3 Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Oxford University Press 198 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10016 See inside for: Q How the powerful partnership between Oxford University Press and Sapling Learning . . . Ê UÊ Ài>ÌiÃÊÌ iÊ } iÃ̵Õ>ÌÞÊVÌiÌÊ Ê UÊÊ*ÀÛ`iÃÊÕ«>À>ii`ÊVÕÃÌiÀÊÃiÀÛViÊ Ê UÊ"vviÀÃÊÞÕÀÊÃÌÕ`iÌÃÊÌ iÊÃÌÊ>vvÀ`>LiÊ«ÀViÊ QÊÊ/ÜÊÃ>«iÊV >«ÌiÀÃÊvÀÊÌ iÊxÌ Êi`ÌÊvÊÌ iÊÌiÝÌ THE MOST BALANCED COVERAGE of biology and chemistry of any one-semester biochemistry text 3 HIGHER EDUCATION GROUP 16 IN ONE SEMESTER. The coverage you want. The relevance your students need. The most balanced coverage of biology and chemistry The best instructor and student support supplement package The highest-quality book at the lowest possible price NOW AVAILABLE with Sapling Learning Online Homework System! 3 HIGHER EDUCATION GROUP The most balanced COVERAGE OF BIOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY 3 HIGHER EDUCATION GROUP Dear Professor, Oxford University Press is proud to announce the July 2011 publication of Biochemistry: The Molecular Basis of Life, Fifth Edition, by Trudy McKee and James R. McKee. As publisher for this trusted and respected textbook—now in its second edition with Oxford University Press—we would like to extend our warmest regards to our friends in the biochemistry community and to guarantee that the fifth edition and the supplements that accompany it will be ready and available in July, in plenty of time for fall classes. The fifth edition of McKee & McKee again provides the right balance between chemical and biological principles, for the coverage you want and the relevance your students need in a onesemester course. We are proud to announce a new partnership with Sapling Learning, which will make available to McKee adopters a fantastic online homework system. This system makes assigning and grading homework a snap. Teaching and learning biochemistry will be easier and more efficient than ever before. As a Not-For-Profit publisher, Oxford University Press USA is uniquely situated to offer the highest-quality scholarship at the lowest possible prices. Sapling Learning’s commitment to high-quality content, customer service, and low prices makes them a perfect fit in this endeavor. We invite you to take a guided tour of the new edition and the two advance chapters provided here. We believe you will find that Trudy and James McKee and Oxford University Press have prepared a new edition of exceptional quality and value for your students. Sincerely, Jason Noe Senior Editor Oxford University Press Jason Kramer Marketing Manager Oxford University Press Table of Contents FOR THE GUIDED TOUR “ This is the best one-semester biochemistry book available.” — RANDOLPH A. COLEMAN, COLLEGE OF WILLIAM & MARY SAPLING LEARNING ONLINE HOMEWORK SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 OVERVIEW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 INSTRUCTOR AND STUDENT SUPPLEMENTS PACKAGE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ILLUSTRATED WALK-THROUGH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 ENDORSEMENTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 SCHOOLS ADOPTING MCKEE & MCKEE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 ANNOTATED TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR THE FIFTH EDITION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 SAMPLE CHAPTERS FROM THE FIFTH EDITION: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 &KDSWHU´$PLQR$FLGV3HSWLGHVDQG3URWHLQVµ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? &KDSWHU´&DUERK\GUDWH0HWDEROLVPµ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? ÀÊ>ÊÛiÊ`iÃÌÀ>ÌÊvÊ->«}Êi>À}]Ê}ÊÌÊÜÜÜ°Õ«°VÉÕÃÉVii°Ê NOW AVAILABLE WITH SAPLING LEARNING ONLINE HOMEWORK SYSTEM NEW! Online Homework System from Sapling Learning Oxford University Press has partnered with Sapling Learning to produce an online homework and instructional solution for the Biochemistry: The Molecular Basis of Life textbook. The text that presents the coverage you need with the relevance your students want is now available with the most powerful online homework system in the industry. The goals of the partnership between Oxford University Press and Sapling Learning are to: &UHDWHWKHKLJKHVWTXDOLW\FRQWHQW 3URYLGHXQSDUDOOHOHGFXVWRPHUVHUYLFH 