'f\ ^-x! • *"r ma it ! liiiii ii B« a n Ij. i j ,*. . J ; * iiiii i i D I i l I ( M l II At Pro Congress Plan INVESTMENTS AND BUYING POWER * • • ; ' - ; • Ittwtrabd by ftwHUbitrtsti •MMMMMW /* * Norwood, Jan. 6.—Leon CastleOswegatchie Second, Jan. S.— man, age 2L son of Mr. and Mrs. About sixty attended the communHerman Castleman died at the ity social held the evening of Dec. Hepburn hospital Friday .morning 3 1 s t It was rather a novelty t o after several months' illness. The see old and young join in games tofuneral was held from the home of gether, but everyone appeared to his parents on Blm street, Sun- be having a good time. Thanks to day afternoon at 1 o'clock. Rev. the leaders, Mrs. Giffin and Mrs. Joseph Phillips of the Congrega-. Haggart.—The Ladies' Aid and Mistlonal church officiating. T h e body sionary societies will meet at the was placed in the vault in River- home of Mrs. A. G. Doren Thursside cemetery. The pall bearers day, Jan. 7th, for dinner. The were J a i m e Castleman, Paniel, Home Bureau will meet at 10 a. m. (Ronald and Nelson Grant Surviv- for the monthly business meeting. ing are his parents, two brothers, —The Pioneers met with Richard Howard and Herman Jr.; four sis- and Edwin Smithers Tuesday eveters, Mrs. Arthur Winnell, Stella, ning, Dec. 2th. Fifteen were presBertha and Ventlla Castleman.— ent and a fine time w a s enjoyed by all. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Leon McCagar w a s called to Robert and Carlton Patterson on Watertown last week by the death Friday evening, Jan. 8th.—Friends of her mother 'Mrs. Mary Wood.— here were sorry to hear of the. 'Mr. and Mrs. James LaPonte and death of Robert Paul of Lisbon. children spent N e w Year day with Though it is many years sinew he Mr. LaPonte's parents at Pots- lived in this community, he is redam.—Mrs. Waldo of Detroit, Mich membered with much esteem. Buris visiting her sister Mrs. A. L. ial services were held Sunday, Jan. Yale <Mrs. Wjaldo expects t o re- 3rd, at the Second Oswegatchie main some tfane in this vicinity.— cemetery. P. J. Flynn who spent the holidays in town with relatives returned Nasty Trsde Methods. to New Haven Conn. Saturday.— Miss Esther Pearson of N e w York Wifey—Oh darling, what a horcity spent Christmas with her t grandmother, Mrs. (MarceUa Pear- rible suit! Hubby—Yes, dear, I didn't know son .—word w a s received here last it looked s o bad. And the worst of week from Mr. and Mrs. Mark Farit is that it is guaranteed to ley formerly of this place, an- five years. nouncing the death of their daughter Hasel, age 23, who died in t h e The Way Rows Start. General hospital at 8t. Catherines Ont., D e c 17. (Much sympathy Is Wifey—How can I drive a nail extended the family. In their be~ without hitting my fingers? revement—Mrs. John Wells who Hubby—Hold the hammer in both suffered a paralytic shock some- hands! time ago is in a critical condition. —'Miss Irene French returned home Saturday from Ottawa, Ont. where she spent a week with relatives.—Miss Marion Dally who spent the past two weeks at Lake Placid returned home Monday.— Bernard Flynn spent the week end Experienced Weaver* and J with relatives at Brasher Falls.— Mrs. Frank Dailey of Syracuse, Girls over 17 Years of Ag* • and Mrs. S. J. Hardy of Bvanston. to Learn Silk Weaving. X 111., were called here recently by the serious illness of their mother, i APPLY AT • Mrs. John Wells.—Miss Margaret Bresee returned to Watertown Sun MANHATTAN SILK 00. • day after spending a few days with LOWER FORD STREET e relatives in town. Ogdensburg, N. Y. • By W. 8. COUSINS, International News Service Financial Editor. New York, Jan, 6.