VoIP Network Design
for Service Providers
A look at the challenges involved in
designing a converged network to
support VoIP and other applications
How service providers can manage migrating existing
voice services or building new managed IP networks
This white paper addresses:
• The complexities of VoIP network design
• Designing a framework to support VoIP migrations
• The unique performance, restoration and reliability requirements
of voice services
Introduction .......................................................................................3
IMS Architecture .........................................................................................4
Service Provider VoIP Architecture .............................................................5
A Multi-Service MPLS Network ..................................................................6
Multiple Classes of Service ..........................................................................6
Multiple Domains........................................................................................7
Bearer Network Design.......................................................................9
Generic MPLS Network Design Process.......................................................9
Supporting VoIP in Generic MPLS Network Design Process .....................12
Design Steps ..............................................................................................14
Signaling Network Design.................................................................15
QoS Design ......................................................................................17
The Integrated Services (IntServ) model...................................................17
The Differentiated Services (DiffServe) QoS model .................................18
Supporting Intra-Enterprise VoIP Traffic ...................................................20
QoS for Signaling Traffic............................................................................20
Acronyms .........................................................................................22
About the Authors ...........................................................................23
Jayant G. Deshpande.................................................................................23
David J. Houck ..........................................................................................23
Driven by competitive pressure and the desire for new service generating
opportunities, major Service Providers (SP) have begun rolling out VoIP
(Voice over IP) services to business and consumer markets. The challenge
is to design the network to support VoIP service requirements for strict
connectivity, latency, jitter, packet loss, and reliability objectives that are
normally expected from the (circuit-switched) PSTN services. In addition
the network design must support new voice applications – that are made
possible by the new converged voice/data network.
SPs are either migrating voice services from the circuit switched networks
to their existing data networks, or building new managed IP networks to
support voice and other applications. In all cases, these data networks
need to be carefully designed to support their most important and
challenging application – VoIP.
Some of the key components of network design for supporting VoIP are:
• Topological design: Core network topology, softswitch and router
placement, and backhaul. Design for reliability and scalability.
• Capacity design: Softswitches, routers, facilities, servers, and other
network elements to support voice traffic and signaling.
• Signaling network design: Interconnecting voice end points independent
of their access arrangements and corresponding signaling protocols (e.g.,
SIP, SS7, H.323, H.248/Megaco, MGCP).
• QoS design: For end-to-end quality of service objectives for latency, jitter,
and packet loss. Traffic policing, queuing, and shaping.
In a few cases, the addition of VoIP traffic may not require significant
modifications to the existing data network topology or router capacities,
but signaling networking design and QoS designs represent new elements
in traditional data network design.
Network management and network security are integral parts of offering
any new service and must be considered; however, they are not
specifically addressed in this document.
Designing a SP converged network is a complex endeavor since the SP
must carry voice and data traffic from many customers with varying QoS
requirements for multiple classes of service including VoIP and support
access from a variety of access networks.
We begin with a description of the SP architecture which is the most
important input to a network design. This includes not only the
connectivity of network elements but also the functional relationships
between the network and signaling elements and the corresponding
First, we set the context with a generalized architecture known as the
IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS)1.
For an overview of the IMS
architecture, see the White Paper, IP
Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) Service
Architecture, by Lucent Technologies,
January 2004.
IMS Architecture
The IMS architecture was created jointly by the 3rd Generation
Partnership Project (3GPP), European Telecommunications Standards
Institute (ESTI), and Parlay Forum. As shown in the simplified Figure 1,
IMS is a three layer architecture developed around SIP-based
communication between the VoIP and other telephony and nontelephony component systems with connectivity to existing voice network
technologies and legacy systems supporting these technologies.
Additionally, the architecture supports convergence of wireline and
wireless services.
Application Server Layer
Server 1)
Server n)
IP Multimedia
Call Session
Subscriber Control Function
Session Control Layer
Transport and Endpoint Layer
Figure 1 Simplified IMS Architecture
Functionally, the voice end-points and the media gateways in the
Transport and Endpoint Layer are controlled from the endpoint logic in their
(respective) Telephony Application servers.
The middle Session Control Layer includes the Call Session Control function of
registration of endpoints and routing of the SIP signaling messages. The
user profiles are stored at the Home Subscriber Server. The signaling layer also
includes the control functions for specific media gateways (such as the
trunk gateways) and media servers (such as the announcement server).
The Specialized Telephony servers, sometimes called Feature servers, are
also at the Application server layer. Similarly, connectivity to the SS7
network to the STPs and the SCPs is provided through the respective
(signaling) gateways in the Application Server layer.
It will be some time before the abstraction of Figure 1 is realized through
vendor products. Based on the currently available vendor technologies
and near-term expectation, we use the following terminology that is
closer to vendor realization of products:
The term “softswitch” is generalized in this paper to include at least one
Telephony application server responsible for the domain of end users that
it controls. Depending on the domain of its end users, the softswitch may
also contain the media gateway controller and/or signaling gateway.
The Supplemental Telephony severs will be denoted by their specific
functions (such as unified messaging server) or simply as feature servers.
Depending on the signaling entities or endpoints connected to it, a
softswitch must be able to communicate over one or more of the signaling
protocols: SIP, ISUP, H.323, H.248/MEGACO, MGCP, etc. Some of the
examples of softswitches defined here are: a combined system of
connection and signaling gateway for connecting to PSTN, the
PacketCable ™ CMS, or a SIP based Session border controller (SBC) or
the “so called” border element.