2IIHUWKH0F.HH6DSOLQJ/HDUQLQJSDFNDJHDWWKHPRVWDIIRUGDEOHSULFH Sapling Learning Benefits This online homework system is a powerful and effective tool for your biochemistry courses. $XWRPDWLFKRPHZRUNJUDGLQJ 7XWRULDOLQVWUXFWLRQ $OJRULWKPLFTXHVWLRQV (QJDJLQJJUDGHGDQGULFKLQWHUDFWLRQV 'LDJQRVWLFIHHGEDFN 0ROHFXOHGUDZLQJ &KHPLFDOHTXDWLRQHQWU\ 'HGLFDWHGVXSSRUWIURPFKHPLVWV Interested in a live demonstration? Go to www.oup.com/us/mckee and follow the “Click here” link. 2 ÀÊ>ÊÛiÊ`iÃÌÀ>ÌÊvÊ->«}Êi>À}]Ê}ÊÌÊÜÜÜ°Õ«°VÉÕÃÉVii° 3 HIGHER EDUCATION GROUP HERE’S HOW IT WORKS 1. Adopt McKee & McKee’s Biochemistry, The Molecular Basis of Life, 5E 2. Access Sapling’s Biochemistry Online Homework System correlated with text 3. Get a 40% discount off Sapling Online Homework System when packaged with text! For information on all package options, flip to the inside back cover. Compare to other books and SAVE! Author Title Price McKee/McKee Biochemistry: The Molecular Basis of Life, 5E $149 + HW System: $15 = $164 Total Horton Principles of Biochemistry, 4E $181.20 Boyer Concepts in Biochemistry, 3E $187.95 Campbell Biochemistry, 7E $195.95 Pratt/Cornely Essential Biochemistry, 2E $186.95 With McKee & McKee and Sapling Learning, you get a book and a homework system for less than the cost of most books alone! *List (suggested retail) prices as advertised on publishers as of January 2011. Prices subject to change. For ordering questions, please contact Oxford University Press Customer Service at 800.280.0280. www.saplinglearning.com info@saplinglearning.com (512) 323-6565 © 2010 Sapling Learning ÀÊ>ÊÛiÊ`iÃÌÀ>ÌÊvÊ->«}Êi>À}]Ê}ÊÌÊÜÜÜ°Õ«°VÉÕÃÉVii° 3 IN ONE SEMESTER: THE COVERAGE YOU WANT. THE RELEVANCE YOUR STUDENTS NEED. Biochemistry: The Molecular Basis of Life is the ideal text for students who do not specialize in biochemistry but who require a strong grasp of biochemical principles. The goal of this edition has been to enrich the coverage of chemistry while better highlighting the biological context. Once concepts and problem-solving skills have been mastered, students are prepared to tackle the complexities of science, modern life, and their chosen professions. “The integration of biochemical facts into a meaningful biological context is a wonderful goal, particularly for a one-semester course. I applaud the increased chemistry content, particularly the addition of the four mentioned enzyme mechanisms. The revised problem sets will certainly enhance the value of the text.” —C. Martin Lawrence, Montana State University Chemical and Biological Principles in Balance Designed from the start for a one-semester survey course, McKee & McKee introduces students to the fascinating world of biochemical principles with just WKHULJKWDPRXQWRIGHWDLO&KHPLFDODQGELRORJLFDOFRQFHSWVDUHSUHVHQWHGLQ neither too deep nor too shallow a fashion, helping students to see not just the details but also the bigger picture that connects these fields. Real-World Relevance From new chapter-opening vignettes through vivid in-chapter essays and fully integrated coverage, the authors consistently connect important biochemical principles to the worlds of medicine, nutrition, agriculture, bioengineering, and forensics. Students will understand both the relevance of biochemistry and the latest developments in the field. Superior Problem-Solving Program “The authors recognize the continued need to be current and relevant—a fact often ignored by other authors. I have been lecturing on macromolecular crowding for years—it is a topic often completely ignored or given short shrift.” —Kenneth O. Willeford, Mississippi State University The fifth edition includes 20 percent more end-of-chapter problems—already doubled in the previous edition—now approximately 60 per chapter and the most in any textbook. The expanded problem sets span a range of difficulty and applications, from basic practice problems to more challenging integrative exercises. 