. The final masterplan will set out how the masterplan initiatives will be taken forward and delivered. Funding for the proposals will be achieved both through bids for central government grants together with developer funding through S106 agreements and a possible tariff. Planning contributions will be sought as part of a development to mitigate the impact of a development. This could cover a variety of provisions from on site provision to off site provision within the locality. Support welcomed and noted. Comments noted. The final version of the masterplan will include a delivery and action plan for the implementation of growth and improvements in Towcester. Add Action Plan to final Towcester masterplan. Noted. 344 345 011 012 Anglian Water Towcester & District Local History Society 001 009 No comments to make on this document. Noted. We feel that the document contains too much local authority jargon for a public consultation document. It should be in plain English. The word "will" is over used. especially as the eventual developers need not implement exactly what is suggested. Concerns about the amount of jargon contained in the draft masterplan have been noted. Whilst this document is a planning document that will be used as a policy document and a material consideration with regards to pre application and planning applications discussions and therefore needs to contain the correct planning terminology, jargon will be kept to a minimum in the final masterplan. The final masterplan will include a glossary which will define such words. Noted. The intention of the masterplan is to set a strategic framework for the future development setting out proposals for achieving this. The aim is for Towcester to become a sustainable market town that recognises that it has a historic heritage that is a key asset which can be used to encourage tourism and help the town to become a destination that people want to visit and spend time in. Ensuring that development respects local distinctiveness is identified as a key part of this. General General Towcester should not try to be like any other towns in order to compete for or attract more wealthy investors and commercial tenants who will superimpose their own agendas. If Towcester is clear and unanimous about what it now is and agrees to concentrate in its strengths, then its visitors will appreciate its ongoing distinctiveness and its character. Care should be taken that things are not done to Towcester's built environment which invite closer comparison with other places and their own local economies. 346 014 Northamptonshire Archaeology 002 General 167 347 348 349 350 351 015 018 019 019 021 006 Highways Agency Northamptonshire County Council Northamptonshire County Council Towcester Neighbourhood Watch 001 001 002 001 General General General Unfortunately the draft is a confusion of conflicting proposals that with closer scrutiny have been cobbled together in haste. The more I read it the worse it becomes. Comments Noted. It is intended that the final masterplan will overcome these issues. We consider that the document provides an extremely comprehensive and well conceived benchmark against which future development aspirations of the town can be considered and assessed. The draft Masterplan is a well presented document that clearly sets out the aspirations for the town Comments noted. It would aid the success and the implementation of the masterplan, as it will not be a DPD in the West Northants LDF, if the key tenets of the Masterplan could be incorporated into the West Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy The masterplan has been developed in close coordination with the Core Strategy, and builds on the vision for the future of Towcester established within the Core Strategy. The masterplan is to be adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document so that it provides a clear spatial framework for decision making and investment. Comments Noted. General The view of the Towcester Neighbourhood Watch is that Towcester Masterplan is a good and useful document that outlines the broad foundation for developing Towcester at beginning of what is generally recognised and accepted as a period of necessary growth and development over the next 15 years. It is broadly welcomed and we hope will engage the community and inform debate. General 168 Comments Noted. 352 353 354 023 023 024 The Towcester Partnership The Towcester Partnership 001 002 002 The Partnership has chosen to respond to the Masterplan consultation by assessing whether or not the document progresses the regeneration of the town and community in its diverse aspects. The quality of the Masterplan in this submission is therefore judged and benchmarked against the evidence base of the healthcheck. Comments noted. The Vision for Towcester and the Healthcheck published in 2003 by the Towcester Partnership have both formed part of the background to the development of the masterplan. Towcester Partnership Health check 2003 "How Well does the Masterplan advance the issues identified in the Healthcheck 2003?" "Very Well = Bury Mount and Cemetery, Fair = Health Centre, Open Spaces, Housing. Not very well = New Schools, Business Park, Arts facility and Community Centre. Not at all = A5 Bypass, Bus service, youth projects, sports facilities, car parking, town information centre, town signage, town centre maintenance, town centre and Towcester Regeneration Board. Comments noted. The Vision for Towcester and the Healthcheck published in 2003 by the Towcester Partnership have both formed part of the background to the development of the masterplan. The diagrams have lack of clarity. Diagrams appear to have been designed specifically to ensure they do not communicate any material to the reader. They are small, dark and very badly colour coded, to the extent that they only serve to irritate the reader. Comments noted. The diagrams will be revised in the final masterplan. General