Over time, much of the communication between the signaling elements is
expected to be based on SIP, but in the interim many legacy protocols will
need to be supported.
The softswitch may be distributed over several physical systems.
Service Provider VoIP Architecture
A Service Provider architecture for VoIP is shown in Figure 2.
(Cable/DSL) access
to (another) ISP
Supplied by
Service Provider
Cable Network
VoIP Service
of another
Service Provider
Figure 2: VoIP Architecture
VoIP is one of the many services that the SP offers over its IP
infrastructure (such as Internet access, MPLS VPN2, L2 VPN, and Video).
However, much of Figure 2 emphasizes the networking connectivity for
VoIP services.
As defined in RFC 2547bis.
A Multi-Service MPLS Network
Access to VoIP services and other data services is provided at the edge
routers, strategically located by the SP in its area of operations. Often, an
edge router supports access to multiple services. But, that is not necessary,
either because a particular router technology is not able to support access
to all SP services or the SP may provide access to a particular service from
dedicated edge routers for security, stability, and/or ease of manageability.
For small Service Provider networks, it
is not necessary that there be a
network of separate core routers as
shown in Figure 2. The edge routers
can be directly connected with each
other. The edge routers will perform
the functions of both a Label Edge
router (LER) and a Label Switching
Router (LSR).
MPLS is becoming the core technology3 of choice for SPs since MPLS has
many advantages over pure IP connectivity for edge router
interconnection supporting multiple services. Therefore, even though
VoIP does not specifically require it, it is recommended that MPLS
technology be used as the core of the IP infrastructure connecting the
edge routers.
• With MPLS, each edge router is only one (layer-3) hop away from another
edge router, thus there is no layer 3 lookup at the intermediate routers.
• Separation of control plane and data forwarding plane is inherent to
MPLS. Thus, vendors implementing these tasks from separate processors
result in router stability: failure of control plane does not affect data
forwarding for the existing flows through the router.
• MPLS supports fast reroute options that can provide improved reliability
for VoIP.
• Many L3 and L2 VPN services are easy to deploy on a common MPLS
• If the network uses an edge-core architecture as in Figure 2, additional
network stability is achieved by not requiring storing of the customer
routes or the Internet routes in the core routers.
• MPLS can support enhanced traffic engineering by establishing multiple
paths between a pair of edge routers for reliability and finer QoS
treatment by class of service.
• Additionally, MPLS supports improved network security and management
by enabling the use of separate LSPs for management, signaling and
bearer traffic, if necessary.
The contents of this paper is still applicable for SPs who do not deploy
MPLS core technology for VoIP service. The impact of VoIP traffic on the
generic design (Section 3), all of the signaling design (Section 4), and the
need for differentiated service for QoS (Section 5) are relevant even if
MPLS is not chosen as the core technology (eg, end-to-end QoS can be
supported using only the DSCP markings).
Multiple Classes of Service
Providing multiple services from the same infrastructure necessarily
implies classifying the traffic according to each individual service need and
delivering to customer expectations (through SLAs) for that service.
For the VoIP service, maintaining voice quality requires low latency, low
jitter (small delays variation between successive VoIP packets at the
destination), and low packet loss.
Queuing delays at all network nodes must be minimized for the voice
packets. As far as possible, the end-to-end latency of the voice packets
should approach the unavoidable propagation time of the path taken by
the VoIP packets.
To account for the network jitter, a jitter buffer is used at the destination.
However, queuing delays in the network could result in unacceptable
values for jitter even if the average end-to-end latency is acceptable. Thus,
a late-arriving packet is equivalent to a lost packet, if it is not available at
the play-out time.
There also may be additional packet loss in the network due to traffic
congestion resulting in large queues at the routers.
In summary, VoIP traffic must be given preferential QoS treatment in the
network to maintain the required voice quality.
The service provided may maintain several additional classes for its nonVoIP traffic to render each class its required QoS treatment (e.g., network
control traffic, video, critical business data, best effort data).
Section 5 will deal with QoS design.
Multiple Domains
In addition to providing the VoIP service to its own customers, the SP
must provide connectivity to voice services (both VoIP and circuit
switched) of other SPs including connecting to the Public Switched
Telephone Network (PSTN). In fact, for any voice call carried over the SP
network, one or more end points of the call may not be the customers of
that SP.
A domain may be loosely defined as a collection of voice endpoints and
one or more signaling entities. The signaling entities within a domain may
communicate with each other for on-net calls whereas signaling entities in
different domains must communicate with each other for inter-domain
calls –the off-net calls.
The SP IP network carries the “bearer” VoIP traffic (that is made up of the
IP packets carrying encoded voice using the RTP protocol) and the
signaling traffic between the signaling entities based on the signaling
protocol. Both these traffic streams of IP packets enter at the edge routers
of the network.
In Figure 2, the SP has deployed several softswitches (that includes
Telephony servers for the respective domains, feature servers and media
gateway controllers as necessary) in its network.
Service Provider Domain:
The SP domain interconnects many access (sub-) domains over the IP
• Voice connection for telephones connected to IP PBXs are controlled by a
softswitch over SIP or H.323 connectivity to the PBX.
