America’s Heartland
This 22-part series celebrates United States agriculture by spotlighting the
diverse group of men and women, who grow the country’s crops, raise its
livestock, tend its nurseries and prepare its good. The series portrays the works
of agriculture, horticulture and aquaculture through fascinating stores and
characters, innovative ideas and enticing travel destinations.
Thursdays, Ap. 1-June 24, 2010 11:30 a.m. 30 minutes each APT
Nightly Business Report 2010
A series designed to give viewers a context and analysis of the day’s business
news so that they can maker better financial decisions.
Monday-Friday, Ap. 1-June 30, 2010 5:30 p.m. 30 minutes each PBS
At Issue—Local Economy
Host H Wayne Wilson talks with Jim McConoughey, President and CEO of the
Heartland Partnership and Bashir Ali, the Director of Workforce Development
about the state of the local economy. (Repeated Sunday at 4:30 p.m.)
Thursday, Ap. 1, 2010 8:30 p.m. 30 minutes WTVP
Consuelo Mack WealthTrack
Hosted by Consuelo Mack, one of the most experienced business journalists in
television, Consuelo Mack WealthTrack brings the best investment advice from
the best brains in the business to public television viewers. The half-hour
programs are devoted to the broad world of investing – from stocks and bonds to
condos and collectibles.
Sundays, Ap. 4-June 27, 2010 Noon 30 minutes each PBS
Market to Market
Hosted by Mark Pearson, nationally recognized for his agribusiness and rural
expertise, Market to Market continues its tradition of solid reporting on the issues
confronting farm country and expert analysis of major commodity markets that
fuel the rural economy.
Sundays, Ap. 4-June 27, 2010 1 p.m. 30 minutes each Iowa Public TV
Interesting People
Host Ed Sutkowski interviews William C. Stone, Founder and CEO of SS&C
Technologies. (Repeated Sunday at 12:30 p.m.)
Wednesday, Ap. 7, 2010 10 p.m. 30 minutes WTVP
Interesting People
Host Ed Sutkowski interviews Gordon Honegger, Co-Chairman of Hometown
Community Bancorp. (Repeated Sunday at 12:30 p.m.)
Wednesday, Ap. 21, 2010 10 p.m. 30 minutes WTVP
Mind Over Money
In the aftermath of the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, NOVA
presents "Mind Over Money" -- an entertaining and penetrating exploration of
why mainstream economists failed to predict the crash of 2008 and why we so
often make irrational financial decisions.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010 7 pm 60 minutes PBS
At Issue—Downtown Peoria Hotels
Guests Jim Ardis, Peoria Mayor; Gary Matthews, Marriott Hotel Developer; Bruce
Kinseth, Holiday Inn City Centre Owner; and Sami Qureshi, Holiday Inn City
Centre GM talk about the proposed downtown Peoria hotel and the controversial
financing arrangements currently underway. (Repeated Sunday at 4:30 p.m.)
Thursday, Ap. 29, 2010 8:30 p.m. 30 minutes WTVP
Flying Cheap
A year after the deadliest domestic airline accident in seven years, "Frontline"
investigates the crash of Continental 3407, the rise of regional and low-cost
carriers and if the aviation system is being stretched beyond its capacity to
deliver service that is both cheap and safe.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010 9 pm 60 minutes PBS
New Affluence: Money Help is on the Way
The New Affluence takes an entirely new approach to financial planning in the
current economic climate. It will redefine what it means to be financially
comfortable and what is required to have a brighter financial future. Past
conventional wisdom is debunked and new ways to get back on a positive
financial footing are described so that you can achieve affluence on your own
terms not on the terms of the big financial institutions.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010 8:30 p.m. 60 minutes KQED
Moment of Impact: Hunters & Herds
A look at savannahs and grasslands, where the planet's largest concentrations of
herd animals come up against some of nature's most successful hunters. In
Africa's Serengeti, wildebeest, built like marathon runners, are under constant
attack from lions, born sprinters. In California's grasslands, ground squirrels face
a regular battle with rattlesnakes that hunt using heat-detecting organs located
on the sides of their heads.
Sunday, Ap. 4, 2010 7 p.m. 60 minutes PBS
American Experience
Earth Days
Director Robert Stone traces the origins of the modern environmental movement
through the eyes of nine Americans who propelled the movement from its
beginnings in the 1950s to its moment of triumph in 1970 with the original Earth
Day and to its status as a major political force in America.
Monday, April 19, 2010 8 pm 120 minutes PBS
Food, Inc.
