EASY Y FOOD s: TEAM Members angxiao (Shaw) Ma, Lia Han, X Xu (Victor)) Zhuang g, Shigua an (Jessic ca) Investment Proposal Contents Executive Summary: ...................................................................................................................... 3 Business Model: ..................................................................................................................... 3 Why could we success? ........................................................................................................ 4 Invest return and offer:........................................................................................................... 4 Vision and Mission ......................................................................................................................... 5 Products: ....................................................................................................................................... 5 Definition of “Clean vegetables”: .......................................................................................... 5 Production Procedures .......................................................................................................... 6 Quality Control: ....................................................................................................................... 6 Marketing ......................................................................................................................................... 8 Target audience ...................................................................................................................... 8 Global market:......................................................................................................................... 8 Big market in Mainland China............................................................................................... 9 Unique sales channel: ......................................................................................................... 10 Competitors: .................................................................................................................................. 12 Social Impact: ............................................................................................................................... 12 Milestones ..................................................................................................................................... 13 Management Team: .................................................................................................................. 14 Current structure:.................................................................................................................. 14 Future Structure: ................................................................................................................... 15 Financial Projection ...................................................................................................................... 15 Financial Performance:........................................................................................................ 15 Main assumptions are as follows: ...................................................................................... 16 Fund Raising ................................................................................................................................. 17 Strategy for fund raising ...................................................................................................... 17 Investment return.................................................................................................................. 18 Exe ecutive Summar S ry: Our venture is a real busine ess in Shen Z Zhen, which was started d in Dec 201 2. Ma Liangxiao, ber and Part time MBA sstudent in CU UHK, held more m than 200% shares in n the the team memb mpany. com Our product is pre-cut “cle ean vegetab bles”, which keep high quality andd freshness. It’s ook and also safe to ea at directly as s it’s cleaned, disinfecteed and store ed by convvenient to co proffessional tech hnology. an help the re estaurants to o save the co ost and follow w the standaard food proc cess, Our products ca vidual customers. and effectively reduce the preparing tiime for indiv And we use ve endor our individual customerrs. It would be much more m macchine to sell clean vegetables to o convvenient to bu uy vegetables from vendo or machine than t to buy from f the marrket, and sav ve 20 minu utes on clean ning and cuttting. Bus siness Mod del: 1. Sourcing: We strictly select some partners to provide qualified ve egetables foor us. The main ution-free, u using organic fertilizer, following sccientific plan nning requirementts are: pollu procedures etc. Cooperate with ag griculture ba ases to guarrantee the rraw materialls by nitoring and testing. t Main ntain a long-tterm stable relationship w with our partn ners. guiding, mon 2. Production: Strictly contrrol the process in line witth HACCP, using Cold Ch hain technoloogy in production and deliveryy. 