7KLVHGLWLRQFRQWLQXHVWRIHDWXUHWKHSRSXODULQFKDSWHU´:RUNHG3UREOHPVµWKDW provide students with the opportunity to put their knowledge into action, right where new concepts are introduced. New with this edition, Sapling Learning’s Online Homework System is a powerful and effective tool for your course. Currency The fifth edition has been fully updated to include recent discoveries, including new discussions of epigenetics and the epigenome and the contribution of dietary fructose to the current epidemics of obesity and type II diabetes. Other enhanced coverage concerns protein folding, glucose transport mechanisms, macromolecular crowding, RNAi, gene silencing, molecular chaperones, and biotechnology, to keep students up to date and poised for further study. Simple, Clear Illustrations With dozens of new and enhanced figures, now also expanded and re-labeled for lecture display, the fifth edition of McKee & McKee incorporates a superior art program designed to help students develop a strong visual grasp of biochemical processes. YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL IN ONE SEMESTER. 4 A POWERFUL TEACHING PACKAGE The fifth edition of Biochemistry: The Molecular Basis of Life is accompanied by a variety of ancillary materials for both instructors and students, including an all-new online homework system from Sapling Learning (see page 5 for details). Please visit the companion website (www.oup.com/us/McKee) to access lecture and assessment resources and interactive student study aids. FOR INSTRUCTORS All text images in enhanced electronic format: Instructors who adopt the fifth edition of McKee & McKee gain access to every illustration, photo, figure caption, and table from the text in high-resolution electronic format. Labels have been enlarged and multi-part figures have been broken down into separate components, for clearer projection in large lecture halls. Images are available on both the Instructor’s Resource &'520DQGWKH0F.HH0F.HH)LIWK(GLWLRQZHEVLWH Test Bank for Instructors: Written by the authors, the Test Bank includes more than 700 questions that are provided as editable Word files that can be easily customized. $YDLODEOHRQWKH,QVWUXFWRU·V5HVRXUFH&'520 Lecture Notes Slides for each chapter of the text::ULWWHQE\6HDQ&ROHPDQ (University of the Ozarks), this set of more than 1100 editable lecture notes slides makes preparing lectures faster and easier than ever. Available in PowerPoint format RQERWKWKH,QVWUXFWRU·V5HVRXUFH&'520DQGWKH0F.HH0F.HH)LIWK(GLWLRQ website. FOR STUDENTS Student Study Guide and Solutions Manual: Written by authors Patricia DePra and Michael G. Sehorn (Clemson University), this manual provides the solutions to all of the exercises from the text. Each and every solution has been independently checked for accuracy by a panel of expert reviewers. (ISBN 9780199730971) Web Quizzes: Students seeking an online resource to test their knowledge of ELRFKHPLVWU\FDQYLVLWZZZRXSFRPXV0F.HHWRJDLQDFFHVVWRPRUHWKDQ questions written by Dan Sullivan (University of Nebraska at Omaha). Students receive a feedback summary with each graded quiz. Interactive 3-D Molecules: 7RGG&DUOVRQGrand Valley State University) has created more than 300 interactive 3-D molecules in JMOL format. Students can manipulate and study individual molecules and their structures, take selfguided concept tutorials, and test their molecule-recognition abilities by working through the all-new interactive selfquizzes. 777°"1*° "É1-É ÀÊ>ÊÛiÊ`iÃÌÀ>ÌÊvÊ->«}Êi>À}]Ê}ÊÌÊÜÜÜ°Õ«°VÉÕÃÉVii° 5 A ROBUST BIOCHEMISTRY LEARNING SYSTEM Chapter-Opening Vignettes All new to this edition, these vignettes grab student attention from the start and connect biochemical principles and discoveries to such subjects as human disorders, climate change, and the nature of life itself. Biochemistry in Perspective essays show students the real-world relevance of the biochemical processes they are studying. The fifth edition includes nine new essays, each of which begins with an engaging, thought-provoking question and ends with a concept summary statement to help students see the big picture. These and more than two dozen additional essays from past editions are also available online. Biochemistry in the Lab boxes introduce both classic and modern experimental techniques, reinforcing the fact that the best way to learn science is by doing science! &KDSWHURSHQLQJ Overview sections NHHSVWXGHQWVIRFXVHGRQWKH´ELJSLF WXUHµZKLOHHQGRIFKDSWHUQXPEHUHG summaries, suggested readings, and key-word lists provide students with pedagogical support, reinforcing what they have learned and guiding them toward further inquiry. Frequent inFKDSWHU.H\&RQFHSWEXOOHWSRLQWVDQG links to Web resources complete the step-by-step learning system. 