• Traditional PBXs connect to the enterprise media gateways. Voice encoding
is performed at the gateway and H.323 (or lately, SIP) is generally used for
signaling between the media gateways and an SP softswitch.
• IP phones and soft phones are directly controlled by a softswitch using SIP
protocol over IP; we will call these SIP phones
• The SP may offer voice connectivity to subscribers from different enterprise
customers for intra-enterprise voice communication. The intra-enterprise
communication may be over L3 or L2 VPNS, but that is not necessary.
• If the SP offers (or collaborates with another provider to offer) broadband
services to end users over cable, small business, remote users of large
enterprises, and residential customers can be provided VoIP service over
the cable connection.
• VoIP service over cable has been defined in the PacketCable™ standards
from Cable Labs®.
The standard allows for an MTA to be a
stand-alone element (without cable
modem function) connecting into a
regular DOCSIS modem. However,
stand-alone PacketCable-compliant
MTAs are not common.
– The customer connects telephone(s) into the telephone jack(s) of
PacketCable-compliant Embedded Multimedia Terminal Adapter (EMTA) for VoIP connectivity. The PC/router connects into the Ethernet
port of the E-MTA. The E-MTA has an integrated cable modem that
connects to the CMTS over a DOCSIS-compliant IP connection carrying
both the voice and data traffic from the E-MTA4.
– The PacketCable-compliant softswitch, called Call Management Server
(CMS), controls the E-MTA for Voice calls over Network-based Call
Signaling (NCS) protocol that is based on MGCP.
– The CMTS provides differentiated treatment to VoIP using the
PacketCable Dynamic QoS (DQoS) standard.
• Recently, some SPs have been offering VoIP service to broadband service
subscribers (Cable or DSL ISPs). Note that these ISPs need not have any
relationship with the VoIP SPs. The VoIP connectivity over Cable does not
follow the PacketCable standards. Further, the VoIP traffic may be carried
over the Internet (including the cable/DSL access) before being forwarded
to the SP. The SP supplies a (non-PacketCable-compliant) MTA – often
called a phone adapter or telephone adapter – to the VoIP subscriber. The
customer connects the telephone(s) and PC/router into the MTA
telephone and Ethernet ports. The MTA and the phone together act as a
SIP phone and are under the control of the SP Softswitch that is a SIP
control element
– This MTA does not include a cable modem or DSL modem embedded in
it. This MTA connects into the (existing) cable of the DSL modem.
• Many new mobile phone vendors’ products are supporting SIP
technology. It will be possible for the SP to offer VoIP services in
collaboration with the mobile telephone services.
• The SP may also offer many other value added services to its customers
such as IP Centrex or voice VPN (not shown in Figure 2).
Connecting to PSTN:
The SP VoIP service must be connected to the PSTN, since PSTN is the
most prevalent voice service.
• PSTN voice is converted to IP at the media gateway (also called trunk
gateway) that may be located at a PSTN central office or the SP location.
These gateways connect to the edge routers.
• The SP softswitch also connects into the SS7 network for ISUP (signaling)
connectivity to the PSTN (TDM) switches and other PSTN signaling
• It is assumed here that the softswitch includes both the signaling gateway
and media gateway control functions. It is possible that these two
functions are delivered from different network elements.
Connecting to VoIP Services of other Service Providers:
The SP may connect to external VoIP domains.
• The VoIP services from different SPs can be connected allowing end users
of these VoIP services to communicate with each other.
• The SP’s IP networks connect with one another over an inter-AS
(Autonomous System) connection.
• There are no standards for interconnecting VoIP services of two SPs. Such
interconnection is possible only through mutual understanding and
agreements. In particular, the two services need to agree upon the
signaling protocol between their respective softswitches.
Bearer Network Design
The VoIP bearer traffic is only a part of the overall IP traffic on the SP
MPLS/IP network. Therefore, the network design for capacity and
topology of the network has to be based on all traffic and not just the VoIP
bearer traffic. When the SP is only looking to migrate voice services from
the existing network, the overall network capacity and topology design
may be an incremental activity for support of the VoIP traffic.
Generic MPLS Network Design Process
A generic design process for a multi-services MPLS network is illustrated
in Figure 3.
Service & Network Data Collection
Traffic & Network Data Analysis
Topological &
Capacity Design
Topology creation
Capacity allocation
Redundancy design
LSP Routing &
Restoration Design
Figure 3 Generic IP/MPLS Design Process
A brief description of the modules in Figure 3 will be presented here. Note
that implementing VoIP has varying degree of effect on individual modules.
Service and Network Data Collection
• Service Requirements: The service requirements are usually specified in
terms of SLAs including QoS parameters. These requirements help
determine the number of traffic classes that must be supported. For VoIP
service, the types of codecs used by the endpoints may also be specified.
Choice of codecs has an impact on estimating the bearer traffic.
• Network Environment: Evaluate the existing network environment
including the network elements already deployed. It is important to
understand how much of legacy equipment must be retained as well as
any issues related to multivendor inter-operability.
• Performance Requirements: For each supported service, there may be
performance requirements on the network including end-to-end latency
and/or packet loss in the network. Services performance requirements
may also include the network restorability and availability objectives.
Additionally, voice services will need to meet the goals for components of
call set up time.
Traffic and Network Data Analysis
• Traffic Demands: Traffic demands must be calculated from the service
requirements. Depending on the tools used, the traffic demands need to
be specified between every pair of endpoints (pipe model) or traffic
to/from each endpoint (hose model).