—It is one of! purchased free from annoying regthe best known axioms of the in-j ulations and discriminating taxes, vestment markets that the rate of land citizens of Prance, Germany, absorption of hlgh-Krade invest- Holland, England, etc., are willing meats reflects the purchasing pow- to accept heavy discounts in the Vatican Shows Much Interest er of the people. As a practical conversion of their respective curworking out of this rule, bond pur-, roncies Into American dollars in orin Program for Euoharis- chusing Is always stimulated b y j d e r to be in position to buy our without interference prouperlty at home and abroad, securities tio Session in June. while periods of depression dry up from. governmental agencies, ami the sources of investment funds, \ generally without being compelled Will Be Most Notsble Meeting of and prevent the wide circulation of jto turn over a heavy toll 'u the Prelates Ever Held In U. 8.— high-grade securities, which there- tax-gatherer* Needless to say, this AT CRIMC, YOU C A N T W I N . Many Cardinals Coming. fore remain with the banking syn- demand from foreign sources mnlea ET T U MA FERGUSON? QsnnlaM SMI W dicates or with institutional buyers a distinct contribution to the buyBy GUOLIELMO EMANUEL, like savings banks, insurance com- ing power of the domest'c market. P I N C H O T S PANACEA. International N e w s Service Staff panies, bonding companies, etc. AMBIDEXTROUS? investment bankers have reportCorrespondent. INTRODUCTION. Investment bankers always find ed in the last few months, an in"MiTThVr^nHou, lady Governor of A modern chronicle of the bewildering situation which confronts Rome, Jan. 7.—Pope Pius Is a more receptive market for the crease of interest in invest m e w s Teras. say* evolution mint bi» rethe young married contingent of 9wry village, hamlet and tows>—a watching with utmost satisfaction best grade of bonds when workmen and a decline in the demand for moved from TVXHH public school speculative securities, which - are straightforward record of the flirtations, problems, adventure* and the preparations now being per* are fully employed, wages compar- found among pond issues as well book*. One book actually said atively high and the workmen of fected for the twenty-eighth Buthat for anon to ppeak of "men and romance that colour the crowded hours of America's youth. a s among stocks. Numerous thinly charlstic Congress—the first to be the country in a contented mood. secured mortgage bonds, income animate 4s unwarranted egotism, The heroine is Sal Me and through the fearlessness of youthful eyes held in the United States, whtch This largely explodes the theory for man In an autmat, Just as truly she will bring to you the vivid experiences which dally beset her group will take place in Chicago next that American working people are bonds and convertible bonds have a s the beast of the fields." profligate and extravagant with all no place either In the strong boxes of Interesting young friends—interesting bsoauss among her laugnter* June. of inaivldual investor or in the seloving comrades you wHI most personalities with whom you are familThe Chicago Congress will mar.k their funda and are unable to ap- curity lists of the investing instiRome beasts of the fields would iar In everyday life. In Sal lie's ootsris of friends you will recognise the assembly of the greatest num- preciate the value and Importance tutions, savings banks, etc. In fact, h a r e sctttnthlng to say about that. of Intelligent thrift and investment, the characteristics and mental equipment of your own daughter per- ber of Cardinals and other high ec- largely entertained in home and the banking laws of the various Many of them don't commit wholeclesiastics of the Catholic Church states expressly forbid the purhaps, or again you will aee the moral battles whloh at one trnis embarsale mt&niter and rail tt patriotism, ever brought together In the Unit- j foreign circles. It Is true that In chase of such bonds. Investors rassed some very dear friend, or, who knows but what as you follow. don't look the half-developed childof* Amered States, or in the New World for large measure the ^ savings ' *have been giving closer scrutiny ren of ottier animate In factories 8allle's confession of events, you will come face to face with some; In- that matter. ican working people reach the Into the character and quality of or