Midland College 2010 – 2011 Academic and Student Support Services Assessment Fasken Learning Resource Center The Fasken Learning Resource Center (LRC) provides library collections appropriate to the programs of Midland College, library services responsive to the needs of students and faculty, and learning/information resources compatible with the College's Statement of Purpose. Collections include or are enhanced by on-site collections, substantial electronic resources, participation in the State library network, and interlibrary arrangements. Assessment Summary Key 2010-11 Findings Learning Resource Advisory Committee critique resulted in acquisition of 3Dready Sharp projector, CPU, and Designmate software. Some industry (Texas Instruments/ DLP technology) case studies suggest improved test scores and higher level of interest for students provided with a 3D learning environment. Plan for Improvement Provide library demonstrations of 3D technology to faculty in math, science, and other disciplines as additional software becomes available. Following website improvements, database searches should increase significantly. Library access through Blackboard has been delayed pending implementation of new version (Blackboard Learn 9.1). The LRC website will be further improved, through creating additional links, updating library tutorials, and exploiting Blackboard Learn 9.1 to improve access to resources by distance learners. Faculty and staff trained in the use of Bowker Book Analysis System (BBAS), found it to be an effective tool for investigating library holdings and other core titles in their specific areas of interest. Increase advertising of BBAS and provide additional training sessions. Updates on Plan for Improvement Demonstrations were provided to the Math and Science faculty in Fall 2011 and Spring 2012. Faculty members saw benefits from use of the software but we curious on how to bring the software to the classroom versus bringing students to the library. Implementation of Blackboard Learn 9.1 has proven to be challenging. Faculty members have had trouble transitioning courses and course material from older Blackboard versions. While the LRC website has incorporated additional links, until the problems with Blackboard Learn 9.1 has been rectified access to resources by distance earners will continue to be limited. Large group training sessions for the BBAS were offered during the fall 2011 in-service week. Small training sessions and one-on-one training sessions at the library have proven fruitful and had positive response from faculty members. Training with Social Sciences staff has been challenging. Coordination with the Social Sciences dean to conduct faculty training continues. Page | 1 Department: Fasken Learning Resource Center Assessment Detail GOAL 1: Year: 2010-2011 Midland College will provide an academic and occupational focus for business and professional learning environments through the following options: (1) certificates in career and technology programs, (2) transfer course work and Associate of Arts and Associates of Science degrees, (3) Associate of Applied Science degree, and (4) Bachelor of Applied Technology degree. Strategic Objective 1: Be attentive to an address the needs of the local community through programming of certificates, degrees, and continuing education. Measurable Outcome Assessment Activity Assessment Results Use of Results After revising and improving the quality of Members of the LRC Advisory Committee Per minutes, the LRC Advisory Committee Continue review by LRC Advisory the library’s Web links, including tutorials, and Distance Learning Committee, in critiqued materials and requested Committee. Collaborate with Distance students and faculty will increase their addition to student volunteers, will review addition of 3D projection room and Learning Committee to evaluate the utilization by 10%, as evidenced by the and critique library instructional outsourcing of basic applications. library’s website. number of online sessions recorded by materials, such as information sheets, the college’s internal Web usage/audit bibliographies, and resources lists. Needs system as reported by the Webmaster. for additional materials or alternative delivery formats will be identified. The LRC website will be further developed through additional links to tutorials, information gateways, and educational websites. Assessment will include surveying target audiences and monitoring usage of library tutorials. LRC staff will work with the Webmaster and Instructional Designer to fully exploit Blackboard for links to library resources. The LRC website was enhanced by • over 30 new links to tutorials, • gateways, and educational, websites. • Library database, • searches increased significantly, • Ebsco, up by 95% • Gale/Infotrac up by 39%, • the count on tutorials usage is no longer available due to changes in the Web audit software. • On the Spring 2011 Student Survey, results for Webpage layout, Web tutorials, and Web links, 28.7 % rated these “Superior” and 68.9 % rated these “Average.” Initial discussions were conducted, but further work was held pending full implementation of Blackboard Learn 9.1. Continue upgrading LRC webpage. Assess LRC webpage through questions on the Faculty and Student surveys. Consult with Distance Learning Committee re: library access through Blackboard Learn 9.1. Page | 2 Department: Fasken Learning Resource Center Assessment Detail Year: 2010-2011 GOAL 2: Midland College will provide flexible educational opportunities by combining traditional methods with effective and innovative teaching methods, including interactive distance learning, computer-based instruction, and developmental assessment and response. Strategic Objective 2: Support innovative approaches to instruction through professional development opportunities, stipends, and release time. Measurable Outcome Assessment Activity Assessment Results Use of Results Upon completion of BBAS training, The LRC Director and staff will conduct Ten training sessions were conducted. Conduct a minimum of 12 additional improved satisfaction of faculty and staff BBAS training sessions for 12 or more Training sessions were well received; training sessions will be conducted, through participation in the library faculty members from the business, math, additional recommendations resulting seeking participation of 3 academic acquisition process will be realized, as science, government, sociology, art, from BBAS training are anticipated in Fall, divisions and 1 technical studies division. measured by a score of 4.0 or higher on music, and other academic programs at 2011. the Faculty Satisfaction survey Midland College. administered in Spring 2011. The BBAS program will be advertised to Budget uncertainties caused a delay in Retention of the BBAS subscription in Midland College faculty and staff, and full widespread advertising of BBAS. 2011-2012 will allow for wider advertising participation will be encouraged. of the service in Fall, 2011. Post BBAS information on LRC’s home page and the Teaching & Learning Professional Development Center’s home page. Invite a cross-section of faculty and staff to participate. The Faculty Satisfaction survey will be Results of the survey were positive, with Administer Faculty and Student administered during the Spring 2011 most responses either “Superior” or Satisfaction surveys again in Spring, 2012. semester to assess the impact of greater “Satisfactory.” Anticipate continued Compare results to 2011 findings. participation in the library acquisitions improvement as more faculty become process. aware of collection strengths through BBAS training. Page | 3