• Network Architecture Planning: The service requirements, network
environment, and performance requirements help determine the detailed
network architecture that is at the heart of the network design. These
requirements include network hierarchy, interconnection of network
components and the necessary function of each component for end-toend support of the required services.
• Design Parameters: Some of the design parameters required to control the
behavior of the network design procedure are network level performance
and reliability requirements, facility types and their ownership, possible
vendor equipment model types, restoration bandwidth requirement, and
hop count. The network environment and performance requirements
help determine some of these design parameters.
Tool Assisted Design
• Topological and Capacity Design: Based on these inputs, the topological and
capacity design can be carried out (with the help of tools) to determine
the number, size, and locations of routers, switches, and links and the
optimal access arrangement including backhaul, as necessary. The output
of the design process can also help choose among many alternatives; eg,
lease or own the facilities, oversubscription values. A few details of the
topological and capacity design are presented later.
• LSP Routing and Restoration Design: Network design must allow for efficient
traffic engineering. This is particularly important for support of the voice
traffic with its stringent performance and reliability requirements. Traffic
engineering of the design will help determine traffic routing for various
services such as VoIP and MPLS VPN services. Further, by mapping each
individual demand to (primary) LSPs, the bandwidth of each link can be
utilized to maximize the overall network bandwidth efficiency for the
given traffic pattern in the design. Restoration bandwidth can be added
through implementation of the secondary LSPs as appropriate.
• Node optimization: Often, the network design will result in many smaller
similar devices (routers/switches) being collocated. Optimizing the nodal
equipment (into larger devices) may result in removal of unnecessary
intra-node traffic and associated complexity such as unnecessary
Optimizing the design
Reaching optimized design requires the following three analyses and
iterating over the design to reach optimality (See Figure 3).
• Performance and Reliability analysis: Evaluate the design against
performance and reliability objectives at the network level as well as at the
packet level. For VoIP, it is also necessary to meet the goals at the call level.
• Cost analysis: The topological and capacity design helps estimate the
capital and operations cost estimates for the SP.
• Sensitivity analysis: Sensitivity analysis is about evaluating the what-if
scenarios for changes in the values of some of the network parameters,
such as fluctuations in the traffic demands. A good design requires that a
small fluctuation should not have disproportionate effect on the rest of
the network.
Supporting VoIP in Generic MPLS Network Design Process
The need to support VoIP has the most impact on the following aspects of
the generic design process for designing a multi-services MPLS network
• Voice traffic estimation
• Performance
• Restoration and reliability
Estimating VoIP traffic
Although G.711 (64 kbps) is a common codec choice, various voice
compression options, notably G.726, G.729 and G.723.1, allow for codec
bit rate ranging from 32 kbps to 5.3 kbps per voice channel. Thus, instead
of dedicating 64 kbps for each voice channel in circuit-switched network,
carrying voice over an MPLS network with compression and silence
suppression – resulting in voice bandwidth lower than 64 Kbps – enables
statistical multiplexing and allows for better utilization of bandwidth.
Traffic demand calculations for VoIP over MPLS often start with the
traditional PSTN descriptors characterized by point-to-point traffic
demands and engineered link blocking probabilities. The SP can estimate
the average (busy hour) VoIP traffic demand at each edge router based on
the knowledge of the number of subscribers connecting through that
router, codecs used, busy hour call attempts (BHCA), average call length,
etc. Then tools such as the Erlang B formula can be used to calculate the
number of simultaneous calls.
Irrespective of the codec, there are layers 1, 2, and 3 overheads. For each
VoIP packet, there will be 40 bytes of the IP/UDP/RTP header, 4 bytes of
the MPLS header and the layer 2 overhead (e.g., 6 bytes for PPP).
(Note that if there are multiple MPLS headers required, such as in the
case of MPLS VPNs, hierarchical MPLS topology, etc., each MPLS header
will require an additional 4 bytes).
Depending on the codec used, the VoIP traffic payload in the VoIP packet
will be of different sizes. Frequently, the voice payload in each VoIP (RTP)
packet is worth 20 ms of voice.
As an example, for the G.711 PCM codec, the required bandwidth for
each call in each direction will be 64 Kbps for the voice packets plus about
31% of layer 2 and layer 3 overhead resulting in about 84 Kbps (160
bytes payload + 50 bytes header with PPP); whereas for G.729a CSACELP codec, the required bandwidth for each call in each direction will
be 8 Kbps for the voice packets with 230% of “IP tax” resulting in about
28 Kbps (20 bytes of payload +50 bytes of overhead).
The voice bandwidth calculations become further complicated depending
on the layer 1 connectivity in the network including allowing for the
necessary separation between the successive packets. For example, for
SONET links, the SONET framing overhead must be added. Additionally,
Packet over SONET (POS) links may require increased bandwidth to
account for byte stuffing. (A case in point is the use of G.711 codec
without silence suppression. The byte pattern for the “quiet time” is often
the same as that of the POS flag and control bytes. Thus, these quiet bytes
must be escaped with byte stuffing, thus increasing the number of bytes
that must be transmitted).
Tools are available that will help calculate the bandwidth requirements for
different codec types and protocols used and a packet loss requirement
with silence suppression enabled.