As recounted in this sweeping, shockingly informative documentary, sick
animals, environmental degradation, tainted and unhealthy food and obesity,
diabetes and other health issues are only the more obvious problems with a
highly mechanized and centralized system, like America's, that touts efficiency as
the supreme value in food production.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010 8 pm 120 minutes PBS
Independent Lens
DIRT! The Movie
Narrated by award-winning actress, author and social activist Jamie Lee Curtis,
"DIRT! The Movie" delves into the fascinating history of this lowly substance,
explaining how four billion years of evolution have created the dirt that recycles
our water, gives us food, provides us shelter and can be used as a source of
medicine, beauty and culture.
Sunday, April 25, 2010 11 pm 60 minutes PBS
Kilauea: Mountain of Fire
Kilauea, on Hawaii's Big Island, is the world's most active volcano. Its latest
eruption began in 1983 and it hasn't stopped since. Since that time, it has
created 544 acres of new land and consumed 200 homes. But as we watch
nature's own fireworks display and witness the devastation wrought by flowing
lava, we've also been able to observe a process that's central to life on these
islands. (Repeated Tuesday at 8 p.m.)
Sunday, May 2, 2010 7 p.m. 60 minutes PBS
PBS NewsHour
In this one of many NewsHour stories on the Gulf oil spill, “NewsHour reports
tonight that BP says it will pay for the Gulf Coast oil spill cleanup. The spill was
caused when an oil rig it leased exploded two weeks ago. Judy Woodruff gets
the latest on the crisis from correspondent Tom Bearden in Louisiana.”
Monday, May 3, 2010 6 p.m. 60 minutes PBS
American Experience
Into the Deep: America, Whaling & the World
For two centuries, American whale oil lit the world – powering the start of the
industrial revolution and laying the groundwork for a truly global economy. From
its stunning rise as an economic force in the 18th century to its precipitous
decline in the decades following the Civil War, the whaling industry mapped
millions of miles of uncharted ocean, opened new seaways and markets, and
employed the world's most multi-cultural workforce.
Monday, May 10, 2010 8 pm 120 minutes PBS
PBS NewsHour
Almost daily stories continue as BP is still unable to contain the Gulf oil spill
spread. “As BP attempts to place a containment dome over the leaking oil well,
Judy Woodruff talks to two engineering experts about the latest effort to cap the
Gulf oil well and concerns over the spread of the larger oil slick.”
Thursday, June 3, 2010 6 p.m. 60 minutes PBS
Ocean Animal Emergency
The world's oceans are in trouble. Warming seas and man-made pollutants are
combining to unleash toxic algae blooms that are decimating whales, sea lions
and other marine mammals. In a high-action film, NOVA explores this crisis
through the exploits of Dr. Frances Gulland, a San Francisco veterinarian who
runs the equivalent of a West Coast ER for marine mammals. On a typical day,
listless sea lions flop on their sides, too exhausted to lift their heads. Others are
agitated. Another chews obsessively on a flipper. They are all victims of a marine
neurotoxin made by an organism that feeds on algae. Dr. Gulland is committed to
saving these sick animals one at a time, but she is also desperately trying to
figure out what's killing them.
Sunday, June 20, 2010 Midnight 60 minutes PBS
Government/Politics/Public Affairs
Washington Week
PBS' longest-running public affairs series, hosted by Gwen Ifill, features
Washington's top journalists analyzing the week's top news stories and their
effect on the lives of all Americans.
Fridays, Ap. 2-June 25, 2010 7 p.m. 30 minutes each PBS
Through documentary segments and interviews with original thinkers, "NOW"
goes beyond the noisy churn of the news cycle and gives you the context to
explore your relationship with the larger world.
Fridays, Ap. 2-Ap. 30, 2010 7:30 p.m. 60 minutes each PBS
Bill Moyers Journal
This weekly public affairs series featuring interviews and news analysis on a wide
range of subjects, including politics, arts and culture, the media, the economy
and issues facing democracy.
Fridays, Ap. 2-Ap. 30, 2010 8 p.m. 60 minutes each PBS
Great Decisions in Foreign Policy
This award-winning series dedicates one episode to each of America’s foreign
policy challenges. From global organized crime networks to the rise of China’s
military, each episode gives armchair diplomats a deeper understanding of the
challenges facing America in 2010.
Sundays, April 4-May 30, 2010 2 & 10:30 p.m. 30 minutes NETA
Need To Know
"Need to Know" is a cross-media news and public affairs magazine that culls
stories from the best of the week's online reporting, culminating in a one-hour onair broadcast every Friday night on PBS.