3. B to C: We use ven ndor machin ne to sell ve egetables to individual consumers c pproviding a more m convenient way w for them m to buy and cook with low wer price. 4. B to B: Target mediu um sized cha ain restauran nts to provide e standardize ed, cost saviing products. 5. Recycle: The kitchen waste is rec cycled to pro oduce organic fertilizer which can be used in plan nting. w use during g production is also recyc cled. The water we Why could we success? 1. Guaranteed Product - Source Control: We strictly select resources of raw material by cooperating with the suppliers who offer the “pollution-free food”. - Quality Control: We use the cold-chain technology to guarantee the freshness of the food. We follow HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) standard to make sure the safety of final products. 2. Convenience - Ready to cook: save about 2 hours to prepare and cook. - Easy to buy: Customers could buy from the vendor machines on the way home or from offices nearby. 3. Cost Saving (30% of the total cost) - Procurement cost saving: The price of our product is lower than the ones in supermarkets. - Labor cost saving: Release the labor from cleaning, cutting and other preparing procedures. - Storage space saving: Ready-for-use products are compact and can save the space for storage. 4. Reduce and recycle the kitchen waste - 600 tons of kitchen waste and 1200 tons of recycled water can be centrally processed every year - Reduce the waste: Reduce 5%-10% food waste by skilled cutting. - Produce the fertilizer: Recycle the kitchen waste to produce organic fertilizer, which can be used by our suppliers. The kitchen waste can be centrally collected and treated to reduce 30% of the cost occurred in collecting and transporting waste from individual kitchen. Invest return and offer: We target to be listed in the end of the five years operation. Our ambitious goal is to be the No.1 clean vegetable supplier in the South China in the next five years, and set the branches in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Zhuhai and Xiamen. We need three rounds of fund raising in total RMB 19 million with a consideration of 20%-30% equity. We will invite Government, VC, PE to invest in our company before IPO. Profit sharing will be conducted according to equity holding. Two years of shareholding should be maintained after IPO for institutional investors and dividends will be paid based on the performance of business operation. The exit return can reach to 12 times and IRR can reach to 70%. Vis sion and Mission n Vision: d a new lifesstyle to releas se people fro om cooking preparing p and minimize tthe kitchen waste w Lead to prrotect the en nvironment. sion: Miss • Produce e high quality y, safe food w with reasonable price usin ng standardiized procedu ures; • Offer an n convenient way to provi de food and services • Reduce and recycle the kitchen w waste in China Pro oducts: Alon ng with the development d of society, vvegetables demand d is no o longer the same as be efore. Safe e, fresh, convvenient vege etables are m more demand ded than raw ones, whichh are piled up p and placced in fair to sell. s 40 years s ago, “Clean n vegetables s” are shown in overseas markets and d fast deve eloped as the e mainstream m of vegetab ble consumpttion. Defiinition of “C Clean vegeta ables”: Clea an vegetable es are not sim mply cleaned d by water. Clean vegetab bles are the vvegetables which w are cleaned, dissinfected, chopped and sstored underr proper temperature andd can be cooked s is the com mbination of cconventionall fruit and eaten directtly. Actually, clean vegettable process age technolo ogy and vege etable pre-prrocess technology. stora Clean vegeta able” with the e following atttributes: Our product is “C • Cleaned d and disinfec cted- can be e eaten directtly or cook directly. • Using po ollution-free material • Package ed to avoid second s polluttion • Quality guarantee g pe eriod is longe er than 5 day ys. Samplles of our prroducts Pro oduction Prrocedures C Clean P Peeling Cutting Disinfection n Packin ng Storaage Delivvery 1. Clean: When n receive the e raw materia als, we clean n them with water w in ordeer to minimize e the soil, impuritiies and pestticide adhere e to the vege etables. We wash 4 timees using run nning water. peel, we remo ove the peel to make ourr product ready to 2. Peeling: Forr some vegettables with p eat. g machine (s see the follow wing picture)) to chop the 3. Cutting: We use multi-function cutting ng to custome er requiremeents. vegetables into different kinds of piecces accordin ported sanitizzer to clean the t chopped vegetables. 