If the SP offers Unified Messaging service, including voice mail, the demand
for such traffic should be included in the overall voice demand. This traffic
can be modeled either as just additional voice calls to the server or it can
be separately estimated and added to the other VoIP bearer traffic. Unified
messaging may also require non-voice data communication between the
server and user PCs. Estimates of that data traffic, if considered significant,
must be added to the overall data traffic demand on the SP network
Network Performance for Voice traffic
Sections 4 and 5, that deal with Signaling and QoS design respectively,
will address the signaling performance and voice quality performance in
finer detail. But it is also possible to incorporate some of the VoIP
performance goals in designing the MPLS network, so that the signaling
and QoS performance can be efficiently implemented.
For example,
• The “voice” LSPs may be constrained to be carried over a limited number
of hops to help improve the delay performance.
• Later we will see that a certain amount of bandwidth is dedicated for
voice traffic at each link. It will help if the network design itself is able to
allocate higher bandwidth links wherever possible. Consider the case of
an SP where the same central office connects the SP to the IP network as
well as to the PSTN. SP network links connecting to the edge router in the
central office (CO) should be of a higher bandwidth than dictated by
design tools, so that it is possible to allocate higher voice bandwidth on
these links to improve the performance.
Network Restoration and Reliability for Voice traffic
Typically, the reliability and restoration requirements for voice services are
higher than for data services. Customers still expect a “five 9s” reliability
(i.e. 99.999% service availability) as provided by the traditional circuitswitched PSTN. Mere addition of routers, softswitches, and links may not
be enough for voice service reliability. Restoration methods such as MPLS
“fast reroute” must be implemented. It is important that sufficient
bandwidth is allocated at the design time for supporting fast reroute for
voice traffic. (Note that for the MPLS core, many SPs have opted for the
rerouting capabilities of the IGP rather than investing in SONET
Design Steps
As indicated earlier, the design is based on the consolidated VoIP and
other data requirements.
• Geographical Locations: The SP has a good idea as to the COs where the
edge routers can be placed based on the customer coverage areas. In some
cases, the SP may want to backhaul traffic from its remote offices to these
COs. If the number of edge router locations is small, there may not be a
need for the core network. Otherwise, the hierarchical edge-core design
must be considered. Typically, the core router locations will be a subset of
the edge router locations.
Since a significant amount of bearer traffic flows through the media
gateways, their placement must be carefully chosen. The media gateways
for connecting to the PSTN must be closer to PSTN connection point(s).
(The media gateways do not have to be collocated with the corresponding
MGCs or SGs). If the media gateways connecting the business customers’
PBXs over private lines/PRIs are to be placed in SP locations, such
locations should also be identified.
Iteratively, the design tools will help converge to the optimum geographic
locations for the edge and core routers (and backhaul if needed) based on
costs, performance, reliability, and routing design.
• Design parameters and constraints: The design must satisfy the performance
(e.g., QoS treatment for VoIP, number of hops), reliability (e.g., PSTN-like
reliability and survivability), and scalability (e.g., say, little topology or
capacity change with 10% additional demand, multi-year design, support
for future protocols) goals specified by the SP including VoIP-related
requirements. There may be constraints on the network facility choices
(SONET/SDH, DWDM) or their ownership (leased or constructed).
Choice of the internal gateway protocol and implementing its hierarchical
implementation has considerable influence on the network topology.
MPLS rerouting to support VoIP goals also affects the network design.
Note that the choice of hierarchy of the Interior Gateway Protocol may
dictate the edge-core design.
• Data Analysis: In most cases, these traffic estimates will be in “hose mode”
where, the aggregate traffic into an edge router bound for any destination
is estimated. The design process requires that the traffic demand be
computed for every pair of edge routers (“pipe mode”). A gravity matrix
model can be used to compute the required point-to-point traffic matrix.
Generally, the aggregate VoIP traffic is the same in each direction on a link.
In spite of the possibility of including significant amount of text in the
signaling messages in new signaling protocols like SIP, it can be assumed
that the total signaling traffic carries by the IP/MPLS network is small in
comparison to the total VoIP traffic and certainly miniscule compared
with the overall IP traffic over the network. Thus, the signaling traffic
volume can be ignored for the capacity and topology design.
• Topology generation: A network design tool is essential for larger networks
to provide the network topology and capacity that supports the
performance and restoration requirements for each class of service and
minimizes the cost of the network. For smaller networks, some heuristics
will work reasonably well.
The first step is to generate the basic topology without redundancy.
Then modify the topology to support the performance, QoS and routing
objectives. Then generate a modified topology that will support the
required redundancy, survivability, and restoration.
The design can be further “tweaked”; e.g., the links can be resized to
available bandwidths, backhaul links removed/added, if there are multiple
edge routers in a CO, their interconnectivity within the CO can be
Signaling Network Design
A SP may deploy many softswitches in the network either because it
needs to support a large number of end-points or because any one
softswitch product may not support all the needed signaling protocols, or
Every pair of softswitches needs to exchange signaling information with
each other for connecting calls of end points they control. Additionally,
the softswitches must communicate with the Feature servers for call
features other than those required for a simple voice connection.
As far as possible, a single protocol must be used for communication
between the softswitches and feature servers deployed by the SP. Session
Initiation Protocol (SIP) does support the features for this communication
and is currently favored by most SPs.
Note that there needs to be a full mesh of connectivity among all
softswitches. Generally, this cannot be avoided even for a large SP with
many softswitches.