Alison Stewart and Jon Meacham co-host.
Fridays, May 7-June 25, 2010 7:30 p.m. 60 minutes each PBS
Illinois Lawmakers
Illinois Public Broadcasters cover the Spring Session of the Illinois General
Wednesday, May 12, 2010 10 p.m. 60 minutes IPBC
To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe
Actress and humanitarian Ashley Judd talks about the importance of ending
maternal mortality and helping women and girls infected with AIDS. Women Win
Big: Female candidates won in many of this week's primary elections, leading
some to predict 2010 will be another 'year of the woman.' Muslim Women &
Gender Equality: Muslim women fight for equal rights by staging pray-ins at
mosques. The panelists are: Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC); Heritage
Foundation's Genevieve Wood; PoliticsDaily.com Editor-in-Chief Melinda
Henneberger; Conservative Commentator Tara Setmayer; and Journalist and
Filmmaker Jehan Harney.
Sunday, June 13, 2010 12:30 p.m. 30 minutes PBS
Andrew Jackson: Good, Evil and the Presidency
This biography of America's seventh president explores whether Americans
should celebrate Jackson or apologize for him. In the words of Jackson's first
biographer, James Parton: "Andrew Jackson was a patriot, and a traitor. He was
the greatest of generals, and wholly ignorant of the art of war. He was the most
candid of men, and capable of the profoundest dissimulation. He was a
democratic autocrat, an urbane savage, an atrocious saint." Martin Sheen
Monday, June 14, 2010 8 p.m. 120 minutes PBS
Everyday Edisons
The second season of this PBS reality series follows 12 new inventions and their
inventors—selected from open casting calls in five cities—as their inventions are
taken from great ideas to products on store shelves.
Sundays, Ap. 4-June 27, 2010 5 p.m. 30 minutes each PBS Plus
Hunting the Edge of Space: The Mystery of the Milky Way
Three centuries of engineering have produced telescopes far beyond Galileo's
simple spyglass; these telescopes are revealing the solar system in detail Galileo
could only dream of.
Tuesday, Ap. 6, 2010 7 p.m. 60 minutes PBS
Obama's Deal
Frontline goes behind closed doors at the White House, in Congress and the
boardrooms of the giant healthcare lobby to examine the political battles and
costly compromises that defined the Obama administration's efforts toward
healthcare reform.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010 8 pm 60 minutes PBS
Through A Dog’s Eyes
Each year, hundreds of people find hope through a handful of organizations
across the country that train service dogs for people with disabilities. "Through a
Dog's Eyes" follows the journey of recipients as they go through the
heartwarming and sometimes difficult process of receiving and becoming
acclimated to a service dog. Neil Patrick Harris narrates.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010 7 pm 60 minutes PBS
The Vaccine War
"Frontline" looks at the vaccine war, in which scientific medicine and the public
health establishment are battling a coalition of parents, celebrities, politicians and
activists over whether vaccines are a great achievement or a scourge on health.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010 9 pm 60 minutes PBS
Independent Lens
Horse Boy
"The Horse Boy" explores one family's unforgettable journey as they travel
halfway across the world in search of a miracle to heal their autistic son. The film
blends footage from the family's adventure through the Mongolian countryside
with scenes from their life at home in Texas. Bolstered by testimony from autism
experts, including Dr. Temple Grandin, this compelling film exquisitely captures
an astonishing physical and spiritual journey.
Sunday, May 16, 2010 11 pm 60 minutes PBS
Dr. Christiane Northrup-Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom
Christiane Northrup, M.D., best-selling author and acclaimed leader in integrative
medicine, presents a breakthrough approach to women's health and teaches
viewers how to access and use the most powerful inner tool that every woman
possesses for ultimate well-being and beauty.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010 8:30 p.m. 90 minutes PBS
But You Still Look So Well: Living with Multiple Sclerosis
This documentary portrays poignantly and in depth the emotional, social and
physical challenges of MS on the personal and working lives of the participants
as well as how they have learned through the years to both live & thrive with MS.
Sunday, June 13, 2010 10:30 p.m. 90 minutes NETA
Biz Kid$
A fast-paced new series that teaches kids about money and entrepreneurship.
Topics explored include “What Is a Biz Kid?”—a look at how anybody can be a
Biz Kid with effort and the right attitude.
