API Fellowships for Year 2013-2014 Beasiswa Intelektual Publik

API Fellowships for Year 2013-2014
Beasiswa Intelektual Publik Asia Tahun 2013-2014
Application Brochure and Form
Lembar Lamaran dan Formulir
The Nippon Foundation Fellowships
Asian Public Intellectuals
(API Fellowships Program)
What is the API Fellowships Program?
It is a fellowships program that provides a grant to successful applicants to carry out a research project
and/or professional activities during the fellowship period of one month to one year in a country or
countries (currently confined to Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand).
What are API Senior Fellowships and API Fellowships?
The Fellowships are offered under two categories: API Senior Fellowships and API Fellowships.
The API Senior Fellowships are meant for those with an established track record as a public
intellectual and who are at least 40 years of age, as of August 31, 2012. The fellowship period should
be a minimum of one month to a maximum of twelve months in up to four of the countries
participating in the API Fellowships Program (Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines and
The API Fellowships are for those under 40 years of age as of August 31, 2012. The fellowship
period should be a minimum of four months to a maximum of twelve months in one or two of the
countries participating in the API Fellowships Program (Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines and
For both categories, the fellowship period must be continuous and the minimum period of visit to a
country where the proposed research project and/or professional activities are conducted is one month
and cannot include your native country or country of residence.
What can I do as a project?
The research project and/or professional activities may take several forms: a research paper, a film, a
series of journalistic articles, data gathering, building networks, a work of art, etc.; but it must fulfill the
following three conditions:
It must NOT be part of your regular employment output;
It must contribute to the goals of the API Fellowships Program, and must fit in with the API
themes (please refer to page 3);
It must have a tangible output (a research paper, a film, a photo essay, etc).
The research project and/or professional activities must be carried out in one or more of the API
Participating Countries (Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand), but NOT in your
native country or country of residence.
While Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam have become members of the API Fellowships Program since
2010 and Fellowships have been awarded to applicants from these countries, these three countries are
not currently available as country/ies to conduct research projects.
You will need to identify one institution as the Host Institution in the country/ies where you propose
to carry out your research project and/or professional activities. The Host Institution will be your
institution of affiliation for your entire fellowship period in the country.
The Fellowships can start anytime on or after July 1, 2013 and ends on or before July 31, 2014. You
must complete your research project and/or professional activities within this period.
Apakah itu Program Beasiswa API?
Program beasiswa API menyediakan dana bagi pelamar yang berhasil, untuk melaksanakan proyek
periode beasiswa selama satu bulan hingga satu tahun di negara atau negara-negara (saat ini dibatasi di
Indonesia, Jepang, Malaysia, Filipina dan Thailand).
Apakah Beasiswa Senior API dan Beasiswa API?
Beasiswa API diberikan dalam dua kategori: Beasiswa Senior API dan Beasiswa API.
Beasiswa Senior API diperuntukkan bagi mereka dengan rekam jejak teruji sebagai intelektual publik
dan bagi mereka yang berusia 40 tahun sampai tanggal 31 Agustus 2012. Periode beasiswa harus
minimum satu bulan ke maksimum duabelas bulan di satu sampai empat negara peserta Program
Beasiswa API (Indonesia, Jepang, Malaysia, Filipinan, dan Thailand).
Beasiswa API diperuntukkan bagi mereka yang berusia di bawah 40 tahun sampai tanggal 31 Agustus
2012. Periode beasiswa harus minimum empat bulan hingga maksimum duabelas bulan di satu atau dua
negara peserta Program Beasiswa API (Indonesia, Jepang, Malaysia, Filipina dan Thailand).
Untuk kedua kategori, periode beasiswa harus berkelanjutan dan periode minimum untuk berkunjung
ke negara di mana proyek penelitian diusulkan adalah satu bulan, dan tidak dapat memasukkan negara
asal atau negara tempat tinggal pelamar.
Proyek apakah yang dapat Saya lakukan?
Proyek penelitian dan/atau kegiatan profesional dapat dikerjakan dalam beberapa bentuk: makalah
penelitian; film, sejumlah artikel jurnalistik, pengumpulan data, membangun jejaring, karya seni, dsb;
tetapi harus memenuhi persyaratan-persyaratan berikut:
BUKAN bagian dari pekerjaan tetap Anda;
Harus memberikan kontribusi terhadap tujuan-tujuan Program Beasiswa API, dan harus sesuai
dengan tema-tema API (silahkan merujuk ke halaman 3a);
Harus memiliki hasil nyata (makalah penelitian, film, foto, dsb).