mills' and oall it business, or unherent remissness of your very own. The most notable gathering of vestment markets indirectly thru their investment purchases, and the derpay their brother** to Increase the hierarchy hitherto held In the the savings bank route, but many safety of their principal than hereprofits that they don't need. We were alone In our suite of her forgiveness on t h e grounds of United States probably was the thousands of them have learned to tofore, and are less concerned with , rooms at the hotel. The excite- being) hopelessly uxorious." Plenary Conference convened in select the best grade of bonds, to the annual rate of interest given "Senators Hdge, King and Bruce ment of playing roulette, of seeing "Thanks. That's, a pretty com- Baltimore forty years ago. The purchase them and place them in or PROMISED on the bonds they agree that the workings of prohi- Kllie again and the little "frisk" piLmeut You see, you, yourself, contrast between the earlier gath- permanent safe keeping. buy. This is the most important bition are enough to nut'ke the De- at Olro's had had a stimulating ef- Improve with competition." ering and that to be held in the element in bond buying and exFor the first time since the bemon Rum laugh htmnelf Hick, that fect. It was impossible for me to Again a smile played over his United States in June emphasise plains the willingness of many drunken item* to raimpaut, and our go to sleep. However, I undressed face though he was trying; desper- the tremendous growth of Catho- ginning of the war In Europe in shrewd investors to accept 4 per 1914, our investment bankers are political ttfo '•menaced." and slipped Into bed preparing to ately to be serious about the whole licism in .America in the interven- being called upon to supply a large cent on government and municipal matter. ing period. meditate upon the stirring events. volume o f American securities to bonds rather than purchase bonds A girl, twelve years old. la found "There's another thing, Sallie The Baltimore conference WSB foreign Investors. America is prac- offering 6 to 7 1-2 per cent, but on A slight tap at t h e door and ttncoiieotoiiA in (ho street, hlrplan Curtiss, in dressing gown and slip- About the Casino.*' he continued essentially a gathering of the tically the only market in the world which the safety and security is a (ion. bootleg liquor. "1 know," I interrupted, "I lost American hierarchy in the days where high-grade securities can be not s o firmly established. pers, came into my room and enThe pottao are investigating a pconeing himself in a cosy chair tiiree Unves as much as I'd prom- when the* United States had but dance given at a most respectable beside my bed, began to talk. Hla ised. And I'm sorry. Please don't Cardinal—Mgr. McCloskey, Arch- T H E T W E L V E M O N T H OF LIFE. women'* olub. Kxplanatton. Too bishop of New York. In the interbe cross with me, honey." BUCK'S BRIDGE •"ace was In the shadow cast by many bottles of bootleg liquor "It isn't a question of being vening two score years dozens of the small reading light but I nofound In the place when the entercross," he responded, " I would new bishoprics have been created The old year has gone; it just got Buck's Bridge, Jan. 4.—Mr. and ticed (hat he looked weary and dethrough. tainment wan over. have given you more if I thought and new metropolitan sees organMrs. A. Allen and children spent piesed, an unusual condition for The new year has arrived safely that reckless gambling could make ized. New Years at Howard Thompson's CtMtlss. whose keeness for bite here. In addition to the four American I f Ifcli fiiwince denounce* Goveryou happy, but I know it won't, at Canton.