6 An unparalleled problem-solving system provides multiple opportunities and methods for developing strong quantitative and analytical skills. These include hundreds of in-chapter Questions based on realworld applications and end-of-chapter Review and Thought Questions. Vivid and accurate figures illuminate the text discussion, visually illustrating important concepts and processes. 7 A highly trusted textbook “I have always appreciated the balance in previous editions, and the inclusion of more chemistry (enzyme mechanisms) is great! Increased relevance is important, too! I appreciate the inclusion of systems biology topics and macromolecular crowding. Essays and boxes add just the right flavor to the text to make it really come alive in a practical kind of way. It is the best one-semester biochemistry book available.” —Randolph A. Coleman, College of William & Mary ´7KHDXWKRUV·HPSKDVLVRQWKHLQWHJUDWLRQRIELRFKHPLFDOIDFWVLQWR a biological context is excellent. I welcome the increased depth of chemistry coverage emphasizing the most important reactions. I also welcome the increased connection between biochemistry and human biology. This edition is evolving beautifully. . . . From what I’ve seen, I prefer the new McKee textbook to the book that I am curUHQWO\XVLQJµ —Christine A. Hrycyna, Purdue University ´7KLVWH[WVWDQGVRXWEHFDXVHRILWVDELOLW\WRUHODWHKXPDQELRORJ\ and disorders to the understanding of key biochemical concepts. My students appreciate the ‘Biochemistry in Perspective’ essays in each chapter. Once again McKee has done a fabulous job of providing clear illustrations. I feel the fifth edition has done very well in balancing both the chemical and biological concepts. The revisions will make WKLVJUHDWWH[WERRNHYHQEHWWHUµ —Anjuli Datta, Pennsylvania State University ´7KHHPSKDVLVRQWKHLQWHJUDWLRQRIELRFKHPLFDOIDFWVLQWRDELRORJLFDO context to me is the most important goal. In this manner students can derive the connection between the facts and how they lead to elucidating the principle of the topic being introduced. I like the style: it begins with very simple down-to-earth discussion and gradually gets into the more complex and sophisticated aspects. The vignettes at the beginning of the chapters and the use of Thought Questions at the end are very appealing. The introduction and discussion of a disease directly related to the topic being discussed will stimulate students’ LQWHUHVWµ —Ralph A. Stephani, St. Johns University “I love the vignettes because I teach with a lot of examples from my personal scientific and educational experience. This type of thing often helps to get the students to understand where a given topic fits into the real-world situation.” —Ruth E. Birch, St. Louis University ´,ORYHWKHILJXUHVWKHPHFKDQLVWLFGHWDLOVDQGWKHVXPPDULHVDWWKH end of the chapters. I like that they are increasing the chemistry. I really like the format of the questions at the end of the chapter. They start out easy and build up in complexity. The Thought Questions push the students to look at the big picture. My students really like the Biochemistry in the Lab sections. They get excited about the conQHFWLRQWRFXUUHQWUHVHDUFKµ —Tamara L., Hendrickson, Wayne State University ´,WKLQNWKDWWKHUHYLVHGWH[WSURYLGHVWKHULJKWEDODQFHRIFKHPLVWU\ and biology. This text is really interesting to read and nicely illustrated. I like most the idea that biochemical reactions should be shown integrated in the context of the cellular anatomy and functions. The proposed revisions about RNA interference and chromate code give PHDUHDVRQWRVHULRXVO\FRQVLGHUDGRSWLQJWKHQH[WHGLWLRQµ —Max Sokolov, West Virginia University 8 Schools Adopting McKee & McKee Arizona State University Main 0HUF\KXUVW&ROOHJH University of Alabama in Huntsville Auburn University at Montgomery 0HWURSROLWDQ&RPPXQLW\&ROOHJH University of Alabama, The Ball State University Miami University %DUG&ROOHJH Michigan Technological University 8QLYHUVLW\RI&LQFLQQDWL0DLQ &DPSXV Baylor University Middle Tennessee State University 8QLYHUVLW\RI&RORUDGR'HQYHU Bellevue University Minnesota State University, Mankato University of Delaware Benedictine University Mississippi State University University of Findlay, The Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania Monmouth University University of Kentucky 