Proyek harus dilakukan di satu atau lebih negara peserta API (Indonesia, Jepang, Malaysia, Filipina, dan
Thailand), tetapi TIDAK di negara asal atau negara tempat tinggal.
Sementara Kamboja, Laos, dan Vietnam telah menjadi anggota dari Program Beasiswa API dari tahun
2010 dan beasiswa telah diberikan kepada para pelamar dari tiga negara tersebut. Tiga negara ini belum
menjadi negara (negara) untuk melakukan proyek.
Anda perlu mengindentifikasi satu institusi sebagai Lembaga Penerima di negara atau negara-negara di
mana Anda akan melakukan proyek. Lembaga Penerima akan menjadi lembaga afiliasi untuk beasiswa
Anda selama periode ini.
Beasiswa dapat dimulai setiap saat pada atau sesudah tanggal 1 Juli 2013 dan berakhir pada tanggal 31
Juli 2014. Anda harus menyelesaikan proyek tersebut dalam periode ini.
- 2a -
Who can apply?
Anyone involved in the production and exchange of knowledge or ideas in line with the goals of the
API Fellowships Program can apply. This includes academics, researchers, media professionals, artists,
writers, NGO workers, social workers, public servants, and others who work for the betterment of
You will need sufficient knowledge of the English language to conduct your research project and/or
professional activities and to share the results with the wider audience afterwards.
What are the goals of the API Fellowships Program?
The API Fellowships Program aims to:
• Create and nurture a community of public intellectuals in Asia;
• Promote mutual learning among Asian public intellectuals;
• Contribute to the growth of public spaces in which effective responses to regional needs can be
In selecting Fellows, the API Fellowships Program will favor those whose projects address critical
issues in the region, use creative and multidisciplinary approaches, and have some element of advocacy.
What are the API themes for this year?
Changing Identities and Their Social, Historical, and Cultural Contexts
Reflections on the Human Condition and the Search for Social Justice
Globalization: Structures, Processes, and Alternatives
What is the API Community?
The API Community consists of (1) all recipients of the API Senior Fellowships or the API
Fellowships, who have finished their fellowship activities and participated in the API Regional
Workshop, and (2) everyone involved in the API Fellowships Program as selection members, Program
Directors, and Coordinators. This growing community now numbers more than 320 individuals of
varied backgrounds, but with a shared commitment. Members meet in local and cross-country
functions, as well as through informal networks and collaborative projects at the national and the
regional levels.
What does the API Fellowships Program provide?
A stipend and housing allowance during the fellowship period. The amount varies by country and
the length of the fellowship.
International transportation costs for one round trip.
Domestic transportation allowance.
Research allowance to cover computer costs, field expenses, books, translation fees, etc.
Travel insurance during the fellowship period.
Siapa boleh melamar?
Setiap orang yang berpartisipasi dalam memproduksi pertukaran pengetahuan atau gagasan-gagasan
sesuai dengan tujuan-tujuan Program Beasiswa API dapat melamar. Dalam hal ini termasuk para
akademisi, peneliti, profesional, artis, penggiat LSM, pekerja sosial, pegawai negeri, dan berbagai pihak
yang bekerja untuk kemajuan masyarakat.
Anda membutuhkan pengetahuan bahasa Inggris yang memadai untuk melakukan penelitian dan
sesudah itu menyebarluaskan hasilnya kepada komunitas luas.
Apakah tujuan dari Program Beasiswa API?
Program Beasiswa API bertujuan untuk:
• Menciptakan dan membina sebuah komunitas intelektual publik di Asia,
• Mempromosikan pembelajaran bersama di antara para intelektual publik Asia, dan
• Mendorong pertumbuhan ruang publik yang efektif dalam menjawab kebutuhan-kebutuhan
Dalam menyeleksi para calon, Program Beasiswa API lebih tertarik pada proyek-proyek yang berkaitan
dengan isu-isu penting di kawasan ini, dan mempergunakan pendekatan kreatif dan multidisipliner,
serta memiliki sejumlah unsur advokasi.
Apakah tema-tema Program Beasiswa API?
Perubahan Identitas dan Konteks Sosial, Sejarah, dan Kebudayaan.
Refleksi mengenai Kondisi Kemanusiaan dan upaya Mewujudkan Keadilan Sosial.
Globalisasi: Struktur, Proses, dan Alternatifnya.