4. Disinfection:: We use imp nished goods are packe ed with plasttic bags thatt are biodegrradable. We e use 5. Packing: Fin sealing macchine (seen th he following picture) to co ontrol the am mount of air inn plastic bag gs. oducts are stored s in a lo ow temperatture environment to keeep fresh. We e use 6. Storage: Pro large refrigerator to control the tempe erature. (see e the following picture) aintain a prop per temperatture during th he delivering. 7. Delivery: Ma Multi-function cutting machine Sea aling machine Refriggerator Qua ality Contro ol: We guarantee th he freshness and safety o of our produc ct in the follo owing methodds: v 1. Harvest of vegetables The final goal to control the harvest is to acquire the most qualified, complete products. The most important issues are the farm management, harvesting period decision making and harvesting technologies requirements. When approaching the harvest time, irrigation amount and timing should be highly controlled, strictly following the guidance of vegetable fertilization. For some kinds of vegetables, certain concentration of chemical “Ca” can be used to improve the hardness and elasticity of vegetable tissues and mitigate physiological diseases; certain concentration of Gibberellin can keep the freshness of vegetables. Generally speaking, different kinds of vegetable produced in different district need different treatments. We guarantee the quality by avoiding harvest in bad weather, we protect product from damage and pollution and pick out the impurity during harvest. 2. Examination of vegetables As there is complex flora in soil, which is harmful to human body, it is very important to select the safe ones to further process. We set up a key control point to conduct Microbiological Test, controlling the types and quantity of microorganism. We establish a database to record the data and take precautions against the pollution and use a unified standard to control the consistency of quality. 3. Pre-cooling In order to keep the freshness of vegetables, it is essential to low down the temperature of vegetable in a proper range right after harvest and keep the temperature until further process. Vegetables rot extremely fast after harvest because they contain a large amount of water and maintain a high respiratory activity. Taking green pea for example, sugar content decreases by 80% under 20℃ within 24 hours, which lose the flavor and freshness. Thus, pre-cooling as the first phase in storage is the key to the success of cold chain technology. Fast cooling can not only pass by enzymatic activities, but also can minimize the effect of biochemical reactions. We use cold water to do the pre-cooling because this method is highly effective and convenient with a reasonable cost. 4. Washing and disinfection The aim of washing is to eliminate the impurities; soil and pollutant adhere to the vegetables. It is an effective way to reduce the amount of flora. The key of washing is to use running water and make sure water is clean enough. We use continuous washers to wash vegetables for 4 times. In this situation, a moving conveyor picks up the produce and carries it under powerful sprays of water. Recirculation through a filter reduces overall water consumption. The temperature, contact time, pH and chlorine concentration should be monitored for their effectiveness during washing. We use eatable sanitizer, which minimize the transmission of pathogens from water to produce, reduce the microbial load on the surface of the produce and prevent microbial build-up in the processing water. The sanitizer concentration in the processing water is routinely monitored and adjusted to prescribed levels. Technical assistance is provided by an experienced expert, who knows which kind of vegetable should use what kind of concentration and maximize the safety of our products. 5. Storage We use refrigerator to store before further process. Microorganism has a speedy multiplication activity to deteriorate the freshness of vegetables under higher storage temperature. Usually, we keep the temperature below 7℃, which is the requirement for keeping salad fresh. When finished processing, the vegetables are stored in refrigerator again. Cold-tolerance vegetables are stored in temperature range from 2℃-4℃. Hot-tolerance ones are stored in temperature range from 4℃ to 10℃. 6. HACCP We strictly follow HACCP to ensure that food prepared in a plant is sound and free of contamination including following aspects: Food safety programs, Management systems, Pest control programs, Operational methods and personnel practices, Maintenance for food safety and Cleaning practices. Marketing Target audience We have two groups of target customers as: 1. Households with: • Stable vegetable needs • Family members<=3 • Family income RMB 10-20 thousands per month • Unwilling to spend more than half and hour to prepare for cooking. • Care about the food safety problem 2. Medium-sized chain restaurants with: • 5-20 shops • Monthly Revenue over 500 thousand • Standardized products (dishes) requirements Global market: In the developed countries, clean vegetables have already become the first choice for