The main objectives of the Signaling design are:
• Support the required BHCA objective for all VoIP connections carried over
the SP network.
• Support the call set up time and call disconnect time objectives.
• Support the service availability requirement by providing redundancy in
signaling connectivity.
As indicated earlier, there is seldom any need for considering the actual
signaling traffic volume between the softswitches and other signaling
entities since the signaling traffic volume is a very small percentage of the
total IP traffic carried in the network. This is the case even when signaling
traffic may carry some user data such as that used in the popular SMS
(Short Messaging Service).
A high level procedure for designing the Signaling network follows:
• Determine the signaling protocols that must be supported by the SP.
– For PSTN, the SP will need to support connectivity to the SS7 network
over ISUP as well as MGC functionality.
– All softswitches must support SIP, which is a protocol of choice for
communication between the SP’s softswitches, Feature Servers, and
other signaling points. This will also help the evolution towards the IMS
– Additional protocols such as NCS, H.323, MGCP, and Megco/H.248 will
also need to be supported depending on the needs of the access
• Decide on the vendor products that may be deployed in the network to
support these protocols.
– Include all existing softswitch products already in use in the network
(such as the CMS in the Cable network) that must be continued to be
used in the signaling design.
– Subject to unit cost constraints, select additional softswitch products that
support multiple signaling protocols.
– Carefully evaluate the support for redundant configuration of softswitch
deployment: primary/secondary, active/standby, state replication, etc.
– It may be prudent to distribute certain VoIP functions based on
flexibility, security, and cost considerations. For example, it may be
necessary to use a vendor product that is deployed only as a SIP proxy,
for connecting the SIP endpoints.
• Determine the number of softswitch vendor units required to support the
estimated BHCA from all domains.
Vendor-supplied BHCA value may
need to be modified based on
experience, lab testing, and confidence
in the vendor-supplied numbers.
– The first rough calculation will add the BHCA for all domains with
signaling protocols supported by each selected vendor model and divide
that aggregate estimated BHCA by the BHCA capacity5 of that vendor
model resulting in the number of softswitches of that type. Repeat for
each vendor model. (Do not double count the demand if a particular
signaling protocol is supported by multiple vendor models).
– Refine calculations by removing the demand that can be supported by
the existing softswitches.
• Provide for additional softswitch units for redundancy based on reliability
calculations. At least n:1 redundancy must be provided for each softswitch
managing the same (access) domain, since most SPs require diversity.
Load sharing may be configured over two or more softswitches; however,
the entire load must be supportable when one softswitch in the
redundant configuration is out of order.
• Since all softswitches are connected with each other over a high speed IP
network, they can be placed anywhere in the network with the following
• Each softswitch must be connected to two edge routers. Often, the
softswitches will be located in a CO where there is an edge router. The
other connection should be to an edge router in another CO if possible.
• Further refine and finish the design with following considerations:
– Generally, there should not be any concerns about latency in the
signaling network, provided that signaling packets are marked properly
and given priority over other data packets. Any softswitch should
support domains that may be connected into a different part of the
network. But if the call setup time or call disconnect time objectives are
not satisfied because of high latency of the design, it may be necessary
to deploy additional softswitches and rearrange the softswitch
placement in different geographical areas.
• Evaluate the design against the network management connectivity
requirements. Modify if necessary
• Evaluate the reliability of the design against objectives. Modify as
• Evaluate the design against regulatory policy compliance and SP’s
constraints about connectivity to the PSTN at various points in the
network. For example, the SP may want to carry the off-net traffic to the
nearest PSTN gateway.
QoS Design
As indicated earlier, the SP must provide preferential QoS treatment6 to
the VoIP traffic to support voice quality; requiring low latency, low jitter,
and low packet loss.
The VoIP traffic shares networking resources – both processing and
transmission – with other data traffic on most access links and all of the IP
infrastructure routers and links. The overall QoS design for the network
must support end-to-end voice quality objectives for the bearer traffic as
well as the design objectives for the signaling traffic.
There are two possible QoS models that the SP can use: integrated services
(IntServ) model and differentiated services (DiffServe) model.
After briefly describing the IntServ model, QoS design using the
recommended DiffServe model is presented.
The Integrated Services (IntServ) model
End-to-end network resources are reserved for each VoIP flow using the
RSVP protocol for preferential treatment to the voice traffic resulting in
bounded values for latency, jitter and packet loss.
However, IntServ requires a high processing load in the routers and is not
very scalable with the current technology for per call signaling. Use of
RSVP-TE may still be used to create LSPs and for maintaining LSP
rerouting. But, in that case, resource reservation requests are few and far
between. Using IntServ for VoIP QoS will require frequent creations and
destruction of “voice” LSPs.
PacketCable and some wireless standards have specified Integrated
Services model for QoS
Note that most vendor
implementations give the highest
priority for the network control traffic
such as routing and vendor-proprietary
protocols over all other traffic
including voice. However, such
network control traffic, being very
small, should have little effect on the
QoS performance for VoIP and other
The Differentiated Services (DiffServe) QoS model
The differentiated services model renders each packet a QoS treatment
based on the class of service of that packet at each hop through the
network – the specific per-hop-behavior (PHP) is specified and configured
at each router instead of the end-to-end resource reservation of the
IntServ model.