Apakah Komunitas API?
Komunitas API terdiri dari (1) semua penerima Beasiswa Senior API atau Beasiswa API, yang telah
menyelesaikan aktivitas beasiswa mereka dan berpartisipasi dalam Lokakarya Regional API, dan (2)
setiap orang yang terlibat dalam Program Beasiswa API seperti anggota komite seleksi, Para Direktur
Program, dan para Kordinator. Komunitas yang sementara bertumbuh ini kini memiliki lebih dari 320
orang dari beragam latar belakang, tetapi dengan tanggung jawab yang sama. Para anggota Komunitas
API bertemu di negara atau lintas negara dalam sejumlah acara, juga melalui jejaring informal dan
proyek kolaboratif pada tataran nasional dan regional.
Apakah yang disediakan oleh Program Beasiswa API?
• Gaji dan tunjangan perumahan selama periode beasiswa. Jumlahnya berbeda antar negara sesuai
dengan lamanya beasiswa.
• Transportasi internasional untuk sekali jalan.
• Tunjangan transportasi dalam negeri.
• Tunjangan penelitian untuk membeli komputer, biaya perjalanan, buku, penerjemahan, dsb.
• Asuransi perjalanan selama periode beasiswa.
- 3a -
How are API Fellows chosen?
In each Participating Country (Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand), there is a
selection committee comprised of accomplished public intellectuals. This committee evaluates all the
applications, invites shortlisted applicants for interview, and sends its recommendations to an
International Selection Committee which makes the final decision. Currently, there are a maximum of
four Fellowships for each country per year. The selection procedure is confidential.
What is the schedule for the selection process?
The application period is from July 1, 2012 to August 31, 2012.
Interviews will take place in September/October 2012*.
The results will be announced in February 2013.
* There will be no make-up interview if the applicant is not able to attend the interview on the
designated date. Therefore, those who cannot be present on the interview day will be automatically
dropped from the selection process.
Selected Fellows will be required:
To attend the orientation in February/March 2013.
To carry out the research project and/or professional activities between the time frame of July 1,
2013 to July 31, 2014.
To attend the annual API Regional Workshop to be held in November 2014.
To present the results of the project through papers and other materials.
To disseminate the results of the project to a wider audience, whenever possible.
To submit a final Workshop Paper for publication after the API Regional Workshop.
By fulfilling all commitments above, you will become a member of the API Community. You will be
expected to participate in the various activities of the Community, and you will have opportunities to
apply for post-fellowship programs.
Where can I get more information?
Kindly visit the API website (www.api-fellowships.org). Contact the Partner Institution of your country
directly should you have any question.
Please take careful note of the research projects and/or professional activities conducted by
Fellows in previous years, which you can find from the API website
(http://www.api-fellowships.org/body/profile.php). Try to avoid doing a research project
and/or professional activities that is overly similar to any one of them.
Where do I apply?
Apply to the Partner Institution in your native country or country of residence. Refer to page 10 for
further details on Partner Institutions.
Bagaimana penerima Beasiswa API dipilih?
Di setiap negara peserta (Indonesia, Jepang, Malaysia, Filipina, dan Thailand), terdapat Komisi Seleksi
terdiri dari para intelektual publik terkemuka. Komisi ini mengevaluasi semua lamaran, mengundang
sejumlah kecil calon untuk diwawancarai, dan mengirim rekomendasi mereka kepada Komisi Seleksi
Internasional yang membuat keputusan akhir. Saat ini, terdapat maksimum empat penerima beasiswa
untuk setiap negara setiap tahun. Proses seleksi bersifat rahasia.
Kapan Waktu Proses Seleksi?
Periode lamaran dari tanggal 1 Juli 2012 hingga 31 Agustus 2012.
Wawancara akan diadakan bulan September/Oktober 2012*.
Hasil akan diumumkan pada bulan Pebruari 2013.
* Tidak akan ada wawancara susulan jika pelamar tidak dapat menghadiri wawancara pada waktu
yang ditentukan. Karena itu, mereka yang tidak dapat hadir pada saat wawancara dengan
sendirinya gagal dari proses seleksi.
Penerima Beasiswa yang terseleksi diwajibkan:
Menghadiri Orientasi dan Country Workshop pada bulan Pebruari/Maret 2013.
Melaksanakan proyek di antara periode/kerangka waktu dari 1 Juli 2013 dan 31 Juli 2014.
Menghadiri Workshop Regional API tahunan yang diselenggarakan pada bulan Nopember 2014.