households. They are originally used in catering industry, and then reach to household cooking. In the US market, the sales growth of the fresh-cut industry has grown very quickly in the past two decades. Sales of prepared vegetables reached to $863 million in 2010.1And the market was continually grown quickly. Fresh-cut organic salads are now being mainstreamed across the United States and feeding consumer desire for healthy food and preservation of the environment. They are now widely available in restaurants and retail outlets. In Tokyo, the raw vegetable is not allowed to sell in the city, citizens can only buy processed clean vegetables in the market. Big market in Mainland China In China, changes in lifestyles have increased the demand for convenience products, and this has encouraged the consumption of processed product (including vegetable). In particular, consumers are becoming more health conscious but increasingly time poor in the big cities. The customer’s request of clean vegetable in China is increasing rapidly. As the pace of living is quicker and quicker, the new generation would not like to spend more time on cooking and preparing the foods. According to the survey in 2011, the average time of cooking and clean food in China was about 90 minutes per day, which means Chinese people only spent about half an hour for cooking and cleaning food. 2 The request for individual is increasing, while the request from the fast food industry also develops very quickly. There are lots of chain restaurants to offer the fast and standard food and they need the pre-clean and pre-cut standard vegetables for every chain shops. In Shenzhen, there are hundreds of medium size chain fast food restaurants; each of them has more than 3 chain shops. These restaurants are in the fast growing period and their operation focus on the expanding and developing. Clean vegetables could help them to save the cost, reduce the waste and also meet the request of safety. According to our investigation, the total vegetable consumption is about 369 million per month in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. Suppose the conversion rate of clean vegetable is 5%, the consumption request of small and medium restaurants reaches to 129 million per month. And the market size of self cooking also reach to 110.7 million per month. We calculate the market size of vegetable consumption in following chart. 1 2 “The state of the industry 2010”, The Perishables Group “Secretariat estimates based on national time-use surveys” Uniq que sales ch hannel: 1. Vendor mac chine: Vendor machine e is our unique channel to sell the clean c vegetables. The veendor machine is o linked with Ethernet tec chnology, wh hich could monitor m the sa ales situationn and send back also sign nal to our IT system, which is consistted of database system, monitoring system and then we can decide how many products n need to be replenished. The custom mers could also he vendor machine, and buy it in the next day. pre--order from th endor machi ne is betwe een 1°C to 5°C, which could keep p the The temperaturre in the ve etable fresh. The storage e period of th he vegetable e package is 5 days to 7 days. To escape vege the d damage by dropping d dow wn, we try to use the hard d box to pack k the clean vvegetable and d put the ssponge on th he bottom of the box. The vendor macchine will be placed: 1 1) Near the e subway and d bus stop 2 2) Near the e big office bu uilding 3 3) In high-g grade commu unities, not cconvenient to o buy the veg getable from the market. ducts will be e sent to the e NGO or charity organization for thhe old peop ple or The unsold prod han. And the outdate prod ducts will be used to feed d the pigs or other animaals. orph s that our rettail price is 20% lower tha an the price iin super marrkets. Our competitive advantage is because therre are lots off middlemen in the retail and a wholesale market annd the price of o the It’s b vege etable in the retail is nearly twice high her than the wholesale market. m Here e’s some exa ample of pric ce on 1st, Feb b,2013: Vegetable/500g Wholesale Retaiil Super Our Price! market price Marke t price arket price Ma Carrrot 1.00 RMB 2.5 RM MB 3.5 5 RMB 2.9 RMB Whitte Onion 2.00 RMB 3.2 RM MB 4.3 3 RMB 3.6 RMB Cab bbage 1.80 RMB 2.8 RM MB 3.9 9 RMB 3.2 RMB And d Our vegeta able has bee en cleaned a and cut, gua arantee the fresh f and saafety! 