The SP may support many classes of service including a real-time class for
the VoIP bearer traffic, in addition to several data classes and the best effort
traffic class. Packet classification markings / mechanisms for the
corresponding classes varies depending on the protocol used at a
particular network “hop”. Some of these classification
markings/mechanisms are:
1. Differentiated Services Code point (DSCP) that is a 6-bit value in the 8-bit
TOS byte in the IP header.
2. Three bit EXP value in the MPLS header of the packet
3. Dynamic QoS (DQoS) mechanism defined by PacketCable standards that
differentiates voice packets from data packet at a Cable Modem
Termination System (CMTS).
In some instances, (eg cable access), the
edge router my use other mechanism
(eg, DQoS) to directly mark the EXP
value based on the class of the
incoming packets.
Generally, the SP should require that the IP packets entering the edge
routers be marked with DSCP values corresponding to the classes of
service (CoS) that the SP offers7. VoIP bearer traffic packets (real time
packets) are usually marked with the DSCP value for the EF (Expedited
Forwarding) treatment. (See Figure 4)
At Egress port (E):
VoIP traffic is priority scheduled
and strictly rate limited
Ingress Node
At each edge and core router,
At Ingress port (I):
VoIP traffic is strictly policed to a data rate
VoIP packet
(EF) marking*
Other VoIP
and other
Traffic streams
With respective
DSCP markings
Ingress Node
* For cable endpoints, DQoS is used rather than DSCP
Voice Stream
Voice Stream
Figure 4: DiffServe for QoS for VoIP traffic
Data packets – of classes other than the best effort traffic – are marked with
the DSCP value of the corresponding AF (Assured Forwarding) class. Best
effort traffic is marked with the DSCP value of the BE (Best Effort) class.
Figure 4 illustrates the DiffServe QoS for the IP infrastructure. Note that
at each ingress port of an edge router, VoIP and data streams from
multiple sources enter the router. Similarly, VoIP and data streams from
multiple sources exit the router for multiple destinations. Similarly for all
the core routers.
The entering VoIP traffic and traffic of other classes at each port is the
aggregate of the traffic from many sources. Similarly, the exiting VoIP
traffic and traffic of other data classes at each port is the aggregate of voice
traffic bound for many destinations. The QoS treatment at each of these
routers is based on packet classification rather than on the source or
The ingress router inserts the MPLS header in each IP packet received
from the access domain. The router must map the packet DSCP value to
the 3-bit EXP marking within the MPLS header. The MPLS header will be
removed by the last core router before delivering the packet to the egress
edge router8.
There are only eight possible EXP values out of which only up to six may
be available for use by the SP for QoS. (Other values are often designated
by the vendor for network control traffic including routing protocol
packets and vendor-proprietary protocol packets).
We propose that all VoIP traffic be mapped to the same EXP value by the
SP. At a high level, the following processing elements at the edge and core
routers for VoIP packets will help support the VoIP latency, jitter, and
packet loss objectives under most circumstances.
• Incoming traffic: The incoming aggregate VoIP traffic is strictly policed: The
aggregate incoming rate of the VoIP packets at each port of the edge or
the core router is limited to a configured bandwidth value based on the
estimate of the VoIP packet rate at that port. Procedures for estimating
traffic demand were covered earlier. The other (data) classes of traffic may
also be policed to their individual rates, possibly with bursting allowed.
• Outgoing traffic: At each egress port of each edge or core router the VoIP
traffic is placed in a single queue that is served with strict priority. NonVoIP packets are not scheduled for transmission if there is any packet in
this strict priority queue of VoIP packets. Further, the voice packets are
shaped to a strict configured rate. The scheduling of traffic for other (data
classes) may follow a variety of schemes, eg, weighted round robin with
random dropping of the packets with drop probabilities based on the
relative priority of those classes.
With the recommended differentiated services QoS architecture described
above, the VoIP design parameters that need to be determined are the VoIP
bandwidth that must be supported on every link of the infrastructure,
which can be computed from the VoIP demand matrix that was computed
in the topological design and the LSP routing through the network.
Supporting efficient QoS is a complex task. In addition to many nuances
of polling and shaping policies, vendor options vary in the
implementation of QoS policies. It is not uncommon to arrive at the
desired result after trying out several networkwide configurations.
Assuming penultimate hop popping
(PHP). Otherwise, the MPLS heard is
removed by the egress edge router.
Supporting Intra-Enterprise VoIP Traffic
The SP network carries VoIP traffic for calls managed by its softswitches as
well as the intra-enterprise VoIP traffic that is completely controlled by
the individual enterprise gateways. Traffic engineering for supporting
these two classes of VoIP traffic requires careful planning.
The QoS design outlined earlier will treat the aggregate of these two
traffic streams as one single class of VoIP traffic – use the aggregate
policing/shaping rate and place the traffic in one single priority queue. For
some SPs, this aggregate treatment may be appropriate.
However, a SP may want to separate the VoIP traffic attributed to the calls
controlled by its softswitches and subject to its CAC policies from the
intra-enterprise traffic that is not subject to the SP CAC. The SP may want
the CAC based entirely on the availability of the bandwidth that is
earmarked for the VoIP traffic for the calls controlled by its softswitches.
On the other hand, the SP must still maintain the SLAs for voice quality
for its enterprise customers even for their internal voice traffic. Therefore,
these two VoIP traffic types need to be differentiated from each other at
each router and yet support the SP CAC and customer SLAs.