Mempresentasikan hasil-hasil proyek melalui makalah dan materi lainnya.
Menyebarluaskan hasil-hasil proyek kepada komunitas luas, apabila memungkinkan.
Menyerahkan sebuah makalah akhir Lokakarya untuk dipublikasikan setelah Lokakarya Regional
Dengan memenuhi semua tanggung jawab di atas, Anda akan menjadi anggota Komunitas API. Anda
diharapkan berpartisipasi dalam berbagai aktivitas dari Komunitas, dan Anda akan memiliki kesempatan
melamar program-program beasiswa lanjutan.
Dari mana Saya memperoleh informasi tambahan?
Sudilah mengunjungi website API (www.api-fellowships.org) dan website Lembaga Mitra di negara
Indonesia (www.api-indonesia.info). Apabila Anda memiliki pertanyaan silahkan menghubungi
Lembaga Mitra secara langsung.
Catatan: Silahkan mencatat dengan benar tentang proyek-proyek yang dilakukan para penerima
beasiswa dari website API (http://www.api-fellowships.org/body/profile.php). Berupaya
menghindar untuk melakukan proyek yang persis sama dengan penerima beasiswa sebelumnya.
Di mana Saya melamar?
Melamar kepada Lembaga Mitra di negara asal Anda atau negara tempat tinggal. Merujuk pada halaman
10-11 untuk penjelasan rinci tentang Lembaga-Lembaga Mitra.
- 4a -
Please note!
You may NOT apply for an API Fellowship to carry out a research project and/or professional
activities in your native country and/or country of residence (if different from the native country).
While Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam have become members of API, these three countries are not
yet available for the conduct of projects.
You need to identify a Host Institution in the country/ies where you propose to carry out your
research project and/or professional activities.
Your application must be typewritten. Hand-written applications will not be processed.
The selection procedure is confidential.
There will be no make-up interview if the applicant is not able to attend the interview on the
designated date. Those who cannot be present on the interview day will be automatically dropped
from the selection process.
Any form of misrepresentations made willfully or otherwise, in the application or accompanying
documents, may cause the revocation of a Fellowship grant at any time.
It is mandatory to attend the orientation on the designated date once you are selected as an API
Costs for obtaining the proper visas and/or research permits in the country/ies where the research
project is to be carried out will have to be covered by the Fellow.
Mohon Perhatian!
Anda TIDAK melamar Beasiswa API untuk proyek di negara asal atau negara tempat tinggal
(apabila berbeda dari negara asal). Sementara Kamboja, Laos, dan Vietnam telah menjadi anggota
dari API, ketiga negara ini belum menjadi negara (negara) untuk melakukan proyek penelitian.
Anda perlu mengidentifikasi satu Lembaga Penerima di negara atau negara-negara di mana Anda
mengusulkan untuk melakukan proyek penelitian.
Lamaran Anda harus diketik. Lamaran yang ditulis tangan tidak diterima.
Proses seleksi bersifat rahasia.
Tidak akan ada wawancara susulan, jika pelamar tidak dapat menghadiri wawancara pada waktu
yang ditentukan. Mereka yang tidak dapat hadir pada saat wawancara dengan sendirinya gagal dari
proses seleksi.
Apabila Anda salah menafsirkan dengan sengaja atau tidak sengaja dalam lamaran atau
dokumen-dokumen lainnya, hal itu akan berdampak pada dibatalkannya beasiswa Anda
Merupakan kewajiban Anda untuk menghadiri Orientasi dan Country Workshop pada waktu yang
ditentukan sejak Anda diseleksi sebagai penerima Beasiswa API.
Biaya untuk pengurusan visa /atau ijin penelitian di negara/negara-negara di mana proyek
penelitian dilakukan menjadi tanggung jawab penerima beasiswa.
- 5a -
Terms and Conditions
The API Fellowships Program offers two categories: API Senior Fellowships and API Fellowships. The
categorization is based essentially on the age of the applicant.
General Eligibility for both the API Senior Fellowships and API Fellowships
Applicants must hold a proper residence status of one of the five Participating Countries
(Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand) and reside in the country at the time of
the application;
Applicants must attend the interview at the designated date and place;
Applicants must propose research projects and/or professional activities which start on or after
July 1, 2013 and should be completed on or before July 2014;
Applicants must have a basic knowledge of English. An ability to speak a language/s of the
country/ies where the proposed research project and/or professional activities are conducted will
be an asset;
Applicants must be based in the region/country and will continue to be so in the future; and
When selected, they must attend the orientation in February/March 2013. Absence from the
orientation may cause the cancellation of the selection.