General General 169 355 356 357 358 024 003 024 025 025 006 Councillor Diana Dallyn Councillor Diana Dallyn 042 043 There is a suggestion that the Masterplan should be a marketing document for Towcester. This is a mistake. It should provide a framework for the future development of the town and not try to be what it is not. In any event, the dreadful presentation ensures that it is anything but a good advert for Towcester. The draft Masterplan paints a utopian picture of Towcester, which does not square with the reality of life in the town General General The size of the document is easy to handle, but the binding of the document makes it very difficult to read the maps which are on two pages. The only way to deal with this was to almost destroy the binding. General Various comments made about the style, font and colours used in the document, eg. The front and back covers are meaningless - just masses of white shapes on a black page. the page numbers should be on the outside of the left as well as right pages. The use of capital letters for whole paragraphs makes it very difficult to read. General 170 The masterplan will be used as a document that sets out a framework to guide, shape and determine the future growth of Towcester. Comments noted. The final masterplan will seek to include key and existing issues within the town and the opportunities that would enable these to be overcome. Comments noted. The final version will take a revised format. Comments noted. The final masterplan will take a revised format. 359 360 361 362 363 025 025 025 028 028 Councillor Diana Dallyn Councillor Diana Dallyn Councillor Diana Dallyn Pegasus Planning Group on behalf of Persimmon Homes and Bloor Homes Pegasus Planning Group on behalf of Persimmon Homes and Bloor Homes 044 045 046 028 029 Where there are blocks of colour, e.g. page 11, I would suggest they all have a heading, as on page 8 (though not in capital letters) and that those for Part 1 are yellow, rather that greenish yellow, and those in Part 2 are Blue. This helps people know which part they are in and also replicates the South Northants colours. I applaud the reduction in the use of jargon through there are still several places where it has been used. Because of this there are words and phrases which cannot be understood by those who are not planners. This problem needs addressing. General General Before the document is finally approved and printed very careful proof reading is needed, several words are missed out or wrongly spelled and some references to page numbers are incorrect. General Comments noted. The diagrams will be revised in the final masterplan. Comments noted. The use of jargon will be kept to a minimum, however any that is required will be defined in a glossary which will be included in the final document. Add glossary to final document to define words and terms that are not easily understood. Comments noted. The final masterplan will be carefully proof read and hopefully will not include such mistakes. Persimmon / Bloor support a vision for Towcester which will allow for a strategic development area to the south of the town in conjunction with a new bypass Support noted. Many of the broad concepts proposed are supported and are consistent with the current Towcester Vale proposals Support noted. General General 171 364 365 366 029 029 032 White Young Green on behalf of Aldi Stores Ltd White Young Green on behalf of Aldi Stores Ltd 007 009 001 Aldi considers that the Masterplan would benefit from further detailed explanation of the terms "Activity Node", "Principal Bus Stop", "Landmark Opportunity" together with other designations referred to in the Masterplan. Aldi considers that some of the terminology and symbols on the various plans is inconsistent and this makes the document a little confusing in places. An example of this is the phrases "Proposed Landmark" (Concept Diagram - The Future of Towcester) and "Landmark Opportunity" (Employment Opportunities in Towcester) which appear to be referring to the same designation. Disappointed in both the scale and content of the masterplan. Was expecting a variety of displays as the plan covered a 15 year period. Exhibition viewed as a tick box exercise and no apparent intention of taking local residents opinion. Handing out multiple copies of various booklets does not encourage any constructive response, particularly; as having looked at them they appear designed to deliberately provide answers in support of the scheme (this notwithstanding the numerous spelling mistakes and grammatical errors, half sentences and the liberal use of planning jargon). The questionnaire is particularly good in this latter respect. General General General 172 Comments noted. The final masterplan will include a glossary which will include the definition of any such terms. The concerns relating to the amount in the draft masterplan have been noted. The final masterplan will keep the use of jargon to a minimum and will try to ensure that there is no inconsistency between terminology and diagrams. Comments noted. The draft masterplan provides a summary of what is currently provided in Towcester and the potential for the development of Towcester in the future. This is not a scheme. There may be an element of confusion with the Towcester Vale planning applications which have been submitted by Persimmon Homes in November 2007. The masterplan is a planning document and therefore is likely to include some planning terminology in the document although this will be kept to a minimum. However, the final version will include a Glossary. English Heritage is the Government's statutory adviser on all matters relating to the historic environment in England. There is a growing recognition that the historic environment is not simply a range of heritage assets that have been formally identified as being of significance and therefore designated, but rather it is the way that historic buildings, streetscapes, landscapes, open spaces and archaeology collectively create local distinctiveness and sense of place. Therefore, the historic environment should play a critical role in sustainable development at the heart of all spatial planning work and this holistic approach to the management of the historic environment is particularly relevant to the historic town of Towcester. 