—Florence and Janet .trdinarlly gave an animated cxCardinals of the present day a half We all bid adieu to one that was Sailie." nor lliwtiot'H Miixgertlou (hat. the Speer have been spending ^ few p> ess'ion to his face. true. coal fleldn he d«Tlarett, "a pulK "Oh, birt it did Curtiss. I got dozen Cardinals intend to make the days with the,ir girl friends here, journey from Rome for the Chicago "What's the matter, sweetheart? To welcome the oncoming year. a tremendous kick out of it!'" I llc utllMyDorothea Sherman, Ruth Haley and Conference. There will also par"A. dangerous r.onl panacea." Didn't you have a good time at interrupted. Bradley.—Thirtyticipate besides the whole helrOld year we will always remember with .Florence Expressing Her Feelings. "Therein a difference 'between say s-pokiwiien for "Hig Business." rfllie's little 'frisk?' I noticed you five attended the pedjo party at didn't dance." hnppiiipss and kicks" he answered, archy of the United States, bishops The hard time you had getting A. Allen's. Seven tables played.— through. It was a lesson on punctuation, "No. I might as well be frank "and lis to save you from ever and archbishops from Canada, Mex1M the turn.) biiHinetts not a pubico and from Central and South You've had a strenous December, Laura Bellinger Is spending a few and Jimmy was almost asleep at e -cv_ lic neceatHity ' <\in people live h you, Sallie, 1 had a perfectly ; k n o W i u g heartache that I woulu^ America. nights with her sister, Mrs. BradEuropean countries alwlthou' heat? IH it. not the busl- rotten time. To betfin with. I'm have you understand the differ- so will be represented In addition Aren't you glad to change for the ley.—Garth and Keith Allen are the his desk. new? "Now," said the teacher, "if I nose of government to protect the not at all enthusiastic over Kllie ence. Don't thluk I'm preachy and to the group of Cardinals who will proud possessors of a Shetland say, "I must leave, as I have an enpublic welfare, puttiiiK that ahead you know. She's too loud and it old-fashioned. It's just that 1 can't go out from Italy. pony and outfit, a present from old Let January carry the burdens for of all other duties? didn't make me any more comfort- understand the way you reason. Santa.—Beulah Bradley is spend- gagement—by the way, what is the The Pope has not yet formally you, The real objection Is not that i b l e when you turned me down flat You see you voluntarily promised designated the Cardinal who will ing a few days at Canton with the time?" "I place a 'dash' after 'enYou must take a long needed rest. gagement,' because the sentence is Oovornor IMnchot's suggestion IH to dance with Harrington Pierce." me upon your word ot honor, that act as his legate to the Chicago February will come to help January Misses Speer.—Althea Haley Is at home from her school on a year's broken otr abruptly." "a dangernniK panH<*«»a," but thai it "Whee!" 1 exclaimed. I'm so you were not going to risk more Congress. Vatican opinion still tathrough, At that moment she caught sight would lnt»«rfer«> with the plans ami u;lad. Now, I've had my revenge! than a hundred dollars and you vors Cardinal Gasparrl, the Secre- Then March comes to do her best. leave of absence. She is in poor of Jimmy health.—Mr. and Mrs. Sam Todd profits of "llig Busmens," which Harrington Pierce! Then you did ended up by losing three hundred. tary of State, as the prelate upon "Now, then, Jimmy, you are not You will save time, trouble In the m U government ol the Unit re mum be r his name didn't you When you break faith with ybur- whom this honor will fall. April with sunshine and flowers so took New Year's dinner at D. D. listening. What was I saying?" she and money if you make sure Wtlcox's.—Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Wiled St At OH. dear?" self like that what do you do to The twenty-seven previous Kugay, asked him. your insurance policies are cox spent Christmas at H . . S . Wil('urtlsH looked at me aa If he square things with your consci- charistic Congresses have been Will be born with a silver spoon. "Please. Miss Smith." said Jimdependable BEFORE you * l*nyfe*mor tOdwurd S Morse, not thought most certainly I was los- ence? It wasn't as if I'd exacted a held in the following cities. Lille, We will welcome with laughter the cox's, Pierrepont.