API Senior Fellowships
In addition to the general eligibility above, the applicants for the API Senior Fellowships must:
Be 40 years of age or more as of August 31, 2012 (exceptions may be made);
Have the ability and experience to conduct research projects and/or professional activities in the
Participating Countries (Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand) other than
his/her native country or country of residence;
Undertake the proposed research projects and/or professional activities in up to four of the
Participating Countries (Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand), but in a
country/ies other than in the applicant’s native country or country of residence;
Undertake the proposed research projects and/or professional activities for a continuous period of
between one to 12 months; and
Have the ability, influence, and means to disseminate the results of their research projects and/or
professional activities.
API Fellowships
In addition to the general eligibility above, the applicants for the API Fellowships must:
Be under the age of 40 as of August 31, 2012 (exceptions may be made);
Have the ability and desire to engage in research projects and/or professional activities in the
Participating Countries (Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand) other than
his/her native or country of residence;
Have a strong potential to contribute to their field in the future;
Undertake the proposed research projects and/or professional activities for a consecutive period
of between four to 12 months; and
Undertake the proposed research projects and/or professional activities in up to two of the
Participating Countries (Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand), but in a
country/ies other than the applicant’s native country or country of residence.
Syarat-syarat dan Ketentuan-ketentuan
Program Beasiswa API menawarkan dua kategori: Beasiswa Senior API dan Beasiswa API.
Pengelompokan utama didasarkan pada usia pelamar.
Persyaratan Umum untuk Beasiswa Senior API dan Beasiswa API
Para pelamar haruslah seorang warga negara/atau benar adalah warga negara dari salah satu negara
peserta dan tinggal di negara (Indonesia, Jepang, Malaysia, Filipina, dan Thailand) pada saat
Para pelamar harus menghadiri wawancara di tempat dan waktu yang ditentukan;
Para pelamar harus mengajukan proyek penelitian dan/atau aktivitas profesional yang dimulai
tanggal 1 Juli 2013 dan harus selesai sebelum atau akhir Juli 2014;
Para pelamar harus memiliki pengetahuan dasar bahasa Inggris. Kemampuan berbicara
menggunakan bahasa/bahasa-bahasa di mana proyek penelitian diusulkan dan atau aktivitas
profesional dilakukan menjadi suatu aset; dan
Para pelamar harus dan akan terus berada di kawasan/negara di waktu yang akan datang;
Ketika terseleksi, mereka harus menghadiri Orientasi dan Country Workshop pada bulan
Pebruari/Maret 2013. Ketidakhadiran saat Orientasi dapat berdampak pada pembatalan seleksi.
Beasiswa Senior API
Sebagai tambahan pada persyaratan umum di atas, para pelamar Beasiswa API harus:
Berusia di atas 40 tahun atau lebih pada tanggal 31 Agustus 2012 (kekecualian diberlakukan);
Memiliki kemampuan dan pengalaman untuk melakukan proyek penelitian dan/atau aktivitas
profesional di negara-negara peserta (Indonesia, Jepang, Malaysia, Filipina, dan Thailand), selain
dari negara asal atau negara tempat tinggal;
Melaksanakan usulan proyek penelitian dan/atau aktivitas profesional di empat negara peserta
(Indonesia, Jepang, Malaysia, Filipina, dan Thailand), tetapi di satu negara atau di negara-negara
selain negara asal atau negara tempat tinggal pelamar;
Melaksanakan usulan proyek penelitian dan/atau aktivitas penelitian secara berkesinambungan
untuk periode antara 1 (satu) hingga 12 (duabelas) bulan; dan
Memiliki kemampuan, pengaruh, dan alat untuk menyebarluaskan hasil-hasil proyek penelitian
dan/atau aktivitas profesional.