367 368 033 033 001 English Heritage 002 General Overall, English Heritage are happy that the masterplan does recognise the historic significance of Towcester, both in terms of its designated sites, its undesignated archaeology and distinctive character, e.g. paragraph 2.3. However, given the amount of development proposed at Towcester, the successful implementation of the masterplan presents a considerable challenge if the town is to retain its market town character. General 173 Noted. The intention of the masterplan is to set a strategic framework for the future development setting out proposals for achieving this. The aim is for Towcester to become a sustainable market town that recognises that it has a historic heritage that is a key asset which can be used to encourage tourism and help the town to become a destination that people want to visit and spend time in. Ensuring that development respects local distinctiveness and the setting and character of the historic town centre is identified as a key part of this. Comments noted. 369 370 371 372 033 033 035 036 English Heritage English Heritage Churches Together in Towcester Governing Body of Towcester CE Primary School 004 005 001 001 General General General General 174 Characterisation should be a vital tool in informing change in the town; this includes the County Historic Landscape Characterisation, which is part of the Northamptonshire Environmental Character Assessment. It is also important that the conservation area has an up-to-date (less than 5 years old) conservation area appraisal (CAA) and management plan and a wider townscape assessment should be undertaken. The Towcester Extensive Survey 2002, available from the County Historic Environment Record, provides a detailed description of the historical development of the town. Whilst such studies may have already been undertaken /utilised to inform the development of the masterplan, it is also important that they inform the development proposals that arise from the masterplan and the monitoring process includes regular monitoring of the CAA and management plan. Comments noted. We welcome this plan and its intention to ensure that the whole town benefits from the current growth agenda, and especially that the growth is organic and respects the existing built environment and enhances the community as a whole. The Governing Body of this important primary school set in the heart of the town is pleased to see that the recent Masterplan addresses the needs of the whole of Towcester, both older and newer parts as well as the proposed extension. Support welcomed and noted. Comments noted. Comments noted 373 374 375 036 039 039 Governing Body of Towcester CE Primary School Northamptonshire Chamber Northamptonshire Chamber 002 001 002 Comments noted General It is our general view that development of the town as a whole provides the important opportunity to enhance characteristics of the town that we all treasure but also grow and improve aspects of the town that need attention: an improved sense of community and its supporting infrastructure; better educational prospects; new housing; increased employment; a safer, accessible and attractive environment, and enhancement of its rural character and setting. Comments noted. General The Northamptonshire Chamber are a key local stakeholder that is committed to the principle of sustainable economic development for sustainable communities, and welcome this opportunity to comment upon the Draft Towcester Masterplan. Northamptonshire Chamber is broadly in agreement with the ideas put forward in the Draft Masterplan, and believes it offers a necessary and useful context for planners, the public sector, the private sector and local people to the future development of the town. Comments noted. General The Chamber's overall impression of the Draft Towcester Masterplan is a favourable one, offering as it does an holistic approach to the future direction of the town and its economic, social and communal potential. It encompasses the key elements that contribute to Towcester's character and appeal, from both an individual and a business perspective. 175 376 377 039 039 Northamptonshire Chamber Northamptonshire Chamber 004 005 The Chamber would suggest that Part 1 offers a helpful overview of Towcester the town and highlights - with illustrations - some of its main assets, in terms of business, leisure, education etc. It also conveys in some of the language an impression of the town wanting to develop and move on, i.e."Towcester is ready for change". The Chamber would commend partners on producing a Masterplan that stands out from those of other authorities, in terms of its contemporary choice of colour palette and style, its "look and feel". One minor criticism of this bold colour choice though is that the principal of using shades of colour to depict different areas / zones on a map - for example, in the "Concept Diagram - The Future of Towcester" on page 19 - can cause confusion in the reader. Comments noted. However the layout and diagrams of the final masterplan will differ from the draft. In response to the question "does Part 1 market Towcester…", we would suggest that the Draft Masterplan, whilst conveying contextual information, does not do the same job as dedicated marketing literature and promotional material. Material of this nature would require a more thoughtful and inspiring choice of images: the current photographs do not do real justice to the town and its strengths; for instance, does the picture on page 17 really live up to its title "Example of a vibrant