Typically, these two classes of traffic will be strictly policed to their
respective estimated rates at the ingress ports of the routers, whereas at
egress the SP may allocate higher priority to the VoIP traffic controlled by
its softswitches over the intra-enterprise VoIP traffic, but shaping both
streams to their strict respective rates. The complexity of such packet
scheduling schemes is not discussed here.
Since the VoIP traffic from the VPN customers belong to the respective
VPNs, security issues must also be considered if there is to be voice
communication between endpoints from two different VPNs.
QoS for Signaling Traffic
There does not seem to be any agreement among network practitioners
about the right DiffServe class and the associated treatment for the
signaling traffic. All agree that the signaling traffic must be given
preferential treatment with excellent delay and packet loss performance.
That would suggest classifying the signaling traffic as real-time traffic (the
same class as the VoIP bearer traffic). However, signaling packets vary in
length, and with the advent of SIP and other networking protocols these
signaling packets are increasingly becoming longer. Real-time classification
for the signaling traffic does not bode well for the VoIP bearer traffic, since
this QoS strategy will increase the end-to-end jitter for voice.
Assigning signaling traffic to the class of network control traffic, with
precedence higher than the VoIP bearer traffic, has its merit in that the
signaling traffic is extremely important for managing the voice service as
the routing and other network control traffic is to running of the network.
But this classification for the signaling traffic will significantly increase
traffic volume of higher priority than the VoIP bearer traffic. This will have
adverse effect on the jitter for voice communication, if only slightly.
The third option is to assign the signaling traffic the highest “data” class
just below the real-time class. Provided that VoIP bandwidth allocation
has been diligently made larger than estimated, the signaling traffic will
get the required latency and packet loss treatment in most cases, without
affecting the jitter for voice communication. Rather than allocating a
separate class for the signaling traffic, the signaling traffic is included in
the same class as the highest non-VoIP data traffic class.
SPs have begun rolling out VoIP services for business and consumer
markets. That has posed network design challenges to meet the strict
performance and reliability requirements for PSTN-like voice quality and
service availability while supporting VoIP and other data services over a
single IP infrastructure.
This white paper identifies essential aspects involved in including VoIP
service in a multi-services environment and provides guidelines to
meeting the design challenges for supporting the SP’s voice customers
over a variety of access arrangements and connecting them to PSTNs as
well as voice services of other SPs. The complexities of network design
have also been brought in this paper.
We identify MPLS as the most appropriate core network technology for
supporting multiple services of the SP and present the necessary
modifications required to support VoIP bearer traffic in a generic network
design for an IP/MPLS network. In addition, we describe procedures for
estimating VoIP traffic and supporting the unique performance,
restoration, and reliability requirements of voice services.
Signaling is an integral part of voice service. Elements of signaling design
for capacity and placement of the softswitches are presented in this paper
for the needed performance and reliability of signaling, so that the PSTNlike goals for call set-up times and service availability can be met.
Without QoS support, it will be impossible to sustain VoIP service in a
multi-services environment over an IP infrastructure. The need for
priority treatment of the VoIP traffic has been emphasized to meet the
latency, jitter, and packet loss objectives for voice quality. Design
guidelines for QoS treatment using the differentiated services model has
been presented. Finally, QoS treatment for the signaling traffic as well as
for supporting intra-enterprise VoIP bearer traffic have also been included
in this paper.
Assured Forwarding
Best Effort
Busy Hour Call Attempt
Call admission Control
Call Management Server
Cable Modem Termination System
Central Office
Class of Service
Conjugate Structure – Algebraic Code-excited
Linear Prediction
Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification
Dynamic QoS
Differentiated Services Code Point
Expedited Forwarding
Embedded MTA
Experimental (bits)
IP Multimedia Subsystem
Internet Protocol
ISDN User part (ISDN: Integrated Services
Digital Network)
Local Area Network
MGCP according to H.248
Media Gateway Control Protocol
Media Gateway Controller
Multi-Protocol Label Switching
Multi-media Terminal Adapter
Network-based Call Signaling
Per Hop Behavior
Penultimate Hop Popping
Packet over SONET
Primary Rate Interface
Public Switched Telephone Service
Quality of Service
Reservation Protocol
RSVP – Traffic Engineering
Real Time Protocol
Session Border Controller
Signaling Control Point
Session Initiation Protocol
Service Provider
Signaling System 7
Signaling Transfer Point
Time Division Multiplexing
Voice over IP
Virtual Private Network
About the Authors
Jayant G. Deshpande
Lucent Technologies– Bell Laboratories
Jayant is a Network Design Engineer in the Network Technologies and
Performance Department at Lucent Technologies Bell Laboratories in
Holmdel, New Jersey. Jayant’s work focuses on data and voice networking
services development, network architecture, design, planning,
performance analysis, and QoS. Jayant received his Ph.D. in Electrical
Engineering from University of Texas at Austin in 1973.
David J. Houck
Lucent Technologies– Bell Laboratories
David is a technical manager in the QoS Management and Assessment
Group in Holmdel, New Jersey. David leads a team that focuses on
performance modeling and traffic management of converged packet
networks with QoS requirements. Dave received a B.A. in mathematics in
1970 and a Ph.D. in operations research in 1974, both from The Johns
Hopkins University.
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Lucent Technologies Inc.
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LWS VOIP 10/04
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