0RXQW6DQ$QWRQLR&ROOHJH University of Maine at Presque Isle %XIIDOR6WDWH&ROOHJH Nebraska Wesleyan University University of Memphis &DOLIRUQLD6WDWH3RO\WHFKQLF University, Pomona 1HZ<RUN,QVWLWXWHRI7HFKQRORJ\ 0DQKDWWDQ&DPSXV University of Michigan-Ann Arbor &DOLIRUQLD6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\ Sacramento Northwestern Oklahoma State University 8QLYHUVLW\RI0LVVRXUL.DQVDV&LW\ &OHDUZDWHU&KULVWLDQ&ROOHJH 2FFLGHQWDO&ROOHJH &OHPVRQ8QLYHUVLW\ University of New England Pennsylvania State University— University Park 8QLYHUVLW\RI1RUWK&DUROLQD at Wilmington University of Rhode Island &ROOHJHRI:LOOLDPDQG0DU\ 3LHGPRQW9LUJLQLD&RPPXQLW\ &ROOHJH &RORUDGR&KULVWLDQ8QLYHUVLW\ 5DULWDQ9DOOH\&RPPXQLW\&ROOHJH &RQFRUGLD&ROOHJH1HZ<RUN 5KRGH,VODQG&ROOHJH University of Texas Health Science &HQWHUDW6DQ$QWRQLR &RQFRUGLD8QLYHUVLW\6W3DXO 6DLQW-RVHSK·V&ROOHJH³6XIIRON &DPSXV University of Vermont &OHYHODQG6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\ &ROE\&ROOHJH DePaul University (DVW&DUROLQD8QLYHUVLW\ South Dakota State University University of Minnesota-Duluth University of Nebraska at Omaha University of Texas, Permian Basin University of West Alabama Southwest Missouri State University Washington State University Vancouver Southwest Texas State University Wayne State University 6SULQJILHOG&ROOHJH :HVOH\&ROOHJH Governors State University 6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\RI1HZ<RUN &ROOHJHDW2QHRQWD :HVW9LUJLQLD6WDWH&ROOHJH Harding University Tarleton State University Hofstra University 7DUUDQW&RXQW\&ROOHJH +XQWHU&ROOHJH&LW\8QLYHUVLW\ RI1HZ<RUN 7H[DV6WDWH7HFKQLFDO&ROOHJH:DFR East Tennessee State University Farleigh Dickinson University Fordham University Iowa State University /DNH(ULH&ROOHJH Texas Tech University University of Alabama at Birmingham West Virginia University Western New Mexico University Wichita State University Worcester Polytechnic Institute <RXQJVWRZQ6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\ ÀÊ>ÊÛiÊ`iÃÌÀ>ÌÊvÊ->«}Êi>À}]Ê}ÊÌÊÜÜÜ°Õ«°VÉÕÃÉVii° 9 CONTENTS FOR MCKEE & MCKEE, FIFTH EDITION 1. BIOCHEMISTRY: AN INTRODUCTION Cytoskeleton: An expanded section introduces the concept of intraflagellar transport. 1.1 What is Life? Ribosomes 1.2 Biomolecules Functional Groups of Organic Biomolecules 0DMRU&ODVVHVRI6PDOO%LRPROHFXOHV 1.3 ,VWKH/LYLQJ&HOOD&KHPLFDO Factory? Biochemical Reactions Energy NEW! Biochemistry in Perspective: Primary Cilia and Human Disease: A new box describes how defects in the structural and functional properties of primary cilia contribute to human disease. Overview of Metabolism Biochemistry in the Lab: Cell Technology Biological Order Available Online 1.4 Systems Biology Biochemistry in Perspective: Organelles and Human Disease Emergence Robustness 3. WATER: THE MATRIX OF Modularity Biochemistry in the Lab: An Introduction 2. LIVING CELLS 2.1 Basic Themes Water Biological Membranes Self-Assembly Molecular Machines 0DFURPROHFXODU&URZGLQJ Signal Transduction 2.26WUXFWXUHRI3URNDU\RWLF&HOOV &HOO:DOO Plasma Membrane &\WRSODVP Pili and Flagella 2.36WUXFWXUHRI(XNDU\RWLF&HOOV Plasma Membrane Endoplasmic Reticulum Golgi Apparatus Nucleus Vesicular Organelles &RXSOHG5HDFWLRQV The Hydrophobic Effect Revisited 4.3 The Role of ATP Biochemistry in Perspective: Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics Available Online Biochemistry in Perspective: The Extremophiles: Organisms that Make a Living in Hostile Environments 5. AMINO ACIDS, PEPTIDES, AND PROTEINS 5.1 Amino Acids $PLQR$FLG&ODVVHV Biologically Active Amino Acids Modified Amino Acids in Proteins 3.1 Molecular Structure of Water 3.2 Noncovalent Bonding Ionic Interactions Hydrogen Bonds Van der Waals Forces 3.3 Thermal Properties of Water 3.4 Solvent Properties of Water +\GURSKLOOLF0ROHFXOHV&HOO:DWHU Structuring, and Sol-Gel Transitions Hydrophobic Molecules and the Hydrophobic Effect Amphipathic Molecules Osmotic Pressure 3.5 Ionization of Water Acids, Bases and pH Buffers Physiological Buffers Amino Acid Stereoisomers NEW! Biochemistry in Perspective: Cell Volume Regulation and Metabolism: A new box describes the relationship between metabolic pathways and cell volume changes triggered by osmotic imbalances. Titration of Amino Acids Amino Acid Reactions 5.2 Peptides 5.3 Proteins Protein Structure The Folding Problem: An updated section