Beasiswa API
Sebagai tambahan untuk persyaratan umum di atas, para pelamar untuk beasiswa API harus:
Berusia kurang dari 40 tahun pada tanggal 31 Agustus 2012 (kekecualian diberlakukan);
Memiliki kemampuan dan keinginan untuk merelevansikan proyek penelitian dan/atau
aktivitas-aktivitas profesional di negara-negara peserta (Indonesia, Jepang, Malaysia, Filipina, dan
Thailand) selain dari negara asal atau negara tempat tinggalnya;
Mempunyai potensi yang kuat untuk memberikan kontribusi kepakarannya pada masa mendatang;
Melaksanakan proyek penelitian yang diusulkan dan/atau aktivitas-aktivitas profesional untuk satu
periode waktu secara berkesinambungan antara 4 (empat) dan 12 (duabelas) bulan; dan
Melaksanakan proyek penelitian dan/atau aktivitas profesional di satu sampai dua negara peserta
(Indonesia, Malaysia, Jepang, Filipina, dan Thailand), tetapi di satu negara atau negara-negara selain
dari negara asal atau negara tempat tinggal pelamar.
- 6a -
Application materials must consist of the following:
Application Form and Datasheet (Please refer to pages 8 & 9. You may download it from the
API website and your information must be type-written).
A Cover Letter with a brief introduction of yourself and details as to why you are applying for the
API Fellowships Program.
A full Curriculum Vitae written in English. It should not be more than three pages in length and
should contain details on your education, professional career, publications, and achievements.
A Project Proposal addressing the following questions (written in 5 pages or less in total):
(1) Why are you applying for the API Fellowships Program?
(2) Who are “public intellectuals” in your definition?
(3) What is your project? Please answer in detail.
(4) Why do you want to carry out this project?
(5) Why are you the right person to do this project? (Mention relevant previous experience).
(6) How are you going to do it? (Methodology)
(7) What will the outputs of your project be (Research paper, video, performance, etc) and how will you
disseminate them?
(8) How will your project contribute to the goals of API?
(9) What are your past achievements and future plans as a public intellectual? (organization, advocacy,
publications, etc.) How will this Fellowship help you?
Two Reference Letters with the original signatures of the referees. If these are not in English,
you must provide an English translation. These letters should be addressed to the API Fellowships
Program, and should have been written within three months before the deadline for submission.
• Project proposals written by persons other than the applicant himself/herself are not acceptable.
• Any form of plagiarism in the project proposal is also strictly prohibited.
Materi lamaran harus terdiri dari:
Lembar Lamaran dan Lembar Data (Silahkan merujuk pada halaman 8 dan 9. Anda harus
mengambilnya dari website dan harus mengetiknya.
Surat Bersampul dengan pendahuluan singkat tentang diri Anda dengan rinci dan mengapa Anda
melamar Program Beasiswa API.
Daftar Riwayat Hidup lengkap dalam bahasa Inggris. Daftar riwayat hidup panjangnya tidak
boleh lebih dari tiga halaman dan harus rinci berisi tentang pendidikan, karier profesional, publikasi,
dan prestasi.
Usulan Proyek menjelaskan pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut (seluruhnya ditulis lima halaman atau
(1) Mengapa Anda melamar Program Beasiswa API?
(2) Siapakah “intelektual publik” menurut defenisi Anda?
(3) Apakah proyek Anda? Silahkan menjawabnya dengan rinci.
(4) Mengapa Anda ingin melakukan proyek ini?
(5) Mengapa Anda adalah orang yang tepat untuk melakukan proyek ini? (Sebutkan pengalaman
sebelumnya yang relevan).
(6) Bagaimana Anda mengerjakan proyek itu? (Metodologi).
(7) Apakah hasil dari proyek Anda (Makalah penelitian, video, pertunjukan, dan lain-lain) dan bagaimana
anda akan mendistribusikannya?
(8) Bagaimana proyek Anda berkontribusi sesuai dengan tujuan-tujuan API?
(9) Apakah keberhasilan Anda sebelumnya dan rencana masa depan sebagai intelektual publik
(organisasi, advokasi, publikasi, dsb)? Bagaimana beasiswa ini akan membantu Anda?
10. Dua Surat Rekomendasi dengan tanda tangan asli pemberi rekomendasi. Jika rekomendasi itu
ditulis tidak dalam bahasa Inggris, Anda harus mempersiapkan terjemahan dalam bahasa Inggris.
Kedua surat rekomendasi ini ditujukan kepada Program Beasiswa API, dan harus ditulis dalam
waktu tiga bulan sebelum batas terakhir penyerahan lamaran.
• Proyek proposal yang ditulis oleh orang yang bukan pelamar sendiri tidak diterima.
• Segala bentuk plagiarisme (mencuri karangan orang lain) dalam usulan proyek juga dengan keras
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Application Form for Year 2013-2014
Please answer each question clearly and
completely. TYPE ONLY. Handwritten
applications will not be accepted.