—Kenneth Brad- my, with a start, "you were telling have to put them to the test. ley, Myron and Avis Young spent ed authority on geology, is dead itiig my mind. promise from you but you said France; Avignon, France; Liege, beautiful May, us you said 'dash' because your enThe companies we reprebut sUll useful. Yeatorndy, his to Belgium; Freiburg, Germany; Par- She'll flirt with the daisies in June. Christmas here at William Brad- gagement was broken off abrupt"What on earth are y»qu talking voluntarily that you wanted ley's.—Rev. and Mrs. French are sent have founded their sucbrain wnD sent by express t o the about?" he asked, "I don't under- place a limit. Its not a big thing, is, Toulouse. France; Antwerp, ly!" cess on comprehensive proJerusalem; Rheims, July and August brings forth its enjoying their Star sedan, a gift Wistar (net Mute of Anatomy and stand what's BO remarkable• about Sallie, but it's the principle involv- Belgium; from Mrs. French's brother-in-law. tection, reliable service and France; Paray Moniald, France; Biology in Philadelphia. Profes- my remembering Pierce. He did- ed that causes me to stop and grain, —Miss Agnes Woodside spent prompt adjustment of claims. Brussels, Belgium; Lourdeu, Vegetation Is right at its best. sor 'Mor»» wan "ambidextrouH," not lake his eyes off you the entire wonder." Christmas eve here with her aunt, INTERRUPTED. France; Angers, France; Namus, could use one hand as readily as <in\e. Hut, what, I ask you, is HO September brings harvest, "what "Your ideals are perfectly gloriMrs. Ed. Gushea.—Mr. and Mrs. Angouletne, Franco; the other lie had, in effect, two unusual about recalling a name? ous, Curtiss You live up to them Belgium; have we gained?" Stanley Pearson spent Wednesday Student (who has nerved himright bunds. Hrieivtists nay an ex- 1 know you put me on the shelf too and I know it For instance Rome; Tournai, Belgium; MeU, Are we satisfied now to rest. at klarl 1 load ley's. Mrs. Pearson self to ask a father's c o n s e n t ) : amination (»f th«' drain may explain tonlKht but I didn't think you had you couldn't do a thing like I did Germany; Montreal, Canada jdadand two children remained over Professor de Jones, I have just rethat quite relegated me to the Lethlail tonight and yet I could without the rid, Spain; Vienna, Austria .dal- Shall we forsake October and No- night.—Mrs. Clarence Pearault and turned from a dance with Margavember? One thitsx IH certain It your slightest twinge of conscience." ta; Amsterdam, Holland. four children spent last week with ret and finding you here alone^— stage!" Over 121 Ford St. Oh, no, they've been here too long. Mrs. Pearuult's little boy ta left handed, don't try "But how do you do it?" parents.—School I giggled one full moment, in Professor: That's all right my Without those two friends to help t o make him u*e hi.s right hand. spite of his gathering sarcasm and "O it's quite simple. By arguOGDENSBURG, N. Y. opened this morning after one boy, broke eh! Well, here's a five December That stupidity, which, centauries then I explained my delight. Where the Reporter Helps ing with myself that life is short week's vacation.—Mr. and Mrs. her mother used t o clean m e out To get ready for the glad Christ- Coryden Kench spent Sunday at old injures a child's mind, is use"You s e e darlln'," 1 began, "you and that we are only human and the same way. mas song. less. Public servants who may feel Leo Young's, Canton.—William had forgotten that awfully nice Dr. that, youth is fleeting. You know, Burdick is cutting wood for John tlaines who danced with mo every the same old story." I concluded tempted t o regard the reporter as 8cleiwo might look in the dead night on the boat and I was peev- with a grimace, "I'd like to be de- a necessary evil, t o be tolerated The twelve months of life are only Turner.—Mr. and Mrs. D. Wilcox a year, man's brain for things more Inter ed, especially since he's so awfully penable and fine like you are, dear- at the best of time and to put in spent New Year's eve at Joe Then again we bid it adieu. eating Mian the secret of anvbidex- well known. So tonight Bellinger spent what they may consider his proper How we grasp each one as It draws Smith's.