describes molecular chaperone-assisted protein folding. Fibrous Proteins Globular Proteins 5.4 Molecular Machines Motor Proteins NEW! Biochemistry in Perspective: Spider Silk and Biomimetics: A new box describes the structural properties of spider silk fibers and the efforts of scientists to manufacture artificial spider silk. Biochemistry in the Lab: Protein Technology Available Online Available Online Peroxisomes Biochemistry in Perspective: Water, Abiotic Stress, and Compatible Solutes 4. ENERGY 4.1 palette Thermodynamics 1200 dpi icon; 5/e First Law of Thermodynamics Second Law of Thermodynamics 10 6WDQGDUG)UHH(QHUJ\&KDQJHV LIFE Mitochondria Plastids 4.2 Free Energy Biochemistry in Perspective: Protein Poisons Biochemistry in Perspective: Myosin: A Molecular Machine Biochemistry in the Lab: Protein Sequence Analysis: The Edman Degradation 6. ENZYMES 6.1 Properties of Enzymes 6.2&ODVVLILFDWLRQRI(Q]\PHV 6.3 Enzyme Kinetics Michaelis-Menten Kinetics Lineweaver-Burk Plots Multisubstrate Reactions Enzyme Inhibition Enzyme Kinetics, Metabolism and 0DFURPROHFXODU&URZGLQJ 6.4 &DWDO\VLV Organic Reactions and the Transition State The Roles of Amino Acids in Enzyme &DWDO\VLV 7KH5ROHRI&RIDFWRUVLQ(Q]\PH &DWDO\VLV Effects of Temperature and pH on (Q]\PH&DWDO\]HG5HDFWLRQV Detailed Mechanisms of Enzyme &DWDO\VLV 6.5 Enzyme Regulation Homoglycans Heteroglycans 7.4 Glycoconjugates Proteoglycans Glycoproteins /HFWLQV7UDQVODWRUVRIWKH6XJDU&RGH NEW! Biochemistry in the Lab: Glycomics: A new box describes the major technologies used to determine the structure of complex carbohydrate molecules. Available Online NEW! Biochemistry in Perspective: Conversion of Fischer Monosaccharide Structure onto Haworth Structure 8. CARBOHYDRATE METABOLISM &RYDOHQW0RGLILFDWLRQ The Reactions of the Glycolytic Pathway NEW! Biochemistry in Perspective: Alcohol Dehydrogenase: A Tale of Two Organisms: A new box describes the remarkable ability of the yeast Saccaromyces cerevisiae to synthesize ethanol, and the properties of human alcohol dehydrogenases. Available Online Biochemistry in Perspective: Fermentation: An Ancient Heritage 9. METABOLISM I: THE CITRIC ACID CYCLE 9.1 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions 5HGR[&RHQ]\PHV Aerobic Metabolism 9.2&LWULF$FLG&\FOH &RQYHUVLRQRI3\UXYDWHWR$FHW\O&R$ 5HDFWLRQVRIWKH&LWULF$FLG&\FOH 8.1 Glycolysis &RPSDUWPHQWDWLRQ Perspective: Turbo Design Can Be Dangerous: A new box describes why turbo design pathways must be rigorously controlled. 7.57KH6XJDU&RGH *HQHWLF&RQWURO Allosteric Regulation NEW! Biochemistry in )DWHRI&DUERQ$WRPVLQWKH&LWULF $FLG&\FOH 7KH$PSKLEROLF&LWULF$FLG&\FOH &LWULF$FLG&\FOH5HJXODWLRQ NEW! The Citric Acid Cycle and Human Disease The Fates of Pyruvate The Energetics of Glycolysis 7KH*O\R[\ODWH&\FOH Regulation of Glycolysis Biochemistry in Perspective: The Evolutionary History of the &LWULF$FLG&\FOH 8.2 Gluconeogenesis Gluconeogenesis Reactions Gluconeogenesis Substrates Gluconeogenesis Regulation 8.3 The Pentose Phosphate Pathway 10. METABOLISM II: ELECTRON TRANSPORT AND OXIDATIVE PHOSPHORYLATION 8.4 Metabolism of Other Important Sugars 10.1 Electron Transport Available Online Fructose Metabolism (OHFWURQ7UDQVSRUWDQG,WV&RPSRQHQWV Biochemistry in Perspective: Enzymes and Clinical Medicine 8.5 Glycogen Metabolism Biochemistry in Perspective: Quantum Tunneling and Catalysis Glycogenolysis Glycogenesis Regulation of Glycogen Metabolism 7. CARBOHYDRATES 7.1 Monosaccharides Monosaccharide Stereoisomers &\FOLF6WUXFWXUHRI0RQRVDFFKDULGHV Reactions of Monosaccharides Important Monosaccharides Monosaccharide Derivatives 7.2 Disaccharides 7.3 Polysaccharides NEW! Biochemistry in Perspective: Saccharomyces Cerevisiae and the Crabtree Effect: A new box describes the metabolic mechanism whereby yeast cells convert glucose into ethanol molecules that kill competitor microbes. NEW! Electron Transport: The Fluid State Model vs. the Solid-State Model: A new section describes the structural and functional properties of the respirasome. Electron Transport Inhibitors 10.2 Oxidative Phosphorylation 7KH&KHPLRVPRWLF7KHRU\ ATP Synthesis &RQWURORI2[LGDWLYH3KRVSKRU\ODWLRQ 7KH&RPSOHWH2[LGDWLRQRI*OXFRVH Uncoupled Electron Transport 11 10.32[\JHQ&HOO)XQFWLRQDQG Oxidative Stress 12. LIPID METABOLISM Reactive Oxygen Species 12.1 Fatty Acids, Triacylglycerols, and the Lipoprotein Pathways: An expanded discussion focuses on the distribution of triacylglycerols to the body’s tissues after digestion, the triacylglycerol cycle, and glycerogenesis. Antioxidant Enzyme Systems Antioxidant Molecules Biochemistry in Perspective: Myocardial Infarct: Ischemia and Reperfusion: An expanded reading describes the damage caused by the reintroduction of oxygen after blood flow interruption in heart muscle. Available Online Biochemistry in Perspective: Hans Krebs and the Citric Acid Cycle. 