API Fellowships Program
1. Your name as in your international passport
2. Title of your project
3. Brief description of the project (50 words or less)
4. Which API theme is your focus? (see p. 3)
z Changing Identities and Their Social, Historical, and Cultural Contexts
z Reflections on the Human Condition and the Search for Social Justice
z Globalization: Structures, Processes, and Alternatives
5. Fellowship category
Senior Fellowships (40 years of age or more)
API Fellowships (under the age of 40)
6. Where and when will you carry out the project?
Note: Fellowship period has to be continuous throughout your fellowship. You cannot include the following
countries: a) your native country or country of residence and b) Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. You can make
only one visit per country.
From date
To date
Host Institution
(dd/mm/yyyy) (dd/mm/yyyy) (What contacts have you made?)
7. Total Fellowship period:
months and
weeks (Note: Maximum is 12 months.)
8. How good is your English language, reading, writing, and speaking?
9. Have you taken the TOEFL or similar tests?
Name of the tests
Your score
10. What language(s) will you need for the project? What preparations have you made?
Note: We cannot provide separate additional funds for interpreters.
Preparations you have made
11. What grants, scholarships, and fellowships have you received over the last ten years?
Please also include those that you have or are currently applying for.
Project title
Datasheet for Applicants for Year 2013-2014
Please answer each question clearly and
completely. TYPE ONLY. Handwritten
applications will not be accepted.
12. Your title (Dr., Prof., Ms., etc.)
API Fellowships Program
birth 14. Sex
16. Current position/profession/affiliation
15. Age
17. Home address
18. Phone numbers
19. Fax number
20. E-mail address
21. Country of birth
22. Country of citizenship
23. Country of current residence
24. I certify that all the information provided in this application are true and correct.
(When applying by e-mail, type your name)
Regional Coordinating Institution (CI)
Institute of Asian Studies (IAS), Chulalongkorn University
3rd Floor, Prajadhipok-Rambhai Barni Building
Phyathai Road, Bangkok 10330 Thailand
Contact: Ms. Michiko Yoshida / Ms. Ratana Poopitakchatkaew
URL: http://www.api-fellowships.org
Tel: +66-2218-7422 Fax: +66-2652-5283
E-mail: ci@api-fellowships.org
Partner Institutions (PIs)
Research Center for Regional Resources (PSDR), Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)
Widya Graha, 9th Floor, Jln. Jen. Gatot Subroto, No. 10, Jakarta 12710 Indonesia
Contact: Dr. John Haba / Dr. Yekti Maunati
URL: http://www.api-indonesia.info/
Tel: +62-21-526-5152/525-1542 ext. 680/686
Fax: +62-21-526-5152/570-1232
E-mail: darahkubiru@yahoo.com, yektim@yahoo.com
Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS), Kyoto University
46 Shimoadachi-cho, Yoshida, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501 Japan
Contact: Ms. Naoko Maeno / Ms. Motoko Kondo
URL: http://www.cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp/api/
Tel: +81-75-753-7348/7391
Fax: +81-75-753-7165
E-mail: api@cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Institute of Malaysian and International Studies (IKMAS)
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)
43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
Contact: Ms. Dorothy Fernandez-Robert / Ms. Noraini Dhiauddin
URL: http://www.ukm.my/ikmas/eng/api.htm
Tel: + 60-3-8921-3576/3205
Fax: +60-3-8926-1022/9253
E-mail: drob@ukm.my, ainidee@ukm.my, apifellowships@yahoo.com
School of Social Sciences, Ateneo de Manila University (ADMU)
Ground Floor, Center for Community Services (CCS) Building
Social Development Complex, Ateneo de Manila University
Loyola Heights, Quezon City 1108 Philippines
Contact: Ms. Isabel Consuelo A. Nazareno / Ms. Kristine Michelle L. Santos
URL: http://www.apiprogramphilippines.com/
Tel: +63-2-426-6001 ext. 5205
Fax: +63-2-426-1279
E-mail: inazareno_api@yahoo.com, api@admu.edu.ph, apiprogram.office@gmail.com
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Lembaga Kordinasi
Institute of Asian Studies (IAS), Chulalongkorn University
3rd Floor, Prajadhipok-Rambhai Barni Building
Phyathai Road, Bangkok 10330 Thailand