Sundays, Ap. 4–June 27, 2010 5:30 p.m. 30 minutes each PBS
At Issue—School Budgets
The Superintendents of three school districts – Putnam County, Illini Bluffs and
Elmwood – discuss how their districts plan to cope with budget cuts. (Repeated
Sunday at 4:30 p.m.)
Thursday, Ap. 8, 2010 8:30 p.m. 30 minutes WTVP
Independent Lens
Garbage Dreams
Filmed over four years, "Garbage Dreams" follows three teenage boys born into
the trash trade and growing up in the world's largest garbage village, a ghetto
located on the outskirts of Cairo.
Sunday, May 2, 2010 11 pm 60 minutes PBS
Peoria District 150 Scholars’ Cup
The Peoria District 150 Scholars’ Cup Competition provides sixth grade students
with an opportunity to compete in an academically challenging program—and this
new WTVP production features the competition’s championship round. (Repeats
at various times.)
Thursday, May 13, 2010 8:30 p.m. 30 minutes WTVP
When Medicine Got It Wrong
Rita Moreno narrates the story of a small group of middle-class parents who, in
the 1970s, got sick and tired of being blamed for causing their children's
schizophrenia. They built a grassroots movement and launched a multi-pronged
Sunday, June 20, 2010 11 p.m. 60 minutes NETA
Social Issues
The birth of Mormonism and its history are one of America's great neglected
narratives. This four-hour documentary brings together FRONTLINE and
AMERICAN EXPERIENCE in their first co-production to provide a searching
portrait of this fascinating but often misunderstood religion.
Monday-Tuesday, Ap. 5 & 6, 2010 8 p.m. 240 minutes PBS
The Buddha
PBS continues to explore the world’s great religions with this look at the
“awakened one,” Prince Siddhartha, who devoted his later life to teaching the
way to enlightenment that he himself had found.
Wednesday, Ap. 7, 2010 120 minutes PBS
Archbishop Sheen: Servant of All
For decades, El Paso, Illinois native Fulton Sheen served as a shining example
of what it means to serve God. His television show, "Life is Worth Living,"
reached 30 million viewers a week, and his words were captured in over 100
publications. His messages remain as relevant and powerful today as they were
nearly a half-century ago. (Repeats Sunday at 9:30 p.m.)
Tuesday, April 13, 2010 8 pm 60 minutes Catholic Diocese of Peoria
When Families Grieve
Katie Couric and the Sesame Street Muppets help families cope with the death of
a parent, presenting strategies that are child-appropriate and useful for the whole
Wednesday, April 14, 2010 7 pm 60 minutes PBS
At Issue—Coping with Suicide
With west central Illinois having the highest rate of suicide attempts in the state,
families and professionals will talk about prevention, especially for young people.
(Repeated Sunday at 4:30 p.m.)
Thursday, Ap. 15, 2010 8:30 p.m. 30 minutes WTVP
American Masters
The Doors: When You're Strange
The first feature documentary to tell the Doors' story uses only original footage -much of it previously unseen – shot between the group's formation in 1965 and
Morrison's death in 1971. The program showcases the turbulent times and how
the group was involved – and instrumental in them. Johnny Depp narrates.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010 8 pm 90 minutes PBS
Independent Lens
Goodbye Solo
An old man gets into a cab and asks for a one-way ride to his death. The driver
agrees -- unless he can talk him out of it. American director Ramin Bahrani
(Chop Shop, Man Push Cart) mixes up a fable with flavors of Africa, Mexico and
the new American South in this award-winning drama that looks at the depth of
the human spirit and the power of free will.
Sunday, June 6, 2010 10:30 p.m. 90 minutes PBS
Remembering the Holocaust: Seven Survivors Tell Their Story
Between 1945 and 1952 more than 80,000 Holocaust survivors immigrated to the
United States. Nearly 350 survivors live in the Las Vegas area. Though they
survived the Holocaust, most have not escaped the pain. These are the
recollections of seven who wanted to share their stories.
Wednesday, Ap. 7, 2010 9 p.m. 60 minutes NETA
Masterpiece Classic
The Diary of Anne Frank
The most accurate-ever adaptation of Anne Frank's moving account of life hiding
from the Nazis stars newcomer Ellie Kendrick (An Education) as a maturing
teenager who undergoes an extraordinary ordeal. Laura Linney hosts.