2. Online shop p Online shop is one o of the most importan nt channels to t reach the public. Custtomers could d buy ables online and a the vege etables would d be delivere ed to home. O Our strategy y is to the cclean vegeta coop perate with some s e-com mmercial sho p as the firs st step and develop d our own online shop whe en we have th he fund and technology ssupport. Shenzhen, “M My rainbow” (网上天虹, ( htttp://www.my yrainbow.cn), the online sshop of Tianhong In S pping mall, is our poten ntial partner. Tianhong group g is a public p compaany and hold 57 shop sub--shops in the e South China. The online e shop now is s selling the commodity, ffood and clothes. Our products ca an be sold on n their online e shop, and then deliver to t the custom mers by insulated d case. food T Bao (淘宝 宝), Yihaodian n.com(1 号店)as our potential p onlinne partners. We also target Tao nnel: 3. B to B chan ur important customers. We offer thee customized d and The medium size restaurants are also ou ndard pre-cutt vegetable to t help the rrestaurants to t save the cost c in variouus ways, ma aking stan theirr dishes morre standard and a promote the efficienc cy. c res sources in S Shenzhen and have 2 restaurant ccustomers and 2 We have rich customer ential custom mers until now w. pote Competitors: There are no direct competitors in Shenzhen now, because we target the medium-sized chain restaurant and the white-collar households by niche channel (vendor machine). But there are two kinds of indirect competitors in Shenzhen market, one is “Central Kitchen” supplier, such as Zhen Gongfu (真功夫), the Central Kitchen offers the clean vegetables and meat to their 200 chains restaurants. KFC also has the constant supplier for vegetables and chicken. The other is the supermarket, which also sells clean vegetables, but our product is 20% cheaper than those in supermarket and we offer more convenient way to buy. There are some other competitors in the other cities, such as Wuhan, Ha’erbin, Shanghai, etc. But the business of clean vegetable is still not popular in most of the cities. Our strategy is that we select the market which do not have direct competitors in the following years’ development and acquire the market share in a rapid way. Social Impact: China has surpassed the United States as the world’s largest producer of household garbage. In Shenzhen, household produced about 14400 tons trash every day in 2012, and the number is supposed to increase by 8% every year. Half of the household garbage is kitchen waste. Government spent a lot of money and resources on collecting, classifying and burning away the waste. In 2012, Shenzhen government started to encourage the clean vegetable industry. Selling the clean vegetable in the city can save 30% cost in collecting, transporting and classifying the garbage and decrease the environment pollution. It’s believed that the government will develop some specific policy to encourage the clean vegetable selling in the cities to prevent the pollution, and it’s quite possible for us to apply for the fund once it’s announced. We also recycle the kitchen waste into organic fertilizer and then offer to our suppliers. The composting fermentation method will lead to less pollution and environmental friendly compared with other solutions of the waste disposal. The organic fertilizer could also feed the fish or pork when we expand our business to the meat and fish products. (please see the following processing pictures) According to our estimation, 600 tons of kitchen waste and 1200 tons of recycled water can be centrally processed every year through our company. Millestones s Year 1: Esta ablish plants and develop p customers in Shenzhen n, starting with B to B strrategy to dev velop 10 m medium sized d chain resta aurants to gu uarantee certtain amount income as w working capita al. At the same time, 10 vendor machines a are placed in residence e communitiees and business m and ccustomer response. 50 ve endor machinnes are placed in distrricts in order to test the market the second half of year 1 after a stabiliza ation of sales s from chain n restaurantss. Sales reve enue uld reach to RMB 1.7 million and fix tthe problems s reflected by y customers. shou Year 2: Based on the experience e frrom the firstt 1, we duplicate the service of vennder machine es to arge the influ uence in She enzhen. Thu us massive in nvestment should be peerformed to place p enla more vendor ma achines to sell our produ ucts covering g most of the communitiies and business chine sales, tthe business s with distrricts in Shenzzhen. Along with the devvelopment off vender mac chaiin restaurantts should be e kept going . Break even should be realized annd the number of vend dor machine reaches to 300 3 in the en nd of Year 2. Year 3: Con ntinuously pllace vendorr machines and develo op medium sized chainn restaurantts to maxximize the market in Shenzhen and e expand our business b to Guangzhou G w which is a similar market as Shenzhen. We bu uild plants an nd develop cooperation c with w supplierrs and customers Guangzhou and a take the e fast move to acquire market m share e. In the ennd of Year 3, 3 the in G num mber of vendor machines s in total will reach to 60 00. Besides the t market eextension, we e will exte end our produ uct line to me eat, fish, veg getables and the combina ation of the thhree. Year 4: With h the strong support and d experience e gain from last three ye ears’ operatiion, we have e the conffidence to co opy our succ cessful mode el to other 