—Zina before est," I added trou* eoneiitriclty Sunday at his home.—Mr. Corkern place on occasions, might rememdinner I told you I'd make someone "Nonsence," he broke In, "when near Wiuit in it (hat works In there notice me so much that you'd at it comes right down to human ber that the gentleman who repis moving his family from PierreFor we know it's one less "that is while the brain IH alive and sud- least remember his name.". pont onto Wallace Abernathy's charity and bigness of spirit I resents the press (and, through his true." denly yawSHhe* when the brain farm.—Mrs. Laura Faidel spent In spite of himself he smiled. can't even touch the hem of your paper, the ratepayers*) very, very Christmas week with her aunt, dies? often is their good friend, says the garment. These other things, as "Bailie, you ARK a child! Dut Do we live each one so It will shine, Mrs. Llndley.—Joe Smith was t Cobalt News. All newspapermen hist the same, some day uou are I've said before are comparatively Do we do the best we can do? In Iftttiond Die body of King helping D. Wilcox draw hay Monof experience know how painfully little. It's just that they mean going to drive me to distraction Have we done our work both yours day.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith BXrwivxl h a s been moved HO that with your tantalizing ways. Let more to me because, I've learned "deicl"—to lapse into the descripand mine. spent Sunday at Mrs. Woodslde's. h i s ooipiio, w w <1o»ui for a long me s e e If I've got you right. Just by hard knocks that one can't g o tive Dorio—^the proceedings can, So to wear a crown when we're —Joe and Charley Smith Were tkme, may l i e t>eelde that of his and quite frequently do, become, on being a character procraetlnto make me jealous you deliberatethrough. Canton calters Saturday. Queen. Alexandra, recently dead. ator and get real, big things out of how rambling the discussions can ly fHrted with Pierce." —Eva Elinor Briggs. It Is sweet ln-ltish sentiment, but get, how far from the point under "Yes." I nodded, partly and part- living. Sooner or later you'll see / It H* Mke tAktog the shells of the consideration the members can ly because I found him most enter- the value of what I'm saying. In stray, and how prone they are to e«jr« frstn which two chickens BRA8ES CORNERS other words, beloved, w e must have wmafMMl, and putting those taining. So there!" repeat themselves without adding strengthen the fibers of our moral M0RRIST0WN "What does he do?" Curtiss shells pfcaytly side by Hide. With nhowed Brasie Corners, Jan. 4.—The pan his disapproval In a slight j | n t H l e c t juftt as surely as w w«e anything constructive to the matthe eggn rt Is the c.hicheit that frown between his eyes. "I'll wager j cake supper and watch meeting mental fineness or phys ter being debated. If the reporter ttcnieve Morristown, Jan. 4.—Mr. and was well attended and enjoyed by were to give a verbatim account of counts With the human body It " " " . . . „ , . , 1 1 •> I m i l . i l . . ...^ aft leal. prowess. The latter *two are Mrs. George H. Madlin and son Er- all present.—^The annual co-operasome sessions, jotting down faithIs t h e wail. How close new are not much of anything at all. by exercising our Again you show that your ed- developed fully all the "hums and ha's" omit- nest who about three months ago fOdwardfo snd Alexandra's souls? ucation along artistic lines, lias thought and also our bodies, the ting none of the 'asides" and not motored to Phoenix, Arizona, re- tive association meeting will be That's the question been sadly neglected. Barrington former by doing the thlriga that overlooking some very crude at- turned home last week by train.— held next Saturday at 1.30 p. m.— Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Brasie, Mr. and we know are helpful in character Pity Ube pom Duke of Northum PUrce is one of our formost oomtempts at humor, the result would Black Lake Lodge No. 319, F. and Mrs. T. Weatherup and children bulbing." posers or the age. Furthermore make edifying and amusing rend- A. M., will hold its installation of berhvid His Income is $375,000 "1 see exactly what you mean, ing for his paper's clientele, but it officers tomorrow evening. Valley and Bird Partridge spent last WedIncome touu** and other taxes take he is an acoomp aulst of no little nesday evening at Chesley Sayer's. I20O.0** The Hritiwh Government ability and has toured in concert Curtiss and I a m going to try to is doubtful if t h e municipal salons ot Thousand Isles Chapter No. 382 —Mr. rvid Mrs. Robert Hutton with some ot the most famous keep from being so inconsistent. would appreciate the situation. As will serve refreshments after the ktuvwft bwrw t o tan and how to colspent one evening recently at C. prima donnas both in America and Really." it is, the newspaperman gathers installation.—The clothing class of J. Hutton's.—Mr. and Mrs. Clinton lect taxxtf. abroad. And." breathlessly pausThe subject was closed and with up the loose threads of debate sum- Home Bureau Unit No. 31 will re- Harvey-spent Sunday at Leon BasHere, fsuttead of making taxes ing at the end of my argument, a few words of endearment h e marizes fairly and imtpartlally the ceive a lesson on Tuesday after- sett's.—Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sayhigfter, tsmokH to P>re«klo!it Cool- "don't you think he's interesting kissed me tenderly and retired. views of t h e speaker separates the noon on set-in pockets. The bas- er spent Tuesday evening at Mrs. tdjpo and ijecre'ijtry Mellon, billions looking?" Long after Curtiss had gone to wheat from the chaff, and evolves ketry and dress form projects are L. E. Partridge's.—Mr. and Mrs. are paid off on (he war debt and "Hell-no!" his rooom I lay awake thtnknig a coherent account out of a mass about to be started and the recrea- Robert Hutton, C. J. Hutton and taxes stoadlly reduced. HAPPY "Curtiss! I'll have to ask you not over the fine philosophy that he of verbiage that might stagger the tion leaders are planning to give a family, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Truax IT. S A had made his own by just llvnlg. individuals who lack his experi- demonstration of their work soon. and son of Pope Mills spent last to swear." —Charles Stephenson left today Wednesday evening at James SimWar w%*rh IK wholesale crime, "1 beg your pardon" he apologiz- High'prtnclpled himself, it w a s re- ence in reporting what often prove for New London, Conn., where he monds'.—Mrs. Meldon Wainwright theft and highway robbery retail ed, "but Sallie, 1 can't bear t o markable that he showed such tol- t o be weary enough meetings. has a position with the Delsel En- and children of Gouverneur spent a erance toward my shortcomings. have you so friendly with men. Becrtme, <(• not fiay gine company.—School reopened few. days the past week with her It had evidently annoyed htm bemusicians fcxtwut* F Hollar, famous In sides,—besides, t h e s e this morning after a vacation since father, Silas Ingram.—Miss Louva cause I had accepted the attentions PLAIN SPOKEN, crime ten pears ago, recently let and artists are dangerous people. Dec. 23rd.—Miss Lillian Day of Fleming and Kenneth and Morgan of Barrriogton Pierce and yet out of awbaon, went t o work In a Compared with their pretty loveTonkers and Miss Mary Day of some primitive instinct in m e reGeorge; Will you go to the Syracuse have been spending the Fleming spent Sunday at Howard bank, srtsie $18,000. took it In a tax- making a husband's sincere complijoiced in the knowledge that I was Knowlton's *at Ruby Corners.—Mr. dance with me? For Icab and was found dead. The doc- ments are merely prosaic. holidays with* their parents, Mr. still able to be attractive t o m e n — Georgia: N o but I'll introduce and Mrs. W. J. Day, here.