Contact: Ms. Michiko Yoshida / Ms. Ratana Poopitakchatkaew
URL: http://www.api-fellowships.org
Tel: +66-2218-7422 Fax: +66-2652-5283
E-mail: ci@api-fellowships.org
Lembaga Mitra
Research Center for Regional Resources (PSDR), Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)
Widya Graha, 9th Floor, Jln. Jen. Gatot Subroto, No. 10, Jakarta 12710 Indonesia
Contact: Dr. John Haba / Dr. Yekti Maunati
URL: http://www.api-indonesia.info/
Tel: +62-21-526-5152/525-1542 ext. 680/686
Fax: +62-21-526-5152/570-1232
E-mail: darahkubiru@yahoo.com, yektim@yahoo.com
Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS), Kyoto University
46 Shimoadachi-cho, Yoshida, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501 Japan
Contact: Ms. Naoko Maeno / Ms. Motoko Kondo
URL: http://www.cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp/api/
Tel: +81-75-753-7348/7391
Fax: +81-75-753-7165
E-mail: api@cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Institute of Malaysian and International Studies (IKMAS)
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)
43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
Contact: Ms. Dorothy Fernandez-Robert / Ms. Noraini Dhiauddin
URL: http://www.ukm.my/ikmas/eng/api.htm
Tel: + 60-3-8921-3576/3205
Fax: +60-3-8926-1022/9253
E-mail: drob@ukm.my, ainidee@ukm.my, apifellowships@yahoo.com
School of Social Sciences, Ateneo de Manila University (ADMU)
Ground Floor, Center for Community Services (CCS) Building
Social Development Complex, Ateneo de Manila University
Loyola Heights, Quezon City 1108 Philippines
Contact: Ms. Isabel Consuelo A. Nazareno / Ms. Kristine Michelle L. Santos
URL: http://www.apiprogramphilippines.com/
Tel: +63-2-426-6001 ext. 5205
Fax: +63-2-426-1279
E-mail: inazareno_api@yahoo.com, api@admu.edu.ph, apiprogram.office@gmail.com
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Institute of Asian Studies (IAS), Chulalongkorn University
2nd Floor, Prajadhipok-Rambhai Barni Building,
Phyathai Road, Bangkok 10330 Thailand
Contact: Ms. Wannaporn Niyaso/ Mr. Banyong Homoab
URL: http://www.api-fellowships.org/body/thailand.php
Tel: +66-2218-7409 / +66-2218-7422
Fax: +66-2218-7409 / +66-2652-5283
E-mail: api_fellowships@chula.ac.th
The Nippon Foundation
The Nippon Foundation is an independent, non-profit, grant-making organization that was founded in
1962. It supports projects both in Japan and overseas. It funds activities in three areas: social welfare
and volunteer support, maritime research and development, and overseas cooperative assistance. It
works with other non-profit organizations, non-governmental organizations and international
organizations in Japan and overseas.
For more information on The Nippon Foundation, please refer to the following:
The Nippon Foundation
International Program Department
1-2-2 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-8404 Japan
URL: http://www.nippon-foundation.or.jp/eng/
Tel: +81-3-6229-5181 Fax: +81-3-6229-5180
E-mail: api@ps.nippon-foundation.or.jp
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Institute of Asian Studies (IAS), Chulalongkorn University
2nd Floor, Prajadhipok-Rambhai Barni Building,
Phyathai Road, Bangkok 10330 Thailand
Contact: Ms. Wannaporn Niyaso/ Mr. Banyong Homoab
URL: http://www.api-fellowships.org/body/thailand.php
Tel: +66-2218-7409 / +66-2218-7422
Fax: +66-2218-7409 / +66-2652-5283
E-mail: api_fellowships@chula.ac.th
The Nippon Foundation
The Nippon Foundation adalah sebuah lembaga mandiri, nirlaba, dan organisasi penyedia bantuan yang
didirikan tahun 1962. Yayasan ini membantu berbagai proyek di Jepang dan di luar negeri; yang meliputi
bidang kesejahteraan publik dan program-program sukarela, proyek-proyek kelautan dan perkapalan,
serta bantuan kerjasama luar negeri. The Nippon Foundation bekerjasama dengan organisasi nirlaba,
lembaga swadaya masyarakat, dan organisasi-organisasi internasional.
Informasi selanjutnya tentang The Nippon Foundation, silahkan merujuk pada:
The Nippon Foundation
International Program Department
1-2-2 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-8404, Japan
URL: http://www.nippon-foundation.or.jp/eng/
Tel: +81-3-6229-5181 Fax: +81-3-6229-5180
E-mail: api@ps.nippon-foundation.or.jp
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