2 cities (Zhuha ai and Xiameen). In the en nd of Yearr 4, the numb ber of vendo or machine w will reach to 1800 1 and sales revenue w will close to RMB 40 m million. Year 5: IPO List in Chine ese Stock Ex xchange on G GEM. Ma anageme ent Team: Current structu ure: CEO CFO COO Marketing M & Saales Directtor CEO O: 15 years’’ experience e in catering business, holding h bunc ch of resourrces. Be ab ble to expllore new market and sale es channels CFO O: Expert in finance f and sensitive to ffinancial cha ange, 10 yea ars’ experiencce in finance e and inve estment. COO O: Expert in industry tec chnology and d good at qu uality control, 10 years’ eexperience in n the fast food industrry and aboutt 4 years’ exxperience in the technolo ogy departmeent of one of o the gest central kitchen. k bigg Marketing and sales s directorr: Expert in fa fast food marrketing and sales, s 9 yearrs experiences in FMC CC industry. Futu ure Structurre: Headquarter(Shenzzhen) SBU SBU SBU S (G Guang zhou) (ZZhuhai) ( Xiaamen) Fin nancial Projectio P n RMB million 76.00 80 0.00 70 0.00 60 0.00 50 0.00 38.00 40 0.00 Total Reven nue Profit after tax 30 0.00 18.550 20 0.00 10 0.00 0 0.00 ‐10 0.00 12.49 8.75 5 1.68 ‐ 1‐0.17 0.04 1.64 2 3 5.43 4 5 Revenue R an nd Net Incom me projection Fina ancial Perfo ormance: 1. Breakeven will w be reache ed after two years of running. s with 20% % and will b be stable in the t fourth ye ear as 25%. Net profit ma argin 2. Gross rate start starts from -10% and finally reache es to 16% in n the end off year 5. Pleease refer to o the ble for detail. following tab Currency: RMB Pro-forma Income Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Statement 675,000 6,750,000 13,500,00 27,000,00 54,000,00 0 0 0 5,000,000 11,000,00 22,000,00 0 0 14,245,00 28,500,00 57,000,00 0 0 0 4,255,000 9,500,000 19,000,00 Vendor Machine Revenue Chain Restaurant 1,000,000 2,000,000 Revenue 1,340,000 6,825,000 Cost 335,000 1,925,000 0 Gross Profit Promotion fee 300,000 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 G&A 100,000 500,000 600,000 700,000 750,000 Logistics 54,000 540,000 675,000 810,000 891,000 Others 50,000 250,000 300,000 350,000 400,000 -169,000 35,000 2,180,000 7,240,000 16,659,00 0 Profit before tax Tax -169,000 - 545,000 1,810,000 4,164,750 35,000 1,635,000 5,430,000 12,494,25 0 Profit after tax Pro-forma Income Statement Main assumptions are as follows: 1. Vender machine sales: 150 packs of vegetables are sold with RMB 3 per pack. 2. Gross profit arises due to economies of scale and lower down the variable cost. 3. Logistics expense arises accordingly with the increase of sales revenue but due to the increase of vendor machines, expense can be shared among those vendor machines. Thus the logistics expense for each vendor machine decreases over years. 4. Promotion fee is mainly for the advertisements and sales promotions. And the amount is a higher when our business goes to a new market, but will lower down to the mature market. Fund Raising We need 3 rounds of fund raising to develop and extent our business with a fast and stable pace. Amount Time (RMB) Consideration Main usage of fund Vendor machine investment, marketing development Year 2 2m 0~10% of equity Year 3 7m 10% of equity Year 4 10m 10% of equity First round funding usage 5% Vendor machine 15% Marketing Plants construction, vendor machine investment, marketing development and overhead expense Product line enlargement, plants construction, vendor machine investment, marketing development Vendor machine 5% 20% 25% Vendor machine 5% Plants 30% Marketing 80% Others Third round funding usage Second round funding usage 25% 40% New product line Plants 50% Others Others Strategy for fund raising First round of fund raising, we first reach to government for fund or allowance. We are the company who strike to guarantee the safety and quality of food, which is very important to people’s health and lower the waste at the same time. Government now is encouraging enterprises to take this kind of responsibility and it is a good opportunity to get help from government. Also it is possible for us to reach Angel fund to sell our ideas. For the second and third year fund raising, we will let VC or PE fund to engage and we will offer percentage of equity in return. Investment return Before IPO: For investors seeking returns (VC or PE), we offer 20% of equity for second and third round of fund raising. The investors can share our profit on percentage of equity prior to IPO. IPO: Institutional investors will receive shares in primary market accordingly and must hold the shares for at least 2 years. All investors will receive dividends as a reward for investing based on annual performance of our company. After IPO: Institutional investors can liquidate our company share in secondary market after 2 years of holding or continue to hold our shares in a long run. When exit, average return will be 12 times initial investment and IRR will be at least 70%.