—Miss and Mrs. X. L. Finley and son Carl tor said fear killed him. Crtme Instance he told Mrs. DeWlght, an inhibition no doubt of l e s s civilMr. and Mrs. Floyd Finley and childoenn't i*«y. or as the striking antl- with m e listening, mind you, that ized days when man w a s the pur- you to a pretty girl who will go Kate McAuliffe of East Orange, N. dren spent New Year's at Fred with you. your costume was like 'Anltra's crlnv* iwoterR say, "YOU C A N T J., spent Christmas with her parsuer and woman t h e pursued; George: I don't want a pretty ents here.—Miss Catherine Grey of Horton's.—Mr. and Mrs. Leon RaDance In the Mountains." WIN" ven and children spent Sunday "Anltra'8 Dance, Oh y e s ! I know I drifted on through waves back girl; I want you. Syracuse has been visiting her sis- with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Raven Mo False Colors. 'hat weird lovely things—by Qrieg, t o my wedding night. What was ter, Mrs. Henry McNeal, here.— at Watertown.—Mr. and Mrs. L. A. I believe, I used to play It. That it the dapper little friend of fath! The basketball game played here Washburn and family of GouverTraffic C-op --What's your name? was a most unusual thing to say. er's had said?" The butterfly type. on Thursday evening between St. neur spent Sunday at Howard GadNOT AT ALL POSTED. Truck Driver It's on th* side of I love It!" I mused a while, then Something Mary's of Ogdensburg and the lo- dus'. that's Incapable of I resumed t h e conversation. 'But change. Either one is or one isn't. me wag«m "Your husband looks like a bril- cal high school teams .was a vicCop (trying to read name) It's honey, Uamington Pierce is one of Matrimony won't make you over liant man. I suppose he knows tory for the visitors, 37-22.—Miss JU8T AS NOISY. Lulu Pearce of St. Lawrence unith«» most sought-after men in Paris temperamentally 1 —It will only add everything." • obliterated. versity and Miss Lena Pearce of BUlle's mad about him and s o is piquancy and charm." "Don't you fool yourself; he Driver Tour'e a liar! It's Mrs. Johnsing—"Ah thought you that exquisite Ellen Daniels 1 —the And Marjorle Ohenoweth. What doesn't even suspect anything.*' Rochester Dental school spent the all said you w a s gwine to name O'llriua holidays with' their grandparents, (riand Opera singer. Now you was it she had said? "Things are He Perked Up. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harland.— your new baby •Vlctrola,' but Ah aren't really jealous of poor little always going to happen t o you, Robert Donald and Harold Petrie hears you* ail done make a change.* me are you Mr. Fogey?" 9allie, and its not your fault You Mrs. Moses—"Yes. Ah expected Miss (too (anxious to put htm at These and many other chaotic left this .morning to resume their H would o e a girl an Ah had decan't help it if you're not a. vege"By Jove, I don't know. I felt bis e<tsc) What an enjoyable j thoughts played hide-and-seek un- studies at Clarkson college.—Rob- cided to name her Victi$ia, but whole table, you know." dance! Your step exactly suits tonight though that the til the Goddess of Sleep took them ert Thompson left yesterday for s h e turned out to be a boy, s o Ah Were they right? T scheme, of things had toppled over. mine Boston where h e i s a student In W a s Ottrtfss Justified in being In hand and skillfully w o v e them Harvard Dental college. done name him 'Radio.' Mr. Nutt I'm so glad! I know . Mrs. DeWight kidded m e about beinto dreams. I Ing so absent-ml oded and I asked hurt? I wondered. I'm a wretched dancer. being the Confessions t of a new wi£e '•"J&JI ! i- 08WEOATOHIX SEOOHD NOEWOOD ABOUT WANTED | Dependable Insurance is the L e a s t Expensive F. W. RYAN GEORGE M. MURRAY LINCOLN SfojeeC' FORDSON See our USED FORDS before you buy. We give you 30 day guarantee on every car bought from us. You drive the car one week. If dissatisfied will give you purchase price toward new car. George M. Murray 209 Isabella St., Ogdensburg, N. Y. PHONE 707 I rt t,.^U_/" -^•Wkf^"' A^,u.,^>^>^ r K *^^ -"k >\?» jfc ;\ .k^W^^'k ,'.^' V ' ^ - ^ - ' - ^ - ^ A V :