11. LIPIDS AND MEMBRANES 11.1/LSLG&ODVVHV Fatty Acids The Eicosanoids: An expanded discussion of the eicosanoids describes their biological functions and roles in human disease. Triacylglycerols Wax Esters Phospholipids Phospholipases: A new section describes the functions of phospholipases. 13.4 The Light-Independent Reactions The Calvin Cycle: The Calvin cycle reactions are expanded to include the ribulose-1,5- bisphosphate carboxylase mechanism. Photorespiration Fatty Acid Degradation $OWHUQDWLYHVWR&0HWDEROLVP 7KH&RPSOHWH2[LGDWLRQRID)DWW\ Acid 13.5 Regulation of Photosynthesis Fatty Acid Oxidation: Double Bonds DQG2GG&KDLQV &RQWURORI5LEXORVH%LVSKRVSKDWH &DUER[\ODVH Fatty Acid Biosynthesis: The structural and functional properties of fatty acid synthase are updated to reflect recent research. A new table compares the details of fatty acid b-oxidation and synthesis. Biochemistry in Perspective: Photosynthesis in the Deep Regulation of Fatty Acid Metabolism in Mammals: An expanded discussion places fatty acid metabolism regulation in the context of AMPK control of the body’s biochemical pathways. Biochemistry in the Lab: Photosynthetic Studies Lipoprotein Metabolism: The Endogenous Pathway: A new section focuses on the transport of synthesized lipid molecules from the liver to the body’s tissues. /LJKW&RQWURORI3KRWRV\QWKHVLV Available Online Biochemistry in Perspective: Starch and Sucrose Metabolism 14. NITROGEN METABOLISM I: SYNTHESIS 14.1 Nitrogen Fixation The Nitrogen Fixation Reaction Nitrogen Assimilation 12.2 Membrane Lipid Metabolism 14.2 Amino Acid Biosynthesis Phospholipid Metabolism Amino Acid Metabolism Overview Sphingolipids Sphingolipid Metabolism Reactions of Amino Groups Sphingolipid Storage Diseases 12.3 Isoprenoid Metabolism Synthesis of the Amino Acids Isoprenoids Cholesterol Metabolism: A new section describes the effects of selected drugs on the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway. 14.3 Biosynthetic Reactions Involving Amino Acids Lipoproteins 11.2 Membranes Membrane Structure: A new section describes the structural and functional properties of the red blood cell membrane protein AE1. Membrane Function NEW! Biochemistry in Perspective: Botulism and Membrane Function: A new box describes how botulinum toxin causes muscle paralysis by preventing membrane fusion in nerve cells. Available Online Biochemistry in Perspective: Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency Biochemistry in Perspective: Atherosclerosis: The revised box describes how LDLs trapped in arterial walls become depleted of antioxidants and then contribute to atherosclerotic damage. Biochemistry in Perspective: Biotransformation 13. PHOTSYNTHESIS 13.1 Chlorophyll and Chloroplasts: A revised introduction provides a more detailed overview of oxygenic photosynthesis in chloroplasts. 13.2 Light 13.3 Light Reactions: The Z-scheme is updated to reflect recent research. Photosystem II and Water Oxidation Photosystem I and NADPH Synthesis 12 Photophosphorylation 2QH&DUERQ0HWDEROLVP Glutathione: A newly rewritten section focuses on the roles of this vitally important intracellular reducing agent. Neurotransmitters Nucleotides Biochemistry in Perspective: Gasotransmitters Available Online Biochemistry in Perspective: The Amine Neurotransmitters: GABA and Serotonin Biochemistry in Perspective: Heme and Chlorophyll Biosynthesis 15. NITGROGEN METABOLISM II: DEGRADATION 15.1 Protein Turnover: A newly revised section focuses on the ubiquitin proteasomal and autophagy lysosomal systems. fructose to the current epidemics of obesity and metabolic syndrome. DNA Recombination Deamination Urea Synthesis Available Online Transcription in Prokaryotes &RQWURORIWKH8UHD&\FOH Biochemistry in Perspective: Mammalian Hormones and the Hormone Cascade System Transcription in Eukaryotes: The structural and functional properties of RNA pol II are updated. 