Sunday, April 11, 2010 8 pm 120 minutes PBS
Worse than War
Based on Daniel Goldhagen's book of the same title, this is an
exploration of the nature of genocide, ethnic cleansing and
large-scale mass murder in our time. Goldhagen speaks with
victims, perpetrators, witnesses, religious leaders, politicians, diplomats,
historians, humanitarian aid workers and journalists.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010 8 pm 120 minutes PBS
Independent Lens
Blessed Is the Match
Narrated by Joan Allen, this is the first documentary feature about Hannah
Senesh, the World War II-era poet and diarist who became a paratrooper,
resistance fighter and modern-day Joan of Arc.
Sunday, April 18, 2010 11 pm 60 minutes PBS
The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan
In Afghanistan today, in the midst of war and endemic poverty, an ancient
tradition -- banned when the Taliban were in power -- has re-emerged across the
country. It's called Bacha Bazi, translated literally as "boy play." Hundreds of
boys, some as young as 11, are sold to the highest bidder or traded for sex.
"Frontline" how Afghan authorities responsible for stopping these crimes are
sometimes themselves complicit in the practice.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010 9 pm 60 minutes PBS
American Experience
My Lai
What drove a company of American soldiers -- ordinary young men deployed to
liberate a small foreign nation from an oppressive neighbor -- to murder more
than 300 unarmed Vietnamese civilians? Were they "just following orders," as
some later declared? Or, as others argued, did they break under the pressure of
a misguided military strategy that measured victory by body count?
Monday, April 26, 2010 9 pm 90 minutes PBS
The Wounded Platoon
"Frontline" tells the dark tale of the men of Third Platoon, Charlie Company, 1st
Battalion of the 506th Infantry, and how the war followed them home.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010 9 pm 90 minutes PBS
Secrets of the Dead
Deadliest Battle
Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941 was the largest troop offensive in
military history. And the Battle of Stalingrad is arguably the deadliest single battle
the world has ever seen.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010 7 pm 60 minutes PBS
Ground War
This four-part series traces the evolution of soldiers and their gear through the
centuries, covering everything from weapons and mobility to firepower and
command and control.
Wednesdays, May 19 & 26, 2010 8 pm 240 minutes PBS
A Place Out of Time—The Bordentown School
For a 70-year period, when America cared little about the education of African
Americans and discrimination was law and custom, the Bordentown School was
an educational utopia which taught values, discipline and life skills to generations
of African-American children. Ruby Dee narrates.
Monday, May 24, 2010 9 pm 60 minutes PBS
Independent Lens
A Village Called Versailles
Tucked away on the eastern edge of New Orleans, a community of Vietnamese
refugees has thrived for 30 years in a neighborhood they call Versailles. This film
recounts the residents' successful fight against the opening of a toxic
government-imposed landfill after Hurricane Katrina struck and transformed their
Sunday, May 30, 2010 11 pm 60 minutes PBS
Tavis Smiley
Pioneering advertising executive Tom Burrell explains the title and backstory of
his book, "Brainwashed" and how marketing perpetuates the selling of Black
Thursday, June 3, 2010 10 p.m. 30 minutes PBS
Chicano Rock! The Sounds of East Los Angeles
This documentary tells the story of generations of young Mexican-Americans
who proudly expressed their identity through music. Narrated by Edward James
Olmos, the program is filled with intimate first-person storytelling, rare film and
photos, and exuberant music.
Friday, June 4, 2010 1 a.m. 60 minutes PBS
Most Honorable Son
Through interviews and rare, never-before-seen film, this program recounts one
man's remarkable journey through World War II, providing context to two
seemingly disparate histories - the U.S. air war and the Japanese-American
Friday, June 4, 2010 1 a.m. 60 minutes PBS
Interesting People
Host Ed Sutkowski interviews Chuck Brown and Al Eskildsen, World War II
veterans who survived Iwo Jima. (Repeated Sunday at 12:30 p.m.)
Wednesday, May 5, 2010 9:30 p.m. 30 minutes WTVP
Interesting People
Host Ed Sutkowski interviews the Most Reverend Daniel R. Jenky, C.S.C., D.D.,
the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Peoria. (Repeated Sunday at 12:30 p.m.)
Wednesday, May 19, 2010 10 p.m. 30 minutes WTVP
Interesting People
Author and Chicago Tribune crime reporter David Heinzmann visits with host Ed
Sutkowski. (Repeated Sunday at 12:30 p.m.)
Wednesday, June 2, 2010 10 p.m. 30 minutes WTVP
Interesting People
Scholar, poet and actress Debra Connor talks with Interesting People host Ed
Sutkowski. (Repeated Sunday at 12:30 p.m.)
Wednesday, June 23, 2010 10 p.m. 30 minutes WTVP