Course Description Subject: Supplementary Science 6 Code:SC 16201 2 Periods /Week 2.0 Cerdits Class: P6/1-4 Semester 1-2/2013 Instructors: Ms Pornthip Pujomjit / Ms. Janice P. Polines Unit Standards Learning Outcomes 1. Classification of organisms 1.1. Kingdom Monera 1.2 Kingdom Protista 1.3 Kingdom Fungi 1.4 Kingdom Plantae 1.5 Kingdom Animalia 1.Understanding basic unit of living things; relationship between structures and functions of living things which are interlinked and investigate process for seeking knowledge that could be applied to one’s life and care for living things. 2. The Environment (Royal Project: Artificial rain) 2.1 Environment 2.2 Observing and describing a local environment 2.3 Unfavorable Environment 2. Understand the local environment, relationship between the environment and living things; relationship between living things in the eco-system; investigative process for seeking knowledge that could be applied for useful purposes. 3. Appreciating the importance of natural resources; identify and demonstrate ways in which humans can reduce their impact on the environment and apply acquired knowledge for useful purposes 3.The Web of Life (Integrated Botanical Garden School). 3.1 Food Chain 3.2 Food Web 3.3 Decomposers 4.Understand the local environment, relationship between the environment and living things; relationship between living things in the eco-system; investigative process for seeking knowledge that could be applied for useful purposes. 4. Adaptations 4.1 Plant Adaptations 4.2 Animal Adaptations (Local Curriculum: Sc 2.1). 5.Understanding the process and importance of genetic transmission; evolution of living things; biodiversity; application of biotechnology affecting humans environment; investigative process for seeking knowledge scientific mind; communicating knowledge that could be applied for useful purposes. วก 103/56 Unit Standards Learning Outcomes 5. Classification of Materials 5.1 Properties of materials and their uses 5.2 Classifying materials and Testing their properties 6. Understand the properties; relationship between properties of substances and structures and binding forces between particles and investigate process for seeking knowledge of scientific mind. 6. Energy (ASEAN) 6.1 Source of Energy 6.2 Forms of Energy 6.3 Conversion of Energy 7. Understanding of relationship between energy and life; energy transformation; interrelationship between substances and energy; effects of energy utilization on life and the environment; investigative process for seeking knowledge; and communication of acquired knowledge that could be applied for useful purposes 7. Forces 7.1 The Effects of Force 7.2 Different types of Force 8.Understand the nature of electromagnetic, gravitational and nuclear forces, investigative process of seeking knowledge and applying acquired knowledge for useful and ethical purposes. 8. Human and Environment 8.1 Effects of Human Activities on the Environment 8.2 Human interaction with environment influences the development of science and technology 8.3 Effects of using natural and artificial materials (ASEAN) 9. Understand the local environment, relationship between the environment and living things; relationship between living things in the eco-system; investigative process for seeking knowledge that could be applied for useful purposes. 10. Appreciating the importance of natural resources; utilization of natural resources at local, national and global levels; and application of knowledge for management of natural resources and local environment on a sustainable basis วก 103/56 Measurement and Evaluation / Assessments Total 100 Marks (Summative Unit Test / Quizzes 60 Marks : Midterm Test / Final Test 40 Marks) Measurement and Evaluation 1. Summative Test (Before Midterm) Evaluation Method Assessment tool 1.1Exercises in the book (label the parts of bacteria, page 5) 1.2 Worksheets about Kingdom Protista 1.3 Group Experiment on fungi 1.4 Concept mapping of Plants and animals 1.5 Spelling test 1. Assessment behavior as participants. 2. Assessment activities. 3. Assessment work. 2. Midterm Test examination Test paper 3. Summative Test (After Midterm) 3.1 Book exercise – (Draw the food chain of the environment) 3.2 . Concept map relating to the food web. 3.3 Scrapbooking relationships of organisms and their habitats in various fields. 3.4 Matching game species that act as producers, consumers and decomposers. 1. Assessment behavior as participants. 2. Assessment activities. 3. Assessment work. Marks 10 Learning Outcomes Unit 1 No.1 Classification of organisms (Sc1.1) 15 20 Unit 1 No.1 Classification of organisms(Sc1.1) and Unit 2 No.2-3 The Environment (Sc2.1 , Sc2.2) Unit 3 No.4 The web of life (Sc2.1) 10 15 วก 103/56 Measurement and Evaluation Evaluation Method Assessment tool 4. Final Test Examination Test paper 5. Desirable Characteristics Observation Teacher’s assessment Behavior Marks 20 10 Learning Outcomes Unit 3 No.4 The web of life (Sc2.1) and Unit 4 No.5 Adaptation (Sc1.2) 1. Love of nation, religion and king. 2. Honesty and integrity 3. Self discipline. 4. Avidity for learning 5.Observance of Principles of Sufficiency . 6. Economy Philosophy in one’s way of life. 7. Dedication and commitment to work. 8. Cherishing Thainess. 9. Public-mindedness. 10. Leadership and being free from drugs. วก 103/56 Measurement and Evaluation 6. Competencies Evaluation Method Assessment tool Marks Learning Outcomes Observation assessment competencies - 1.Communication capacity. 2.Thinking capacity. 3.Problem –solving capacity. 4.Capacity for applying life skills. 5.Capacity for technological application. Observation Assessment reading /thinking analysis and writing - - . 7. Reading /Thinking analysis and writing คุณลักษณะอันพึงประสงค์ 10 ข้ อ 1. 3. 5. 7. 9. รักชาติ ศาสน์ กษัตริ ย ์ มีวนิ ยั อยูอ่ ย่างพอเพียง รักความเป็ นไทย ปลอดสิ่ งเสพติดและอบายมุข 2. ซื่อสัตย์สุจริ ต 4. ใฝ่ เรี ยนรู ้ 6. มุ่งมัน่ ในการทางาน 8. มีจิตสาธารณะ 10. มีความเป็ นผูน้ าและกล้าแสดงออก สมรรถนะ 5 ข้ อ 1. ความสามารถในการสื่ อสาร 3. ความสามรถในการแก้ปัญหา 5. ความสามรถในการใช้เทคโนโลยี 2. ความสามารถในการคิด 4. ความสามรถในการใช้ทกั ษะชีวติ วก 103/56