town centre", when the "performers" have their hands in their pockets, and everyone in the photograph is either looking away or walking past them! Comments noted. It is hoped that the design of the final masterplan will address these issues. General General 176 378 379 039 023 Northamptonshire Chamber The Towcester Partnership 006 016 If the Masterplan is aiming to perform a marketing function, as well as offer a background to future planning for the town, then the chamber would suggest that this needs careful consideration. It should be clear what audience(s) it is attempting to reach, it should be agreed on the things that differentiate Towcester and its key selling points, and it should be certain of the central messages needed to convey those. Comments noted. Town signage, which is an important promotional tool to visitors, receives no mention. Agreed. The provision of additional signage will be included in the action plan that will form part of the final version of the masterplan. The final masterplan will include an action plan that will propose actions for the improvement and regeneration of the town. It will also define the vision for Towcester in 2026 as being a sustainable market town. The text will include a definition of a sustainable community as this is the aspiration for Towcester. The masterplan recognises the need to revitalise the town centre through initiatives such as improving the appearance of the town centre and increasing its vitality and viability. However there is a limit to how much it can influence human behaviour. General Omission Town centre maintenance - Strategy for the future maintenance of the town which is a vital element of a sustainable development is not mentioned. 380 023 The Towcester Partnership 017 Omission Anti-social behaviour is not mentioned in the document, yet is a significant problem for quite a few residents and traders. The masterplan fails to address this. The masterplan should address this issue which blights life for residents in Towcester town centre. 381 024 007 Omission 177 I note the Shires area of Towcester has no facilities and would like to see this remedied. 382 383 025 035 Councillor Diana Dallyn Churches Together in Towcester 026 006 Omission We are surprised that the Shires estate and the meadow land south of it is not included in the discussions of opportunities; the estate is poorly served in community facilities and the open space (which is after all, adjacent to the town centre) is very underdeveloped and uncared for. There is also land there which is earmarked for community facilities which is awaiting development by Tove Valley Baptist Fellowship, which we believe should be considered alongside the town centre vision and the further plans for Moat Lane. We are disappointed that no reference is made to the detailed plans for a new community and church facilities that have been submitted by Tove Valley Baptist Fellowship (and supported by all member churches of Churches Together in Towcester). The facility is intended to be for both community and church use and might be linked with other agencies; this project should be included in discussions and planning following on from the Masterplan. Omission 178 Comments Noted. Amend and add a paragraph in the Masterplan recognising the Shires Development and its need for facilities and integration. The current masterplan does need to recognise the role of the Shires Development and bring this more into playing a part in the role of the town in terms of its facilities and social cohesion and accessibility. It is recognised that the Tove Valley Baptist Fellowship own a piece of land within the Shires which they intend to develop as a community facility/ church. Text will be added to the masterplan reflecting this point. There is also a need to maximise and promote the links between the Moat Lane development and the Shires in terms of pathways, cycleways, signage etc and the same towards the Old Tiffield Industrial Estate. 384 038 005 Concerned about the issues of litter and graffiti, and that neither the necessary interest or funding appears to be available to look after that which the town currently has. The areas surrounding the Tesco supermarket and the areas around the various 'fast food' outlets in the town are particular litter spots. The issue relating to graffiti is becoming of more concern. Lack of visible policing within the town, leading to broken sleep, particularly at weekends and excessive and dangerous vehicle speed along the Brackley Road. Omission 179 The masterplan recognises the need to revitalise the town centre through initiatives such as improving the appearance of the town centre and increasing its vitality and viability. However there is a limit to how much it can influence human behaviour. Finally, the deplorable state of the various highways and roads in the town. Subsidence and major potholes on the A5, particularly at the junction with the Brackley Road, at the location of the 'Saracen's Head traffic lights. Additionally, other areas of road surface degradation, systematic of the general and nationwide lack of due diligence related to highways repair. Erosion and degradation of the 'speed humps' on the road leading to the Waitrose facility. The condition of which must have resulted in damage to tyres and / or suspension components. These 'humps' were never completed to a satisfactory standard on day one, a criticism levelled at the Town Council. Does the local council not inspect and sign off work done to their satisfaction, or it all too easy to squander the council tax? Since the opening of the Waitrose facility the volume of traffic using this road has increased dramatically, consequently and to no surprise, the 'shoulders' have deteriorated at a far greater rate. 385 038 006 Omission 180 The main strategic roads are the responsibility of the Highways Agency whilst local roads are the responsibility of Northamptonshire County Council.