15.2$PLQR$FLG&DWDEROLVP &DWDEROLVPRI$PLQR$FLG&DUERQ Skeletons 15.3 Degradation of Selected Neurotransmitters 17. NUCLEIC ACIDS 15.4 Nucleotide Degradation 17.1 DNA 3XULQH&DWDEROLVP DNA Structure: The Nature of Mutation: A newly revised and expanded discussion describes mutation types and several classes of mutagens. 3\ULPLGLQH&DWDEROLVP Biochemistry in Perspective: Disorders of Amino Acid Catabolism Available Online Biochemistry in Perspective: Gout DNA Structure: The Genetic Material DNA Structure: Variations on a Theme 18.2 Transcription 18.3 Gene Expression Gene Expression in Prokaryotes Gene Expression in Eukaryotes: A new section describes posttranscriptional gene silencing. Biochemistry in Perspective: Genomics Biochemistry in Perspective: Carcinogenesis: A new section outlines the roles of tumor suppressors. &KURPRVRPHVDQG&KURPDWLQ 19. PROTEIN SYNTHESIS Genome Structure 19.17KH*HQHWLF&RGH 16. INTEGRATION OF METABOLISM 17.2 RNA &RGRQ$QWLFRGRQ,QWHUDFWLRQV Transfer RNA Ribosomal RNA The Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthease Reaction 16.1 Overview of Metabolism Messenger RNA 19.2 Protein Synthesis 16.2 Hormones and Intercellular &RPPXQLFDWLRQ Noncoding RNA Prokaryotic Protein Synthesis 17.3 Viruses Eukaryotic Protein Synthesis: Eukaryotic translation initiation is updated. New sections describe mitochondrial posttranslational protein import and mTOR-mediated translation control. Biochemistry in Perspective: Heme Biotransformation Peptide Hormones: An expanded section provides a more detailed description of how insulin binding to its receptor alters intracellular processes. Growth Factors Steroid and Thyroid Hormone Mechanisms 16.3 Metabolism in the Mammalian Body: Division of Labor: New emphasis is placed on glucose transport mechanisms in the body’s organs. Gastrointestinal Tract Liver Bacteriophage T4: A Viral Lifestyle Biochemistry in the Lab: Nucleic Acid Methods NEW! Biochemistry in Perspective: Epigenetics and the Epigenome: Genetic Inheritance Beyond DNA Base Sequences: A new box provides an accessible introduction to a mechanism that alters gene expression during development. NEW! Biochemistry in Perspective: Trapped Ribosomes: RNA to the Rescue: A new box describes the tactics used by living organisms to release ribosomes attempting to translate truncated mRNAs without stop codons. Adipose Tissue Biochemistry in Perspective: HIV: An updated boxed reading describes the infective mechanism of HIV. Biochemistry in Perspective: ContextDependent Coding Rearrangement Brain Available Online Biochemistry in the Lab: Proteomics Kidney Biochemistry in Perspective: A Short History of DNA Research: the Early Days Available Online Muscle 16.47KH)HHGLQJ)DVWLQJ&\FOH The Feeding Phase The Fasting Phase Feeding Behavior Biochemistry in Perspective: Diabetes Mellitus: An extensively revised description of diabetes explains the causes and consequences of this metabolic disease. Biochemistry in Perspective: Obesity and the Metabolic Syndrome: The box is revised to reflect recent research, including the contribution of dietary Biochemistry in Perspective: EF-Tu: A Motor Protein 18. GENETIC INFORMATION 18.1 Genetic Information: Replication, Repair, and Recombination DNA Replication: Expanded sections describe the functions of the prokaryotic and eukaryotic DNA polymerases. DNA Repair: An updated and expanded section describes transcription-associated, mismatch, and doublestrand repair. 13 SAMPLE CHAPTERS 5 and 8 14 /-Ê,Ê1 ",, /Ê*Ê*,""-Ê Ê "/Ê9/Ê ° Package Sapling Learning with McKee & McKee and Get a 40% Discount! Biochemistry: The Molecular Basis of Life, 5E ISBN: 9780199730841 $149.00 Biochemistry: The Molecular Basis of Life + Sapling Online Homework System ISBN: 9780199829675 $164.00 Biochemistry: The Molecular Basis of Life + Student Study Guide and Solutions Manual ISBN: 9780199837571 $170.50 Biochemistry: The Molecular Basis of Life + Sapling Online Homework + Student Study Guide and Solutions Manual ISBN: 9780199829606 $185.50 PLEASE CONTACT YOUR OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS SALES REPRESENTATIVE AT 800.280.0280 TO ORDER OR FOR MORE INFORMATION. WWW.OUP.COM/US/MCKEE ÀÊ>ÊÛiÊ`iÃÌÀ>ÌÊvÊ->«}Êi>À}]Ê}ÊÌÊÜÜÜ°Õ«°VÉÕÃÉVii°